2006 ICA Officer Nominations Must Be Made by February 20 Publications
Vol. 34, No. 1 January/February 2006 2006 ICA Officer Nominations Must Be Made by February 20 Members wanting to submit nomina- United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Pales- kins U; Karen J. Ross, Coventry U; and tions for the Fall 2006 ICA officer elec- tine, Arab League, Afghanistan, Azer- Caja J. Thimm, U of Bonn. Questions tions have until February 20 (deadline baijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, on the nominating process may be di- for receipt) to do so. In those elections, Myanmar, Cambodia, India, Indone- rected to Sandi Smith at smiths@msu. ICA will choose a president-elect-se- sia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mal- edu. lect, a student board member, and two dives, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sin- board members-at-large. Under the gapore, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Send nominations to arrive no later protocol adopted in 2000 to promote Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and than February 20, 2006, to: better worldwide representation on Vietnam. the ICA board, one of this year’s board members-at-large must come from the Any ICA member may nominate any Dr. Sandi Smith East Asia region, and the other from other ICA member for office. Nomi- Michigan State U West & South Asia region. nations must include a letter of nomi- Department of Communication nation and statement about the candi- East Lansing, MI 48824 The East Asia region, as designat- date’s credentials and record of service USA ed by the UNESCO Statistical Year- to ICA. Nominees will be asked to pro- book, includes China, Hong Kong, Ja- vide a vita and list of references. pan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Ko- Online balloting will open on Septem- rea, South Korea, and Taiwan.
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