
Volume XII.—Number 19. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1877. $2.00 a Year in Advance

From the N. Y. Ledger. Kansas. He is weak and he feels his with a sudden gesture of pleading that For the Old Commonwealth. most prominently from the canvass, regiment in line, detailing a few men and other papers belonging to my MONROfi FARNLET'8 DEBTOR. inability to resist temptation." was startling in a man so grave and "Bumgnrdncr." ' and the writer, an humble participant, to inspect the track and the engines, State," and when I arose from ray Henry Wallace eagerly accepted the reserved. And into the broad, strong with others in the presentation to him Bt ANNA SHIBLDS. Mr. Editor:—The manufacture of and report how soon they could repair chair and extended my band, he took condition of his release, and left for bauds fell two slender, white ones, cool on the part of the Legislature of Vir- it, and in how few hours the regiment it in both of his, pressing it warmly Kansas with solemn promises of reform whiskey is so important a part of tde "A lady, sir, who wishes to speak to and soft, as Genevra said: s ginia, his mother, of a medal for was en route for Washington. I soon and with his eyes suffused with moist- and future good conduct. And his sis- "Never. I could not think you would productive industry of the country, that his distinguished services in Mexico.— you." The clerk's respectful roice apart from the prejudice in the minds met with my old friend, Judge B n, ure, said "God bless yon, sir," repeat- roused Monroe Famley from a long fit ter every month crossed the thresh love one so young and ignorant as I I recalled bis stalwart figure, as he formerly of Pa., one of the examiners, ing it three times with deep sincerity. hold of Monroe Farnley's office with am, you who are so noble and good.— of many against it, it will not check its stood under, and almost touched with of abstraction moat unusual in bis busy production. an appointee of my county-man, Hon. I have often recurred to that interview, life. He looked up, and passing bis the sum that, by most rigid self-denial, And I—am the sister of the man who bis towering form, the chandelier, in Alex. H. H. Stuart, whilst Secretary of and mourned my inability to have re- she saved from her hard earnings. He robbed you." Half a century ago, when everybody front of the Speaker. After the brief hand across his forehead, as if to drive was honest, such a thing as adulterated tho Interior under Fillraore. He in- membered and to have had it in my away painful thought, he said: noted with a dreary pain that she grew "None the less my love, my darling, and appropriate speech of that officer sisted on my taking tea with his fami- power to have preserved every word paler, thinner, and shabbier at every my wife 1" whiskey was never heard of. The in- presenting the medal, Gen. Scott, in "Let her come in." genuity of the chemist, in what is in ly—a proposition I cheerfully acceded be uttered. Sure am 1 that in the Then he moved some papers upon interview, and the money seemed to The quick blush upon her cheek, the his reply, referred most happily and to—a charming one it was, and though powerful struggle then going on in his fairly blister his fingers as be counted soft light in her eyes, told Monroe truth the perfection of the art, in with deep feeling to another occasion his office-table to conceal the writing, so compounding the several nostrums, divided about half and half in their mind between what be felt and knew and waited. He was a middle-aged it out. Famley that his love was returned be- in bis early life, when at the hands of sympathies between the belligerents, I that bo owed to Virginia, and the ob- But when he thought to tell her to fore Genevra whispered; all made to kill, that whiskey is so suc- this same generous mother, through man, handsome and yet care-worn, a cussfully imitated, a connoiseur can't passed a very pleasant evening. His ligations be was conscious tbo General bachelor, and at the head of an im- come no more, his courage foiled him# "I do love you I How could I help her honored representative Geo. Pleas- eldest son, with the rank of Major, in Government claimed at bis hands, no A year rolled away, and the news it?" tell the genuine. The perfection of ants, bo received a sword, that should mense mercantile bouse, from whose cheating the government in making a company he commanded, was as- mental organization less strong thxu resources be drew a handsome income. from Kansas was encouraging. Henry The clerks wondered a little to see an occasion ever arise, when he would signed the duty of meeting the troops his could have borne the strain. How Wallace was becoming a steady, hard- their employer walk out of the coun- crooked whiskey, is a modern accomp- have to unsheathe it, it would be in de- soon was it thereafter before the dis- A man who was known to be strictly lishment, which with many other novel- at Annapolis, and escorting tbern to Upright in all bis dealings, but who working farmer, but as yet had no con- ting-house in the busiest hour of the fence of her honor, and in protection of the city, and of aiding in their assign- comfiture of his grand army took place trol of money. But Monroe Famley day, with a lady leaning upon bis arm, ties, the end of which is getting rich at her soil, where he first saw the light.— was not credited with much benevo- Uncle Sam's expense, may be designated ment to quarters. To him was I great- at Manassas, and his great heart then lence or kindness of heart. His face had spoken to some of his lady friends and would have wondered more had How vividly did all this recur to me ly indebted for much polite attention. strained to its utmost tension; broke and they had exerted themselves to they followed him to the house of a "Grantism." again, but under what different cir- was set in stern, hard lines as the lady In the year 1820, James Bumgard- He carried me very soon to the Capi- and death closed the scene? As we entered. She was young, about twen- find scholars for Genevra. Her class minister and heard the solemn words cumstances and on an arena so differ- tol, which we found filled to disteution walked to Col. Abert's office, L'ent. increased steadily, and amongst the tbat.bound him to Genevra for life. ner, in connection with his father, who ent we will presently recur to. A few ty, very lovely in feature and form, tall, had then for a number of years been in all its basement apartments, with Carter, a noble young Virginian, talked slender and blonde. But the deadly wealthier people who are able to pay "Ij'or, my darling," he said "you years passed—bow rapid their flight— flour, pork, salt, &c. Through his in to me freely of tho trying position in her far better prices than those she bad must leave me no more. I have caught distilling in a small way, commenced when in April, 1861, I found myself at pallor of her face, and unnatural dila- the manufacture of the brand of whis- fluence we passed the guard and en- which bo was placed. His synipathies tion of her large, violet eyes, the painful been obtaining. my sunbeam and I mean to hold it pris- Harper's Ferry. The war had com- tered the corriders leading to the Hall of course were with Virginia, but occu- The payments to Monroe Famley oner." key, "Old Bye," that has attained a menced. Sumpter had fallen. Gen. pying, as he bad done, tbo prominent compression of her delicate mouth, de- celebrity under his name, limited only of the House. We found it full in the traclted greatly from her beauty. And became larger, though he noticed that But Genevra Farnley has never Jackson, Gen. (then Col.) Jeb Stuart centre of stacks of arms, and soldiers and very rosponsiblo place on Gen. Genevra's dress was still of the cheap- found her prison wearisome or her jail- by the bounds of the Union. His dis- were there, organizing the army. Fed- yet her face, her graceful figure in its tillery is 12 miles Southwest of Staun- lounging and laying around every Scott's staff, having bis confidence, and cheap dress, printed themselves upon est description, though neatly made.— er aught but tender and loving. eral troops were pouring into Wash- where on the handsome velvet covered to a great extent familiar with the in- There was still nearly two hundred dol- ton, where the old fashioned open wood ington, via Annapolis, the railroad Monroe Farnley's heart in one brief fire, copper mode of distillation is pur- ottomans, sofas, seats, &o , with their tentions of the General Government, glance, that be took as be motioned lars left of the debt when news came Yonr?Mother and Sisters arc Women, through the city of Baltimore having coarse, muddy boots. Tho feeling ere he chafed sorely under it. It would from Kansas of Henry Wallace's death. sued. This has long since been con- been torn up. Having had unfinished bis visitor to bo seated. It was evi- ceded to be the best for extracting from ated was anything else to me than a not be proper to communicate now all dently so difficult for her parched Hps Monroe Famley read the announce- Never use a lady's name in an im- business in one or two of tho depart- pleasant one. Several Massachusetts our conversation. Afterwards he iden- ment with a sinking heart. Now she the grain all of its richness, and none ments, I felt desirous of going to Wash- to speak that he waited patiently, scan- proper place, at an improper time, or of its objectionable qualities. At that regiments were quartered in the Capi- tified himself fully with the Confeder- ning the white, quivering face with the would come no more ! He knew in in mixed company. Never make as- ington to adjust it, and thought I could tol. I returned late at night to the ate Government, and during his con- that fear how he loved Genevra Wal- day rye entered almost exclusively into do so in safety. My friends remon- same troubled glance that had preced- sertions about her that you think un- the manufacture of whiskey. Its pro- hotel, and slept comfortably, notwith- nection with the army of Tennessee, in ed the announcement of her arrival.— lace and he felt all the agony of hope- true, or allusions that she herself would strated and assured me I would very standing the fact that the hotel and an attempt to pass the lines with the in- less love. She was so young, so beau- duction fell off rapidly, when about soon find myself an inmate of Fort La- I But she spoke at last. blush to hear. When you meet with twenty-five years since, the discovery city was swarming with those who tention of acting as first friend to a com- '•You do not remember me, Mr. Fam- tiful, so talented, and yet so gently men who do not scruple to use a wo- fayette. I determined to go. It so were ready to imbrue their hands in rade, who was to be married in Ky., modest, he felt there could be no hope was made that one third rye to two- happened my old life long friend, Gen. ley ?" man's name in a reckless manner shun thirds corn made a better whiskey.