Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B, Historia Naturalis, 56 [2000] (3-4) : 103-120 issued May 2001 Sbornik Narodniho muzea v Praze , rada B, Pfirodni vedy, 56 [2000] (3-4): 103-120


PAVEL CHVOJKA Department of Entomology, National Museum, Kunratice 1, 14800 Praha 4, KAREL NovAK Institute of Entomology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branisovska 31,37005 Geske Budejovlce, Czech Republic

Chvojka, P. et Novak, K. (2001): Additions and corrections to the checklist ofTrichoptera (Insecta) from the Czech and Slovak Republics. - Acta Mus. Nat. Pragae, Ser. B, Hist. Nat. , 56 [2000] (3-4): 103-120. Praha. ISSN 0036-5343.

Abstract. New records of caddisflies for the fauna of and Moravia (Czech Republic) and the Slovak Republic based on examination of new as well as old collections are presented. Several data from the previous edition ofthe checklist ofCzechoslovak Trichoptera are corrected. These changes resulted from critical revalua- tion ofearlier literature data and are supported by the revision ofavailable collections and current knowledge of distribution of the caddisfly species. Occurrence of the species from the genera or the species groups in which misidentifications were commonplace in the past is reviewed for the territory ofthe Czech Republic and . New findings of rare caddisfly species from the regions under study are also added. The updated checklist of Czech and Slovak Trichoptera is appended; a total of 247 caddisfly species are listed from the Czech Republic (242 and 192 from Bohemia and Moravia, respectively) and 218 species from the Slovak Republic.

• Trichoptera, faunistics, Czech Republic (Bohemia, Moravia), Slovak Republic, new records, checklist

Received September 25,2000 Introduction

Trichopterological research on the territory offonner Czecho­ verified data on occurrence ofthe species from the genera or slovakia has quite a long tradition. Studies on the Czech cad­ the species groups in which misidentifications were common­ disfly fauna were started by Kolenati (1848) and the first species place in the past are provided for the territory of Bohemia, lists from the territory ofBohemiaand Slovakia were published Moravia, and Slovakia on the basis ofexamination ofthe old at the end ofthe 19th century (Klapalek 1890, 1895; Mocsary and new collections. Some remarkable findings ofrare caddis­ 1899). New records from then Czechoslovakia(including Trans­ fly species from the regions under study are also added. carpathian Ukraine) from the first third ofthe 20th century were All authentic and verified records ofcaddisfly species from included in the checklist by Mayer (1939a). The most recent Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia are summarized in the updat­ checklist ofCzechoslovak caddisflies was compiled by Novak ed checklist. A total of247 and 218 species is enumerated from and Obr (1977), they listed 248 species from the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics, respectively. former Czechoslovakia (220, 179, and 211 from Bohemia, Mora­ via, and Slovakia, respectively). Additional species were dis­ Faunistic part covered later and a number ofnew state records were published New, verified and interesting faunistic data as well as com­ (e.g. Sykora 1963; Pomichal1979, 1986; Malicky 1984; Obr 1984; ments on selected species are given in the following part. Szczesny 1986; Sukop 1990; Sipos 1991; Chvojka 1993, 1996; Species are arranged alphabetically within genera, genera al­ Krno, Illesova and Halgos 1994; Sedlak 1999; Bulankova, Hal­ phabetically within families (or subfamilies and tribes in the gos and Kmo 2000). Although both Czech and Slovak caddis­ Limnephilidae), families are listed according to the previous fly fauna is ratherwell known, ongoing faunistic research, above edition ofthe checklist (Novak and Obr 1977). all in the protected areas (national parks, protected landscape Explanatory notes and abb reviations: In paragraphs " Material ex­ areas, nature reserves), still brings findings of new and rare amined" verbatim locality label data are quoted for each sample [au­ species for the fauna ofthe Czech and Slovak Republics. thors ' specification is found in square brackets] and the code of the grid mapp ing (Fig. 1) according to Zeleny (1972) is appended in parenthe­ The aim ofthis paper is to present new records ofTrichoptera ses. These locality data are followed by the date, number of specimens from Bohemia and/or Moravia (Czech Republic) and the Slo­ (males, females , pupae, larvae), name of collector and depository. All vak Republic as well as to make several corrections of the material was identified by the authors. pot. (potok) - brook ; R. - river; ryb. (rybnik) - pond ; NPR - National previous edition ofthe checklist. These changes resulted from nature reserve; LT - light trap; YPT - yellow pan trap; MT - Malaise trap; critical revaluation of some earlier faunistic records and are FK - F. Krampl leg.; IN - 1. Novak leg.;JH- Jifi Hajek leg.: JM - 1. Macek supported by a revision of voucher specimens and current leg.; JZ - 1. Zeleny leg.; KN - K. Novak leg.; KSJJ - K. Spitzer and 1. Jaros leg.; PC - P. Chvojka leg.; PK - P. Kapitola leg.; VB - V. Belin leg.; Klap. taxonomic and faunistic knowledge; some other modifications - Klapalek's collection (deposited in NMP) ; MMB - Moravian Museum, are the consequence ofnomenclatural changes. Furthermore, Brno; NMP - National Museum, Praha; Nov. -K. Novak's collection

103 20· 21· 22· 82 84 B6 88 90 92 94 g& -i!i8 00' 02' 51. " , 1\56" ( 1


/' '\ II' ~ \. - S , J r'\. tr 1\ \

'J J II { I{ / J~ ./ I' "\ 1\ 1"'.1...:1\. !Io. II " "I.:"P~ ...... r I H ~ "lI,~ I 1 _ II J I I" 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 7S 81 83 8!: 87 89 9~ 93 17· 18· 19· 20' . 1·

Fig. 1. Grid map of the Czech and Slovak Republics (. - map field with code 6342).

(Institute of E~tomology, Ceske Budejovice); SNMB - Slovak National p~thians (SZCZctS?y 1986). The data from central Slovakia (Negra­ Museum, Bratislava. di and Uherkovich 1987) resulted from a confusion with R. nu­ bila (Nogradi and Uherkovich, pers. comm.). We do not consider Rhyacophilidae records mentioned in various hydrobiological studies on benthic invertebrates from the Czech and Slovak Republics because Rhyacophila aurata BRAUER, 1857 larvae of R. dorsalis are not distinguishable from the related R. aurata was listed from Slovakiaby Mayer (1939a) and sub­ species so far (Waringer and Graf 1997). sequently by Novak and Obr(1977). The dataare based on prob­ R. dorsalis, vicariant species of R. nubila, occurs in SW able misidentifications published from the High Tatra Mts. (Mayer Europe, the border between ranges ofboth species in Central 1936b, 1939b; Pongracz 1936). Species was not later confirmed in Europe runs through northern Bavaria, southern Bohemia, the North Carpathians (Szczesny 1986; Chvojka 1992) and it is northern Austria, and northwestern Hungary and then turns excluded from the list ofthe Slovak caddisflies. to the Southeast (Pitsch 1993a). R. aurata is distributed in the Alps and its northern foothills (Pitsch 1993a; Maier et al. 1995) and several records are known Rhyacophila evoluta McLACHLAN, 1879 from the Bayerischer Wald Mts. (Weinzier11995) but it has not This species was listed from Bohemia and Slovakia (Novak been reported from the Bohmerwald Mts. yet. and Obr 1977 - as R. occidentalis evoluta McL.). There are records from the Krkonose Mts. and Sumava Mts. in Bohemia Rhyacophila dorsalis (CURTIS, 1834) (Klapalek 1892, 1903; Novak 1962, 1996), but Slovakdata based This species was reported from Bohemia and Slovakia by on larval material (Balthasar 1936; Obr 1956, 1963) are misidenti­ Novak and Obr (1977). In the Czech Republic, it occurs only in fication and species is deleted from the list ofSlovakTrichoptera. southern Bohemia (Novak 1962). R. dorsalis belongs also to R. evoluta is replaced by R. mocsaryi in Slovakia (Novak 1962). the fauna of Slovakia but occurs only at the southwestern bor­ R. evoluta is distributed in the western part ofCentral Europe der ofthe country - probably only in the Danube River. Larvae (Mittelgebirge) in higher elevation, it is probably absent in the develop in the Slovak - Hungarian stretch ofthe Danube and its Alps (Pitsch 1993a). branches, adults were collected along the Hungarian riverside (Nogradi 1994; Nogradi and Uherko-vich, pers. comm.); R. dor­ Rhyacophila laevis PICTET, 1834 salis inhabits also an upstream section ofthe Danube in Aus­ Material examined: Slovakia c.: right tributary ofHron above tria (Moog, Humpesch and Konar 1995). Old records from Bujakovo(7184), 15. vi. 1955,4cr, MMB;4cr 1 ~,SNMB. northern Slovakia (Mayer 1936b lalsoas R.persimilisl; 1937 las Species was reported only from the easternmost Slovakia R. persimilisl; 1939b lalso as R. persimilish are misidentifica­ so far (Sykora 1963; Chvojka 1993). New record is from central tions, the range ofthe species does not include the North Car- Slovakia.

104 Rhyacophila pascoei McLACHLAN, 1879 Koruna nr. Bozanov (540 m a. s. 1.) (5463),20. v. 1997, 1 9; brook­ letS Korunanr. Boianov(600ma. s. 1.)(5463),12. vi. 1997, 1 0' Material examined: Slovakia occ.: Bratislava, nabrezi Dunaje 1 9; source and brook SE Machovska Lhota(5563), 14. vi. 1997, [Danube embankment] (7868), 30. v. 1950,20', Bahitleg.,SNMB. 10' 1 9; brookletN Hlavnov (5463), 15. vi. 1997,20'4 9; brook Species is new to the caddistly fauna ofthe Slovak Repub­ NE Kamenec nr; Sonov(5464), 1997, 19;28. vii. 1997, 10'; lic. It was listed only from Bohemia in Novak and Obr (1977) pond, Sedloiiov - Polom (5663), 10.vii. 1997, 10'; Blatnicky pot. on the basis ofa single record from central Bohemia (Klapalek S Spalava (6260),21. vii. 1998,60' 189; brooklet, Pracov (6160), 1891). Its occurrence was not confirmed in the Czech Republic 28. vi. 1999, 1 0' 6 9; brooklet, NE slope ofPolom (6260), 29. vi. because voucher specimen is not preserved in Klapalek's col­ 1999,20'; all PC, NMP. lection (NMP) and there are not any recent records. On the S. iridipennis was listed only from Moravia and Slovakia in other hand, it is possible to expect new records from the Slo­ Novak and Obr (1977). Recent collections revealed that this vak Danube River as the species inhabits upstream sections species is widely distributed also in northeastern Bohemia. ofthe river in Austria (Moog, Humpesch and Konar 1995). In Central Europe R.pascoei is listed from , Austria, and Hungary (Uherkovich and Nogradi 1992; Klima et al. 1994; Hydroptilidae Malicky 1999a). Hydroptila angustata MOSELY, 1939 Rhyacophila philopotamoides McLACHLAN, 1879 Material examined: Bohemia mer.: Ceske Budejovice - Hak­ R. philopotamoides was listed for Bohemia and Slovakia in lovy Dvory (LT) (6952), 23. viii. 1995, 1 0', KN, Nov. Novakand Obr (1977) and from Moravia in Obr (1976). The single New species for the Czech Republic. This species with cir­ Bohemian record from western Bohemia (SamaI1920a) isdoubtful cum-mediterranean distribution was recently discovered in (Novak 1962)and the species has not been confirmed in Bohemia several parts ofcontinental Europe (Uherkovich and Nogradi so far. In spite ofthis we retain it in the checklist ofcaddistlies of 1992, 1997; Botosaneanu 1995; Ujvarosi, Nogradi and Uherk­ Bohemiabecause this record is close to German localities (Pitsch ovich 1997; Malicky 1997, 1999a). 1993a; Klimaeta1.1994).Similarly, theonlyrecordfromnortheastem Moravia - the Moravskoslezske Beskydy Mts. (Krkavec 1951) is Hydroptila forcipata (EATON, 1873) uncertain but the species is proved from the Polish side ofthe Material examined: Moravia mer.: Velicka, Nova Lhota­ border- the BeskidSlaski Mts. (Szczesny 1986). Vapenky(7171),22. vi. 1999,70'29, PC, NMP. This species, widely distributed in Europe, is for the first Rhyacophila torrentium PICTET, 1834 time reported from Moravia. This species is listed from Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia in the checklist of Czechoslovak Trichoptera (Novak and Obr Hydroptila lotensis MOSELY, 1930 1977). However, we consider the Slovak data (Pongracz 1914; Material examined: Slovakia c.: Biela Orava below Lokca Fekete 1926;Mayer I936b, 1937, 1939b) as misidentification and (6682),29. vi. 1992, 10'; Turiec, Martin (6979), 24. ix. 1993, 10'; R. torrentium is excluded from the list ofSlovak caddistlies. allPC,NMP. R. torrentium is distributed from the Western Alps to the New species for the Slovak Republic. It is known from the Elburz Mts. including the Romanian Carpathians (Botosaneanu neighbouring countries (Szczesny 1991;Uherkovich and Nogradi 1995) and Mittelgebirge (Pitsch 1993a) but its range does not 1992) and it was also reported from southern Germany (peissner, include the North Carpathians (Szczesny 1986). Maier and Kappus 1998) and southeastern Austria (Malicky 1997, 1999a; Graf, Schmidt-Kloiberand Moritz 1998) recently. Glossosomatidae Hydroptila martini MARSHALL, 1977 Synagapetus iridipennis McLACHLAN, 1879 Material examined: Bohemia c.: Psovka Valley SW Hlucov, Material examined: Bohemiaoce.: brook SLoket(5842), 22. vi. spring wetland (5553), 6. vii. 1999, 120' 109, PC, NMP. Bo­ 1999,20' I 9, PC, NMP; Bohemia sept.: brooklet, Radoiiovice hemia or.: Na Oburce E Tremosnice, spring brook (6159), ENE Hodkovice nad Mohelkou (5356), 4. vii. 1991,20' 1 9; 30. vi. 1999, 1 0' 49, PC, NMP. Slovakia c.: cut-offmeander Bohemia or.: left tributary ofZdobniceN Popelov (5864),9. vii. ofVah nr. Cemice (6983), 30. vii. 1962,90' 1 9, KN, Nov. New species for the Czech and Slovak Republics. Distri­ 1994,20' 19; lefttributary ofBela NW Maly Uhrmov (5763), 10. bution of this species is unsufficiently known, scattered vii. 1995,350'26 9; 17.viii. 1995,10'2 9;22. vii. 1996,3 0' 1 9;left records are from Ireland to Bosnia (Malicky 1996) and Den­ tributary ofBela W Picberk (5763), 11.vii. 1995, 1 0'39; Olesen­ mark (Wiberg-Larsen and Holm 1999), less frequent in Cen­ kaabove Olesnicev Orlickychhorach(5663), 12.vii. 1995,10' 1 9; tral Europe (Szczesny 1991; Klima et al. 1994; Malicky 1999a). brook below Cihalka E Olesnice v Orlickych horach (5664), 12. vii. 1995, 7 0' 6 9; brook 1km NNW Olesnice v Orlickych horach MOSELY, 1920 (5663), 12.vii. 1995,280'38 9; right tributary ofZdobnice E Pifm Hydroptila simulans (5864), 13. vii. 1995,20' 1 9; source and brook W Vrchmezi Material examined: Bohemia occ.: Ohre below Loket (5842), (5664), 18.viii. 1995,30';right tributary ofChrudimkaNE Hra­ 24. vi. 1999,10', PC, NMP. diste (6160),21. vii. 1996, 10'; brooklet E Bestvina (6159),21. vii. New species for the Czech Republic. Western Palaearctic 1996, 2 0' I 9; 20. vii. 1998, 7 0' 79; 30. vi. 1999, 90'49; left species, rare in Central Europe (Szczesny 1991; Klima et al. tributary ofBela W Uhifnov (5763), 19. viii. 1996,29; brooklet S 1994; Nogradi 1994; Malicky 1997, 1999a).

