
Vulture Yellow-billed Cuckoo Checklist of of Selah Kites, Eagles, Hawks and Allies TOTAL SPECIES: 213 Bald Eagle Owls Eastern *Steven Fulton, Osprey Educational Programs, Kite Bamberger Ranch Preserve Northern Harrier Bamberger Ranch Preserve Sharp-shinned Hawk *Charles W. Sexton, Ph.D., Cooper's Hawk Goatsuckers Wildlife Biologist, USFWS Red-shouldered Hawk Lesser Nighthawk *Marsha May, M.S., Broad-winged Hawk Common Nighthawk TPWD Swainson's Hawk Common Poorwill *Audubon groups Red-tailed Hawk Chuck-will's-widow Zone-tailed Hawk Whip-poor-will Notes: Bold notations indicate confirmed breeding evidence Falcon Swift Crested Caracara Chimney Swift Grebes Pied-billed Grebe Hummingbirds Ruby-throated Hummingbird Pelicans Black-chinned Hummingbird American White Pelican Rails, Gallinules, Coots American Coot Kingfishers Cormorants Belted Kingfisher Double-crested Cormorant Turkeys and Quail Green Kingfisher Wild Turkey Northern Bobwhite Bitterns and Herons Woodpeckers and Allies Cattle Egret Golden-fronted Woodpecker Snowy Egret Cranes Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Great Blue Heron Sandhill Crane Red-naped Sapsucker Great Egret Ladder-backed Woodpecker Green Heron Downy Woodpecker Little Blue Heron Plovers Night Heron species Killdeer

Tyrant Flycatchers Ibises Sandpipers, Phalaropes and Olive-sided Flycatcher White Ibis Allies Eastern Wood-Pewee Solitary Sandpiper Acadian Flycatcher Spotted Sandpiper Least Flycatcher Swans, Geese and Ducks Upland Sandpiper Black Pheobe Greater White-fronted Goose Wilson’s Snipe Say’s Phoebe Goose American Woodcock Eastern Phoebe Black-bellied Whistling Duck Vermilion Flycatcher Ash-throated Flycatcher Gadwall Northern Shoveler Franklin’s Brown-Crested Flycatcher Wood Duck Gull species Western Kingbird Green-winged Teal Eastern Kingbird Canvasback Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Northern Pintail Pigeons and Doves Willow Flycatcher Blue-winged Teal American Wigeon Rock Dove Redhead White-winged Dove Swallows Ring-necked Duck Mourning Dove Purple Martin Lesser Scaup Common Ground-dove Northern Rough-winged Swallow Inca Dove Cliff Swallow Cave Swallow Vultures Barn Swallow Black Vulture Cuckoos and Roadrunners Yellow-throated Vireo Grasshopper Sparrow Jays, Magpies and Crows Red-eyed Vireo Fox Sparrow Western Scrub-Jay Song Sparrow Lincoln's Sparrow American Crow Wood-warblers White-crowned Sparrow Common Raven Warbler Dark-eyed Junco Orange-crowned Warbler Yellow Warbler Titmice & their allies MacGillivray’s Warbler Blackbirds, Orioles, and Allies Bushtit Nashville Warbler Yellow-headed Blackbird Verdin Northern Parula Red-winged Blackbird Carolina Chickadee Tropical Parula Eastern Meadowlark Yellow-rumped Warbler Western Meadowlark Black-crested Titmouse Black-throated Green Warbler Common Grackle Golden-cheeked Warbler Great-tailed Grackle Black-and-white Warbler Brown-headed Nuthatches & Creepers Cerulean Warbler Scott’s Oriole Brown Creeper Prothonotary Warbler Oriole Northern Waterthrush Orchard Oriole Waterthrush species Wrens Ovenbird Cactus Wren American Redstart Carueline Finches Rock Wren Magnolia Warbler House Finch Canyon Wren Black-throated Grey Warbler Pine Siskin Bay Breasted Warbler Lesser Goldfinch Bewick's Wren Common Yellowthroat American Goldfinch Winter Wren Hooded Warbler House Wren Wilson’s Warbler Old World Sparrows Marsh Wren Canada Warbler House Sparrow Chestnut Sided Warbler Kentucky Warbler (HYP) Muscicapids Blue-winged Warbler Golden-crowned Kinglet Yellow-breasted Chat Ruby-crowned Kinglet Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Tanagers Mountain Bluebird Summer Tanager Veery Hermit Swainson’s Thrush Cardinals, Grosbeaks and Allies Pyrrhuloxia Blue Grosbeak Lazuli Bunting ______Northern Indigo Bunting Brown Painted Bunting ______Gray Dickcissel ______

Waxwings , Sparrows and Allies ______Cedar Waxwings Green-tailed ______Eastern Towhee Shrikes Canyon Towhee ______Loggerhead Shrike Rufous-crowned Sparrow Chipping Sparrow ______Clay-colored Sparrow Starlings Brewer’s Sparrow (HYP) ______European Starling Field Sparrow Cassin’s Sparrow ______Vireos Vesper Sparrow Bell’s Vireo Lark Sparrow ______Blue-headed Vireo Harris’s Sparrow Warbling Vireo White-throated Sparrow ______White-eyed Vireo Savannah Sparrow Black-capped Vireo Le Conte’s Sparrow