GSH/Newsletter 5/99
VOL. 33, NO. 9 NEWSLETTER MAY 1999 Technical Breakfast the corresponding Wiener filters and the output seismic phase errors are I N S I D E Applying Relative Entropy smaller. Spectrum Deconvolution Speaker biography: GSH Meetings _______________ John F. Parrish received a B.S. Date: Thursday degree in physics (1964) from Loyola GSH Technical Breakfast, May 13, 1999 University of Los Angeles, then M.S. May 13 ......................................................... 1 Time: 7:00 a.m. breakfast, and Ph.D. degrees in physics (1966 & 7:45 a.m. Upcoming Meetings ..................................... 1 1969) from Massachusetts Institute of presentation, Technology. After working for Hughes 8:15 to 8:30 a.m. SIPES Continuing Education Seminar ......... 3 Aircraft Company, Ground Systems Q&A Group, as a radar engineer and for Reservoir Geophysics SIG ........................... 6 Place: CGG, Park Row, NASA, ERC, as an infrared Houston, Texas. 1999 GSH Annual Meeting .......................... 7 spectroscopist, he joined Shell Cost: No cost Development Company as a 1999 SEG Annual Meeting ........................ 13 Reservations: by noon Monday, geophysicist in 1969. He has worked April 5. Code 607 Worldwide Technology Forum .................... 15 on diverse projects within Shell Oil Company, serving as party-chief, John F. Parrish inventor, future-ologist, supervisor of Shell E&P Technology Company Articles and Comments _______ geophysical programming, and flying A theoretical exposition of doctor. His current interests include minimum relative entropy spectrum Review of Visualization Conference ............. 4 3D deconvolution, quantitative signal deconvolution (REDCON) was processing for seismic imaging, and Geo Events Calendar Info .......................... 11 presented in November 1997 at the interference and noise suppression. Legislative Up-date .................................... 12 67th Annual International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Houston - Geosciences: Geophysicists.
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