From: Sent: Saturday, 7 December 2019 11:02 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Regarding energy plant built in dandenong south.

To whom it may concern, My name is and I am a resident in the Somerville estate in keysborough. I am writing to express my concern about a waste Energy plant built so close to residential homes and what impact it would have on the people that lives around there. Firstly, the environment would be affected with possible pollution into the surrounding air, the prudent smell of waste might also be a concern. Secondly, it would affect the environment we are raising our vulnerable children, by products of the energy plant may affect our children's health. In conclusion, may this project be negotiated to be moved to an area with no residential presence.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Yours sincerely,

1 From: Sent: Sunday, 8 December 2019 12:40 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Waste-to-energy facility in Dandenong South

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my concern and disapproval regarding the waste-to-energy facility that Great Southern Waste Technologies are trying to get approval to build in Dandenong South.

I am a resident of Somerfield Estate in Keysborough and I strongly believe that the location in Ordish Road is not appropriate as it is much too close to residential area. People’s health and well-being should not be put at risk even if those risks are supposedly low as claimed by GSWT. There is far too much unknown with what GSWT is proposing to build and people’s lives should not be gambled with.

Other than the location being close to residential, it also backs on to the Eastlink Freeway which is used daily by many people. The fact that the location is only a mere 160 metres away from Dandenong Creek should be enough to put a halt to this facility. Can GSWT prove undeniably that the creek will not get polluted? Maybe not via air emissions but certainly the creek would get polluted by the 24 heavy vehicles coming and going twice daily to the facility. Rubbish has an odd way of falling off trucks/vehicles and being blown by the wind in many different directions.

Our earth is already suffering terribly with global warming and pollution. People are currently trying to find and push for more renewable ways of producing energy. Is producing energy by creating and releasing harmful and deadly contaminants really the way to go? I also question whether those from GSWT would themselves be happy living near this kind of facility? I would suspect not. Then there is also the issue of noise pollution and extra traffic that the heavy vehicles would create.

Very concerned resident,

1 From: Sent: Monday, 9 December 2019 10:07 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Waste to Energy Plant- Dandenong South

Hi Team,

I would like to register my strong opposition to the set up of the waste to energy plant at Dandenong South. Although the concept of having waste converted to energy is good, the plant needs to be set up further from residential areas. Dandenong South and Keysborough South are densely populated are and many regions of both these areas have been marked for high density development.

The risk to people's health is far significant and control measures are unlikely to mitigate all the risks.

I would like the EPA to reject the proposal to set up the plant at 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South. It should be considered to be set up further away from metropolitan area.


Resident of Keysborough South

1 From: Sent: Monday, 9 December 2019 10:30 AM To: works.approvals Subject: RE: Waste to energy plant, Dandenong South


I am a resident living in one of the estates in Keysborough South and I am very concerned about the proposed plan to build a waste to energy plant in Dandenong south as it is 1.5km away from my house..

Please consider reviewing the environmental impact for the proposed waste to energy plant at Dandenong South or plan to build it at location that is at least 5 KM away from residential areas.

Thanks and regards, Concerned Keysborough Resident.

1 From: Sent: Monday, 9 December 2019 10:52 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Waste to Energy Plant- Dandenong South

Hi Team,

I would like to register my strong opposition to the set up of the waste to energy plant at Dandenong South.

Although the concept of having waste converted to energy is good, the plant needs to be set up further from residential areas. Dandenong South and Keysborough South are densely populated areas and many regions of both these areas have been marked for high density development with more residential buildings (houses, townhouses and apartments) being built along with childcares and schools! The risk to people's health is far too significant and control measures are unlikely to mitigate all the risks. I would like the EPA to reject the proposal to set up the plant at 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South.

The residents already to smell foul chemical smells time and again due to the proximity of the industrial area and would prefer this waste management facility should be set up further away from metropolitan Melbourne area.

Kind Regards

Resident of Keysborough South

1 From: Sent: Monday, 9 December 2019 3:25 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Waste to energy plant - objection

To whom it my concern.

I am hearby objecting to the proposed waste to energy plant in dandenong south based on the following:

1. My family and i live in keysborough and It is absurd to have such a plant emitting pollutants in the air so close to home. It will make our current generation and the future generation, kids,adults and elderly people sick from all the toxic gas. I did not sign up to come live here to have such a bad future health.

2. The noise and constant traffic from the plant will not only be a detriment to the existing traffic problems we have in the area but will also devalue the property we own today which will plummet due to pollution noise, health hazard- no one will want to come live here.

3. It will be a catastrophe if the plant is to have some sort of malfunction and all the toxic gas was to escape and could potentially kill people in an area where lots of population is so close and not enough warning for people to evacuate.

I hope this email finds your utmost consideration

Please consider the public at large , their safety , their health and wellbeing and stop being greedy for money.

Thank you

, keysborough resident

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1 From: Sent: Monday, 9 December 2019 3:29 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Objection to waste to energy plant

To whom it my concern.

I am hearby objecting to the proposed waste to energy plant in dandenong south based on the following:

1. My family and i live in keysborough and It is absurd to have such a plant emitting pollutants in the air so close to home. It will make our current generation and the future generation, kids,adults and elderly people sick from all the toxic gas. I did not sign up to come live here to have such a bad future health.

2. The noise and constant traffic from the plant will not only be a detriment to the existing traffic problems we have in the area but will also devalue the property we own today which will plummet due to pollution noise, health hazard- no one will want to come live here.

3. It will be a catastrophe if the plant is to have some sort of malfunction and all the toxic gas was to escape and could potentially kill people in an area where lots of population is so close and not enough warning for people to evacuate.

I hope this email finds your utmost consideration

Please consider the public at large , their safety , their health and wellbeing and stop being greedy for money.

Thank you

keysborough resident

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1 From: Sent: Monday, 9 December 2019 4:45 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Waste-to-energy facility in Dandenong South

To whom it may concern:

Regarding the Waste-to-energy facility in Dandenong South, out of the 3 methods to process waste using burning, incineration is by far the worst for the surrounding environment. This method is usually used in developing countries. Very harmful gases are produced as a byproduct of the process. Depending on how the wind blows these gases can travel in any direction.

The incineration process leaves lots of ashes that should be dumped in a landfill. This ash is like nuclear waste, with the presence of heavy metals in it. so if this ash gets dumped at the proposed landfill, that would be another disaster waiting to happen in the future. The exclusion zone of 1.5 km must not have anything, no houses, no businesses, no industries etc. Also note harmful gases will reach far beyond this exclusion zone. The general waste would've to be dumped in to an open setting before conveyed into the incinerator. The open dumpster will never be cleaned fully and can accumulate both biological and chemical nasties. this incinerator was to be built alongside the Australian paper factory in Traralgon to produce electricity for their operations. And the ash could be tried to a landfill somewhere nearby that is not close to people. Not really sure why that plan was changed? Considering these dreadful impacts, the waste incinerating facility must bot be built at the current proposed location in Dandy south.

1 From: Sent: Monday, 9 December 2019 9:11 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Public submission - Comments for Great Southern Waste Technologies - waste-to- energy facility


This is my formal submission, details below.

Contact details: (contact by return email. Phone number on request)

Applicant Name: Great Southern Waste Technologies - waste-to-energy facility

Applicant Number: 30041688(?)


As a resident of Keysborough, I would like to express concern and opposition for this development due to potential odour/noise pollution for people in surrounding areas. Although hazardous environmental impacts to people and wildlife is said to be negligible in the application, this matter should be explored thoroughly. Opposition by residents to such projects overseas should also be taken into account - if people were not accepting of the waste-to-energy facility after it was built, the reasons should be explored.