105 Hydroptila valesiaea SCHMID, 1947 [pot.]Nekorsky(5965),16.viii.[18]90,5«; D. [Divoka]OrliceN. [Nekor] (5965),16.viii.[18]90,1o'; Cerekvice[nadLoucnou](60­ Material examined: Bohemia or.: Na Oburce E Tremosnice, 6163),18.viii.[18]90,1 (f;N. [Nemecky] Brod[tributary of'Sazava, spring brook (6159),30. vi. 1999,3 a, PC, NMP; Slovakia c.: Pohled] (6359),2. ix. 1901, 1 o'; all Klap.-NMP. Moravia mer.: Eubochnianka, I.:ubochna(6880), 30. vii. 1962,1 9, KN, Nov. Zeletavka above Vranovska prehrada (7060), 8. vii. 1956, 2 (f, New species for the Slovak Republic. Inthe Czech Republic, MMB; Bobrova (6562),20. vii. 1959,2 (f, 1. Sykora leg.,NMP; this species was known only from single locality in western SvratkabelowKrasne(6362), 14.viii.1960,40', SNMB. Bohemia (Chvojka 1996) so far,new record is from eastern Bo­ Published records of W subnigra from the Czech Republic are hemia. It is known also from several sites in Switzerland,France, scarceand someofthem arebasedon larvae only. Examinationof Scotland, and Germany (Marshall 1977; Kahnert 1995). material available in museum collections proves the occurrence ofthis species in the highland region on the borderline between Hydroptila veetis CURTIS, 1834 Bohemia and Moravia but there are not any recent records. Material examined: Moravia mer.: Brno - Komarov, 1. vii. 1956,4 (f 89, MMB. Wormaldia triangulifera McLACHLAN, 1878 This species is for the first time reported from Moravia. This species was listed from all parts offormer Czechoslo­ Widely distributed in Western Palaearctis. vakia (Novak and Obr 1977) on the basis of published data (Klapalek 1892;Pongracz 1914; Fekete 1926; Mayer 1937;Obr Orthotrichia tragetti MOSELY, 1930 1969a). However, all examined specimens from our collections labeled as W triangulifera belong to W occipitalis. The range Materialexamined:Slovakia oee.:JurskySur(LT)(7769),4. vi. of W triangulifera does not include Central Europe (Botosa­ 1996,1(f29,J. Lukas colI.;Slovakia or.:Vel'ka KrcavaSE neanu and Malicky 1978) and therefore the species is exclu­ Vel'kyKamenec (7697),26. vii. 1999, 1(f, PC,NMP. ded from the checklists ofthe Czech and Slovak Republics. New species for the Slovak Republic. It was recently re­ corded also from adjacent countries for the first time (Chvojka 1996;Malicky 1999a). Hydropsychidae

Oxyethira flavieornis (PICTET, 1834) Hydropsyehe PICTET, 1834 Materialexamined: Slovakia oee.: Jursky Sur(LT) (7769), 18. Novak and Obr (1977) listed 10 species ofthe genus Hydro­ v. 1995,4 (f 2 9, 1. Lukas leg. et coil.; Dunaj [Danube R.] SW psyche fromCzechoslovakiaaccordingto oldpublisheddata.How­ Bodiky(8070),29. vii. 1999,2 o'; branchofthe Dunaj[DanubeR] ever the identification of the Hydropsyche species was difficultin SWBodiky(LT)(8070),29. vii. 1999,309; all PC,NMP. the past, misidentifications were commonplace and data were un­ This species, widely distributed in Europe, is for the first reliableuntiltherevisionofthe instabilis-group(Botosaneanuand time reported from the territory ofSlovakia. Marinkovic-Gospodnetic 1966), theguttata-group(Malicky1977), and publicationofdetailedillustrationsofthe male genitaliaof all Oxyethira simplex RIS, 1897 Europeanspecies(Malicky1983).Inaddition,severalnew species were describedfrom Europe in the last decades, one ofthem was Material examined: Bohemia c.: Psovka below Vojtechov evendiscovered inCentralEuroperecently(Pitsch 1993b).Forthat (5553),2. vi. 1999,4 (f 5 9; 6. vii. 1999,22 (f 7 9; all PC, NMP. reason, it was necessaryto reviseformer identificationsto clarify New species for the Czech Republic. 0. simplex was record­ the occurrence and distribution of Hydropsyche species in the ed from northern Europe (Barnard 1985;Andersen and Wiberg­ Czech and SlovakRepublics.This study resulted in the discovery Larsen 1987; Spuris 1989; Ashe, O'Connorand Murray 1998), of 17 and 12 species from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, re­ southern Germany (Kahnert 1995), and southern (Moret­ spectively. Distributional records for single species of the genus ti and Cianficconi 1995) so far. Hydropsyche, with the exception of easily identifiable and very common H angustipennis, are presented. Philopotamidae Hydropsyehe botosaneanui MARINKOVIC­ Wormaldia McLACHLAN, 1865 -GOSPODNETIC, 1966 Fivespecies were listedfrom former CzechoslovakiainNovak Materialexamined: Bohemia mer.:Blanice,Blazejovice(7049), and Obr (1977). Reexamination of collections revealed that 27. v. 1959, 2 (f, KN, Nov.; Bohemia or.: T[Ticha] Orlice ­ only W occipitalis, W subnigra, W pulla, and W copiosa J[Jablonne nadOrlici] (5965), 17.v. 1891,2 (f (as H. pellucidula occur in the territory ofthe Czech and Slovak Republics. W in Klapalek 1892a), Klap.-NMP; [Divoka]Orlice,Potstejn (5963), occipitalis is common species ofspring brooks, on the other 28. v. 1958,3 (f, KN,Nov.;DivokaOrlice, Potstejn (5963),13. v. hand W pulla and W copiosa are rare or very rare species. 1998,3 (f 109; Doubrava, Tremosnice (6159), 19.v. 1999, 10'; Chrudimkaabove Svidnice(6160),21. v. 1999, 1o'; all PC,NMP. Wormaldia subnigra McLACHLAN, 1865 New species for the Czech Republic. It was described from Bosnia and subsequently mentioned from other parts of the Materialexamined:Bohemia or.: P. [pot.,] Nekof(5965),21.vii. Balkan Peninsula (Marinkovic-Gospodnetic 1979; Kumanski [18]88, 1(f; D.[Divoka] Orlice, Pastviny (5965), 23.vii.[18]88, 1c'; 1988; Malicky 1999b) and only recently reported from Central P. [pot.] v Udoli - Nek. [of] (5965),23. vii. 1888,1 o'; Orlicka J. Europe for the first time (Ciubuc 1993; Pitsch 1993b; Fischer [Orlicskypot.,Jablonnenad Orlici](5965), 13.viii.[18]90,1o'; P. and Neu 1998).

