430 bus time schedule & line map

430 - Redhill - East Hospital - View In Website Mode - Redhill - Merstham

The 430 bus line (Merstham - Redhill - East Surrey Hospital - Reigate - Redhill - Merstham) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Merstham: 6:31 AM - 9:57 PM (2) South Park: 10:57 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 430 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 430 bus arriving.

Direction: Merstham 430 bus Time Schedule 61 stops Merstham Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:40 AM - 8:57 PM

Monday 6:31 AM - 9:57 PM Portland Drive Flats, Merstham 4 Quarrydene Parade, Chaldon Civil Parish Tuesday 6:31 AM - 9:57 PM

Portland Drive East, Merstham Wednesday 6:31 AM - 9:57 PM

Serpentine Green, Merstham Thursday 6:31 AM - 9:57 PM Friday 6:31 AM - 9:57 PM Delabole Road, Merstham Saturday 6:39 AM - 9:57 PM Chilmark Gardens, Merstham

Radstock Way, Merstham

Serpentine Green, Merstham 430 bus Info Direction: Merstham Worsted Green, Merstham Stops: 61 Trip Duration: 77 min 1 Quarrydene Parade, Chaldon Civil Parish Line Summary: Portland Drive Flats, Merstham, Albury Road, Merstham Portland Drive East, Merstham, Serpentine Green, Merstham, Delabole Road, Merstham, Chilmark Regent Close, Chaldon Civil Parish Gardens, Merstham, Radstock Way, Merstham, Southcote Road, South Merstham Serpentine Green, Merstham, Worsted Green, Merstham, Albury Road, Merstham, Southcote Road, 58 Albury Road, Chaldon Civil Parish South Merstham, Church, South Merstham, Church, South Merstham Fairhaven Road, Merstham, Trowers Way, Redhill, Gordon Road, Redhill, Wiggie Lane, Redhill, Ladbroke Road, Redhill, Redhill Bus Station, Redhill, Brook Fairhaven Road, Merstham Road, Redhill, Wilton Road, Redhill, Woodlands Road, Redhill, St John's Road, Redhill, Earlsbrook Road, Trowers Way, Redhill , Royal Earlswood Park, Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital, Earlswood, Busheld Drive, Gordon Road, Redhill Whitebushes, Spencer Way, Whitebushes, Three Arch Road, Earlswood, Maple Road, Earlswood, Wiggie Lane, Redhill Earlswood Lakes, Earlswood, Vevers Road, 16 Abbots Rise, England Woodhatch, Meadow Way, Woodhatch, Alexander Road, Woodhatch, Slipshatch Road, South Park, Ladbroke Road, Redhill Sandcross Lane, South Park, Eastnor Road, South 97 Ladbroke Road, England Park, Priory Road, South Park, Priory Drive, South Redhill Bus Station, Redhill Park, Sandhills Road, Reigate, Lesbourne Road, The Stations Roundabout, England Reigate, Bell Street, Reigate, Red Cross, Reigate, Chart Lane, Reigate, , Brook Road, Redhill Reigate, Police Station, Reigate, Law Courts, Reigate, Donyngs Leisure Centre, Redhill, Station Road, Wilton Road, Redhill Redhill, High Street, Redhill, Redhill Bus Station, 94 Brighton Road, England Redhill, Ladbroke Road, Redhill, Wiggie Lane, Redhill, Gordon Road, Redhill, Trowers Way, Merstham, Woodlands Road, Redhill Watercolour Canalside, South Merstham, Watercolour Holmesdale Avenue, South Merstham, St John's Road, Redhill Mill Lane, South Merstham, Deans Road, South Woodlands Road, England Merstham, Nuteld Road, South Merstham, Manor Road, Merstham, Albury Road, Merstham, Portland Earlsbrook Road, Earlswood Drive Flats, Merstham Earlsbrook Road, England

Royal Earlswood Park, Earlswood Royal Earlswood Park, England

East Surrey Hospital, Earlswood

Busheld Drive, Whitebushes Hawthorn Close, England

Spencer Way, Whitebushes

Three Arch Road, Earlswood Limes Close, England

Maple Road, Earlswood

Earlswood Lakes, Earlswood

Vevers Road, Woodhatch Woodhatch Road, England

Meadow Way, Woodhatch 1 Western Parade, England

Alexander Road, Woodhatch

Slipshatch Road, South Park Sandcross Lane, England

Sandcross Lane, South Park

Eastnor Road, South Park

Priory Road, South Park

Priory Drive, South Park 2 Priory Drive, England

Sandhills Road, Reigate

Lesbourne Road, Reigate Bell Street, England

Bell Street, Reigate 12 Bell Street, England Red Cross, Reigate London Road, England