— the blood of those dear to me. I ought both were captured, and shared the "Have we ever met before?" he of her loving a man old enough to them. They are the very worst mem- Angus McDonald, a resident of Rora- to have said that I parted with Mnj. fate of the lamented Andre of tho Rev- have been her dead father's intimate These proportions are now maintained ney, Hampshire county, now West Va., asked, evasively. bers of the community; men lost to wherever good whiskey is made. In B. with the undrrstanding ho would olution. Reaching Col. Abort's office, "Not for ten years. "When I was a friend. every sense of honor, every feeling of was there. He had been one of the meet me in the morning to accompany Lieut. Carter delivered Gen. Scott's or- And yet it saddened him beyond ex- Augusta, where, since the war, some little girl you were often a visitor at my humanity. Many a good and worthy eight or ten extensive distilleries are Commissioners on the part of Virginia me to Col. Abert's office, as soon as he ders, which were obeyed with mani- father's house. I am Genevra Wal- pression to think of seeing her no more, woman's character has been forever for running the disputed boundary line would be found in place. Punctu- fest chagrin. So volnminous were tho for in their many interviews they had sustained, a uniformly excellent whis- between Maryland and Virginia. Find- lace." ruined and her heart broken by a lie, key is made. To the credit of all these al to the engagement, be went with documents, I was constrained to order He only bowed gravely. strayed beyond business topics, beyond manufactured by some villian and re- ing he could not cbango my purpose, me next morning, and, as Gen. Mc a dray, and had them carried to the the interest each felt for the erring distilleries, not a whisper of suspicion said he desired that I would do him "You know my errand," she faltered. peated where it should not have been has ever been raised against one of Donald anticipated, we found Col. Ab- National. My polite and gentlemanlv "I—heard—only—this morning." man whose crime had first brought and in presence of those whose little and his brother Commissioners a ser- ert with all that vacancy of counte- escort excused himself in saying he had about their intercourse, and conversed them, of a disposition to run crooked. vice in bringing away from the Topo- to go to Annapolis to meet other regi- The broken words seemed to choke judgment could not deter them from The Bourbon whiskey first took its nance and irresolution of purpose, il- her, but after a moment she continued: as two intelligent, refined people can circulating the foul and bragging re graphical Bureau, in charge of Col. lustrating the truth of the apothegm, ments, and I must be excused for again talk. They had founded their friend- name from the product of a few distil- Abert, the maps, charts, &o., belonging "You have had my brother arrested." port. A slander is soon propagated, leries in Bourbon county, Ky., and pre- "once a man, twice a child." Turning referring to his kind and courteous de- Again the same grave bend of the ship upon firm mutual respect, and and the smallest thing derogatory to a to Virginia, and as I expected to go to Maj. B., I asked him to show the meanor, and as he survived the war, neither bad ever lost one iota of that sently was applied as a general desig- to Richmond, to deposit them in the stately head. woman's character will fly on the wings nation to all Western whiskey, made way to Gen. Scott's headquarters. We our intercourse to some extent has "For—for—" reverence, Genavra felt for Monroe's of the wind and magnify as it circu- State Library. entered the anti-room, crowded most been renewed. The third day I left kindness and forbearance, and he for almost entirely of corn. Mr. Bum- "Theft 1" lates, until its monstrous weight, crushes gardner having always taken unusual Bethinking himself that Col. Abert uncomfortably with army officers, Washington, and returning by tho Or- The word, sharp and clear, cut the her sisterly devotion and self-saerifice. the poor unconcious victim. Respect was serile and in second childhood, be members of many of the State govern- ange and Alexandria road to Qordons- The weeks wore by slowly till the pains in the manufacture, before the air like the report of a pistol. Genevra the name of a woman. Your mother process of rectifying sprang up, a com- thought he might refuse to let me have ments of the Union States, civilians of ville, and thence to Richmond, I sur- Wallace shivered at the sound and hid fifteenth of the month, the day appoint- and sisters are women, and as you them, when he took from his pocket a many grades, waiting in a state of fe- rendered the maps, &c., to the then li- ed for regular payment of the debt paratively modern invention, permitted her face. would have their fair name untarnished his liquor to accumulate, so that age blank scrap of an old letter, and wrote verish excitement, for an interview brarian, Col. Geo. W. Munford. They "Miss Wallace," said the grave voice, Genevra bad taken upon her own and their lives unembittered by the a brief note to Gen. Scott, saying, when with one, who, at that moment, was a wore put away in the secret archives, slender hands. At the usual hour lent value to it. As the railroad in- "you have come to remind me of my slanderer's bitter tongue, heed the ill creased the facility of disposing of it, ho banded it to me, "if you get into greater man than Lincoln in the esti- but it did not preserve them; wheu promise to your father, of your broth- Monroe Purnley found it impossible to your own words may bring upon the trouble, Gen. Scott would be tho best mation of thousands of his country- Richmond fell, prying eyes and nn- work, impossible to fix bis mind upon in widening the territory in which it- er's claim upon my forbearance. Lis- mother, the sister, or wife of some fel- met a demand, rectifying, (passing it person for you to apply to." I thanked men. My heart sank within me at the scrnpnlous hands got hold of them, ten first to me. I loved your father, his correspondence or his daily ac- low-creature.—New Orleans Picayune. him, and said I would be gratified if idea of awaiting millei's turn in such a and those that were not carried oft', counts. through sand, charcoal, &o.,) was re- and when he died I promised to give —^ — sorted to, to get clear of the fusil oil, any thing would occur to bring mo in- crowd, so putting on a bold air, I were left in such a shorn and mutila- his son my care and aid in a business When the door opened and a slen- to contact with the old General. stepped up to the porter and banded ted condition as to bo perfectly worth- der black-robed figure came in, he Recipe for a "Gay Sleigh Ride."— and impart to it that oiliness of ap- career. As soon as your brother left An exchange gives the following sensi- pearance and mellowness of taste ac- I set off that eveniug, and found him my card, and greatly to my as- less to the commission appointed since school I took him into my store, and could have shouted in the relief to his tonishment, and evidently to the sur- the war to settle that dispute. It hav- overwrought feelings. His visitor was ble recipe:—Ten young couples. One quired by age. quarters with my two friends Turner have had my most trusted clerks to four-horse outfit with driver. One night, Thirty years ago, it was the custom Ashby and John D. Imboden, each prise of my polite escort, and no doubt ing become known thatl was just from teach him, and help him forward. I very pale, but in her large, soft eyes to the wonderment of the curious Washington, I was summoned beforo there lay a quiet, restful expression colder than blixen. One mile of mer- in the Legislature of Virginia, perhaps then wearing tho rank of Captain, the gave him double the salary I usually riment. Ten miles of nearly frozen to also in other States, for the members first of cavalry, the last of artillery. throng I left, could I have had a mo- what I think was called a "Committee pay boys, and have faithfully tried to which Monroe had never before seen ment to scan their faces, I was sum- of Safety," but a friend in Richmond there. death. One chilly dance ball. One to keep a case of-liquors at their rooms, I met a warm and cordial greeting, treat him as your father would have drunken fiddler. Three hours of light usually domestic brandy, (apple and moned to the august presence. thinks I am in error, and that there wished. For five years I have had all "You have been very patient with and furnishing me with a conveyance was "an advisory council to the Gov- me," she said, "and more than kind.— fantastic toe. Supper for twenty-five. peach,) and whiskey. The Southeast- the next morning to Leesburg, at The Geu'l was seated with his back the pa ience with his glaring faults, his First course—lukewarm milk and wa- ern counties—Nansemond, Tslo of *o the door, and turning himself with ernor, consisting of Judge John J. Al- insolence, his disobedience, bis laziness. After to-day I shall not tax your pati- parting said, "they thought when next len, Commodore M. F. Maury and ence any longer. My uncle has sent ter that has been bathed in by an oys- Wright, Norfolk, Surrey, Sussex, South- they heard from me it would perhaps evident pain partially towards me, and But in return he has robbed me, not ter. Second course—same as first. ampton and others—made most su- extending both hands, ho clasped mine Gen. F. H. Smith, of whom only the once, not twice, hut several times, of me the balance of the money I owe be peeping through the casemates of latter survives. I can only recall the you, as payment for Henry's services, Dessert—country air and ice. The perior apple and peach brandy from the Ft. LaFayette." I reached Leesburg in the most cordial manner, and with money, till encouraged by his knowl- "party" is now half way through. Next cider, in distinction to what they called undisguised feeling, said be was de- names of two of the eight or ten gen- edge of my reluctance to prosecute my and my brother himself requested me early, but not in time for the daily tlemen I met, to wit: Gen. Lee and to use it to lift this debt. I think you comes a little more squeaky fiddle and pug brandy, made from the pummice, train, by friend McKenzie's road to lighted to see me; enquired when I dear old friend's son, he nas grown balancing around. Then all hands as has been the habit in the Valley and reached the city; pointed to a seat, and Gen. Tbos. Haymond—- both gone.