Official Explorer Tower of Museum

Shalom and welcome to the Tower of David Museum

Your mission is to explore Jerusalem's history and discover the many different people who have been here before you. There is a lot of information to find so ask the adult with you if s/he will be on your team. When you finish, you'll become an Official Jerusalem Explorer – and you can check your answers on our website.

Ready? Then let's go! Follow the signs to the PANORAMA

Start by walking up to the tower that King Herod built. On your way up the steps, look to the left at the tower to spot the huge stones that he used to build Jerusalem. You can tell that they are from Herod’s time (about 2000 years ago) because they have a border around them, a little bit like a 1 picture frame.

Can you shade in the border to make this box look like one of King Herod’s stones?

Keep going up to the very top!

From the top of the tower you can see Jerusalem, its hills, towers and buildings.

Look all around and mark the sites you find:

q q

Mount of Olives The windmill above Mishkenot Sha'ananim

q q

Dome of the Rock Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Do you know where the Western Wall (The Kotel) is? You can’t see it but it’s below the Dome of the Rock, the retaining wall of the Temple Mount Compound where the Jewish Temple stood.

Go back down the stairs and follow the signs to the EXHIBIT. First Temple Period Room

3000 years ago, King David captured Jerusalem, made it the capital of his kingdom and united the 12 tribes. 2

Look at these exhibits, and then draw a line between the name of the king and his contribution to the city.

King David Created a water system in Jerusalem King Was the first King Hezekiah Built the First Temple in Jerusalem

Find the hologram of Solomon’s Temple. Can you jump high enough to see it all?

What year was the 1st Temple destroyed? (Circle the answer)

200 CE 586 BCE 70 CE 1948 CE

Leave the First Temple Room and take the stairs down on your right. Enter the 2nd Temple Room. Babylonian Exile and Return to Zion

After 50 years of exile, at the time of King Cyrus of Persia, the Israelites returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt their Temple. On the wall panel you can see King Cyrus sitting on his royal throne accompanied by his servants.

3 Look at the panel, how do you know that he is the king? Find 5 things that he has that are different from his servants.

Umbrella Scepter Throne Royal Horse Robe Royal Carriage Diamond Jewels Crown

Hasmonean Period

Jerusalem has been conquered and re-conquered time and time again and again. When the Hellenist rulers came to Jerusalem, they brought their own culture and placed idols in the Temple.

Find the glass drawing that shows the Maccabees (part of the big `Hasmonean family) destroying the idols and purifying (cleaning) the Temple.

What Jewish holiday is celebrated to remember this event? ______

Draw the symbol that was used on the coin minted by the last Hasmonean king:

SPECIAL MISSION! Before you leave the Museum, find the ballistra (catapult) stones that are in the archaeological courtyard from this time period- around 2000 years ago! Herodian Period

Under King , Jerusalem became one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Find the diorama of the “Temple in its Glory”. The Temple Mount 3 was huge (as big as 12 football fields!) and Jews from all over the world came on pilgrimage three times a year.

Look at all the people who came to the Temple. You probably can't even count them all. How many do you think there are?

Look for the 3 towers in the picture of Herod's Palace in Jerusalem. You climbed up one of those towers! Which do you think it was?

The Jews wanted to be free of Roman rule and fought against the Roman Empire. However, the Roman army eventually destroyed the city.

Look at the diorama of the fall of Jerusalem. Look at the soldiers and circle the kinds of weapons you can see:

What year was the 2nd Temple destroyed? ______

Now leave the room and go outside. Turn left and go to the corner where you’ll see a statue. Don't forget to drink some water too!

Who is it? (Circle one) Noah Moses David Roman and Byzantine Period Room

The Romans in Jerusalem After the destruction of the Temple, Jerusalem became a truly Roman city with a new name, Aelia Capitolina. Some of the Roman soldiers 4 were based in the Tower of David (the very one that you walked up at the beginning of this tour!). In the painting, you can see the straight roads that the Romans built and the main shopping street.

What do you think that they sold here? Did you know that the Cardo still exists today!

If you were making a coin for Jerusalem today, what symbol would you put on it?

