CHAPTER © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORFetal SALE OR : DISTRIBUTION PathogenicNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Mechanisms and Consequences © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones5 & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION is defined as a reduced or insufficient level of in the body’s tissues. In clinical and

physiologic usage, the term is generally reserved for more substantial degrees of reduced O2 avail- ability, such as occurs at moderately high when a person notices the O2 limitation. When one © Jonestravels &from Bartlett sea level Learning, up to 10,000 feet,LLC mild forms of discomfort© may Jones be noted & suchBartlett as , Learning, LLC NOTtachycardia, FOR SALE exercise OR intolerance, DISTRIBUTION and headache, and in general, theNOT higher FOR the altitude,SALE ORthe greater DISTRIBUTION the discomfort. Hypoxia in both adults and is thus a continuum from normoxia, to easily

tolerated reduced O2, to a reduction requiring physiologic adaptation such as tachypnea, to reduced function, to tissue damage, and finally to death. These and other terms are defined in Table 5-1. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Table 5-1 Definition of Terms Related to Hypoxia

Acidemia Increased of ions in the Increased concentration of hydrogen ions in the tissues of the body Aerobic © Jones Metabolism& Bartlett of glucose Learning, using oxygen; LLC aerobic metabolism generates© 38 Jonesmolecules & of Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORadenosine SALE triphosphate OR DISTRIBUTION (ATP) per each glucose molecule for energyNOT use FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Anaerobic metabolism Metabolism of glucose without the use of oxygen; anerobic metabolism generates 2 molecules of ATP per each glucose molecule for energy use

Asphyxia Comes from the Greek word for “pulseless”; a decrease in O2 and increase in CO2 due to an interference with ; asphyxia is a continuum described by degrees of © Jones & Bartlett Learning,acidosis LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT BaseFOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONA substance that is capable of accepting hydrogenNOT ions FORand thereby SALE decreasing OR DISTRIBUTIONacidity 2 Base excess (BE) The amount of base or HCO 3 that is available for buffering; as increases, the base excess decreases 2 2 Bicarbonate (HCO 3 ) HCO 3 (often referred to as bicarb) is the base or hydrogen acceptor that is part of the © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC primary buffering system ©within Jones the blood & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORBuffer DISTRIBUTIONA buffer is a chemical substanceNOT that FOR is both SALE a weak ORacid andDISTRIBUTION salt, and can absorb or give up hydrogen ions, thereby maintaining a constant pH value; the primary buffer 2 involved in fetal oxygenation is HCO 3 Hypercarbia Excessive in blood; sometimes referred to as Hypoxia © Jones Decreased& Bartlett oxygen Learning, in tissue LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORDecreased SALE oxygen OR DISTRIBUTIONcontent in blood NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Hypoxemia–ischemia Reduced amount of oxygen and inadequate volume of blood delivered to tissues; can cause if delivery of oxygen and glucose falls below critical levels Metabolic acidemia Low bicarbonate (negative base excess) Mixed acidosis Low pH that reflects both increased carbon dioxide and decreased base excess © Jones & Bartlett Learning,(i.e., increased LLC lactic acid) © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORpH SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONpH refers to the concentration of hydrogen ionsNOT in blood FOR and refersSALE to “puissance OR DISTRIBUTION ­hydrogen,” which is French for strength (or power) of hydrogen; a pH of 7.0 = 0.0000001 (which is 1027) moles per liter of hydrogen ions

Respiratory acidemia High PCO2 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Austin Ugwumadu for his contributions to this chapter.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORIn DISTRIBUTION the , the continuum of hypoxia is mostlyNOT caused FOR by SALE a reduction OR DISTRIBUTIONof either maternal pla- cental (i.e., intervillous) blood flow, or reduced umbilical blood flow. Both of these factors result in reduced exchange of the respiratory gases, so in addition to hypoxia there is also a buildup of carbon dioxide, resulting in what is called a . At more severe degrees of reduc- tion of these© two Jones blood &flows, Bartlett and therefore Learning, more severeLLC hypoxia, the cells of the© body Jones will convert& Bartlett Learning, LLC from aerobicNOT to anaerobic FOR SALE metabolism OR DISTRIBUTIONfor energy production, of which the end productNOT FOR is lactic SALE OR DISTRIBUTION acid. This results in reduction of bicarbonate, and therefore a metabolic acidosis (Figure 5-1).

Hypoxemia is used to describe a reduced level or concentration of O2 in the blood. The direct measurement of hypoxia in tissues is rarely possible, so measurements of oxygen in the blood are © Jonesused as & surrogates. Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORHypoxia–ischemia SALE OR describesDISTRIBUTION reduced amount of oxygen and inadequateNOT FOR blood SALE flow OR in tissue. DISTRIBUTION The combination of hypoxia and ischemia can cause when oxygen and glucose delivery fall below critical levels. Asphyxia has the pathologic meaning of insufficiency or absence of exchange of the respiratory © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC gases, though etymologically it comes from the Greek word meaning pulseless. Although the word NOT FOR SALE ORasphyxia DISTRIBUTION strictly could be applied to any changeNOT in respiratory FOR SALE gas levels OR from DISTRIBUTION normal, by common usage it is generally reserved for the more severe degrees, where compensatory mechanisms are required for tolerance, or tissue damage or death occurs.

The severity© Jones of hypoxia & Bartlettor asphyxia Learning, is described LLCin terms of acidemia, hypercarbia,© Jones hypoxemia, & Bartlett Learning, LLC and base excess.NOT In FOR this text, SALE we use OR the DISTRIBUTION terms hypoxia and asphyxia to denote theNOT moderate FOR or SALE OR DISTRIBUTION more severe degrees when the fetus uses physiologic alterations to tolerate the condition. There are basically three common means by which the human fetus can become hypoxic or asphyxiated: (1) insufficiency of uterine blood flow1; (2) insufficiency of umbilical blood flow2; or 3 © Jones(3) a decrease & Bartlett in maternal Learning, arterial LLC oxygen content. Each of these© mechanismsJones & Bartlett converges Learning,into a LLC NOTcommon FOR SALE pathway OR that DISTRIBUTION involves the fetal response to reduction ofNOT available FOR oxygen. SALE In ORaddition, DISTRIBUTION the

Insufficient oxygen delivered to fetus Elevated carbon dioxide

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONAnaerobic metabolism used to NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION generate ATP

Increased H2CO3 Lactic acid, an end product of © anaerobicJones metabolism,& Bartlett accumulates Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORin the fe SALEtal compartment OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Metabolic acidosis Respiratory acidosis © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Reduced© Jones pH & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Figure 5-1 Consequences of insufficiency of exchange of respiratory gases.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORfetus DISTRIBUTION has higher oxygen needs during pyrexia, NOTwhich FORmay play SALE a role OR in the DISTRIBUTION known increased risk for newborn neurologic damage following .4,5 Other mechanisms, such as fetal , are relatively rare in clinical practice. The two organ systems that have the most critical roles in the fetal response to hypoxia are the cardiorespiratory© Jones and central & Bartlett nervous Learning, systems. In both, LLC the initial response involves© Jones a series of& Bartlett Learning, LLC physiologic NOTchanges FOR that devolveSALE toOR pathologic DISTRIBUTION responses when asphyxia persists.NOT Similarly, FOR in SALEboth OR DISTRIBUTION systems the response to acute hypoxial stress is different than the response to chronic hypoxia. The sections that follow address physiologic and pathologic responses to acute hypoxia first followed by the effects of chronic hypoxia. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTI. FOR Fet SALEal OR C aDISTRIBUTIONrdiorespiratoryNOT Res FORponses SALE OR DISTRIBUTION to Hypoxia In the previously normoxic fetus, a number of compensatory mechanisms occur during acute hy- © Jones & Bartlettpoxia Learning, including redistributionLLC of blood flow, ©bradycardia, Jones & a Bartlettdrop in oxygen Learning, consumption, LLC and a NOT FOR SALE ORshift DISTRIBUTION to anaerobic metabolism. This series of NOTresponses FOR may SALE be thought OR ofDISTRIBUTION as temporary compensa- tory mechanisms that enable the fetus to survive moderate periods of limited oxygen supply with- out decompensation of vital organs, particularly the brain and . Carbohydrate stores may also play a role. These mechanisms are physiologic and not associated with irreversible damage if the degree of is moderate and intermittently engaged. When asphyxia worsens, myocardial © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC dysfunction occurs, which leads to general decompensation. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION A. Redistribution of Blood Flow Blood flow is redistributed during hypoxia favoring certain vital organs, such as the heart, brain, and adrenal glands, and there is a concomitant decrease in blood flow to the gut, spleen, kidneys, © Jonesand musculoskeletal & Bartlett Learning, regions (Figure LLC 5-2).6 Blood flow to the © Jones is maintained.& Bartlett In studiesLearning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Figure 5-2 A schematic illustration of the redistribution of blood flow that occurs during fetal hypoxia. The size of the organs © Jones & Bartlettand Learning,other regions of theLLC fetus are in proportion to the quantity© ofJones blood flow. & BartlettThe head, heart, Learning, and adrenal glands LLC are larger, and NOT FOR SALE ORthe placental DISTRIBUTION size remains unchanged. Other organs and the NOTbody are FORsmaller. A.SALE Normoxia. OR B. Hypoxia.DISTRIBUTION Courtesy of Dr. M. Lynne Reuss.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORof hypoxic DISTRIBUTION lamb fetuses, cerebral oxygen consumptionNOT FOR was constantSALE ORover aDISTRIBUTION wide range of arterial oxygen contents because the decrease in arteriovenous oxygen content accompanying hypoxia was compensated for by the increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF). This initial response is presumed to be advantageous to a fetus in the same way the is advantageous in an adult seal, in that the blood© Jonescontaining & theBartlett available Learning, oxygen and LLCother nutrients is supplied preferentially© Jones to& Bartlett Learning, LLC vital organs,NOT i.e., those FOR organs SALE with OR a high DISTRIBUTION metabolic demand, and a high utilizationNOT to storage FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION ratio. These changes have been extensively studied in the fetal sheep and there is correlative data from human studies particularly with respect to this brain-sparing effect.7,8 Increased alpha-adrenergic activity is important in determining regional distribution of blood © Jonesflow in & hypoxicBartlett fetal Learning, sheep by selective LLC vasoconstriction. In studies© Jones of alpha-adrenergic & Bartlett blockade,Learning, LLC NOTthe FOR hypertension SALE OR and DISTRIBUTIONincreased peripheral vascular resistance observedNOT FOR during SALE fetal hypoxia OR DISTRIBUTION was reversed.9 These changes were due to an increase in the resistance in the gut, spleen, , and probably musculoskeletal areas, which shows the participation of the alpha-adrenergic system in the vasoconstriction of those areas.9 © Jones & Bartlett TheLearning, local endothelium LLC also has an effect on© regional Jones blood & Bartlett flow distribution. Learning, The LLC endothelium NOT FOR SALE ORreleases DISTRIBUTION vasoactive agents such as reactive oxygenNOT species FOR and SALE nitric oxide. OR NitricDISTRIBUTION oxide acts locally on vascular smooth muscle to oppose peripheral constriction,10 but superoxide reacts with nitric oxide to counter this effect. Thus, local factors affect vascular tone during hypoxia. Antioxidants may be useful in countering the effects of acute hypoxia and are currently the subject of research for such use. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC B. BradycardiaNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Fetal bradycardia is triggered by the carotid chemoreflex as described in Chapter 3. This slows the speed of cardiac filling, which facilitates myocardial oxygen extraction and also increases end-diastolic volume.11 The increase in end-diastolic volume initiates the Frank–Starling mecha- © Jonesnism and& Bartlett increases strokeLearning, volume LLC to the degree available in the ©fetal Jones heart. Thus,& Bartlett the cardiac Learning, output LLC NOTis FOR maintained SALE despite OR DISTRIBUTIONthe lower heart rate, although there is a limitNOT to this.FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION C. Reduction in Oxygen Consumption Overall, fetal oxygen consumption decreases during hypoxia, likely as a result of decreased move- © Jones & Bartlettment, Learning, change to aLLC more quiescent state, and reduction© Jones of metabolic & Bartlett synthesis, Learning, such as LLCgrowth. In one study, fetal oxygen consumption decreased to values as low as 60% of control from approxi- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION mately 8 mL per minute per kg to 5 mL per minute per kg during fetal hypoxia in the chronically instrumented fetal sheep at an arterial oxygen tension of 10 mmHg.12 This decrease was rapidly instituted, stable for periods up to 45 minutes, proportional to the degree of hypoxia, and rapidly reversible upon cessation of maternal hypoxia. It is accompanied by a fetal bradycardia of about 30 beats per© min Jones (bpm) &below Bartlett control Learning, and an increase LLC in fetal arterial blood .© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Oxygen uptake in the heart and brain increases during hypoxia. In both organs it has been shown that the increase in blood flow matches the decrease in arteriovenous oxygen concentration differences across the organ so as to maintain the oxygen uptake by that organ. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTD. FOR Anaerobic SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONMetabolism NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION It is known that the fetus depends partially on anaerobic metabolism for energy needs during oxy- gen insufficiency.13,14 As noted in Chapter 4, the efficiency of anaerobic metabolism is much less than that of aerobic metabolism. The end result of anaerobic metabolism is an accumulation of © Jones & Bartlettlactate Learning, primarily LLCin the partially vasoconstricted© beds Jones where & oxygen Bartlett is inadequate Learning, for basic LLC needs. NOT FOR SALE ORBecause DISTRIBUTION lactate leaves the fetal circulation relativelyNOT slowly, FOR the SALE result is OR a decrease DISTRIBUTION in the base excess in the fetal compartment over time. If this process continues unabated, the metabolic acidosis can

