USSVI Thresher Base News March 2010 Views of the USS Pampanito January 2010 Minutes Capt. George William by Peter Joy The January meeting of Thresher Kittredge on Eternal Patrol Base was held at Newick’s Restaurant Capt. George William Kittredge, U.S. This is great, especially for folks in Dover on January 16. The meeting Navy-retired, died unexpectedly at desiring to see the inside of a WWII was called to order followed by a silent his home in South Thomaston, ME . Captions are excellent. prayer and pledge of allegiance. The on February 23, 2010. George was Takes a bit of time to go through, Tolling of the Bells was conducted for born in , D.C., on May 26, but the “360 degree” aspect is AWE- those boats lost in January and Febru- 1918. He was the son of Scott F. and SOME. Set the pointer in the frame, ary. A silent prayer was said for those Henriette Green Kittredge. He gradu- left click or right click, and as if you on eternal patrol. ated from the U.S. Naval Academy at are standing in the compartment, look A sound off of those present was Annapolis, MD, in 1940 with a degree arround you. conducted - There were 17 veterans in Electrical Engineering and a com- Diesel Submariners had to learn, and 7 spouses. mission in the U.S. Navy. stem to stern, all systems, learn how to Secretary’s Report - None Upon graduation, George was operate in the event of an emergency Treasurer’s Report - ordered to the USS Chicago, a heavy 98% of the machinery on the subma- open balance $3958.32 with a home port at Pearl Har- rine. Final walk through for earning deposits -$1125.66 bor, . The Chicago participat- the Dolphins, consisted of a blackened payments +$1045.00 ed in the Battles of the Coral Sea and (lights out) and rig the compartment end balance $4038.98 Savo Island and covered the Marine for an evelution, fire, flooding, escape- Peter Joy made a $50 donation to landings at . When the once through the 7 compartments, Albacore Park Chicago had its bow blown off in the with 99% accuracy, one got qualified teered for submarine duty. He made a in . Why the 2 or 1 % flux USS Thresher Memorial Service - total of seven submarine war patrols, factor? Learning never stopped. Buy • Service will be held on 4/10/10 two on the Sunfish (SS 281) and five the time a sailor left the boat, 100% • Traip Academy all set on the Haddock (SS 231). During was well known. • George Stevens will perform Taps continued on page 5 Enjoy - not only the submarine, the • Pat Boyle will be contacted regarding other sites listed. playing the bag pipes. • A second invitation will be extended to Admiral Mooney, but it is unlikely uss_pampanito/index.html continued on page 2 Table of Contents January Meeting Minutes...... 1 Boats Lost in Upcoming Events Lost Boats...... 1 January and February March 20 - 1200 - Meeting/Luncheon Upcoming Events...... 1 at Newick’s Restaurant, Dover, NH Views of the USS Pampanito...... 1 USS Scorpion (SS-278) Capt George William Kittredge...... 1 USS Argonaut (SS-166) April 10 - 1300 - USS Thresher Welcome New Members...... 2 USS Swordfish (SS-193) Memorial Service, Traip Academy. To Perpetuate the Memory...... 3 USS S-36 (SS-141) Details available at www.thresherbase. Groton Base Celebrates USSVI USS S-26 (SS-131) org. RSVP to Kevin Galeaz, thresher- 46th Anniversary...... 4 USS Barbel (SS-316) [email protected] or 603.232.6201 47th USS Thresher Service Invite.. 5 USS Shark I (SS-174) May 15 - 1200 - Meeting/Luncheon Silent Service Motorcycle Club...... 5 USS Amberjack (SS-219) at Flaghill Winery, Lee, NH. Invita- USSVI Conventions...... Back Page USS Grayback (SS-208) tion and details to be forth coming. Next Meeting...... Back Page USS Trout (SS-202) Page 1 Thresher Base News