106 Hydropsyche bulbifera McLACHLAN, 1878 This species is widespread in Europe and Siberia (Malicky 1984)andwas alsoreportedfrom Bohemia,Moravia,and Slova­ Materia] examined:Bohemia sept: VapennyvrchS Raspena­ kia(Malicky 1984;Novak 1989, 1993, 1996; Elexova1997; Sedlak va(Ll) (5156),9.viii. ]999,1 0",FK,NMP;Pancava(Ll)(5259), 1999). Our data indicate that the species is distributed along 4. vii. 1994,20",1. Vanek leg.,Nov.; Bohemiae.:Strupin­ large rivers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the present skypot.,Hredle (6149), 1960,10";25.vii. 1960, 10"; allKN, but there is not any evidence of its occurrence before 1960. Nov.; Kozovazy (5854), 24.vii.1960, I 0"; Mochov, stream (5854), 24. vii. 1961,140"; allJZ,Nov.;Praha- Ruzyne(LT)(595I), ]8. Hydropsyche contubernalis McLACHLAN, 1865 viii. 1970,10"; 18.viii. 1974,10";all IN,Nov.;Bohemia mer.: CeskeBudejovice- Haklovy Dvory (LT)(6952), 10.viii. 1991, Material examined: Bohemiaocc.:KarlovyVary - Doubi(5742­ I 0";17.vii. 1994, 10"; all KN,Nov.;Bohemia or.: Libice[nad 43),6.viii. 1960,3O",JZ, Nov.; Ohre, KralovskePofici(5842), Doubravou](6260),18. v. [19]03, I 0",K]ap.-NMP;Doubrava 1993,260";brookS Loket(5842), 28.vii.1994,30";allPC,NMP; aboveLibice nad Doubravou (6260), 2I. vii.1998, 1 0", PC,NMP; Bohemia sept: Ohre,Postoloprty (5648),20. v. 1957,40"; Labe, Cerna strati,Belecko (LT)(5861), 7. viii. 1997, 1 0";Trckovska Litomerice (5450), 2I. v.1957, 100";Labe,Libechov (5552), louka, Trckov(Ll)(5664), 13.viii. 1997,1 O";allJH, NMP;Mora­ 1957,50";Ohre, Hrdly(5550), 1957,30";26.viii. 1957,30"; via men: Trestice,Trest'(6658),26. v. 1960,I 0", KN,Nov.;Slo­ Modlau Lovosic (5450), 22.vii.1957, 10";Prackovice nadLabem vakia occ.:Piest'any, bridge(7473),4. -6.viii.1958,25ct, Bartos (5450),23.ix.1957, 10";allKN,Nov.;Labe,DeCin-Bo]etice(5251), leg.,Nov.; Zavodnr.Malacky(Ll)(7468), 4.-5.viii.1978,30"(as 1.ix. 1992,29 0"; Labe, Hfensko(5151 ), 2. ix. 1992, 1 0";Labe, H. ornatula /partim/ in Obr 1984), VB, SNMB; Slovakia c.: Nucnicky(5451), 3.ix. 1992, 10"; allPC,NMP;Bohemiac.:N.Hutt Petruska, Parizovce (6883), 26. v. 1962,80"; 1963, 10"; [NovaHut'S Nizbor] (6050),20" (asH.guttatain K]apalek 1891) Rajcanka, Raj. [ecke]Teplice(6983),2. viii. 1962,100"; allKN, [0. Nickerl leg.]; [Praha-]Stvanice (5952), 30.v.[18]90, I 0"; Nov.; Ipel', Sahy(7979),5.vii.1992,I 0", PC,NMP;Slovakiaor.: [18]90,3 0"; 6. vii. [18]90,10"(as H. guttata in Klapalek 189I); Sverzovo Kamene, Sverzov (6693), 21. vi. 1961, 1 0";Poprad, [Praha-] Podbaba(5852), 13. v.[18]91,20"(asH guttatainKlapalek Forbasy(6789), 25. vii. 1961,10";brooknr. Dubova(7094),27. 1892);Jifina(5854),29. v.[18]92, I 0"(as H.guttatain K]apalek vii. 1961,2 0";all KN, Nov.; Ublianka below Ubl'a(7100), 16. 1894); [Praha-]Chuchle(5952), 16.v.[18]93,20"(asH.guttatain vii. 1990, 1 0"pupa; Cirocha above Snina(7099),20. vii. 1990, Klapalek 1894); Karlluv] T)'n[Karlstejn] (6051),28.v.[18]93, 10" 2 0";all PC, NMP. (as H. guttata in Klapalek 1894);Kuchelbad [Praha - Chuchle] Occurrence of H. bulbifera in Bohemia and Slovakia was (5952),2. ix.[1]893,30";Podol, vii.[1]894,30" [0. Nicker11eg.]; considered doubtful by Novak and Obr (1977). This widely [Praha-] Ma]vazinka(5952), 12.v.[18]95, 10";[Praha-] Chabry distributed western Palaearctic species was corroborated from (5852),10. v.[19]15,40"; [Praha-] Karlov(5952), 4.viii. [19]15,3. ix. Bohemiaand Moravia by Malicky(1977)and fromSlovakiaby [19]15, 11. ix.[19]15,23. vi.[19]16,21. vii.[19]16,20. v.[19]17,18. Nogradi(1988, 1989). vii. [19]17, 7 0", Dr. Klicka [leg.]; all Klap.-NMP; Berounka, Zloukovice(5949),,20";Zelivka, Svihov(6256), 29.vii. Hydropsyche bulgaromanorum MALICKY, 1977 1960,10"; allKN,Nov.;Mochov(5854), 18.viii. 1963, I 0",JZ, Materialexamined: Bohemia c.: Praha- Ruzyne(LT)(5951), Nov.; Praha-Ruzyne(LT)(5951), 5.vii.1973,10"; 7.x. 1976, 10"; 5. -6. ix. 1974,30"; 8. -10. viii. 1975,200"; 12.viii. 1975,190"; 19. ix. 1979, 10";2. ix.1979, 10"; 1.viii. 1980,11 0"; 14.-I6.viii. 1981, 25. vii. 1978,10";3. -5. viii. 1979,I 0";6. viii. 1979, 10";16.viii. 40";allIN,Nov.; Berounka, Srbsko (6050), 25.iv. 1989,170";23. vi. 1979,20";20. viii. 1979, I 0"; 3I. viii. 1979, 10"; 2.ix. 1979, 10"; 1989,30";16.v.1990,80";Berounka, Karlstejn (6051), 25.v.1989, 16.viii. 1980,30"; 13.viii. 1981,10"; 18. viii. 1984,10";all IN, 140";Vltava,Praha- Zavist(6052),20. v. 1989,60"; Bubovicky Nov.; Vltava, Praha - Stmady (6052), 24. vii. 1991,5 ct; Vlta­ pot. aboveSrbsko(6050),25. v. 1989,10";Lodenice abovecon­ va, Praha - Chuchle (5952),6. viii. 1992, 10";Berounka,Praha fluence with Berounka(6050), 16.v. 1990,20"; Vltava, Praha­ - Radotin (6052), 2 I. vii. 1992, 10";all PC, NMP; Bohemia Troja(5852), 20.v.1990,40";12. v. 1993, 180";allPC,NMP;Praha mer.: Semicenr. Pisek (LT) (6751), 14. viii. 1969,2 0"(as H. - Strnady(6052), 12.ix. 1991, I 0",PK, NMP; Berounka, Praha guttata in Obr 1984), FK, SNMB; Cervene Blato, Sahnanov­ - Radotin (6052), 21. vii. 1992,30"; Sachetsky pot. W Praha- ice (LT)(7154),28.-30. vi. 1994,10";28. vii. 1995,3 ct; 18.vii. Radotin (6052), 21. vii. 1992,2 0"; Vltava, Praha - Chuchle 1996,40", all KSJJ, Nov.; Ceske Budejovice- Haklovy Dvory (5952),6. viii. 1992,20"; Vltava,Veprek (5651),4. ix. 1992,2 ct; (LT)(6952), 13. -15. vii. 1991, 10"; 16.vii. 1992,20"; 11.vii. Jizera,Karany(5854),8. ix. 1992,20"; 16.v. 1993,80"; Sazava, 1995, 120";28.vii. 1996,10"; 2I. viii. 1996, 10"; 5.ix. 1996, 10"; Kamenny Pfivoz (6153), 8. v. 1993, 3 0"; Labe, Celakovice 1.vii. 1997,20"; 3. vii. 1997,1 0"; all KN,Nov.;Moravia mer.: (5854),8. viii. 1993,40"; allPC,NMP; Tyrovice (LT)(6048),3. Strachotin (LT) (7065), 7. -8. viii. 1978, 1 0"(as H. ornatula vi. 1994,10";4. vii. 1994,20"; 15.vii. 1994, 140";25. vii. 1994, /partim/inObr 1984),VB, MMB;Dyje,Pohansko(7267),17.v. 30"; 3. viii. 1994,70"; 19.viii. 1994,120"; all KN,Nov.;Vltava, 1992, 10",PC, NMP; Lednice, Prostredni ryb. (LT)(7266), 9. Praha- Podoli(5952),30. viii. 1999, I 0";Labe,Obftstvi(5752), vii. 1997,20", FK, NMP; Slovakia occ.: Dunaj [Danube R.], 2. ix. 1999,60"; Vltava, Zelcin (5652),2. ix. 1999,60"; all E. Bratislava- Devin (7867-68), 18. v. 1992,170"; Dunaj[Danube Stuchlik leg., NMP; Bohemia mer.: Nezarka u Veself [nad R.], Sturovo (8178),5. vii. 1992,80"; Hron, Kamenicanad Luznicl] (6854),21. vii. [18]86,50"; Nezarka, Ves[eli nad Hronom (8178), 5. vii. 1992, 2 0"; Dunaj [Danube R.] SW Luznici] (6854),21. vii. 1886,30" (as H. guttata in Klapalek Gabcikovo (8I71), vii. 1999, I 0";all PC, NMP; Slovakia or.: 1890); Kaclehy (6856), 1890, I 0"(as H. guttata in Klapalek Latorica, Leles (7598), 27. v. 1961,20", KN, Nov.; LatoricaN 1892), Dr. Vavra [leg.]; Pisek (6650), 3 0" (as H. guttata in Bot'any (LT) (7598), 25. vii. 1999, 10";Tisa E Ma]e Trakany Klapalek 1903)[A. Krejci leg.];Treboii(6954), 12.v. [18]98, I (7698),25.,27. vii. 1999, 11 0";Ve]'ka KrcavaSE Vel'ky Kame­ 0";all K]ap.-NMP;Zd'akov (6451), 1955, 10",1. Sykora nee (7697), 26. vii. 1999, 10";all PC, NMP. leg. ,NMP; Otava,Zatavi (6750),28. v. 1959,40"; 26. vi. 1959,

107 1 «: Luznice, Klec (6954), 21. vii. 1959, 7 c:f; Blanice, My­ 1993a),the easternmost data were from the Bayerischer Wald senec (6751),27. viii. 1959, 1o'; all KN,Nov.;Semicenr.Pisek (Weinzierl 1995) so far. Our records extend its range through (LT)(6751), 27. vii. 1970,13 o;FK,MMB; HorskaKvildatl.T) southern Bohemia to western Slovakia. (6947), 14. viii. 1974, 1 c:f, K. Spitzer leg. , Nov.; Mala niva, Soumarsky most (LT) (7048), 17. vi. 1977, P. Werner leg., Hydropsyche fulvipes (CURTIS, 1834) NMP; Cemis (LT)(7052), 21. vii. 1987,1a; 25. -26. viii. 1992, 6 o'; 5. vii. 1994,5 «, 30. vii. 1994,40 c:f; 12.vii. 1995,2 c:f; 21. Material examined: Bohemiaoce.:brookS Loket(5842),28. vii. viii. 1997,6 o'; 26. viii. 1997,6 o'; all KSJJ,Nov.;CeskeBude­ 1994,2c:f, PC,NMP;Bohemiac.:[Praha-]D.Sarka,[18]90, jovice - Haklovy Dvory (LT)(6952), 11.-17. vi. 1992,6 c:f; 24. 1 c:f, Klap.-NMP; Bohemiaor.:[Benecko-] Zakouti(5359),27. vii. ix. 1993,9 c:f;31. vii. 1994,7 o'; all KN, Nov.; Cepice nr.Rabi [18]91,2 c:f, Klap.-NMP; lefttributaryof BelaNW MalyUhfinov (LT) (6747), 23. vii. 1992, 1c:f, PK,NMP; Bohemia or.: Labe, (5763),22. vi.1995, 1o'; Bela(420mas.1.)(5763), 19. viii. 1996, 1o'; Pardubice (5960), 7. vii. 1958,3 c:f; brook, Vysoke Chvojno brookletNEBestvina (6159),20. vii.1998,2«,allPC,NMP. (5861),7. vii. 1958, 1«, all KN,Nov.;Havlickuv Brod (6359), This species was listed from Bohemia, Moravia, and Slova­ 1959,9 c:f, E. Krelinovaleg.,Nov.; Hradec Kralove(LT) kia in Novak and Obr (1977) including H. instabilis, however (5861),5. viii. 1997,3 «, JH, NMP; Labe, Nerncice (5960), old records are doubtful because both species were confused 31. viii. 1999,6 c:f, E. Stuchlik leg. , NMP; Moravia mer.: with each other and with H. siltalai. H.fulvipes is distributed Strachotin (LT) (7065), 7. -8. viii. 1978, 7 c:f (as H. ornatula in Europe and is rather common in some Central European /partim/ inObr 1984),VB, MMB;Dyje,Pohansko(7267), 17.v. countries(e. g. Klimaet a1. 1994;Malicky 1999a)but it isone of 1992,4 a, PC,NMP; Hnanice(LT)(7161),9. -12. vi. 1997,3 c:f; the most rare Hydropsyche species in Bohemia, it was not Havraniky (LT) (7161), 12. vi. 1997,5 o'; all JM, NMP; Led­ confirmed from Moravia and from Slovakia it was reported nice, Prostredni ryb. (LT) (7266), 9. -10. vii. 1997,3 c:f, FK, only by Nogradi and Uherkovich (1987). NMP; Slovakia occ.: Zavod nr. Malacky (LT) (7468), 4., 5. viii. 1978, 3 c:f (as H. ornatula /partim/ in Obr 1984), VB, Hydropsyche guttata PICTET, 1834 SNMB; Bratislava (7868),31. viii. 1987, I c:f, 1Z,Nov.; Cen­ Material examined: Bohemiac.:Praha- Ruzyne (LT) (5951), 18. kov env. (8277),11. v. 1991,1 c:f, O. Hovorka leg., NMP; viii. 1974, 1c:f, IN,Nov.; Bohemiamer.:Semicenr. Pisek(L1) (6751), Morava, Devinska Nova Yes (77-7867), 18. v. 1992, 12 c:f; 24.vii. 1969, 1«, FK,MMB;HorskaKvilda(LT)(6947), 14.viii. Dunaj [Danube R.], Bratislava - Devin (7867-68), 18.v. 1992, 1974,1c:f, K. Spitzerleg.,Nov.; HorniPlana(LT)(7250),12.viii. 44 c:f;Dunaj [Dan~be R.], Sturovo(8178),5. vii. 1992,6 o'; all 1988, 1o'; 19. viii. 1988,2o'; CeskeBudejovice - HaklovyDvory PC, NMP; Jursky Sur (LT)(7769), 26. vi. 1995, 1c:f,1. Lukas (L1)(6952), 6.viii. 1988, 1o'; 16. viii. 1988, 1c:f;9.viii. 1993, 1c:f;all leg. et coll.; Slovakia c.: Vadicovsky pot., Lopusne Pazite KN,Nov. (6778-79),20. viii. 1963, I c:f, KN, Nov.; Slovakia or.: Topl'a, H. guttata (including H. ornatula) was listed from Bohemia, Hlinne (7095), 26. v. 1961,4 c:f; Topl'a,Gerlachov (6692), 21. Moravia, andSlovakia inNovakandObr(1977)onthebasisofold vi. 1961, 1 Poprad, Forbasy (6789),25. vii. 1961,3 o'; La­ a: data.Mostofthose recordsaremisidentifications of otherspecies borec,Udavske(7097),27. vii. 1961, 1a;Humenne(LT)(7097), (above all H. contubernalis, H. bulgaromanorum, H. modesta). 27. vii. 1961,2 c:f; brook, Bardejov(66-6793),21. ix. 1961,1o'; TherangeofH. guttataisinCentral Europe(Malicky1984, 1999a; all KN, Nov. Uherkovich andNogradi 1992,Klimaetal. 1994)including south­ Widespread andcommonspecies inEuropeincluding theCzech ern Bohemia(Malicky 1984;Obr 1984;Novak 1993, 1996). The and SlovakRepublics(e. g. Malicky1977;Kirka,Meszarosand specieswas notprovedfrom Moraviaand Slovakia. Nagy 1981; Novak 1981, 1989, 1993, 1996;ObrI984;Zelinkaetal. 1984;Pomichal1986;Nogradi1988, 1989;Sukop 1990; Adamek and Sukop 1992; Kmo, Bulankova and Halgos 1994; Zahrad­ Hydropsyche incognita PITSCH, 1993 kova.FialaandZahradka1995; Elexova 1998, 1997; Sedlak1999). Material examined: Bohemia occ.: Lesni ryb., Kralovske Poriei (5842),28. vii. 1994, 1o'; brook S Loket (5842),28. vii. Hydropsyche dinarica MARINKOVIC­ 1994,2 c:f; Ohre, Perstejn (5644), 21. v. 1998,2 o'; Ohre above -GOSPODNETIC, 1979 KarlovyVary (5742),5.viii. 1998, 1o'; OhrebelowLoket(5842), 24. vi. 1999, 1 o'; all PC, NMP; Bohemia sept.: Ohte, Hrdly Material examined: Bohemia mer.: Uhlava, Nyrsko (6744), (5550),26. viii.1957,1c:f, KN,Nov.;Jizera,Pffsovice(5456),6. 18.v. 1946,1c:fpupa; Kremelnanr.CenkovaPila(6846),24. vii. vii. 1991, 1c:f; PC,NMP; BukovecSE Jizerka(LT)(5158),3.viii. 1956, 1o'; all KN, Nov. 1999,1c:f, FK,NMP; Bohemia c.: [Praha-] Stvanice(5952),17. New species for the caddistly fauna ofthe Czech Republic. viii. 1889,1c:f (asH.pellucidula inKlapalek 1890); [18]90, The range ofthis species extends from former Yugoslavia to 2 c:f;N. Hurt[NovaHut'S Nizbor] (6050),3 c:f(as H. pellucidula Belgium (Pitsch 1993b) and includes also neighbouring Ger­ many and Austria (Klima et al. 1994;Malicky 1999a). in Klapalek 1891)[0. Nickerlleg.]; Jarov,2 c:f(as H. pellucidu­ la inKlapalek1892)[0. Nickerlleg.];[Praha-] Karlov(5952),3. Hydropsyche exocellata DUFOUR, 1841 ix. [19]15,20. viii.[19]16,23. viii. [19]16,24. vi. [19]17,9. viii. [19]17,6 c:f, Dr.Klieka [leg.]; [Praha -lBubenec (5852), 24. v. Materialexamined: Bohemia mer.: Ceske Budejovice- Hak­ 1918,1c:f; Neveklov(6253), 16.vii. [1 ]918, 1c:f; all Klap.-NMP; lovy Dvory (LT) (6952), 1.ix. 1994, 1c:f,KN, Nov.; Slovakia Sazava, ~ikovice (6152),3. ix. 1958, 1c:f,J. Sykora leg.,NMP; occ.: branch ofthe Dunaj [DanubeR.] SW Bodiky(LT)(8070), brook, Zloukovice (5949), 23. v. 1960, 1 c:f' Berounka 29. vii. 1999,3 «, PC,NMP. Zloukovicenr.Nizbor (5949),30. viii. 1960, 1c:f; ~ll KN, Nov.~ New species for both the Czech and Slovak Republics. This Kamyk[nadVltavou](6351), 10.vii. 1960,1c:f, 1Z,Nov.;Praha is the species with western European distribution (Pitsch - Ruzyne (LT) (5951),2.ix.1979,1c:f, IN,Nov.;Berounka, Srbsko