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORdepress DISTRIBUTION myocardial function, which leads to hypotensionNOT FOR and SALE then ischemia OR DISTRIBUTION in the heart and other essential organs. E. Role of Carbohydrate Stores It is likely that© Jonescarbohydrate & Bartlett availability Learning, is critical in LLC supplying substrates for anaerobic© Jones metabolism & Bartlett Learning, LLC at more severeNOT degrees FOR of SALEhypoxia. OR It has DISTRIBUTION also been shown in experimental animalsNOT that FORa newborn’s SALE OR DISTRIBUTION ability to tolerate asphyxia depends on cardiac carbohydrate reserves. This probably also applies to a human fetus, and clinical observations support the view that carbohydrate-depleted fetuses and newborns succumb more readily to hypoxia than do those with normal reserves. The clinical cor- © Jonesrelate of& thisBartlett observation Learning, is that a nutritionallyLLC growth-restricted© fetus Jones is thus & moreBartlett susceptible Learning, to LLC than is a normally grown fetus. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION F. Mechanism of Cardiorespiratory Responses The cardiovascular responses to hypoxia are instituted rapidly and are mediated by both neural and humoral mechanisms (Figure 5-3). The close matching of blood flow to oxygen availability to © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC achieve a constancy of oxygen consumption has been demonstrated in the fetal cerebral circula- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION15 11 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION tion, and in the fetal myocardium. Although the tonic influence of the autonomic nervous system on heart rate, , and the umbilical circulation in a normoxic fetus is quantitatively minor, the autonomic activity during hypoxia© Jones is significantly & Bartlett increased. Learning, In studies LLC using total pharmacologic blockade,© Jones it has& Bartlett Learning, LLC been demonstratedNOT FOR that during SALE hypoxia, OR DISTRIBUTION parasympathetic activity is augmented three-NOT toFOR five-fold SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and beta-adrenergic activity doubles when measured by heart rate response.16 The net result of these changes is a decrease in FHR during hypoxia. Augmented beta-adrenergic activity also may

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Figure 5-3 Summary of the mechanisms that are known to participate in the regulation of blood flow due to changes in vascular © Jones & Bartlettresistance Learning, in different LLC organs and tissues during hypoxia in the© fetalJones sheep. & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORAbbreviations: DISTRIBUTION ADO, adenosine; α-adr, alpha-adrenergic; AVP, arginineNOT vasopressin; FOR β-adr, SALE beta-adrenergic; OR CO DISTRIBUTION2, carbon dioxide; EO, endogenous opioids; NO, nitric oxide, O2, oxygen; PG, prostaglandins.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION400 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

300 Heart © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION (% of control) 200 Brain

© Jones & Bartlett flow n blood Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC ga



0 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Control© 75% Jones 50%& Bartlett 25% Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION UterineNOT blood flowFOR (% ofSALE control) OR DISTRIBUTION

Figure 5-4 The effect of graded reductions in uterine blood flow on blood flow redistribution in the sheep fetus. When uterine blood flow is reduced to 75% of control, blood flow is preferentially redistributed to the heart and brain at the expense of other tissues or organs (e.g., carcass and gut). This redistribution is more pronounced when uterine blood flow is reduced to 50% of control value. However, when further reduced to 25% of control, the resultant severe asphyxia results in a partial “breakdown” of the blood flow redistribution mechanism.© Jones It is suggested& Bartlett that this Learning,leads to a reduction LLC of myocardial and/or cerebral oxygen ©consumption Jones (see & text). Bartlett Learning, LLC Based on Yaffe H, Parer JT, Block BS, Llanos AJ. Cardiorespiratory responses to graded reductions of uterine blood flow in the sheep fetus. J Dev Physiol. 1987; 9:325-336.NOT1 FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

be important in maintaining cardiac output and umbilical blood flow during hypoxia, probably because of the increased inotropic effect on the heart. © JonesPlasma & Bartlett Learning, of catecholamines, LLC arginine vasopressin,© β-endorphin, Jones & Bartlettand atrial natriuretic Learning, LLC NOTfactor FOR increase SALE during OR DISTRIBUTIONhypoxia in the fetus. The contributions of NOTcatecholamines FOR SALE to the circulatoryOR DISTRIBUTION responses to hypoxia have been described. Vasopressin contributes to the increase in blood pressure observed during hypoxia by decreasing umbilical and gut blood flows. Beta–endorphin and probably other endogenous opioids also participate in the response to hypoxia. A blockade of endorphin recep- © Jones & Bartletttors Learning, with LLC has been shown to further increase© Jones the hypertensive & Bartlett response Learning, by increasing LLC vaso- NOT FOR SALE ORconstriction DISTRIBUTION in the kidneys and carcass. During NOThypoxia, FOR a decrease SALE in theOR fetal DISTRIBUTION blood volume has been described. Atrial natriuretic factor may play a role in this response. In addition, nitric oxide, prosta- glandins, and adenosine have all been implicated in regulation of the fetal circulation during hypoxia. Most of these results have been observed from studies of chronically catheterized fetal sheep. The relative© contribution Jones & Bartlettof these and Learning, other mediators LLC to the cardiovascular response© Jones to hypoxia & Bartlett in Learning, LLC a human fetusNOT continues FOR toSALE be explored; OR DISTRIBUTION however, it is clear that the redistributionNOT of blood FOR flow SALE is OR DISTRIBUTION a powerful mechanism for protection of essential fetal organs from asphyxial damage during peri- ods of oxygen insufficiency. During more severe asphyxia or sustained hypoxemia, these responses are no longer maintained © Jonesand a decrease& Bartlett in the Learning, cardiac output, LLC arterial blood pressure, and© bloodJones flow & toBartlett the brain Learning, and heart LLC 1 NOToccurs FOR (SALEFigure 5-4OR). DISTRIBUTIONThese changes may be considered to be aNOT stage ofFOR decompensation SALE OR after DISTRIBUTION which tissue damage and even fetal death may follow. G. Myocardial Dysfunction Following Profound Hypoxia © Jones & BartlettDuring Learning, profound LLC asphyxia, may occur© Jones partly &from Bartlett loss of peripheral Learning, vasoconstriction, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORbut hypotensionDISTRIBUTION is primarily related to asphyxiaNOT impairment FOR SALE of myocardial OR DISTRIBUTION contractility. Asphyxia that is severe and long enough in duration to deplete glycogen stores in the heart seems to be the

