Appendix a Table of Indigenous Plant Resources and Their

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Appendix a Table of Indigenous Plant Resources and Their Appendix A Table of Indigenous Plant Resources and their Documentation at the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site and the Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site 1080 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Abies bifolia X Abies lasiocarpa X X Abies sp. X Abronia fragrans X X Acer glabrum X Acer negundo X X X Achillea lanulosa X X Achillea millefolium X X X Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis X Acorus calamus X X Actaea arguta X Actaea rubra X Actaea rubra ssp. arguta X Aesculus glabra var. arguta X Agastache anethiodora X Agastache foeniculum X Agastache pallidiflora ssp. Neomexicana X Agastache spp. X Agave americana X Agave parryi X Agoseris sp. X Allium acuminatum X Allium bisceptrum X Allium brevistylum X Allium canadense X X Allium drummondii X Allium nuttallii X Allium schoenoprasum var. sibiricum X Allium sibiricum X Allium spp. X Alycine apion X Amaranthu gracizans X Amaranthus blitoides X Amaranthus retroflexus X X X Ambrosia artemisiifolia X X Ambrosia psilostachya X X X X X Ambrosia spp. X Ambrosia trifida X X Amelanchier alnifolia X X X Amorpha angustifolia X Amorpha fruticosa X Amphiachyris dracunculoides X Amsinckia tesselata X Anaphalis margaritacea X Anaphalis margaritacea var subalpina X Andropogon gerardii X Andropogon scoparius X Anemone nuttalliana X 1081 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Angelica ampla X Antennaria dimorpha X Antennaria parvifolia X Antennaria rosea X Antennaria sordida X Apios tuberosum X Apocynum cannabinum X X X Arabis glabra X Arabis holboelli X Arctium lappa tussilago X Arctostaphylos uva-ursi X X Argemone intermedia X Argemone polyanthemos X X X Argropyrum repens X Artemesia campestris X Artemisia filifolia X X X X Artemisia frigida X X Artemisia gnaphalodes X Artemisia ludovicana var. incompta X Artemisia ludoviciana X X X X X Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana X X Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana X Artemisia ludoviciana var gnaphalodes X Artemisia sp. X Artemisia spp. X Artemisia tridentata X Artemisia vulgaris X Artiplex canescens X X Artiplex spp. X Asclepia speciosa X Asclepias sp. X X Asclepias speciosa X X X Asclepidiora decumbens X Aspidium filix-mas X Aster cusickii X X Aster foliaceus X Aster novae-angliae X Asteraceae spp. X Astragalus canadensis X Astragalus iodanthus X Astragalus laxmannii var. robustior X Astragalus nitidus X Astragalus sp. X X Balsamorhiza incana X Balsamorhiza sagittata X X Beckmannia erucaeformis X Berbascum thapsus X Berberis repens X X 1082 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Berberis vulgaris X Betula occidentalis X X Boletis edulis X Bothriochloa saccharoides X X Bouteloua curtipendula X X X Bouteloua hirsuta X X Boykinia jamesii X Brauneria angustifolia X Brayodendron texanum X Bromus catharticus X Bursa bursa-pastoris X Cactaceae spp. X Caesalpinia jamesii X Callirhoe involucrata X X Calochortus gunnisonii X X Calochortus nuttallii X Camassia escuelenta X Camassia quamash X Camassia scilloides X Campanula rotundifolia X Campanula spp. X Capsella bursa-pastoris X X Capsella divaricata X Carex jamesii X Carex nebrascensis X X Carom gairdneri X Carya illinoinensis X X Carya pecan X Cassia occidentali X Castilleja parviflora X Castilleja sessiliflora X