108 (6050),25. iv. 1989, 3 0";23. vi. 1989,2 0"; Lodenice above Ruzyne(LD(5951),, 130";, 180";25.\ji.1980, confluencewith Berounka (6050), 16.v. 1990, 10"; Vltava, Praha 200"; 28. vii. 1982,20"; 1O. viii. 1982, 10";all IN,Nov.; Sarecky - Strnady (6052),24. vii. 1991, 10"; all PC,NMP; Praha- Strnady pot. and its right tributary, Praha - Divoka Sarka (5951),28. vii. (6052), 12. ix. 1991, 1 0", PK, NMP; Sachetsky pot., Praha­ 1990,20", PC,NMP; Tyrovice(LT)(6048),25. vii. 1994,30", KN, Radotin (6052), 21. vii. 1992, 1 0"; Sazava, Kamenny Pfivoz Nov.;Bohemia mer.: HorskaKvilda(LT) (6947),3. ix. 1973,20", (6153),8. v. 1993,30"; all PC,NMP; Tyrovice (LT)(6048),3. vi. K. Spitzer leg.,Nov.; Cernis (LT) (7052), 6. vii. 1981, 10";3. vii. 1994,30"; 3. viii. 1994,20"; 12.viii.1994,10"; 19.viii. 1994,90"; 1992, 1 0";all KSJJ, Nov.; Ceske Budejovice - Haklovy Dvory all KN,Nov.;Petrov(6152), 16.v.1998,10",FK,NMP; Bohemia (LD (6952),2. viii.1988,10",KN, Nov.;Blanice,Spalenec(7049), men: Pisek(6650) [viii. 1902],10"(as H pellucidulain Klapalek 14.viii. 1988,20", PC,NMP; Mrtvy luh, Volary(7149), 17.viii. 1903) [A. Krejci leg.], Klap.-NMP;Malse, Kaplice (7252), 26. v. 1989,40";Mrtvy100, Dobra(LT)(7149), 13.viii. 1991,20"; allJZ, 1959,3 0";Smutna, Bechyne (6652), 29. v. 1959, 1 0";25. ix. Nov.;CervoneBlato,Salmanovice(LT) (7154), 13.vii. 1995,10", 1959,10"; Zidova strouha, Bechyne (6652), 24. viii. 1959, 10"; KSJJ,Nov.;Bohemia or.: P. [pot.]Orlicka-JjJablonnc nad Orlicf) Otava, Pisek (6750),23. vii. 1959,20"; Otava, Zatavi (6750), 29. (5965), 16.vii. 1888,10";T.[Ticha]Orlice,Jjlablonne midOrlici] viii. 1959,30"; all KN, Nov.; Horska Kvilda(LT) (6947), 2. -4. (5965), 16.viii.[18]90, 10";all Klap.-NMP; Divoka Orlice,Zem­ viii. 1974,30", K. Spitzer leg.,Nov.; Otava, Rabi (6747), ska brana (5865), 7. vii. 1994, 1 0"10larvae; 14.viii. 1995,280"; 1992, I 0",PC,NMP; Cepice nr. Rabi (6747), 23. vii. 1992,20", Bela(420m a.s.l.) (5763),17.viii. 1995,30";22.vii. 1996,I 0";19. PK, NMP; Cemis (LT)(7052), 20. viii. 1996,70"; 22. viii. 1996, viii. 1996,10";allPC,NMP;Sopotnice(LT)(5964), 1.viii. 1997, 1 0";24. viii. 1996,3 0"; II. vi. 1997, 10"; 16. vi. 1997, 10";21. 4 0",JH, NMP; Sopotnice, Pod Horou (LT)(5964),6. viii. 1998, viii. 1997,30"; 23. viii. 1997,60"; 26. viii. 1997,70"; all KSJJ, 140", JosefHajek leg., NMP; Divoka Orlice, Nekof (5965), 14. Nov.; Ceske Budejovice - Haklovy Dvory (LT) (6952), 25. vii. vii. 1998, 10";Zlaty pot., Tremosnice (6159), 20. vii. 1998, 10"; 1994, 10"; 2. viii. 1996, 10";10.viii.1996,20"; 11.viii. 1996,20"; Lovetinsky pot. (6159),20. vii. 1998, 1 0";Doubrava between 22. viii. 1996,10";29. ix. 1996,10"; 9.vii. 1997,10";20.viii.1997, Bilekand Libicenad Doubravou (6260), 21. vii. 1998,80"; Chru­ 50"; all KN, Nov.; Bohemia or.: D. [Divoka] Orlice, Pastviny, dimka, Krkanka(6160), 22. vii. 1998,80"; right tributary ofOk­ 23. vii. [18]88, 1 0";P.[pot.] Nekorsky, 16. ix. 1889, 1 0"(as H rouhlicky pot. nr.Trpisov (6160), 1.vii. 1999, 10";all PC,NMP; pellucidula in Klapalek 1890);T. [Ticha] Orlice, [Jablonne nad Rokytnik env. Hronov (5462), 26. vii. 1999, 1 0",1. Jezek leg., Orlici], 19.ix. 1889, 10"(as H pellucidula in Klapalek 1890);all NMP; Moravia sept.: , Bruntal- Divci Hrad, forester's Klap.-NMP; Havlickuv Brod env.(6359), 1959, 140", E. house(LT),12.viii. 1964,60"(H instabilis/partim/ inObr 1984), Krelinova leg., Nov.; Divoka Orlice, Zemska brana (5865), 14. J. Knoz leg., MMB; Moravia mer.: Strachotin (LT)(7065), 20. ­ viii. 1995, 1 0",PC, NMP; Sopotnice (LT) (5964), 1. viii. 1997, 21. vii. 1979,20" (as H pellucidula /partim/ in Obr 1984), VB, 50", JH, NMP; Sopotnice, Pod Horou (LT)(5964), 6. viii. 1998, MMB; Hardeggska vyhlidka S Cizov (LT)(7161),24. viii. 1999, 440", JosefHajek leg., NMP; Doubrava, Tremosnice (6159), 7 0", FK, NMP; Slovakia c.: Vadicovsky pot., Lopusne Pazite 19.v. 1999, 10";Chrudimkaabove Svidnice (6160), 21. v. 1999, (6778-79),18. vi. 1963, 1O";Zarnovica, HomaStubna(7179),27. 40"; allPC,NMP; Labe,DvurKralovenadLabem- Verdek(5560), vii. 1962,30"; Kvacianka, Kvacany (6883),30. vii. 1962, 10"; 31.viii.1999,10",E. Stuchlikleg.,NMP; Moravia mer.: Mohelno brook, Koseca (6975),2. x. 1962, 10";Jelsovec, Karlova (7079), (6863), 10.vii. 1963,70", JZ, Nov.; Strachotin (LT) (7065),20. 1963,10";Pruzinka,Visolaje(6976),27. viii. 1963,30"; all -21. vii. 1979,50"(as H.pellucidula /partim/ in Obr 1984),VB, KN,Nov.;Slovakia or.: Laborec nr.Medzilaborce (6797), 24. vi. MMB; NPR Radostinske raseliniste (LT) (6361),14. -18. vi. 1961, 10";brook, Spisska Bela (6788), 11.vii. 1967, 10";brook, 1996, 10",1.Sumpich leg.,NMP; Hnanice(LT) (7161),9. -12. vi. Spisske Hanusovce (6688), 12. vii. 1967, 1 0"; brook, Cerveny 1997, 10";5. viii. 1997, 10";1.ix. 1997, 10";allJM, NMP; Novy Klastor(6688), 12.vii. 1967, 10";allKN, Nov.;Ulickaabove uue Hnldek(LD(7161), 1.vii.1997, 10",FK,NMP;SobesNWHnanice (7000),15. vii. 1990, 1o' pupa, PC,NMP. (7161),28. v. 1998,20", V. Svihlaleg.,NMP; SobesNW Hnanice H instabilis was listed together with H fulvipes from former (LT) (7161), 11.ix. 1998, 11 0",JH, NMP; Slovakia occ.: Dunaj Czechoslovakia (Novak and Obr 1977) because old records [Danube R.], Bratislava - Devin (7867-68), 18.v. 1992,40", PC, were doubtful. This widespread species was later proved from NMP; Slovakia c.:brook,Zazriva(6780), 1963,10";Kysuca all regions (e. g. Obr 1984; Nogradi and Uherkovich 1987; nr.Rakova(6578), 20. viii. 1963,20"; all KN,Nov.; Ruzomberok Novak 1989, 1996). (LT)(6981),4. vii. 1992,70"; LikavkaaboveLikavka(6981),4.vii. 1992, 1 0";all PC, NMP; Slovakia or.: Poprad, Forbasy (6789), Hydropsyche modesta NAVAs, 1925 25. vii. 1961, 1 0"; Ondava, Svidnik (6695), 27. vii. 1961, 1 0"; Dunajec, Lysa nad Dunajcom (6588), 12.vii. 1967,20"; all KN, Material examined: Moravia mer.: Strachotin(LT)(7065),7.-8. Nov.; Ublianka below Ubl'a (7100), 16. vii. 1990, 1 0" (as viii. 1978,30" (as H ornatula /partim/ in Obr 1984),VB, MMB; H pellucidula in Chvojka 1993); Cirocha above Snina (7099), Tvrdonice (LT) (7267), 15. v. 1992,.1 0",PK, NMP; Havraniky 20. vii. 1990,10"(asH pellucidulainChvojka1993);allPC,NMP. (LT)(7161), 1997,10",JM, NMP; Va1tice env.(LT)(7266), This species was described from Central Europe recently 26. viii. 1999, 10",FK, NMP; Slovakia occ.: Zavod nr. Malacky (Pitsch 1993b),here it is formally published from the Czech and (LT)(7468),4. ,5. viii. 1978,1 O"(asH. ornatula/partim/inObr Slovak Republics for the first time - in fact, most data on H. 1984),VB, SNMB; Dunaj [Danube R.],Bratislava- Devin(7867­ pellucidula from former Czechoslovakia refer to H. incognita. 68), 18.v. 1992, I 0";Morava, Devinska Nova Ves(77-7867), 18. v. 1992, 10";Ipel', Sahy (7979),5. vii. 1992,20"; all PC, NMP; Hydropsyche instabilis (CURTIS, 1834) JurskySur(LD (7769),4. vi. 1996, 10";26. vi. 1996,10",1.Lukas leg. et coll.; branch ofthe Dunaj [Danube R.] SW Bodiky (LT) Material examined: Bohemia sept.: Vapenny vrch S Raspena­ (8070),29. vii. 1999,10",PC,NMP; Slovakia or.: Myslina, Poru­ va (LT)(5156), 9. viii. 1999,20", FK,NMP; Bohemia c.: Praha- ba pod Vihorlatom(7198), 22. vi. 1961, 10",KN, Nov.

109 This species was not included in the former checklist 1997, 1 o'; 22. vi. 19972 o'; a11 KN, Nov.; Bohemia or.: Libice (Novak and Obr 1977), the records (based above a11 on lar­ [nad Ooubravou](6260), 27. vii. [19]01, 1 cr, Klap.-NMP; Hradec vae) were published from southwestern Slovakia and south­ Kralove (LT) (5861),5. viii. 1997,2 o'; Cema stran, Belecko (LT) ern Moravia later (PomichaI1986; Sukop 1990; Adamek and (5861),7. viii. 1997, 11cr; all JH, NMP; Moravia mer.: Trestice, Sukop 1992; Kosel 1994; Zahradkova, Fiala and Zahradka Trest' (6658), 26. v. 1960, 1 o'; Veprovsky novy ryb., Vepfova 1995; Ellexova 1998 (an as H. dissimulata); Krno, Bulankova (6361),22. vi. 1960, 1 «. al1KN,Nov.; Mohelno(6863), 10.vii. andHalgos 1994; Sedlak 1999). The species is widely distributed 1963, 1«,JZ, Nov.; Strachotin (LT) (7065), 20. -21. vii. 1979,3 cr, in South Europe and Asia Minor (Mal icky 1977; Pitsch 1993a), VB, MMB; Hnanice(LD(7161), 9. -12. vi. 1997, 1cr; Havraniky in the Czech Republic, it was recorded only from southeastern (LD(7161),, 1 cr;Hardeggskavyh1fdkaSCizov(LD Moravia. (7161),2.ix.1997, 1 o'; all JM,NMP;NoryHradek(7161), 1. vii. 1997,1 cr, FK, NMP. Hydropsyche nervosa KLAPALEK, 1899 H. pellucidula was frequenly reported from all parts ofthe Czech Republic and Slovakia but these data are irrelevant due This species was listed from Slovakia (Mayer 1939a; Novak to the separation ofa new species, H. incognita, recently (Pitsch and Obr 1977) on the basis ofold dubious records (Mocsary 1993b). Reexamination ofthe Czech and Slovakmaterial revealed 1899; Pazsiczky 1914); for instance, Hydropsyche specimens that H. pellucidula is less frequent in the Czech Republic than col1ected by Pazsiczky in Trencin (Trencsen) were identified H. incognita, the same result was also obtained from Austria as H. contubernalis by Nogradi (1988). In addition, Klapalek's (Malicky 1999a). Occurrence ofH.pellucidula, although possi­ original description of H. nervosa from Bosnia is inexplicit, ble, was not confirmed from Slovakia and this species is not type specimens from Bosnia are probably lost (Tobias 1972) included in the appended list ofSlovak Trichoptera. and H. nervosa is a nomen dubium. For these reasons, the species is deleted from the list ofSlovak caddisflies. Hydropsyche saxonica McLACHLAN, 1884

Hydropsyche ornatula McLACHLAN, 1878 Material examined: Bohemia occ.: Kralovicky pot. (6047), 22. vi. 1956,2 «, KN, Nov.; gutter 1. 5 km NE Lomnice (5741), H. ornatula was mentioned together with H. guttata in 26. vii. 1994,2 o'; 27. vi. 1995, 1 o'; all PC, NMP; Bohemia c.: Novak and Obr (1977) from former Czechoslovakia, however, [pot., Praha -] Cibulka (5952),8. v. 1889,3 cr; [pot., Praha -] the published records of H. ornatula from Moravia and Slo­ Cibulka - Pr. (5952), 17., 18. viii. 1889,2 o'; [Praha -] Radotin vakia (e. g. Pazsiczky 1914; Mayer 1936b, 1937, 1938a, 1938b; (6052), 10. v. [18]91,2 o'; an Klap.-NMP; brook, Mlekovice Petruska 1956; Obr 1969b, 1984) date back to the period before (6056),25. V. 1960, 1 cr, KN, Nov.; Praha- Ruzyne (LT) (5951), the revision ofthe guttata group (Malicky 1977) when identi­ 2. ix. 1979, 1 cr, IN, Nov.; Budiiansky pot. above Karlstejn fication was not reliable. This species was not confirmed from (6051),25. V. 1989,4 o'; Sarecky pot., Praha - Divoka Sarka Moravia and Slovakia later and it is not included in the updat­ (5951),28. vii. 1990, 1 o'; left tributary ofPlsnicky pot., Praha­ ed checklist. Pisnice(5952), 17.vii.1991, 1 cr;RadotinskYpot.,Praha-Ra­ H. ornatula is widely distributed but rare in southeastern dotin (6052), 21. vii. 1992, 1 o'; Sarecky pot., Praha - Dolni Europe (Malicky 1977; Kumanski 1985). In Central Europe, it is Sarka (5852), 12. v. 1993, 1 o'; an PC, NMP; Bohemia mer.: known from southern Austria (Malicky 1999a), Hungary Zavisinsky pot., Bezdedovice (6549), 21. v. 1956, 6 o'; 4. v. (Uherkovich and Nogradi 1992), and (Malicky1977, 1961, 1 o'; brook, Solna Lhota (6948),27. v. 1959, 1 o'; brook, Szczesny 1991) so its occurrence in Slovakia is possible. Smedec (7050), 27. viii. 1959, 1 cr; all KN, Nov.; Bolikovsky pot., Oolni Bolfkov (6958), 1. V. 2000, 1 cr, PC, NMP; Bohemia Hydropsyche pellucidula (CURTIS, 1834) or.: Hradek [W Usti nad Orlicf] (6064), 2. vi. [18]88, 2 o'; . Cerekvice [nad Loucnou] (60-6163),18. viii. [18]90,1 o'; P. Material examined: Bohemia occ.: confluence ofSazekand [pot.,] Boritov (5965), 18. v. [1]891, 1 o'; all Klap.-NMP; brook Luzni pot. (5840), 23. V. 1990, I o'; Ohfe below Kralovske Ponei nr. Krouna (6262), 29. V. 1958, 1 o'; brook nr. Barchov (6060), (5842), 1. vi. 1993, 1 cr; brook S Loket (584~),28. vii. 1994, 1 o'; 30. V. 1958, 1 o'; Chrudim - Markovice (6060), 9. vii. 1958, 1 o'; Ohfe, Oasnice(5841), 20. V. 1998, 1 o'; all PC, NMP; Ohre below brook, Pelestrov(6359), 31. viii. 1960, 1o'; all KN, Nov.; Metuje Loket (5842), 29. V. 1998, 1 o'.J. Jezek leg., NMP; Ohre above above Velke Petrovice (5463), 23. V. 1997, 1cr, PC, NMP; Sopo­ Karlovy Vary (5742),5. viii. 1998, 1cr, PC, NMP; Bohemiasept: tnice, Pod Horou (LT) (5964), 6. viii. 1998,2 cr, JosefHajek leg., Hradcanske ryb. (5354), 8. viii. 1992,2 cr, 1. Liska leg., NMP; NMP; Slavicky pot. nr. Trpisov (6160), 1. vii. 1999, 1 cr, PC, Vapenny vrch S Raspenava (LT)(5156), 9. viii. 1999, 1 cr, FK, NMP; Moravia mer.: brook nr. Jimramov (6363),29. V. 1958, NMP; Bohemia c.: Jifina (5854),29. V. [18]92, 1 cr; St. [Stara] 2 o'; Nove Dvory (6559), 2. ix. 1960,2 cr; al1KN, Nov.; Stra­ Boleslav (5854), viii. [19]08, 1cr, Uzel [leg.]; all Klap.-NMP; Pra- chotin (LT) (7065),30. -31. V. 1979,2«.VB, MMB; Hardeggska ha- Ruzyne(LD(5951), 19. ix. 1979, 1cr,JN, Nov.; Tyrovice(LT) vyhlidkaS Cizov(LT) (7161), 2. ix. 1997, 1 cr, JM, NMP; SIova­ (6048),3. viii. 1994, 1cr; 19.viii. 1994, 1o'; all KN,Nov.; Bohemia kia occ.: LukaNE Piest'any (LT) (7373),8. vii. 1991, 1 cr, PK, men: Jindlrichuv] Hrad[ec] (6855-56),1 cr [L. Duda leg.]; Tre- NMP; Slovakia c.: Poprad, Vysne Hagy (6886), 26. vi. 1961, bon [Zlata Stoka](6954), 18. viii. [18]95, 1 o'; an Klap.-NMP; 1 cr, KN, Nov.; Prosecianka, Prosiek (6883), 14. viii. 1961, 1 cr, Malse, Kaplice (7252), 26. V. 1959, 1O",KN, Nov.; CerveneBlato, 1.Sykora leg. ,NMP; Kysuca, Rakova (6578),26. vii. 1962, 1 o'; Salmanovice (LT)(7154),26. vii. 1994,7 cr;28.-30. vi. 1994,22 o'; Zarnovica, Homa Stubna (7179), 21. viii. 1963,2 o'; Petruska, 11. -13. vii. 1995, 13 o'; 26. -28. vii. 1995, 1lo';29. vii. 1997, 1cr; Parizovce (6883), 23. viii. 1963,2 o'; Zazrivka, Zazriva(6780), 6. Cernis (LT) (7052), 20. viii. 1996, 1cr; 16. vi. 1997, l cr;.all KSJJ, vii. 1967,2 o'; all KN, Nov.; Slovakia or.: Cierny pot., Kamien­ Nov.; Ceske Budejovice- HaklovyDvory (LD(6952), 1.ix. 1996, ka(6689), 23. v. 1961, 1 o'; Sverzovo Kamene, Sverzov (6693), 1 cr; l1.ix.1996, 1 cr;30.viii.1997, 1 o'; Trebon (6954), 13. vi. 21. vi. 1961, 1 cr;outletofMorskeokolake(7099),,

110 1 0"; brook nr. Dubova(7094), 27. vii. 1961, 1 0"; all KN, Nov. Hydropsyche tenuis NAVAs, 1932 Widespread and common European species. Material examined: Bohemia sept.: Pancava(LT) (5259), 22. ­ Hydropsyche silfvenii ULMER, 1906 28. vi. 1994,50",1. Vanek leg., Nov.; Bohemia mer.: Eisenstein [Zelezna Ruda, Jezemi pot.] (6845), 30. vii. [19]02, 2 0" (as Material examined: Bohemiaor.: DivokaOrlice, Orlicke Zahof H saxonica in Klapalek 1903) Klap.-NMP; Rokytska slat' (LT) (5764),21. vi. 1995,20"; DivokaOrlice, NovaVes (5765),8. vii. (7046), 19.-22. vii. 1988, 10",KSJJ, Nov.; Jezerni slat' (LT) (6947), 1994,20"; 21. vi. 1995,30"; all PC, NMP. 24. vii. 1991, 1 0", JZ, Nov.; Bohemia or.: Bela (420 rna. s. 1.) In the Czech Republic, this boreoalpine species was known (5763),22. vi. 1995, 1 0",PC, NMP. only from southern Bohemia (Sumava Mts., Novohradske hory New species for the Czech Republic. This species occurs in Mts.) (Sykora 1957, 1960; Novak 1958, 1971, 1996; Obr 1984) the Alps and the Mittelgebirge (Pitsch 1993a). so far. New records are from eastern Bohemia (Orlicke hory Mts.) from the Divoka Orlice River. The river forms the border between the Czech Republic and Poland in this stretch and Polycentropodidae these records represent also the first ones ofH silfvenii from Poland at the same time. Plectrocnemia brevis McLACHLAN, 1871

Hydropsyche siltalai DOHLER, 1963 Material examined: Bohemia c.: spring area W Praha - Ra­ dotin (6052), 21. vii. 1992, 1 9, PC, NMP; Bohemia or.: NPR Material examined: Bohemia oee.: brook S Loket (5842), Trckov(MT) (5664), 18. vii. - 5. viii. 1994, 10",JosefHajek et M. 28 . vii. 1994, 1 0"; Antonin dump SW Sokolov (YPT) (5841), Vasek leg., NMP; left tributary of Bela from Maly Uhhnov 26. vi. 1995, 1 0"; Libava above confluence with Ohre (5841), (5763),22. viii. 1994, 1 0"; Libersky pot., Kacerov (5764), 25. 7. viii. 1998, 1 0"; all PC, NMP; Bohemia sept.: Vapenny vrch viii. 1994, 1 9; Stare Hute,brooklet (650 m a. s.1.) (5764), 22. vi. S Raspenava (LT) (5156), 9. viii. 1999, 170", FK, NMP; Bohe­ 1995, 1 0"; left tributary ofBela from Picberk (5763), 17. viii. mia c.: Klejnarka, Caslav (6058), 9. vii. 1958, 1 0"; Strupinsky 1995, 1 9; brooklet SE Horni Bradlo (6260), 19; spring areaNE pot., Hredle (6149),20. vi. 1960, 1 0"; all KN, Nov.; Praha­ Lhotka SE Tremosnice (6159),30. vi. 1999, 10" 19; all PC, NMP. Ruzynefl.T), (5951),12. vi. 1980 10";25. vii. 1980, 10"; 10. vii. New species for Bohemia. This species is distributed in 1981, 1 0"; 22. vii. 1982, 1 0"; 4. viii. 1982, 1 0"; allIN, Nov.; Central and southern Europe (Kumanski 1985), it was listed Bohemia mer.: Semice nr. Pisek (LT) (6751), 27. vii. 1970,20", only from Slovakia in Novak and Obr(1977) and recorded from FK, MMB; Pisek (LT) (6650), 29 . vi. 1967,40" (as H.fulvipes southern Moravia by Sedlak (1999). in Obr 1984), FK, MMB; Dobra (LT)(7148), 11. ix. 1970,50" (as H.fulvipes in Obr 1984), FK, SNMB; Horni Plana (LT) Plectrocnemia geniculata McLACHLAN, 1871 (7250),27. vii. 1988, 1 0"; Ceske Budejovice - Haklovy Dvory (LT)(6952), 6. viii. 1988, 1 0"; 15. vii. 1991, 10"; all KN, Nov.; P. geniculata was listed from Bohemia, Moravia, and Slo­ Cernis (LT)(7052), 10. viii. 1988, 1 0"; 1. vii. 1992,20"; 2. vii. vakia (Novak and Obr 1977). Records from Slovakia are based 1994, 1 0"; 27. vii. 1995, 1 0"; 24. vii. 1997, 1 0"; 23. viii. 1997, only on larval identifications (Mayer 1935, 1936b; Balthasar 1 0"; all KSJJ, Nov.; Mrtvy luh, Dobra (LT) (7149), 13. viii. 1936; Obr 1955; Krno et al. 1996) which we do not consider 1991, 150"; 22. viii. 1991,60"; all JZ, Nov.; Cervene Blato, very reliable. This species is not known from the adjacent Salmanovice (LT) (7154), 28. vi. 1994,20"; 11. -13. vii. 1995, parts ofthe Polish Carpathians (Szczesny 1986) and Hunga­ 1 0"; 26. -28. vii. 1995,60"; 24. -26. vi. 1997, 1 0"; all KSJJ, ry (Uherkovich and Nogradi 1992) and its occurrence in Slo­ Nov.; Bohemia or.: Chrudim - Markovice (6060), 9. vii. 1958, vakia should be confirmed by collections of adults. Until I 0"; TichaOrlice, Mladkov (5965), 24. vii. 1958, 10";Borovsky that time the species is omitted from the list of the Slovak pot., Zizkovo Pole (6360), 22. vi. 1960, 1 0"; all KN, Nov.; Trichoptera. Divoka Orlice, Zemska brana (5865), 7. vii. 1994, 1 0"; Bela (420m a. s.1.)(5763), 17. viii. 1995, 1 0"; all PC, NMP; Sopot­ nice (LT) (5964), 1.viii. 1997,60"; Hradec Kralove(LT) (5861), Brachycentridae 5. viii. 1997,80"; all JH, NMP; Doubravabelow Bilek (6260), 21. vii. 1998, 7 0", PC, NMP; Sopotnice, Pod Horou (LT) (5964), Micrasema setiferum (PICTET, 1834) 6. viii. 1998,530", JosefHajek leg., NMP; Chrudimka, Mezis­ Material examined: Bohemia mer.: Cernis (LT) (7052), 15. v. veti (6160),2. vii. 1999,30", PC, NMP; Moravia sept.: Silesia, 1981,13 9, KSJJ, Nov.; Bohemia or.: T[Ticha] Orlice- J[Jablonne Bruntal- Divct Hrad, forester's house (LT), 12. viii. 1964,50" nad Orlici] (5965), 17.v. 1891,40"2 9 (as M minimum in Klapalek (as H. instabilis /partim/ in Obr 1984), J. Knoz leg., MMB; 1892); Libice [Doubrava, Libice nad Doubravou] (6260),20. v. Moravia mer.: Strachotin (LT) (7065), 20. -21. vii. 1979, 1 0" [19]02,30"29; 18. v. [19]03, 10";all Klap.-NMP. (as H. pellucidula /partim/ in Obr 1984), VB, MMB; Mohel­ This species is distributed in Europe and was also listed no (LT) (6863), 27. viii. 1990,70", FK, NMP; Hnanice (LT) from all parts offormer Czechoslovakia (Novak and Obr 1977). (7161),4. -5. viii. 1997, 120"; 1. ix. 1997,60"; Hardeggska However, the distribution in Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia vyhlidka S Cizov (LT) (7161), 2. ix. 1997, 1 0"; all JM, NMP; is unsufficiently known - adults were mentioned only in sev­ Sobes NW Hnanice (LT) (7161), 11. ix. 1998, 3 0", JH, NMP. eral publications (sometimes also under s¥nonym M nigrum H siltalai was listed only from Moravia (Novak and Obr 1977) BRAUER)(Klapalek1903; Pongracz 1914; Sama11920b; Fekete and mentioned also from Bohemialater (Novak 1989, 1993, 1996; 1926; Mayer 1938b; Novak and Obr 1966; Botosaneanu 1974; Obr 1984). Recentreexamination ofcollections has revealed that Novak 1996), in addition reliability ofthe former identifica­ this is rather common species in the Czech Republic. tions is disputable (some specimens from examined collec-

