The purpose of this report is to provide the update on the current operations undertaken after TC Winston.

This Situation Report is issued by the National Emergency Operation Centre and covers the period from 0000 to 0800 hours, 05/03/2016. Updates in this report summarise all reports and briefs submitted from various EOC’s in the four divisions.


is doing consultation around the island on Vanuabalavu on relief and FNPF applications.  A team of education officers and medical officers have arrived on Vanuabalavu.  A naval ship from New Zealand, 1 from Australia, 1 barge and 1 naval ship from are berthed at Vanuabalavu dock.  A request from on reinforcements to Vanuabalavu. He requested if ADO Lau can be considered for the following reasons: i. To familiarize himself with his area of operation ii. Form network between the Mata Ni Tikina, Turaga Ni Koro and the people of Lau iii. And expose himself to rehabilitation work  All roads around Koro is accessible as reported by ADO Koro yesterday afternoon;  Water Carted by the Australian Defense Force to the village of Kade yesterday.  A clean up of Nasau Village by a joint operation from the RFMF Engineers and Australian Defense Force for transfer of Evacuation Center from the school.  Distribution of planting materials by officers to Tuatua, Mudu, Nakodu, Sinuvaca, Nakaidamu and settlements in Koro.  CEO WAF directed for water carting to Waikava settlement, Vunisavisavi & Napuka Secondry School.  50 Hari Krishna Carton rations delivered to Chairperson Advisory Councilor for Distribution to Naveria area, , Cakaudrove.  Water being carted to Government Station, Kubulau, Bua.  Verifications also continue in terms of data to support the records been obtain from different teams  Team continue to distribute food ration, Tarpaulins, Wash Kits and Shelter Kits  EOC Central Teams were informed of an incident at Nadaro village in Tailevu where by a group of youths were throwing stones on to a FEA Truck and EOC Central reacted and the case is now with the Police.  3 Evacuation centres (schools) have been closed in Bua.  South Primary and Secondary School.

Page 1  China gives $2.12m cash, $15m in help – The Chinese Embassy’s Charge d’Affaires counsellor Gu Yu yesterday handed over a cheque for US$1million (F$2.12m) to Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama for the PM’s relief fund. The Chinese relief package also included relief equipment and supplies including tents, blankets and generators valued at 50million RMB (almost $15million).  PM to world: We will rebuild, with your help – We look to the world to assist to fully get back on its feet, says Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama. He said this at the UN Flash Appeal launch which aimed to raise funds to cater for immediate needs of affected by TC Winston.  Deluxe footwear, Pizza King contributes $10K each  LTA donates $35K to PM’s relief fund.  Government has received $188,679. 25 or Vt10million from the Government to help with relief efforts in the wake of severe Tropical Cyclone Winston.

1.1 URGENT REQUESTS  A request for 500 tents to cater for people in the evacuation centers in Koro.  A report from Deputy Secretary Fisheries that villagers in are in need of food ration. There are a total of 80 people, 45 adults and 35 children.  Request for 10 generators from DIVEOC West. Confirmed via telephone at 4:38am (05/03/2016).  Naitavuni Catholic Primary School needed 3 x 50-man tents for classes 1&2, classes 3&4 and classes 7&8 in order for them to start classes.  555 tents and 717 tarpaulins are being requested by 73 villages and 84 settlements in the upper Naitasiri region.  The following schools in Naitasiri sustained major damages and would recommend for visitation by the Honorable Prime Minister on Monday as per PM’s instructions:

SCHOOL LOCATION % DAMAGE Sch. Roll Nabobuco Dist. Sch. Naqelewai, Wainimala >50 233 Vunidawa San. Dhrl. Pri. Vunidawa <20 208 Sch. Naitavuni Catholic Sch. Naseusou, Waidina >50 79

1.2 STATUS SUMMARY nNumber of deaths in the four divisions remains the same. The number of evacuation centres have been reduced due to closure 21 evacuation centres in the Western Division.


Evacuation 6 315 329 54 698 Centres

Evacuees 9+ 15,917 9822 2509 28,248 families


Weather Bulletin Issued from the National Weather Forecasting Centre at 5.30am on Saturday the 5th of March 2016

Situation: A moist easterly wind flow prevails over the Fiji group.

