Headteacher’s Report September 2015

Factual information about our school  We have 106 children on roll. Class 4 Lucy Martindale 1.0 (+ Katharine Charter and Adam Hill ) 28 children 15 Year 6, 13 Year 5 Class 3 Alison Cotton 0.8 Katharine Charter 0.2 Amy Miles covering PPA ( Louise Clarke ) 29 children 16 Year 4, 13 Year 3 Class 2 Maddy Allen 0.5 Nerys Steeds 0.6 (Isabelle Wheeler) 30 children 15 Year 2, 15 Year 1 Class 1 Amy Miles 0.4 Lorraine Patterson 0.6 (Clare Baess ) 19 children (Reception). Maddy is doing an extra morning teaching Computing on Wednesday. Lorraine works on Thursday doing French ,PPA and SEN . Gwen is on maternity leave: having had a baby boy, Monty, in June .

We have several children with greater needs in Class 2 so we have increased the teaching assistant support to include every afternoon.

We have 5 children on our Inclusion Register for Special Needs and no children who receive free school meals or qualify for pupil premium (we have one child who receives pupil premium plus.)

Characteristics of school  At the end of term we said goodbye to 13 children in Year 6: ten went to , one to JFK Catholic School , one to Aylesbury High School, and one to .  Six children left the school in other years – one went to , two to School, one went to Potten End and two to  25 children joined our school in September 19 in Reception and 6 in other years – in the first week of term we had continual phone calls for places but unfortunately we were not able to accommodate them .

Leadership and management Our role this term is to digest the new expectations from OFSTED .The expectation is that “leaders and governors have created a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel.” This means that governors have a clear understanding of the school and are quick to question when they want to learn more. For our school it means that we are expected to “extend the sharing of leadership and outstanding teaching skills with other schools, as identified in development planning ” and we need to achieve this without threatening the quality of what our children receive . At the moment Lorraine and Nerys are working as leading teachers and I am a Professional Partner to two local Heads .We also have visitors from other schools and other environments who come to our school to help and observe.

Next Steps We need to reflect on how our Governing Body works so it is ready for the future challenges. We have invited two external advisers to help us with this –our SIP Rebecca Roberts and Kathy Dunnett from School Governance (I am hoping you have those dates in your diary .)

Quality of teaching, learning ,assessment We are very fortunate because we have staff who enjoy teaching and are eager to improve their skills and children who are ready to learn. In classroom observations this term, all the lessons I have seen I have rated as “good” or better. It is very evident that staff have high expectations for each child. We employ people to assist the staff in developing our children’s potential : Tiffani Vineyard teaches ukuleles and drumming to our KS2 and Mary –Ann Morton, a speech therapist , works with a number of children with speech and language difficulties . Observation of teachers this term will concentrate on aspects of the School Development Plan. Teachers now in a management position will be formally observing others. A significant amount of transition work was done at the end of term. Lorraine and Amy went on home visits for new Reception children, teachers met to discuss new children, and staff spent time with teachers from Tring, Aylesbury and JFK passing on information.

Pupil Premium Progress 2015 There were two children in the school who received pupil premium and pupil premium plus last summer. They both made good progress in all subjects. One of these has now left

SEN Although we have less children with SEND needs this year we do have a couple of children in Class 2 who are being externally assessed this term who have Speech and Language related needs. For this reason we have extended Isabelle Wheeler’s hours so that she can assist Class 2 in the afternoons so there are always two adults in the class. We continue to have support from The local SpLd Centre , now based at Thomas Coram Junior School .

Staff training – Lucy –MAST maths training ,New Assessment for Year 6 Amy - PE Leadership Qualification Level 6 Nerys and Lorraine –Leading Teacher training Charis –Introduction to the New OFSTED Framework, Maddy- e-safety , Computing for KS2, teaching PE to KS1 Izzi – ELKAN training

Nick ,Lorraine and Charis are attending the WRAP training (preventing people being drawn into terrorism.)

Next Steps We need to improve our results in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling at the end of KS2. We need to develop a greater confidence using the new Herts system of assessment. We have signed onto the EYFS pilot called Early Excellence and we need to be prepared to provide the environment that our 19 new Reception children need..

Personal development ,behaviour and welfare and Social ,Moral ,Spiritual and Cultural Development (SMSC)

PE –Sports Funding We are part of the local Sports Partnership again with the money provided by the government. Through this we will have access to even more sports opportunities for the children. We have appointed two sports ambassadors and two health ambassadors ( Year 6 children) who are going to a training day in Hatfield, to ensure that every child has every opportunity to enjoy being fit. We are in the GameOn league for football . Arts Links Last year we ran a very successful culture challenge, in which all children took part. We recently went to see the ballet “Romeo and Juliet” in the Royal Opera House . We have estabilished a link with the Tring Arts Educational School who will be coming to work with our KS2 children for 4 sessions. We have two Arts Ambassadors. Other Links with Parents “ hands-on sessions” for parents of Class 1 “Meet the teacher” for Class 2,3 ,4 parents’ consultations class and whole school assemblies parents supporting Spelling Tuesdays , reading with individuals ,going with Class 3 swimming etc

We are very fortunate that our PTA, the Friends are so successful at raising money for the school. Extra sports activities taught by outside coaches: Monday: Game On Class 3 Football; Class 4 Football Tuesday: Class 3 Swimming at Sports Centre

Clubs : Monday - lunchtime football KS1, after school football KS2, gardening club, French club (guitar) Tuesday – before school dodgeball (pm piano ) Wednesday – before school streetdance (pm recorder) Thursday – after school art club,Netball club (pm violin, drums ) Friday – before school running club

Links with our village Church : The Revd John Russell (Vicar of Little Gaddesden) takes assembly once a week .We will have our Harvest Celebration on Monday 5th October at 9.15 in the Church.

