A.Riadder Management the to Attend the Matinee When Their Risibilities Are Ticmea
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THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE JOURNALSATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER), 1922 17 Mexican Border. The subject Is filled with ture. There's a lot of adventure In bination comedy and athletic act. was. nnder prodnction. Mr. I,loyd beliercs in the FrencTt production, "I Accurse." seen in old adage, "Care will kill a cat," Is also a member of the Corned i possibilities and those who have the this picture, too which brings in the Kramer and Johnson follow with a the Joube finished prints declare that he has made police. O. singing.' dancing - sod is jnat as certain that smiles will Fraacalse in Paris. every - Northwest Mounted "F. B. talking and act. At new sprit into a When the most of opportunity. Africa," a comedy, is also scheduled. third base will be the Bobby Jackson something Stanley Goethals. who plays the really funny happens nobody Little A beautiful carved door with real antique Tom Mix will be . aeen in a part company hv a sketch they call "Eccen- else laugns as heartily as lie. boy in "The Trap," in which Lon Chaney to of in a part tricities," full of everything the vaude- makes his bow as a star, proves he Is one lock which coat fl.230 alone was battered the last half the week youngsters in picture" pieces in the interests of realism during such as has never played before ville fan likes best. North and Will- They Hit the Pipe. of the cleverest he today. His pathetic plea for "the love of the filming of the Cosmopolitan Production that of: a brawny young blacksmith ing appear as "Two Boys From Dixie,'.' "Wallace TSeid. Kndolph Valentino and "When Knighthood Was In Flower." star- Mlitoa SUIb are arrent pipe smokers ana ;aspard. the banian wolf who has adopted in a little western town. Thru the and the Melnotte Duo finish the. bill him, a masterpiece of realism. Gaapard ring Marion Davies. each has his peculiarities abont hla par- is medium story in their sketch "A Night Out." . by Chaney. of this character the ticular devotion to the we?u. Wallace ia played Contracts have been signed by oy Bol- takes on a novel color and interest, Reld likes the cnbe cut kind of tobacco, and-F- . off on of Allan Dwan. who has Juat finished di- ton and Jeorge Middleton. the authors, and it starts Mix a series generally; Valentino mixes his own blend; in Bobln Bay Comstock, the manager of the play, adventures that provide action every Sills has been 'Siaokloc' the quite ordinary recting "Iougla8 Fairbanks Kva." MOVIE NOTES - said to be the moat lavish, "Adam and minute. The picture is called "The breads. And each has a collection of Hood." in pipes, Wally probably lead. and gripping film drama made Fighting Streak,' and is said to be with in the a long time, is to direct Rudolph Valen- - "Divorce Coupons" is declared by critics mighty well named. - "The In parts of the country to be the Star ."Sylvia "Mother" Ashton, prominent char- UQO. all is accompanying com- The sword worn bv the character LafaT-ett- e j best picture In which Corlnne Griffith has At tho Grand. Boarder the acter actress in Paramount pictures, has . .. - : in W. Griffith's new picture, Ttichard Barthelmess next starring Bupniiu. PUB 1. liJ ... It has been nearly a year since one ORPHEUM FIRST OF edy. m l. been loaned to Chrbttle Comedies for one and subject. In which the WEEK "Orphans of the Storm," was designed bv picture, a houseboat comedy iu which vehicle. "The Bondboy." has been cut to a far different of David War It Griffith's productions the same firm and by a direct lineal Keai assembled, and will be released by First atmosphere of the Sahara desert Is the has been seen on first run In Topeka At the Novelty. descendant of the individual sword smith Burns is featured. National In October. background, and an Arab the hero. It is In consequence, making the original sword which wa pre- called "One Stolen Night." and as the and the presentation With everything from jazz to the Bert LyteU has a sprained ankle and ' Tailor by Corlnne herself at the Grand starting Monday, of "The highest of highbrow stuff, the bills sented to Lafayette by the American con- Theodora Kosloff a wicked sword cut on Charles Ray's new picture. "A story was selected it gress. v Made Man." continued to draw crowda dur- must be a good one. Orphans of the Storm," trill be the for the week at the Novelty will have his right wrist, but everybody-wa- happy premiere Loa big about it at the Iasky Paramount studio ing the third week of its in event of the fall and