Arrest in Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
WÏATHE* FORECt ST TIMES TELEPHONES Victoria end Vicinity — Light to modgtatc wind#; continued tine and moderately warm. • _ Vancouver and Vicinity ^-Continued I VOL. 85 NO. 68 VICTORIA, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20. 1934 —24 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS RAINBOW WINS THIRD RACE OF CUP SERIES Arrest In Lindbergh Kidnapping Case Endeavour Leads Way To POLICE SEIZE SAILED TO-DAY IN CUP RACE accused HAN Half-way Mark, But Loses MAN AND FIND GIVES ALIBI When Borrowed Jib Fails RANSOM MONEY D. Meisner, Charged in La- Series Now Stands at Two Victories for Endeavour batt Kidnapping, Sur EXPECT GOOD and One for Rainbow; Endeavour's Margin at renders in Detroit Fifteen-mile Buoy To-day Nearly Seven Minutes, Richard Hauptmann, Bronx, But Vanderbilt Able to Outsail Her on Second Now in Cell in New York JAVA VOLCANO Detroit, Sept. 20—David Meisner, one of two men sought In con TAXPAYMENT Fifteen Miles When Old Genoa Jib of U.8. Sloop City and $13,750 of the IN ERUPTION nection with the kidnapping of John K. La butt, wealthy brewer, of Vanitie Fails to Draw Properly; Rainbow's Lead Money J. F. Condon Paid Canadian Pres* from Havas London. Ont., surrendered to De Flow of Ratepayers’ Money Batavia. Java, Kept. 20.—Terror troit police to-day and said he had to City Coffers Augurs Well at Finish Half Mile on Behalf of Col. C. A. reigned to-day In the centre of an allbL Lindbergh in Hands of the Island as Mem pi. one of the for Year’s Collections smaller peaks of Java’s string of "I was at my home In Cincinnati Authorities as Other twenty-six active volcanoes, wak during the whole time of the kid By ANDREW MERKEL, Canadian Frew Staff Writer ened to unexpected activity and napping," Meisner said.
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