Yours faithfully,

1 From: Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2019 10:34 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Great Southern Waste Technologies, project no. 30041688)

To whom it may concern,

I found out about the below article from the local community Facebook post. We are quite concerned the plant will affect our quality of life since it is so close to Keysborough residential area. 2Drevealed_&d=DwIFAg&c=JnBkUqWXzx2bz- 3a05d47Q&r=6sVz4Z3SMAjrBYF9LvYmcdxPleK6oTpV7yDbJhTPOkY&m=KwgjLq500hsEtEydTvpvPcFpGiOIF eoi4OfL3i5esXk&s=mhMLnLg8zim_7pJuo0VUEqoz8oCRjnUhc-gwzznM1jg&e=

I would like to express my strong concern in regards to the proposed building plan as a Great Dandenong resident.

In addition, I would like to receive updates for this case. And this indication is my formal submission.


lymington st keysborough

1 From: Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2019 12:16 PM To: works.approvals Subject: OBJECTION - Great Southern Waste Technologies

Hello EPA,

Please consider this my formal submission of object to the location you are building the waste to energy plant

The location of this plant is 1.5KM from our homes, this is not a proper location to build a plant like this.

The potential emissions and health impact for this are huge risks to all surrounding residents

Here is a quick drawing showing the location you are building based on your EPA regulations 1518 This location is just simply not appropriate ...

We are all supporting the great initiatives of reducing the waste and changing the way we dumping them and make use of them but if you are burning, you are creating pollution and emissions. And you won't be consuming all waste, there will be toxic leftovers. They will be more and more dumping trucks on the already busy road, there will be worse air quality and more noise. The negative impact to people in the area, mostly young families, will be impeccable. It has already created huge mental weight on most of us who knows this is happening, we have several principles of surrounding schools onboard with us, we are creating more and more awareness this is happening, we will be contacting all media and make noise, and we won't stop protesting until we have a satisfactory answer. 1 Please consider stopping this, thank you!

Kind Regards,

2 From: Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2019 3:01 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Re: Project No. 30041688 -Rejection!

Dear Sir/Madam,

Hope all is well.

I noticed there is a project application ( 30041688) from Great Southern Waste Technologies to build a Waste to Energy plant in Dandening south.

As one of the local residents, I would like to express my serious concerns on the proposed location of this plant, which is too close to the residential areas and local schools.

The incineration process is very bad for the surrounding environment. This method produces the harmful gases during the process. Depending on how wind blows these gases can travel in any direction.

The exclusion zone of 1.5 km must not have residents ( somerfield estates and new schools are in this zone with less than 1.2km distance) and also note harmful gases will reach far beyond this exclusion zone. The general waste would've to be dumped in to an open setting before conveyed in to the incinerator. The open dumpster will never be cleaned fully and can accumulate both biological and chemical nasties.

Considering these dreadful impacts, the waste incinerating facility must not be built at the current proposed location in Dandenong South. Please help to protect the local residents and children around keysborough/Dandenong areas.

Appreciated your attention and help!

Thanks and Regards

1 From: Sent: Wednesday, 11 December 2019 10:29 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Wast to energy plan in keysborough

Dear sir

I would like to express my against for above project to be started.

As the location is too close to the community and also schools. This should built in remote area where are at least 5 km far from where people live.

I live in keysborough and kids are in school here as well. If this will be built, this will affect our health .

No. No. No. For this project.


1 From: Sent: Wednesday, 11 December 2019 11:46 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Formal Objection - Waste to Energy site in Dandenong South

To Whom It may concern

I am a resident in Keys borough South Somerfield community. I come to know the idea about waste to energy site is to be built in Dandenong South area Which is less than 1.5 kms away from our community.

We are embracing the clean energy policy, but just would not accept the site being built so close with our highly populated community.

The air pollute, the noise will definitely turn our life around in a bad way, not even mention the stress it caused on our community in the view of public health.

We are begging you to consider the impact on our health and help us to stay a happy and healthy community.

Please consider my formal objection to the Dandenong South location your proposed to build the waste to energy facility.

Your help will be highly appreciated.


Resident in Somerfiled Community Contact Number :

1 From: Sent: Sunday, 15 December 2019 7:40 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Planned waste to energy site at 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South VIC 3175.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Planned waste to energy site at 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South VIC 3175.

We are writing this letter to protest the recent decision approved by council regarding building a new waste processing site at the above address nearby our homes.

This is a truly bad decision. We have huge concern as the site is too close to the residential estates such as Somerfield, Bentley Park, where over 5000 people are residing, not to mention the newly built Keysborough Garden Primary School. Waste processing site should NOT be located close to populated areas. Toxic chemicals will be released to air, water (Dandenong Creek) and soil, causing irreversible harm to all living beings.

Please reconsider the decision and the impacts it will have on the local residents. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

A concerned local resident.

1 From: Sent: Sunday, 15 December 2019 7:40 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Planned waste to energy site at 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South VIC 3175.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Planned waste to energy site at 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South VIC 3175.

We are writing this letter to protest the recent decision approved by council regarding building a new waste processing site at the above address nearby our homes.

This is a truly bad decision. We have huge concern as the site is too close to the residential estates such as Somerfield, Bentley Park, where over 5000 people are residing, not to mention the newly built Keysborough Garden Primary School. Waste processing site should NOT be located close to populated areas. Toxic chemicals will be released to air, water (Dandenong Creek) and soil, causing irreversible harm to all living beings.

Please reconsider the decision and the impacts it will have on the local residents. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

A concerned local resident.

1 From: Sent: Sunday, 15 December 2019 9:02 PM To: works.approvals;

Cc: Opposition to the proposed application by Great Southern Waste Techologies (GSWT) for an Incineration Facility Attachments: groundwater_report_20191215_030824.pdf; Ordish-Road-Precinct-Waste-and- Resource-Recovery-Hub-Plan-web.pdf.pdf

Dear EPA, Dandenong Council, Metro Waste and Melbourne Water,

I am writing to strongly oppose the proposed application by Great Southern Waste Techologies (GSWT) for a permit to build a waste to energy via incineration facility in the Ordish Road precinct in the City of Dandenong.

As a nearby resident in Somerfield Estate in Keysborough, I see many reasons why the proposed location of this type of facility by GSWT is just not suitable and it will have significant adverse long term impacts on local and wider residential areas, water, health and natural environments.

These adverse impacts include:

1. Substantial Risk of Ground / Aquifer Contamination - The Ordish Road location proposed by Great Southern Waste Techologies backs onto Dandenong Creek which flows into the Melbournes Water eastern treatment plant and Patterson River - see location diagram attached. This has the potential for GSWT to introduce dioxins into the area via ground and aquifer contamination via the methods proposed by GSWT including incineration methods. Dioxins are one of the most dangerous pollutants known to mankind. The MWRRG Risk assessment has not even accounted for this type of Aquifer contamination via in-vessel incineration and has based its cursury risk assessment on existing types of waste management facilities in the area - but even then it still sees many risks associated with this facility.

2. Contaminated Recycled Water - The proposed GSWT facility risks long term contamination of local ground water and by rivers flowing into the eastern treatment plant. This could over time contaminate the recycled water provided by Melbourne Water used by Keysborough, Somerfield and residents of surrounding areas sourced from the eastern treatment plant well as the excess water flowing into the bay.

3. Risk to native wildlife - This contamination could impact many animals in the local and wider areas - including migratory birds like the sharp-tailed sandpiper, the red-necked stint fly, Latham's Snipe and the black-winged stilt as well as many native species like the superb fairy-wren, magpie-lark, red wattlebird, white-plumed honeyeater the black swan, pacific black duck, the blue-billed duck, and the grey and chestnut teal.

4. Significant Externalities - Noxious smells, increased traffic noise and wind blown rubbish - up to 10 kms away from the proposed GSWT site.