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORmain DISTRIBUTION cause of myocardial dysfunction. “CardiacNOT stunning,” FOR aSALE term applied OR DISTRIBUTION to reversible cardiac fail- ure without histological change, is thought to be the first manifestation of myocardial dysfunction that is followed by irreversible myocardial failure if asphyxia is not resolved.17 Preterm fetuses have more glycogen stores than do term fetuses; this may be part of the reason the preterm fetus can 18,19 withstand acute© Jones asphyxia & longerBartlett than Learning,a term fetus. LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC H. FetalNOT Response FOR SALE to Chronic OR DISTRIBUTION Hypoxia NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Intrauterine growth restriction, which can be due to placental dysfunction and chronic ins­ ufficient supply of nutrient or oxygen, is known to be associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular © Jones­disease & later Bartlett in postnatal Learning, life. The LLCmechanism underlying this relationship© Jones is &the Bartlett subject of cur ­Learning,rent LLC animal studies and results are still preliminary. In brief, it appears that intrauterine chronic hyp­ oxia NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION may affect both morphology and function of the heart in ways that increase vulnerability to ­cardiovascular related disorders in adulthood.20 Chronic and hypoxemia are associated with elevated levels of circulating © Jones & Bartlett­ca techolamines.Learning, TheLLC catecholamines appear to© playJones a role &in Bartlettblunting pancreatic Learning, insulin LLC secretion, NOT FOR SALE ORwhich DISTRIBUTION results in less glycogen synthesis. GrowthNOT restriction FOR occursSALE as OR a result DISTRIBUTION of decreased oxygen consumption. Redistribution of blood flow remains present over the course of chronic hypoxia and decreased renal blood flow may explain the development of oligohydramnios. Shifts in blood flow contribute to the “brain-sparing” response as oxygenated blood continues to be preferentially delivered to the brain. Activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis results in © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC elevated cortisol levels, which are also theorized to play a role in some of the long-term postnatal vulnerabilitiesNOT of cardiovascular FOR SALE disorders. OR DISTRIBUTION One important short-term clinical correlateNOT FORis that theSALE OR DISTRIBUTION intrauterine growth restricted fetus is more vulnerable to acute hypoxia. Obstetric management of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is reviewed in more detail in Chapter 10. © JonesII. &C ENTRBartlett Learning,AL NER LLCVOUS SYSTEM© RESJonesP &ONSE Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTTO FOR H SALEYPO ORX IADISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The response to in the fetus is initially protective during mild hypoxia, and in- volves substantial compensatory mechanisms during moderate hypoxia. However, these compen- © Jones & Bartlettsatory Learning, mechanisms LLC break down in the presence© of Jones severe asphyxia& Bartlett and damageLearning, then ensues. LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION A. Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Metabolism During Acute Hypoxia When the fetus is initially subjected to hypoxemia severe enough to stimulate the and the brain© stemJones autonomic & Bartlett center, Learning,the heart rate LLC decreases by parasympathetic© nerve Jones stimu- & Bartlett Learning, LLC lation. ThisNOT is usually FOR accompanied SALE OR by DISTRIBUTIONan increase in the arterial blood pressure NOTprobably FOR from SALE OR DISTRIBUTION sympathetic nerve stimulation. CBF thereby increases quite quickly by means of hypertension and a decrease of cerebrovascular resistance. There is some redistribution of blood flow within the cen- tral nervous system as well.8 This mechanism of cerebral autoregulation is essential for maintaining © Jonesoxygen & delivery Bartlett to theLearning, central nervous LLC system during physiologic© variationsJones & in Bartlett blood pressure Learning, and LLC NOTother FOR factors. SALE In ORresponse DISTRIBUTION to these changes, fetal and NOTfetal movement FOR SALE cease, ORoxygen DISTRIBUTION con- sumption is reduced, and cerebral metabolism slows.21 During acute hypoxia or asphyxia produced in the fetal sheep by various techniques, there is an initial decrease in cerebral vascular resistance and an increase in CBF.6,15,22,23 The increase in blood flow is such © Jones & Bartlettthat Learning, oxygen consumption LLC in the cerebral hemispheres© Jones remains & constant Bartlett over Learning, the range of ascendingLLC 15 NOT FOR SALE ORaortic DISTRIBUTION oxygen tensions of 14 to 36 mmHg. ThisNOT cerebral FOR autoregulation SALE OR is maintainedDISTRIBUTION during mild tran- sient mild hypoxia. Arterial oxygen content has the best overall correlation with CBF during hypoxia.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORCarbon DISTRIBUTION dioxide tension is also involved in vasodilationNOT FOR of SALE the cerebral OR vascularDISTRIBUTION bed during ­asphyxia.24 The CBF is directly proportional to carbon dioxide tension, but this may not result in increased oxygen consumption by the brain. The response may teleologically be thought of as a mechanism for reducing elevated brain carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide© Jones has an & independentBartlett Learning, effect, which LLC may alter the brain’s ability to© tolerateJones hypoxia, & Bartlett Learning, LLC because as carbonNOT FORdioxide SALE falls, CBF OR also DISTRIBUTION falls; therefore, in order to maintain oxygenNOT consumption, FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION oxygen extraction must increase. This is of less importance in the fetus because during asphyxia in utero, carbon dioxide almost invariably rises, unless there is extreme maternal . CBF autoregulation in the fetus is dependent on adequate arterial oxygen because during more © Jonessevere °rees Bartlett of hypoxia, Learning, CBF becomes LLC pressure dependent (Figure© Jones 5-5).25 Under& Bartlett conditions Learning, of LLC NOTsevere FOR asphyxia SALE when OR uterineDISTRIBUTION blood flow was 25% of control, it NOTwas found FOR that SALEsufficient OR augmentaDISTRIBUTION- tion of the CBF was no longer maintained, and CBF decreased to control values (Figure­ 5-4).1 There was a doubling of the vascular resistance in the cerebral vasculature compared to normoxic control values, and a further increase in arterial blood pressure. This decrease in blood flow, coupled with a © Jones & Bartlettdecreased Learning, arteriovenous LLC oxygen difference during© Jones more profound & Bartlett hypoxemia, Learning, results in LLC a decrease NOT FOR SALE ORin cerebral DISTRIBUTION oxygen consumption to as much as halfNOT of normal.FOR SALE26 This reducedOR DISTRIBUTION consumption appears to be proportional to the degree of hypoxemia as ­measured by arterial oxygen content and is due to the fact that cerebral vascular resistance does not ­decrease further in response to and in proportion to the increasing hypoxemia. Thus, CBF can no longer be augmented below a certain level of hypox- emia, and with© Jones the progressive & Bartlett obligatory Learning, reduction inLLC arteriovenous oxygen difference,© Jones the uptake & Bartlett of Learning, LLC oxygen falls.NOT The reductionFOR SALE in cerebral OR DISTRIBUTIONoxygen consumption appears to occur whenNOT ascending FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION oxygen content is below 1 mM. The inability of the fetus to maintain sufficient oxygen delivery to the brain had previously been predicted on the basis of the increased fraction of cardiac output (25–50%) required to be directed toward the heart and . On the basis of ­mathematical modeling it was suggested that when ascending aortic oxygen content was reduced from © Jones & Bartlett–1 Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 1 to 0.5 mmol/L such a compensation could not take place, and the cardiovascular system may begin NOTto FOR fail in SALE delivering OR adequate DISTRIBUTION amounts of oxygen to at least some partsNOT of FOR the central SALE nervous OR system.DISTRIBUTION There are several possible mechanisms for the variations in CBF during hypoxia; one possibility (extrapolating from adult studies) is a direct action of oxygen tension in smooth muscle. Oxygen- ases have been suggested as oxygen sensors in mediating the responses. Release of the vasodilator © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Control Hypoxia 2

) Cerebral –1 © Jones & BartlettHemispheres Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC • min


Figure 5-5 CBF related to fetal mean arterial blood pressure. Under control conditions there is autoregulation with constancy of CBF at varying . This constancy (or autoregulation) is lost under hypoxic conditions. Arrows show the direction of experimental change in pressure. © Jones & BartlettAbbreviations: Learning, CBF, cerebral LLC blood flow; MABP, mean arterial blood© pressure Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORReproduced DISTRIBUTION with permission from Tweed WA, Cote J, Pash M, Lou H.NOT Arterial FORoxygenation SALE determines OR autoregulation DISTRIBUTION of cerebral blood flow in the fetal lamb. Pediatr Res. 1983;17:246-249.25

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORadenosine DISTRIBUTION may be one such mechanism. It hasNOT been shownFOR thatSALE brain OR vascular DISTRIBUTION resistance increases and CBF decreases during hypoxia in fetal sheep in response to arginine vasopressin, prostaglan- din, and nitric oxide blockade,27 thus demonstrating a role for these substances. There may also be other as yet unidentified substances and mechanisms. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC B. CerebralNOT FORCarbohydrate SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Metabolism During HypoxiaNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The presence of adequate brain carbohydrate stores is an important determinant of tolerance to asphyxia. During hypoxia of moderate to severe degrees, the circulating glucose con­ centration rises by approximately 50% in fetal sheep. Similarly, there is development of a metabolic ­acidosis, most of which can be explained by increased lactate levels that are due to anaerobic © Jones & Bartlett28 Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTmetabolism. FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The glucose and lactate flux across the brain has been studied in the fetal sheep during cere- bral ischemia produced by partial occlusion of the brachiocephalic .29 Hypoxia triggers an increase in circulating glucose. This increase may be potentiated by decreased peripheral © Jones & Bartlettuse Learning, of glucose, ­incrLLCeased hepatic production© of Jones glucose, & and Bartlett release ofLearning, glucose from LLC glycogen NOT FOR SALE ORstores DISTRIBUTION secondary to the catecholamine response.NOT During FOR severeSALE ischemia, OR DISTRIBUTION brain oxygen con- sumption ­decreases by ­approximately 26%, and glucose uptake is increased by approximately 25% (Figure 5-6). This is considerably more glucose than can be accounted for by the correspond- ing fall in oxygen ­uptake. The brain lost lactate during brachiocephalic artery occlusion, but not as much© as Jones would be& ­expeBartlettcted. TheLearning, authors concludedLLC that lactate accumulated© Jones in the & Bartlett Learning, LLC brain tissue because of inability of the blood–brain barrier to transport it, and that this may NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION contribute to brain injury, in which ­elevated lactate levels have been previously implicated in adult and premature fetuses.29 During combined hypoxemia and cerebral ischemia, however, the same group of authors could not detect a net lactate flux out of the central nervous system. They suggested that this may be due to a concomitant increase in both cerebral and systemic © Joneslactate & concentration. Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION In a similar model, it was shown that a glucose infusion tended to maintain electroencephalo- graphic (EEG) amplitude during cerebral ischemia, thus suggesting glucose had a protective effect. In further studies, fetal glucose levels were reduced 33% by insulin infusion, which did not pro- duce any short-term reduction in cerebral oxygen or glucose consumption.30 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 180 30


120 20 © Jones–1 & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 90 NOT FOR · min SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION –1 60 10 0 g

30 Lactate

© Jones & Bartlettµmol · 10 Learning,0 LLC © Jones & Bartlett0 Learning, LLC Oxygen Glucose NOT FOR SALE OR –30DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION –60 –10

Control Ischemia

Figure 5-6 Net fluxes of oxygen, glucose, and lactate during experimental cerebral ischemia in fetal sheep. There is a decrease in © Jones & Bartlettoxygen Learning, uptake, an increase LLC in glucose uptake, and an increase© in Jones lactate output & byBartlett the brain during Learning, ischemia. LLC NOT FOR SALE ORReproduced DISTRIBUTION with permission from Chao CR, Hohimer AR, BissonnetteNOT JM. Cerebral FOR carbohydrate SALE metabolism OR DISTRIBUTION during severe ischemia in fetal sheep. J Cerebral Blood Flow Metab. 1989;9:53-57.29 Copyright © 1989 by SAGE Publications, Ltd. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications, Ltd.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORC. DISTRIBUTIONHypoxic–Ischemic Injury NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION When systemic hypotension occurs following myocardial dysfunction, autoregulation of CBF and cerebral fail and the brain becomes ischemic.31,32 Tissue oxygen deficiency occurs from both hypoxemia and ischemia, and the areas of fetal brain most vulnerable are those that experi- ence the lowest© Jones perfusion & pressure,Bartlett which Learning, are the watershed LLC areas between vascular© Jones nets within & Bartlettthe Learning, LLC brain,33 andNOT the areas FOR that SALE are the mostOR DISTRIBUTIONmetabolically active under normal conditionsNOT such FOR as the SALE OR DISTRIBUTION sensorimotor cortex, thalamus, cerebellum, and brain stem. During acute hypoxic deterioration, high-energy metabolites are depleted, and an evolu- tion of the brain damage ensues. The first stage of energy depletion is called “primary energy © Jonesfailure” & and Bartlett corresponds Learning, to severe LLC cytotoxic edema and cell swelling.© Jones Following & Bartlett the primary Learning, LLC NOTenergy FOR failure,SALE a OR recovery DISTRIBUTION period called the “latent phase” occursNOT in FORwhich SALEreperfusion OR restoresDISTRIBUTION oxygen and glucose. During this phase, recovery of high-energy reserves such as phosphocre- atine are reattained and electroencephalographic parameters recover as well. After the “latent phase,” a “secondary energy failure” follows and brain cells die many hours or even days later. © Jones & BartlettThe Learning, gradual drop LLC change in phosphocreatine© levels Jones affected & Bartlett by asphyxial Learning, insults isLLC shown in NOT FOR SALE ORFigure DISTRIBUTION 5-7.34 Immediately after the insult, phosphocreatineNOT FOR SALE recovers OR to DISTRIBUTION the pre-insult value. The phosphocreatine level decreases again 5 to 6 hours after the insult and remains at a low

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Mitochondria and apoptotic mechanism

Hypoxic– ischemic Reactive oxygen species © Jones & Bartlett Learning,stress LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Excitatory amino acids NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Inflammation

01020304050 A Hours © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Primary NOTenergy FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION failure Secondary energy failure

Hypoxic– Latent phase ischemic stress © Jones & Bartlett Learning,[PCr]/[Pi] LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

0 10 20 30 40 50 B Hours

Figure 5-7 A. Time course of four important of molecular mechanisms of brain injury following hypoxic–ischemia. B. Change © Jones & Bartlettin cerebral Learning, [PCr]/[Pi] LLCafter hypoxic–ischemia. The primary© and Jones secondary & decreases Bartlett of this high-energyLearning, phosphate LLC reserve NOT FOR SALE ORcorrespond DISTRIBUTION with primary and secondary energy failure. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Abbreviations: PCr, phosphocreatine concentration; Pi, inorganic orthophosphate concentration.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORlevel. DISTRIBUTION This secondary deterioration in high-energyNOT FORreserves SALE energy OR and DISTRIBUTION cerebral energy failure usually occurs approximately 6 to 15 hours after birth. Subsequently, a longer-term tertiary phase occurs that may inhibit repair and reorganization.

