Pre-Assessment of the Narodysevera and Bolsheretsksalmon Fishery Prepared for “Narodyseveraco” Ltd and “Bolsheretsk” Lt
10051 5th Street N., Suite 105 St. Petersburg, Florida33702-2211 Tel: (727) 563-9070 Fax: (727) 563-0207 Em a il: MRAG.Am ericas@mragam President: Andrew A. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Pre-Assessment of the NarodySevera and BolsheretskSalmon Fishery Prepared for “NarodySeveraCo” Ltd and “Bolsheretsk” Ltd [Obschestvo s ogranichennoiotvetstvennostiu “Rybolovetskayaartel “NarodySevera” and obschestvo s ogranichennoiotvetstvennostiu “Bolsheretsk”]. Prepared by MRAG Americas, Inc. Assessment Team: Robert J. Trumble, Ph.D., MRAGAmericas Dmitry Lajus, Ph.D., St. PetersburgStateUniversity October 2011 1 INTRODUCTION The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), an independent, global, non-profit organization, works to enhance responsible management of seafood resources and to ensure the sustainability of global fish stocks and the health of the marine ecosystem. It is supported by a broad coalition of those with a stake in the future of the global seafood supply. The MSC harnesses consumer power by identifying sustainable seafood products through an eco-label. The MSC has identified the following mission statement: To safeguard the world’s seafood supply by promoting the best environmental choice. This report is on results of preassessment of salmon fisheries of “Rybolovetskaya artel Narody Severa” Ltd and “Bolsheretsk” Ltd which are fishing for Pacific salmon: pink salmonOncorhynchusgorbuscha, chum salmon O. keta, sockeye salmonO. nerka, coho salmon O. kisuth,chinook salmon O. tschawytscha, char Salvelinus sp (S.malma, S. leucomonas and S. alpinus) in the Sea of Okhotsk, Western coast of Kamchatka peninsula, Ust-Bolsheretsk district, Bolshaia and Kikhchik riversarea, according to standards of Marine Stewardship Council. This report may provide only recommendations; full certification will be conducted completely independently of results of pre-assessment.
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