I 11 tions labeled as "setiferum" belong to M minimum). Other pub­ 4 larvae (l ~ ex larva), 5. vii. 2000; peat bog between Susina and lished records from Moravia are based only on larval identifica­ Cemakupa(l290mas.1.)(5867), 7. vii.2000,2(j2~;all PC,NMP. tions (cf.Obr 1969b, 1976).During reexaminationofthemuseum Common and widespread species in higher elevation ofBo­ collections only a few samples ofM setiferumwere discovered. hernia and Slovakia, for the first time published from Moravia.

Limnephilus elegans CURTIS, 1834 Limnephilidae Material examined: Bohemia e.: Praha- Ruzyne(LT) (5951), Apatania muliebris McLACHLAN, 1866 I (j, IN, Nov.; Bohemia mer.: Cervene Blato, Salmanovice (7154),30. vi. 1990,3 (j 1 ~, FK, NMP; Cervone Blato, Sal­ Material examined: Bohemia or.: Sv.Antonin [spring WNe­ manovice (LT)(7154),v.-vii. 1989-1997,160(j 15~, KSJJ,Nov.; dostn] (6163),23.,24. ix. 1888, 3~, Klap.-NMP. .Moravia mer.: NPR Radostinskc raseliniste tl.T) (6361), 9. -13. The only data about occurrence ofA. muliebris in Bohemia vi. 1996, 1 o'; 14. -18. vi. 1996,3 o'; all J. Sumpich leg., NMP. were published by Klapalek (1889, 1890) from the spring in the New species for the Czech Republic. This species occurs in Nedosinsky haj wood near Litomysl. This record was consid­ Central and northern Europe and Siberia (Botosaneanu and ered doubtful by Novak and Obr (1977) but after examination Malicky 1978). ofvoucher specimens from Klapalek's collection (NMP) oc­ currence ofthis species was proved. During repeated investi­ Limnephilus flavospinosus (STEIN, 1874) gation ofKlapalek's locality in eastern Bohemia no Apatania specimens (either adults or larvae) were discovered and there There are no published records ofthis species from former are not any records ofA. muliebris from the Czech Republic Czechoslovakia. Stein (1874) described Stenophylax jlavo­ from the 20th century. spinosus from Greece in his paper about caddisflies of the Jeseniky Mts. (Altvatergebirge), northern Moravia and L.fla­ Drusus biguttatus (PICTET, 1834) vospinosus was listed for Moravia (Novak and Obr 1977) prob­ ably by a mistake. The species is deleted from the list ofCzech Material examined: Bohemia mer.: Mrtvy luh (LT)(7149),7. caddisflies (cf. also Obr 1976). vii. 1967, 1(j, FK, MMB. Occurrence ofthis species in Bohemia was considered dubi­ Limnephilus germanus McLACHLAN, 1875 ous (Novak 1996), after reexamination of Obr's collection (MMB) D. biguttatus was corroborated from Bohemia. Materialexamined: Bohemia c.:Psovkabelow Vojtechov (5553), 9.ix.1999,3(j,PC,NMP. Anabolia STEPHENS, 1837 New species for the Czech Republic.This species is distributed in Central and northern Europe (Botosaneanu and Malicky 1978), A. furcata, A. laevis ZETT., and A. nervosa are frequently inCentralEurope knownfromAustria(Malicky 1999a),Germany mentioned from the territory offonner Czechoslovakia. Unfor­ (Klimaetal. 1994),andPoland(Szc~sny 1991). tunately, part ofthese data, above all in hydrobiological stud­ ies, are misidentifications. A. nervosa is a west European Limnephilus marmoratus CURTIS, 1834 species (Mey 1982), it occurs only in southwestern Bohemia and it is excluded from the list of Moravian and Slovak Tri­ This species was listed only from Moravia (Novak and Obr choptera. Remaining part ofBohemia, Moravia (including Sile­ 1977) on the basis oflarval material (Libosvarsky 1955; Losos sia), and Slovakia are populated by widespread and common and Marvan 1957; Obr 1969a). However, former larval identifi­ A. furcata. The range ofA. laevis is in northern Europe (Mey cations of Limnephilus species are not credible and it is ne­ 1982) and this species was not proved either from the Czech cessary to confirm the occurrence of L. marmoratus in the Republic or from Slovakia. Czech Republic by collections of adults, until that time it is excluded from the list ofCzech Trichoptera. Asynarchus lapponicus (ZETTERSTEDT, 1840) Acrophylax vernalis DZI~DZIELEWICZ, 1912 The only record from Slovakia (Nogradi and Uherkovich Material examined: Bohemia or.: Morava (1100 m a. s. I.) 1987) originates from the confusion with Anabolia brevipen­ (5867),6. v.2000, 1(j, I. Sivec leg., NMP. nis (Nogradi and Uherkovich, pers. comm.) andA.lapponicus New species for the Czech Republic - this is the first record is excluded from the list ofSlovak caddisflies. outside the Carpathians. This species was known only from Limnephilus borealis (ZETTERSTEDT, 1840) the North and East Carpathians so far, the westernmost record was from the Babia G6ra Mt. (Szczesny 1986). This species was reported from former Czechoslovakia on the basis of one male collected in southern Bohemia (Obr Allogamus mendax (McLACHLAN, 1876) 1984). However, this specimen (Bohemia mer., Semice nr. Pisek This species was reported from Bohemia and Slovakia by (LT) (6751), 20. ix. 1970, FK, MMB) belongs to L. subcentralis Novak and Obr (1977) on the basis of old published records and L. borealis is excluded from the list ofCzech caddisflies. (Klapalek 1894; Mayer 1936b, 1939b) butthese data are mis­ Limnephilus coenosus CURTIS, 1834 identifications ofrelated species - A. uncatus and A. starma­ chi. The range ofA. mendax is in the West Alps (Botosaneanu Materialexamined: Moravia sept: peatbogsW Vozka(1200m and Malicky 1978) and it is excluded from the lists ofCzech a. s. I.) (5868), 11. vii. 1999, 1 ~ 1 larva; pool S Susina (5867), and Slovak caddisflies.

112 Chionophylax czarnohoricus (DZIEDZIELEW ICZ, data are doubtfuldue to frequentmisidentificationsand nomen­ 1911 ) claturalchanges.Both speciesare common in running waters in theCzechandSlovakRepublics, P cingulatus prefersuppersec­ This species, endemicsof the EastCarpathians, was published tionsofstreams, P latipennis ismorefrequentin lowerreachesof fromSlovakia (theHighTatraMts.) byMayer(1936b) buthisrecord streams but both species often occur together (Pitsch 1993a). isconsidered tobeamisidentification (Szczesny 1986) andC.czar­ Several subspecies of P cingulatus have been recognized re­ nohoricus isexcludedfromthe listofcaddisfliesofSlovakia. cently(Moretti, Szczesnyand Tobias1994), three ofthem occur intheCzechRepublic(Fig. 2).P c.cingulatus (STEPHENS, 1837) Halesus rubricollis (PICTET, 1834) was foundin northernpart of country(some specimensfromthe Material examined: Moravia sept: MalaMoravka - Karlovpod easternmostpopulations(NE Bohemia, Moravia)bear aedeagus Pradedem(LT) (5969), 1999,4 cf 1 ~,P. Balazleg., NMP. withdorsalmembranousareainthemiddleandwithratherpoint­ Species wasreported onlyfromBohemia andSlovakiabyNovak ed apical lobes). P. c. alpinusTOBIAS, 1994 occurs in southern and Obr (1977),new findingsfrom Moraviaarepresentedhere. partofthe Czech Republic, while P. c. depilis SZCZ~SNY, 1994 was found only in the Carpathiansin eastern Moravia. P c. de­ Halesus ruficollis (PICTET, 1834) pilis is the only subspeciesproved from Slovakia. Thisspecieswaslistedasdubious inthefonnerchecklist(Novak Potamophylax millenii (KLAPALEK, 1898) andObr 1977). Thesedata arebasedonoldrecords (Klapalek1892, 1903), butKlapalek's specimens (females) fromtheKrkonose and This species was listed from Slovakia (Mayer 1939a; SumavaMts.were identified as H. rubricollis now. Novak and Obr 1977) according to the old data from the Tatras (Pongracz 1914). However, this record, based proba­ Potamophylax carpathicus (DZIEDZIELEWICZ, 1912) bly onmisidentificationof P carpathicus, is doubtful,P. millenii occurs in the South Carpathians and the Banat Mts. (Ciubuc Materialexamined: Moravia mer.: Vapenky WVelka Javorina 1993) and it is deleted from the check list ofSlovak Tricho­ (7171),7. vi. 1997, 1cf,JZleg.etcol1.; Slovakia c.:brook, Kastanie ptera. [nr. Kolarovice](6777), 30.v. 1962, 1~;, 1~;al1 KN,Nov. New speciesforthe Czech and SlovakRepublics.Thisspecies Stenophylax mucronatus McLAC HLAN, 1880 is endemicto theNorth and EastCarpathians(Szczesny1986). This species was listed from Bohemia as doubtful in Novak Potamophylax cingulatus (STEPHENS, 1837) and Obr (1977) on the basis of Klapalek' s record from eastern Potamophylax latipennis (CURTIS, 1834) Bohemia(Klapalek 1890).However,Klapalek's specimens(fe­ males) deposited in NMP belong to Micropterna testacea and Both species were not distinguished in the former edition of S. mucronatus is excluded from the list of Czech caddistlies. the checklist (Novak and Obr 1977) because earlier published Also another femalefrom Obr's collection(MMB) from Slova-

17" 18" 138 40 42 44 46 48 15< 52 54 58 60 2 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 ...... ~u I 1 1 J ~ 51- ... ~ 51 ,.. II r ~ sO ~IIP .~ ""-- i"'-o.. ~ II' ~. ( 1./'" I""- 52 53 ~ .. Ir-. • !r'ri'l. , :"- t-.. .r-L.I I-' ", -- r\ II I- -- 154 ss r-• .... • \I '~ f II ~ 111111 V ~ ..... "- L...... l 56 ':j"' II "n -- ... I~ J ) ~ t> I\... -,.. , ~ " ~ I 58 L... r -"'" , ~\ _I::n" 61 .. .,- • IIrc. • -- I...... 1--60" e. "\0' , ~ \ C -< l I' , 63 "'" '- ~ ...... 110.. 62 J f ...... , "\ r x -1oooJ """ 65 • \ \ L~ " I , • ~- V \ \ 1"\ ~ 66 67 ~ "'\ '- [....00' ~. ~ , r: I " • / ...... 69 ... " -I\... \ "\ , I I ~ tie 49" , \ I .... 1 t' ~j .... .,.~ LJ I \ 7&!r 11 •• i.ool!_ "U "'-.... J \J - "\.. .. '" rI ~M I'I1II 72 73 ...... 1-- ~ ~'" ...... If IC r ... ""PQj~ IC.. - IW 'I 1...0-" .....-.u ""'I. " ~ ~ 75 ./I .... 74 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 13- SOlem ---~

Fig. 2. Distribution of subspecies of Potamophylax cingulatus STEPHENS in the Czech Republic (. - P. c. cingulatus STEPHENS, • - P. c. alpinus TOBIAS, •- P. c. depilis SZCZF;SNY).