Primary ©Energy Jones Failure& Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC InsufficientNOT adenosine FOR triphosphate SALE OR (ATP) DISTRIBUTION sets off the chain of events that resultsNOT in FOR cellular SALE OR DISTRIBUTION death (Figure 5-8).35-37 The sodium-potassium pump that maintains sodium in the extracel- lular space and potassium in the intracellular space fails; this leads to cellular edema and ­depolarization of the cell membrane, which results in necrotic cell death.38,39 Excitatory © Jonesneurotransmitters & Bartlett suchLearning, as glutamate LLC accumulate in the synaptic© Jones space due & Bartlettto a failure Learning, of LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION


© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Failure of autoregulation of cerebral blood flow results in glucose and oxygen deficit

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Decreased ATP produced NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Failure of Na+/K+ pump causes membrane depolarization + + © Jones & Bartlett Learning,and LLC influx of Na , Ca , and water into© cell Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

↑ Intracellular Ca++

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Mitochondrial Formation of Activates lipases ↑ Release of dysfunction nitric oxide ↑ free fatty excitatory amino acids that produce acids neurotransmitter of reactive oxygen © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones(glutamate) & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONspecies (ROS) NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Free radicals

Cellular edema, Excitotoxicity membrane damage secondary to © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC and necrotic© Jones & Bartlettoveractivation Learning, of LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION cell deathNOT FOR SALEglutamate OR receptors DISTRIBUTION

Cellular edema, ↑ © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning,Intracellular LLC Ca++ NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Figure 5-8 Primary energy failure: mechanism of hypoxic–ischemic injury.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORthe normalDISTRIBUTION reuptake mechanisms. The excessNOT glutamate FOR overstimulatesSALE OR DISTRIBUTION glutamate receptors ­including the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor in the postsynaptic neur­ ons, which results in an intracellular biochemical cascade due to an influx of calcium into the intracellular space.38 Calcium in the cytoplasm then instigates a chain reaction of enzym­ atic processes, which result in the production of several compounds that further damage the cell © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC31,36,40,41 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC including nitricNOT oxide FOR and SALE other ORfree DISTRIBUTIONoxygen radicals. In addition, theNOT ­results FOR of this SALE OR DISTRIBUTION process include microvascular damage with resultant necrosis and apoptosis.

Secondary Energy Failure © JonesSome of& theBartlett products Learning, of cellular metabolism LLC that are produced in© theJones absence & ofBartlett glucose andLearning, oxy- LLC NOTgen FOR become SALE more OR dangerous DISTRIBUTION during reperfusion when the asphyxiaNOT subsides FOR SALEand oxygenation OR DISTRIBUTION is restored. Thus, reperfusion exacerbates the injury to brain neurons and initiates a secondary pro- cess of cell death. The region of the brain affected by these events is dependent upon the gestational age of the fetus, development of the neurons involved, and the severity of the insult.41 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Many studies have demonstrated that this evolution of brain energy deterioration involves NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION four different mechanisms: (1) excitatory amino acids such as glutamate; (2) mitochondrial deterioration and apoptotic mechanisms; (3) reactive oxygen species; and (4) inflammation (Figure 5-9).31,41-43 It is important to take into consideration when and how much these four mechanisms contribute to the pathophysiology in the context of primary and secondary ­energy failure. Glutamate© Jones has a& toxic Bartlett effect Learning,on the central LLC nervous system throughexci­ ©totoxicity. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC ­Excessive activationNOT FOR of the SALE post-synaptic OR DISTRIBUTION NMDA receptor by glutamate leads toNOT neuronal FOR death. SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Mitochondrial dysfunction leads to an upregulation of apoptosis, which is believed to play a more important role in brain damage in the developing fetus compared with that of adult. ­Reactive oxygen species generated during the initial insult react with and proteins to © Jones­further & disrupt Bartlett the Learning,stability of neuronal LLC cell membranes. Finally© Jones immuno-inflammatory & Bartlett Learning, cells LLC NOTsuch FOR as SALEmicroglia OR and DISTRIBUTION macrophages are activated, resulting inNOT several FOR adverse SALE effects OR including DISTRIBUTION additional production of reactive oxygen species and production of proinflammatory cytokines.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Reperfusion and restoration© Jones of oxygen & andBartlett glucose Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Neuroinflamamtory Excitatory amino acids Reactive oxygen Mitochondrial response such as glutamate species collapse © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Pro-inflammatory Generation of fatty acids Membrane cell ↑ Excitotoxicity cytokines and free radicals → cell depolarization and membrane damage apoptotic cell death © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORCell SALE toxicity OR DISTRIBUTION↑ Intracellular Ca++ NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Generation of free radicals and nitric oxide → cell © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC membrane damage © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Figure 5-9 Secondary energy failure: mechanism of hypoxic–ischemic injury.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORD. DISTRIBUTIONMechanism of Perinatal BrainNOT Damage: FOR SALE Animal OR DISTRIBUTION Studies In clinical practice, the severity, pattern, and timing of asphyxia are usually unknown. Therefore, animal studies are used to initially identify the pathophysiology of fetal asphyxia and correlate the type of hypoxic–ischemic stress to the type of brain damage. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Ronald E. Myers was the pioneer of animal experiments that researched mechanisms of fetal NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION brain damage with a series of studies of fetal monkeys that demonstrated how both res­ piratory and metabolic acidosis occurred rapidly following complete cessation of oxygen delivery.44 Blood was sampled for 13 minutes from the femoral artery through a catheter placed before birth. The pH fell at 0.04 units per minute, the carbon dioxide tension increased 6 mmHg per minu­ te, and © Jonesthe base & excessBartlett fell slightly Learning, more thanLLC 1 mEq/L per minute. The© oxygenJones tension & Bartlett fell to about Learning, LLC NOT6 FORmmHg SALE in about OR 2 minutes, DISTRIBUTION and stabilized at that level. Intact NOTsurvival FOR generally SALE did ORnot occurDISTRIBUTION ­after 10 minutes of complete oxygen lack. Survivors generally had brain stem lesions, although the patterns of damage were variable. Myers and coworkers also studied prolonged partial asphyxia in sheep and monkeys as chronic hypoxia is more common than acute sentinel events.45 Similar © Jones & Bartlettto theirLearning, findings LLC following brief complete asphyxia© Jones they found& Bartlett a variable Learning, pattern of responseLLC to NOT FOR SALE ORpartial DISTRIBUTION asphyxia. Survivors generally had neurologicNOT FORdeficits SALE due to ORcortical DISTRIBUTION lesions, in contrast to those subjected to complete oxygen cessation wherein the lesions were usually in the brain stem.45

Importance of Hypotension and Cerebral Hypoperfusion The animal© experiments Jones & ofBartlett fetal and Learning,neonatal hypoxic–ischemic LLC brain damage can© Jonesbe divided & into Bartlett Learning, LLC those that haveNOT induced FOR “total SALE (global) OR acuteDISTRIBUTION stress” and those that have induced “partialNOT FOR subacute SALE OR DISTRIBUTION stress.” Total acute stress is often introduced by interrupting blood flow to the uteroplacentalreg ­ ion or to the . Gunn et al. found that neuronal damage following induced asphyxia via uterine artery occlusion in fetal sheep was strongly associated with the minimum blood pressure © Jonesduring & the Bartlett insult but Learning, not with the LLCdegree of hypoxia (Figure 5-10©). Jones28 In a subsequent & Bartlett study Learning, by LLC NOTMallard FOR SALEet al., severe OR umbilicalDISTRIBUTION cord occlusion for 10 minutes inNOT near-term FOR fetal SALE sheep ORproduced DISTRIBUTION


r = – 0.69, p < 0.01 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 50 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION


© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 30 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Blood pressure (mmHg)


© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION10 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 0% < 10% > 10% Fetus died Percentage of dead neurons in the parasagittal cortex

Figure 5-10 Relationship between minimum blood pressure during severe asphyxia and percentage of dead neurons in the © Jones & Bartlettparasagittal Learning, cortex at 72LLC hours in fetal sheep. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORBased onDISTRIBUTION Gunn AJ, Parer JT, Mallard EC, Williams CE, Gluckman PD.NOT Cerebral FOR histologic SALE and electrocorticographic OR DISTRIBUTION changes after asphyxia in fetal sheep. Pediatr Res. 1992;31:486-491.28

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 46 NOT FOR SALE ORneuronal DISTRIBUTION cell loss in the hippocampus. AlthoughNOT the FOR duration SALE was short,OR DISTRIBUTION severe asphyxia, hypox- emia, bradycardia, and electrocorticographic suppression were present for up to 5 hours following the intervention. Three of 17 animals did not survive the asphyxia. Hippocampus, cerebellum, basal ganglia, and thalamus as well as the brain stem were mainly injured. The metabolism during asphyxia was© not Jones quantitated & Bartlett but it was Learning, most likely LLCseverely depressed. These studies© Jones also dem &- Bartlett Learning, LLC onstrated theNOT critical FOR importance SALE ofOR hypotension DISTRIBUTION and/or brain hypoperfusion duringNOT total FOR acute SALE OR DISTRIBUTION asphyxia.28,46 Neuronal damage is strongly associated with the minimum blood pressure during the insult but not with the degree of hypoxia. These data are consistent with the suggestion that impair- ment of cerebral perfusion and hypotension is a critical event in causing cerebral damage during . © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORThe experimentalSALE OR studyDISTRIBUTION of partial subacute stress has also revealedNOT FORthe importance SALE ORof DISTRIBUTION ­hypotension on severity of brain damage. Ikeda et al. produced relative prolonged partial asphyxia via umbilical cord occlusion for approximately 60 minutes in chronically instrumented near-term fetal lambs until the fetal arterial pH was less than 6.9 and base excess was 20 mEq/L or less.47 © Jones & BartlettAlthough Learning, the asphyxia LLC protocol was strictly applied,© Jones neuropathologic & Bartlett changes Learning, varied fromLLC case to case, ranging from almost total infarction of cortical and subcortical structures to extremely subtle NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and patchy white matter alterations (Figure 5-11). This variation enabled the authors to evaluate the relationship between physiologic and histologic parameters. The histopathologic changes were categorized into five grades that ranged from mild to severe histologic damage. The severity of

change in pH, base excess, PCO2, PO2, and oxygen content did not correlate with the extent of his- tologic damage.© Jones The duration & Bartlett of hypotension Learning, (defined LLC as < 20 mmHg mean blood© pressureJones and& Bartlett Learning, LLC < 30 mmHg)NOT did showFOR a SALEsignificant OR correlation DISTRIBUTION with histologic grade (Figure 5-12NOT), but FOR the dura- SALE OR DISTRIBUTION tion of bradycardia (defined as < 80 bpm and < 100 bpm) did not. Recovery time for electrocor- ticographic amplitude, presence of convulsions, and blood lactate level at 24 hours after asphyxia were well correlated with the severity of fetal brain damage. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning,48 LLC Ball et al. produced after umbilical cord occlusion of less severity and longer duration. NOTIt FOR has been SALE shown OR that DISTRIBUTION a change in electrocorticographic activityNOT from FOR low voltage/high SALE OR frequency DISTRIBUTION to high voltage/low frequency is associated with a similar decrease in oxygen uptake.49 The degree of hypoxemia seen in the moderately asphyxiated fetuses is associated with such an EEG change from low to high voltage; this alone may explain the decrease in cerebral oxygen consumption that © Jones & Bartlettoccurs Learning, during high-voltage LLC EEG compared to ©low-voltage Jones &EEG. Bartlett We do notLearning, have data onLLC the exact NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Figure 5-11 A. Photomicrograph of cerebral cortical white matter of an asphyxiated fetal lamb brain following 60-minute umbilical partial occlusion that shows increased cellularity (arrow) confined to junction of cerebral cortex and white matter (Hematoxylin-eosin stain, original magnification ×98). B. Another fetal lamb in the same severity of asphyxia showed almost total infarction with necrosis of gray matter (arrows) and separation of white matter (Luxol fast blue-cresyl violet stain, original © Jones & Bartlettmagnification Learning, ×49). LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORReproduced DISTRIBUTION with permission from Ikeda T, Murata Y, Quilligan EJ, et al.NOT Physiologic FOR and SALE histologic changesOR inDISTRIBUTION near-term fetal lambs exposed to asphyxia by partial umbilical cord occlusion. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;178(1 pt 1):24-32.47 Copyright 1998, with permission from Elsevier.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONTime duration of hypotensionNOT FORTime SALE duration OR of bradycardiaDISTRIBUTION (min) (min) 30 20

© Jones20 & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION10 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 10

