HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, January 9, 1969 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon
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January 9, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 367 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, January 9, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. and the gentleman from Ohio, Mr. of my colleagues in both branches-and The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, MOSHER. this is a little unusual, the request or D.D., offered the following prayer: The ViCE PRESIDENT. The Chair suggestion I am about to make-I know In the beginning God created the appoints on the part of the Senate as that as our brave friends were on their heaven and the earth.-Genesis 1: 1. members of the committee of escort the dangerous and historic mission, the Almighty God, creator and sustainer Senator from Montana, Mr. MANSFIELD; prayers of countless millions of persons of this wonderful universe in which we the Senator from Massachusetts, Mr. were with them. Probably among the live, hour after hour Thou art speaking KENNEDY ; the Senator from West Vir most intense prayers and the most in to us and day after day Thou art seeking ginia, Mr. BYRD; the Senator from New tense feelings were those of their loved to lead us. Help us to hear and to heed Mexico, Mr. ANDERSON ; the Senator from ones on earth. I would like to bring in Thy word and to so respond to the Illinois, Mr. DIRKSEN ; the Senator from the warmth of the family-and I think leading of Thy spirit that the paths to Pennsylvania, Mr. SCOTT; the Senator it inures to the dignity of this joint meet peace may become plain and the ways from North Dakota, Mr. YOUNG; the ing-and ask the wives, the families, and of working together for freedom and Senator from Nebraska, Mr. CURTIS; and the relatives of our brave astronauts to justice may be made known to us. the Senator from Georgia, Mr. RussELL. rise and to be greeted by all gathered In this knowledge and by this faith The Doorkeeper announced the am at this joint meeting. may we lead our Nation to deeper depths bassadors, ministers, and charges d'af I am asking Mrs. Borman and her of devotion, to higher heights of honesty, faires of foreign governments. family, Mrs. Lovell and her family, and and to greater goals of genuine good for The ambassadors, ministers, and Mrs. Anders and the members of her the children of men. charges d'affaires of foreign governments family to rise for proper recognition. We thank Thee for courageous men entered the Hall of the House of Repre [Applause, the Members rising.] who, under the banner of our country, sentatives and took the seats reserved for The Chair now recognizes the dis reach out for knowledge of other planets. them. tinguished gentleman, one of our three We pray for them, for their safety, and The Doorkeeper announced the Chief brave astronauts, Col. Frank Borman of for continued success in our astronautical Justice of the United States and the As the U.S. Air Force, to address the joint endeavors. May the knowledge gained sociate Justices of the Supreme Court. meeting. be used for the good of all men. The Chief Justice of the United States [Applause, the Members rising.] Hear us and help us, we beseech Thee, and the Associate Justices of the Su Colonel BORMAN. Thank you very O Lord. Amen. preme Court entered the Hall of the much. House of Representatives and took the Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Members seats reserved for them in front of the of Congress, and distinguished guests, THE JOURNAL Speaker's rostrum. you are looking at three very grateful The Doorkeeper announced the Cabi and three very humble Americans. And The Journal of the proceedings of net of the President of the United States. before I make my brief remarks, I would yesterday was read and approved. The Members of the Cabinet of the like the honor of introducing to you my President of the United States entered colleagues so that they may have the SWEARING IN OF MEMBER-ELECT the Hall of the House of Representatives honor of addressing a few brief words and took the seats reserved for them in to you. The SPEAKER. Will any Member-elect front of the Speaker's rostrum. I was a little reluctant to do this be who has not been sworn come to the well At 12 o'clock and 33 minutes p.m., the cause on the flight every time I gave up of the House and take the oath of office? Doorkeeper announced the Apollo 8 as the microphone I seldom got it back. Mr. REID of