United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,210,322 King Et Al. (45
USOO5210322A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,210,322 King et al. (45) Date of Patent: "May 11, 1993 (54) PROCESSES FOR THE PREPARATION OF (56) References Cited ETHERS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 75) Inventors: Stephen W. King, Scott Depot; Kurt 4,308,402 12/1981 Edwards et al. .................... 568/68 D. Olson, Cross Lanes, both of W. Va. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 73) Assignee: Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics March, J., Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Technology Corporation, Danbury, Mechanisms, and Structure, 1968, pp. 435-436,477-480, Conn. 878-879 and 36. I'l Notice: The portion of the term of this patent Taylor,Tamura, Roger, Y. et al., Tetrahedron Synthesis, 1975,Letters, pp. No.641-642. 8, 1975, pp. subsequent to Mar. 2, 2010 has been 593-596. disclaimed. Witt, H. et al., Angew Chem, 1970, 82, p. 79. (21) Appl. No.: 585,455 Tundo,1565-1571. Pietro et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 1988, 27, pp. 22 Filed: Sep. 20, 1990 Dow Chemical U.S.A., Experimental Ethylene Car 51 Int. C.5 CO7C 41/00; CO7C 69/96 bonate XAS-1666.00L Product Bulletin (1982), p. 12. Yak 88 a Texaco Chemical Company, TEXACAR(R) Ethylene (52) U.S.C.6,616,568/69,566,625,566,1587.65 .................................... 568/579,568/613; and Propylene Carbonates Product Bulletin (1987), p. 568/606; 568/607; 568/608; 568/609;568/610; 24. 568/614; 568/620; 568/621; 568/622; 568/623; Primary Examiner-Paul J. Killos 568/624; 568/659; 568/660,568/661; 568/662; Attorney, Agent, or Firm-R.
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