113 kia (Slovensky Raj, Psie diery, 30. viii. 1975, V. Kosel leg.) la­ Ernodes articularis (PICTET, 1834) beled as S. mucronatus is Micropterna testacea in the fact. Material examined: Bohemia c.: spring area NW Slapy (6152), 20. vi. 1990, 180" 4 9, PC, NMP; Bohemia or.: spring area along Leptoceridae Ricka stream 2 km S Ricky (5864),8. vii. 1994, 19; Libersky pot., Kacerov (5764),9. vii. 1994, 1 0"; left tributary ofBela NW Maly Oecetis testacea (CURTIS, 1834) Uhfinov (5763), 10. vii. 1995, 1 0"29; 22. vii. 1996, 1 0"49; left tributary ofBela W Picberk (5763), 11. vii. 1995,40"; brooklet 1 Material examined: Bohemia mer.: CerveneBlato, Salmanovice km NNW Olesnice v Orlickych horach (5663), 12. vii. 1995,30" (LT)(7154), 28. -30. vi. 1994, 10", KSJJ; Ceske Budejovice­ 149; brook, Ruske udoli (650 rna. s.1.)(5663), 12. vii. 1995,20" Haklovy Dvory (LT)(6952), 1.vii. 1997, 10",KN etJZ; Cemis (LT) (7052), 6. vi. 1998, 1 0",KSJJ; all Nov. 4 9; right tributary ofZdobnice E Pfim (5864), 13. vii. 1995,50"19 This species is vel)' rare in the Czech Republic at present, it 9; right tributary ofZdobnice NE Prtm (5864), 13. vii. 1995,280" has been known from Bohemiaonly on the basis ofold records 2 9; brooklet E Bestvina (6159),21. vii. 1996, 19; 30. vi. 1999, 18 0" (Klapalek 1890, 1892, 1897, 1901; Mayer 1936a) so far. Rare 89; source, NE slope ofPolom (6260), 29. vi. 1999, I 0" 19; spring species in Central Europe (Szczesny 1992; Uherkovich and areaNE LhotkaSE Tfemosnice (6159), 30. vi. 1999,50"; spring Nogradi 1992; Klimaetal. 1994). area NE Bestvina(6159),30. vi. 1999,270" 10 9; all PC, NMP. This European species is recorded in Bohemia for the first Oecetis tripunctata (FABRICIUS, 1793) time; it was mentioned by Sedlak (1999) from single locality in southern Moravia, former data from NE Moravia (Silesia) are Material examined: Bohemia men: CeskeBudejovice - Hak­ based on larval identification only (Straskraba 1966). lovy Dvory (LT) (6952), 29. vii. 1998, 10",KN, Nov. This very rare species - listed as endangered in Novak Ernodes vicinus (McLACHLAN, 1879) (1992) - was known from Bohemia only from Klapalek's records (Klapalek 1891, 1903). 0. tripunctata, rare species Material examined: Bohemia or.: spring area SE Machovska in Central Europe (Szczesny 1992; Klima et al. 1994; Ma­ Lhota (550 m a. s.l.) (5563), 15. vii. 1998,20" 1 9, PC, NMP. licky 1999a), was recently rediscovered also in Bavaria New species for the fauna ofthe Czech Republic. This is a (Weinzierl 1999). rather rare Central European species.

Ylodes conspersus (RAMBUR, 1842) Acknowledgements This species was listed from Bohemia and Slovakia by Novak and Obr (1977) on the basis ofold records. Howev­ We are grateful to all colleagues who gave us valuable ma­ er, the published records from Bohemia (Klapalek 1892, terial for our study. We also thank Dr. V. Jansky and Dr. I. Okali 1897) belong to Y. simulans and Slovak records were not (SNMB), Dr. P.Lauterer (MMB), and Dr. J. Lukas (Department proved. Y. conspersus occurs in southern Europe and it is ofEcology, Comenius University, Bratislava) for making Tri­ excluded from the checklist ofboth Czech and Slovak Tri­ choptera collections under their care available to us. We are choptera. indebted to Dr. S. Nogradi and Dr. A.Uherkovich (Janus Pan­ nonius Museum, Pees) and Dr. 1.Krno (Department ofEcolo­ Ylodes reuteri (McLACHLAN, 1880) gy, Comenius University, Bratislava) for their important The only finding ofthis species was reported from Slovakia information on Slovak caddisflies. We thank also relevant au­ (Novak and Obr 1966) but the record is doubtful and requires thorities ofthe nature conservancy for permission to collect confirmation. The occurence ofthis species is not probable in in protected areas and reserves and the staffof the Adminis­ Slovakia and Y. reuteri is excluded from the checklist. tration ofthe Protected Landscape Areas for their help in the field collections. We wish to thank Dr. 1. Jelinek (NMP) for Ylodes simulans (TJEDER, 1929) reviewing the manuscript and offering valuable advice. This study was supported by the grant VZ F02/98: NMP MOOOOI Material examined: Bohemia c., Celakovice (5854), 21. vi. from the Ministry ofCulture ofthe Czech Republic (to P.Chvoj­ 1891,20"; Bohemia mer., Tfebon (69-7054),15. viii. [18]94, ka) and the project No. S 5007015 by the Grant Agency ofthe 1 0";24. vii. [18]95,20"29; 5. vii. [18]96, 10";21. vii. [18]96,30" Academy ofScience, Czech Republic and project No. 206/99/ 1 9; 1. vii. [18]98, 1 0",(all as Triaenodesconspersa in Klapalek 0405 by the Grant Agency ofthe Czech Republic (to K. Novak). 1892, 1897); all Klap.-NMP. This species is for the first time proved from the Czech Re­ public. References

Beraeidae Adamek, Z., Sukop, I. (1992): Invertebrate communities of former southern Moravian floodplains (Czechoslovakia) and Beraea maurus (CURTIS, 1834) impacts ofregulation. - Regul. Riv., 7: 181-192. Andersen, T., Wiberg-Larsen, P. (1987): Revised check-list of Material examined: Moravia sept.: brooklet W Hyncice p. NW European Trichoptera. - Ent. scand., 18: 165-184. Susinou (5867),5. vii. 2000,29, PC, NMP. Ashe, P., O'Connor, J. P., Murray, D. A. (1998): A checklist of This species is recorded from Moravia for the first time. Irish aquatic insects. - Occ. Pub1. Ir. biogeog. Soc., 3: 1-80.

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115 tet and H. bulgaromanorum Malicky (Trichoptera: Hydropsy­ garian collections . - FoI. Hist.-nat. Mus. Matr., 13: 91-94. chidae),withnotesontheirbionomics.- Ent.Gaz.,35:257-264. Nogradi, S. (1989): Locality data ofthe Trichoptera collection Malicky, H. (1996): Beschreibung und Verbreitung von Hy­ originating from the Carpathian Basin in the Hungarian Nat­ droptila brissaga n. sp., einer neuen europaischen Hydro­ ural History Museum. - FoI. ent. hung., 50: 147-156. ptilidae (Trichoptera). - Ent. Ber. Luzern, 36: 101-104. Nogradi, S. (1994): New data to the caddistly (Trichoptera) Malicky, H. (1997): Die mediterranen, vorderasiatischen und fauna of Hungary, III. - FoI. ent. hung., 55: 271-280. europaischen Arten der Hydroptila sparsa - Gruppe (Tri­ Nogradi, S., Uherkovich, A.(1987): Supplement to the knowl­ choptera, Hydroptilidae). - Ent. Ber. Luzern, 38: 137-153. edge ofthe caddistly fauna (Trichoptera) ofSlovakia. - FoI. Malicky,H.(1999a): EineaktualisierteListeder osterreichischen Hist.-nat. Mus. Matr., 12: 53-68. Kocherfliegen(Trichoptera).- Braueria,26: 31-40. Novak, K. (1958): Nove nalezy chrostiku z Cech (Trichoptera). Malicky, H. (1999b): Bemerkungen tiber die Verwandtschaft - Cas. Cs. SpoI. ent., 55: 380-382. (in Czech with German von Hydropsyche pellucidula Curtis (Trichoptera, Hydro­ summary) psychidae). - LinzerbioI. Beitr.,31: 803-821. Novak, K.(1962): Die Verbreitungder Arten der Gattung Rhya­ Marinkovic-Gospodnetic, M. (1979): The species ofthe ge­ cophila Pict. in Bohmen (Trichoptera). - Cas. Cs. SpoI. ent., nus Hydropsyche ofthe group pellucidula (Trichoptera) in 59:250-265. the Dinarides. - Glas. Zem. Muz. Bos. Herceg. u Sarajevu, Novak, K. (1971): Trichoptera Novohradskych hor. - Sbor. Ji­ prir.nauke, N. S. 18: 165-171. hoces. Muz. v Ces. Budejovicich, prfr, vedy, 11 (SuppI.): 45­ Marshall, 1.E. (1977): Hydroptila martini sp.n. and Hydroptila 51. (inCzech with German summary) valesiaca Schmid (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) new to the Novak, K. (1981): Trichoptera distribution pattern differences British Isles.- Ent. Gaz.,28: 115-122. found by sweeping, beating and light traps at three southern Mayer, K. (1935): Pfispevek k poznan! chrostiku okoli Cilisto­ Bohemian sites. - In: Moretti, G. P.(ed.): Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. va na Dunaji. - Sbor. Klubu prfr, v Brne za r. 1934, 17: 73-78. Trichoptera. - Dr W.Junk Publishers,The Hague, pp. 281-284. (in Czech with German summary) Novak, K. (1989): Das Vorkommen der Trichopteren in der Mayer, K. (1936a): Prvniprfspevek k poznani chrostiku Cesko­ Moldau in Prag.- Verh.IX. SIEEC: 339-341. slovenske republiky.- Sbor.Klubu prfr, v Brne za r. 1935, 18: Novak, K. (1992): Trichoptera. - In: Skapec, L. (ed.): Cervena 41-47. (in Czech with German summary) kniha ohrozenych a vzacnych druhu rostlin a zivocichu 3. Mayer, K. 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116 Obr, S. (1984): Chrostici (Trichoptera) uloveni na svetlo v Ces­ Sykora, J. (1963): Some interesting species ofcaddisflies from koslovensku. - Prace z oboru botaniky a zoologie (Bmo) Czechoslovakia(Trichoptera). - Biol6gia, Bratislava, 18: 588­ 1980-1983: 77-92. (in Czech with English summary) 592. Pazsiczky, J. (1914): Adatok Trencsen varmegye recesszarnyu Szczesny, B. (1986): Caddisflies (Trichoptera) ofrunning wa­ rovarainak faunajahoz, - Trencsenvarmegyei Muz. -Egyesulet ters in the Polish North Carpathians. - Acta zool. cracov., 29: Ertesitoje: 76-83. (in Magyar) 501-586. Peissner, T., Maier, K.-1., Kappus, B. (1998): Erstnachweis von Szczesny, B. (1991): 25. Trichoptera - Chrusciki, - In: Razowski, Hydroptila lotensis (Trichoptera) in Deutschland. - Lauter­ J. (ed.): Checklist ofAnimals ofPoland 2, part 32. - Wydaw. bomia, 34: 169-173. Pol. Akad. Nauk, Wroclaw, Warszawa, Krak6w, pp. 7-13. Petruska, F.(1956): Prispevek k poznani chrostfku Olomouckeho Szczesny, B. 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117 dovehomaterialua soucasnymiznalostmi rozsfreni jednotlivych Hydroptila taurica Martynov, 1934 B druhu. Dale je shrnuto rozsffeni druhu z tech rodu a druhovych Hydroptila tineoides Dalman, 1819 BS skupin, kde castedochazelok chybnymdeterminacim a historicke Hydroptila valesiaca Schmid, 1947 BS udajenejsou spolehlive.Pripojenyjsourovneznove nalezyvzac­ Hydroptila vectis Curtis, 1834 BMS nych druhuchrostiku z uzemi Ceskerepubliky a Slovenska. Ithytrichia lamellaris Eaton, 1873 BMS Vsechny overene a verohodne udaje 0 vyskytu jednotlivych Orthotrichia angustella (McLachlan, 1865) BS druhu chrostiku na uzemi Cech, Moravy a Slovenska jsou Orthotrichia costalis (Curtis, 1834) BMS shrnuty v doplnenem a upravenem seznamu. Z Ceske repub­ Orthotrichia tragetti Mosely, 1930 BS liky je v soucasne dobe znamo 247 druhu (242 z Cech a 192 Oxyethirafalcata Morton, 1893 BS z Moravy) a ze Slovenske republiky 218 druhu chrostiku. Oxyethiraflavicornis (Pictet, 1834) BMS Oxyethirafrici Klapalek, 1891 B Oxyethira simplex Ris, 1897 B APPENDIX Oxyethira tristella Klapalek, 1895 B Ptilocolepus granulatus (Pictet, 1834) B Checklist ofCzech (B - Bohemia, M- Moravia, incl. Silesia) Tricholeiochitonfagesii (Guinard, 1879) BM and Slovak (S) Trichoptera Philopotamidae Rhyacophllidae Chimarra marginata (Linnaeus, 1767) BMS Rhyacophila dorsalis (Curtis, 1834) BS Philopotamus ludificatus McLachlan, 1878 BMS Rhyacophila evoluta McLachlan, 1879 B Philopotamus montanus (Donovan, 1813) BMS Rhyacophilafasciata Hagen, 1859 BMS Philopotamus variegatus (Scopoli, 1763) BMS Rhyacophila glareosa McLachlan, 1867 BS Wormaldia copiosa (McLachlan, 1868) BS Rhyacophila hirticornis McLachlan, 1879 B Wormaldia occipitalis (Pictet, 1834) BMS Rhyacophila laevis Pictet, 1834 S Wormaldia pulla (McLachlan, 1878) BMS Rhyacophila mocsaryi Klapalek, 1898 MS Wormaldia subnigra Mcl.achlan, 1865 BM Rhyacophila nubila (Zetterstedt, 1840) BMS Rhyacophila obliterata McLachlan, 1863 BMS Hydropsychidae Rhyacophila pascoei McLachlan, 1879 BS Cheumatopsyche lepida (Pictet, 1834) BMS Rhyacophila philopotamoides McLachlan, 1879 BMS Hydropsyche angustipennis (Curtis, 1834) BMS Rhyacophila polonica McLachlan, 1879 BMS Hydropsyche botosaneanui Marinkovic Rhyacophilapraemorsa McLachlan, 1879 B -Gospodnetic, 1966 B Rhyacophila pubescens Pictet, 1834 BS Hydropsyche bulbifera McLachlan, 1878 BMS Rhyacophila torrentium Pictet, 1834 BM Hydropsyche bulgaromanorum Malicky, 1977 BMS Rhyacophila tristis Pictet, 1834 BMS Hydropsyche contubernalis McLachlan, 1865 BMS Rhyacophila vulgaris Pictet, 1834 BMS Hydropsyche dinarica Marinkovic -Gospodnetic, 1979 B Glossosomatidae Hydropsyche exocellata Dufour, 1841 BS Agapetus delicatulus McLachlan, 1884 BMS Hydropsychefulvipes (Curtis, 1834) BS Agapetusfuscipes Curtis, 1834 BMS Hydropsyche guttata Pictet, 1834 B Agapetus laniger (Pictet, 1834) BMS Hydropsyche incognita Pitsch, 1993 BMS Agapetus ochripes Curtis, 1834 BMS Hydropsyche instabilis (Curtis, 1834) BMS Glossosoma boltoni Curtis, 1834 BMS Hydropsyche modesta Navas, 1925 MS Glossosoma conformis Neboiss, 1963 BMS Hydropsyche pellucidula (Curtis, 1834) BM Glossosoma intermedium (Klapalek, 1892) BMS Hydropsyche saxonica McLachlan, 1884 BMS Synagapetus armatus (McLachlan, 1879) S Hydropsyche silfveniiUlmer, 1906 BS Synagapetus iridipennis McLachlan, 1879 BMS Hydropsyche siltalai Dahler, 1963 BM Synagapetus moselyi (Ulmer, 1938) BMS Navas, 1932 B