New York appeared at tronauts. But it is my pleasure first to present the bar of the House and took the oath Col. Frank Borman, U.S. Air Force; Capt. James Lovell. of office. Capt. James A. Lovell, Jr., U.S. Navy; [Applause, the Members rising.] and Lt. Col. William A. Anders, U.S. Air Captain LOVELL. Distinguished peo RECESS Force, accompanied by the committee of ple from the good earth: Frank, of The SPEAKER. The Chair declares a escort, entered the Chamber and stood course, will tell us, tell you, the thoughts recess subject to the call of the Chair. at the Clerk's desk. and the feelings we had during our Accordingly <at 12 o'clock and 3 min [Applause, the Members rising.] flight. But I did have this one thought, utes p.m.), the House stood in recess The SPEAKER. Mr. Vice President, my and this thought occurred to me when I subject to the call of the Chair. distinguished colleagues of the Congress came back. of the United States, this afternoon I stepped out of the house a few days marks an auspicious moment in the an later and looked up at the moon and I JOINT MEETING OF THE TWO nals of this Chamber of the House of could scarcely believe that I was there. HOUSES OF CONGRESS TO RE Representatives. We are privileged at this A sense of pride, a feeling of satisfaction CEIVE THE APOLLO 8 ASTRO time to lay aside for a brief period our and achievement came over me. And I NAUT~ legislative duties and to welcome here thought to myself, Is there some Ameri The SPEAKER of the House presided. three distinguished courageous Ameri can in this great country who, when he At 12 o'clock and 21 minutes p.m., the cans of whom we are very proud. sees the moon, cannot feel the same as Doorkeeper <William M. Miller) an It is my personal pleasure and great I do and say to himself, "We were there"? nounced the Vice President and Mem honor to present to you three brave men Colonel BORMAN. Now I am not sure bers of the U.S. Senate who entered the who have, through their notable con I want it back, Jim, after that. Hall of the House of Representatives, the tributions to our understanding and ex Now I would like to present Col. Bill Vice President taking the chair at the ploration of space, added glory and pres Anders. right of the Speaker, and the Members tige to our Nation and knowledge to the Lieutenant Colonel ANDERS. Thank of the Senate the seats reserved for them. world. you, ladies and gentlemen. The SPEAKER. On the part of the The Apollo 8 astronauts-Col. Frank As a crew member of Apollo 8, I would House the Chair appoints as members of Borman, U.S. Air Force; Capt. James like to thank you and the millions of the committee to escort our distin Lovell, Jr., U.S. Navy; and Lt. Col. Wil people you represent for making this his guished visitors into the Chamber the liam A. Anders, U.S. Air Force-I present toric flight possible. gentleman from Oklahoma, Mr. ALBERT; to you with the greatest of pleasure. As an American I would also like to the gentleman from Louisiana, Mr. [Prolonged applause, the Members thank you for making Apollo 8 the suc BOGGS; the gentleman from California, rising.] cess that it was and thereby giving our Mr. MILLER; the gentleman from Texas, Before calling upon each of these dis Nation and the whole world something to Mr. TEAGUE; the gentleman from Mich tinguished gentlemen to make remarks to really be proud of. igan, Mr. GERALD R. FORD; the gentle the joint meeting and the other distin As Frank said, we did not give him too man from Illinois, Mr. ARENDS; the gen guished ladies and gentlemen who are much of a chance to talk while we were tleman from Pennsylvania, Mr. FULTON; present, without objection on the part airborne. We are yielding him the floor 368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 9, 1969 now and I would like to present to you us. And in reality they were the fourth space exploration program, and to un the greatest spacecraft commander the member of the crew. So to all of our locking. the secrets of the universe and Manned Spacecraft Center has ever seen. colleagues who remained on the ground, of the moon, I am even more deeply com Colonel BORMAN. Thank you, Bill. "Thank you very much." mitted to the future of this country and Through the wonderful media of tele Now, as you all know, the flight has this earth. vision we of Apollo 8 were able to share been very well covered, but there was As we unfold the secrets of the uni with you many fantastic events in the one significant accomplishment that has verse, you will ·look to the scientists and past few days.