— bold, and day before yesterday stole will be glad to know that Henry did Alexandria. I had so many friends This presents an interesting question most earnestly try to redeem the past, aboard tor home. Colder drive than Western counties of the State. The and acquaintances there, I spent a excused himself from rising when I five hundred dollars from my private ever. All sitting in the sleigh box. members from the Valley counties ex- entered, by saying he had been injured for the Southern Historical Society to desk. Had he been starving, had he working ever steadily, resisting such very pleasant day, and in the evening determine. It may be supposed that I temptations as beset him and being Driver loses his way. Young men changed whiskey with the Southeastern strolled out a short distance into the in his back and loin a few days before even been helping you, I might have crawl out and swear. Girls cry Home by his horse falling with him. have traveled far from the subject mat- again forgiven him, but he took the most sincerely penitent and resigned members for their fine brandies. The country and passed the night with ter of my text, yet permit me to say when death called him." at last—4 o'clock in the morning.— intemperance of the present day was Capt. Thomas E a, an esteemed He entered at once upon the- mo money to gamble with, and lost it all Moral: Ten dollars apiece out of pock- unknown then, because these pure and mentous questions at that moment that the pleasant impressions left on at cards in one night. I had him There was no answer. Monroe Farn- friend. Early next day I got a ticket the mind of Gem Scott, by our interview ley's face was turned away where Ge- et. Nine frozen ears. Twenty-five unadulterated liquors did not shorten for Arlineton Station, and soon found causing forty millions of people to hold watched, that fact proven, and then played out people of both sexes. Four life, or incite to murder, theft and all their breath with crushing anxiety, by at Richmond, were more or leas min- had him arrested." nevra could not see it, and he did not myself in the two horse hack for Wash- gled with what he remembered of Bum- extend his band to take the roll of used up horses, and a lot of young li- the crimes that now disgrace humanity. ington, with a solitary lady passenger. saying he deprecated most earnestly The white, despairing face was lifted ars, who go around next morning and Well does the writer recall the cir- the present state of things, that he had gardner, and to these impressions, in and the faltering voice asked: notes she held toward him. While she In a few minutes we came in sight of great part, were tho favorable result of waited, wondering greatly at this say they had " 'mense time." cumstances connected with the laying the first Federal soldiers. I had seen a done all in his power to avert it, and "And you will prosecute him ?" of the corner stone of the Washington with that view be bad prepared a pa- my visit to Washington in June, 1861, There was no answer, and soon the strange silence, be lifted his head, and picket at tho west end of Long Bridge to be attributed. If agreeable to your t she was startled at the pallor and agi- Mr. John Quincy Adams was in his Monument at Richmond, honored by We passed unchallenged, as also at the per, a copy of which he took from bis ' ■ I-t. orrnnv C\f the presence of Gen. Taylor and other table and handed it to me, and that a readers, I will, under the head of a sin- tation in his face. nintieth year when Charles Mackay east end, and I directed the driver to gular coincidence, which occurred iu "You will come no more," he said, first visited the country. He was in distinguished men from Washington carry me to my old quarters at the few days before had sent the original and other portions of the country in to Gov. Letcher. It was a brief docu- the city of San Francisco on the morn- in a hoarse voice, "you will pay your excellent health, the cause of which is National. Among the seventy odd ing of the 4th of May, 1869, and which exacting creditor, and shake him off explained by Dr. Mackay. "Men and 1849. 'Tis a melancholy pleasure too thousand troops up to that moment in ment, in manuscript, filling little more to recall its talented and world re- than one side of ordinary cap paper, is more or less flavored with Buragard- with the burden of your self assumed women," he said, "scarcely ever allow tho city, I found the Pet New York ner, trespass on your coiumns at a fu- debt. You will forget me soon, but I the fresh air of heaven to touch any nowned author, the lamented Graw- Seventh, that had some years before and divided into some six or eight ford. The writer's first few winters in propositions. This paper, I am grati- ture day. Adoustx. can never forget the one gleam of sun- part of their bodies except their hands visited Richmond, had reached the Na- Mt, Solon, Augusta county, Va. shine that has come into my life, only and face, and even to these the ladies Richmond were made more pleasant, tional early that morning, were quar- fied to say, was received by Gov. Letch- to fade and leave it in darkness." are systematically unjust by wearing in having enjoyed the agreeable society tered there, and filled up every foot of er, and. as I have recently learned from gloves and veils. The surface of the of the sculptor's mother-in-law's family. room inside, passage and all, and with him, was published soon after the war Lougnage of Ears. It was Genevra's turn to grow pale in the Citizen, a newspaper of Lexing- and agitated. beautiful human form requires to be At a later date, to-wit: in 1857, he took their baggage blocked up much of the part in the interesting ceremonies con- side walk. I elbowed my way, satchel ton, Va , a copy of which I hope to se- Largo ears, hear things in general, "I have led a selfish, sordid life," for a certain period of every day ex- posed to the action of the atmosphere. sequent upon the inauguration of the in hand, to the desk, and in a bolder cure, and if so may furnish you, at no and denote broad, comprehensive Monroe Famley continued, hurrying monument, when President Buchanan, band than was.my wont, registered my distant day, in connection with this views and modes of thought; while out his words with a quick, panting I take my air-bath regularly every morning, and walk in my bedroom in Gen. Scott and other dignitaries from name and State in full. For curiosity, subject. The interview with Gen. Scott small ears bear things in particular, breath. "Alone from boyhood, fighting Washington graced the occasion. On I turned over the leaves of the regis- was on the let of May, 1861, at which showing a disposition to individualize, poverty and ignorance hand to hand puris naturalibus, with all the windows open for a full half hour. I also take the evening of the inauguration a mag- ter, and for seventeen pages mine was time 20 regiments of troops had reached of.en accompanied by the love of the from the time I was orphaned at fif- nificent ball came off at the Ballard the only Southern name. My old friend, the city, and they were coming by ev- minute. Large ears are usually satis- teen. I have made my fortune by a water bath daily. I read and write for eight hours a day. I sleep eight House. I will recall the entrance of Col. T n, the proprietor, took ery train. Of course I could not read fied with learning the leading facts of bard, continuous toil, by a rigid self- Gen. Scott into the ball-room, where down the key to the room to which he it, talking, as he continued to do, in a case, with the general principle in- denial and by closest application. Be- hours, and devote another to exercise, conversation and meals. I feel within he towered like Saul over the heads of assigned me, after a cordial greeting, the most earnest manner, and attempt- volved—too strict an attention to the fore I realized that I was cutting my- the then admiring crowd. Having been and beckoning me to follow, led the ing, as was very evident, to explain enumeration of details, especially all self off entirely from social happiness I myself a reserve of bodily strength which, I think, will carry me to a hun- presented to him early in the evening, way, turned the key on the inside, and why he continued in his then position, repetition of the more unimportant, is -< — iace oncourageu eratiaVfa, who con- was a middle aged man and a wealthy soon after which I introduced to, and entering the room with me, seated him- when he felt, as well as knew, Virginia wearisome to them. People with such tinued: one. The fortune for which I slaved dred years, unless I die by accident or am shot or hanged." put under his care, for a brief space, a self for a talk. He expressed himself claimed his allegiance. Then it was ears like generally, and are usually fit- "My class of scholars is amongst was mine; the education I ground into lady that I had accompanied to the as greatly gratified at meeting me, and that the scene of , 1847, be ted to conduct large enterprises, to re- poor people who cannot pay high pri- my head at every interval of leisure ball-room, I retired for a few minutes said, though a Northern man, be had fore referred to, came so vividly to my ceive and pay out money in large ces, but if you trust me I will bring the was mine. What more ? Nothing ! What is Death ?—What but a mere to escort her friend, who was not ready received at tho hands of the people of mind's eye, that I felt like reminding sums; they prefer to give with a free money as fast as I can save it." Other men of my age had wives and circumstance in an endless existence, to enter when she did. After a consid- the South, ever since be came to Wash- him of his solemn declarations then hand, without reference to the amo'jut. "And your brother. Where will he children I I was alone. The last time less deplorable than banishment to a erable interval, on leaving the room I ington, the most liberal support, and and there made, Quien Sdbe. Poor old Small ears, on the contrary, deoire tr* go?" I ever clasped a hand of true friendship far country, less than an unworthy encountered the General in one of the numbered among them many of his man I he was, as I sincerely believed, know the particulars of a story as w*I|l "Before this trouble," said Genevra, was when I held your father's hand in deed, less than the rapture of friend- many and intricate passages in that warmest personal friends. Spoke with heart-broken, and had no taste, no love as the main facts; take delight afteu "wo had a letter from my mother's mine. I have no life outside this count ship's ties, less than the hoar of physi- part of the Ballard, when he observed great regret of the prospect of a resort for the position he was forced to occu- in examining, handling or construct^ brother in Kansas, offering to pay all ing-house, only a lonely bachelor exis- cal distress, which you, my friend, he had been trying to find bis room.