THE KEINYA GAZETTE Publisheti by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.)

Vol. LXX-No. 18 NAIROBI, 26th April 1968 Price Sh. 1/50

CONTENTS GAZElTE NOTICES GAZETTENOTICES-(CO~ td.) PAGE PAGE Appointments ...... 378 1 Tenders ...... 408 The Transport Licensing Act-Appointments, edc. . . 378 Change of Name ...... 408 The Detention Camps Act-Appointments . . . . 378 Business Transfer ...... 408 Central Probation Committee-Appointments, etc. . . 378 1 Dissolution of Partnership ...... 408 The Insurance Companies Act-Appointment . . . . The Electric Power Act-Exemption ...... SUPPLEMENT No. 34 I he Irrigation Act-Appointments ...... Acts. 1968 The Land Acquisition Act, 1894, of India-Appointment The Prisons Act-Appointment ...... The Kenya Military Forces (Military Council) Act- SUPPLEMENT No. 35 Resignations ...... Bills. 1968 The Animal Diseases Act 1965-Scheduled Areas . . The Veterinary Surgeons Act-Removal of Name from Register ...... SUPPLEMENT No. 36 The Registration of Titles Act-Issue of Provisional Legislative Supplement Certificates, etc...... LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Water Act-Applications ...... 113-The Land Control Act 1967-Exemption 157 The Mining Act-Exclusive Prospecting Licences, etc. . . 114-The Exchange Control Act-Delegation . 158 East African Railways-Tariff Book No. 5 . . . . . 115-The Pharmacy and Poisons (Amendment) Civil Aircraft Accident-Inspector's Investigation . . Rules 1968 ...... 158 High Commission Stock ...... 381 116-The Regulation of Wages (Wholesale and Retail The Methods of Charge (EAPL) Byelaws 1962- Distributive Trades) Order 1968 . . . . 163 Fuel Oil Prices ...... 381 117-The Statistics (Survey of Industrial Production) Vacancies ...... 384 (Amendment) Regulations 1968 . . . . 168 Industrial Court Awards ...... 118-The Local Industries (Refund of Customs Duties) (Long-term) (Amendment) Order Trade Marks ...... 1968 ...... 173 Liquor Licensing ...... 119-The Civil Procedure Act-Scale of Allowance 173 Probate and Administration ...... 12kThe Cereals and Sugar Finance Corporation Act-Extendon of Limit of Indebtedness of Bankruptcy Jurisdiction ...... Corporation .. .- ...... 174 The Companies Act-Winding-up Notices, etc. Transport Licensing ...... SPECIAL NOTICE AS Wednesday, 1st May 1968, is a Public Holiday the latest The Societies Act-Registrations, etc. . . time and date for the submission of copy for the Gazette of Lost Policy ...... Friday, 3rd May 1968, will be 9 a.m. on Monday, 29th Apfll 1968. E.A. Customs and Excise Department-Licences Issued in Kenya ...... 407 Nairobi, J. MAC MILLAN, 26th April 1968. Government Printer. Local Government Notices ...... 407 378 THF. KENYA GAZE'IV E 26th April 1968

GAZETTE NOTICB No. 1286 GAZETTB NOTICE No. 1289 PUBLIC SERVICE COM M ISSION OF KENYA THE DETENTION CAM PS ACT AprolN'rMExTs (Cap. 91) PE'I'SR NDIRANGO NDERI, to be District Commissioner, Siaya District, Nyanza Province, with efect from 1st M arch 1968. APeOINTIQIENT oF VISITING Jt/s-rlcEs J()HN BAPTJSTA KIRORE MWAURA, to be District Commissioner, IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 15 of the Embu District, Eastern Province, with efect from 25th M arch Detention Camps Act, the Vice-president and M inister for 1968. Home Affairs hereby appoints- HBZSKIAI.I GoGo AwlcH, to be District Commissioner, Kisii Ahamed Ali Om ar, District, Nyanza Province, with effect from 1st April 1968. Reverend Francls M uturi, CHARI-ES STEPHENS MBINDYO, to be District Commissioner, Lance Jtm es Bengo, Kisumu District, Nyanm Province, with eFect from 4th M arch 1968. as Visiting Justices to M ombasa Detention Camp in the Mombasa District, Co' ast Province. SHADRACH DICK NGUGI M URIMI: to be District OKçery Sollth Nyanza .District, Nyanza Province, with effect from 1st M arch 1968. ' Dated this 17th day of April 1968. BENJAMIN GEORGE KAULA WANJALA, to be District Ollkerj Nyeri D . T, ARAP M Ol, Dlstrict, Central Province, with effect from 14th M arch 1968. Vice-president and DAvlo M IJMBNGE W ATENE, to be D istrict Oë cer, N akuru Dis- M inister for Home AFairs. trict, Rift Valley Province, with efect from 20th M arch 1968. FREDERICK M AINA NDIJNGI, to be District Oëcery Laikipia District, Rift Valley Province, with esect f'rom 22nd M arch 1968. (#x$'/5'.4 IMIL MIJIGAI .MWAURA, to be District Ollicer, Kitui District, Eastern THE PROBATION OF OFFENDERS Province, with effect from 9th February 1968. (CENTRAL PROBATION COMMITTEE) RULES GEORGS KAMAIJ GITHAE, to be District Oëcer, Samburu Dis- (Cap. 64 (Sub. Leg.)) trict, Rift Valey Province, with effect from 16th D ecember 1967. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by rule 3 (1) of the Prebation of Offenders (Central Probation Committee) Ruless DAvlo AMAHwA M IJLAMA, to be District Commissioner, the Vice-president and Minister for Homo Alairs hereby :- Laikipia District, Rift Valley Province, with eflkct from 1st April 1968. . (a) appoints under rule 3 (1) (c)- STBPHEN KAHUBA KOINANGE, to be District Commissioner, Mrs. Katlaleen M ary Barry Riseborough, Uasin Gishu District, Rift Valley Province, with efect from to be a member .of the Central Probation Committee ; 1st April 1968. and PROMIITION (bj cancels the appointment of- GBORGB W YCLIFFE ANJIAH, to be Chief Personnel Ofhcer, M rs. Savitri Devi M aini*, Ministry of W orks, with effect from 14th M arch 1968. as member of the said Committee. By Ordir of the Commission. Dated this 17th day of April 1968. G. M USEM BI, D. T. ARAP M OI, Secretary. Vice President and Minister Jt/r Home zlfcfrd. .--- .- ...... X. .