Chart Lane, Reigate 16 Reigate Road, England

Reigate Grammar School, Reigate 5 Everseld Court, England

Police Station, Reigate Appartments 1-24 Southlawns, England

Law Courts, Reigate 37 Hatchlands Road, England

Donyngs Leisure Centre, Redhill 10 Linkeld Corner, England

Station Road, Redhill 71 Station Road, England

High Street, Redhill 60 High Street, England

Redhill Bus Station, Redhill The Stations Roundabout, England

Ladbroke Road, Redhill Ladbroke Road, England

Wiggie Lane, Redhill 8-15 Abbots Rise, England

Gordon Road, Redhill Gordon Road, England

Trowers Way, Merstham Trowers Way, Chaldon Civil Parish

Watercolour Canalside, South Merstham

Watercolour Holmesdale Avenue, South Merstham Mockford Mews, Chaldon Civil Parish

Mill Lane, South Merstham 182 Nuteld Road, Chaldon Civil Parish

Deans Road, South Merstham 66 Nuteld Road, Chaldon Civil Parish

Nuteld Road, South Merstham Nuteld Road, Chaldon Civil Parish

Manor Road, Merstham Manor Road, Chaldon Civil Parish

Albury Road, Merstham Regent Close, Chaldon Civil Parish

Portland Drive Flats, Merstham 4 Quarrydene Parade, Chaldon Civil Parish

Direction: South Park 430 bus Time Schedule 36 stops South Park Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:57 PM

Monday 10:57 PM Portland Drive Flats, Merstham 4 Quarrydene Parade, Chaldon Civil Parish Tuesday 10:57 PM

Portland Drive East, Merstham Wednesday 10:57 PM

Serpentine Green, Merstham Thursday 10:57 PM Friday 10:57 PM Delabole Road, Merstham Saturday 10:57 PM Chilmark Gardens, Merstham

Radstock Way, Merstham

Serpentine Green, Merstham 430 bus Info Direction: South Park Worsted Green, Merstham Stops: 36 Trip Duration: 37 min 1 Quarrydene Parade, Chaldon Civil Parish Line Summary: Portland Drive Flats, Merstham, Albury Road, Merstham Portland Drive East, Merstham, Serpentine Green, Merstham, Delabole Road, Merstham, Chilmark Regent Close, Chaldon Civil Parish Gardens, Merstham, Radstock Way, Merstham, Southcote Road, South Merstham Serpentine Green, Merstham, Worsted Green, Merstham, Albury Road, Merstham, Southcote Road, 58 Albury Road, Chaldon Civil Parish South Merstham, Church, South Merstham, Church, South Merstham Fairhaven Road, Merstham, Trowers Way, Redhill, Gordon Road, Redhill, Wiggie Lane, Redhill, Ladbroke Fairhaven Road, Merstham Road, Redhill, Redhill Bus Station, Redhill, Brook Road, Redhill, Wilton Road, Redhill, Woodlands Road, Redhill, St John's Road, Redhill, Earlsbrook Road, Trowers Way, Redhill Earlswood, Royal Earlswood Park, Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital, Earlswood, Busheld Drive, Gordon Road, Redhill Whitebushes, Spencer Way, Whitebushes, Three Arch Road, Earlswood, Maple Road, Earlswood, Wiggie Lane, Redhill Earlswood Lakes, Earlswood, Vevers Road, 16 Abbots Rise, England Woodhatch, Meadow Way, Woodhatch, Alexander Road, Woodhatch, Slipshatch Road, South Park, Ladbroke Road, Redhill Sandcross Lane, South Park, Eastnor Road, South 97 Ladbroke Road, England Park, Priory Road, South Park

Redhill Bus Station, Redhill The Stations Roundabout, England

Brook Road, Redhill

Wilton Road, Redhill 94 Brighton Road, England

Woodlands Road, Redhill

St John's Road, Redhill Woodlands Road, England

Earlsbrook Road, Earlswood Earlsbrook Road, England Royal Earlswood Park, Earlswood Royal Earlswood Park, England

East Surrey Hospital, Earlswood

Busheld Drive, Whitebushes Hawthorn Close, England

Spencer Way, Whitebushes

Three Arch Road, Earlswood Limes Close, England

Maple Road, Earlswood

Earlswood Lakes, Earlswood

Vevers Road, Woodhatch Woodhatch Road, England

Meadow Way, Woodhatch 1 Western Parade, England

Alexander Road, Woodhatch

Slipshatch Road, South Park Sandcross Lane, England

Sandcross Lane, South Park

Eastnor Road, South Park

Priory Road, South Park 430 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved