What Pnce a Million Homes?

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What Pnce a Million Homes? WORKS TRANSPORT FOUKDID 18 7 2 Vol. CXXXVI. No. 3508 FEBRUARY I6. I945 9d. W E E K LY What pnce a million homes? The cost of post-war building M .E.M . had, up to the war, pro­ will largely depend upon the cost gressively reduced prices and im­ of each component. And that will proved quality and this process depend upon the way in which it goes on. is produced. Only efficient large scale production can combine low cost and quality with quantity. SWITCHGEAR M .E.M . Switch and Fuse Gear MOTOR STARTERS FUSEGEAR has shown how this can be done. ELECTRIC FIRES MIDLAND ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., TYSELEY, BIRMINGHAM, 11 London Showrooms and Stores : 21-22 Rathbone Place, W.1 • Manchester Showrooms and Stores : 48-50 Chapel St., Salford, 3 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w February 16, 19"*- _________ " INVERTED VERTICAL ISOLATION E.H.T. METALCLAD SWITCHGEAR T Y P IC A L “ IVI ” M ETA LCLAD SW ITC H B O A R D FOR H KV. 250 MVA SERVICE IV I 3 Metalclad Unit AIR YORKSHIRE CATON or COMPOUND INSULATED. SWITCHGEAR PATENTS SHORT CIRCUIT TESTED an d £rui immune/Codi) in excess of breaker rating LEEDS £ certified to BSS116/1937 TELEPHONE 5I03S/9 TELEGRAMS ”CONTROLLER up to rated capacity I OND O N OFFICE: GRAND BUILDINGS • TRAFALGAR SQ. W .C . 2 TELEPHONE No. : WHITEHALL 3530 February 16, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 1 THtVAlLlEOF CONTRAST) The greater the time spent beforehand in improving and simplifying a product—the greater the time (and cost) saved ultimate'y. Time is a quantitative factor, and any overdrafts on it by Heatrae in progressive design represent ultimate “ credits” to subsequent Maintenance costs. As the Latins once said TIME PROVES ALL THINGS LEADERS IN ELECTRIC WATER HEATING HEATRAE LTD., NORWICH PHONE : NORWICH 25131 GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH Tu WESTMINSTER ENI. CO. Lu. SOUND TERMINAL WITHOUT SOLDER Victoria Road, Willesden Junction, N.W.IO Telephone : Telegrams : W illesden 1700-1 “ Regency, Phone, London Suitable for Telephone Lines FOR CABLES S IZ E S FR O M A N D W IR E S 5 t o f " OF ALL KINDS HOLE ROSS COURTNEY & Co. Ltd. ASHBROOK ROAD, LONDON, N.I9 BRIDGE SUPPORTS A batch of Pedestal Type single-ended “ WESTMINSTER” PATENT SCALING MACHINES For removing the scale from 2 surfaces on one edge of plate simultaneously, preparatory to welding. MCLand REPETITION LTD. The grinding wheels are self-adjusting for varying Pool Lane Lanqleg Birmingham. th ick n ess A 2 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w February 10, i ARDIMG ? f l a t t e n s Electric POWER is a m i g h t Y sinew of the nation's effort. It must be GUARDED against leakage. Tullis Russell Rothmill Cable Insulating Papers are called upon by leading cable manu­ facturers to perform this task, and it is carried out admirably by these renowned, uniformly high-quality insulating papers. liothmill Papers are guaran­ teed free from metals and grit. Write for details of the com plete range. ROTHIIIILL CABLE INSULATING PAPER T u r C o .t t d . Auchmuty & Rothe9 Paper Mills, Markinch, Scotland LONDON MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM I Tudor St.. 372 Corn Exchange 116 Coin»''**« R/'«» R C 4 Rides Cnrooratinn fit February 16, 1 945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 3 Time dries not I ' tell on a Cro m )i to n Meter CRom PTon^pRRKinson limited ELECTRA HOUSE, VICTORIA EMBANKMENT, LONDON, W . C . 2 , an d B r a n c h er 4 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w February 16, 1945 QjINNINjQ ^ EO.UIPMENT ^ FOR HARD CHROME DEPOSITION For reclaiming and building up Engineering products. Cams, crankplns, crankshafts, gears, bearings, piston rods, cylinders for internal combustion engines, gauges, dies, moulds, etc. Let us help you with your reclamation i l l (& C° LTP w problems. GREAT HAMPTON STREET, BIRMINGHAM II February 16, 1945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 5 M l 43 Theirs is the present who can praise the past Shenstone W i t h justifiable pride the Alton Company casts a glance backward. Its record is of great achievement in the field of high- grade storage battery manufacture, service reliability and efficiency. The traditions sur­ rounding the name of Alton are being fully maintained by the present performance of Alton batteries in many installations of vital importance. ALTON BATTERIES OF MERIT THE ALTON BATTERY CO. LTD. (Sole Suppliers of FULLER Stationary Batteries) ALTON, HANTS. Telephone: Alton 226 7 and 2268 Telegrams : ‘Battery, Alton ’ 6 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w February 16, 1945 ELECTRONIC — — i f e VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE '"’WlTH HAND OR COMPLETE AUTOMATIC CONTROL FOR ALL VARIABLE SPEED POWER DRIVES fin m A.C. S I By means "ClaA&fieeeCJbAive- Illustration shows automatic “ Varispeed” Drive on “ Lancaster” spar boom milling machine, the latter having multiple “ Varispeed ” motors, the one shown giving 75 B-H .P. Write for descriptive leaflet from the patentees THE ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION C?LTP WOLVERHAMPTON. 'Jelephjon.e 2!455i7fc«^. February 16, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 7 S t o p F l u e D u s t E m i s s i o n Full particulars are given in our post free booklet— C/1494. S t u r t e v a n t E n g in e e r in g C o . Lt d . 25, W o r c e s t e r R o a d , S u t t o n , S u r r e y Telephone : Vigilant 2275 8 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w February 16, 1945 Designed and manufactured by Specialists with over 40 years’ experience still stands as the unequalled name for u n e domestic electric heating appliances . Kettles, Fires, Irons, Toasters, Coffee Percolators, etc. PREMIER ELECTRIC HEATERS LTD., BIRMINGHAM, 9 February 16, 1945 Electrical Review • Foil ANY VERTICAL HEAD • F o r temperatures it » t o t h e r a t e » m a x i m u m SANDWICH'type BRfTÇH PATENT No. 364710 ( PAPE R IA SU L AT EI» ) Obtainable with any of the standard paper GABLES insulated cable finishes. are recommended for all indoor mains wiring as well as for the more arduous service such as Pit Shaft Cables and Rising Mains for which they were originally developed. Available to current British Standards for paper insulated cables up to 3-3kV and at no extra cost. L GUARANTEED NOT TO SEEP OR RLEED BRITISH INSULATED CABLES LTD. TelephoL 0X 6571 Head Office : PRESCOT, LANCS. SURREY HOUSE, EMBANKMENT, W.C.2. s iq45 10 Electrical Review February W e have a wide range of Standard 2, 3, and 4 W ay Terminal Blocks to meet the requirements of manufacturers of electrical equipment. W e have designed and produced many mouldings for the Electrical Trade, and these are some of the few which we can still manufacture for present-day needs. However, we look forward to the time when we shall be solving your post-war problems, assisted by the extensive knowledge we are gaining in manufacturing to exacting war-time specifications. INSULATORS LTD ftU M A xli+ tjys o f /M eA jLt L E O P O L D R O A D . E D M O N T O N . L O N D O N . N 18 . P H O N E : T O T 149) ( 4 , in e l) February 1 6 , 1 9 4 5 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 11 T1IE SINGLE-DISC POLYPHASE METER d ' t t m o v w w c a n l y e o é t à i n e a j p x m % w u w t i F.183 FERRANTI Ltd., Hollinwood, Lancs. LONDON OFFICE: KERN HOUSE, KINGSWAY, W.C.2 F e b ru a ry 16. 1^45 12 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w Hi ¿ L J t y F O R EVERY 1 H D U 5 T R I A L SITUATION L.D.C. Flameproof Motors (Buxton Certified) Driving Benzol Pumps ■ . __________ LANCASHIRE DYNAMO 4 CRYPTO LTD TRAFFORD PARK. MANCHESTER.lA IN E H tSltK . 171/ WII I CCrxtKi , ^ „ Associated Compon.cs WILLESDEN. LONDON. N.W.IO FOSTER TRANSFORMERS & SWITCHGEAR LTD CRYPTQN EQUIPMENT LTD February 1 6 , 1 9 4 5 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 13 FOSTER INSTRUMENT TRANSFORM E RS FOSTER TRANSFORMERS & SWITCHOEAR Ltd (I ncorporating FOSTER ENGINEERING COMPANY) SOUTH W IM BLEDO N LO N D O N S.W.I9. Asociated Companies: Lancashire Dynamo & Crypto Ltd. Crypton Equipment Ltd. 14 Electrical Review F e b r u a r y 16. 1 ^4 All t h is talk about the power of electricity cuts no ice with M e s s rs . Volt and Amp and Mr. and Mrs. Watt. What they’d like is a little bit of freedom, but they haven’t a chance when they come up against a p ie c e of Mica or Micanite or Paxolin or Panilax or Empire Tape, all of which are made by the Micanite and Insulators THE y 'VEG o t people for v S T A P r r x manufacturers ^ * / / and others, who must keep electricity in its proper place.
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