Portland Daily Press: May 23,1865

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Portland Daily Press: May 23,1865 ,«iuojL»l«i 10*1 .€■*>«* •°*B» »V »«h#MKT -Ml itOtITUtt VWJli* sjfcit i *orti4um> • UUfia I ai'.ibsoB "*C3 in advance. i Ui.i.liiU'iiS HAIL i tUlUDa, WUIUIUV tU BU9ITOS e lcalli. His white locks ami flowing beard miQUJiiljltAJNiauUS. HOOP SKIRTS. S Oh h <i‘ .(IILUAV, E Itor added to the confidence which his situation WANTS, LOST,FOUND ^---- had MISCELLANEOUS. SUbiuueU ai tit,. 83| EICHAHOJ BTKb.il b> inspired. BUSINESS CARDS. The elated youth then related at full length HOOP THE END IS NOT *ET Wanted «. A. t'bbTKB A CO. all his complicated ailments, aud the still more SKIRTS, Immediately 1 PORTLAND ACADEMY 1 complicated treatment to which he had in SOLDIER’S vain The LL who been submitted. sapient for bu«ln#u to oall The CLAIMS, Tub m> 1 >ailt Pubsb Is at physician HOOP SKIRTS! \ looking at the Spring Term will Feb. 20. «» ALL published 88.0b was not illiberal enough to Begin KINDS, per year in advance. say that the u Xttrcn no,r ‘»»d- had Look! Be Astonished and *“ bo‘h M|s“’ *»d } **',£V * J Tub .tfAiftB^TATj: rsKdeid publishoc Thurs- prince’s attendants all been in since Wonder. Inventor*’ T®.! Masters, with- B«ught or tor tale “** Crow, iron every error, 80 Federal or attainments. Collected. Bemedlos, by 82.00 annum, in all mankind may but his Exchange, St,, P.nli.J?^dK° y* day morning,at per advance; $2.26 err; sarcastic smile To «plis may be admitted at “,T aid within nix months: anu wo TILDEN’8 aey time in the term. If ; $2.60,if payment be the curl of his iips, aud the Corsets! t or *“oMat six dubious shake of Corsets, turther particulars to againat delayed beyond months. most apply __ “^wbarf his hoary head, told the an- SEE HOW CHEAP Universal J' ** eloquently Flour foh18tf xious patient that he considered his Sifter, manasseh smith, former Patented HW1 Co?gress 8t. Office Ho. 63 physicians u an BUT TOUR March 28th, 1888. BMh.r,„ LUMBER, LUMBErT Hutenof AdvartlBl&ft; ignorant, murderous set of ■uylldtf upstarts, only fit to a w“ » P“«“t issued from the of constitute; depopulate community. OfficenmOflSEFl which has Patent i®ngth ooitunn, With a sold ao rapidly as this. Fred ^J^ud. ,nl'*bl*fcr Cl- ^sQUA^iBO^l,^a00*D triumphant look he promised a cure, FimEBAU k HO881)9A' A. Prince, y x.bo per *qu:ir., week and gave his a Skirts and Corsets! CHAS. F. HOLMES A 25,000 ?4iy lirstweoJt; 56 cents per overjoyed patient much valued Hoop TWO HIJWDBEO CO., * Ckmr Fiae t*bfojrV«, ni**.r; .hrec u.ee?tk*.';^ or $1.00; ccntinuinguve* which he THE— COUNTIES J5J leas, prescription, confided to —AT Are X>entist, Manuibeturer. sol 1; 1 UeiUf bh nj •, f y otLer day Aftc r bm 60 cents. his careluliy Goods. hare been sold within K Whole. al« Dealer, in wS ? week, after which he Selling‘their thirty-are days, aad mm. »w M Hat ai.d Lath* to Hall out bosom; expressed his mo e Spruce airly* square, liute insertions or leas, 76 oeuti ; grati- engaged by tie most cauU ns No 11 wef tude by Lsll aad prSd^it Plnfl inaf«wd8jr§ A, 81.00; Mc an per week after. pouring upon the doctor’s table a Button one and all. and Daee vonr imiomc. Clapps’Blook, Congress St., oi McCoy Store, Hemlock Dirreru-ni tawed to Unoer hoa<\ oi ahvbbmuhts, *3.00 per square per purse golden which BOOTS AND “W.'taTn'l sequins, made the old »•'* B"»d» o. WBek; one itwe:: man s s inv^onofJhe lSth PORTLAND, ME, ban* hs U'. ooo*t.nfl, iotq 31,60. as Where you eon get good 40 spriagSkirt for *1,60. c°e“nfury“U8‘ SHOES, * ®“h*f*” first blinking eyes shine brightly asnhe > Marsh 28-dtf ‘be •* citciAi, bioriOBB, ;‘3.0o per square weok, com he The F. T. Gmei. bf 0r££B,1?<!r“"‘ beheld in undersigned having taken the above named Great in •• •1,00 per tliret !n«rtjcn3 or less, wondrous delighL His joy Reduction Prices 1 CP3HINQ..] WO. 164 mayl7<18fn ’o eflnkiteit. squat* liter; 31.60; etore, baa added to the usual variety, -"in may!7dlw_ MIDDLE STREET, half a square, three Uuwtlous, 31.00; one week, gave suppleness to his rigid spine, and after BBLd Coe’e Superphosphate ot Lime $1.60, the out HOOP AT Found. usm.mwesi ma’erial and 1500 bowing prince in the most SKIRTS, SHALL ooaoh ^giues, ▲dvertisetnoiUr inserted ii the MAOiB 8tatb obsequious Do*-. The owner will nlvase ttoUcrs, &c„ ••n.fSoilun Particular attention MW bbli Crushed Bone manner, he ventured to ask him one A has a circulation in oi humble pay and r^etuenin ficlur of men . D 1" bbli. T*w?fl^whicb large every part CORSETS, pr®!