5. Airborne aerosol pollution - incineration risks the escape of particulates smaller than most well maintained industrial filters can filter in addition to dioxins. The City of Dandenong Council (and the EPA) are simply not resourced and will not be able to afford the requirement to continually detect, prove or enforce cleaning up this deadly pollution. Dioxins and other potential airborne pollutants seriously risk local farming and chicken and egg production as well and class actions by residents or farmers should this pollution occur.

6. Strategy - The application is at odds with the City of Dandenong main aim to, which is to "promote a healthy, active and safe community…” The council cannot choose to promote heath and at the same time allow the risk of pollution under the guise of economic development.


7. Subjective controls - The management of GSWT by the EPA or City of Dandenong council to "meet best practice and mitigate impacts” (as per MWRRG Hub Plan Action point 5) is subjective and will in time become open to negotiation with GSWT. This is simply not acceptable. Compliance to the Stockholm conventions requires rigorous controls - this compliance has been proven to be entirely inadequate at a local government and global level for this type of industry in the past - especially for airborne or groundwater based pollution emanating from private facilities.

There are many other strong reasons to refuse their application - including increased traffic congestion, noise and loss of amenity. In addition, it is unacceptable to rely on the City of Dandenong to mitigate these externalities by the "development of a diamond interchange at the intersection of EastLink and Bangholme Road and in the longer term continuing the connection through to the Salta Inland Port”. This is not a realistic commitment the City of Dandenong is able to provide or should provide without funding from other councils - see Ordish Road Precinct - Waste and Resource Recovery Hub Plan Page 6.

Please reject the permit application and request GSWT seek an alternative site well away from populated residential areas. I am sure all residents of each council will be happy to incur a small increase in each council’s transport costs to ensure their long term safety.

Happy to discuss anytime.

Resident Olivetree Drive Keysborough VIC 3173.

2 3 From: Sent: Sunday, 15 December 2019 10:44 PM To: works.approvals Cc: Subject: Objection to Great Southern Waste Technologies’ Dandenong South Waste Plant

Dear EPA,

We write to you as happy and healthy Keysborough home owners and parents of 2 healthy children.

We built our home here in a wonderful part of Melbourne just over 4 years ago.

Our son goes to a local school and our daughter is 2 years old and spends the majority of her time with her mum in the local area doing what Mums and babies do: frequenting the wonderful parks and playgrounds in the Keysborough and Dingley areas as well as the beaches of Mordialloc and Chelsea during the warmer months.

This part of the world is what we could afford and as with many families we feel so blessed that we have such an amazing place to raise our children and build our dream home.

We understand that the EPA is taking submissions to a waste treatment plant which will jeopardise the health of our children with confirmed emissions and contaminants from Great Southern Waste themselves spreading over a radius of 10km which easily includes a number of suburbs including Keysborough but as far as Mordialloc and Frankston as outlined in the following article: to-energy-details-revealed/

Can we please have from you guys at the EPA a justification as to why this application would even be considered in such a built-up residential area?

Surely the confirmed poisonous emissions from the very company building the plant as well as the increase to noise and traffic in our already heavily trafficked roads would pose a concern?

We look forward to your response and would like to know how we can obtain more information please.

Yours sincerely,

Proud Keysborough Residents Parents of Snowdrop Drive Keysborough 3173 Ph:

1 From: Sent: Friday, 20 December 2019 7:12 AM To:

Cc: Subject: Opposition to GSWT waste to energy facility Attachments: groundwater_report_20191215_030824.pdf; Ordish-Road-Precinct-Waste-and- Resource-Recovery-Hub-Plan-web.pdf.pdf

Dear Mayor & Councillors,

I am writing to strongly oppose the proposed application by Great Southern Waste Techologies (GSWT) for a permit to build a waste to energy via incineration facility in the Ordish Road precinct in the City of Dandenong.

As a nearby resident in Somerfield Estate in Keysborough, I see many reasons why the proposed location of this type of facility by GSWT is just not suitable and it will have significant adverse long term impacts on local and wider residential areas, water, health and natural environments.

These adverse impacts include:

1. Substantial Risk of Ground / Aquifer Contamination - The Ordish Road location proposed by Great Southern Waste Techologies backs onto Dandenong Creek which flows into the Melbournes Water eastern treatment plant and Patterson River - see location diagram attached. This has the potential for GSWT to introduce dioxins into the area via ground and aquifer contamination via the methods proposed by GSWT including incineration methods. Dioxins are one of the most dangerous pollutants known to mankind. The MWRRG Risk assessment has not even accounted for this type of Aquifer contamination via in-vessel incineration and has based its cursury risk assessment on existing types of waste management facilities in the area - but even then it still sees many risks associated with this facility.

2. Contaminated Recycled Water - The proposed GSWT facility risks long term contamination of local ground water and by rivers flowing into the eastern treatment plant. This could over time contaminate the recycled water provided by Melbourne Water used by Keysborough, Somerfield and residents of surrounding areas sourced from the eastern treatment plant as well as excess water flowing into the bay.

3. Risk to native wildlife - This contamination could impact many animals in the local and wider areas - including migratory birds like the sharp-tailed sandpiper, the red-necked stint fly, Latham's Snipe and the black-winged stilt as well as many native species like the superb fairy-wren, magpie-lark, red wattlebird, white-plumed honeyeater the black swan, pacific black duck, the blue-billed duck, and the grey and chestnut teal.

4. Significant Externalities - Noxious smells, increased traffic noise and wind blown rubbish - up to 10 kms away from the proposed GSWT site.

5. Airborne aerosol pollution - incineration risks the escape of particulates smaller than most well maintained industrial filters can filter in addition to dioxins. The City of Dandenong Council (and the EPA) are simply not resourced and will not be able to afford the requirement to continually detect, prove or enforce cleaning up this deadly pollution. Dioxins and other potential airborne pollutants seriously risk local farming and chicken and egg production as well and class actions by residents or farmers should this pollution occur.


6. Strategy - The application is at odds with the City of Dandenong main aim to, which is to "promote a healthy, active and safe community…” The council cannot choose to promote heath and at the same time allow the risk of pollution under the guise of economic development.

7. Subjective controls - The management of GSWT by the EPA or City of Dandenong council to "meet best practice and mitigate impacts” (as per MWRRG Hub Plan Action point 5) is subjective and will in time become open to negotiation with GSWT. This is simply not acceptable. Compliance to the Stockholm conventions requires rigorous controls - this compliance has been proven to be entirely inadequate at a local government and global level for this type of industry in the past - especially for airborne or groundwater based pollution emanating from private facilities.

There are many other strong reasons to refuse their application - including increased traffic congestion, noise and loss of amenity. In addition, it is unacceptable to rely on the City of Dandenong to mitigate these externalities by the "development of a diamond interchange at the intersection of EastLink and Bangholme Road and in the longer term continuing the connection through to the Salta Inland Port”. This is not a realistic commitment the City of Dandenong is able to provide or should provide without funding from other councils - see Ordish Road Precinct - Waste and Resource Recovery Hub Plan Page 6.

Please reject the permit application and request GSWT seek an alternative site well away from populated residential areas. I am sure all residents of each council will be happy to incur a small increase in each council’s transport costs to ensure their long term safety.

Happy to discuss anytime.

Resident Olivetree Drive Keysborough VIC 3173.

2 3 From: Sent: Saturday, 28 December 2019 12:52 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Objection to works approval application No.30041688 from GSWT

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to make a formal submission of my objection to the proposed location of a Waste To Energy plant in the works approval application from Great Southern Waste Technologies Pty Ltd (GSWT), application No.30041688, document link: https://s3.ap-southeast- engage.files/1315/7429/1005/REP_WtEWorksApprovalApp_V1_30041688.pdf.