Forecast to midnight tonight for the Fiji group: Cloudy periods with some showers over group, Lomaiviti group, Northern Lau group, the eastern parts and interior of the larger islands. Isolated heavy falls expected. Elsewhere, fine apart from isolated afternoon or evening showers and thunderstorm. Moderate east to southeast winds, fresh at times. Moderate to rough seas.

Outlook for Sunday: Brief showers over the eastern parts and interior of the larger islands. Fine apart from afternoon or evening showers elsewhere.

For Navua//: Cloudy periods with brief showers. Outlook for Sunday: Brief Showers.

For Nadi//: Fine apart from isolated afternoon or evening showers and thunderstorm. Outlook for Sunday: Afternoon or evening showers.

For : Cloudy periods with afternoon or evening showers and thunderstorm. Outlook for Sunday: Afternoon or evening showers.

For Savusavu: Cloudy periods with some showers, possibly heavy at times. Outlook for Sunday: Brief Showers

For : Mainly Fine. Moderate southeast winds. Moderate seas. Outlook for Sunday: Brief showers.


Brief summary of updates for each divisions are given below.


 On-going spraying of mosquito in the Rewa Delta by the Ministry of Health  Requests for Kumala topping from Ministry of Agriculture  Sovusovu Settlement (Ra) and Drano to be included in Ration Distributions  Distribution of Lanterns, Diapers and Toilet Papers to commence as per Minister requests  Ration for Naitasiri shall be delivered on Monday [8/3/16] Teams were also deployed to distribute Tarpaulins and shelter Tool Kits today; 04/03/16 and listed below are the school communities:-

Page 3

No: Name of School Tarpaulin Shelter Tool Kit Received Dawasamu Secondary 1. 12 18 Mr. Kameli School Dawasamu Primary 2. 8 12 Mr. Viliame School St. Vincent Primary 3. 6 9 Karalo U School 4. QVS 10 15 Navitalai Dakuivuna Village 5. 6 9 Jope School Turagarua Primary 6. 4 6 Simpson School Naiyala Secondary 7. 10 15 Pate School Nasautoka District 8. 10 15 M. Mate School 9. Naqia Primary School 4 6 TL Wainibuka Secondary 10. 10 15 School Wainibuka Primary 11. 4 6 School 12. Tailevu North 14 21 Naitavuni Catholic 13. 10 15 Levani Vetoro Primary School Nabobuco Primary 14. 10 15 School TOTAL 118 177

Naitavuni Primary School


NO. VILLAGES/SETT. WASH KITS AQUATABS REMARKS 1. Nabulini Village 56 - Aquatabs was dropped 2. Wailailai Sett 10 199 off at Nabuli for (1-4) to 3. Delainasau Sett. 2 share

Page 4 - Distribution: 2pkts for per 4. Manu Vilalge 32 H/holds

5. Naibita Village 58 6. Nailega Village 33 - Shortage of Aquatabs 7. Bucalevu Village (Ra) 10 and needs to supply for 8. Balekinaga (Ra) 29 NIL their health and safe 9. Wainitabua Sett. 2 drink water. Wailevu Village/Saga 10. 32 Sett./Wainicidoi


Continuous visits of all verification teams to Tailevu and Naitasiri. Please refer to photos. Nataleira Village – Tailevu Naitasiri

Nasinu Village – Tailevu Lolomalevu Sett. – Tailevu

Teams were deployed today for distribution of Tarpaulins, Shelter Tool Kits, as mentioned in the highlights above but tabulated below are the 6 schools still occupied by evacuees.