0 0 © Jones & Bartlett Learning,12345 LLC 1 © 234Jones & Bartlett5 Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Degree of brain damage Degree of brain damage

MBP < 30 mmHg FHR < 100 bpm MBP < 20 mmHg FHR < 80 bpm © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Figure 5-12 Correlation between duration of hypotension and bradycardia and histologic grade of fetal brain damage. Duration NOT FOR SALE ORof hypotension DISTRIBUTION correlated significantly with histologic grade.NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Abbreviations: bpm, beats per minute; FHR, fetal heart rate; MBP, mean blood pressure. Reproduced with permission from Ikeda T, Murata Y, Quilligan EJ, et al. Physiologic and histologic changes in near-term fetal lambs exposed to asphyxia by partial umbilical cord occlusion. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1998;178(1 pt 1):24-32.47 Copyright 1998, with permission from Elsevier.

threshold of© reduction Jones in& oxygenBartlett consumption Learning, that LLC causes damage to the fetal brain.© Jones It seems & likely Bartlett Learning, LLC however thatNOT a 15% FOR reduction SALE would OR be DISTRIBUTION tolerable. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION In summary, severe intrapartum asphyxia causes injury to the fetal brain via the combination of hypoxia and ischemia. Because the fetus has remarkable compensatory mechanisms, most sur- © Jonesvivors &of Bartlettnonfatal asphyxial Learning, insults LLC have no sequelae. In newborns© Jones wherein & the Bartlett insult was Learning, severe LLC but sublethal, neurologic impairment due to hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy results. These NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION studies have some important clinical implications. They show the remarkable conservation strat- egies available to the fetus despite quite substantial hypoxemia, mainly due to the fetal capacity for augmenting CBF. This may explain why intact survival is frequently seen in the human fetus despite severe documented asphyxia at birth. With profound asphyxia, however, there is decom- © Jones & Bartlettpensation Learning, of these LLC mechanisms and such fetuses© Jones may subsequently & Bartlett develop Learning, hypoxic LLCneuronal NOT FOR SALE ORdamage DISTRIBUTION or die. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION III.T FE AL ASPHYXIA AND NEWBORN

MORBI© DJonesITY & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC The degree NOTof damage FOR to SALEany individual OR DISTRIBUTION fetus following intrauterine asphyxia is NOTquite variable. FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Some fetuses may not survive the episode in utero, others will have central nervous system damage that results in neurologic defects, and still others will survive without apparent deficits. Multiple factors influence the outcomes of intrauterine asphyxia including gestational age, exacerbating © Jonesconditions & Bartlett such as infection,Learning, and LLCduration and degree of the hypoxia,© Jones to name & Bartlett only a few. Learning, Studies LLC NOTof FOR umbilical SALE artery OR blood DISTRIBUTION gas acid–base values, neonatal encephalopathy,NOT FOR cerebral SALE palsy OR etiologies, DISTRIBUTION and more recently, MRI analysis of perinatal brain lesions are just beginning to help determine the threshold values that predict neurologic impairment.

© Jones & BartlettA. Learning, Blood Gas LLC Markers of Fetal© Asphyxia Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORUmbilical DISTRIBUTION artery blood gas values represent the NOTacid base FOR status SALE of the ORnewborn DISTRIBUTION just prior to birth. In view of the fact that the state of asphyxia spans a continuum from “physiologic” to “terminal,” and

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORthat pathologicDISTRIBUTION brain damage has not been rigidlyNOT defined FOR in SALEterms of OR acid–base DISTRIBUTION state at birth, it is not yet possible to assign a particular umbilical artery pH or base excess value or set of values that can be used to identify clinically significant asphyxia in the newborn. The duration and extent of metabolic acidosis and hypoxia that will result in neurologic damage to the human fetus are not known. Low and ©colleagues Jones approached& Bartlett this Learning, problem under LLC the premise that severity© of Jones asphyxia & Bartlett Learning, LLC should be correlatedNOT FOR with SALE severity OR of organ DISTRIBUTION disorders: brain (encephalopathy), cardiovascular,NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION respiratory, and renal complications. The authors compared the newborn outcomes in a cohort of infants with no acidosis (n = 59), respiratory acidosis (n = 51), and metabolic acidosis (n = 59). They first found that respiratory acidosis without a metabolic component, detected in umbilical © Jonesartery &cord Bartlett gas analysis, Learning, had no harmful LLC effect on short-term ©or long-termJones & outcome Bartlett in Learning,newborns LLC 50,51 NOT( TableFOR 5-2 SALE). InOR a subsequent DISTRIBUTION study, these authors determinedNOT the thresholdFOR SALE of metabolic OR DISTRIBUTION aci- dosis that is associated with newborn complications by categorizing newborn complications into four different degrees of umbilical artery base deficit.51 Table 5-3 shows the relationship between moderate and severe organ complications in each of the four different groups of the umbilical © Jones & Bartlett­arterial Learning, base deficit. LLC The newborns with an ©umbilical Jones artery & Bartlett base deficit Learning, more than LLC 12 mmol/L NOT FOR SALE ORwere DISTRIBUTION most likely to have organ dysfunction, especiallyNOT FOR within SALE the central OR DISTRIBUTION nervous system. Gilstrap et al. evaluated the umbilical cord gases and newborn outcomes of 2738 women with a singleton in cephalic presentation.52 These authors found that newborns are at low risk for immediate complications following intrapartum asphyxia unless the umbilical ­artery pH is© less Jones than 7 & and Bartlett Apgar scores Learning, are 3 or lessLLC at both 1 minute and 5 minutes.© Jones Goodwin & Bartlett Learning, LLC and ­coworkersNOT reviewed FOR SALEthe course OR of DISTRIBUTION129 term nonanomalous singleton infantsNOT with FOR umbili SALE- OR DISTRIBUTION cal ­arterial pH below 7 and concluded that a pH below 6.8 with marked hypercarbia (carbon ­dioxide tension usually above 100 mmHg) and metabolic acidosis (base excess usually below –15 mEq/L) is the acid–base status at birth that relates best to neonatal death or major © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTTable FOR 5-2SALE Cl ORassification DISTRIBUTION of Intrapartum Fetal AsphyxiaNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Metabolic Acidosis Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Asphyxia at Deliverya Encephalopathy and Renal Complications Mild Present Minor: present or absent Minor: present or absent © Jones & BartlettModerate Learning, Present LLC Moderate:© Jones present & BartlettSevere: Learning, present or absent LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Severe Present Severe: present Severe: present

a Defined as umbilical artery base deficit greater than or equal to 12 mmol/L. Reproduced with permission from Low JA, Panagiotopoulos C, Derrick EJ. Newborn complications after intrapartum asphyxia with metabolic acidosis in the term fetus. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1994;170(4):1081-1087.50 Copyright 1994, with permission from Elsevier. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Table 5-3 Threshold of Metabolic Acidosis in the Term Newborn

Moderate or Umbilical Artery Base Deficit Severe Newborn © JonesComplications & Bartlett Learning,4–8 mmol/L LLCa 8–12 mmol/La 12–16© Jones mmol/L & aBartlett. 16 mmol/L Learning,a LLC NOT FORCentral SALEnervous systemOR DISTRIBUTION 2 0 5 NOT FOR SALE24 OR DISTRIBUTION Respiratory 0 3 9 8 Cardiovascular 0 1 1 18 Renal 0 1 2 8

© Jones & Bartletta n =Learning, 58. LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORBased onDISTRIBUTION Low JA, Lindsay BG, Derrick EJ. Threshold of metabolic acidosisNOT associated FOR with SALE newborn complications.OR DISTRIBUTION Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1997;177(6):1391-1394.52

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 53 NOT FOR SALE ORneurologic DISTRIBUTION dysfunction. Goldaber et al. expandedNOT FORon the SALEprevious OR studies DISTRIBUTION in their review of 3506 term newborns with an umbilical arterial pH of less than 7.20.54 The newborns were ­categorized into five groups based on umbilical artery pH: (1) less than 7.0; (2) pH of 7.0 to 7.04; (3) pH of 7.05 to 7.09; (4) pH of 7.10 to 7.14; and (5) pH of 7.15 to 7.19. Two-thirds of the ­newborns with© Jones an umbilical & Bartlett artery pH Learning, less than 7.0 LLC also had a metabolic component© Jones to the & Bartlett Learning, LLC ­acidemia. ThNOTe incidence FOR ofSALE neonatal OR intensive DISTRIBUTION care admission, of 3 orNOT less at FOR 5 minutes, SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and need for intubation was significantly increased in the group that had an umbilical artery pH of less than 7.0. On the basis of this work, the authors defined a pathologic fetal acidemia as an umbilical artery pH of less than 7.0. 55 © JonesMore & recently Bartlett Malin Learning, et al. conducted LLC a meta-analysis of these studies© Jones and others. & Bartlett They identifiedLearning, LLC NOT51 FOR articles SALE that included OR DISTRIBUTION 481,753 infants and the meta-analysis confirmedNOT FOR that lowSALE umbilical OR DISTRIBUTIONartery pH is significantly associated with neonatal mortality (OR, 16.9; 95% CI, 9.7–29.5), hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (OR, 13.8; 95% CI, 6.6–28.9), and (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.3–4.2). These studies have clearly shown that an umbilical artery pH of less than 7.0 and a base deficit © Jones & Bartlettof moreLearning, than 12 LLCmmol/L are the threshold values© Jones most reliably & Bartlett associated Learning, with newborn LLC morbid- NOT FOR SALE ORity and DISTRIBUTION mortality. However, most infants with NOTmetabolic FOR acidosis SALE at birthOR doDISTRIBUTION not have short-term or long-term complications. Furthermore, there are many reasons in addition to intrapartum hypoxia that can cause newborn morbidity. Thus, these studies provide limited predictive utility with regard to the relationship between umbilical artery values at birth and long-term outcome. We therefore© believe Jones that & the Bartlett term asphyxia Learning, should LLCnot be used to denote a specific© Jonespathologic & Bartlettstate Learning, LLC but rather shouldNOT beFOR used SALE to define OR simply DISTRIBUTION what it is, that is, elevated carbon dioxideNOT and FOR reduced SALE OR DISTRIBUTION oxygen, with a metabolic component. The term asphyxia should simply be used as a preceding ­descriptor for the acid–base features of umbilical arterial blood and the weakness of these values as a predictor of fetal damage should be implied. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTB. FOR Neonatal SALE OR Encephalopathy DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Neonatal encephalopathy is a clinically defined syndrome that includes:

• Disturbed neurologic function in the earliest days of life in an infant born or at 35 weeks’ gestation. • A subnormal level of consciousness or seizures and often accompanied by difficulty with initiating © Jones & Bartlett andLearning, maintaining LLC and depression© of Jones tone and & reflexes. Bartlett56 Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Neonatal encephalopathy occurs in approximately 2 per 1000 live births. Hypoxic–ischemic brain injury is a subset of neonatal encephalopathy and is only one of many etiologies of neonatal enceph- alopathy. Because neither hypoxia nor ischemia can be assumed to have been the unique initiating causal mechanism for a specific individual with neurologic impairment, ACOG has recommended that the term© hypoxic–ischemic Jones & Bartlett encephalopathy Learning, be replacedLLC by neonatal encephalopathy.© Jones56 & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION In 1976, Sarnat and Sarnat developed a scoring system that subcategorizes infants with neonatal encephalopathy into mild, moderate, and severe encephalopathy on the basis of multiple physical signs such as level of consciousness, neuromuscular control, reflexes, and autonomic function.57 © JonesAlthough & Bartlett these three Learning, categories are LLC well correlated with long-term© Jones neurological & Bartlett outcome, Learning, Sarnats’ LLC system is not suited to determine immediate management after birth, because the criteria are not NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION assigned until after the first 24 hours of life.57 The Thompson score, introduced in 1997, is therefore used for making immediate decisions about newborn management. This score consists of six categories: level of consciousness, spon- taneous activity, posture, tone, primitive reflexes (suck or Moro), and autonomic nervous system © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 58 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR(pupils, DISTRIBUTION heart rate, or respiration). The ThompsonNOT FORscore SALEcan be used OR to DISTRIBUTIONinitiate interventions such as .