Other visitors to work with the children : David Russell (Minister of Berkhamsted Baptist Church , Sophie Ayres (visited for 2 weeks pre-PGCE ) Rachel Willacy ( on placement for 2 years studying for Level 2 Childcare )

Visitors to see adults: Rebecca Roberts (SIP ), Lucky Khera, EYFS Advisor Clare South ,Head of Long Marston , Andrew Morris ,Head of Potten End School , Nicholas Read,Head of Gaddesden Row to work with Charis

Next steps We need to do more training of children , parents ,staff and governors of e-safety .Maddy will be working with children in KS2 but we have also invited an Advisor from HfL to help us with this. Because this is an issue for all schools at the moment he cannot visit until April .

Outcomes for pupils (Results Summer 2015 for EYFS , can be seen in excel attachment)

Early Years Provision A new canopy has been installed outside Class 1. Staff would like to extend the surface as far as the path, particularly as we now have more children. We also need to provide storage outside which the children can access.

Charis Geoghegan September 2015


Signed :

Appendix 1 OFSTED Descriptors for a rating of “Outstanding” for the effectiveness of Leadership and Management

Leaders and governors have created a culture that enables pupils and staff to excel. They are committed unwaveringly to setting high expectations for the conduct of pupils and staff. Relationships between staff and pupils are exemplary. Leaders and governors focus on consistently improving outcomes for all pupils, but especially for disadvantaged pupils. They are uncompromising in their ambition. The school’s actions have secured substantial improvement in progress for disadvantaged pupils. Progress is rising across the curriculum, including in English and mathematics. Governors systematically challenge senior leaders so that the effective deployment of staff and resources, including the pupil premium, the primary PE and sport premium and SEN funding, secures excellent outcomes for pupils. Governors do not shy away from challenging leaders about variations in outcomes for pupil groups, especially between disadvantaged and other pupils. Leaders and governors have a deep, accurate understanding of the school’s effectiveness informed by the views of pupils, parents and staff. They use this to keep the school improving by focusing on the impact of their actions in key areas. Leaders and governors use incisive performance management that leads to professional development that encourages, challenges and supports teachers’ improvement. Teaching is highly effective across the school. Staff reflect on and debate the way they teach. They feel deeply involved in their own professional development. Leaders have created a climate in which teachers are motivated and trusted to take risks and innovate in ways that are right for their pupils. The broad and balanced curriculum inspires pupils to learn. The range of subjects and courses helps pupils acquire knowledge, understanding and skills in all aspects of their education, including the humanities and linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technical, social, physical and artistic learning. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, within this, the promotion of fundamental British values, are at the heart of the school’s work. Leaders promote equality of opportunity and diversity exceptionally well, for pupils and staff, so that the ethos and culture of the whole school prevents any form of direct or indirect discriminatory behaviour. Leaders, staff and pupils do not tolerate prejudiced behaviour. Safeguarding is effective. Leaders and managers have created a culture of vigilance where pupils’ welfare is actively promoted. Pupils are listened to and feel safe. Staff are trained to identify when a pupil may be at risk of neglect, abuse or exploitation and they report their concerns. Leaders and staff work effectively with external partners to support pupils who are at risk or who are the subject of a multi-agency plan. Leaders’ work to protect pupils from radicalisation and extremism is exemplary. Leaders respond swiftly where pupils are vulnerable to these issues. High quality training develops staff’s vigilance, confidence and competency to challenge pupils’ views and encourage debate.

Appendix 2 Teachers Performance Management Sept 2015 (all staff are set 3 performance management targets but it is common practice only to share teacher’s targets.

 Ensure 89% of children in the EYFS achieve a “good” level of development.  Support other schools by being a leading teacher.  Improve the EYFS outside area so that it is “fir for purpose”  32% of children “exceed expectations” in the prime areas of learning in the EYFS  Complete the Level 6 qualification in PE leadership  Work with the four new Ambassadors so they promote health and fitness  80% of children achieve expected level in GPS  Produce a Christmas production of Joseph and his Technicolor Dreamcoat  Lead the development of English assessment through the school  Support the school in the understanding of how assessment works in context.  Support the Head in creating an even more knowledgeable and professional governing body  All children leave our school “secondary ready.”  Undertake the first year of the MAST course  Become maths co-ordinator  40% of children exceed age related expectations in maths  Gain a clear understanding of the computing course for KS2  Lead the understanding of e-safety throughout the school