® peporty, charges take .him* For u( calf boots *v *0. J-ittnields Pondre'to .0 for first question: what 148 and ISO middle H Sale. _ •r. t State) fox $loo per square insertion, and “By good luck: by what kind 81. i.T®91 GEO. Altai 8, will And it lor their interest to call .nd examine w*rehonM *,,d cents had KID GLOVES, May 2t-lt« BO per square lor eaot subsequent Insertion. planet, he been recommended to seek his lu Hanoook 81 before purchasing. may 10il4 w aJSXrwSSffLksAnl rates and a 4feet diameter with 2 At Kern *f*tt pp«a! ltet of Uoods not heretofore In ntld _No. 1 TW£Veef long, advice ?” The prince asked for the long kept return 16 iuehes Ce^* All communications Intended for the naturally store, which he can and will sell ones, diameter. Portland Tab 27 paper reason of so a As the public ere aware, that on all timliak occa- ,..tsolea, Gold Should be directed to the ‘Editors of the Press,1 'and strange quet: ion; to which the TtsTn.p oar in supposed on ex- 8team Steam Dana k Co. those of a busi ness character to the Publishers. worthy doctor replied, with eyes brimlui oi sions, praotiee has been aeoordancewith’ our FB{£dT ffl!,?in.»’iI*yja«er Pumps, Heaters, Drum, Shafting, tout ! Thr nnAer will be eui'abiy rewarded E. E. UPHAM ft Colli. Job raiMTiwe oi every executed tears of CHEAP. profeaaions, we leel joetiBed Ut oomjriSftkaa the onen*»rt- by pipes, »o,fto. SON. description gratitude:—“Ob, sir, because I con- them witfi ME. RICH, at Mmchtnu’ tr- \ Ai k T0V 8 ireih mud Uacrgrt Crook Com* With dispatch; and all business to the no wifi* Fish and pertaining of sidered myself the most unfortunate man in Olovu. above anjkgpneewent needs eonilrjaation, and ,WB*MLo Salt, AvrXf b r!»ud Coil—s tor e. iur arllole lo. blsck- floe or paper transacted on ^ar*®**' ^ ebauge promptly application as until this thrftWfpnsdent efforta will secure a __mty22dlu» tmith use;ihirced f om Bal'lmor., n wlaii< lrg and above. Bagdad happy moment; for I have orany'Sul MTERNATIOHAL b beeu Lather Dana, Portland, for tale by BAM DaLL, McA 1 Lf.'Tr. « Co, settled in this noble arid for Situation Wanted. Mo 00 Commeieia st. wealthy city •* Dana, J the last fifteen Fancy SITUATION hr a man in a whoelseale Woodbury years and have only been able young Fire John A. 8. Dana. All ordert by mall promptly otunu. d to «t2ft .. wcti yen have examined our stock. TOTAL CLEARANCE bnsfne at or that has Insurance ! J Maine. to obtain one “Ah 1” ciied A s, Book-keeper, salesman, Company single patient.’’ had as aad oau furnish laneidU Tuesday Morning, May 23, 1865. tbe in experience book-keeper, QT New York, Office US Broadway. prince despair, “then it must be that A. WILLIS PAINE. OF OUB good references. PotwBlco»ugMi« poor, solitary, unhapoy-ieakthg ghost that is KfT Don’t forret the plaoe: The McCoy Button Address, Box 1676 Portland P O. may20d2w* Wholesale and ()/W k Ub08. ohoioe Porto Boo Soger*, J««« now on 1’’ Store, No 18 Market Square. Retail. MW landing fi O' brir Caroline a Ko.ey." sitting your steps may!8d2w* CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000. A A Few Words about a Word. 1-UO'S AakJiClu CO, RNT1RC STOCK \ Wanted. ASSETS $1,204,188.44). may2dSwcas om conto wharf. We frequently read or hear some lebel and hire *260 for short time on good seeurity. A Si. i*. TOliberal bonne will be given. WM. E. WARREN, PreeidmU. DAVIS, traitor of ss a accom- Profanity. FREE TRADE. Porto Htco Iflolftkotts. spoken gentleman—an C. D. WILLIAMS. HAMILTON BRUCE, Vice President. a chivalrous a The In this land are distin- W. T 1 Ik HHDS. I Porto Blot Mr hi tin plished gentleman, gentleman, people certainly on all legitimate oommeree bar- 118 Federal St. Room No l. GEORGE SAVAGE, Secretary* Bookseller, Stationer, Superior cultivated an ON TO-MORROW WE WELL SELL XXV/ 1 will be told at eea e, Salur- gentleman, or a southern guished, to extent unknown in other coun- ing been removed, the may with tbe- ssay20dlw* Portland AMD MAMUMAOTUM1M OM ^ri»A genile RESTRICTIONS pnblto J2 Tlareee at 11 at man. This is greateat freedom eontinue to unde for Portland Board Beferencet: ) say, April k», o'clock, done sometimes by men who tries, exeept perhaps Great Britian. by pro- thuir cloth- of etoro or ing at use language carlessly, and do not noilce its faneneBg. A stranger might infer from the n,nii‘d. Jon* B. Biovni ft Son, Hbbsbt, Flbtohbb ft Co.
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