Political Judgemertt between Empirical Experience and Scfiolarty Tradition: EngeCbert Kaempfer's Report on Persia (1684-8$) Stefan Brakensiek* The article attempts a reconstruction of the ways in which the pro- duction of knowledge abou't Persia was organised by Engelbert Kaempfer in his writings. This late seuenteenth Century German traveller to Asia has bcen unfailingly commended for his crilical cmpiricism. While this has been takanforgranted in thefield oj natural sciences—Kaempfer was afamousphysician and botanist—it is more difßcult, when scarchingfor Ihefoundations ofhisjudgemcnt about the political system of Persia, to distinguish between experience and scholarly tradition. Tlie articleprovides a survey ofthc Information Kaempfer had to rcly upon. A comparison betivecn thcse sources and the report itselfgives us some insight into theprocesses through which theproduction ofsodo-political knowledge about an alien world took place and how the encounter with the alien exercised an inßuence on the political judgement ofa seventcenth Century explorcr. To the true Safavid prince, everything is allowed unrestrictedly: if he wants to conclude alliances, to declare war and peace, to alter the constitution of the realm, to think up new taxes; even if he wants to 'Fakultät für Gesch ich tswis.sen.se ha ft und Philosophie, University of Bielefeld, Universitätssfr. 25. D-33Ö15 Bielefeld. Germany. Email:
[email protected] hielefeld.de M^di£val History Journal, S, 'Z (2002) Säße PubCications * New Delhi, Thousand Oflfes, London 224 * Siefan Brafeenstefc Engelbert Kaempfer's Report on Persia » 225 extend his power over the life and property of an individual and his This harsh judgement on the political System of Persia was passed wife and children.