Women & Politics From the Perspective of Islamic Movements in Jordan Hassan Abu Hanieh Women and Politics: From the Perspective of Islamic Movements in Jordan Hasan Abu Hanieh August 2008 Published in 2008 by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Amman Office/Michael Bröning P.O. Box 926238, Amman 11110 - Jordan www.fes-jordan.com,
[email protected] © Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publishers. Printing: Economic Printing Press, Amman, Jordan Translation and Editing: Mona Abu Rayyan, Beirut, Lebanon Design and layout: Maya Chami, Beirut, Lebanon اململكة الأردنية الها�شمية رقم الإيداع لدى دائرة املكتبة الوطنية (2008 /12 / 4259) 305.4 Abu Haniyeh, Hassan Women and Politics : From the perspective of Islamic Movements in Jordan \ Hassan M. Abu Haniyeh; translated by Mona Abu Rayyan .- Amman: Friedrich , 2008 ( 160 )p. Deposit No.:4259 /12/2008. Descriptors:\ Women//Politics//Islami ❖ اأعدت دائرة املكتبة الوطنية بيانات الفهر�شة والت�شنيف الأولية ❖ يتحمل املوؤلف كامل امل�شوؤولية القانونية عن حمتوى م�شنفه ول رّيعب هذا امل�شنف عن راأي دائرة املكتبة الوطنية اأو اأي جهة حكومية اأخرى Preface Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming are cherished concepts in the international donor community. This does not come as a surprise, given the fact that under-development and poverty are – amongst other causes – widely attributed to social norms that deprive women of equal opportunities. There is now consensus among observers in the globalized world economy that women’s skills and talents can no longer be under- utilized.