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Property of the Watertown Historical Society •3) n$s s: as* H o wrja XTtmee i-9 m-i: • • me Timely Coverage Of News In-The-Fastest Growing Community In Litehfield County ffi-H Vol. 42 No. 5 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SI2.00 PER YEAR Cur.. Rt. P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS Feb. 5, .i:~ . Funding Supported s For Hiring Former Authority Chairman Watertown will join with area ject, in Hartford, or elsewhere. David Brown, formerCRRA chair- municipalities troubled by solid Gordon, James, Republican Town man, as a refuse consultant. waste disposal problems in hiring, Council chairman, told the board at Mr. James said Mr. Brown would a. consultant, to review the capacities its meeting Monday night the Coun- investigate the communities1 in-, and, capabilities of the communities cil, of Governments (COG) for the dividual refuse needs and how planning to send refuse to the Con- Central Naugatuck 'Valley region is they're, planning on, solving them. necticul Resources Recovery recommending affected towns con- He could make further recommen- QUIETLY LISTENING 'TO' AN EXPLANATION from the Town Authority's Mid-Connecticut Pro- tribute $300 each toward retaining dations to them,. Council at its Monday night meeting are Vincent Palladium, left, and "We wouldn't be able to get his son Eric, of 433 Woodbury Road. The two broached a matter of anyone better for that amount," .Mr. possible conflict of interest with regards to Norman Stephen, Charter James said. Revision Commission chairman. (Valuckas Photo) Mrs. Giordan Next Speaker The Council last month agreed to sign a 20-\ear pact with CRRA to The second lecture in the writings, mostly on nature, ha\e ap- have Watedown's garbage shipped Catholic- Schools Week At February series of the Friends of peared in man) newspapers and to a trash-to-energy plant the Watertown Libiary is schedul- magazines, including the Christian under construction in Hartford's St. John *s Winding Down ed for Tuesday. Feb 10, at 12 noon Science Monitor, New York Times, south meadows. The town current- at the Mam Street library, 470 Main Hartford Courant, Boston Globe, ly sends its solid waste to the Laurel, A prayer service 'in, each grade1' to- ed to dress up. At 10:30 a.m , the St. America, and Satin day Review Park Landfill in Naugatuck. day (Thursday) will mark the Fourth, school contingent- will gather in Featured will be Alma Roberts She is a regular feature writer for About 60 tons per da> are day of activities •for" St. John's " front of the 574 Main St. church for Giordan, a lifelong resident of the Sunday Republican Magazine, generated by the community and School as it. celebrates the Feb. 1-7 a balloon launch. Watertown whose subject tor the the Litehfield County Tunes, and deposited into a transfer station at Catholic Schools Week. Each grade will send up bal- "My Favorite" series will be North cast Magazin e. Herhusband, the town's old landfill off Hamilton The theme of the activities for loons, Rocket papers that were "Poetry." Robert Giordan, regularly il- Avenue, where it is packed and 1987 has been "Catholic Schools prepared Tuesday will, be placed in She attended local schools and is trucked to Laurel Park. a container that will, be buried in the (Contmued on page 2) Touch the Future Through Him, a professional freelance writer. Her There was a sparse turnout at a spring... With Him, and. In Him." : Jan. 8 public hearing considering Throughout today, prayer ser- - In 1992, future dreams and the proposal to join CRRA, which vices will be taking place in each •desires will be brought up from the the Council later approved. grade. Parents, grandparents, ground and reviewed by the The $300 for the consultant will •relatives, and friends are invited to students. On ""Touch the Future come from solid waste funding. Day" (Tuesday) earlier this week, join in prayer. Industrial Park students were to have prepared a The students, will be having a piz- A public hearing was set Monday short paragraph about their future za lunch as a special treat. by the Council for Wednesday Feb. Tomorrow (Friday) will be "Stu- (Continued on page 6) 25, to give residents a chance to dent Day," with pupils being allow- comment on the SI.4 million Water- town Industrial Park plan otf Depot Vacation Specials Noted Street. The proposal would de\etop a new road and construct a small in- By Recreation. Department dustrial park. Town officials want to have the plan listed on an April The Parks and Recreation De- held at Swift Junior High School. referendum partment will be sponsoring a slew 250Colonial St., Oakvllle, from 10 If the project is appro\ed by of special programs