Urban Harvest is the CGIAR system wide initiative in urban and peri-urban agriculture, which aims to contribute to the food security of poor urban Healthy city harvests: families, and to increase the value of agricultural production in urban and peri-urban areas, while ensuring the sustainable management of the Generating evidence to guide urban environment. Urban Harvest is hosted and convened by the policy on urban agriculture International Potato Center. URBAN Editors: Donald Cole • Diana Lee-Smith • George Nasinyama HARVEST e r u t l u From its establishment as a colonial technical school in 1922, Makerere c i r University has become one of the oldest and most respected centers of g a higher learning in East Africa. Makerere University Press (MUP) was n a b inaugurated in 1994 to promote scholarship and publish the academic r u achievements of the university. It is being re-vitalised to position itself as a n o y powerhouse in publishing in the region. c i l o p e d i u g o t e c n e d i v e g n i t a r e n e G : s t s e v r a h y t i c y h t l a e H Av. La Molina 1895, La Molina, Lima Peru Makerere University Press Tel: 349 6017 Ext 2040/42 P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda email:
[email protected] Tel: 256 41 532631 URBAN HARVEST www.uharvest.org Website: http://mak.ac.ug/ Healthy city harvests: Generating evidence to guide policy on urban agriculture URBAN Editors: Donald Cole • Diana Lee-Smith • George Nasinyama HARVEST Healthy city harvests: Generating evidence to guide policy on urban agriculture © International Potato Center (CIP) and Makerere University Press, 2008 ISBN 978-92-9060-355-9 The publications of Urban Harvest and Makerere University Press contribute important information for the public domain.