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World Bank Document The World Bank Report No: ISR2053 Implementation Status & Results Uganda THIRD PHASE OF THE ROAD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (P074079) Operation Name: THIRD PHASE OF THE ROAD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Project Stage: Implementation Seq.No: 15 Status: ARCHIVED Last Modified Date: 17-Mar-2011 (P074079) Public Disclosure Authorized Country: Uganda Approval FY: 2005 Product Line:IBRD/IDA Region: AFRICA Lending Instrument: Adaptable Program Loan Implementing Agency(ies): Ministry of Works and Transport of Uganda, Uganda National Roads Authority Key Dates Public Disclosure Copy Board Approval Date 02-Sep-2004 Original Closing Date 31-Dec-2009 Planned Mid Term Review Date 28-Apr-2008 Last Archived ISR Date 28-Jun-2010 Effectiveness Date 23-Jun-2005 Revised Closing Date 31-Oct-2011 Actual Mid Term Review Date Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The development objective of the Road Development Program, Phase 3 Project (the Project) is to improve access to rural and economically productive areas and to progressively continue to build up sustainable road sector planning, design and program management capability including road safety management. The Project comprises: (i) upgrading and strengthening of three high priority national roads, i.e. Kampala-Gayaza-Zirobwe-Wobulenzi; Soroti- Dokolo-Lira; and Busega-Mityana; (ii) detailed design of the upgrading of about 300 km of District Roads reclassified to the National Road Standard; (iii) consultancies for Public Disclosure Authorized feasibility studies of upgrading to bitumen standard about 600 km of priority national roads (iv) rehabilitation/regravelling of the Atiak-Moyo road; (v) construction of a proposed Road Authority headquarters building; (vi) Institutional support to the establishment of the Road Authority, including the provision of external auditing services. These Project objectives complement the objectives of the Phase 1 and 2 projects in meeting the overall objectives of the Program. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project? Yes No Component(s) Component Name Component Cost KAMPALA-GAYAZA-ZIROBWE-WOBULENZI, CIVIL WORKS 39.24 SOROTI-DOKOLO-LIRA, CIVIL WORKS 63.70 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR SUPERVISION OF THE THREE CIVIL WORKS CONTRACTS: 3.93 SOROTI-DOKOLO; DOKOLO-LIRA & KAMPALA-GAYAZA-ZIROBWE Public Disclosure Authorized DETAILED DESIGN OF UPGRADING OF 300KM FROM DISTRICT (GRAVEL) TO NATIONAL 1.02 (BITUMEN) FEASIBILITY AND DESIGN CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR 600KM UPGRADING OF NATIONAL 2.31 ROADS TO BITUMEN Public Disclosure Copy CONSULTANCY SERVICES INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT TO RAFU/ROAD AUTHORITY 2.76 Overall Ratings Page 1 of 8 Public Disclosure Authorized The World Bank Report No: ISR2053 Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Implementation Status Overview 1. Of the US $ 119.79 million on the credit, US$ 112.79 million (94%) has been disbursed, leaving a balance of US$7.0 million. To date, two civil works contracts out of three have been completed and the remaining contract is scheduled for completion in June 201.Thus, the rating remains Satisfactory. 2. The Cedit was amended on January 12, 2011 to allocate the unallocated SDR 5.451 to Categories 1A and 2. 3. In agreement with the team, on September 20, 2009, UNRA signed Addendum No.1 to the supervision consultant’s contract to design the upgrading of the first 1.3 km of kampala- Gayaza-Zirobwe road to a dual carriageway standard to tie in with the recently opened northern by-pass (at km 1.3) and to provide road safety features on the first 4.0 km that is in an Public Disclosure Copy urban environment. The cost of the additional works will be covered by the remaining balance on the Credit. Funds committed by GoU to cover any shortfall on the Credit will cover price adjustment which is currently under review by an independent consultant. 4. Design of 489 km of roads for upgrading under follow up projects completed. 