Hydroptilidae Polycentropodidae Agraylea multipunctata Curtis, 1834 BM Cyrnus crenaticornis (Kolenati, 1859) BMS Agraylea sexmaculata Curtis, 1834 BMS Cyrnusjlavidus McLachlan, 1864 BMS Allotrichia pallicornis (Eaton, 1873) BS Cyrnus insolutus McLachlan, 1878 B Hydroptila angulata Mosely, 1922 B Cyrnus trimaculatus (Curtis, 1834) BMS Hydroptila angustata Mosely, 1939 B Holocentropus dubius (Rambur, 1842) BMS Hydroptilaforcipata (Eaton, 1873) BMS Holocentropus picicornis (Stephens, 1836) BMS Hydroptila lotensis Mosely, 1930 S Holocentropus stagnalis (Albarda, 1874) BMS Hydroptila martini Marshall, 1977 B S Neureclipsis bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) BMS Hydroptila occulta (Eaton, 1873) B S Plectrocnemia brevis McLachlan, 1871 BMS Hydroptila pulchricornis Pictet, 1834 BM Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curtis, 1834) BMS Hydroptila simulans Mosely, 1920 B Plectrocnemia geniculata McLachlan, 1871 BM Hydroptila sparsa Curtis, 1834 BMS Polycentropus excisus Klapalek, 1894 S

118 Polycentropusflavomaculatus (Pictet, 1834) BMS Anabolia brevipennis (Curtis, 1834) BMS Polycentropus irroratus (Curtis, 1835) B M S Anaboliafurcata Brauer, 1857 BMS PolycentropusschmidiNovak et Botosaneanu, 1965 S Anabolia nervosa (Curtis, 1834) B Glyphotaelius pellucidus (Retzius, 1783) B M S Psychomyiid ae Grammotaulius nigropunctatus (Retzius, 1783) B M S Lype phaeopa (Stephens, 1836) BMS Grammotaulius nitidus (MUller, 1764) BMS Lype reducta (Hagen, 1868) BMS Limnephilus affinis Curtis, 1834 BMS Psychomyiapusilla (Fabricius, 1781) BMS Limnephilus algosus (McLachlan, 1868) BS Tinodes dives (Pictet, 1834) BS Limnephilus auricula Curtis, 1834 B M S Tinodes kimminsi Sykora, 1962 BS Limnephilus binotatus Curtis, 1834 BMS Tinodes maclachlani Kimmins, 1966 B Limnephilus bipunctatus Curtis, 1834 B M S Tinodes pallidulus McLachlan, 1878 8 M S Limnephilus centralis Curtis, 1834 B M S Tinodes rostocki McLachlan, 1878 BMS Limnephilus coenosus Curtis, 1834 B M S Tinodes unicolor (Pictet, 1834) BMS Limnephilus decipiens (Kolenati, 1848) B M S Tinodes waeneri (Linnaeus, 1758) BMS Limnephilus elegans Curtis, 1834 BM Limnephilus extricatus McLachlan, 1865 B M S Ec nom idae Limnephilusflavicornis (Fabricius, 1787) B MS Ecnomus tenellus (Rambur, 1842) BMS Limnephilusfuscicornis Rambur, 1842 B MS Limnephilus germanus McLachlan, 1875 B Phryganeid ae Limnephilus griseus (Linnaeus, 1758) B MS Agrypnia obsoleta (McLachlan, 1865) BMS Limnephilus hirsutus (Pictet, 1834) B MS Agrypniapagetana Curtis, 1835 BMS Limnephilus ignavus McLachlan, 1865 B MS Agrypnia varia (Fabricius, 1793) BS Limnephilus incisus Curtis, 1834 B M Hagenella clathrata (Kolenati, 1848) BM Limnephilus lunatus Curtis, 1834 B MS Oligostomis reticulata (Linnaeus, 1761) BMS Limnephilus nigriceps (Zetterstedt, 1840) BMS Oligotricha striata (Linnaeus, 1758) BMS Limnephiluspolitus McLachlan, 1865 B M S Phryganea bipunctata Retzius, 1783 BMS Limnephilus rhombicus (Linnaeus, 1758) B MS Phryganea grandis Linnaeus, 1758 BMS Limnephilus sericeus (Say, 1824) B S Trichostegia minor (Curtis, 1834) BMS Limnephilus sparsus Curtis, 1834 BMS Limnephilus stigma Curtis, 1834 B M S Brachycent ridae Limnephilus subcentralis Brauer, 1857 B M Brachycentrus maculatus (Fourcroy, 1785) BMS Limnephilus vittatus (Fabricius, 1798) B MS Brachycentrus montanus Klapalek, 1892 BMS Nemotaulius punctatolineatus (Retzius, 1783) B Brachycentrus subnubilus Curtis, 1834 BMS Rhadicoleptus alpestris (Kolenati, 1848) B MS Micrasema longulum McLachlan, 1876 8M Micrasema minimum McLachlan, 1876 BMS Limnephilinae: Chaetopterygini Micrasema setiferum (Pictet, 1834) BMS Annitella obscurata (McLachlan, 1876) BMS Annitella thuringica (Ulmer, 1909) BMS LimnephiHdae Chaetopterygopsis maclachlani Stein, 1874 BMS Apataniinae Chaetopteryxfusca Brauer, 1857 S Apatania carpathica Schmid, 1954 S Chaetopteryx major Mc Lachlan, 1876 BM Apataniafimbriata(Pictet, 1834) BMS Chaetopteryxpolonica Dziedzielewicz, 1889 MS Apatania muliebris McLachlan, 1866 B Chaetopteryx subradiata Klapalek, 1907 S Chaetopteryx villosa (Fabricius, 1798) BMS Dicosmoecin ae Pseudopsilopteryx zimmeri (McLachlan, 1876) BMS lronoquia dubia (Stephens, 1837) BMS Psilopteryxpsorosa (Kolenati, 1860) BMS

Drusinae Limnephilinae: Stenophylacini Anomalopterygella chauviniana (Stein, 1874) BM Acrophylax vernalis Dziedzielewicz, 1912 BS Drusus annulatus (Stephens, 1837) BMS Acrophylaxzerberus Brauer, 1867 BS Drusus biguttatus (Pictet, 1834) BMS Allogamus auricollis (Pictet, 1834) BMS Drusus brunneus Klapalek, 1898 S Allogamus starmachi Szczesny, 1967 S Drusus carpathicus Dziedzielewicz, 1911 S Allogamus uncatus (Brauer, 1857) BMS Drusus discolor (Rambur, 1842) BMS Halesus digitatus (Schrank, 1781) BMS Drusus monticola McLachlan, 1876 S Halesus radiatus (Curtis, 1834) BMS Drusus trifidus (McLachlan, 1868) BMS Halesus rubricollis (Pictet, 1834) BMS Ecclisopteryx dalecarlica Kolenati, 1848 BMS Halesus tesselatus (Rambur, 1842) BMS Ecclisopteryx guttulata (Pictet, 1834) B Hydatophylax infumatus (McLachlan, 1865) BMS Ecclisopteryx madida (McLachlan, 1867) BMS Isogamus aequalis (Klapalek, 1907) S Melampophylax nepos (McLachlan, 1880) BMS Limnephilinae: Limnephilini Micropterna lateralis (Stephens, 1837) BMS

119 Micropterna nycterobia McLachlan, 1875 BMS Sericostomatidae Micropterna sequax McLachlan, 1875 BMS Notidobia ciliaris (Linnaeus, 1761) BMS Micropterna testacea (Gmelin, 1789) BMS Oecismus monedula (Hagen, 1859) BMS Parachiona picicornis (Pictet, 1834) BMS Sericostomapersonatum (Spence, 1826) BMS Potamophylax carpathicusDziedzielewicz, 1912 MS Sericostomaschneiderii(Kolenati, ]848) BMS Potamophylax cingulatus (Stephens, 1837) BMS [s. j/avicorne auct.] Potamophylax latipennis (Curtis, 1834) BMS Potamophylax luctuosus Beraeidae (piller etMitterpacher, 1783) BMS Beraea maurus (Curtis, 1834) BMS Potamophylax nigricornis (Pictet, 1834) BMS Beraea pullata (Curtis, 1834) BMS Potamophylax rotundipennis (Brauer, 1857) BMS Beraeamyia hrabei Mayer, 1937 MS Stenophylax permistus McLachlan, 1895 BMS Beraeodes minutus (Linnaeus, 176]) BMS Stenophylax vibex (Curtis, 1834) BMS Ernodes articularis (Pictet, ]834) BMS Ernodes vicinus (McLachlan, ]879) BS Goeridae Goerapilosa (Fabricius, 1775) BMS Odontoceridae Lithax niger (Hagen, 1859) BMS Odontocerum albicorne (Scopoli, 1763) BMS Lithax obscurus (Hagen, 1859) BMS Silo nigricornis (Pictet, 1834) BMS Molannidae Silo pallipes (Fabricius, 1781) BMS Molanna angustata Curtis, 1834 BMS Silo piceus (Brauer, 1857) BMS Molanna nigra (Zetterstedt, 1840) B Molannodes tinctus (Zetterstedt, ]840) BMS Lepidostomatidae Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) BMS 242 192 Lasiocephala basalis (Kolenati, 1848) BMS Total 247 2]8 Lepidostoma hirtum (Fabricius, 1775) BMS

Leptoceridae Adicellafilicornis (Pictet, 1834) BMS Adicellareducta (McLachlan, 1865) BS Athripsodes albifrons (Linnaeus, 1758) BMS Athripsodes aterrimus (Stephens, 1836) BMS Athripsodes bilineatus (Linnaeus, 1758) BMS Athripsodes cinereus (Curtis, 1834) BMS Athripsodes commutatus (Rostock, 1874) BMS Athripsodes leucophaeus (Ram bur, 1842) BM Ceraclea alboguttata (Hagen, 1860) BMS Ceraclea annulicornis (Stephens, 1836) BMS Ceraclea dissimilis (Stephens, 1836) BMS Ceracleafulva (Rambur, 1842) BMS Ceraclea nigronervosa (Retzius, 1783) BS Ceraclea riparia (Albarda, 1874) BS Ceraclea senilis (Burmeister, 1839) BMS Erotesis baltica McLachlan, 1877 B Leptocerus interruptus (Fabricius, 1775) BMS Leptocerus tineiformis Curtis, ]834 BMS Mystacides azurea (Linnaeus, 176]) BMS Mystacides longicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) BMS Mystacides nigra (Linnaeus, ]758) BMS Oecetisfurva (Rambur, 1842) BMS Oecetis lacustris (Pictet, 1834) BMS Oecetis notata (Rambur, ]842) BS Oecetis ochracea (Curtis, ]825) BMS Oecetis testacea (Curtis, 1834) B Oecetis tripunctata (Fabricius, 1793) BS Paroecetis struckii (Klapalek, 1903) BM Setodes punctatus (Fabricius, 1793) BMS Setodes viridis (Fourcroy, 1785) BS Triaenodes bicolor (Curtis, 1834) BMS Ylodes simulans (Tjeder, 1929) BMS