-.. - .. *G.N. 1542/ 1965. GAZETTB No'ncB No. 1287 i GAZB'J'I'E No'rlcB No. 1291 2 THB TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT (Cap. 404) THE INSURANCE COM PANIES AG APPOINTMBNT ANo RBVOCATION (Cap. 487) APPOINTMENT OF R4EMBER OF THE TNSURANCE ADVISORY DOARD IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 19 of the Transport Licensing Act, 1 hereby appoint- IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by secsion 11 of the Insurance Companîes Acty the Minister for Ffnance hereby SAMUEL 0. JOSIAH appoints- to be Chairman of the Transport Licensing Appeals Tribunal FRBDSRICK DDNCAN Hoo/soN W I3'T in the place of Thomas Andrews Dennison*. to be a member of the Insurance Advisory Board in the place Dated this 19th day of April 1968. of Dtzdley Edward Hurles.* ' JOM O KEN YATTA, Dated Ihis 18th day of April 1968. President. J. S. GICHURU, *G.N.' 3402/ 1964. M inister for Finance. *G.N. 2340/ 1966. tIAZETTB l:oTlcs l4o. 1288 GAD TTE NOTICE NO. 1292 THE TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT THE ELECTRIC POWER ACT ' tCcp. 404) (Cap. 314) APPCHNTMBNT Axo RsvocATlox . l RULES UNDMR SECTION 145 OF THE CLECTRIC POT/ER RULES IN ' EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 19 of IN VIEW of the fact that the 14th Edition of the Regulations the',' Transport Licensing Act, the Minister for Power and f or the Blectrical Equipment of Buildings issued by the Commupicatsons hereby appoints- Institution of Electrical Engineers of Great Britafn, are t' / . . technically not suitable for, and that it is not practical to . Jo> sox KERAGORI apply them to this country, the Rqublic of Kenya, I hereby to be a member of the Transport Licensing Appeals Tribunal give exemption from compliance wlth 14th Editlon of such in the placo of K. P. Shah* whose appointment is hereby Regulations. revoked. ' The 13th Edition as amended shall continue to be used in conjunction with the exemptions under rule 3 and The Electric Dated this 18th day of April 1968. Power (National Standards) Rules. Dated this 18th day of April 1968. Mlnîster yor Power and Communications . J. W AM W EYA, *G.N. 3402/ 1964. M înister jor Power and Communkations. 26th April 1968 THE KENYA GAZETTE 379 GAZBTTB N oTlce No. 1293 GAD TTS N oencB N o. 1297 (IRRIG lN1Bl4j THE ANIMAL DIF ASES ACT 1965 TH E IRRIG ATION ACT IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 of the (Cap. 347) Animal Diseases Act, 1 hereby declare- ' (c) the ' .areas specilied in Schedule 1, Schedule 11 aild IN EXERCISE of the powers conf erre d by section 3, pa.ra- Schedule 111, to be çfinfected'' areas in respect of tile graph 1 of the Schedule to the Irrigation Act,the M inister for diseasçs indicated at the head of such Schedules ; Agriculture and Anim al H usbandry hereby reappoints under (b4 the notices specified in thc srst column of Schedule IV subparagraph (c)- to be amended in the mannér specïed in the second T. Guyo, representing Coast Province ; and column of such Schedules. Kabete, 1. E. M URIITHI, S. Mwaniki, representing Central Province, 15th April 1968. Director t7/ Veterinary s'erpfcey. to be members of the National Irrlgation Board. ScHsotu I- FOOT-AND-M OUTH D1sEAsE M ade this 9th day of April 1968. L.R. Nos. 9229/R, 6487, 7085 and 5384 ; M rs. G. H . A. Hoey, Sageru Farm, P.O. Box 25, Hoey's Bridge ; Uasin Gishu BRU CE M CK ENZIE, District. M inister ybr Agrlculture and L.R. Nos. 2813 and 2814 ; M r. D. N. Craig, Lewa Downs Animal Husbandry. Limited, P.O. Timau ; M eru District. Locations 3 and 8 ; The District Commlssioner, P.Oz Box 19 Kericho ; Kericho District. , L.R. No. 1049 ; The M anager, W attle Farm GAZETTE NoTIcB NO. 1294 Kikuyu ; Kiambu Dlstrict. , P.O. Box 9, Nzaui Location ; The District Commissioner, P.O. Box THE LAND ACQUISITION ACT, 1894, OF INDM M achakos ; M achakos Dïstrict. APPOINTMENT oF COLLECTOR SCHEDULE II- EAST Coxs'r FE/ER IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the L.R. No. 4894/49, Garden Estate ; M r. J. M urenga, P.O. Box Land Acquisition Act, 1894, of India, and a11 tnther powers 30028, Nairobi ; Nairobi District. thereunto him enabling, the M inister for Lands artd Settlem ent L.R. No. L193/4-Ngong Road ; Park Grange Dairy, P.O. Box hereby appoints- 249541, ; Nairobi District. Sc:mout.B III- N EwCASTLE D ISEASE BRIAN Tu voR YONGB, F.R.I.c.s., F.R.v.?k. Galole Townshipt Laza Market, and Hola, M ikinduni to perform the functions of Collector under the Act, in the Kiamunyaka, KIarunlugu, Kalkacha aùd Matanya villages ;, place of Jam es D andie H unter* in relation to 'the areas of The D istrict Com m issloner, Tana R iver ; Tana River District land set out in the Schedule of Government Notgce 985/ 1953, . and in the place of Alfred Douglas Sweett, A.R.I.c:.s., A.R.I., in Sclmotms IV relation to the areas of land set out in the Schedulte of Gazette Notices Nos. 2657/ 1956 and 3353/ 1957. First Column Second Column ' Dated this 231-d day of April 1968. Gazette Notke No. 4289 By delcting from Schedule I (Foot- dated the 11th day of and-M outh Disease) thereto the J . H TA N G A I N E , November 1965. following :- M inister kbr Lands c?9# Settlement. T4L.R. Nos. 4783/2-6, 952/ 1-3, 6, 8391/2-3, 950, 9527, 1073, *G.N. 2092/ 1956. I'G.N. 1729/ 1957 and G.N. 3354/ 1957. 5498/ 3-4 ; The OKcer-in-charge, Kipsonoi Settlement Schemes, W est and East ; Kerkilo GAzsrrs NolxcE No. 1295 D istrict-'' (28/5/ 14) Gazette Notice No. 3306 By deleting .from Schedulo 11 THE PRISON S ACT ' dated the 18th day of (East Coast Fever) thereto the August 1966. following :- . W ap. 90) C4L.R. Nos. 10061,. 10062, APPOINTMENT OF VISITING JUSTICE 3666, 7929 and 955 ; The Settle-, ment Oëcer-in-charge, East IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 72 (1) of Sotik Settlement Scheme ; the m isons Act, the Permanent Secretary, Vilre-president's Kericho District.'' Omce and M inistry of Home Afhirs* hereby appc.ints- Gazette Notice No. 4620 By deleting from Schedule I (Foot- dated the 1st day of and-M outh Disease) thereto the Isltu t- LEKw A El-lsl.tx D Alooo December 1966. following :- as Visiting Justice to Galole Prison in the Tana River D istrict, 4éLocation 8 ; 'Ihe District Coast Province. Commissioner, P.O. Box 19, . Kericho ; Kericho District.'' Dated th1 5th day of April 1968. Gazette Noiice No. 801 By deleting from Schedule I (Foot- dated the 16th day of and-M outh Disease) thereto the A. J. OM ANGA, February 1967. following :- Permanent Secretary, :4tvocation 2 and Kericho Vice-president's O'ce and ' Township ; The District Com- M infyfry of Home adftzfrd. missioner, P.O. Box 19, Kericho ; Kericho District-'' *L.N. 692/ 1963. Gazette Notice No. 112 By deleting from Schedule 1 (Foot- dated the 31st day of and-M outh Disease) thereto the . December 1967. following :- GAZETTB Norlcs No. 1296 S4-fhat part of K irinyaga Dis- (DfF. 116/ 10/08) trict lying to the south of the Embu-saganà Road and to tbe THE KENYA MILITARY FORCES west of the Thiba River ; The (MILITARY COUNCIL) ACT District Commissioner, Kirin- yaga ; Kirinyaga District.'' W ap. 198A) Gazeite Notice No. 372 By deleting from Schedule I (Foot- RESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONS dated the 15th day of and-Mouth Disease) thereto the January 1968. following :- IT IS hereby notified that the oKcers named in the tirst :4L.R. Nos. 383/ i, 9713 and column hereunder relinquished their commissions icL the Ken4a 328/2 ; The M anager, M t. Militaq Forces on the respective dates shown a gainst thelr Margaret Estate, P.O. Kijabe ; aames m the second column hereunder :- Naivasha/Nakuru Distzict.'' '.. Lieutenant Colonel Bareh Abdirahman, Gazette Notice N o. 784 By deleting from Schedule I (Foot- B.B.M...... 31st (Nfllrch 1968. dated the 28th day of and-M outh Disease) thereto the February 1968. fèllowing :- ' Captain Gidion Ochanda Ogutu 31st M ltrch 1968. :llohn Antoni's Farm ; The ' Captain Joseph Peter Sewe Lenya 31st M ftrch 1968. M anager, Marana Coast Estate, Lieutenant Humphrey M eshack P.O. M alindi ; Kilifi District.'' W iggwah . . . . 26th M ftrch 1968. Gazette Notice No. 4280 By deleting from Schedule I (Foot- dated the 31st day of and-M outh Disease) thereto the Dated this 11th day of April 1968. March 1968. following :- tiocation 9 ; n e Distzict H . D . DEN T, Commissioner, P.O. Box 19, Secretary to the M pf/t7ry Council. Kericho ; Kericho District.'' 380 THF, KF.NYA GAZE'ITE 26th April 1968 GAZBTTE No'ncs No. 1298 GAZBTTE NorlcB No. 1302 (VETIBDIREG) a-yjs wATER AC'T THE VE'I'ERINARY SURGEONS AG (CC#' 372)

( Cap . 366) XPPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS for diversion of water, plans of which may IT IS notitied for general information that, after due inquiry be seen at the W ater Development Department, Nairobi er held il compliance with section 19 (1) of the Vetennary the Oflice of the Local W ater Bailif concerned, ha've been Surgeons Act, the Veterinary Board àas directod that the name submitted by the following :- of- M ururi River, L.R. N o. 640 ; K . G akuru, Kirùlyaga ; 1,000 PAUL MIJTHAMA KILEB, DIP.VET-SC. (E.A.), B.V.SC. gallons per day domestic and 16,000 gallons per day be removed frop the Regkster of Veterinary Surgeons, with irrigation. e/ect from 9th April 1968. Njagi River ; J. Mwakamba, Taita ; 500 jallons per day dom estic and 400 gallons per day irrigatlon. Dated this 9th day of April 1968. Kijabe Spring, L.R. No. 86 ; Ereri Co. Lt.d., Naivasha ; Weir 1.5 feet in hoight and 4,300 galions per day domestic. 1. E. M URIITHI, Titii 'Stream ; Tetu Titii W ater Association, N yeri ; 200,000 Veterînary Registrar. gallons pei' day dom estic. Gitathuru River, L.R. No. 220/ 5 ; Garden and Plant, Nairobi ; 27,000 gallons per day . irrigation. Sergoit River, L.R. No. 9192 ; Sergoit Rivor Farm, Eldoret ; W ater hole 5 feet in depth, 1,500 gallons per day domestic GAZE'I-FB Noncs No. 1299 and 1,000 gallons per day irrigation. M atara River, Plot No. 430 ; M . Gichuru, Kiambu ; 300 THE REGISTRATION OF TITLF.S ACT gallens per day domestic and 1,000 gallons per day (Cap. 281) irrigation. Sasim R iver, L.R. No. 10773 ; D iocese. of Nakuru, North WHCREAS Nasser Brothers Limited of P.O. Box 667 K inangop ; W eir 4 feet 9 inches in height, 2,000 gallons M ombasa in the Republic of Kenya is the registered proprietor per day dom estic and 4,000 gallons per day irrigation. of a11 that piece of land situate in the East of M ombasa Gatondo Spring ; F. B. Kaburuki and D. M babu, M enz ; ' M unicipality M embasa District and known as Plot No. 964 1,200 gallons per day domestic, 2,000 gallons per day Section I.M .N. by virtue of a Certiticate of Title registered as irrigation and 50 gallons per day spraying coffee. No. C.k. 9634/ 1 and whereas suKcient evidence has been Gakongoro Stream , L.R. No. 548 ; Z. N. M urimuthiat Embu ; â4duced to show that the said certiticate of title has been lost W eir 3 feet in height, 600 gallons per day dom estlc, 2,200 nqtice is hereby given that after the exgiration of 90 (ninety) gallons per day irrigation, 28,300 gallons per day power days from the date of publication of thls notice a provisional and 30 gallons per day coffee spraying. certlcate of title will be issued by me providod that no Tributaq of