Meeting Minutes continued from page 1 he will be able to attend due to health • Lori Arsenault has been issues. looking into setting up a • Al Ford, retired, senior civilian with trust for donations. NAVSEA has expressed an interest in • Gary Hildreth suggested speaking. He will be the first choice for the CNO or Secretary of speaker. A second choice will be Vice the Navy as the keynote Admiral Emory. speaker. He also suggested • Gary Hildreth made a suggestion that we invite Vice Admi- about moving the service to the new ral McCoy to speak at the Thresher Room in Tirante Tavern. It 49th. can hold 180 and Old the donation was for, but he remem- there is Business - bers that his initial reaction was posi- a new • Peter Joy com- tive. A mystery donation was passed chair lift. mented that based on Gary’s word. The con- lunch at Flag • The 50/50 Raffle was won by Bill censious Hill Winery was Seaward and he donated the money to of the great. “Hats off the 50th Memorial Service. group to the planners.” •Rick Ceccetti won the submarine was to • Flag Hill has book, because Gary Hildreth had stick been offered already read it. with for all of our • The meeting was adjourned. Traip meetings. It was Academy due to the facilities, ease of decided to hold the May and Novem- entry and access to the water. ber meetings due to travel is- • Gary will contact the COB, Chaplin sues. Larry Oiler has offered and Base Commander. transportation with advance • Rick Cecchetti will contact Al Ford. notice t othose who have • Inviations will be printed and mailed travel issues. as soon as possible. • Tom Young will check with the New Business - commissary about donating water. • The website continues to • Larry Oiler will make arrangements generate new contacts. for the wreath. • Kevin Galeaz extended • Kevin Galeaz will check on the tide a thank you to Peter Joy’s wife for charts to determine which bridge to donating the glass dolphin that was use to throw the wreath. raffled off at the Flag Hill Winery Welcome New Members luncheon. Glenn Appleton 50th Memorial Service - • Holland Club induction will be in Carl Bonenfant • the next big event - need to look at July at the Lobsterbake. The follow- Mark Franklin fundraising opportunities: ing members are eligible for induction: Mike Remington • July Lobsterbake - ship’s wheel raffle Donald Baker, Earl Chase, William Ni- Thomas Stewart • “Fish Bowl” in a prominant location land, Mike Remmington and Irvin Searl. Linda Stewart - Associate at the upcoming service. • Gary received an email from Jon Mike Gigliotti - Associate • 50/50 raffle and future donations Carcioppolo about a donation oppor- will be earmarked for the service tunity. He can not remember what Page 2 To Perpetuate the Memory

Glenn Alva Rountree was born on Oc- included the building of the ship models tion he served in the submarines U.S.S. tober 23, 1938, in Jacksonville, Fla., the and planes, and stamp collecting. Clamagore (SS 343), U.S.S. Perch (SS son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Roun- Glenn enlisted in the Navy in Jackson- 313) and the U.S.S. Charr (ss 328). tree. He attended ville on October 23, On February 27, 1961, Glenn was Ruth N. Upson 1955. After completing selected as a member of the crew of School, John Gorrie his basic training at the the nuclear-powered submarine U.S.S. Junior High School, U.S. Naval Training Thresher (SSN 593) and reported to and Robert E. Lee Center, Great Lakes, the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Senior High School. Ill., he served in the In addition to his parents, Glenn is sur- While in school, tender, U.S.S. vived by his widow, Mrs. Francis Rose Glenn was a mem- Cascade (AD 16), Rountree of Portsmouth, N.H.; and a ber of the school boy until he volunteered daughter, Laura L., of Jacksonville, Fla. patrol and was ac- for submarine duty. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Margaret tive in several sports, He was accepted for Rountree Smith and a grandmother, particularly baseball. training and entered Mrs. J. M. Barley, both of Jacksonville, In addition, he was the submarine school Fla. a Cub Scout, Boy at the U.S. Naval Scout, and a mem- Glenn Alva Rountree Submarine Base, New ber of the Riverside Quartermaster Second Class London, Conn. After Park Methodist Navy successfully completing Church. his hobbies the course of instruc-