winter sea- a universal appealsure to satisfy that Sugar hoarding Is no new thing. In El- Hollywood scene, Angeles. This, the first production under Time Is no longer sn object In the mak- son. biggrer in-- after the biff fight only, now Beginning This production is and impulse that leads the vaudeville fan mer Cliftan'a production "Down to the Sea To Have and To Hold," as no retakes his new policy of big pictures is ing of Harold Lloyd comedies. by far better than any of the other -- to a vaudeville theater. Even the in Ships" he used an old silver sngar bowl soon to be seen in the East. with "A Sailor Made Man." Lloyd, put . equipped lock key. were necessary. secondary perfection In production. masterpieces by the master director i serials to be shown as the ipener for with a and to time to of two Wesley Barry's second picture made "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall" is It took htm nearly four niontba to produce the screen. It is an elaboration of the bills are different. The first Europe Is fast adopting American motion this be Mary i'ickford'a next starring picture. "A Sailor Made Man." Five months was The Two Orphans," play - Monday year, "Heroes of the Street,' a Harry the which half of the week starting picture producing methods and in rapidly Hapf At least, every indication points to that the time taken In the production of "Grand- was made famous by Kate Claxton afternoon, Roland in "The Tim- n perfection of films production, directed by William now. already purchased the right ''Doctor Jack," which 5 Ruth earing the technical Beaiidine, has .been completed at the War- She has ma's Boy." while and from the pen of D'Hennery. ber Queen" will furnish all the thrills made cn this side of the Atlantic, according ner 1'revost to the Charles Major novel. will follow his enrrent sttractlon. has con- r to Albertina Rasch, motion picture actress Brothers studios. Marie been months In the making. Griffith held an elimination the serial fan desires. It is a true plays the leading; feminine role. four test among the most prominent of I tj I ' western picture in every respect. The and n dancer who U now abroad, Mae Busch Is s moving picture actress making an extensive investigation of this - a regularly. She la screen artists for places on his cast. f last three days starting Thursday TRomnald Joube, who outdoes- "Monte She moves twice month William Fred Peters, who composed the 300 out afternoon, episode "The industry. Special, "The Iale trying to find a house that suits her. scores for "Way Down Kaat" and "Tne Nearly stars were tried for the second of Cristo" in the Pathe make the or- the various parts before he made his Day of Buffalo Bill" will be shown. TTpon the, completion of his present of Zorda," adapted from Jules Verne's Orphans of the Storm," will famous novel, "Mathias Sandorf," la well Larry Seraon has completed his latest chestral accompaniment for "When selection. Lillian and Dorothy GIsh This story is historically accurate and vehicle, as yet untitled, Jackie Coogan will on the Knighthood Was In Flower." are playing the parts of the two or- will appeal to all who have ever read be taken upon an extended tour of the known in America thru uU splendid work comedy dealing with moonshine story they sup- anything times world. According to present plans, the phans of the and are regarding the turbulent little starlet will be in London in time ported by Creighton Hale and Monte when the Union Pacific was being for the Knglish premier of his film version Blue with Joseph Shlldkraut, the built across the continent. of "Oliver Twist." great European star who la credited After "The Timber Queen" the first with being the most handsome man half, the Crawfords (not L. M. and Agnea Ayres, Paramount star, wanted I in the world. This is the first picture Roy) will appear in a novelty surprise to be a doctor or lawyer when she was In which the Gish sisters have ap- act to tell about which would spoil a m all girl, and insisted on slicking her peared together since "Hearts of The the fun. The Crawfords are followed hair back severely from her brow! Jump into the old by Shake, Rattle and World." Joe "Jazz" Williams in fifteen min- In spite cf the fact that Lon Chaney has Roti, It's your turn fliver and head Isis utes of spicey syncopation. Lightell asserted that he would do only one cripple "HONOR. FIRST William fox productiom and Coffmann present the feature act a year, he has been assigned by to laugh. way. of the bill with selections from the Picture to star in "The Hunchback of musical comedy successes of the past Notre Dame," Victor Hugo's famous novel.