next .week to to 1.1:30 a.m. voters—who must fund the entire help vacationing students fill up the The contest is open, to Grades 1-8 bill at first—the state Department of long week with activities and. give for individual or team entries. Rib- bons go to the winners; • Economic Development will reim- their parents a. break at home. • burse the community for half the Indoor ice skating will 'take place The schedule is as follows: cost. The Seimon Co. is coop- Monday, Feb. 9—A snow at the Taft School. Mays Rink, LETTING THE COMMUNITY KNOW i VH t tie Valentine Cancer sculpture contest: (providing the Guemseytown Road, from 12 noon Type-A-Thon are Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Chapter (Continued on, page 2) snow out there doesn't melt) will be to 1 p.m. A fee is required... members, Tina Bellerive, left, project chairwoman, and, chapter presi- A splash party will end the first dent Ron Conti. Pledges will be solicited through Feb. 1.8. (Valuckas Help Clear Snow Inside day of vacationing specials. It will Photo) Automotive - page- 18 be held at the Watertown High From Sidewalte Bethiehem News 23 School pool,. 324 French St., from.. Births.. ...5 2 to.4 p.m. ' • .. •.- FBLA Students Sponsoring The Public, Works Department, Bridge Club, 15 Tuesday, Feb. .70—A bingo party chief is reminding; residents, to 'beep ' Calendars 12 &. 19 will be held in the Swift cafeteria Type-A-Thon For Society sidewalks .in, front, of their homes Churches 10 * .// from 10 a.m.-to 12 noon. The'game and businesses clear, of snow. Classifieds • 26 is open, to Grades 1-3. Prizes will Watertown High School students rect word, a minute rate; is 25, 'then Philip Deleppo, "public works Dining Out .14, 15 & 16 be awarded. • • . are going to be asked, if they can. $3.75 will be collected. director, said it. is especially impor- Dr. Craig Czarsty 7 'Rollerskating will, take place at "type to stomp out cancer." Timings will be administered, by tant to keep the walks, clear for Jamie Mclaughlin .18 'Valley Rollermagic, GO Han-ester On, Thursday and. Friday, Feb. 18 'the.typing teachers who will certify school youngsters so they do- not John Rowland. - .17 Road, Walerbury, from 1 to 4:30' and 19, the FBLA (Future Business all -scores before students collect: have to> walk, in the road. The Police" Department notes 'walks must: be Letters - • 4 p.m. Participants will be eligible for Leaders of America.) Chapter will pledges. Flat donations also will be ••shoveled within 24 hours after a Marie Galbrailh, 24 a reduced recreation price for ad- sponsor a Valentine Type-a-Thon to accepted. • storm. .'-•"..-• Music Notes. - • - -18 mission and skating. benefit the American Cancer Last year the school's typists rais- Nancy Johnson - 20 Wednesday, Feb. 11—A. splash Society. • ed $1,200' for the Muscular. Mr.; Deleppo reported, there has Obituaries - .4 & 5 party again, will,, be held at 'the Any student, who can type can- Dystrophy fund, and FBLA hopes been, good' cooperation from Personals - - • 25 Watertown High, pool from 1 to 3 ..participate. this year's endeavor will meet or ex- • residents who have helped, clean Realty News 17 p.m. to start Wednesday's • fest- Pledge sheets are being' ceed that accomplishment. , . snow away from, fire: hydrants. The Scouting News.. 25^ ivities. distributed to students .this week, .Any individual or business not highway crew is doing 'the best it can to keep up with, the onslaught Sean Butterly. • • $ Organized recreation games will with, pledges being made on the 'contacted for a pledge may send a of wintery weather, Mr.' Deleppo Showcase Of Homes 25 be held at Swift from. 1 to 3 p.m. number of correct words typed per donation to Cancer Type-a-Thon, indicated,, but.-some hydrants have Sports ' 22 & 23 for Grades ,5-8. minute. For instance, if the pledge Watertown, High"'School, .324 had their stick markers removed. Taft Arts 16 (Continued on page 2) is for 15 cents, per word and the, cor- •• •French St., before Feb." 28. • Property of the Watertown Historical Society Page 2 Town. Times (Wateitown.,, Conn.) Feb. 5, 1987 Mays Rink from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.. tnqnweal. Ladies' Home Journal, the plan, at its Feb. 4. meeting. Funding Supported Vacation Specials There is a fee. and more. In other business, the Council ap- from, page 1) Saturday, ftfe #—Valentine craft The following lectures will be Dr. (Continued from page 1.) pointed, a two-man committee com- classes will be held at: Swift, from Arnold Chaddcrton. '(Feb. 1,7), coor- crating with the. project, planning. prising Councilmen Thomas Lord Thursday, Feb. 12—For swimm- ing buffs, .another splash party will, 1,0 a.m. to 12 noon for Grades 4-6. dinator of humanities at Post.