Joseph Thomas Shimko was born on Island, Calif. During his naval service, Joseph is sur- March 3, 1937, in Ladysmith, Wis., the Joseph was awarded vived by his son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Shimko. the Good Conduct widow, Helen During his school years, Joseph was Medal. Christine Shimko active in sports, and a member of both of New Market, the football and wrestling teams. His Volunteering for Ala.; his father, hobby, at which he had a quite a tal- submarine duty, he Mr. Joseph T. ent, was repariing automobiles. After entered the subma- Shimko of Ex- Graduating high school in June 1955, rine school at New eland, Wis., and he enlisted in the Navy, and received his London, Conn., and his mother, Leona basic training at the U.S. Naval Train- upon graduating, Frances Brown of ing Center, Great Lakes, Ill. underwent further Ladysmith, Wis. His first sea-duty assignment was training in nuclear in the U.S.S. Bonne power at the Nucle- Homme Richard (CVA 31). He later ar Power Training served in the nuclear-powered cruiser, Unit, Idaho Falls, Joseph Thomas Shimko U.S.S. Long Beach (CG(N) 9). Idaho. On Novem- Machinist’s Mate First Class Joseph was a graduate of the Navy’s ber 6, 1962, Joseph Machinist’s Mate School, the Air reported to his first Conditioning and Refrigeration School submarine, the and , the Nuclear Power School at Mare U.S.S. Thresher (SSN 593), for duty.

Page 3 USSVI News

USSVI 46th Anniversary Celebration & SubVets WWII Northeast Regional Convention April 29, 2010 - May 1, 2010 Sponsor: USSVI Groton Base

For an event overview, select the following link: Groton Base Anniversary Celebration Web Site

For detailed event information and to register, select the following link: Groton Base Anniversary Celebration Registration Form

4/28/2010 4:00 PM SV WWII Early Bird Check- 4–8 PM, Hospitality Room - Groton Inn & Suites 4/29/2010 7:00 AM SCHOLARSHIP GOLF TOURNAMENT Scheduled rain or shine. 07:00 – 07:30 Sign in – Colors 08:00 AM Start 8:30 AM. Includes Greens Fees, Cart, and Prime Rib Awards Luncheon. Strictly Limited to 36 foursomes. Don’t be shut out, get your reservation in as soon as possible. Names of players... 4/29/2010 11:30 AM Joint WWII/HOLLAND CLUB/SUBVETS Luncheon Lunch specials available, or you may order off the menu. No payment with registration re- quired. Pay as you go. If planning on attending the luncheon please indicate on registration so head count can be determined. 4/29/2010 2:00 PM WWII Business Meeting(s) to be held at 2:00 PM at the Groton Inn & Suites. 4/30/2010 7:30 AM Return to Submarine School 7:30 AM – Muster at Nautilus Museum. Includes a Basic Submarine School Graduation Ceremony, SUBSCHOOL tours including the new Escape Trainer, and lunch at the Base Galley. SUBSCHOOL Tour is limited to 150 participants. Early registration is highly recom- mended.... 4/30/2010 6:00 PM Joint SV WWII/Anniv. Celebration Welcome Aboard Party 6 pm Groton Inn & Suites 5/1/2010 8:15 AM Submarine Tour Strictly dependent on Base Security conditions and Submarine Availability. It can be cancelled without notice. To comply with security requirements only those participants registered by Thursday, April 22, 2010 will be allowed on the Sub School Tour ... 5/1/2010 9:30 AM SV WWII Shopping Tour Shopping trip to Mystic Village Departs Groton Inn & Suites 9:30 AM Departs Mystic 12:00 PM. (dependent on participation) Limit 50 people. 5/1/2010 1:00 PM Memorial Service/Tolling of the Boats USSV WWII National Submarine Memorial East 1:00 PM. Inclement Weather Location Groton Municipal Building – Meridian St. Groton. Guest Speaker to be determined. 5/1/2010 6:00 PM Anniversary Banquet Dinner Dance Port N’ Starboard New London CT – Social Period/Cash Bar begins 6:00 PM. Dinner will follow with choice of entrees. The guest speaker will be the COMSUBFOR FORCM(SS) Jeff Garrison. There will also be dancing and music. 5/2/2010 9:00 AM Steak ‘N Eggs Breakfast 9:00 AM until Noon – SUBVETS Clubhouse - $6.50 – No reservations required Page 4 USSVI News