Mukutatl, L.R. No. 8046 ; Colobus Ltd-, objection has beén received within that period. ' Laikipla ; Dam 12 feet in height and 20,000 gallons .per day domostic. ' Date4 at M ombasa this 26th day of April 1968. Kamutwa Stream, L.R. No. 943 ; ' N. Chabari, M eru ; 26,000 gallons per day power. ' M . A . KHAN W akimotho River ; Ivbti Coffee Growers Co-op. Socy. Ltd., Regîstrar (7/ Titles. M achakos ; 40,000 gallons per day iadustrial (80 per cent returnable). Kiunyuri Spring, L.R. No. 1546 ; V. D. K. lrori, Embu ; 600 gallons per day domestic and 2,200 gallons per day GAzE'r'rs No'ncE N o. 1300 irrigation. - Tbeta River, L.R. No. 720 ; Kiamwangi Coffee Growers Co-op. Secy. Ltd., Kiambu ; 40,000 gallons per day THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT industrlal (80 per cent returnable). (Cap. 281, sectîon 65 (1) (hjj Ruiru River, L.R. No. 553 ; Gititu Coffee Growers Co-op. Socy. Ltd.', Kiambu ; 40,000 gallons per day industrial W HEREAS Purshottam M aganlal Dave of P.O. Box 230 (8f) per cent . returnable). Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya has executed a transfer of Gatamayu River, L.R. Nos. from 339 to 346 ; Kamathai a11 his right title and interest in a1l those three pieces of land Coffee Growers Co-op. Socy. Lt.d., Kiambu ; 40,000 gallons comprising by measurements 0.0286, 0.0573, 0.0693 and 0.0492 per day industrial (80 per cent returnable). of an acre or thereabouts that is to say portions N os. 1503, Chania River, L.R. No. 751 ; Gatukuyu Cofl'ee Growers 1521, 1520 and 1536 respectively situate in M alindi Township Socy. Ltd., Kiambu ; 40,000 gallons per day industrial in thq Kilifi District held undùr Certlcates of Ownership Nos. (80 per cent returnable). 10184, 10181, 10182 and 10185 dated 5th October ' 1959 and Ithanji River, L.R. Nos. 513 and 514 ; Gititu Coffee Growers registored as Nos. C.R. 11861, C.R. 11860, C.R. 11858 and Co-op. Socy. Ltd.,. Kiam bu ; 40,000 gallons per day C.R. 11857 and whereas such transfer has been presented for industrial (80 per cent returnable). registration and whereas aflidavit has been liled m the terms M ukuyu River, L.R. No. 462 ; Gititu Cofee Growers Co-op. of section 65 (1) (à) of tho said Act declarinq that the said Socy. Ltd., Kiambu ; 40,000 gallons per day industrial Certificates of Ownership have been lost notice ls hereby given (80 per cent returnable). . that after 14 days from the date hereof provided that no Ruabura River, L.R. No. 401 ; Gatundu Collke Growers objçction has beea received within that period t intend to dis- Co-op. Soey. Ltd., Kiambu ; 40,000 gallons per day pense with the productien of the said Certificates of Ownership industdal (80 per cent returnable). and to propeed with the registration of the said transfer. Kamiti River, L,R. No. 193 ; M . W aweru, Kiambu ; 620 gallons per day domestic, 23,200 gallons per day power Dated at M ombasa this' 26th day of April 1968. and 1,700 gallons per day irrigation. Bukhqkhala River ; E. M ungala, Busia ; 300 gallons per day M . A. KHAN, domestic and 2,000 gallons per day irrigation. Registrar oj Titles. Spring tributary of Tongadden River, L.R. No. 6135 ; . G. T. A. Luck, Kitale ; 1,000 gallons per day domestic. Objection stating jpecilic ' grounds therefor should be filed in triplicate with the W ater Apportionment Board P.O. Box GAZErrs,' NoTlcB No. 1301 30521, Nairobl, withi'n 30 days from the publicatlon of this notice. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT (C'ap. 281, sectitm 71) GAzsrrs No'rlcs No. 1303 ' WHEREAS Purshottam M aganlal Dave of P.O. Box 230 M ombasa in the Republic of Kenya is registered as the pro- THE MINING ACT pridor of a11 those four pieces of land known as portions Nos. çcap. 306) 15:3, 1521, 1520 and 1536 situate in Malindi Township in the ExcLUSlvE PROSPECTING LICENCE ïilifi District by virtue of Certilicate,s of Ownership registered >s Nos. C.R. 11861/ 1, C.R. 11860/ 1, C.R. 11858/ 1 and THE relevant application made' under section 18 (2) of the C.R. 11857 / 1 and whereas suKcient evidTnceahas been adduced M ining Act having been refused the Gazette Notice referred to ;to show that the said Certiticates of 'Ownership have been lost in the Schedule hereto is hereby cancelled. nqtice is hereby given that after the expiration of 90 days from the date hereof I shall issue provîsional certîficates provided Scc otms that no objections have been received within that penod. Gazette Notice No. 862 of 15th M arch 1968. Dated at M ombasa this 26th day of April 1968. Dated this 17th day of April 1968. Y. W . A. TIM M S, M . A. KHAN, for Commînîoner t# M ines Regîstrar oj Titles. and Geology. 26th April 1968 THF, KRNYA GAZETI'E 381 GAZSTTB NOTICE NO. 1304 ' GAZETTE NOTICE No. 1306 TH E M ININ G ACT EAST AFRICAN RAILW AYS (Cap. 306) -N OTICE Excl-usloN oF LAND FROM PROSPECTING ANo M INING Tarîn Book No. 5 IN EXERCISE of the poFers conferred by sec:tion 7 (1) U) Correction Slip No. 1 containing amendments to Parts 1 of the M ining Act, the Commissioner of Mines and Geology and 11 of Tariff Book No. 5 has been published and is in the hereby declares the land described in the Schedule hereto to be process of distribution to a11 registered holders of the Taril excluded from prospecting and mining with effect from 11th Book. This correction slip contains a11 amendments to taris April 1968, provided that such exclusion shall not ap?ly to made since publication of Tarif Book No. 5. any part of the said land in respect of which jprospectmg or Any holder who has not received a copy of this correction mining rights have been granted before 11th Aprll. 