5. Data collection on 10,000 km of roads completed under the TA component. Data collection on nadditional 10,000 km of formerly district roads, reclassified to national roads has been transferred to the TSDP. Results Project Development Objective Indicators Indicator Baseline Current End Target Indicator Name Value Value Value AVerage travel time on selected national roads: Soroti-Lira (123 km) 140.00 100.00 100.00 Date Date Date 22-Jun-2005 31-Oct-2010 31-Oct-2011 Type Unit of Measure Comment Comment Comment Custom Indicator Minutes Travel time without project at IRI Travel time with project at IRI 2 Travel time with project at IRI 2 12 Indicator Baseline Current End Target Indicator Name Value Value Value Vehicle Operating Cost for 15 yr design period on Soroti-Lira road 0.46 0.22 0.22 (USD/veh. km) Date Date Date 22-Jun-2005 31-Oct-2010 31-Oct-2011 Type Unit of Measure Comment Comment Comment Custom Indicator Number More precisely 0.464 More precisely 0.326 More precisely 0.224 Public Disclosure Copy Page 2 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR2053 Indicator Baseline Current End Target Indicator Name Value Value Value Traffic on Soroti-Lira Road (vpd) 346.00 894.00 380.00 Date Date Date 22-Jun-2005 31-Oct-2010 31-Oct-2011 Type Unit of Measure Comment Comment Comment Custom Indicator Number From traffic surveys on the project road undertaken in October 2010 Intermediate Results Indicators Public Disclosure Copy Indicator Baseline Current End Target Indicator Name Value Value Value 154 km of existing national gravel roads upgraded from gravel to paved The 125 km Soroti-Lira road and 123 km The 125 km Soroti-Lira road and (bituminous) national road Class II standard the 44 km Kampala-Gayaza- Date the 44 km Kampala-Gayaza- Zirobwei road with poor riding Zirobwe road with poor riding quality (average IRI of 12) 31-Oct-2010 quality (average IRI of 12) Type Unit of Measure upgraded to paved (bituminous) Comment upgraded to paved (bituminous) Custom Indicator Text standard Both Contracts for Soroti-Dokolo standard Date (62.6 km) and Dokolo-Lira road Date 05-May-2005 (60.4 km) are 100% completed 31-Oct-2011 Contract C014A for upgrading Comment Kampala-Gayaza-Zirobwe road is Comment 59% complete. Delays in land compensation greatly affected the progress of works. Subsequently, a second interim extension of time of three momths has been granted. Public Disclosure Copy Page 3 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR2053 Indicator Baseline Current End Target Indicator Name Value Value Value 72 km of damaged paved roads reconstructed and widened to Class I Busega Mityana road (58 km) 14.6 km 72 km of damaged paved (national roads standard) Kampala-Gayaza road (14.6km) Date (bitumen) roads reconstructed and with poor riding qualit y upgraded to road Class I (national reconstructed and widened to 31-Oct-2010 standard) of width 7.0m and 2.0m Type Unit of Measure Class I bitumen standard. Comment sealed shoulders (pedestrian Custom Indicator Text Date Kampala-Gayaza road (14.6 km) is walkw ays) 05-May-2005 being rehabilitated under contract Date C014A. Major works are 31-Oct-2011 Comment completed, with the exception of Public Disclosure Copy the dual carriageway section of Comment Kubiri. Due to lack of funds on the Credit, rehabilitation of Busega- Mityana road (57.4 km) was dropped. This is reflected in the amended DFA. Indicator Baseline Current End Target Indicator Name Value Value Value Rehabilitation/regravelling of Atiak-Moyo road Upgrading from gravel to paved dropped Complete design update only. (bituminous) standard of Atiak- Date Date Moyo road(91 km) and improvement to the ferry landings 29-May-2010 31-Oct-2011 Type Unit of Measure at the Nile river crossing at Laropi. Comment Comment Custom Indicator Text Date At the request of GoU, regarvelling 22-Jun-2005 of Atiak-Moyo road was dropped. Instead, the design has been Comment upgraded so that the road could besealed and new bridges (7 No.) constructed comensurate with a sealed road Class II standard. The design update was completed in October 2008. GoU is financing construction of the 7 bridges. Public Disclosure Copy Page 4 of 8 The World Bank Report No: ISR2053 Indicator Baseline Current End Target Indicator Name Value Value Value Design for upgrading of 300 km district roads to be paved (bitumen) The 300 km of roads are in the Detailed design for 311.5 km of Complete design for upgrading standard and reclassify to Class III paved national standard (width classification of district roads roads completed. 300km district roads to be paved 5.6m and 1.2m sealed shoulders) completed. (average width: 4.5m). Date (bitumen) standar d. Date Date Type Unit of Measure 31-Oct-2010 22-Jun-2005 31-Oct-2011 Custom Indicator Text Comment Comment Comment Indicator Baseline Current End Target Public Disclosure Copy Indicator Name Value Value Value Feasibility studies and detailed design for upgrading of about 600 km of Long list of gravel roads prepared. Proposals invited in December Detailed design and tender national roads to be paved bitumen standard completed. Average daily traffic recorded on 2007 for the two high priority roads documents prepared for the two the most h ighy trafficked roads totaling 189 km. Studies high priorityroads, to taling 222 km. ranges from 200 to 400 commenced in January 2009; draft Date Type Unit of Measure reports reviewed; EIA/SIA and Date 31-Oct-2011 Custom Indicator Text RAP were disclosed on August 10 22-Jun-2005 2009; designs
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