— to arms, and assured me of his warm py. He went on to say "that whilst ing tiny specimens of workmanship; my brother's expenses, if he would join tence, homeless, friendless. Genevra, have often experienced I Like falling I invited him to walk with me to mine personal regard, and if anything oc- it was not the purpose to invade Vir- are disposed to be exact with respeet him and help to carry on a large farm why did you come to make me know asleep on a bed of sand to awake in a dose by, which he cheerfully accepted, curred, in which I needed a friend ginia or South Carolina, yet the Gen- to inches and ounces, in buying or sel- there. Out of the way of the city temp- this? I was content, as slaves are con- garden of roses, would be the natural when I set before him a bottle of Bum- whilst in the city, to let him know. I eral Government would retake Har- ling, to the extent at least of knowing tations, I hoped—" tent to wear their chains till they see departure of the spirit from earth.— gardener's best. Ho enjoyed it greatly, walked over to the Patent Office very per's Ferry and Fort Sumpter, let the the exact number over or under tho "The very thing." freedom before them. I was dron- Gould we truly live till childhood bad remarking upon the character of fine soon, and, like the National, found it cost be what it might." He bad talked stated measure given or reeeived. Peo- The kindly, cordial tone broke ing out my life, piling dollar upon dol- ripened into youth, and mandood into whiskies made in the Valley, and pre- thronged with troops, among which on most earnestly for perhaps a half ple with such ears would, in moat oas- through Genevra Wallace's forced lar, till you came to show me the depth old age, so that the spirit could have sently taking my arm, we spent some was Gen. Sprague's regiment of Rhode hour, tho sergeant in charge of the es prefer a retail to a wholesale busi- calmness, and the tears rolled down and the purity of a sister love. I never the full benefit of a life on earth, then time in promenading the corridor, Island, that moment arrived. I might, door banding him a fresh card every ness. her cheeks as she said, faintly: had a sister, Genevra. No woman has would the body fall off like a worn out connectiog the two portions of the ho- if time and space permitted, relate sev- momert. He referred with much feel- "You will let him go ?" loved me since my mother died. And and useless garment; and the soul, in tel over the street. Among other mat- eral interesting incidents connected ing to the circumstances under which If the Electoral Qotamission works "Yes He is my old friend's son, and you came to let me learn what my the fresh-born vigor of immortal youth, ters of conversation he referred to the with the raising of this regiment, con- we had met, and again referred to the I will not prosqcute him if you will as- dead heart wakened to life to crave, the would sail joyously into the atmos- injustice, will it not be a sin of com- many changes Riobmond had passed stituted as it was of the employees of pleasure he felt in my calling upon mission ? sume the del-t/'' loving companionship of a true woman. phere of its higher and better home.— through since the day. when a young Gov. Sprague in his factories, shops, him, when reminded that the press on F"" oeJd not let her go alto- I am an old man compared to yon, Mary F. Davis. man, having married there, he was &o., the making of the uniforms of the the outside was every moment becom- „ film. He was u man near- Genevra, but you will meet no truer more familiar with it. I need not say members of the several companies, by ing impatient, he directed an orderly Grant with his trqopa is about't( . ^pbever before had his pulse love than mine, you will find no heart A young lady sent a poem to a Brit- how rapidly I ran over in imagination the wives, daughters and sweethearts to summon his aid, Lt. Carter, a neph- evacuate Washington. His camptugi i ^-.^ikened'to the sound of a woman's more ready to give you loyal devotion. ish newspaper entitled "I GannotMake the eventful scenes of bis active and il- of the men, in an incredibly short ew of Gen. Lee, and introducing me as against Congress is ended. voice, the sight of a woman's face. Genevra, having taught me so to love Him Smile." The beast of an editor lustrious life, and recalled a most time, out of material from his own "Col. M , a member of tjie Log, of "Understand me," bo said, presently, von, will you leave me desolate and ventured to express an opinion that interesting incident that came off in looms; of their reaching Annapolis, and Va, instructed him to aecompany me Diptheria prevail^ na an epidemio 'u I release your brother Henry upon the alone again ?" she would have succeeded hud she that same city, about ten years before, finding injurv to the road and to tiie to Col. Abert's oflice, and direct him to every town of fJalifornKt. It ia voi y solo condition that ho goes direct to He hold out his hands as ho spoke, shown him the poem. whou he was the figure that stood out engines, Ac., and of his putliug tho surroudur to wo all tho maps, charts-' dusUuclivu, GOOD SETTERS. Public Opinion and Coraucnls. Can It be Conntcd I Acts that have Become Laws. Old Commonwealth Conference Proceedings. bpotted lull, chu-f of the Sioux, wi'Ir The amendments to the constitution, The New York World, in comment- ii.vinn&ioivxnjitG, v.\. When objection is made to the count The following acts have become laws The Virginia Conference of the Uni- a body guard of two hundred chos. n adopted last fall, provide that the ses- ing on the decision of the electoral of the vote of Louisiana it sbould be since the last report, having been ap- warriors, has started on tbe self-im- sions of the Legislature shall last but commission in the Florida case, says: ted Brethren in Christ, convened its C. H. VANDEIIVOKD. EHITOK. made so as to bring into prominence proved by the Governor. 46th annual sessiou in Rohrersville, posed mission to obtain nn interview ninety days, except the first alter the "The decision can only be aoenrate- the fact tbat tbis State has not a re- To amend and re-enaot an act ap- with the chiefs of tbe bostilos now re- ly described in Mr. Evart's own words Washington Co. Md. Jan. Slst. The THURSDAY MORMINQ, FEB. 15, 1877. ratification of the nmendments. The publican form of government as guar- proved February 10,J876, as amended ported to be massed near the forks of as a plain attempt to 'snpercede the anteed by the constitution of the Uni- following are appointments for tbe en- the Tongue river, and conasel tbem ta f and re enacted by an act approved suing year: members of tho present Legislature be- sovereignty of the people' by a govern- ted States; and bu8 its vote cannot be accept, while there yet is time, the terms THE COUNT. March 27, 1876, entitled an act for the Potomac District—J. Reubusb, P. E. lieve that this gives them warrant to ment of judges incapable of the judi- counted for either presidential candi relief of township creditors. offered by the government, viz: to sur- sit indefinitely, and we learn that it is cial temper and unequal to the great date. It sbeuld be referred to the Frederick Circuit—J. L. Grimm. - render their arms and ponies. Apprecinting tbo doeire of onr read- To authorize J. W. Weaton and L. Meofaanicatowu Cir.—J. D. Freed. proposed to continue the sessions until trust reposed in them by a people Electoral Gointnission in such form as J. Munford to erect wharves on their ers to know how the connt is proceed- weary of partisan strife, and slow to to require n direct decision on this Hageratown Station—C. M. Hott. thoy are tired out. When tho weather lands on Cbincoteague channel in Ac- Hagerstown Cir.—J. B. Ridenonr. TVCAFbUUIEID- ing and what progress has been made, believe that tho virtues of patriotism speoifie point. It must not be lost coraac county. grows warm thoy will adjourn to some and public honesty have clean gone out sight of that it was upon this ground Boonaboro Station—H. A Bovey. FBb. 8, 1877, at the realdenM of the bride's oerente We subjoin the following extract from Joint resolution to extend the time Martiusburg Station—A. M. Evans. near McGaheyeWlIo. by Rev. F. A. Strother, CUarree the Baltimore Sim of Tuesday: Summer resort. of their public servants." that the republican senator Carpenter for the completion of the Washington E. Ilammea and Mary C. Hopkloe, daiightor of o. T. Tho New York Herald says: Tusoarora Circuit—J. B. Funk. Hopklnt, Esq. At 2.25 p. m. the Senate was notified objected to the connt of its vote in and Ohio Railroad to Winchester. Clark Mission—J. A. Nengley. On Jenu'iry Hih, 1877, at the rooldenoo of the hrlde> Hod. Alexander H. Stephens, of "It was hardly to be supposed that 1873, when Grant was a candidate for To authorize the Virginia Telegraph perentB by IUv. Wm n, Bntnner, John T. Knieelcy that the House was ready to receive it. so select a tribunal wonld act and vote Bath Circuit—C. B. Hammnck. and Delia F. Van pel t, all of Bocklnghani county. Georgia, has just attained bis sixty- bis second term, and it must be borne Company to sell and convey all the New Creek Cir—G. W. Kiracofe. That body had been sitting idly since is partisans in a controversy of such in mind that the vote of this State was Feb. 12Ui. 1877, In thio place by Re*. Father Mo- 10 o'clock in the morning, waiting to fifth year. He is recovering from his franchises of said company. Garrett Circuit—G. W. Rexroad. Terry, DeWitt O. Rohord and Mlea Mary Ward, dauuh- magnitude and dignity, or that any accordingly cast out by majorities of To incorponte the Hampton and Fort ter of Mr. Michael Ward be called over to the House, as (he recent extreme illness, and will we decision wonld depend on the solitary Westernport Mission Station—0. Fob. 8 1877. by Rev. Soloman Garber, Michael O. both bouses, when both bouses con- Monroe Railroad Company. Oarlon. and Sable E. Good, connty presiding ofncor bad decided that no vote of the fifth judge of the Supreme tained heavy republican majorities. It W. Stinespriug. bnsiness could bo transacted. The hope soon be in his seat again. To authorize the Governer to con- Mezirsville Circuit—J. W. Funk. Court. But the first important vote must not be forgotten, either, tbat the vert the medal fund donated throngh Senators received the message with showed this was a de'usion. It then Berkley Circuit—Wm Beall. Eight beats seven. When reading United States Senate has never recog- Hon. A. J. B. Beresford Hope by the alacrity, and took ivery little time in became evident that tbo fourteen mem- nized the government of Louisiana; Allegany Circuit—J M Bodenach. In this placA, on Mondav evenlnir, Feb. 12th, 187T, getting over. AVhen they had entered admirers of General Thomas J. Jackson Shenandoah Valley Dis.