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORTable DISTRIBUTION 5-4 Common Cerebral LesionsNOT Observed FOR SALE in Neonatal OR DISTRIBUTION Encephalopathy Term Description Basal ganglia–thalamus Striatum and ventrolateral thalamus: most common, 25–75%; severe partial insult (BGT) pattern of prolonged duration or a combined partial with profound terminal insult © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Watershed or border zone Parasagittal cortical neuronal necrosis at regions between the major cerebral vessels: predominantNOT pattern FOR SALEwatershed: OR 15–45%; DISTRIBUTION hypotension, maternal fever NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION White matter injury Periventricular leukomalacia or white matter injury: mainly preterm infant, milder noncystic forms seen in 10–20% in term infant; hypotension, infection/ inflammation © JonesVascular & lesionBartlett Learning,Focal arterial LLC distribution infarct: 5–10% in© term Jones infant; ischemic& Bartlett infarction Learning, LLC NOTBased FOR on American SALE College OR of Obstetricians DISTRIBUTION and Gynecologists (ACOG) Task on NeonatalNOT Encephalopathy. FOR NeonatalSALE Encephalopathy OR DISTRIBUTION and Neurologic Outcome. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: ACOG; 2014.56

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORC. DISTRIBUTION Neonatal Brain Damage FollowingNOT FOR Fetal SALE Asphyxia OR DISTRIBUTION Recent progress in imaging techniques, especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has enabled us to evaluate and study the evolution of perinatal brain damage in living fetuses and neo- nates. It is valuable to speculate on the severity, pattern, and timing of hypoxic and/or ischemic insult. Table© 5-4 Jones summarizes & Bartlett the four Learning, common cerebral LLC lesions observed in perinatal© Jones brain dam& Bartlett- Learning, LLC age identifiedNOT via FORmagnetic SALE resonance OR DISTRIBUTIONimaging. The selective vulnerability of specificNOT FOR brain SALEregions OR DISTRIBUTION appears to be based on factors such as metabolic demand, density of glutamate receptors, and extent of vascularization.

© JonesBasal & Ganglia–Thalamus Bartlett Learning, LLC Pattern: Acute Hypoxic–Ischemic© Jones & Bartlett Injury Learning, LLC NOTThe FOR most SALE frequently OR DISTRIBUTIONobserved brain damage in survivors of acuteNOT asphyxia FOR SALEis centered OR in DISTRIBUTION the deep nuclear brain matter and includes the basal ganglia, striatum, and thalamus (Figure 5-13).59 These are especially common in cases that involve an acute hypoxic–ischemic insult such as occurs following placental abruption or uterine rupture. Conventional MRI cannot usually detect brain abnormalities until 24 to 48 hours after a hypoxic–ischemic insult occurs. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION AB

Figure 5-13 An infant at 37 weeks’ gestation born after cord prolapse with Apgar score 0 at 5 minutes. Spontaneous heart beat was recovered 40 minutes after the birth. MRI was taken on 5 days of life. The infant received hypothermic therapy for 72 hours from 4 hours after birth. A. T1-weighted image shows high-signal intensity legions on both basal ganglia and ventrolateral thalamus © Jones & Bartlett(solid Learning, arrows). Posterior LLC limbs of internal capsules are changed© toJones low intensity & fromBartlett normal high Learning, intensity (dashed LLC arrows). NOT FOR SALE ORB. Low-signal DISTRIBUTION intensity legions are observed in correspondingNOT areas on FOR T2-weighted SALE images. OR DISTRIBUTION Images courtesy of Dr. Tomohiko Nakamura, neonatologist of Nagano Children’s Hospital.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORIn DISTRIBUTION the basal ganglia–thalamus (BGT) pattern,NOT characteristic FOR SALE bilateral OR DISTRIBUTION high-signal intensity is observed in the putamen and ventrolateral thalamus in the T1 weighted image. Lesions of the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) manifest low-signal intensity, whereas the normal term infant shows high-signal intensity in the PLIC. The PLIC represents one of ­earliest ­my© elinationJones &areas Bartlett within Learning,the pyramidal LLC tracts. In term infants, the ©BGT Jones area is & Bartlett Learning, LLC one of the ­highNOTest FOR energy-demanding SALE OR DISTRIBUTION parts of the brain and contains a high numberNOT FOR of SALE OR DISTRIBUTION glutamate ­receptors, which contributes to the vulnerability of this section of the brain to ­hypoxic-­ischemic insult. Human research in this area corresponds to results of animal data that found severe prolonged asphyxia such as 5 minutes of complete carotid occlusion repeated three times ­resulted in striatal lesions while 30 minutes of partial carotic occlusion resulted in © Jonesparasagittal & Bartlett cortex lesions.Learning,60 LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Watershed Injury: Chronic Asphyxia Watershed cortical damage including parasagittal cortex is mainly seen following chronic isch- 61 © Jones & Bartlettemic Learning, insult (Figure LLC 5-14). Watershed injury© affects Jones mainly & Bartlett the white Learning, matter and, LLCin more severely affected infants, the overlying cortex in the vascular watershed zones (anterior-middle NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION cerebral artery and posterior-middle cerebral artery). These lesions can be unilateral or bilateral and predominantly posterior and anterior. Although loss of the cortical ribbon and, therefore, the gray-white matter differentiation, can be seen on conventional MRI, -weighted imaging highlights the abnormalities and is especially helpful in making an early diagnosis. A repeat MRI© Jonesmay show & cystic Bartlett evolution, Learning, but more LLC often atrophy and gliotic changes© Jones will &be Bartlett Learning, LLC recognized.NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

White Matter Injury: Premature Fetus/Newborn Injury to the white matter in the dorsal and lateral sections of the ventricles is more common in © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC preterm newborns compared to term newborns, and more common following severe asphyxial in- NOTsults FOR (Figure SALE 5-15 OR). The DISTRIBUTION white matter in the dorsal and lateral sectionsNOT FOR of the SALEventricles OR is vulnerableDISTRIBUTION to ischemia and hypotension (not necessarily accompanied with hypoxia) for a three-fold reason; compared to term fetuses, the preterm fetus has (1) fewer anastomoses between ventrofugal (arteries extending from brain parenchymal outward) and ventropetal arteries (arteries exten­ ding © Jones & Bartlettfrom Learning, brain surface LLC inward); (2) more pre-myelinating© Jones oligodendrocytes & Bartlett Learning,(preOLs) that LLCare especially NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

Figure 5-14 A 2723-gram asphyxiated infant was born at 39 weeks’ gestation with 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores of 2 and 3, respectively. Diffusion weighted image MRI at 7 days of life revealed high intensity cystic region in the left periventricular zone © Jones & Bartlett(thick Learning, arrow). Rather highLLC intensity areas are seen in both occipital© Jones lobes (thin & arrows),Bartlett compatible Learning, with watershed LLC areas between NOT FOR SALE ORmiddle DISTRIBUTION and posterior cerebral arteries. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Image courtesy of Dr. Tomohiko Nakamura, neonatologist of Nagano Children’s Hospital.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Figure 5-15 This infant was born at 26 weeks’ gestation with a birth of 614 grams. Cystic lesions are seen in both paraventricular regions, frontal lobes (thick arrows) and occipital lobes (thin arrows), corresponding watershed area in T2-weighted image MRI obtained at 3 months of life. Image courtesy of Dr. Tomohiko Nakamura, neonatologist of Nagano Children’s Hospital. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION vulnerable to reactive oxygen species; and (3) poor autoregulation in response to hyp­ otension. In addition to ischemia, another important cause of white matter ­injury is infection and/or inflam- mation, which frequently accompanies premature birth. Recently given advances in perinatal and ­neonatal care, the typical cystic paraventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is rarely seen, while diffuse white © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 62© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC matter injury manifesting as decreased volume of white matter is seen more often. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Vascular Lesions: The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke workshop defines perinatal ischemic © Jonesstroke &as Bartlett“a group of Learning, heterogeneous LLC conditions in which there is© focalJones disruption & Bartlett of CBF Learning, due LLC to arterial or cerebral venous thrombosis or embolism, between 20 weeks of fetal life through NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION the 28th postnatal day, confirmed by neuroimaging or neuropathologic studies.”63 Recent ­advancements in MRI imaging have facilitated the diagnosis and classification of these conditions (Figure 5-16). The four perinatal ischemic stroke classifications are: (1) symptomatic neonatal arterial ischemic stroke; (2) symptomatic neonatal cerebral sinovenous thrombosis; (3) presumed © Jones & Bartlettperinatal Learning, ischemic LLC stroke; and (4) periventricular© Jones venous &infarction. Bartlett Although Learning, the potential LLC NOT FOR SALE ORcauses DISTRIBUTION of stroke include thrombophilia, placentalNOT thrombosis, FOR SALE infection, OR cardiacDISTRIBUTION anomalies, and maternal drug use (e.g., cocaine), in most cases, no specific causes are identified. Neonatal arterial ischemic stroke is usually associated with the worst prognosis including congenital hemiplegia, deficits in language, vision, cognition, behavior, and other higher brain functions. Venous infarc- tion has better© Jonesprognosis. & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION D. Cerebral Palsy Cerebral palsy is a syndrome characterized by:

© Jones• Abnormalities & Bartlett of Learning,muscle tone, posture,LLC and movement that can© Jonesrange in severity.& Bartlett Learning, LLC • Cerebral palsy is the result of a cerebral abnormality, originating early in development. The cerebral NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION abnormality can occur during fetal development or in a neonate up to 28 days of life. • The condition is not progressive or degenerative but the clinical presentation may vary as the individual matures. © Jones & BartlettThe Learning, etiology of LLCcerebral palsy is considered to© be Jones multifactorial & Bartlett because Learning, the developing LLC fetal NOT FOR SALE ORbrain DISTRIBUTION is vulnerable to damage from many differentNOT insults FOR including SALE OR infection, DISTRIBUTION inflammation, and

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

AB © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTFigure FOR 5-16 SALE An infa ntOR at 40 DISTRIBUTIONweeks’ gestation with a history of exsanguination fromNOT umbilical FOR cord rupture SALE before OR delivery. DISTRIBUTION MRI was taken at 28 days of life. A. T2-weighted image. High intensity area is observed in the left occipital region (arrow). B. Apparent diffusion coefficient map confirming recent infarction (restricted diffusion) in the same area (arrow). Images courtesy of Dr. Tomohiko Nakamura, neonatologist of Nagano Children’s Hospital.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORTable DISTRIBUTION 5-5 MacLennen Criteria to DefineNOT FORan Acute SALE Intrapartum OR DISTRIBUTION Hypoxic Event Criteria That Together Suggest an Intrapartum a b Essential Criteria© Jones & Bartlett Learning,Timing LLC but by Themselves Are ©Nonspecific Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 1. EvidenceNOT of a metabolic FOR acidosisSALE in OR intra- DISTRIBUTION4. A sentinel (signal) hypoxic event occurringNOT immediately FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION partum fetal, umbilical arterial cord, or very before or during labor early neonatal blood samples as defined by 5. A sudden, rapid, and sustained deterioration of the fetal pH < 7.00 and base deficit ≥ 12 mmol/L heart rate pattern usually following the hypoxic sentinel 2. Early onset of severe or moderate neona- event © Jonestal &encephalopathy Bartlett Learning, in infants ≥ 34 LLCweeks’ 6. Apgar scores of 0–6© for Jones > 5 minutes & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORgestation SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 7. Early evidence of multisystemNOT FOR involvement SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 3. Cerebral palsy of the spastic quadriplegic or 8. Early imaging evidence of acute cerebral abnormality dyskinetic type