1968, during slip by 1st April 1968, should apply to the Chief Traëc such time as the rights conthzue to subsist, whether by renewal M anager. P.O. Box 30006, N airobl. The correction slip can or otherwise. also be seen at any booking oëce as from 1st April 1968. ScHzm tlt.s An area of approxim ately 5 square m iles sil:uated in the Nairobi, J. S. BQUMPHREY, Elgeyo-M arakwet District of Rift Valley Provindre, and more 27th M arch 1968. ' kt7r General Manager. particularly described as follows :- Commencing jtt Chororget' at the junction of the Tambach- Nyeru road wlth the troad leading te KapkLenda A.D.C. school (map reference HAA 861440) ; CIVIL A IR CRAFT ACCIDENT thence on a true bearing of 42 degrees for a distance of approximately 31. miles to the junction of the Tambach- INspEceroR's INVSSTIGATION M usgut road with the road leading to Em sea .K.D .C. school NOTICE is hereby given that an Inspector's Investigation is (map reference HA A 903487) ; taking place into the cause of the accident which occurred on thence in a generally southerly direction following the ' 10th April 1968, on Kisima Farm, Kenya, to a Cessna 180, western boundary of the Emsea-M usgut road lror a distance SY-KSY registered in the name of Aerial Crop Sp'rayers Ltil., of approximately 3.1. miles to a point on the right bank of P.O. Box 9446, N airobi. the Kiblabot stream (map reference HAA 914/432 ; Any persons interested who desire to make representations thence on a true bearing of 280 degrees for a distance of as to the circumstances or cause of this accident should do so in writing to the Chief Inspector of Accidents, P.O. Box 30163. approximately 3) miles to the point of commencement. , Nairobi, within 14 days of this notice and should quote the Dated this 11th day of April 1968. reference CAV/ACC/ 11 /68. L. D. SANDERS, D ated this 17th day of April 1968. Comminioner t7/ M ines and Geology. D. C. STEW ART, Chîef Inspector oj Accidents. GAzE'l-rs NolqcR No. 1305 THE M IN ING A CT GAZETTE NoncB No. 1308 . fcap. 306) EAST AFRICA HTGH COM M ISSION (RAILWAYS AND EXCLUSIVE PROSPECTING CICENUE HARBOURS) 51 PER CENT STOCK 1977/83 NOTICE is hereby given that an application under NOTICE section 18 (2) of the Mining Act bas been matîe b! Minéral FOR the purpose of preparing the paym ents of interest due . Prospecting (Kenya) Ltd., P.O. Box 30158, Nakirobl, for an on 15th June 1968, the balanc% of the several accounts in the exclusive prospecting licence to prespect for precious stenes Local Register of the above stock will be struck at the close (including diamonds) over the area described in tho Schedule of business on 14th M ay 1968, after which date the stock will hereto and the said application has today been acce-pted for be transferable ex dividend. consfderation. Stockholders wishing to transfer their holdings to the London By virtue of section 7 (1) (J) of the Mining Act the said Register should note that, if the necessary application fonns area of land is therefore excluded from prospectillg and mining together with Exchange Control approval where necessag, are except as regards any prospecting and mining rights granted in not lodged with the Chief A ccountant, East African Rallways respect of the said area or any part thereof btrfore the date and Harbours, P.O. B'ox 30066, Nairobi, Kenya, in tim e to of this notice which are still subsisting, or any rtiht of renewal enable the applications to be transmitted to the Crown Agents thereof. for Oversea Governm ents and Adm inistrations in London, so Any objection to tbe grant ef the exclusi&e prospecting as to reach them ' on or before 14th M ay 1968, paym ent of licence may be made to the Commissioner cFf Mines and interest due on 15th June 1968, will be made by the Chief Geologï, P.O. Box 30009, Nairobi, within 30 daArs of the date Accountant, East African Railways and Harbours. . of publlcation of thls notice. R. W . M ACD ON ALD , SCHBDIJI.E Chie! Accountant, East Ajrican Railways and Harbours, An area of approxhnately 12 square miles ssëtuated in the Nairobi, lor East Alrican Common Services Embu District of Eastezn Province, the boundaries whereof :- 15th April 1968. Organization. Commence at a poin,t on the left bank of the W anjoga river approximately 500 yards west of K erie school where the river is crossed by the Kirigo-Gangarck track (map GAZETTE NoRqcs No. 1309 reference 638364) ; thence following the left bank of the W anjolra river down- THE M ETHODS OF CHARGE (EAPD BYELAWS 1962 stream in a generally westerly direction for a distance of approxim ately 4,500 yards to its coniluence wit'N an unnamed FUEL OIL PRICES tributary (map reference 672374) ; PURSUANT to byelaw No. 6 of the M ethods of Chargp thence on a true bearing of 179 degrees for a distance of (EAPL) Byelaws 1962, notice is hereby given of the variations approximately 4,700 yards to a point on the leEt bank ot the to the pnce of fuel oil, delivered to this Company on or Thura river at its confluence with an unnamed tributary . before the first day of April 1968 :- (map reference 672331) ; Delivered to the Fuel Storage Tqnks at:- thence following the left bank of the Thura l'iver up-stream Nairobi South Power Station ' . . No change' , in a generally south-westerly direction for a distance of Kisumu Power Station . . . . No change , agproximately 9,000 yards to its coniuence with an unnamed Eldoret Power Station No çhange u trlbutary (map reference 630296) ; . : thence following the left bank of the unnfkmed tributary Kitale PoWer Station . . Sh. 0.11 increa%e tlp-stream in a generally north-westerly dil-ection for a Xalytlki POWCI- Station . . . . Sh. 0.04 increaiç distance of approxim ately 1,300 yards to the lcirigo-Gangara Kipevu PoWer Stiticm (furnace Oil) Sh. 2.10 decrease track (map reference 620301) ; Meru Power Station ...... Sh. 0.05 increase thence following the Kirigo-Gangara track in a generally northerly direction for a distance of approxim atzly 7,050 yards Kericho Power Station No change to the point of com mencem ent. ' M ombasa Power Station . . . . Sh. 4.65 increaje Kisumu/Homa Bay Pewer Station . . Sh. 6.71 increase Dated this 20th day of April 1968. W . D. M . BROW N, ' Assistant General M anager (W dmînistrationj. 