-J. W. Howe »t about 9 o'clock, F. kd. Latham, infant sou of Dr. of the electoral Trtbunal remember it. bers first appointed would act through tbat it has refused and still refuses to in Great Britain into outstanding State wm. J. and Carolina V. JPomts. the House hall and were seated the out as thick and thin partisans, and allow the senator elect from Louisiaua P. E. At b'a residence, nn Sunday morning last, Fcbrnsry President of the Senate took the chair bonds. Churchville Circuit—J. E. Whitzell. llth, 1877. at about 7 o'clock, after a long illuesB and Tho Electoral Commission. that the fifteenth member holds in bis to take his seat in the Senate. The Making an appropriation for the ven- confinement from Dropsy, Oeoros Mn ler, n well- of the Speaker and opened the proceed- single band the power to determine Rockingham Circuit—J. E Hott. known and esteemed citizen of this place. In the 76t!r ings of the third day of the joint con- nature of the despotism which has tillation of tho hall of tho House of Sear of his age. His remains wore followed to Wood- It is no doubt a great shock to pub- who shall be tho next President. On possession of the State of Louisiana Shady Grove Cir.—J. M Douatbao. Ine C metery on Monday afternoon last by many vention for the count of tbo electoral Delegates and the clerk's office thereof. South Fork Mission—E P. Funk members of Rockingham Union Lodge. F. A. M., of lic confidence to see the members of all really essential questions Judge baa been explored by committees of To amend and re-enact section 2 of which ho was an honored member, and alao a very vote. The Florida vote was then count- this august body—chosen for tho ex- Bradley has thus far voted with the Congress, and fully reported by them; Highland Circuit—J. E Widmeyer concourse of relatives, friends and neighbors — ed for Hayes. Then came Georgia with an act entitled an aot to authorize the Winchester Mission Station—J K. The clods heaped over hie grave mark the resting press purpose of making "a fair connt" republicans, and tbat be will pursue and William A. Wheeler, the republi- Board of Directors of the Western Lu- place of an honest man and good citizen. eleven votes for Tilden, and Illinois of tho electoral vote, and into whoso this course to the end there is no good can candidate for Vice-President, was Neliton. AtLiuvllle, on Monday last. Fob. 12th, 1877, John with twenty-one votes for Hayes.— natic Asylum to sell certain lots of land Winchester Circuit—W J Miller. Turner, aged about 20 years. His disease wa* puou organization the judicial element was reason to doubt. The democrats, after a member of one of these committees, belonging to said asylum, approved monla preceded by whooping cough. Statements had been made that objec- their decisive defeat in the first battle and concurred in the report. The Edinburg Circuit—W. O. Grimm. At Tenth Legion, Rockingham county, Fob. 6th. tion wonld be raised to the vote of one infused to insure impartial action —di- March 29,1875. Lacy Spring Circnit—F. M Kirtor. Mrs Jackson Marlz, aged 64 years, 10 months, and 5 viding on mere partisan lines with as —the Florida case—have little to hope whole country rang with indignation To amend and re enact section 13 of nays. of the Illinois electors on the ground for in the two which are to follow." when Sheridan was sent to Louisiana South Branch Circuit—I. M. Under- that he was ineligible, and there was much facility and certainty as if thoy chapter 269 of acts of 1871-5, fixing wood. were members of a city council or state The New York Evening Post says: and marched his troops into the Leg- the time for county treasurers to settle New Advertisements. come curiosity to see from whence the "Long after the question, who shall islature, and overthrew the civil gov- Rockbridge Circuit—C. W. Crowel. objection would come. But no such legislature. But, in spite of the pres- the connty levy. Mill Creek Circuit—To be supplied ent gloomy outlook we do not despair be President? ceases to be of any in- ernrnent of the State, and reversed the To authorize Joseph T. Kenny to notice7 motion was made. The filteen votes of of a just determination of some of the terest, long after the candidates, the majorities in the Legislature. The by P. E. A LL persons indebted to or holding claims against Indiana were then recorded for Tilden, erect a wharf upon bis land on Clyn- Bloomery Mission—J. Hott. the Estate of Joel Argenbrluht < oe'd., are here- many questions yet to be decided, commissioners, the Senators, the Rep- best men of the Republican party coteague Island. by notified to come forward and make settlement by the sixteen of Iowa and Kansas for resentatives, and all persons who are Page Valley Cir.—G. J. Rondabush. the 28th of this month, (February.) whereby the right of Mr. Tilden to the throughout the country arose and re- To anthorize the trnstees of tho l , A. A. ARGENBRIGHT, Hayes, and the twelve of Kentucky for concerned in the present controversy Dayton Circnit—A. P. Funkhouser. febl5•2w• Adm'r of Joel Argenbrigbt, deo'd. Tilden. The next certificates that were presidency will be clearly maintained, baked in unsparing censure this de- Methodist Cburob South of Sidney to as it was most positively declared at have disappeared from among men, struction of Republican government in Madison Mission—H. Jones. opened were from Louisiana. There sell and purchase property and to bor- Rockingham Freedmau's Mis.—S. the ballot box by the votes of the peo- the decision in the Florida case will be Louisiana. Since then the govern- row money. SEEDS! PLANTSI were two republican certificates from regarded as a wise avoidance of a T. Wills. Louisiana which seemed to read exact- ple. In the case of Louisiana the ment has been no beetter. It has To disband the Richmond Light In- -BULBS- strong probability is that the Commis- grave constitutional danger." been a desootism, maintained in power Augusta FreedmaD(8 Mission—J. A. sent by mall lo any Post-office. Assortment large, ly alike, and then the democratic cer- frntry Bines and to incorporate Rich- Evans. prices moderate, and selection best. Send for prioa sion will decide the act of 1870, by The Philadelphia Times says: by the United States troops. The so- mond Light lufantry Blues Associa- list. Merchants, Druggists and Dealers supplied at tificate. Then, to the surprise of every "The one lesson of Friday that will called governor of Louisiana has been Wef-t Mississippi District—Bishop lowest wholesale rates. one, the President of the Senate stated which the appointment of electors was tion. J. J. Glossburner. to bo governed, to have been repealed make good men of every faith and only a viceroy of the President of the Concerning appointments of cura- xeuloLm Kurseymou. EDWARD and Secdsmou,J. EVANS Vork,& CO., Pa, that there was a fourth certificate, clime bow to keen regret is the etriot United States. He and he only has General Treasurer—J. W. Hott. which will bo laid before the joint con- by the net 6f 1872, and that on the 7th tors to the Hampton Normal and Ag- The next Conference will be held at of November, 1876, there was no law partisan decision by which the highest maintained the despotism in existence. rioultnral Institute. GARDEN SEEDS! vention. This was opened and read, in that state regulating "such appoint- tribunal the laws of a free government To do justice to the two houses of Edinburgh, Shenandoah Co. Va and found to be a burlesque account To amend the charter of the town of IjlARLY AND LATE CABBAGE BRED; montB; or it may determine that under could create decided the vote of a sov- Congress, they have never upheld the Edinburg, in Sbenandoab ccnnty, Va. 2j Tomato. Cucumber and Beet Seed, Ajc., Ac. of the proceedings of an imaginary ereign State for the Presidency of the Foreign. My own raising and BUIST'S Warranted Seeds. electoral college, composed enlircly of tho act of 1872 tho board of returning President iu this. Congress has not To amend the first section of an aot 4^"My Cabbage Seed wore the only ones thai with' officers not having filled the vacancy republic; and should the final judg- recognized the Louisiana government. John Smiths, and who cast eight votes to incorporate the Orkney Springs Sorvia and Turkey have agreed upon stood the ravages of ihe cabbage worm last season. created by the resignation of Mr. Ar- ment of the commission be deformed It would seem, therefore, that Con- Company, approved January 8, 1875. for Peter Cooper. by a partisan division, there will be a basis of peace. Next door to National Hank. IMS. LEWIS. The reading of the paper produced rovo, had no authority to canvass tho gress is morally estopped from recog- To incorporate the town of McKen- votes; or it may determine that Levis- unrest even under the willing obedi- nizing the government of Louisiana zie, in the connty of Fairfax. Forty English fishing vessels, with much merriment, and several members ence that the nation will faithfully ac- two hundred men on board, are miss- Commissioner's Sale arose at different periods of the read- see, the elector who was a United States now in the count of this electoral vote. Joint resolution in reference to the commissioner, was ineligible, or that cord to its lawful ruler." The fact tbat the State Senate nomi- selection of a suitable site for locating ing. BY virtue of s decree of tho Circnit Court of Rook- ing to demand that it be discontinued, Tbo New York Sun says; inttbam, rendered In the euit of Wm M. Moyer- to whom Senator Ferry stated that he Brewster, tbo surveyor general, was not nates the returning board, and the re- an asylum for colored insane of the It is reported tbat the Spanish huBtfer ve. Elizabeth Shank, Ac., I, ax CommioeiomT, capable of being appointed an elector "The electoral commission are go- turning board nominates the State State, government have accepted a proposi- will proceed to eell at public auction, In Iront of the had no discretion but to order the read- ing steadily forward to execute the Court-liouHo door in Harrisouburg, ut 12 o'clock. ing of all papers regularly addressed —and thus defeat the efforts of the Senate, deprives Louisiana of the es- To amend an act declaring Clinch tion for a compromise with the Basque On Tuesday, day of March, 1877, great conspirators to override the will preconceived purpose of giving it to sential feature of representative gov- river a lawful fence, approved January provinces and will submit it to the A T®AC1. OF 103 ACRES OF LAND, in Rocking- * to him as President of the Senate, and the man who was not elected, end pol- ham