a All three of the essential criteria are necessary before an intrapartum hypoxia can be considered the etiology of cerebral palsy. b If evidence for some of the 4–8 criteria is missing or contradictory, the timing of the neuropathology becomes increasingly in doubt. Based on MacLennan AH. A template for defining a causal relationship between acute intrapartum events and cerebral palsy: international © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 64 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORconsensus DISTRIBUTION statement. BMJ. 1999;319(7216):1054-1059. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

asphyxia. Although cerebral palsy is not progressive, the clinical presentation can change as the brain develops© Jonesand matures. & Bartlett This disorder Learning, is often LLC accompanied by other consequences© Jones of cerebral& Bartlett Learning, LLC dysfunctionNOT such as FOR intellectual SALE disability, OR DISTRIBUTION speech, or hearing impairment. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Many authorities have attempted to define criteria to establish a causal link between intrapar- tum events and subsequent cerebral palsy. In 1999, MacLennan published criteria to define the cerebral palsy cases caused by acute intrapartum hypoxic events (Table 5-5).64 This consensus © Jonescommittee & Bartlett established Learning, criteria for LLC the association on two levels:© essential Jones criteria& Bartlett and support Learning,- LLC NOTive FOR findings. SALE ThisOR concept DISTRIBUTION was subsequently enlarged by a taskNOT force FOR of the SALE American OR College DISTRIBUTION of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of that has identified neonatal signs sufficient to cause neonatal encephalopathy that is likely to have been caused by peripartum or intrapartum hypoxia–ischemia (Table 5-6).56 Although these signs suggest that a © Jones & Bartlettneonate Learning, has sustained LLC a hypoxic–ischemic insult,© Jones it is not & yet Bartlett possible toLearning, definitively LLC determine NOT FOR SALE ORwhen DISTRIBUTION the injury occurred. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORTable DISTRIBUTION 5-6 Acute Peripartum or IntrapartumNOT FOR Events SALE Sufficient OR DISTRIBUTION to Cause Neonatal Encephalopathy Neonatal Characteristic Description © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Apgar score NOT FOR< 5 minutesSALE at OR 5 and DISTRIBUTION 10 minutes after birth NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Umbilical artery pH < 7.0 and/or base deficit ≥ 12 mmol/L acidemia Magnetic resonance MRI imaging abnormalities that appear after 24 hours of life; MRI obtained between imaging 24–96 hours is the most sensitive for determining the timing of cerebral injury; © Jones & Bartlett Learning,­conventional qualitative LLC MRI findings: diffusion© abnormalities, Jones & deepBartlett nuclear grayLearning, matter, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR orDISTRIBUTION watershed cortical injury are most likely to indicateNOT hypoxic–ischemic FOR SALE injury OR DISTRIBUTION Multisystem organ Can include renal injury, hepatic injury, hematologic abnormalities, gastrointesti- failure nal injury, cardiac dysfunction, metabolic derangements, or a combination of these abnormalities © Jones & BartlettSentinel Learning, hypoxic or LLC A sentinel hypoxic or ischemic© event Jones that occurred & Bartlett immediately Learning, before or duringLLC labor NOT FOR SALE ORischemic DISTRIBUTION event and delivery (e.g., ruptured ,NOT placental FOR abruption,SALE OR DISTRIBUTIONprevia, and amniotic fluid embolism) Fetal heart rate Category II tracing identified on presentation or for longer than 60 minutes that includes patterns minimal/absent variability and no accelerations suggests a previously compromised fetus; Category I FHR pattern that develops into a Category III pattern over the course of labor; © Jonesadditional & Bartlett FHR patterns Learning, consistent LLCwith hypoxic–ischemic events include© Jones & with Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORrecurrent SALE decelerations OR DISTRIBUTION and persistent minimal variability with recurrentNOT decelerations FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Other proximal or No evidence of other proximal or distal factors that could contribute to neonatal distal factors encephalopathy

Based on American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) Task Force on Neonatal Encephalopathy. Neonatal Encephalopathy and Neurologic Outcome. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: ACOG; 2014.56 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

IV. Factors that Modify Fetal © Jones & BartlettV Learning,ulner LLCability to As©ph Jonesyx &ia Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORSeveral DISTRIBUTION factors are known to increase fetal vulnerabilityNOT FOR to centralSALE nervous OR DISTRIBUTION system damage fol- lowing an asphyxial insult. In clinical practice, prematurity and infection/inflammation are the most common problems encountered. Intrauterine growth restriction and uteroplacental insuf- ficiency are also likely to increase fetal vulnerability to injury from an asphyxial insult. To make matters more© complicated,Jones & Bartlett the relationship Learning, between LLC premature labor, infection/inflammation,© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC and hypoxia/asphyxiaNOT FOR is highlySALE interrelated. OR DISTRIBUTION Infection may sensitize the fetal brainNOT to damage FOR SALEto OR DISTRIBUTION hypoxial damage.65 Although many of the pathologic mechanisms underlying these relationships have been identified, the etiologic cascade and relative importance of individual players has not been fully elucidated and is the subject of ongoing research. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTA. FOR Prematurity SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION The a priori vulnerability of preterm fetuses to brain injury has been attributed to factors such as fragile capillaries, immature cardiovascular responses, and increased vulnerability to free toxicity. Interestingly, premature fetal sheep behaved surprisingly similar to term fetal © Jones & Bartlettsheep Learning, when subjected LLC to asphyxia with regard© to Jones heart rate, & Bartlett blood pressure, Learning, and CBF. LLC However, NOT FOR SALE ORthe prematureDISTRIBUTION fetal lamb of 0.6 gestational ageNOT survived FOR up SALE to 30 minutes OR DISTRIBUTION of complete cord occlusion without brain damage. This was in contrast to the fact that 10-minute cord occlusion

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 47 NOT FOR SALE ORensured DISTRIBUTION brain damage. The ability of the prematureNOT FOR fetus SALE to tolerate OR prolongedDISTRIBUTION periods of asphyxia longer than a term fetus is attributed to the fact that preterm fetuses have more anaerobic capacity in the brain and more myocardial glycogen stores.18,66 The low requirement for oxygen during asphyxia may also play a role. Thus, the increased tolerance to asphyxial in- sults may subject© Jones the preterm & Bartlett fetus toLearning, longer exposure LLC to asphyxia; the prolonged© Jones exposure & isBartlett Learning, LLC then ultimatelyNOT responsible FOR SALE for the OR increased DISTRIBUTION risk to injury and widespread neuronalNOT FORdamage SALE OR DISTRIBUTION noted in survivors. B. Infection and Inflammation © JonesMultiple & Bartlettepidemiologic Learning, studies have LLC documented a strong relationship© Jones between & Bartlett infection/ Learning, LLC NOTinflammation FOR SALE and OR cerebral DISTRIBUTION palsy. In a meta-analysis of this bodyNOT of FORwork, SALEWu and ORColford DISTRIBUTION found clinical chorioamnionitis strongly associated with cerebral palsy in term infants (RR 4.7; 95% CI 1.3–16.2) and in preterm infants (RR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.4–2.5) although the relationship is some- what weaker in preterm infants.67 The authors subsequently evaluated the risk factors for cere- bral palsy that were not determined to be of postnatal origin in a population-based cohort and © Jones & Bartlettfound Learning, chorioamnionitis LLC is an independent risk© factorJones for & cerebral Bartlett palsy Learning, in term infants LLC (OR, 4.1; NOT FOR SALE OR95% DISTRIBUTIONCI, 1.6–10.1).68 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Animal studies using rodent and sheep models have facilitated our understanding about the relationship between infection/inflammation and brain damage. The major culprit ap- pears to be ©upregulation Jones & ofBartlett cytokine Learning, and chemokines LLC that induce an inflammatory© Jones response. & Bartlett Learning, LLC TNF alfa, IL 1-beta, IL-6, and IL-8 have been reported to damage brain cells, especially pre- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 69 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION oligodendroglia and oligodendroglia, thereby hampering myelination. This work has also shown that fetal exposure to specific inflammatory mediators induced hypotension in preterm fetuses that resulted in white matter damage whereas term fetuses did not respond with pro- found hypotension.70 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOTInfection/Inflammation FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION There is now a strong and persuasive body of evidence from animal experiments and human data demonstrating that intrauterine and extrauterine infection/inflammation cause preterm labor and preterm birth via the actions of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Intrauterine infection © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC is commonly the result of ascent of lower genital tract microorganisms leading initially to cho- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION riodecidual activation and inflammation, and subsequently membrane inflammation, amniotic fluid invasion, and then fetal systemic infection from inhalation and/or ingestion of contami- nated amniotic fluid. The fetal response is characterized by migration of fetal leucocytes from fetal vessels in the chorionic plate and into the Wharton’s jelly of the umbilical cord, so-called funisitis. There© Jones may be & a Bartlettmore generalized Learning, fetal inflammation—the LLC fetal systemic© Jones inflammatory & Bartlett Learning, LLC response syndromeNOT FOR (FSIRS) SALE71—probably OR DISTRIBUTION mediated in part by widespread endothelialNOT injury.FOR 72SALE OR DISTRIBUTION FSIRS is associated with hypotension, neonatal seizures, need for intubation, meconium aspira- tion syndrome, multiorgan dysfunction, chorioamnionitis, preterm delivery, hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy or neonatal encephalopathy,73-75 intraventricular hemorrhage,76 white matter © Jonesdamage, & Bartlettperiventricular Learning, leukomalacia, LLC bronchopulmonary dysplasia,© Jones and & cerebral Bartlett palsy Learning, in the LLC NOTterm FOR and SALE near-term OR infant.DISTRIBUTION77 It is probably the most common NOTantecedent FOR of SALE low Apgar OR scores DISTRIBUTION and other indicators of neonatal depression.75,78 Fetal demise from overwhelming or growth restriction may also occur.79 It has been suggested that intrauterine exposure to infection causes fetal overproduction of cytokines, leading to cellular damage in the fetal brain. One study © Jones & Bartlettfound Learning, increased LLClevels of inflammatory cytokines© Jones in the &amniotic Bartlett fluid Learning, of infants withLLC white NOT FOR SALE ORmatter DISTRIBUTION lesions and these cytokines were overexpressedNOT FOR in theSALE OR of infants DISTRIBUTION who have periven- tricular leukomalacia.80

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORInfection/Inflammation DISTRIBUTION and Hypoxia/AsphyxiaNOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Several animal and human studies suggest that infection/inflammation increases the magnitude of hypoxia/asphyxial brain damage.43,65 Sameshima et al. analyzed 139 cases following clinical cho- rioamnionitis and the highest odds ratio for brain damage was fetal tachycardia and prematurity. In premature© neonates,Jones &infection/inflammation Bartlett Learning, per LLC se can be the cause of brain ©damage Jones especially & Bartlett Learning, LLC white matterNOT injury; FOR however, SALE in the OR term/near-term DISTRIBUTION neonates, infection/inflammationNOT FORis often SALE a OR DISTRIBUTION prerequisite for hypoxic brain damage.81 In contrast, some studies on premature rodent fetuses have found that inflammatory mediators induce preconditioning, which then protects or attenuates the effects of subsequent © Jones & 82,83Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC hypoxia. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Definitive conclusions about the effect of infection/inflammation in preterm and term human fetuses are difficult to reach until more is known about several other modulating factors including dose and duration of exposure, the fetal response to different bacterial endotoxins, and the role of © Jones & Bartlettthe Learning, immune system LLC cascade. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION C. Uteroplacental Insufficiency and Intrauterine Growth Restriction If exposed to acute hypoxic insults such as uterine contractions during labor, a fetus experienc- ing chronically© Jones hypoxemic & Bartlett condition Learning,will deteriorate LLC more rapidly than will a well-oxygenated© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC fetus.84-86 WestgateNOT FOR et al. imposedSALE asphyxiaOR DISTRIBUTION by cord occlusion on two cohorts of fetalNOT lambs, FOR one SALE OR DISTRIBUTION group exposed to chronic hypoxia and the other was a nonhypoxemic group. The hypoxemic group became hypotensive and acidemic more rapidly than did the nonhypoxemic group with statistical significance.87 Other studies have replicated these results.88 Overall it appears that © Joneshypoxemic & Bartlett fetuses have Learning, less reserve LLC of anaerobic capacity and less© Jonesglycogen & storage Bartlett in the Learning, heart LLC NOTthan FOR nonhypoxemic SALE OR fetuses,DISTRIBUTION which increases their vulnerabilityNOT to subsequent FOR SALE acute hypoxial OR DISTRIBUTION stressors.89,90