Capt. George William Kittredge continued from page 1 those seven war patrols, 16 enemy Academy. ships were torpedoed. At the end of In 1970, he founded Kittredge In- World War II, George commanded dustries to manufacture small sub- the submarine Grouper (SS 214). He marines. He is generally recognized was 26 years old at that time. George as the father of personal submersibles. married the former Gayle Clark on his Between 1970 and 1988, the com- birthday, May 26, 1944, thus ensur- pany built and sold worldwide small United States Submarine ing that he would never forget their submarines, the last one going to the Veterans Incorporated anniversary. University of Nagasaki in . He In 1946, he was Admiral Byrd’s then sold submarine plans to individu- Thresher Base navigator on Byrd’s last expedition als for self-construction. His plans are to the Antarctic. That was followed still available at by a tour of duty as assistant naval Capt. Kittredge was an excellent cordially invites you attaché at the U.S. embassy in New horseman and a good polo player. In to the Delhi, India. George returned to the 1950 in New Delhi, India, he played United States to take command of the on the Argentine polo team that submarine Sterlet (SS 392) and then defeated the Indian Army Team 5-4 the fast Trout (SS in overtime before a crowd of 100,000 47th Memorial Service 566). Later, he would spend two and people. He owned and rode horses for USS Thresher a half years in the Office of the Sec- until the time of his death. He was retary of Defense. He then returned also a pilot. In recent years, he built (SSN 593) to as the commander and flew an amphibious ultra-light of the Fast Attack Submarine Divi- plane. sion 11. George’s last tour of duty Capt. Kittredge’s wife, Gayle Kit- Saturday, April 10, 2010 was as senior military attaché at the tredge, predeceased him on March 19, U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel. In 2000. Per George’s request, there will 1962, Capt. Kittredge retired from the be no funeral or service. His ashes will 1:00 p.m. Navy. Subsequently, he was a mem- be interred in the Columbarium at the ber of the 102nd Maine Legislature U.S. Naval Academy. and a trustee of the Maine Maritime R. W. Traip Academy Silent Service Motorcycle Club 12 Williams Avenue Tom Stewart, recently joined Thresh- and families could ride together plus er Base and he is looking for members participate in local parades. They are Kittery, Maine who would be interested in joining also looking into forming a SSMC the Silent Service Motorcycle Club, honor guard, when requested, as an SSMC. This club was escort service for our fellow a started when a group shipmates who have gone of Subvet riders in the on eternal patrol. This club RSVP Seattle area decided to has the support of Patrick form a Qualified Subma- Householder, National Kevin Galeaz, rine Veterans only club. Commander of USSVI. [email protected] The subvets had looked at several An application form is located on the or 603.232.6201 military clubs but they did not offer club’s website at www.silentservicemc. the uniqueness we all hold at being com. Tom can be contacted at 603- qualified in submarines. They wanted 279-1140 or 603-707-7445 if you have a club where Subvets and their friends any questions. Page 5 THRESHER Base United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. c/o Kevin Galeaz 1465 Hooksett Road #239 Hooksett, NH 03106

Next Thresher Base Meeting Saturday, March 20 @ 1200 Newick’s Restaurant • 431 Dover Point Road • Dover, NH

USSVI Thresher Base USSVI Conventions

States Government.” USSVI Thresher Base was chartered on The base newsletter, Thresher Base 2010 15 November 1989 in the memory of News, and base website, www.thresher- those 129 gallant men who at 9:17 AM Cincinnati, OH-, are used to inform the mem- on 10 April 1963 lost their lives in the bership and community about meet- Covington, KY performance of their duties aboard USS ing happenings and upcoming events. THRESHER (SSN 593). Any member who has information to Our mission is “to perpetuate the share with the membership is encour- memory of our shipmates who gave aged to submit articles to the editor 2011 their lives in the pursuit of their duties for publishing. Send submissions to Springfield, MO while serving their country. That their Kevin Galeaz, Editor, 1465 Hooksett dedication, deeds and supreme sacri- Road #239, Hooksett, NH 03106 or fice be a constant source of motivation [email protected]. toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United Page 6