382 THF, KENYA GAZE 26th April 1968 Gxa 'rq.B NolqcB No. 1698 building period the Commissioner of Lands shall refund to the grantee 25 per centum of the said stand premium. In the.. event of notice being given - after the expiration of the said - THE GOVERNM ENT LANDS ACT building period no refund shall be made. (Cap. 280) 2. The buildings shall not be erected until plans (including block plans showing the positions of the buildings and a BUSINESS/RBSIDBNTIAL PLOT L.R. No. 209/4380, NAIROBI system of drainage for disposing of sewage, surface and sullage water on the land), drawings, elevations and speczcations THE Commissioner of Lands gives notice that applications thereof shall have beeh approved in writing by the local are invited in terms of proposals for development of a plot of ' authority and the Cornmissioner of Lands. Such plans, draw- land in Ramegh Gautama Road, off Ngara Road, Nairobi, for injs, elevations and specilications shall be submitted in tho purpose of business/residence. A plan of the plot maï be trlplicate to the local authdrity within six months of the seen in the Lands Department, Nairobi, or may be obtalned comm encem ent of the term . by post on payment of Sh. 3 gostage free, from the Public M ap Oëce, P.O. Box 30089, Narrobi. 3. n e land and buildings shall only be used fer shops (excluding a petrol station), oëces and qats. Conditions 0/ Sale 4. The buildings shall not cover more than 75 per centum 1. Applications should be submitted to tllq Commissioner of of the area of the land if used for shop and/or oëce purposes Lands, P.O. Box 30089, Nairobi, on or before noon on 10th only or such lesser area as may be laid down by the local May 1968. Applicants must enclose with their applications authority in its by-laws, and not more than 50 per centum of their cheque for Sh. 1,000 as a deposit made payable to the the are: of the land if used for the combined purposes of Commissioner of Lands which will be dealt witla as follows : - shops, oë ces and ilats or such lesser area as may be laid down by the local authority. ' (i8 If the agplicant is offered and takes up and pays for the ' plot wlthin the period of 14 days as required by Condition N o. 3 below the deposit will be credited to 5. The land shall not be used for the purposes of any trade him. or business whicll the Commiskioner of Lands considers to be dangerous or offen'sive. (!8 If the application is unsuccessful the applicant's deposit will be returned to him. 6. n e grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or part (r) If' the application is successful and the applicant fails to with the possession of the land or any part thereof except with take up ' and pay f or the plot olered to him within thz the prior consent in writing of the Presidc/t : no apglication period of 14 days as required by- Con'dition No. 3 for suc' h consent (except m respect of a loan requlred for below the Commissiener of Lands may declare the building purposes) will be considered until Special Condition dqoslt forfeited and the applicant shall. have no further No. 1 has been perfonued : cle.lm thereto. ' Provided that such consent shall not be required for the letting of individual shops, oëces and flats. 2. n e publlc are invited to tender for the plot in terms of development proposals. Each tender sllould be accompanied 7. The grantee shall pay to the Commissioner of Lands on by a statemept indicating- demand such sum as the Commissioner may estimate to be the propertionate cost of constructiag ' a11 roads and drains and (aj thper qye'mctount of capital it is proposed to spend on the sewers serving or adjoining the land and shall on completion , with a banker's letter in support ; of such construction and the ascertainment of the actual pro- portionate cost either pay within seven days of demand or (bj the amount of accommodation it is proposed to build, be refunded the amount by which the actual proportionate i-e. total Eoor area ; cost exceeds or falls short of the amount paid as aforesaid. (c) full details of the proposed - retail tradets) to be carried . 8. The grantee shall from time to time qay to thr Commis- on in the premises. sioner of Lands on demand such proportlon of the cost of maintaining a11 roads and drains serving or adjoining the land as the Com m issioner may assess. Cq3m. mTi'hsesi onseutc coesf sfLula ndasll owttiethe in of1 4 thdae ys poloft noshtialillc atgloany thtoa t ' thhise application has been successful the proportion of the annual rçptal, together with survey, conveyancing, stamp duty and 9. Should the Comm issioner of Lands at any tim e require ' registration fees. Tn default of payment within the speczed the said roads to be constructed to a hlgher standard the time the' Commissioner of Lands may cancd the allocation grante: shall pay to the Commissioncr on demand sucil propor- apd the claim ant shall have no claim to the plot. tion of the cost of such construction as the Commissioner may aSSeSS.