The proposed location, 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South, is not suitable for the proposed Waste To Energy (WTE) plant. The supplied assessment reports ignored key facts unfavourable to their choice of site location, thus cannot be sufficient evidence to support their application.

First, the proposed site location is very close to the existing Keysborough residential area and local schools. In fact, the whole Keysborough residential area and local schools are within 5 kilometres distance from the proposed location, with the nearest residence from Somerfield being just 1.6kms away. Keysborough residential area has been expanding towards Dandenong South in the past 10 years, and still growing. The newly built Keysborough Gardens Primary School is just over 2 kilometres from the proposed location for the WTE plant. None of the residential planning and development activities showed any sign of a WTE plant being planned nearby. Planning of a project like this should be more reasonable and responsible.

Second, odor and emissions are existing public nuisances that occur more and more frequently in the neighbourhood. As a keysborough resident for more than 10 years, I’ve noticed air quality deteriorated over the years. However, GSWT’s assessment implied that since the landfill and industrial facilities near the proposed location already have emission issues, it’s OK to add theirs on top of that (Dandenong South waste to energy emission modelling and impact assessment, link: engage.files/5615/7429/2795/30041688_Appendix_F_Air_Emissions_Assessment.pdf). The truth is residents are complaining about it, but GSWT never asked anyone in the neighbourhood if it was a problem. They just assumed we should tolerate some more.

In the same document, they claimed northern winds are most common, but failed to point out that the second and third most common are SSE and SE winds, which is clearly shown in their modelled windrose plot in Appendix A of the report. This means the wind will blow odor and emissions to the residential area and schools on a large number of days, which matches our observation (and usually noticed during the evening and night when we are home). Given that odor and emission will both increase, the situation will only get worse.

While we learn the technology from countries with an established WTE industry, we should also learn lessons from their mistakes. According to historical data, as Yong, et al. (2019) explained in Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Development in Malaysia: Appraisal of Environmental, Financial, and Public Issues Related with Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste, for exposed population of distance of up to 10 km threshold from waste incineration facilities for all municipal solid waste (MSW), incineration still has a negative health impacts in the long-term. Therefore they pointed out that incineration plants have to be located far and must have at least a 10

1 km buffer zone from cities centers and away from any residential and inhabitants’ areas to prevent any risk of negative health implications caused by the release and exposure of toxic flue gases which contain furan, dioxin, and other heavy metals which is being blended in the emission stacks of these WTE plants. Given that Dandenong city centre is within 5 kms and Keysborough residential area is within 2 kms from the proposed location, I don’t see how anyone being sensible can claim that location is suitable for a WTE plant with a capacity of 100,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste.

Thirdly, traffic, noise and fire risks are other issues that should be considered. With the new townhouses being built and the newly built Keysborough Gardens Primary School near Greens Road, it is foreseeable that the intersection of Greens Road and Chapel Road will become very busy during school hours. Having heavy garbage trucks operating in this area will significantly increase the risk of traffic accidents, noise and odor in case of leaks and spills, fire, or a combination of any of the above. It is a hazard for the children who go to that school.

Last but not least important, the members of the community need to be seen and heard and taken seriously. No proper communication had been made to the community until in late October 2019 when the news broke out and everyone was surprised. Now people are talking about moving out if the WTE plant ever get built; but think about those recently moved to Keysborough with no idea of this before making the decision, costing all their savings and a mortgage to pay, and the elderly people in the aged care who can’t afford to move. It’s not fair to ignore their welfare and force them to accept the risks simply because they are disadvantaged and have to stay. The possibility of our homes being ruined has been a heated topic in the neighbourhood over the Christmas, and we don't want to stay under the dark clouds for any longer.

According to the supplied Risk Register (link:https://s3.ap-southeast- engage.files/7315/7429/3944/30041688_Appendix_N_Risk_Assessment.pdf) , a lot of the mentioned risks, e.g. air quality, soil and water quality and contamination, still have a risk score of medium, and their risk management strategy is to ‘Accept’. Well if you ask anyone in this area who will truly be impacted, they would say the residual risks are nowhere near being acceptable.

It should also be noted that building a WTE plant is not a once and for all solution. The countries went for the WTE path had learned from their mistakes that burning can’t solve the waste management crisis completely and had caused new problems from its byproducts. Since the 1960s Japan implemented strict garbage sorting rules and has been very successful in recycling, leaving minimal MSW to burn. China started improving garbage sorting in 2018 and has made progress, too. I trust the EPA have experts with good knowledge and the industrial professionals will continue to work on a better solution than just burning everything.

The proposed WTE plant is one with the processing capacity of 100,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste, and should be carefully designed and situated in a location that is far away from residential areas to minimise impact on the population, if it has to be built. This project should be well planned and implemented with care to benefit generations. We can not afford to be short-sighted to take a non-sustainable solution and choose a location for the sake of economic benefit at the expense of surrounding communities, especially our children.

Your time is much appreciated for reading my email and thank you in advance for your careful consideration. We need your help to decline the proposed location for this WTE plant. Please do not build it close to our home. Please keep our children safe and well.

Yours Sincerely,



Yong, Z. J.; Bashir, M. J. K.; Ng, C. A.; Sethupathi, S.; Lim, J. W.; Show, P. L. Sustainable Waste- to-Energy Development in Malaysia: Appraisal of Environmental, Financial, and Public Issues Related with Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste. (Processes 2019, 7(10), 676; link:

3 From: Sent: Monday, 30 December 2019 4:57 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Waste to energy plant in greater dandenong


I am writing this to object the proposal of this plant as my young family and i live in the Somerfield estate and do not want this plant close to residential areas.

There is many other areas it can go to instead and it is impossible that it will not emit hazardous by products. There are multiple temples churches and mosques not to mention multiple schools which are right in the firing line of this plant.

Please don't let this project be approved.


1 From: Sent: Thursday, 2 January 2020 12:57 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Disagree-Waste to energy project at 70 Ordish Rd Dandenong South application no.30041688

> > Dear Sir/Mandam, > > I'm writting in regards to the waste to energy project at 70 Ordish Rd. > I live in keysborough south and I will be becoming a mother next year. I was shocked bu this proposed project and I strongly disagree with its location which is so close to my home! > I thought it will be seriously affected my mental and physical health as it is too close to the residential area. There are many schools, Kindergartens and shopping centers within 1-5 kms from the proposed location. I am worried about the air pollution, water quality and the noise it will brining to my family and also other neighbors. > I appreciate and encourage the new technology however the location must be re- selected. It cannot be built so close to our homes! > > Please re-consider and re-assess this project! > > Kind Regards, >

1 From: Sent: Thursday, 2 January 2020 3:16 PM To: works.approvals Subject: STRONG OBJECTION to works approval application No. 30041 from GSWT

Dear Sir/Madam, I am a resident living in Keysborough ( Tyers Lane). I am writing to make a formal submission of my STRONG objection to the proposed plan of a Waste To Energy plant which has been proposed by Great Southern Waste Technologies Pty Ltd (GSWT) -application No. 30041688.

There are numerous reasons why the proposed location is NOT suitable for the Plant and I would like to address two of my major concerns.

1. The proposed location, 70 ordish Road, Dandenong South, is very close to the existing Keysborough and Dandenong South residential area and local schools. Most recently, Keysborough neighborhood is developing quickly. There are over 30 thousands of people living in Keysborough and over 35 thousands living in Dandenong area, plus over 100 primary and secondary schools. We all living within 10km of the proposed location and will be hugely affected by the Plant if it becomes real. We are going to suffer from noises, chemical pollution, bad traffics and ugly smells.

2. The proposed plan DOES NOT take the health of local residents into consideration at all. In the report, it does not mention the new developed residential area at all. The plant might be beneficial in the way they argued in their report, but they intended to ignored our local residents. I believe in EPA and council will fight for the rights of their citizens.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I would like to be involved in the application approval process and please keep me updated on the process.

