Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc. I ' I Nev\/Sletter.
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CANBERRA BUSHWALKING CLUB INC. I ' I NEV\/SLETTER. P.O.Box 160, Canberra City, A.C.T. 2601 Registered for posting as a periodical Category B.. Price 20c. Vol, 13 JUNEI977 . N o ;6 .... JIJNE'GENERAL MEETINGi Wednesdaj'I5 át'Land lJse'Research Building, OSIRO, Black Mountain, 7 0 45 onwards. 1 Entertainment: Films on oodchiping"and the. escarpment area of Arnhem Land. .. COITTEE JEETflW- At Sandra Morton's home, 8 SwainsonaStreet O'Connor. There were a few extra faces at the last,metting and We would like. to see more at this one. Cothealong and stir up the cotwiittee on monday June 27. IT COLLATION- All the southsiders are expected to turn up. ja full force on Tuesday July 12 at 88B1ackood Terrace Holder. This is the home of the man with a hat. ntiaj. School-lJnj. of New England, Armidale, .23-28 August, 1977. ational Estate-taking stock of Austra ha's heritage. This'. looks like being an important meeting, dealing with all aspects of the Australian heritage, including those of expecial interest to members of. this club,,Attending and, speaking will be (amongst others) David Yencken,'Milo Dunphy, Max Bourke John Morris, br. Harry Recher, Prof.' Ray Specht, Prof. John Burton and possibly Judith Wright. Brochures are available from Terry Jordan.,.:. Queen nf Canberra- Yes, we have been invited to nominate 'one. The' nomineehas to be betsveen.17 and 30, married or &ingl'e, and yes, female. All girls in the club are 'invited to shine up their knobbly knees-we will be watching ybu Winter ,'alking in Queensland- Since theprevious notice, ideas have crystahised to some extent and it is now planned to do two separate bushwalks. 'One in the Cooktown - Daintree area and the other on Hinchinbrook Island. Departure date is tentatively set for the end of July and it' is 'exp'e&ted 'that the 'entire trip would occupy approximately 3 weeks. Total. 'transport costs should be in theorder"df $320. There i' room on the trip for a co,xplt of' extra starters. Anyone interested should contact' Frank Rigby by the end of June. Frank's phone numbers are (w) 832242 and (h) 491198. Overseas Trips- I have received a brothute from' A1itral1an linialayan'.'' Expeditions. They appear torunsimiliar trips to Ausventure but have two levels of trip, the usual "all laid on" type and "exploratory" types where you carry your own gear but tents and food are provided. Anyone ,ho would ,hike the brochure please ace me0 - Gary Medaris. Par Sale- I new Dunlop SP 41 Radial Tyre, 165,SR 13 Tubeless. Best Offer contact Lyle BUrgess. June IT Page 2 For Sl - I acquired a down waistcoat for $25 through my cousin he ust think I'm Marilyn Munroe plus. The waistcoat has a II? cm (46") chest and is 71 cm (28") long, with a st nd up padded collar. Viendy Davidson (message during school hours 489974) ,.Thats even too big for Mr. Scott Ianted- Some one who would like a room and all meals in a house in for 35 a week plus one third oil, electr1ty an,d telephono. expens s .' Ring 1(atrire Porré 469290 (*) ' ---- 000 ----- KELLY. C0UNTRYThere has ben a certain amount of confusion recently over exactly what is, what in. the Southern Brindabollas, Many feat- ures here have names attached to them by those who most frequently visi.tthe aroa. These hames are not on the maps. Most..are not accept-..:. ed by any official hod but all occur fairly frequently in these pages; The following map references aptly to either the ACTI:IO0,000 sheet" or alternatively the Tantngara or Brindabella sheets. Mt. Mavis 722492 :. Mavis Ridge 704522 to 769442 Mt. Myrtle: 709480 . '. Mt.X. 714461. •.:.. .. Mt. Murgatroyde 690462 Mt. McKeahnie generally applied to the Trig at 697636 Mt. Med 697612, labelled iVIt. McKeahnie ° • falman' 784647 •.- . : .. Mt. Urroral 748537 (there is no tower as marked). OrroraL.Ride, 754617 to 774873 (for features along this ridge see C Rock Climbs of the ACT) Middle Flats 724478 Kelly Fiats, or Rotten Swamp' 707467 Sams, Qreek. Flats 700448 The, Tam 687431 Eighty Acres 690580 Cotter Rock 699554 Billy Billy Rocks 719689 als o Colinton Gorge Between 91020.5 and 922268 Notth Tjnderry 048493 Onion 056458 South Tinderry 053450 ---- 000---- N0TICEQji.OIjDJj -Jhne General Meeting That the standard rate for transport cots on club trips be raised to 9c/km for cars over 1700cc engine capacity and • 7c/kni for crs" under 1700cc. Moved .lan Vidlor - Seconded Ann Gibbs-Jordan . .. - ' Qoaimitta .Re.umit . Since I hastily wrote my comments last month I have been doin some more research and more thinking. I have concluded that it is not practical to formally include desirable contingencies in the formula as