No. School Name Remarks 1. Navunisea District School, Silana, Dawasamu Still occupied 2. Dawasamu District School, Driti, Dawasamu Still occupied 3. Lawaki District School, Namena, Tailevu 6 families 4. Naqia SDA Primary School Still occupied

Page 5 5. Dakuivuna Village School, Wailevu, Tailevu North 2 families 6. St Vincent Primary School, Natovi, Tailevu North 1 family

2.2 EASTERN DIVISION Information regarding the evacuation centres in Vanuabalavu.



Ration Distributed to villages and estates in Wailevu East-Savarekareka Catholic Hall, Savarekareka Settlement, Nululoa Estate, Balaga Estate, Nabavi Estate, Jerusalemi Village, Nadamole Village and Urata Village. - L/Grain Rice (45kg) - 65 - Flour (50kg) - 29 - Split peas (25kg) - 29 - Tin Fish (24/ctn) - 19 - Rewa Powdered Milk (24/ctn) - 17

Page 6 - Sugar (50kg) - 29 - Punjas Soya Bean Oil (20/ctn) - 12


 DIV EOC updating data on Weekly Food Ration Distribution, Structural Damage Assessment and Evacuation Centre Listing for TC Winston Brief updates.  All District EOC within the Western Division are currently monitoring ration distribution from Government agencies and Non-Government organisations.  Divisional EOC is working with other Government Ministers in delivering basic necessities to affected people. 3.0 AGENCY UPDATES

3.1. Ministry of Health

No updates received.

3.2 Fiji Red Cross

The team are still continuing with their assessment and tabulated below are some of their highlights of activities. Table-Assessments& Distribution-Taveuni

Total People House Damage Date RC Area/Settlements/ Villages HH M F Total 1 2 3 4 1/02/2016 Mataniwai Settlement 38 77 51 128 38 1/02/2016 Delaivuna Circular 47 238 112 350 2 6 39 1/02/2016 Delaivuna Block 9 1/02/2016 Delaivuna Settlement 40 141 78 180 2 5 34 Assessment Total 125 456 241 658 0 4 11 111

Table -Distribution

Lantern Baby Tarps 10 L Kitchen Total Black Dignity Hygiene Kit Area Blankets # HH water Packs Kit kits Set containers Welagi village 17 17

Qila settlement 6 6

Drekeniwai 6 6

Tavuki village 15 20

Wairiki Parish 7 17

Soqulu Estate 34

Waitete 2 Settlement Tokalau 2 Settlement

Page 7 Lantern Baby Tarps 10 L Kitchen Total Black Dignity Hygiene Kit Area Blankets # HH water Packs Kit kits Set containers Wainibau 2 Settlement Naba 13 Settlement Lavena Village 26 9 Ucunikoli 4 Settlement Tabakau 11 Settlement Vatusoso 8 Settlement Matadua 5 Settlement Naguru 12 Settlement Navolivoli 1 9 Settlement Cilamaria 3 Navuoni 1 1 2 1 1 Settlement Waimaqere 18 9 2 8 7 7 1 2 Delaivuna 2 2 1 2 Qarawalu 2 2 1 Settlement Delaivuna 14 1 1 1 Delaivuna 16 2 2 1 Delaivuna 21 2 2 2 Mataniwai 1 1 1 1 1 Settlement Navakawau 15 15 15 15 village Delaivuna 26 16 1 23 23 Circular Total 87 154 40 3 83 11 47 46 11 3

Table-Request for Assistance

10 L Kitchen Total # Black Dignity Hygiene Area Tarps water Blankets HH Packs Kit kits Set containers Taveuni 700 200 500 200 300 300 500 400 Total 0 0 0 0 285 0 0 0

Page 8 Table -Tarpaulin distribution from Savusavu DISMAC

No Name Location PH # # OF Tarpulin issued

1 Richard Subramani Navaqiqi 9680057 1

2 Mohammed Sadik Naveria 9202549 1

HOUSING INFRASTRUCTURE DAMAGES Table 4-Taveuni Detail Damage Assessment Summary

NO. OF NO. OF STRUCTURAL DAMAGE LOCATION H/HOLD TOTAL Est Cost MALES FEMALE Adult Children 0 Partly Completely Vuna 717 1870 1576 3446 2077 1369 229 488 $8,596,044

Wainikeli 294 713 671 1384 778 606 195 99 $1,154,151.00

Cakaudrove 511 1324 1209 2532 1332 1200 6 393 112 $1,266,851.00 43 105 106 211 110 101 20 23 $197,139.00

TOTAL 1565 4012 3562 7573 4297 3276 6 837 722 $11,214,185

3.3 Fiji Water Authority

No updates received.

3.4 Fiji Police Force

No updates received during this shift.