General Conditions 10. The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes charges, duties, assessments or outgoings of whatever descrip, tion as may be 1. 'l'h: grant will be made under the provisions of the im posed, charged o.r assessed by any Governm ent or local Government Lands Act (Cap. 280 of the Revised Edition of authority upon the land or the buildings erected thereon :1r1- thç Laws of Kenya), ' and title will be issued under the cluding any contribution or other sum paid by the Presldent Registratioh of Titles Act (Cap. 281). in lieu thereof. 2. The grant will be issued in the name of tbe allottee as 11. n c President or such person or authority as may be given in the letter of application. appointed for the purpose shall have the right to enter ugon the land and lay and have access to .water mains, service plpes and drains, telephone or telegrapb wires and electric mains of 3. The term of tàe .grant will be for 99 years from th: a11 dcscriptions, whether overhead or underground and the lst' day of the month follbwing the issue of the letter of grantee shall not erect anj building in such a way a,s to cover allotm ent. or interfere with any exlsting alignments of main or service pipes or telephone or telegraph wires and electric mains. Specîal Condîtions 12. n e Commissioner of Xands reserves the Hght to revise 1. n e grantee shall erect complete for occupation withip the annual ground rent of Sh. 1,500. payable hereunder after 24 months of the commqncement of the term buildings of the expiration of the 33rd and 66th year of the term hereby , apprtwed design on proker foundations constructed of stone, granted. Such rental will be at a ratc of 4 per cent of the burnt-brick pr concrete wlth rooqn! of tiles or other permanent unim proved freehold value of the land as assessed 'by the materials 'approved by the Commlssioner of Lands and shall Com m issioner of Lands. maintain the same (including the external Maintwork) in good and substantial tenantable repair and condltion : Provided that should the grantee give notice in writing to SCHEDULB' the Commissioner of Lands that he/she is unable to complete the ' buildings within the period aforesaid the Commissioner of Lands .sha. il (at the ?rantee's expense accept a surrender of the Plot.- L.R. No. 209/4380. land comprised hereln : Arec.- 0.0860 of an acre. Provided further that if such notice as aforesaid shall be given (1) within 12 months of thè commencement ef the term Stand J//-c- fum .- sh. 7,500. the Commissioqer of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per Annual rcn?.- Sh. 1,500. centum ,.of . the. stand premium paid in respect of the la nd, or (2) at any .subsequent tlme prior to the expiration of the said Survey fees (provisionalj.- sb. 208. 26th April 1968 THW ITENYA GAZETTE 383 GAZBTI'E No'rlcB No. 1232 to re-enter into and upon the land or any part thercof in the name of the whole and thereupon the tcrm hereby created THE GOVERNMENT LANDS ACT shall cease but without prejudice to any ri4ht pf actiop or (c ap 28:) rem edy of the President or the Commissioner zn respect of àny . antecedent breach of any condition hereiri contained. PLOTS FoR BUSINESS-CUM-RESIDENTIAL, HOA'EL AND .3. The grantee shall maintain in good and substantial ' repair W ORKSHOPS-CUM-RESIDENTIAL and conditions al1 buildings at any time erected on th'e land. 4. Should the grantee give notice in writing to the' Commis? THE Commissioner of Lands gives notice that the plots in sioner of Lands that he/she/they Js/are unable to complete Muhoroni Township as described in the Schedule hereto are the buildings within the period aforesaid the Commissioner c?f ' available for alienation and applications are invited for the Lands shall (at the grantee's Mxpende) accept a surrender of direct grants of the individual plots. the land comprised herein : 2. A plan of the plots may be seen at the Public M ap Omce situated in the Lands Department Building, City Square, Provided further that if such notice as aforesaid shall ' be gi ven (1) within 12 months of the commencement of the tefi'.û . Nairobf, or at the omce of the Clerk of the Ccuncil, County the Commissioner. of Lands shall refund to the grantee 50 per Council of Kisumu, or may be obtained from the Public M ap centum of the stand premium paid in resqect of land, or (2) Oflice, P.O. Box 30089, Nairobi, on payment of S1l. 3 post free. at any subsequent time prior to the explration of the said 3. Applications should be submitted to the Colnmissioner of building period the Commispioner of Lands shall refund to the Lands, Nairobi, through the Clerk of the Eouncil, County grantee 25 per centum of the said stand premium. In the Council of Kisumu t stating the plot required in order of event of notice being given after the expiration of the said preference. Applicatlons must be on prescribed forms which building period no refund shall be made. are available from Lands Department, the oëce of the Clerk 5. The land shall not be used for the purpose of any trade of the Council, County Council of Kisumu, and the District or business which the Commissioner of Lands may considet Comm issioner, K isum u. to be dangerous or offensive. 4. A pplications m ust be sent so as to reach thk: Clerk of the 6. The grantee shall not subdivide tlle land. Council not later than noon on the 24th day of M ay 1968. 7. The grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or part 5. Applications must not be sent direct to the Commissipner with the possession of the land or any part thercof except with of Lands. the prior consent in writing of the Commissioner of Landh ;' 6. Applicants must enclose with their applications their no applications for such consent (except in respect of a loaz'i cheque for Sh. 1,000 as a deposit, which wl1l be dealt with requited for building purposes) will be considered until Speciat as follows :- Condltion No. 2 has been performed. (J) If the apklicant is offered and takes up aad paysfor a 8. The grantee shall pay to the Commissioper ofLands on plot withm a period of 14 days as reqllired ln para- dem and such sum as the Comm issioner m ay estim ate to be the graph 5 bçlow, the deposit will be credited to him. proportionate cost of constructing a11 roads and drains and (b4 If the application is unsuccessful the applicant's deposit sewers serving or adjoining the land and shall on completion will be returned to him. of such ccmstructicm and the asceztalrlment of the actual pro- portionate cost either pay (within seven days of demand) or (c) If the application is success' fu1 and the aplllicant fails to be refunded the amount by which the actual proportionate take up and pay for the plot offered to him within a cost exceeds or falls short of the amount as aforesaid. period of 14 days as required in paragl'aph 5 of the General Conditions, the Commissioner c.f Lands may 9. The grantee shall from time to time gay to the Com- missioner of Lands on demand such proportlon of the cost of declare the dejosft ftvfeited and the applicant shall have maintaining all roads and drains serving or adjoining the land no further clatm thereto. as the Comm issioner m ay assess. ' 10. Should the Commissioner of Lands at any time require General Conditions the said roads to be constructed to a higher standard the grantee shall pay to the Commissioner on demand such pro- 1. The ordinary conditions applicable to township grants of portion of the cost of such construction as the Commissioner this nature except as varied hereby shall apply to this grant. may aSSeSS. 