Best regards,

From: Sent: Thursday, 2 January 2020 6:15 PM To: works.approvals Subject: disagree with build project 30041688 in dandenong south

Dear EPA ,

My name is , and my contact number is 0420697871, I am living in keysborough, I am strongly disagree with build the rubbish burn station in Dadenong south, Great Southern Waste Technologies, the project no is 30041688.

We have a house in keysborough, and we live here for couple of years, it is a great suburb with very good air. However, if government build a rubbish burn station here, it will definitely damage the air quality here, and produce the toxic pollution air to our suburb, this will make very negative impacts on our kids and people's health. It was the pollute air will spread everywhere, people cannot avoid it. I really suggest government move this plan to the remote area with less people live in.

This is my official against this the project 30041688 after our careful consideration.

Best regards

1 From: Sent: Thursday, 2 January 2020 6:16 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Great Southern Waste Technologies, project no. 30041688.

To whom it may concern:

I am writing in regards to the Great Southern Waste Technologies, project no. 30041688.

I think this waste to energy project is a great idea, however, company address is too close to residential area. Thousands and thousands people’s health would be affected by the pollution. And this effect is irreversible. I guess no one can afford to risk health. Why can’t it be away from residential area. This is a new built community, mainly young families. Thousands and thousands children would be affected. Schools are just couple of km away. Our family oppose this project.

And on daily basis, the odour in the air were absolutely disgusting. We can not even open windows to have fresh air; can not go out for running; can not bare of breathing this air. Please assist in finding the issue and resolve it. We would really appreciate your care.

Best Regards, (Resident in Keysborough)

1 From: Sent: Thursday, 2 January 2020 6:17 PM To: works.approvals Subject: disagree with project 30041688.

Dear EPA Victoria,

My name is Yunqing Zhu, and my contact number is 0433177643, I am living in keysborough, I am strongly disagree with build the rubbish burn station in Dandenong south, Great Southern Waste Technologies, the project no is 30041688.

We have a house in keysborough, and we live here for couple of years, it is a great suburb with very good air. However, if government build a rubbish burn station here, it will definitely damage the air quality here, and produce the toxic pollution air to our suburb, this will make very negative impacts on our kids and people's health. It was the pollute air will spread everywhere, people cannot avoid it. I really suggest government move this plan to the remote area with less people live in.

This is my official against this the project 30041688 after our careful consideration.

Kind regards

1 From: Sent: Thursday, 2 January 2020 11:12 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Objection to works approval application No. 30041688 from GSWT

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to make a formal submission of my objection to the proposed location of a Waste To Energy plant in the works approval application from Great Southern Waste Technologies Pty Ltd (GSWT), application No. 30041688, document link: WtEWorksApprovalApp_V1_30041688.pdf.

The proposed location, 70 0rdish Road, Dandenong South, is not suitable for the proposed Waste To Energy (WTE) plant. The supplied assessment reports ignored key facts unfavourable to their choice of site location, thus cannot be sufficient evidence to support their application.

First, the proposed site location is very close to the existing Keysborough residential area and local schools. In fact, the whole Keysborough residential area and local schools are within 5 kilometres distance from the proposed location.

Regarding the Waste-to-energy facility in Dandenong South, out of the 3 methods to process waste using burning, incineration is by far the worst for the surrounding environment. This method is usually used in developing countries. Very harmful gases are produced as a byproduct of the process. Depending on how the wind blows these gases can travel in any direction.

The incineration process leaves lots of ashes that should be dumped in a landfill. This ash is like nuclear waste, with the presence of heavy metals in it. so if this ash gets dumped at the proposed landfill, that would be another disaster waiting to happen in the future. The exclusion zone of 1.5 km must not have anything, no houses, no businesses, no industries etc. Also note harmful gases will reach far beyond this exclusion zone. The general waste would've to be dumped in to an open setting before conveyed into the incinerator. The open dumpster will never be cleaned fully and can accumulate both biological and chemical nasties. this incinerator was to be built alongside the Australian paper factory in Traralgon to produce electricity for their operations. And the ash could be tried to a landfill somewhere nearby that is not close to people. Not really sure why that plan was changed? Considering these dreadful impacts, the waste incinerating facility must bot be built at the current proposed location in Dandy south.

Kind regards'

1 From: Sent: Thursday, 2 January 2020 11:15 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Objection to works approval application No. 30041688 from GSWT

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to make a formal submission of my objection to the proposed location of a Waste To Energy plant in the works approval application from Great Southern Waste Technologies Pty Ltd (GSWT), application No. 30041688, document link: WtEWorksApprovalApp_V1_30041688.pdf.

The proposed location, 70 0rdish Road, Dandenong South, is not suitable for the proposed Waste To Energy (WTE) plant. The supplied assessment reports ignored key facts unfavourable to their choice of site location, thus cannot be sufficient evidence to support their application.

First, the proposed site location is very close to the existing Keysborough residential area and local schools. In fact, the whole Keysborough residential area and local schools are within 5 kilometres distance from the proposed location.

Regarding the Waste-to-energy facility in Dandenong South, out of the 3 methods to process waste using burning, incineration is by far the worst for the surrounding environment. This method is usually used in developing countries. Very harmful gases are produced as a byproduct of the process. Depending on how the wind blows these gases can travel in any direction.

The incineration process leaves lots of ashes that should be dumped in a landfill. This ash is like nuclear waste, with the presence of heavy metals in it. so if this ash gets dumped at the proposed landfill, that would be another disaster waiting to happen in the future. The exclusion zone of 1.5 km must not have anything, no houses, no businesses, no industries etc. Also note harmful gases will reach far beyond this exclusion zone. The general waste would've to be dumped in to an open setting before conveyed into the incinerator. The open dumpster will never be cleaned fully and can accumulate both biological and chemical nasties. this incinerator was to be built alongside the Australian paper factory in Traralgon to produce electricity for their operations. And the ash could be tried to a landfill somewhere nearby that is not close to people. Not really sure why that plan was changed? Considering these dreadful impacts, the waste incinerating facility must bot be built at the current proposed location in Dandy south.

Kind regards

1 From: Sent: Friday, 3 January 2020 4:16 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Great Southern Waste Technologies project NO. 30041688

To who it may concern,

This is and I am a Keysborough residents.

I have read some articles in regards to the Waste to energy plant(Great Southern Waste Technologies project NO. 30041688). I feel very concern and angry that the public information is not clearly stated for the resident about the cons of it may bring to us.

I went through some scientist journals about the pollution that will badly damaged people’s health. The plant is so close to the residential area (less than the 10km diameter). I have two young kids, and I do not want to put my kids’ health in danger. Besides the polluted air, the noises of the big trucks will affect us too, and the potential dangerous risks to the kids too.

Keysborough becomes a popular community that the majority of the population are young families with kids. I disagree strong about the building of the plant.

In addition, there are few schools on the Chapel street (new Keysborough garden primary school and Sirius College). Not mention about the Resurrection school, Lighthouse Christian College and Haileybury College is not even far away.

The building of the Great Southern Waste Technologies project will badly damage the confidence of the local community to the city council too. We do not want to have anything so bad around us.

My home address is BeauVorno Ave in Keysborough. My contact number is if you would like to discuss.

Thanks for your time.