Cross to the other side of the room – and you’ll move from Roman Jerusalem to Christian Jerusalem. This is the time that the first churches were built in Jerusalem.

Find the beautiful mosaic on the floor.

How many palm trees can you find? ______

How many bunches of grapes? ______

Does the floor in your home look like this? This is how they made fancy floors during the Byzantine Period … a very very very long time ago … about 1700 years ago!

Leave the room. Continue straight ahead until you get to the corner of the courtyard - turn left through the stone arch near the chiseled wall.

Congratulations! You are now over half way through your mission! Early Muslim Period

You are now standing in a gallery that was once used as a . Can you see the pulpit called the and the prayer niche called the ? One of the reasons that Jerusalem is holy to Islam is 5 Muhammed’s famous night journey. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks:

The picture shows the Prophet Muhammad flying from Mecca to ______on the back of Al-Buraq, his magical ______

In 638, Caliph Omar conquered Jerusalem and made it a Muslim city.

Circle the symbol of Islam CLUE: Look at the top of the model of the Dome of the Rock.

Do you remember seeing the Dome of the Rock from the top of the tower?

Crusader Period In 1099 (about 900 years ago) the Christian Crusader Knights came from Europe and conquered Jerusalem. There were many different orders of knights.

Who Said What?

"I speak "I care for "I protect "I protect German." the wounded lepers." pilgrims on the way and sick." to Jerusalem." Order of St. Lazarus Teutonic Hospitaler Templar was next to conquer Jerusalem in 1187. Look for him sitting in his tent!

When you leave the room, turn left and go straight on towards the room.

On the way, look down and you will see a pile of round stones. Do you remember your mission from the Maccabees? (see page 3)

If you like adventures – go up the stairs and enjoy the magnificent views from the tops of the turrets ... and then come back down and continue on!

Mamluk Period

The next people to rule in Jerusalem were the in 1260

There were many different communities living in Jerusalem at this time 6 (about 800 years ago!) Each community was identified by a different colored turban.

Draw a line to the color that matches the community.

Samaritan Moslem Christian Jewish Ottoman Rule in Jerusalem

Sultan Suleiman was the next to conquer Jerusalem in 1517. This was the beginning of Ottoman Rule in Jerusalem. 7 Look for the pictures of Ottoman builders. was a great builder. What did he build?

(1) He built the walls around the city. q True q False

(2) He restored this citadel, the Tower of David. q True q False

(3) He built an Olympic-sized swimming pool in Jerusalem q True q False

(4) He restored the Dome of the Rock. q True q False

(5) He restored Jerusalem’s water system. q True q False

Look at all the people who came to the fountain for water.

Match who is who by number!

2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3

Sepharadi Jew Arab Woman European Visitor

Turkish Soldier Greek Orthodox Priest Arab Water Carrier

Arab Peasant Armenian Priest 19th Century Jerusalem

In the 19th century (about 150 years ago), many Europeans began to come to Jerusalem.

Your great, great, great, great grandparents will have lived at this time. Up 8 until now, visitors to Jerusalem arrived on foot, by donkey and by camel. Now there were new kinds of transportation.

Go to your right and watch the little movie and look at the display. From the display and movie, circle the new way that people came to Jerusalem:

Lots of people came to live in Jerusalem and new neighborhoods were built.

This is a picture of Mishkenot Shaananim, the FIRST neighborhood built in Jerusalem outside the city walls.

Do you remember seeing the windmill from the top of the tower? 20th Century Jerusalem

In 1917, Otttoman Jerusalem surrendered to the British Army. On May 14, 1948, the independent State of Israel was declared with Jerusalem as its capital.

9 Find the television screens. Which flag belongs to which country?

Great Britain

Draw the flag of the State of Israel:

Well done! You have walked through thousands of years of history and discovered so many people who have been to Jerusalem before you!

Now you are an Official Jerusalem Explorer! Ask about Spectacular to the Night discount tickets 5 4 3 6 7 2 8 9 The Night Spectacular


Explore the story of Jerusalem in a celebration of music and Jerusalem in a celebration of the story Explore

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