county, near Cross-Keys, adjoining the lauds of purporting to bo certificates of electoral of the people of Louisiana. ernment. Upon this hypothesis the 18, 1872. Cortes. Earmau, Rucbusb and others, and upon which tho But whatever may be said of all these iticians think this can be done without vote of Louisiana was oast out and For the sale of Cypress church, Sur- The Egyptians have again been de- said Elizabeth Shank is now residing. There are good votes. Afterwards, by unanimous con- difficulty because the democratic ma- improvements on this p ace. and it will make a very sent, he ordered that nil mention of questions, we shall wait with baled not counted in 1873. The same cause") ry county. feated in Abvssinma. comfortable home for a man with limited means. breath to see how these supreme court jority in the House of Represontatives should require that it be cast out now. For the protection of sheep in the TERMS:—One-third iu cash and tho remainder in the paper be suppressed in the official agreed when they voted for the so- Sir William Ferguson, president of one and two equal annual payirei.ts, b'-ariug interest record. Objections were severally pre- judges, learned in the law, with charac- Upon tbis point the people of America county of Culpeper. To authorize the the Royal College of Surgeons and ser- from the day of sale; the pin-chaser to givo bond with ters for fairness and justice at stake, called arbitration bill on Friday, Jan- demand a decision, and if the Electo Old Dominion Steamship Company to approved security for the deferred payments, and tho sented to the reception of the demo- uary 26, to commit official suicide.— geant-surgeon to Queen Victoria, is title to be retained as ultimate secuiitv. can decide tho Oregon case in favor of ral Commission should tie itself up by hold land in Virginia. dead. feblS fa QEO. G. GRATTAN. Comm'r. cratic and the republican vote from tbo Hayes and Wheeler. We shall not ar- There is no process, or method, or in narrow technical rules, and in any way two sides of the chamber. These, with Conferring on the policemen in Al- Cholera accompanies famine in parts JOSEPH CLICK. p. 8. MILLER. gue here the title of Cronin; but, ad- vontion, or power, or miracle by which evade a decision upon the merits, the exandria city certain powers of con- all the papers in the case, wore (hen a lie can be made truth, or a fraud con- of India. ordered to be transmitted to the elec- mitting that ho was not elected, it is country will look to Congress for a de- stables. CLICK & MILLER, conceded on all sides that Watts, one verted into bouest reality." cision that will settle the question for- The small pox is increasing in Lon- toral commissicn, and the joint conven- The New York Times says: don. tion once more separated. of the Hayes electors, being post- ever.—Ball. Oazelte. John F. Mulbeim, a clerk of the CAIIME AND BUeBY MANDfiCIUlEIlS. master nt the time of the election, was "Salutary as the action ot the com- Legal proceedings have been com- The Electoral Commission are now mission bus thus far been we renew Louisiana returning board, was exam- BRIDGEWATER, VIRGINIA. clearly ineligible, and that consequent- A Wedding that Didn't Come Off.— ined by the bouse committee on Satur- menced to compel the Direct United engaged in determining the questions ly but two electors were chosen by the our suggestion that it affords no justi- THE undersigned have entered into a co partner- Yesterday at noon Rev. J. W. Rosebro, day, and he testified that be was pres- States Cable Company to surrender to ship for tho purpose of manufacturing Carriages, arising out of the Louisiana political people in Oregon. The case of Corliss, fication of the law by which the tribu- tbe amalgamationista. Buggies. Spring Wagons and. in fact all kinds of nal was created. It has done right, of Mossy Creek, dismounted prompt on ent when tbe returns of Vernon parish wheel vehicles on tho very best terms possible for flr.-t contest From observation of the past in Rhode Island, was identical with time in front of the residence of a were altered and falsified. In addition It is reported that Sir Edward Thorn- class work. We use nothing but the BEST materials, that of Watts. Corl as was a centen- but the power it has used rightly was ton, British minister to Washington, and employ only experienced and first class workmen. action of the tribunal and its peculiar equally in its possession to use wrong- young ladv living in Long Glade, in to confirming the testimony of Little- All we ask of tho generous public is a trial, and wo nial coraaiissioner at the time of the this county, to celebrate her marriage field, be made the important state- will be appointed embassador to the guarantee satisfaction. rulings we are not as sanguine of a favor- election, and the Supreme Court of his ly. It has sustained constitutional Material constantly on hand, and any stylo of work with Mr. Howard Craun, a respectable ment that Packard and other republi- Porte. can be put up on the shortest possible notice. able result for Mr. Tilden as we have state decided that as such bo was inel- principles which never should have and well-to-do farmer living only a Repairing done iu best manner on short notice, and been exposed to defeat at its hands." can officials had access to the rooms of Much distress still prevails in India. at bottom tlgnros. heretofore bean. Without any infor- igible as a presidential elector; that a mile off. A good deal of time was the returning board. It will be re- Some deaths from want are reported Joseph Click returns his thanks to tbe public for tho mation as to the proceedings in the subsequent resignation could not re- oov. tilden's views. spout by the minister, and the expect membered that tbe visiting committees near Madras. generous patrouago h« has received in the past and move su :h ineligibilitv, and that it was The Wasbington correspondent of soliciis a continuance of the same to the new firm. case of Louisiana, (at this writing,) we ed bride waiting, but no groom came. of republicans and democrats were ex- Servin's peace envoy to tho Porte All wo ask is to givo us a call and (.xaiuino work and not such a vacancy as could be filled the New York Herald writes: He was sent for. It turned out that cluded from tho sessions of the board prices. find onr faith weakening in the ability by the remaining electors, under a law "Gov. Tilden said yesterday evening leaves Belgrade for Constantinople he bad gone to Ohio I at which action upon the returns was on tbe 13th. CLICK & MILLER. of the Commission to rise to the de- which gave them authority to fill the to a personal friend whom he had re- "Brother Howard wont on the cars 10jQ^Carriago Materials of all kinds on hand >ml for taken, bat Packard, whose case was Arrests of communist and at Mos- b* * [febl6-3mvD mands of the great occasion. Whilst vacancy created by an elector, after his quested to go to Washiagton: "Say to Ohio, Wednesday morning," said n before the court, had the privilege of we hope for a favorable result, we do election, declining the office, or being to our friends that they have no rea- brother of the departed groom. "Ho cow and vicinity increase. son to be depressed if the commission coming in to help the judges to fix up Oonimlsslonor's JVotlco. not feel justified in trying to encourage prevented from any cause from serving was over to see Miss , Sunday their decision. Mulbeim stated that Spain insists on its tax on for JOHN BOWMAN, John C. Walker and John Ni« in the electoral college; and that, final- decides against the democracy in the evening, and he found her and'an old eigners. wander, who sue for themselves and the other the sentiment in the minds of our rend- alterations were made in the returns creditors of Franklin Herr, doo'd Compl'tu ly, it was not a vacancy in the office, hut Florida case. I expect the decision sweetheart there, and both of 'em cry- of a number of parishes, and gave the ^ i » i ^ vs. ers. Republicanism has shown itself a failure to elect to the office. Before a will be adverse, but do not euoourage Samuel Shrum, administrator of Franklin Herr, Fran- ing—and so he jnsc come back home names of two clerks whom he bad seen The ineligibility of United States of ces Blaiue, Caroline Herr, Harvey Whitmer and in this contest so devoid of every pa- vacancy can occur a person must be despondency. The loss of Florida will and packed up and left the farm in my to make such alterations.—Butt. Ga- ficinls for the office of presidential elec Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Rhodes and Marii hla not surprise me, but there are other wife, David H. Whitmer, Anthoi v, ^onjamin F., triotic impulse, so utterly lost to sbamo, first elected, and "no person can be care, and started for Ohio. He couldn't zette. tor of a state is a prohibition laid upon Savi'ah. John Ashby, Ells, Charles and Emily Whit- elected who is ineligible, or, in other points upon which I am confident the honesty and political integrity, that we think she wanted him much if she an I the appointing power of a state, and mer, infant children of Harvey and Emily Whit- words, who is incapable of being elect- democracy will succeed.' another fellow were crying about it." mer. Defts. despair almost of better things, when New Railroad — Tbe Garrett ( Md.) tbe eulorcement of it lies within the In Chancery In Cirouit Court of Kockingham County. ed." The Legislature of Rhode Isluud "Mr. Tilden is represented as talk- It may be added that the young lady province of Congress. The electoral Extract from Decree at January term, 1877 ••This wo reflect that even Supreme Court was then convened in special session, ing as unconcernedly about the final Herald says there is good prospect of cause is referred to a Commisaiouer of this Court to as- is pretty, and in good spirits over the the construction of a railroad from the return of a state, no matter how regu- certain and report what amount, if anything, has been Judges have shown a partizan bias in and another elector was appointed by result as though it were the case of disappointment, and not likely to be lar in form, oanuot be accpted as con- paid by Francos Blaiue, the purchaser of the house that body. The Oregon case is precise- 'John Doe against Richard Roe.' Yet coal wharves at Cumberland to tbe and lot Hild in this cause, on her purchase, to whom their votes in the Commission, which without a husband long—if she should Potomac and Savage river coal fields clusive upon such n point, for it cannot paid and what balsnci , if anything, she owes on the ly similar. There was "a failure to he said, T am a fatalist in so far as I make up her mind to take one.