2 From: Sent: Saturday, 4 January 2020 2:01 AM To: works.approvals Subject: Objection to works approval application No. 30041 from GSWT

To whom it may concerned,

My name is and I’m a resident who living in Somerfield Estate, Keysborough. (My home address is Clarendon Drive, Keysborough)

I am writing to make a formal submission of my objection to the proposed location of a Waste To Energy plant in the works approval application from Great Southern Waste Technologies Pty Ltd(GSWT), application No. 30041688. It is a great idea indeed. However, the proposed location, 70 0rdish Road, Dandenong South, is not suitable for the proposed Waste To Energy (WTE) plant in our opinion. The assessment reports ignored key facts unfavourable to their choice of site location, thus, it cannot be sufficient evidence to support their application. As you can see, the proposed site location is very close to the existing Keysborough residential area and local schools. In fact, the whole Keysborough residential area and local schools are within 5 kilometres distance from the proposed location. The potential impact to the residents’ health would outweigh any energies it may generate in the coming years.

Thanks for your time and please reconsider the project.

Many thanks,

Important Notice: The contents of this email are intended solely for the named addressee and are confidential; any unauthorised use, reproduction or storage of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please delete it and any attachments immediately and advise the sender by return email or telephone.

1 Submission - January 2020

Please find below my objection to the location of the proposed privately owned Waste to Energy at 70 Orrish Road Dandenong South.

There are a number of factors have the Government still needs to implement before Waste to Energy is delivered in a broader Victorian context. These recommendations impact both private and Government proposals. My objection is not to Waste to Energy as a method to manage waste my objection is to the proposed site location on Orrish Road near existing residential areas, food processing and food manufacturing facilities. My major concern is the short- and long-term Health implications to nearby residents who are exposed to unknown and known dangerous emissions and hazardous residue. Standards – To my knowledge there is no Waste to Energy construction and maintenance Standard in Victoria, it is still very much an experimental manufacturing plant. Standards should include but are not limited to

Victorian Standard Context Proposed site context Air Quality Air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, sulfur Air pollutants will travel to nearby Management dioxides, particulate matter, mercury, lead, residents exposing them to known dioxins and furans are emitted from waste to health risk asthma attacks, residue on energy. clothes hung out to dry outside.

Air Quality Construction of additional EPA air monitoring Existing EPA air monitoring is north of improvements facilities throughout Victoria and metropolitan the proposed site it does not take into Melbourne account the new housing development in the new infill area that is classified as Keysborough South Infill.

A new state primary school will open 2 kilometers from the proposed site in January 2020

Refer image screenshot on following pages.

Air Quality It is highly recommend that the Government The municipality of City of Greater improvements – implement a Standard to ensure that any Dandenong has one of the lowest tree minimum Tree Waste to Energy facility located in Victoria has canopy coverage in Victoria. Canopy a site tree canopy with a minimum 30% coverage planted with mature trees to improve The area currently does not have the the air filtering impact to neighboring properties capacity to filter the air sufficiently from whether industrial, commercial, places of recent major road construction worship, green wedge, Government owner land developments (past 11 years) such as etc. Dandenong Bypass 2012 and Eastlink 2008. Plus the increase in the industrial area in Keysborough and Dandenong South 2010 onwards.

Incoming waste Standard to ensure that waste is not stockpiled Stockpiling of incoming waste will onsite longer than 2hours and manufactured to cause significant odour issues for nearby residents. the into the end product within less than half a day. Stockpiling of incoming waste could potential create a fire risk. I refer to recent recycled stockpile fire examples in the past few years. Contingency Plan Standard to ensure that when a plant has a malfunction that the incoming waste is not stockpiled onsite longer than 2hours

Food chain It is highly recommended that the Government In the proposed site context food and Considerations - implement a Standard to ensure that any new cosmetic manufactures such as ….. Agricultural land, Waste to Energy facility located in Victoria are Ego, Food processing not directly situated nearby our agricultural and food sources, food process and manufacturing manufacturing facilities facilities Odour The EPA has an ongoing odour Management pre investigation outstanding in the process before Keysborough and Dandenong South burning materials area which has not resolved or identified the source of the contamination

Odour The EPA has an ongoing odour Management investigation outstanding in the during process Keysborough and Dandenong South before burning area which has not resolved or materials identified the source of the contamination

Odour The EPA has an ongoing odour Management post investigation outstanding in the process after Keysborough and Dandenong South burning materials area which has not resolved or identified the source of the contamination

Byproduct It is highly recommended that the Government Once the Lyndhurst facility nears disposal post implement a new disposal scheme to collect capacity in coming years the process after hazardous waste. Lyndhurst Facility is nearing hazardous ash byproduct from the burning materials capacity in coming years. post manufacturing of the Waste to Energy will need to be transport further to the new source of disposal. Increase the risk of contamination during transportation. There is no product for the ash byproduct.

It would make more sense to situate the Waste to Energy Facility near the new hazardous waste disposal facility.

Emergency It is highly recommend that EPA requests a Keysborough and Dandenong border Services Government review the current Emergency MBA and CFA boundaries. Not all CFA District 8 stations are integrated Services capacity in light of recent stockpiling with permeant and volunteer staff and fire emergency management situations. placing more reliance of other areas for additional support in the case of an emergency.

Environment - It is highly recommended that the Government Any runoff or contamination will impact Waterways and implement a Standard to ensure that any new nearby Dandenong Creek, wetlands Bay Waste to Energy facility located in Victoria are and flow on into Port Phillip Bay. not directly situated on Victoria’s waterways

Local Many Councillors sitting across various Local Government Government Areas throughout Victoria do not approval have the qualifications and/or backgrounds to make informed decisions on the placement of Waste to Energy Facilities.

Transport access It is highly recommended that the Government In the proposed site context main to site implement a Standard to ensure waste roads such as Perry Road and Chapel transported to a Waste to Energy facilities do Road Keysborough situated in not use residential streets or main residential residential areas must never be used roads as there means to access the facility as a rat run for Waste collector vehicles to access the site on Orrish Road.

Recent examples of private enterprise pollution It is important to emphasis that this proposal is a privately own enterprise. In the past eleven years there are numerous examples of private enterprise prioritizing profits over Victorian’s residents Health and our environment. Cranbourne - Brookland Greens In 2008 residents of Cranbourne's Brookland Greens estate in Melbourne's evacuated their homes after high levels of methane gas from a neighbouring landfill was deemed dangerous. A class action led to a $23.5 million settlement, by Casey Council and the EPA.1

Burning Private owned Recycled stockpiles

In July 2017 the Coolaroo site caught fire, leading to a massive inferno that burned for 11 days. More than 100 homes were evacuated and about 600 firefighters were called on to fight the blaze, which is currently the subject of a class action.2

The proposed site on Orrish Road has over 2000 households to the east with a population of around 12,000 residents. Not taking into account the residents that reside in Dandenong South. Which is significantly more that

1 challenge-20160723-gqc80l.html 2 recycling-in-landfill-as-victoria-crisis-deepens the number evacuated to due to Coolaroo fire. This population number does not consider the number of students in the neighbouring schools (Mt Hira College, Cornish College, Sirius College, Keysborough Gardens Primary School, Albany Rise Primary School, Dandenong South Primary School, Dandenong South Primary Kindergarten, Haileybury, Chandler Park Primary School or numerous places of worship located in Keysborough.

Lyndhurst Residents living near claim Lyndhurst tip blame an increase of cancers and birth defects living in close proximity.3 A Government Health study took place after these claims were made however no follow up report has taken place 10 years later.4 I would recommend a further study is conducted before any waste to energy plant is considered.

Boral Only very recently November 2019 Boral discharging into the waterways which impacted neighbouring residents and the environment.

It issued advice for nearby residents to avoid contact with water in the affected waterways, and said the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning…

Building materials giant Boral has been ordered to clean up an oil spill that contaminated waterways in Melbourne's western suburbs.

The spill contaminated a creek known as the Paisley Challis Drain in Williamstown and flowed into a marine sanctuary in Port Phillip Bay that is home to coral and sharks.5

3 4 oadmedia/%257BB7D69630-E11C-4D98-A0C3- D604D4FD3505%257D&ved=2ahUKEwj_rP6Gjp7mAhWVXisKHfj2A1YQFjAFegQIBBAC&usg=AOvVaw0 RyRbRMpUFKR7gmkiGn9YY 5 restore-waterways-20191118-p53bs8.html

Existing EPA air quality monitoring facility The EPA air quality monitoring facility is too far north of the proposed site and it does not cover the south of the side nor the east.

