Women Friendly Cities 2010
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The United Nations Joint Programme to Protect and Promote The Human Rights of Women and Girls Women Friendly Cities 2010 The United Nations Joint Program to Protect and Promote The Human Rights of Women and Girls TURKEY Women Friendly Cities 2010 Editors : Nevin Şenol, Ayşe Sargın, Nilgün Salmaner, Özen Karaca, Burçin Haydaş Design : Aslı Tanrıkulu / Damla Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti. Printing : Damla Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti. Kuyuyazısı Cad. 24 Etlik - ANKARA T. 321 7516 F. 325 6042 www.damlayayin.com.tr [email protected] January 2010, Ankara-Turkey This publication has been prepared and printed in the framework of the United Nations Joint Program to Protect and Promote the Human Rights of Women and Girls. www.icisleri.gov.tr www.un.org.tr www.unfpa.org.tr www.sabancivakfi.org THE UNITED NATIONS JOINT PROGRAM TO PROTECT AND PROMOTE THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF WOMEN AND GIRLS (UNJP) WOMEN FRIENDLY CITIES Prepared By Nevin Şenol UNJP Program Manager Ayşe Sargın UNJP Van Local Coordinator Nilgün Salmaner UNJP Nevşehir Local Coordinator Özen Karaca UNJP Kars Local Coordinator Semra Ulusoy UNJP İzmir Local Coordinator Tülay Yılmaz UNJP Şanlıurfa Local Coordinator Sinem Mısırlıoğlu UNJP Trabzon Local Coordinator Semra Aktan UNJP Program/Finance and Administrative Assistant January 2010, Ankara Turkey As the spheres of governance closest to the people, local and regional authorities represent the levels best placed to combat the persistence and the reproduction of inequalities, and to promote a truly egalitarian society, they can, through their competences, and through co-operation with the whole range of local actors, undertake concrete actions in favour of equality of women and men. Council of European Municipalities and Regions The European Charter for Equality of Women and Men in Local Life At the Outset... ABDÜLKADİR AKSU Minister of Interior 5 December 2006 The 10th Article of the Constitution, primarily, and many other legislative arrangements including the Law on Municipalities, the Law on Metropolitan Municipalities, and the Law on Special Provincial Administrations all stipulate that women shall benefit more from the local services and play a more efficient role in the determination of such services. Our efforts are aimed at ensuring the effective and lasting realization of laws as soon as possible. The Joint Program, which we perform together with the United Nations, is initially implemented in six cities. These studies shall constitute an exemplary effort on women's rights led by our country. It is obvious that these studies would create a backdrop for better representation of women in the decision-making mechanisms of the local governments which constitute the closest public sphere for our people, and play a significant role in redressing the inequalities between women and men. In this respect; I consider the efforts undertaken within the scope of the Joint Program as an important step to remove the inequalities in terms of women's involvement in decision-making at local administrations. Taken from the opening remarks addressed during the Annual Review Meeting of the United Nations Joint Program to Protect and Promote the Human Rights of Women and Girls, 5 December 2006 Concluding... BEŞİR ATALAY Minister of Interior 20 January 2010 “Our government places further importance on the issue of women's rights. On the basis of the concept “educated women are emancipated women”, we have been designing projects to multiply the schooling rate of girls. Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) to families which means financial support for each child is a similar effort, unless those children are sent to school. As the Minister of State, I have supported schemes concerning girls more than those aimed at boys and more than a million children benefited from this.” “This program that is realized in six provinces through the cooperation between the private and public sectors and the United Nations, I find, extremely successful. My Ministry will continue its comprehensive support to Women Friendly Cities. I would like to extend my thanks to all organizations that have supported this Program, and to Sabancı Foundation. Güler Sabancı's contribution to a project on women, not only as a woman herself but as a determined manager and as the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Sabancı Foundation is exemplary.” “Within the framework of the draft law on combating against discrimination we are establishing a Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination which will be an independent and powerful authority to handle all sorts of complaints regarding discrimination. It will determine penalties wherever and whenever required and its reports will serve as expert's opinion in the courts of law. I believe that this Committee will also exercise functions on the issue of gender equality.” Taken from the closing remarks addressed during the Closure Meeting of the United Nations Joint Program to Protect and Promote the Human Rights of Women and Girls, 