—Slaun- property, ami any other matters deemed pertinent or destroys the confidence reposed in them above Bloomington. By aid of such a be successfully argued that if a state specially n quirod by any party interested." elect" the third elector, and while there believe as the representative of tho ton Vindicator. road coal can be delivered at Alexan- perversely determines to appoint a per- Notice is hereby iven to the parties in tho above by the people. is a law in Oregon to meet the case of democrats the final decision will be in entitled cause ami any and all other perHons interest- dria for $2 36 per ton, including miners' son whom the federal constitution says ed therein, that I will proceed nt my office, in Harris- a vacancy af er election there is no our favor. * she shall not appoint, Congress is oblig- ouburg, on Wednesday, the 14th day of March, 1877, statute providing for the contingency The decision made by the Electoral wages. This is nearly one dollar per to execute tho foregoing decree, at which time and Instead of the Legislature attempt- The Chicago Times still regards "the Commission, that "all proceedings of ton less than tbe present cost of deliv- ed to respect her action. Such a pro- place they will attend and protect their respective in- ing to raise revenue off the misfortunes caused by the failure to elect. There erection of this hermaphrodite com- ery to tidewater at Baltimore. Tbe position wonld be the very madness of terests. was clearly no power in that state to the courts or acts of Florida subse- Given under my hand as Oommisslonor in Chan- of the people, by taxing one cent a mission as a cowardly attempt of the quent to the casting of the votes of the above proposed road has been surveyed state-supremacy doctrine. It would be cery. this 12th day of February, 1877. supply the place of tho third elector, two houses of Congress to abdicate on a par with nullification and the glass upon every individual who is adt unless the governor had it and exer electors on the prescribed day are in- and is entirely separate and distinct - — *«m«WXON BBVAV - their constitutional functions." Of the admissible" for the purpose of proving from the projected road from Cumber- right of socessiou. Hence, upon ques- dieted to the intoxicating cup; by tax- dised it in certifying to the election of House, the Times says: "Surely polit- tions touching tbe eligibility of electors Cronin. that the electors were returned by the land to Lonaconing via Wills Creek.— oysters and other minor commodi- ical 'daraphoolism' nei-or in this world canvassing officers, is terrible in its re- Garrett possess more undeveloped min- extraneous evidence will be admitted. ties, it should meet the issue squarely. This case, in the worst aspect for the more perfectly exemplified the nature eral wealth than any county in Marv- The Electoral Commission has already , democrats, makes a tie between Tilden moter consequences. Only a month Let it appoint a committee to lay be- of bumau folly." intervenes between the election by the land. All we need is the means of ruled to that effect. Unless the msjor- J and Hayes, and tbrowa^the election in- A writer in the New York Sun says ity of the commission is wholly and be- fore the creditors of the State her ex- to the House of Representative. Judge people and the meeting of the electo- transportation to come into successful that the action of the Electoral Com- ral college, and how is it possible, in comretition with tho Clearfield, Pa., sottedly partisan and firmly resolved to act condition, as ascertained by tbo Strong is clearly on record upon ineli- mission is void; that the people never decide everything in favor of Hayes, it gible candidates in his opinion in the this space of time, for persons ag- coal, which has almost driven the "Cum- House committee, and ask for a scaling gave Congress the right to frame such grieved by the fraud or error of the berland coal" out of the market within is impossible to see bow it can rule in down of the debt or a reduction of the case of the Commonweakh ex rel. Mc- a bill and act under it for tbem, and the past year. favor of the ineligible Hayes electors in Laughlin vs. Cluley, 56 Pennsylvania canvassing officers to secure redress 7 .-ate of interest. There can be nothing that it is the duty even of congressmen A returning board intending fraud Louisiana and Oregon.—Balto. Oazelte. Reports, 270 (1867,) and we do not to disregard it. Suppose the Florida dishonorable in the Commonwealth yet believe ho will go back on bimself. could consume almost the entire t

i Arrested for Mdrder.—Chief of Po- SERMON. Farmers, Mechanics, SALES. •_ MISCELLANEOUS. Ot.D Commonwealth. lice, J. H. Kelley, accompanied by spe- Deli tiered nl the grave of Mrs. Fanny R. and all people who appreciate the vaine of cial policeman, Georgo Hntcheson, Wise, at Harrisouburg, Va., on the keeping a memorandum of business transac- PUB LI C SAL E Barriaonburg, Va., i t •, Feb. 15,1877. llh day of February. 1877, by Rev. tions, dally events, and items of interest or OF brought to this place on Sunday night H. Hock'heimer, of llallimore. importance, for future reference, sliould call MORE Iff GOODiS! PUBLIRHRD KVRRT THUIIPDAY BT last, Anderson ShifHett and a widow on their druggists and get Dr. Pierce'e Mem- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, When, af'er a wild storm, after a heavy orandum book free. The Doctor'e Grand In- BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. C. 11. VAJVOElllTOIVD. Lawson, from near Conrad's Store, in tempest, we walk into the forest and behold valids' Hotel at Biiffnio, which costs, when T>T direction of Honorable Commissioner of Inter- this county. The authorities had been an ancient oak that had been worn and finisbed, two hundred thoneand dollars, will !> "*1 Revenue, issued lu B. B. Botts. Collector fT 1 vrfcOT! 1nnderslgnod bogs to state for the infprmsfien j«-Omco over the Store of Lomo & Hrlbsb gnawed by tbe tootb of time, lying before bo opened early in June next, for the recep 6lh District of Virginia, I will proceed to offer at pub- X of hfs cnstoniera and the surronnding coinnm- South of the Oourt-House. looking for these parties for some days our sight uprooted, blasted by the storm, lie aale, at the front dour of the Gourt-Houec, in Uar- hitynlty genera>lj,gene that ho has again, beving Just returned tfon of patients afflicted with chronic dis- from below, Term* of SnbfrrTptiou : and nights, but pursuit was for awhile verily the spectacle is not pleasant to the eases and deformities. It will afford tbe risonburg, from beh view, and the eye of the feeling beholder most perfect facilities for of sucli On Monday, 19th day of February, 1877, -p TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. opparently fruitless. Constable Lam, of turns away in sad emotion. But, friends, affections, and its Faculty of physicians the lollowing described Real Kstaie. which was pur- XLwU how is it when it is not an ancient tree with- chased for the United States Governnivnt at aale for ReplenisliedJl his Stock, Atlvertlsliipr TintoRt that district, and posse came upon and and surgeons will embrace graduates from delinquent taxes, due by John Bum man, Jr.. and 1 ■qntre, (ten linen of this type,) one ineertion. f 1.0 > ered by time and age, but if the storm lias both American and European Medical Bowman k Smith, on the 24th day of October, 1971: with a new and freeh supply off I •< each anbsoquoQt insertion, 60 arrested them, when they were taken crushed a tree that had yet stood in ail its Bchoois who have become distiuguielied for bloom, and now lies before ns broken and their skill. The People's Common Sense 1 " one year, 10.00 before a Justice of the Peace at Con- blasted T Ob, my friends, that pains, and A LOT OF LAND, »iDvy m 2 1 " six months , 6.00 rad's Store, who appointed an exami- Medical Adviser, by Dr. K. V. Pierce, a work containing FIFTY ACHES, mom or less, sinated about . -ar *1 e Block llio Lkoai, Advbrtibkmentb the legal fee of $6.00. were brought hero by Policeman Kol- ?ive back to the earth what they received Stkchal or Local Notices 15 cents per line. 8. A. Craig, Esq., druggist, of West Alex- A Thrkk-Stort Frame lIoveB, r« a , ...... , ley and party as above stated. The rora it—the body—it is sad and painful for BCSt Large advertisements taken upon contract. the relations, the friends and kindred of the ander, Pa., says: "I sell more of Dr. Pierce's Win. a bieement. =„ by 48 loet. end appu^naJ., to- 96"^! St0C!< III tilG COUttty, preparations than ail other combined. They eluding a Steam Boiler and Engine. , ...... , All advertising bills duo in advance. Yearly adverti- departed; but it is the course of nature; TERMS OASO. A quit claim deed will be made to "jf m in . ? . T" sers discontinuing before the close of the year, wil "whatever there be living, is destined to sue give aatisfaction in every case and I can the purobaeer on compliance with the term, of eale. Caeh buy era will flmi with na every luducemaut to be charged transient rates. cumb to death," say our sages; and did not cheerfully recommend them to the public" R. E. FREEMAN. ,>u5' "l"'"' thoee having also tbe prophet El ijali say, "I am not bet- j an 25-4 w Deputy Collector. ^ ^ . _ __ __ ^^ •Tol> l^rlntlnfic. ter than ray ancestors," who all paid their We are prepared to do Job Printing of all kinds at tribute to death. To die is the lot of all ; MISCELLANEOUS. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. j I B, ow rates, fob cash. we all, the one earlier, the other later, must Y virtue of a decree— rendered by the Circuit iurkeys,Pg.»of,x Chickens. T .Ducks,!> « . Effgs.I * Be:ins.A journey that road. But to see youth, which Court of Kockingham county, at tbe January ^ UAtOCS,rt£1 J^arCi, I>UC011, DroSSK'Q Term, 18T6. in the cause of Rebecca Fisher vs. Marga 11 Off S, CloVCrseed, OV an V Other "V6ill©"y ZFtaiiroeica- still has so many claims upon this life, sink rot loomy. Ire., I shall proceed te sell, at public auo- j • 11 V. , J. West. into the grave—this pains, this cuts deep tloft, in front of the sonth door of the Court-IIouhs, in ueSirftbl© UrtlClO OI Leave Harrlsenbnrg ® 20 A. M. into tho human heait. Harrisonhnrg, Arrive at 10 00 • •• And beside such a grave do we now stand. East. principal and Mrs. Lawson as accesso- tees, Rdvertise Rawley Springs for sale at A good and noble woman we have brought On Saturday, the 24th of February, 1877, TBLflLDE TO DISPOS£ OX** iTeavo Stannton 3 45 P. M. THF. THACT OF LAND In the bill and proceodlnga can do better with us than elsewhere, whether thoy Arrive at Harrisouburg B 15 •' *• ry public auction. hither ; a faithful, loving wife, a good ten- mentioned, conialuing about desire to soil for CASH OR GOODS. Wkbt. " der mother, whom relentless death has Leave nnrrisonburg 5 45 11 " The Legislature lias passed the bill for swept away in the most beautiful bloom of Arrive at Staunton :.... . 