it woul.d require an elahcrate,ly programmed computer to set the rate. My considered opinion is that. the fairest overall method would be simply x cents/km/passenger with aajustments for car snuffles etc. etc • I have nat recommended this for two reasons - widespreid .opposit-. ion from my sounding boards.v, and stories of possible increased legal complications due to various laws designed to protent. thn nil. June IT Page 3 and other such'battlers, I thus ended up back at the 1974 report (Nov. 1974 IT) 9 perhaps by a similar path to the one Tollowed by that committee. Using the same formulae that is did (charge running costs and one quarter'of depreciation bft.standing costs - registration insurande etc.), I arrived at the teult recommended in the moticn. This cross-checked with the report's alternative method - increase transport costs proportionally to petrol cost increases ( it assumed 65c/gal, I have assumed I8.6c/litre: see me if you want the break- down by the full method)0 Under the proposed rates rouiiding off has made it cheaper to take large cars (2.25c/km/passenger compared with 2.33c/km/passenger. This seems acceptable in the interests of simplicity. Leaders are reminded that- (a) They should include an estimate of transport costs on the bookins sheet. (b: The drivers are INCLUDED when viorking out the costs per person, and costs are averaged over the whole party Leaders should modify thetndard ratei1whei appropriate, for example (i) Increase the rate if subs- tantial travel on rough roads is involved0 (ii) decrease the rate for long distances on good reads, (iii) Adjust the rate for vehicles carrying an abnormally large or small number of people. (iv) Adjust the rate for cars, taking part in car shuffles etc. (v) Increase the rate for very short trips to allow for distance travelled in picking up passengers. (vi) "fair go" adjustments by mutual consent, such as calling a marginal' large' car Ath only 3 occupants' a' '2 mall' car', or a marginal 'small ' car with 4 occupants a'la±'ge' car. (vii) Any other adjustment to .achievo and equitable rate. (viii) Adjustment to simplify settlent (eg. round to nearest). NOTE THE PROPOSED RATES ARE ROUNDED DO'LTh.TL\.RDS - I RECO MMEND MIOTHER REVIEW WITHIN 12 MONTHS Alan Vidler 525231 (w) TCE OP MOTION - Club organised trips avoid camping in Monolith Valley in the Budawangs. Moved: Gary Medaris Seconded: Terry Jordan Due to the scenic beatty of the area many walkers on both club trips and privat trips have camped in Monolith Valley, This has caused an overuse of the area to the extent that:- -- wood for fires is almost non-existent. -- urhen like suburbs appear on some weekends. -- water in one of the main creeks is 'suspect' and has caused some people to be ill, -- thç.,track from Yadboro to the Valley is in an appalling state. If the jotion is passed I will be urging the Conservation Sub-Committee to follow the matter through by Publicity - to other clubs Contacting park authorities to find out possibilities of controll- ing the numbers of walkers entering the valley area and upgrading the Kaliana Ridge track. Gary Medaris ---- 000---- TREASURER' S REPORT MAY Genernj,Fj Opening Balance (1.9.76) 391,25 Receipts to date 1652.57 Balance 2043.82 Expenditure to date iaz Balance 604.54 604,54 U U.flU IT Page 4 Opening Balance (1.9.76) 296.09 Receipts to Date 431 .00 Balance 727.09 Expenditure to date Balance 636.86 636,86 Opening Balance (1,9.76) 200.00 (No transactions) 2Qa00 Balance of General Account 1441.40 Rec oncikt Th? vi Ck$Ji?S cT.12U2± Balance as at 13,5,77 1494J5 Less unprescnted cheques _sasj .IflLLQ .Lu 1tQatiomFi'th No transactions since last report Bank Balance as at 1.4.77 2301.39 Money held in government b nds I 4 QjQ,Q Total ILQI .39 Mt Fj'j 1nk]j ij&. RecEipts 237.00 Expenditure to 18.5.77 160.35 Tony Herlt 23.5.77 ---- 000---- C0MIV1ITflI0TES - May Committee Meeting I. The Treasurer reports that 8 people have not claimed food money from Mt. Franklin, Jould they please do so as soon as possible. A dance is being organised at the Tharwa Hall for the 29th July (Friday). A bush band has been engaged and a theme is being sought.- more details later. Frank MulleT has ihvited the club to contribute to the Fortnightly Environment programme on 2XXC One possibility is a fcomplete session (hal±'hour) on wilderness, possibly in a question - and - answer format. Russ Bauer is looking for helpers Mecting entertainment projected: July- The Auction- auctioneer needed :ugust- Peter Helman on wildcness OctobEr - the Slide & Photo competition. Car rates were discussed - see motion in this It, Bylaws- Alan lJidler has collated from past minutes of meetings dioisiofls that might make up a set of by-laws for the Club.