20 January 2010 At the Outset... KEMAL DERVİŞ Head of the United Nations Development Programme and Chair of the United Nations Development Group 7 March 2006 “It is an indispensable practice for all sorts of democratic structures that both women and men take part in decision-making mechanisms. Against this background, no democracy is allowed to exercise 'gender blindness.' Democracy shall ensure the participation of all women and men to decision- making processes.” “Women's problems in Turkey shall be redressed in Turkey. Yet, global experiences and standards, especially those devised by the UN for the protecting of people from abuse, exploitation and conflicts would serve as catalysts.” “Experiences in the intensification of women's role in politics, top management and businesses from all over the world shall be cascaded to other countries.” “Although quotas do not fit every individual country, it is a fact that they can still contribute to solutions in those that successfully strengthen women's representation.” Taken from the opening remarks addressed during the Inauguration Meeting of the United Nations Joint Program to Protect and Promote the Human Rights of Women and Girls, 7 March 2006 “The only way we can create egalitarian and women friendly cities is to ensure the financial and human resources that the political will and determination demand. Moreover, a functioning monitoring mechanism shall be in place. One of the most crucial tools to support the creation of women friendly cities is to strengthen the dialogue between parties.” Taken from remarks addressed during the Annual Review Meeting of the United Nations Joint Program to Protect and Promote the Human Rights of Women and Girls, 13 November 2007 Concluding... PEER SIEBEN Representative of the UNFPA 20 January 2010 “No need to say much about the United Nations Joint Program…The success of this innovative project is evident. Yet, I would still like to share with you some lessons learned: Administering the process in the right way is no less important than results. A bottom-up approach facilitates and speeds up progress. Efforts based on full and equal participation of all parties yield better results. Once in place, ownership facilitates sustainability.” “It would not be possible to realize the United Nations Joint Programme without the support, guidance and mere existence of the Ministry of Interior. Similarly, the Joint Programme also benefited from the strong and innovative support of the Sabancı Foundation and University. KA-DER in Ankara must also be mentioned with its substantial contribution at the initial phase. Embassies of Germany, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada and Norway provided generous financial support to the Programme. Governorates, Special Provincial Administrations, Municipalities and women's organizations in İzmir, Kars, Nevşehir, Şanlıurfa, Trabzon and Van were extremely cooperative with each other and with us; and this was the driving force of the Programme. I firmly believe that our partners will carry the principles and targets of the Programme further. Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to all the UN institutions and the executive body, the UNFPA.” Taken from the closing remarks addressed during the Closure Meeting of the United Nations Joint Program to Protect and Promote the Human Rights of Women and Girls, 20 January 2010 At the Outset... GÜLER SABANCI Sabancı Foundation – Chair of the Board of Trustees 5 December 2006 “We have seen this project for the strengthening of women's position on social, political, cultural and economical platforms as an important step towards Turkey's development. Hence our pride and elation for taking part in it. As the most successful projects within the scope of the Joint Program would be supported with the assistance of the Sabancı Foundation and as this would lead to further support for new project initiatives… this was decisive as regards our participation.” Taken from remarks addressed during the Annual Review Meeting of the United Nations Joint Program to Protect and Promote the Human Rights of Women and Girls, 5 December 2006 Concluding... GÜLER SABANCI Sabancı Foundation – Chair of the Board of Trustees 20 January 2010 “We have undersigned a significant partnership with the Ministry of Interior and the UN four years ago; we have identified problem areas with NGOs, prepared local equality action plans in İzmir, Kars, Nevşehir, Şanlıurfa, Trabzon and Van… Then came tangible results of the Programme in 2007, with the Sabancı Foundation Grant Programme. Today, 80 village mukhtars in the villages and neighborhoods of Şanlıurfa are more knowledgeable and more sensitive about the gender issue; hence the community of 35.000. Today, more than 1200 women in Nevşehir are more aware of breast cancer and issues pertaining to women's health. 65.000 people in Trabzon are more sensitive about the visually impaired thanks to the project to support mothers with visually impaired children. The health project that covered seasonal woman and child labor in Şanlıurfa has touched the lives of 200.000.” “Important steps were taken by the Programme and these need to be widespread.