D. Intrauterine Tachysystole © Jones & BartlettOne Learning, of the most LLCcommon problems during the© intrapartum Jones & period Bartlett is uterine Learning, tachysystole LLC or NOT FOR SALE OR­hyp ertonus,DISTRIBUTION which in clinical practice is often NOTdue to FORoxytocin SALE administered OR DISTRIBUTION for labor induction or augmentation. Uterine contractions decrease blood flow in the uterine artery with uterine end-­ diastolic velocity reaching zero when the intrauterine pressure exceeds approximately 35 mmHg.91,92 It is well established that fetal cerebral oxygenation is decreased during or immediately following a uterine contraction© Jones and & an Bartlett inter-contraction Learning, of interval LLC of approximately 60 seconds© Jones or more & is Bartlett Learning, LLC 93,94 optimal for exchangeNOT FOR of respiratory SALE OR gases. DISTRIBUTION Furthermore, placental perfusion mayNOT be reduced FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION to a greater degree when exogenous is used to stimulate uterine contractions although Doppler studies assessing the effect of induced uterine contractions on placental blood flow are preliminary.95 © JonesEpisodes & Bartlett of tachysystole Learning, are relatively LLC common during labor ©and Jones the large & majority Bartlett of fetusesLearning, LLC NOThave FOR sufficient SALE ORreserve DISTRIBUTION to tolerate short periods of tachysystole.NOT However, FOR case SALE control OR studies DISTRIBUTION of newborns with metabolic acidemia at birth have found these infants were likely to have experi- enced more periods of tachysystole that were associated with more FHR decelerations and deeper FHR decelerations when compared to newborns without metabolic acidemia.96,97 Thus, the clinical © Jones & Bartlettcorrelate Learning, is clear LLCto maternity care providers. Clinical© Jones management & Bartlett must Learning, be directed toward LLC pre- NOT FOR SALE ORvention DISTRIBUTION of tachysystole when possible. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORV. DISTRIBUTION treatments for NNOTewb FORorns SALE OR wi DISTRIBUTIONth Neonatal Encephalopathy A. Therapeutic Hypothermia Therapeutic© hypothermiaJones & Bartlettis a milestone Learning, therapy for LLC neonatal asphyxia in this millennium.© Jones Several& Bartlett Learning, LLC animal studiesNOT have FOR confirmed SALE that OR therapeutic DISTRIBUTION hypothermia effectively preventedNOT or FOR mitigated SALE OR DISTRIBUTION brain damage in the fetus and newborn with hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy.56 Following thera- peutic findings in animal research, hypothermia has been applied to human neonates. Almost all clinical trials have been carried out using a similar protocol, i.e., inclusion criteria of more than © Jones35 weeks & Bartlettof gestational Learning, age, evidence LLC of asphyxia, and neonatal encephalopathy.© Jones & Bartlett Cooling to Learning, between LLC NOT33.5 FOR and SALE 34.5°C coreOR temperatureDISTRIBUTION is started within 6 hours of life,NOT which FOR implies SALE that theOR cooling DISTRIBUTION is instituted before the second energy failure begins, and is continued for 72 hours. A Cochrane meta-analysis of 11 randomized clinical trials (n = 1505 infants) found that therapeutic hypother- mia was associated with a significant reduction in neonatal mortality (RR 0.75; 95% CI 0.64–0.88) 98 © Jones & Bartlettand Learning, neurodevelopmental LLC disability in survivors© (RR Jones 0.77; 95%& Bartlett CI 0.63–0.94). Learning, The adverse LLC effects NOT FOR SALE ORincluded DISTRIBUTION sinus bradycardia, skin and scalp reddeningNOT FOR and hardening, SALE OR subcutaneous DISTRIBUTION fat necrosis, coagulopathy, sepsis, and thrombocytopenia.98 Because a certain number of candidates for thera- peutic hypothermia are born in hospitals that do not have access to a neonatal intensive care unit, a passive hypothermia strategy, i.e., avoiding pyrexia, should be applied until these infants can be transferred to an institution that can institute cooling. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC The mechanismNOT FOR by which SALE cooling OR is DISTRIBUTION effective includes decreasing metabolismNOT and suppressingFOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION several of the pathologic cascades that lead to cell death such as relief of excitatory amino acid, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and the inflammation process.99 Infants who have received hypothermic therapy have shown delayed change in MRI evolution compared to those without hypothermia, 100 © Joneswhich &indicates Bartlett that Learning, hypothermia LLC widens the therapeutic window.© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION B. New Adjuvant Therapy Although therapeutic hypothermia has become the routine therapeutic modality for infants with hypoxic–ischemic neonatal encephalopathy, almost 40% of infants who receive therapeutic hypo- thermia have an adverse neurologic disability. New adjuvant therapies that provide neuroprotec- © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC tion for these infants is needed and research is assessing treatments such as melatonin, NOT FOR SALE ORxenon, DISTRIBUTION , anticonvulsants, and stemNOT cell FOR therapy. SALE OR DISTRIBUTION VI. CONCLUSION Numerous studies© Jones have &evaluated Bartlett the Learning,relationship betweenLLC FHR patterns and subsequent© Jones new &- Bartlett Learning, LLC born acidemia,NOT neonatal FOR encephalopathy,SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and/or cerebral palsy. The identificationNOT of intrapartumFOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION events and newborn umbilical artery indices that suggest cerebral palsy is related to intrapartum asphyxia, provides some criteria for subscribing an etiology once cerebral palsy has occurred.56 However, maternity care clinicians need to know what intrapartum indices are prospectively © Jonespredictive & Bartlett and this informationLearning, is LLC not yet available. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FORTo illustrate SALE theOR problem, DISTRIBUTION the magnitude of damage followingNOT fetal FOR asphyxia SALE is shown OR DISTRIBUTION in Table 5-7. The “overprediction” of newborn morbidity from FHR deceleration patterns is ­striking, as abnormal FHR patterns are 100-fold more common than severe metabolic acidosis­ at birth. Even FHR patterns with diminished or absent variability do not consistently pre- © Jones & Bartlettdict Learning, immediate morbidityLLC by approximately 10-fold.© Jones Newborn & Bartlett umbilical Learning, artery pH LLC of less NOT FOR SALE ORthan DISTRIBUTION 7.0 occurs in ­approximately 3 to 4 per 1000NOT births. FOR Although SALE OR a pH DISTRIBUTION of less than 7.0 and a

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE ORTable DISTRIBUTION 5-7 Fetal Heart Rate MonitoringNOT and FOR Newborn SALE OROutcome DISTRIBUTION Incidence n/1000 Live Births Intrapartum FHR Variant patterns© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 300/1000 © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC Variant patternsNOT with FOR decreased SALE variability OR DISTRIBUTION 30/1000 NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Immediate newborn outcome Umbilical artery pH ¯ 7.0 3.4/1000 Newborn seizures 3.1/1000 © JonesLong-term & Bartlett outcome Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT CerebralFOR SALE palsy due OR to all DISTRIBUTION causes NOT2.5/1000 FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION Cerebral palsy due to intrapartum asphyxia 0.25/1000

base deficit of more than 12 mmol/L are the best threshold values positively associated with © Jones & Bartlett­ne wbornLearning, morbidity, LLC the absolute number of ©infants Jones with & metabolic Bartlett acidosis Learning, at birth LLC who have NOT FOR SALE ORneurologic DISTRIBUTION impairment is quite small and theNOT majority FOR of newbornsSALE OR with DISTRIBUTION these values will have normal outcomes. Perhaps most importantly, the factors that increase vulnerability for brain damage such as infection and premature gestational age have been identified but the ­quantitative contribution of these factors to the incidence of brain damage following asphyxia has not been© determined.Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION References 1. Yaffe H, Parer JT, Block BS, Llanos AJ. Cardiorespiratory responses to graded reductions in uter- ine blood flow in the sheep fetus. J Dev Physiol. 1987;9:325-336. © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 2. Itskovitz J, LaGamma EF, Rudolph AM. The effect of reducing umbilical blood flow on fetal oxy- NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION genation. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1983;145:813-818. 3. Parer JT. The effect of acute maternal hypoxia on fetal oxygenation and the umbilical circulation in the sheep. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1980;10:125-136. 4. Impey L, Greenwood C, MacQuillan K, Reynolds M, Sheil O. Fever in labour and neonatal © Jones & Bartlett Learning,encephalopathy: LLC a prospective cohort study.© BJOG. Jones 2001;108:594-597. & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR5. DISTRIBUTIONImpey LW, Greenwood CE, Black RS, Yeh PS,NOT Sheil FOR O, Doyle SALE P. The OR relationship DISTRIBUTION between intrapar- tum maternal fever and neonatal acidosis as risk factors for neonatal encephalopathy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008;198:49.e1-49.e6. 6. Cohn HE, Sacks EJ, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM. Cardiovascular responses to hypoxemia and acidemia© inJones fetal lambs. & Bartlett Am J Obstet Learning, Gynecol. 1974;120:817-824. LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 7. WladimiroffNOT JW,FOR van SALE der Wijngaard OR DISTRIBUTION JA, Degani S, Noordam MJ, van Eyck J, TongeNOT HM. FOR Cerebral SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and umbilical arterial blood flow velocity waveforms in normal and growth-retarded . Obstet Gynecol. 1987;69:705-709. 8. Figueroa-Diesel H, Hernandez-Andrade E, Acosta-Rojas R, Cabero L, Gratacos E. Doppler © Jones changes& Bartlett in the mainLearning, fetal brain LLC arteries at different stages of ©hemodynamic Jones & Bartlettadaptation inLearning, severe LLC intrauterine growth restriction. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2007;30:297-302. NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION NOT FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION 9. Ruess ML, Parer JT, Harris JL, Krueger TR. Hemodynamic effects of alpha-adrenergic blockade during hypoxia in fetal sheep. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1982;142:410-415. 10. Morrison S, Gardner DS, Fletcher AJ, Bloomfield MR, Giussani DA. Enhanced nitric oxide activ- ity offsets peripheral vasoconstriction during acute hypoxaemia via chemoreflex and adrenomed- © Jones & Bartlett Learning,ullary actions LLC in the sheep fetus. J Physiol. 2003;547(pt© Jones 1):283-291.& Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR11. DISTRIBUTIONFisher DJ, Heymann MA, Rudolph MA. FetalNOT myocardial FOR SALE oxygen andOR carbohydrate DISTRIBUTION consumption during acutely induced hypoxemia. Am J Physiol. 1982;242:H657-H661.

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© Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC NOT FOR SALE OR60. DISTRIBUTIONMallard EC, Williams CE, Gunn AJ, GunningNOT MI, Gluckman FOR SALE PD. Frequent OR DISTRIBUTION episodes of brief ischemia sensitize the fetal sheep brain to neuronal loss and induce striatal injury. Pediatr Res. 1993;33(1):61-65. 61. Nikas I, Dermentzoglou V, Thefonopoulou M, Theofanopolou V. Parasagittal lesions and ulegy- ria in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: neuroimaging findings and review of the pathogenesis. J Child© Neurol. Jones 2008;23(1):51-58. & Bartlett Learning, LLC © Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 62. TakashimaNOT S, ItohFOR M, SALEOka A. A OR history DISTRIBUTION of our understanding of cerebral vascularNOT development FOR SALE OR DISTRIBUTION and pathogenesis of perinatal brain damage over the past 30 years. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2009; 16(4):226-236. 63. Raju TN, Nelson KB, Ferriero D, Lynch JK; NICHD-NINDS Workshop Partici- pants. 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