Castilleja, spp. X Caulanthus hastatus X Ceanothus americanus X Ceanothus velutinous X Celtis laevigata X Celtis occidentalis X X Centaurea americana X Cephalanthus occidentalis X X Cerasus demissa melanocarpa X Cercis canadensis X Chamoenerion angustifolium X Chenopodiaceae spp. X X Chenopodium album X X X X Chenopodium berlandieri X Chrysobotrya odorata X Chrysopsis foliosa X Chrysopsis villosa X 1083 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Chrysothamnus nauseosus X X Chrysothamnus spp. X Cicuta maculata var. angustifolia X Cirsium edule X Cirsium ochrocentrum X Cirsium spp. X Cirsium undulatum X X X Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus X X Citrulus vulgaris X X Claytonia caroliniana X Cleome serrulata X Cogswellia orientalis X Cogswellia sp. X Collinsia parviflora X Comandra pallida X Comandra umbellata ssp. pallida X X Coreopsis trinctoria X Cornus asperifolia X Cornus sericea ssp. sericea X Cornus stolonifera X X X Coryphantha sp. X Coryphantha vivipara X Cowania mexicana X Crataegus douglasii X Crataegus oxyacantha X Crataegus sp. X Crataegus spp. X Croton monanthogynus X Croton texensis X X Cryptantha sericea X Cucurbita foetidissima X X X X X Cucurbita sp. X Curcurbita siceraria X Cymopteris longipes X Cymopterus acaulis X X Cymopterus, spp. X Cyperus schweinitzii X Cystopteris fragilis X Dalea candida var. oligophylla X X Dalea enneandra X X Dalea purpurea var. purpurea X X Dasiphora floribunda X Dasiphora fruticosa X Delphinium bicolor X Delphinium carolinianum ssp. virescens X Delphinium menziesii X Delphinium virescens X X Descurainia pinnata ssp. pinnata X X 1084 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Dichanthelium oligosanthes var. scribnerianum X Diospyros texana X Diospyros virginiana X Draba nemorosa X Dugaldia hoopesii X Echinacea angustifolia X Echinacea angustifolia var. angustifolia X Echinacea pallida X X Echinacea sp. X Elaeagnus commutata X Elaegnus argentea X Eleocharis palustris X X X Eleocharis sp. X X Eleocharis spp. X Elymus canadensis X X X X Elymus sp. X Elymus spp. X Epilobium angustifoilus X Equisetum arvense X X X X Equisetum hyemale X Equisetum laevigatum X Eragrostis purshii X Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa X X Erigeron canus X X Erigeron divergens X X Erigeron peregrinus ssp. callianthemus X X Erigeron philadelphicus X X Erigeron salsuginosus X X Erigonum spp. X X Eriogonum annuum X X Eriogonum jamesii X X Eriogonum longifolium X X Eriogonum ovalifolium X Eriogonum subalpinum X Eriogonum umbellatum X Eriogonum umbellatum var. majus X Erodium cicutarium X Erysimium asperum X X Erythronium grandiflorum X Escobaria vivipara var. vivipara X Eupatorium maculatum X Euphorbia marginata X X X Evernia vulpine X Fabaceae spp. X X Ferula multifida X Fragaria americana X Fragaria glauca X Fragaria vesca X 1085 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Fragaria virginiana X Frasera speciosa X X Fraxinus pennsylvanica X X X Fritillaria atropurpurea X Fritillaria pudica X Fungae X Gaillardia aristata X Gaillardia pulchella X X Galium boreale X Gallardia aristata X Gentiana luteau X Geranium caespitosum X Geranium richardsonii X X Geranium spp. X Gilia aggregata X Gilia congesta X Gilia gracilis X Glaux maritime X Glycyrrhiza lepidota X X X X Grass X Grayia polygaloides X Grindelia robusta X Grindelia squarrosa X X X X X Grossularia setosa X Gutierrezia sarothrae X X X X Guttierezia euthamiae X Hedysarum boreale ssp. mackenziei X Hehpano lycoperdon