From: Sent: Saturday, 4 January 2020 10:47 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Formal Submission - Project no. 30041688 Great Southern Waste Technologies

Dear Sir/Madam,

Hope all is well.

I'm waiting this email to make a formal submission of my Objection to the proposed location of the Waste to Energy plant in the works application from Great Southern Waste Technologies Pty Ltd (GSWT), project no.30041688.

The risk analysis provided in the application ignore some key facts of localization, thus the risk assessments are not sufficient to support the proposed plant location.

1. Gasification technology has never been used in Australia before, there are no clear guidelines and full assessment regulations for this technology in Australia. The proposed plant location is very close to Keysborough residential area and local schools. Considered the air emissions from the facility (combustion gases, dust, odour etc. ) and the potential human health effects, this new technology should be tested and built in the country areas which no residents and schools for a trial and monitored for a long term to ensure it's safe to the public and environment.

2. Melbourne is a city with large population of allergy risk, such as asthma, particular for the young kids. Within 5km of the proposed location, there are many schools and established residential estates. The risk of human health effects are not comparable with Norway cases as the accumulative impacts are unlikely to assess for the risk of allergy trigger from the air emissions of this new technology waste plant. The real human body reactions to the air emissions from this new technology can not be accurately modelling on the paper only.

3. Australia climate changed dramatically. The bushfire disaster occurred last Friday seriously affected air quality in Dandenong and Keysborough areas. The fire risk of waste storage in proposed plant location will increase the public risk.

4.The size of the existing Norway plants in the application are all smaller than the proposed plant. There is no clear residential information around Norway plants provided in the application and all the risk assessments were done by the agent which engaged by the applicant. It's doubt that the unfavorable factors are not disclosed and the assessments are only the modelling without the actual real data collected within Australia.

5. The proposed waste plant is so closed to the established residential areas. The fears of the bad impacts from this waste plan will destroy the opportunities of the economic development in the surrounding areas. Residents in the surrounding areas will move out, the shops and schools may close as the surrounding areas are less attractive to the public to live and study.

I talked with the General Manager of Great Southern Waste Technologies during EPA information session night. The proposed location was decided by the applicant to reduce waste transportation costs. This individual business benefit can not overwrite the Public safety and environment protections. The new technology need to be treated carefully as there are so many unknown areas and impacts. Without a sound legal and regulation system in Australia for this new technology, the proposed waste plant location is not acceptable as the human health impacts are irreversible. The local residents and children should not be the victim of this new waste technology trial in Australia.

Appreciated in advance if you can support the local residents to reject this project application(30041688).

Thanks and Regards, 1

2 From: Sent: Tuesday, 7 January 2020 10:59 PM To: works.approvals Subject: formal objection to works approval applicaition no 30041688

Dear officer We are writing this email to make a formal submission of our objection to the below project

Applicant Company name: Great Southern Waste Technologies Pty Ltd(GSWT) Applicaition No. 30041688 The proposed locaion : 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South.

The reasons are as below 1, It is so close to the existing dense populated residential area. We had more than 7000 family in Keysborough in 2016, last 4 years Keysborough population grew even quicker than ever. Especially all the childcare, primary and college so close, all within 5km.

2, In the EPA meeting in 11th Nov, we were told by the officer that the technologies which will be used in GSWT is the first time imported from overseas. If so , it is experienmental project, the risk is unknown and uncertain. it should not happy in the dense populated area.

3, The everlasting popution wont be accepted by the human being health. Last week, the rain after bush caused the smoke , so many residents suffered. But if the GSWT project happens, the suffering will be life time , non stop and unpredictable.

4, Most of the relevant residents did not recieve the formal information about this project.

Among the very limited residents who become aware of this project would love to lodge an formal application of objection towards this project.

Please find our petition for the local resident. In total we had 1454 objection signtures, and the number is rising every day.(295 on 11th Nov,435 on paper, 724 on line)

Since we never received any formal notification and invitation to make our submission, we would like to request EPA , or council or other relevant orgnisation to accpect the petition submission afterwards as well. Otherwise it is not fair or transparent for the residents who is still not aware about what is happening in their own town. Everyone deserve to have a SAY.

Your Prompt response


Keysborough and surrounding partial residents

1 7th Jan 2020.

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4 From: Sent: Wednesday, 8 January 2020 9:39 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Submission regarding GSWT waste to energy plant in Dandenong South

Dear EPA,

We are living in Somerfield Estate in Keysborough. We would like to express our concern about the location of GSWT energy plant in Dandenong South as it is too close to residential area. Keysborough area especially Somerfield is a growing residential place. There are plenty of young families with small children and schools such as Mt Hira College, Sirius College and Keysborough Garden Primary School (opening soon). We are worried about the health effect of the waste to energy plant too close to children and adults in short and long term. We’ve been reading online about potential toxins (dioxin and furan) produced by the plant that can be released to air and land. Our objection is its location which is too close to residential place. We suggest the plant proposed location to be relocated to a place further away from any residential place.


Daylily Drive Keysborough Vic 3173

1 From: Sent: Wednesday, 8 January 2020 10:02 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Feedback | Great Southern Waste Technologies Approval Submission

To whom it may concern,

This is a response to the following works approval request:

Relating to a gasification waste-to-energy plant in Dandenong South.

Gasification shares many characteristics with incineration. At high temperatures used in incineration and gasification, toxic metals including cadmium and mercury, acid gases including hydrochloric acid, and ozone-forming nitrogen oxides are released. Also, dioxins and furans are created in the cooling process following the burning of ordinary paper and plastic. These poisons are dangerous at extremely low levels and modern pollution control devices do a poor job of reducing these emissions into the atmosphere. Some including mercury and dioxin are persistent and bioaccumulative; they resist breakdown in the environment and are concentrated in the food chain.

The argument that gasification can reuse carbon emissions alone fails to mention the creation of additional greenhouse gases (in addition to highly toxic ash that in turn needs to be disposed of via specialised landfill).

By destroying resources rather than conserving them, all incinerators, including mass burn, pyrolysis, plasma and gasification, cause significant and unnecessary lifecycle Greenhouse gas emissions.

Given the above, and that the proposed location:

 Is in close proximity to the existing South East Green Wedge (and area specifically designated for agricultural,  Is in close proximity to existing residential areas, and said areas will no doubt develop in density over time

It is extremely concerning that such a energy plant would be considered for this location. I strongly urge the EPA to reject the application based on the above.

I acknowledge our future energy needs will need to be sourced from a mix of renewable resources, and that our ability to reduce landfill is necessary. However, I'm not convinced gasification is worth the trade-off (reducing one type of landfill for another, and pumping toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative poisons into the air, ground and (potentially) water supplies.

Further questions relating to this application:

 How will the resulting ash be treated, transported, stored and disposed?  What safeguards are in place to capture and reduce hazardous gas emissions?  What are the results of the waste audit? This is also concerning given it has been hidded as 'commercial-in- confidence'

Kind Regards

1 From: Sent: Wednesday, 8 January 2020 10:08 PM To: works.approvals Subject: Objection| Great Southern Waste Technologies Approval Submission

To whom it may concern,

This is a response to the following works approval request:

Relating to a gasification waste-to-energy plant in Dandenong South.

