Curriculum Vitae Samuel J. Thomas, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, 48824;
[email protected] Faculty member, January 1966 through May 2011. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Publications/Exhibits: “Empowering the People of God: John Cardinal Dearden’s Church of Tomorrow,” in Jeremy Bonner et al, eds., Empowering the People of God: Catholic Action before and after Vatican II (New York: Fordham University Press, 2014), 249-273; 362-375. “Immanence and Transcendence: John Cardinal Dearden’s Church of Tomorrow.” American Catholic Studies, Vol. 121 (Winter, 2010), 1-30. “No Holds Barred: Political Cartoons and Gilded Age Politics”: A Multi-media Exhibit, MSU Museum, August 24-December 31, 2008, “Episcopal Authority and Clerical Dissent: Walter J. Burghardt, S.J. and Humanae Vitae.” American Catholic Studies, Vol. 119 (Summer 2008), 35-69. “Political Cartoons of the Gilded Age,” a “critical documentary essay” in the digital collection, The Gilded Age. Alexandria Virginia: Alexander St. Press, 2007. "A 'final disposition one way or another': The Real End of the First Curran Affair," The Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 91 (October 2005), 214-242. "Teaching the GAPE (and other periods) with Political Cartoons: A Systematic Approach to Primary Source Analysis," The History Teacher, Vol. 37 (August 2004), 425-446. "Mugwump Cartoonists, the Papacy and Tammany Hall in America’s Gilded Age," for Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation, Vol. 14 (Summer 2004) 213-250. "Holding the Tiger: Mugwump Cartoonists and Tammany Hall in Gilded Age New York," New York History, LXXXII (Spring, 2001), 155-182. “In No Sense an Inquisition: Alexander Zaleski and the Bishops’ Committee on Doctrine, 1966-1970,” Polish American Studies, LVII (Spring 2000), 55-72.