6 65 " " Proceedings or the Circuit Court .— the relief of J. B. Eastham, late collector of her years. THREE ACRES, \\ e pay Cash wbett Goods are not wanted, situated on the Rockingham Turnpike, about sovsn 13. db O. m. John S. Benuick qualified as tbe ad- Stonewall township. How shall we comfort the.mournlng hus- Dealers in Foreip and American miles rsst of Harrisonburg, upon which Jos. Hidsn for anything that will sell readily. band, who only a few days past stood at now rcHides. HARPER'S FERRY AND VALLEY BRANCH. minietrator of the estate of Peter J. The next Conference of the United Breth- the grave of a beloved mother ? and to-day TERMS:—One-third cash, and the bslarce In two We return thanks for the liberal support heretefnre equal payments. falling duo at six and twelve months extended to us, snd pledge ourselves to do all tbi.k Trains Eastward; Mail. Accom'n. Wise, dee'd. ren of Virginia will bo held at Edinburg, be must exclaim in words of deepest grief, months from day of sale, with iutorost from date. can be afforded to merit a continuance of tho same. A. M. P. M. Estate of George Dove, dee'd., com- Shenandoah county. "the crown has fallen from my head," for Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. A. M. Leave Hnrrisonburg,..., 7 60 6 40 she sojourns amid the shadow of the grave's febl-tds CHAS. A. YANCEY, ComnTr. POIJLTRY AT BIG " Broadway, 8 93 6 CO mitted to the Sheriff. From the amount of painting needed in this VIfi mVh I TRICES; " New Market 8 42 7 25 gloom, with whom be has been joined in BcanB •' Mount Jackson,., 9 04 8 01 W. E. Hopkins and L. C. Hopkins place, that profession ought to prosper here nappy raatrlraocy for eleven years, and who ■V /\ 1 I i | | [ ^ To to toes at big prices; " 9 42 9 07 faithfully shared with bira joy and grief, VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY M i 11 i 1 Uly I Eggs and good Buttor «• " Winchester 11 18 11 49 qualified as administrators of the estate this Spring. Improve. P. M. A. M. happiness and woe. FOR SALE. and all other articlrs of trade at full prices. Wo also Arrive Harper's Ferry,. 12 45 1 67 of Arch. Hopkins, sr., dee'd. And now is the time when tbe old base Our sa -es say, "He who has lost the wife HARDWARE! respectfully ask all parties that have not balanced •• Washington, 4 20 bails and bats are being bunted up for use. of his youth, views tho whole world, as it SIX houses and lots, centrally located in the town their accounts in the last three months to come tor- *' Baltimore 5 30 were, with the light of despair." And again of Harrisonburg, are offered for sale • n easy terms ward (according to our well advertised terms) and pay Trains Westward: Oh I "our national game." until April first. If not sold by that time they will bo their respective bal inces due us. All parties dinre- A. M. P. M. they say, "He who has lost the wife of his gardlngthis ornvhaticuoticc may expect their accounts Leave Baltimore R 00 J. F. Voorhees' residence, on North Qer- youth, feels in his heart as if tbe Temple FOR RENT. to go into other hands. We cannot do biisinosa to any " Washington, 8 40 had been destroyed in his day." And right- They are all desirable properties, one being on e of purpose without a prompt compliance with tho termi " Harper's Ferry,.,. 12 00 the finest residences In the town. The lot on which opor which we buy ar.d sell. P. M. ly they say this. Yea, a temple, the temple It stands contains an acre of ground, upon which there " Winchester, 1 38 of his homely happiness was destroyed, for MA.II* STRISET. is an abundance of choice fruit trees, including apples, Respectfully, •• Woodstock, she no longer ministers amidst the home poaches, pears, and various kinds of grape vines. ** Mi. Jackson, who was its guardian angel. Apply to E. J. SULLIVAN, " Now Market At the Post Office, Harrisonbanr, Vs. E. SIPE " Broadway And what shall 1 say of the five mother- febS-Qminn Llnrllle, T4., Jan. i6.1878. Arrive Harrisouburg less children, who as yet do not even real- Accommodation Train Monday, Wednesday and ize what they have lost ; who do not know Saturday, only. what it is to grow up without a mother's A few Doors North of the Post-Office, LEGAL. GECRGE FILBERT'S love, to wander through life without a moth- CJOniL in Ins Ion era's BTotioe. KXCELSIOli er's care ; to grow to years without the shel- JOHN W. TAYLOR and H. H. Taylor, Administra- LOCAL AFFAIRS. tering and nursing care of a mother? tors of Zachariah Taylor, dee'd. BAKERY and C0NFECTI0NEY, vs. What shall I say of her numerous kindred John C. Walker, Executor of George Enard, doe'd., E. rOBT OmCB BVILDIKO, MAI* STBSKT, The North River Manufacturing and friends, who all clung with the most de- Q. Sanford, administrator of Andrew* Epard. dee'd., HARRISONBURG, VA. voted love to the good and noble woman ? HARRISOXEUR6, VA. Nancy Taylor, — —adruinistrator of Reuben Company.—Bridgewater is becoming She bad—a rare thing among mortals—not Epard. dee'd., ——administrator of Wm. Epard, ITHIS establishment has been put into operation at di e., Joseph Samuels and Matildaed hiswifs. Wm. a very considerable expense, and is now fitted up the great manufacturing to an enemy ; she had only friends. Her good- Morica and Mary his wife, Wesley Epard, Isaac Good- in flrst-clafiH style, and filled with a largo and superior ness of heart, her meekness made ber loved en and Elizabeth his wife. James Meadows nod stock. It is unnecessary to enter into a detail of ev- Valley. It now has three flou#.„a of every one who approached her. Sarah his wife, Andrew J Epard. John W. Epard erything to be had in this house; suffice it to say that W. ii. Epard, Armlnta Epard, Layton E. Epard, Job all goods in tho way of two woolen factories, throe or four cir Well, my friehds, "is there no balm in Naselroth. John II. Epard, John Ham and haiah R, cular saw-mills, a fertilizer factory, two Gilead, is there no physician there ?" (Jere bin wile, Thomas 8. Nomn and Mary L. hi. wif. Confectioneries, Toys and Notions miab 8, 33.) Is there no allaying for these FULL STOCKI Isaac Hlanlny and Lydey his wife, George F. Epard will bo found here, together with Tobacco, Segars, carriogo factories, a furniture factory, wounds, no comfort for this grief? Yes. and W. W. Wyaut and Matilda his wife. American and Foreign Fruits, etc. and a number of other tradesman's Where God strikes wounds He heals also. "BOTTOM" PRICES! In Chancery in the Circuit Court of Rockingham Co. 43**Special attention given to orders for Cakes. "The Lord kiileth, and maketh alive; He "On motion of the plaintiffs this cause is referred Bread, Urnamcntal and Plain Confcctiouenes, etc., for shops, &c. On tbe 7th inst. Judge jenll to me of tho Master Commissioners of this Conrt. to parties weddings, balls, pic-uics, fRira, Are. bringetb down to the grave and briugeth take an account of tho trausactiuns of t: a personal Bird granted a charter incorporating up." (1 Samuel 3, 6.) What is parted here representative of Oeorge Epard. dee'd ; an account of OYSTERS! OYSTERS! will be joined again yonder; the bands THE BOTTOM KICKED OUT OF the liabilities, U any, resting on the estate of said The Oyster Heaaou is now in full blast and my Sa- "The North River Manufacturing Com- George Epard, dee'd., and also an account of the as- loon is nightly thronged with Ladies and Gonih nun which are severed here, will be again united PRICES AT sets of said estate, either In tho hands of the personal who desire tho freshest aud best. Oysters in evory pany" at Bridgewater, for the purpose "yonder. representative or of other persons, which may be sub- stylo at a moment's notice, always fresh and of best Therefore, be comforted, mourning hus- jected to tho payment of the liabilities of said ealate, quality. ayFamilios supplied in quantities to suit. of manufacturing woolen goods, fertili- Lewis' Grocery and Produce House. or that may be held for distribution. The aaid Master Suppers arranged aud prepared lor Societies, Church- i band, thou shalt find again yonder the be- Commissioner will report In addition any other mat. es and Parties. zers, agricultural implements and oth- loved spouhe—yonder, where death can not WHETHER wo have a President or not, John 8. ters deemed material by him or that may lie required again wrest her from thee. Be comforted, ye Lewis will continue to sell Groceries aud Pro- to bo so stated by any of the parties, and' mako report HOT TEA, COFFEE & CHOCOLATE er articles and machinery. Joseph S. children of tlie departed, ye shall meet her duce. to tho next term of this Court."—Extract .from Decree. at all hours. Also Relishes, warm or cold Meats and Loose is president of the Company, J. again—the dear mother—where no more COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Fowl, and Sandwiches. „ Harrisouburg, Va., JaouiirySlst, 1877. My arrangeme ts enable mo to keep just such an W. F. Allemoug treasurer, Samuel S. parting takes place BANK ROW AHEAD 1 To all the parties to the foregoing cause and all establishment as will nccoiumodate tho wants of tho Be comforted, all ye who have stood near other persons intorestod, people of both town and county, and all are invited to Miller secretary, and Benjamin Kerlin, unto her; she is not lost unto you forever, Christmas is almost here, aud you can get CHRIST- T'nlce Notice, That I have fixed upon Saturday, give me a call. Satisfaction guaranteed. • MAS SUPPLIES at LEWIS', on Bank Row. the lOth day of February, 1877, at my offlce in Harria- Rcspcctfull). Ac., John Flory, Joel Garbor, John H. Hale, the faithful friend, for, ns the Prophet says, onburg, na tho time and place for taking Hie accounts nqynO-tf GEORGE FILBERT. "there is hope in the end." (Jeremiah 81,17) required by tho foregoing decree of tho Circuit Court Daniel W. Byerly, Daniel Kiser, J. S. And thou, noble departed, receive our last rv--p>REMEMBER, Xucwls* Prices are down to of Rockingham county, at the January term. 1877, in VKJ "BOTTOM FIGURES'" tho above named causo of Z. Taylor's Adminlatralor Loose, S S. Miller, John W. F. Alle- farewell; may thy departure be in peace vs. Oeorge E. i pard's Administrator.Ac.,at which said and in consolation with us all; and may our jft3-PRODUCE of all kinds WANTHD, and high- time and place yon are required to attend. moug and John C. Miller constitute the Heavenly Father receive thy immortal soul est market prices paid, Given under my baud aa Commissioner of said TO THE DEMANDS OF THE TIMES! Board of Directors. These are all solid, in mercy and gracionsness. Yes, Lord, grant Courtb ther day and year aforsald. her the peace which she so well has merit- REMEMBER— S '-" A. M. NEWMAN. substantial and prudent gentlemen, of ed 1 Amen I H-