Gasification shares many characteristics with incineration. At high temperatures used in incineration and gasification, toxic metals including cadmium and mercury, acid gases including hydrochloric acid, and ozone-forming nitrogen oxides are released. Also, dioxins and furans are created in the cooling process following the burning of ordinary paper and plastic. These poisons are dangerous at extremely low levels and modern pollution control devices do a poor job of reducing these emissions into the atmosphere. Some including mercury and dioxin are persistent and bioaccumulative; they resist breakdown in the environment and are concentrated in the food chain.

The argument that gasification can reuse carbon emissions alone fails to mention the creation of additional greenhouse gases (in addition to highly toxic ash that in turn needs to be disposed of via specialised landfill).

By destroying resources rather than conserving them, all incinerators, including mass burn, pyrolysis, plasma and gasification, cause significant and unnecessary lifecycle Greenhouse gas emissions.

Given the above, and that the proposed location:

 Is in close proximity to the existing South East Green Wedge (and area specifically designated for agricultural,  Is in close proximity to existing residential areas, and said areas will no doubt develop in density over time

It is extremely concerning that such a energy plant would be considered for this location. I strongly urge the EPA to reject the application based on the above.

I acknowledge our future energy needs will need to be sourced from a mix of renewable resources, and that our ability to reduce landfill is necessary. However, I'm not convinced gasification is worth the trade-off (reducing one type of landfill for another, and pumping toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative poisons into the air, ground and (potentially) water supplies.

Kind Regards

1 From: Sent: Monday, 20 January 2020 4:17 PM To: contact; works.approvals Subject: Re: Objection to works approval application No. 1003592 by GSWT

Dear Sir / Madam,

I have made a formal submission regarding this works approval as per below email dated on 28 December 2019. I quoted the application number 30041688 form the supporting document which I just realise is different from the one stated in the overview section in brackets. In that case, will my submission be included in your consideration?

The residents were under the impression that GSWT was awaiting a decision from EPA, but according to the latest contact from the City of Greater Dandenong Council, GSWT has taken it to VCAT already. Can I please get an update if a decision has been made and what impact will EPA’s decision have on this matter?

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Kind Regards,

Begin forwarded message:

From: Date: 28 December 2019 at 00:52:25 AEDT To: "[email protected]" Subject: Objection to works approval application No.30041688 from GSWT

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to make a formal submission of my objection to the proposed location of a Waste To Energy plant in the works approval application from Great Southern Waste Technologies Pty Ltd (GSWT), application No.30041688, document link: engage.files/1315/7429/1005/REP_WtEWorksApprovalApp_V1_30041688.pdf.

The proposed location, 70 Ordish Road, Dandenong South, is not suitable for the proposed Waste To Energy (WTE) plant. The supplied assessment reports ignored key facts unfavourable to their choice of site location, thus cannot be sufficient evidence to support their application.

First, the proposed site location is very close to the existing Keysborough residential area and local schools. In fact, the whole Keysborough residential area and local schools are within 5 kilometres distance from the proposed location, with the nearest residence from Somerfield being just 1.6kms away. Keysborough residential area has been expanding towards Dandenong South in the past 10 years, and still growing. The newly built Keysborough Gardens Primary School is just over 2 kilometres from the proposed location for the WTE plant. None of the residential planning and development activities showed any sign of a WTE plant being planned nearby. Planning of a project like this should be more reasonable and responsible. 1 Second, odor and emissions are existing public nuisances that occur more and more frequently in the neighbourhood. As a keysborough resident for more than 10 years, I’ve noticed air quality deteriorated over the years. However, GSWT’s assessment implied that since the landfill and industrial facilities near the proposed location already have emission issues, it’s OK to add theirs on top of that (Dandenong South waste to energy emission modelling and impact assessment, link: engage.files/5615/7429/2795/30041688_Appendix_F_Air_Emissions_Assessment.p df). The truth is residents are complaining about it, but GSWT never asked anyone in the neighbourhood if it was a problem. They just assumed we should tolerate some more.

In the same document, they claimed northern winds are most common, but failed to point out that the second and third most common are SSE and SE winds, which is clearly shown in their modelled windrose plot in Appendix A of the report. This means the wind will blow odor and emissions to the residential area and schools on a large number of days, which matches our observation (and usually noticed during the evening and night when we are home). Given that odor and emission will both increase, the situation will only get worse.

While we learn the technology from countries with an established WTE industry, we should also learn lessons from their mistakes. According to historical data, as Yong, et al. (2019) explained in Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Development in Malaysia: Appraisal of Environmental, Financial, and Public Issues Related with Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste, for exposed population of distance of up to 10 km threshold from waste incineration facilities for all municipal solid waste (MSW), incineration still has a negative health impacts in the long-term. Therefore they pointed out that incineration plants have to be located far and must have at least a 10 km buffer zone from cities centers and away from any residential and inhabitants’ areas to prevent any risk of negative health implications caused by the release and exposure of toxic flue gases which contain furan, dioxin, and other heavy metals which is being blended in the emission stacks of these WTE plants. Given that Dandenong city centre is within 5 kms and Keysborough residential area is within 2 kms from the proposed location, I don’t see how anyone being sensible can claim that location is suitable for a WTE plant with a capacity of 100,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste.

Thirdly, traffic, noise and fire risks are other issues that should be considered. With the new townhouses being built and the newly built Keysborough Gardens Primary School near Greens Road, it is foreseeable that the intersection of Greens Road and Chapel Road will become very busy during school hours. Having heavy garbage trucks operating in this area will significantly increase the risk of traffic accidents, noise and odor in case of leaks and spills, fire, or a combination of any of the above. It is a hazard for the children who go to that school.

Last but not least important, the members of the community need to be seen and heard and taken seriously. No proper communication had been made to the community until in late October 2019 when the news broke out and everyone was surprised. Now people are talking about moving out if the WTE plant ever get built; but think about those recently moved to Keysborough with no idea of this before making the decision, costing all their savings and a mortgage to pay, and the elderly people in the aged care who can’t afford to move. It’s not fair to ignore their welfare and force them to accept the risks simply because they are disadvantaged and have to stay. The possibility of our homes being ruined has been a heated topic in the

2 neighbourhood over the Christmas, and we don't want to stay under the dark clouds for any longer.

According to the supplied Risk Register (link:https://s3.ap-southeast- engage.files/7315/7429/3944/30041688_Appendix_N_Risk_Assessment.pdf) , a lot of the mentioned risks, e.g. air quality, soil and water quality and contamination, still have a risk score of medium, and their risk management strategy is to ‘Accept’. Well if you ask anyone in this area who will truly be impacted, they would say the residual risks are nowhere near being acceptable.

It should also be noted that building a WTE plant is not a once and for all solution. The countries went for the WTE path had learned from their mistakes that burning can’t solve the waste management crisis completely and had caused new problems from its byproducts. Since the 1960s Japan implemented strict garbage sorting rules and has been very successful in recycling, leaving minimal MSW to burn. China started improving garbage sorting in 2018 and has made progress, too. I trust the EPA have experts with good knowledge and the industrial professionals will continue to work on a better solution than just burning everything.

The proposed WTE plant is one with the processing capacity of 100,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste, and should be carefully designed and situated in a location that is far away from residential areas to minimise impact on the population, if it has to be built. This project should be well planned and implemented with care to benefit generations. We can not afford to be short-sighted to take a non-sustainable solution and choose a location for the sake of economic benefit at the expense of surrounding communities, especially our children.

Your time is much appreciated for reading my email and thank you in advance for your careful consideration. We need your help to decline the proposed location for this WTE plant. Please do not build it close to our home. Please keep our children safe and well.

Yours Sincerely,

Greenview Tce, Keysborough 3173



Yong, Z. J.; Bashir, M. J. K.; Ng, C. A.; Sethupathi, S.; Lim, J. W.; Show, P. L. Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Development in Malaysia: Appraisal of Environmental, Financial, and Public Issues Related with Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste. (Processes 2019, 7(10), 676; link: