Joyce's Heirs
Joyce’s Heirs: Joyce’s Imprint on Recent Global Literatures Editor: Olga Fernández Vicente Co-editors: Mari Mar Boillos Pereira Richard Jorge Fernández Paulo Kortazar Billelabeitia CIP. Biblioteca Universitaria Joyce’s heirs [Recurso electrónico] : Joyce’s imprint recent global literatures / editor, Olga Fernández Vicente … [et al.]. – Datos. – Bilbao : Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argital- pen Zerbitzua = Servicio Editorial, [2019]. 1 recurso en línea : PDF (167 p.) Modo de acceso: World Wide Web. ISBN: 978-84-9860-727-7. 1. Joyce, James,1882-1941 - Crítica e interpretación. I. Fernández Vicente, Olga, ed. (0.034)820JOYCE1.06 JOY Debekatuta dago liburu hau osorik edo partez kopiatzea, bai eta tratamendu tronikoz, mekanikoz, fotokopiaz, erregistroz edo beste edozein eratara, baldin eta copyrightaren jabeek ez badute horretarako baimena aldez aurretik eta idatziz eman. UPV/EHUko Euskara Zerbitzuak sustatua eta zuzendua, Euskarazko ikasmaterial- gintza sustatzeko deialdiren bitartez. Diseño de portada: Susana Jodra © Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad del País Vasco ISBN: 978-84-9860-727-7 Foreword We would like to give special thanks to the research team in LAIDA Literatura eta Identitatea Ikerketa Taldea. Their contribution, which can be found in https://www.ehu. eus/es/web/laida/helburua, to the research in Basque literature in a bilingual context, the relationship between literature, gender and identity, and the construction of national identities has been, and is, a paramount example of expertise and dedication. The editors would also like to express their heartfelt thanks to Dr Jon Kortazar Uriarte, professor of Basque Literature at UPV/EHU and main researcher for the LAIDA team, for his invaluable help, without which this volume would have never been published.
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