3.5 Fiji Roads Authority

No updates received.

3.6 Ministry of Education


DIVISION DISTRICT PRIMARY SCHOOLS SECONDARY TOTAL Central Nausori 11* 6 17* Suva 0 0 0 Northern Macuata/ Bua 4 0 4 Cakaudrove 9 2 11 Western Ba Tavua 27 2 29 L/T/Y 5 1 6 Rakiraki 23 5 28 Nadroga/ Navosa 0 0 0 Eastern Eastern 34 3 37 TOTAL 112 19 131

Page 9 3.7 Talanoa Trek Partner Communities

 Staff of Talanoa Trek will be travelling to Nabalesere today with some more supplies. They have kept a record of all of the materials supplied to the community and will provide an update on the materials provided tomorrow including the following items: i. Tinned fish and meat ii. Seeds - vegetables and pumpkin iii. Medical supplies including band aids, detol, panadol and some specific epilepsy medication that was requested iv. Sanitary pads - donated by FWRM v. Bras and other women and children's clothing vi. Children's text books and school supplies vii. Kerosene viii. Premix

3.7 Fiji Military Forces

The following are the tasks and activities updates received from RFMF for the summary of incidents for the period 040800H – 050800H March 16.

Ser Location Strength Breakdown of Tasks NAUSORI AIRPORT Not confirmed  Continued with ration unloading/ loading and 1 and VUNIMONO distribution. HALL  Troops on this deployment returned to QEB 2 WAINUBUKA Not conformed today  Operation DISMAC into its twentyth day of Operation Sasamaki.  Section One and Engineer troops continue their clean up at Viro village.  Section Two on standby.  Troops were debriefed by CO and WO1 Kanawale 3 Not confirmed at 03 1930h Mar 16.  Road clean-up was conducted by Town Council.  Bridge at Toki village is still temporary until further notice.

 Information from Police that more people from Koro are leaving the Island rather than entering.  The Health Department at Nasau are working hard on treating Diarrhoea  Patients and distributed wash kits and chlorine 4 Not confirmed tablets to 13 villages.  Continued clearing of new village site and farm road at Sinuvaca with 10 x ADF.  Continued clearing and re-roofing of some damaged houses at Naqaidamu with 10 x ADF  Continued distribution of tarpaulins to villages on

Page 10 the Island.  Work to continue at Naqaidamu clearing debris  At 0800hrs Public Health Team will visit Nabuna, Navaga, and Kade for general public Health awareness.  On Monday 07 March, 2016, Nasau Police requested to assist erect Temporary Shelter for x10 officers arriving on Koro Island.  Clear debris at Village.  Bua: - 09 x Golf & TF pers for Food distribution;  Coys pers in Taveuni unloaded rations from the  Savusavu: MV Iloilovatu to the bulk at Wairiki Hall. - 10 x Golf pers for Food  Distribution of rations continued at Bua, Savusavu 5 LABASA distribution and Taveuni.

 Taveuni: - 10 x Golf pers Food distribution.

LAUTOKA  Continue to monitor DISMAC Operations in the 6 Not confirmed Western Division.  20 x Stand by pers continue to await relief supplies at the Airport and further tasking from 7 NADI Not confirmed DO’s office. 03 x pers went to Rakiraki to deliver rations.  Power still not restored yet businesses have reopened their stores using private generators. Higgins and Ministry of Works are still continuing in clearing the roads in the interior of Ra so it can cope with other inaccessible area for resupplying of ration. Resupplying of ration to villages in the interior of Ra which includes Burelevu, Savulotu, 8 RAKIRAKI Not confirmed Ovalau, Nasau, Vanuakula and Nauria villages.  EOC Rakiraki will seize Food Distribution tomorrow to concentrate on cleaning 11 schools surveyed by the MOE team that urgently needs cleaning before school commences.  PDT pers based at Black Rock have been tasked to clear the road towards Nasau.

Page 11 Conclusion

The above is the SITREP for the 0000-0800 (5th March) hours shift.

Respectfully submitted.

[Kelevi Curuki] Shift Team leader (National Emergency Operations Centre) for: Director, National Disaster Management Office/ NAT DISCOORD

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