The Announcer September 5, 2021

Alzheimer’s Disease. Please join the Women of Our Savior for a slide presentation about Alzheimer’s Disease. This will take place on Tuesday, September 7th, at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please make note of the purple “Alzheimer’s Research” donation box placed in the narthex. We hope you can join us for this informational evening.

Women of Our Savior. The Women of Our Savior will meet Tuesday, September 7th at 6:00 pm for the Alzheimer’s Disease presentation. There will be a business meeting following the presentation, including mites and devotions. We hope to see you there!

Rally Day! Join us on Sunday, September 12th at 8:45 am for Rally Day! We will kick-off the Sunday School year with a fun escape room activity. We will make teams comprised of all different ages. The objective is to read and solve four mysteries and complete the final challenge. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting morning!

Confirmation Classes Resume! Our 5th through 8th grade students will begin meeting this Wednesday, to explore the Bible, mature in their Christian faith, and develop friendships. Please pray for them and their teachers as they gather each week.

Birthdays this week: September 6: Brad; September 10: Don; Wedding Anniversaries this week: September 5: Paul & Bobbie; September 8: Leo & Karen; Doug & Delana.

Church Properties Contact Person for September is Bill (563-920-1546). Contact him with any items that need the attention of the Board.

This Week at Our Savior Lutheran Church

TODAY, Sept. 5: 8:30 am Worship 11:00 am-4:30 pm SONshine Center reserved 5:30-7:00 pm SONshine Center reserved 6:00-10:00 pm SONshine Center reserved MONDAY, Sept. 6: Labor Day – office closed TUESDAY, Sept. 7: 6:00 pm Women of Our Savior – Alzheimer’s Presentation WEDNESDAY, Sept. 8: 8:30 am Del. Co. Ministerial Association meeting 1:30-3:00 pm SONshine Center reserved 6:00 pm Lay Ministry Board meeting 7:00 pm Confirmation Classes – SONshine Center 7:00 pm Senior ACTS – SONshine Center THURSDAY, Sept. 9: 9:00-10:00 am Bible Study – St. Paul’s, Delaware NEXT SUNDAY, Sept. 12: 8:45 am Rally Day – Escape Room Activity 10:00 am Worship/Communion/Installation of Teachers 11:15 am Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar/Total Cholesterol Screening 5:30-7:00 pm SONshine Center reserved 6:00-10:00 pm SONshine Center reserved

Congratulations! Ben & Kristin are excited to announce the birth of their son, Joel. Samuel was born Friday, August 27th at Mercy Hospital in Iowa City. He weighed 8 lbs. 4 oz. and was 20 inches long. Mom and baby are both doing great! Samuel will be baptized Sunday, September 5th at Our Reedemer Lutheran Church in Iowa City. Congratulations and God’s blessings to the family! (Samuel is the grandson of Joel & Judy.)

September Blood Drive. Our Savior will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, September 15th from 1:00 – 5:30 pm. For those wanting to schedule as a donor, please note as to when you gave blood the last time. For those donating whole blood, you cannot donate at Our Savior if you donated after July 20th. For donors giving double reds, you cannot donate in September if you donated after May 24th. If you are wanting to donate on September 15th, you can schedule yourself at any time. Any 16-year-olds (with parental consent), can give blood if they are eligible. There is a great demand for blood at this time due to the Covid-Delta strain. Please give where ever you can. Go to to schedule your time. All donors and volunteers must wear a mask. If you have any questions, please call Gloria at 563-920-0503.

Patriot’s Day will be held at the Ryan Legion on Saturday, September 11th. Food will be served from 4:00- 7:00 pm and includes: maidrites, hot dogs, beans, chips, desserts, and ice cream from the Del. Co. Dairy Producers. Free will donations are accepted. We hope you can join in the fun!

Help Wanted. A Secretary/Treasurer is being sought for the Delaware County Food Bank. It is a paid, part-time position. There are four meetings a year. Computer skills and knowledge of Microsoft Excel are a plus. To send a resume, request a description, or ask questions contact Katie at [email protected].

"Who is my Neighbor?" Speaker: Rev. Dr. Zeigler. We can't build a more hopeful neighborhood if we don't know who our neighbors are and we go out of our way to avoid them. (Luke 10:25-37). Listen to “The Lutheran Hour” next Sunday morning at 9:00 on radio station KMCH 94.7 FM.

Mission News: The LCMS has 38 partner churches around the world. A partner church is a church body with which the LCMS has full altar and pulpit fellowship. Many LCMS partner churches also are members of the International Lutheran Council, a worldwide association of confessional Lutheran church bodies. Some LCMS partner churches came into existence through LCMS-supported mission efforts, while others have historic roots that pre-date the LCMS or that are sourced in the mission efforts of other Lutheran church bodies. Remember God’s goodness in Christ as we thank God for family. Pray that God would guide all families to love each other with the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Generosity Moment. James 2:2 – “For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in …” God shows no partiality. Rich and poor alike are called into the Kingdom. And both rich and poor alike have something to contribute to the Kingdom in accordance with the callings God has given them in their lives. This is why both the Old and New Testaments talk about proportional giving – that is giving a proportion of our income to the Lord’s work. This makes it possible for rich and poor alike to have the honor of supporting God’s work.

Life Thoughts in the Church Year. XV (Proper 18B) – God’s grace shows no partiality (James 2:1). All have sinned, and all have received the mercy of justification for Jesus’ sake. Christians cannot encourage abortion because it discriminates against neighbors based on size, skills, or circumstances. We cannot ignore physician-assisted suicide because it discriminates against neighbors based on age, appearance, or ability. Instead, we rejoice to receive every member of our race as sister and brother.

Life Quote. “The people you tell today are the ones who get to tell the next group of people yet to be born. Someday our children will be telling their children about their Savior, knowing God’s Word and His story of grace, because you model it and share it every day. Because you put your trust in God.” Linda Buxa, Time of Grace – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •

Building Healthy Families: Have you ever been inside a cave? Besides the flashlight you hopefully brought in with you, it is complete darkness. The luxury of flipping on a switch to turn the electricity on just isn’t there. Many people right here in Iowa live every day in the darkness. We know that in a world of darkness, Jesus is our light! He invites us to share that Light. How can you do that this week? “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14. Lutheran Family Service, 2550 Middle Road, Suite 602, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722. Phone: 563.359.0696 or