sp. X Helenium autumnale X X Helenium hoopesii X Helenium microcephalum X Helianthus annuus X X X X X Helianthus sp. X Helianthus tuberosus X Heracleum maximum X Heracleum sphondylium var. lanatum X Heterotheca villosa var. villosa X Heuchera cylindrica var. alpina X Heuchera ovalifolia X Heuchera richardsonii X Hierochloe hirta X Hierochloe odorata X X Hoffmanseggia jamesii X Horkelia gordonii X Hydrastis canadensis X Hydrophyllum capitatum X Ilex sp. X Ipomoea leptophylla X X X X X 1086 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Ipomopis congesta X Iva axillaris X X X Ivesia gordonii X Juglans nigra X X Juncus balticus X X X X Juniperus californica X Juniperus communis X Juniperus communis var. montana X X Juniperus horizontalis X Juniperus pinchotii X Juniperus scopulorum X X Juniperus sibirica X X Juniperus uthhensis X Juniperus virginiana X X Junisperus monosperma X Koeleria cristata X Koeleria macrantha X Krynitzkia sercea X Lagenaria siceraria X Lathyrus ornatus X Lepargyraea argentea X Lepargyraea canadensis X Lepidium sativum X Lepidum internmedium X Leptotaenia multifida X X Lespedeza capitata X Letharia vulpina X Lewisia rediviva X Leymus cinereus X Liatris punctata X X X Lichen spp. X X Linnum lewsii X Lithospermum angustifolium X Lithospermum inciscum X X X Lithospermum linearifolium X Lithospermum pilosum X Lithospermum ruderale X X Lomatium X Lomatium dissectum var. multifidum X X X Lomatium orientale X Lomatium sp. X Lomatium spp. X Lophophora williamsii X X X X X Lycoperdon spp. X Lycoperdon spp. X Lygodesmia juncea X X X X Lygodesmia spinosa X Maclura pomifera X X 1087 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Madia glomerata X Mahonia repens X X Malvastrum coccineum X X Malvastrum munroanum X Matelea biflora X Matelea cynanchoides X Matricaria discoidea X X Matricaria discoidea var matricarioides X Melia azedarach X Mentha arvensis X X X Mentha arvensis var. canadenis X X Mentha penardi X Mentha sp. X Mentzelia laevicaulis X Mentzelia nuda X X Mertensia ciliata X X Mertensia spp. X Monarda fistulosa X X Monarda fistulosa var. menthifolia X Monarda pectinata X Morus rubra X Nasturtium officinale X Nicotiana sp. X Nicotiana spp. X Nuphar lutea ssp. advena X Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala X Nuphar polysepalum X Nymphaea sp. X Nymphea polysepala X Oenothera rhombipetala X Onosmodium molle ssp. Occidentale X Onosmodium occidentale X Oplopanax horridus X Opuntia macrohiza X X Opuntia polyacantha X X Opuntia sp. X X Opuntia spp. X Orogem linearifolia X Orthocarpus luteus X Oryzopsis hymenoides X Osmorhiza berteroi X Osmorhiza longistylis X Osmorhiza spp. X Oxalis stricta X Oxalis violacea X Oxtropis lambertii X Oxytropis sericea X Oxytropis sp. X X 1088 Plant Species Arap. Chey. Com. Kiowa Ute BEOL SCNHL Oxytropis splendens X Oxytropis spp. X Pachystima myrsinites X Padus virginiaus X Panax quiquefolium X Panicum scrinerianum X Parnassia fimbriata X Paronychia jamesii X Parthenocissus quinquefolia X Paspalum setaceum X Paspalum strmineum X Pedicularis groenlandica X Pediocactus simpsonii X Pediomelum argophyllum X Pediomelum esculentum X Pediomelum hypogaeum var. hypogaeum X X Penstemon grandiflorus X Penstemon spp. X Pentstemon glaber X Perideridia gairdneri X X X Perideridia qaidneri X Petalostemon oligophyllum X Petalostemum purpureumi X Phacelia menziesii X Phlox gracilis ssp. gracilis X Phlox longifolia X Phlox multiflora X Phlox spp.
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