2. The grant will be made under the provisions of the 11. The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, duties, Government Lands Act (Cap 280 of the Laws of Kenya), and assessments or outgoings of whatever description as may be titles will be issued under the Registtation of Titles Act imposed, charged or assessed by any Government or local (Cap. 281.). authority upon the land or the bulldlngs erectcd thercoli, 3. The grant will be issued in the name of the allottte as including any contribution or other sum paid by the President stated in the letter of application. of the Republic of Kenya in lieu thereof. 4. The term of the grant will be for 99 years from the 'lirst 12. The President of the Republic of Kenya or such person day of the month following the notïcation of tlne appi-oval of or authority as may' be appointed for the purpose shall. have the grant. the right to enter upon the land and 1ay and havc 'access to water mains, seiwice gipes and drains, telephone or telegraph 5. Each allottee ef a plot shall pay to the Commissioner wires and electric m alns of a1l deseriptions whether overhead of Lands within 14 days of notification that his application ' has beea approved, the initial estimated am ount for the con- or underground, and the grantee shall not erect any building struction of roads and drains to serve thc plot, the assessed in such a way as to cover or interfere with any existing aligp- stand premium and proportion of annual rent, together with ments of main or service pipes or telephone or telegraph the survey fees payable in respect of the pq-eparatïon and wires and electric mains. registration of the grant (Sh. 225) and the titamp duty in respect of the grant (approximately 2 per cenl. of the stand Special Conditions in respect oj Business-cum-Residentîal Plots premium and annual rent). In default of payrrtent within the specified time the Commissioner of Lands may cancel the 1. The land and buildings shall only be used for shops, allocation and tbe applicant shall have no furthdlr claim te the oëces and flats. . grant of the plot. 2. The building shall not cover more than 90 per centum' of the area of the land if used for shops or oëce purppsbs ôrily Special Condilions or such lesser area as may be laid down by the lpcal authodty in its by-laws, and not m ore than 50 per cehtum' . of . the trea 1. No buildings shalt be erected on the land nor shall of the ' land if used for combined purpose of shops ' and additions or external alterations be made to any buildings residence or such lesser area as may be laid doWn. by 'the otherwise than in conform ity with plans antl specifications local authority in its by-laws. ' ' previously approved in writing by the Commissxioner of Lands and the local authority. The Commissioner shall not give hJs approval unless he is satisied that the proposals are such as Special Condhions in respect t# Hoiel Plots . to develop the land adequately and satisfactorily. 1. The land and bùildinjs shéll be used for hotel pulpöses 2. The grantee shall within six months of the commencement with proper lounge and dlning facilitles for guests. ' '' of the term submit in triplicate to the local authority and the . . Commissioner of Lands plans (including block plans showing 2. The buildings shall not cover a greater or lesser area of the position of the buildings and a system of drainage (or the the land than may be prescribed by the local authority. . disposal of sewage, surface and sullage water), d'rawings, elevations and specifications of the buildings tl'te grantee pro- Special Conditions in respect oj Workshops-cumm esidentlal poses to erect on the land eand shall within 24 m onths of the Plots ' cemmencement of the term complete the ertrction of such ' 1. The land and' building shall only be used for F' prk'sh buildings and the construction of the drainage system in con- ' . qp, formity with such plans, drawings, elevations and specilications and residencè. ' ' .. . ' ' ...... as amended (if such be the case) by the Coatmissioner : 2 n e grantee shall not at 'any tinw during the 't'e'rm of tlze Provided that if default shall be m ade in tlle performance grant erect any buildings so as to coyer xm ore tharl 90 per cent or observance of the requirem ents of the conditions it shall be of the area of the plot. tawful for the Commissioner of Lands or any person authorized by him on behalf of the President of the Replablic of Kenya Dated this l0th day of April 1968. 384 THE KENYA GAZETFE 26th April 1968 Srwmovu No. 1 Architecturai Draughtsman Grade 11 (Two Postsj, Ministry 0/ Shops O'ce.v and Flats Plots W'orH I'NG 126/68) Area Road Salary JctWc.- f708 to f 1,068. AGREEM ENT only. Plot ur... Stand zfzmlfcl Charges Survey Applicants should preferably be of Cambddge School Certi- No. (a -p svr';-x.l Prem *11/- Rent (Itn 'uial con- Fees fkate standard of education, and must have had a minimum ributionq of four years' experience as a draughtsman in an Architect's oë ce, excluding any tim e spent as an apprentice, or m ust Sh. S/1.t Shu. Sh .4476/102 0.1148 19200 240 365 I91 have jassed or been exempted from the Building Technician's 4476/103 0-1148 1,200 240 . 365 199 Exammation of the Fast African Institute of Architects. A 4476/1045 0.1148 1,2700 240 365 199 sound knowledge of building construction and practicc is 4476/106 0*1148 1,2û0 240 365 199 essential, and applicants m ttst have the ability tg work up 4476/107 0.1148 1,200 240 365 199 sketch plans and prepare full working drawings fo'r various 4476/108 0.1148 1,200 240 365 199 types. of buildings ranging from small domestic buildings to 4476/109 0.1148 1,200 240 1,095 199 large multi-storied buildings. They must be capable of a certain amoun.t of shnple design work. ' Ap. plicants who have passeds or have been exemptod from the lnterm ediate Exam ination of SCHEDULE N o. 2 the East African lnstitute of Architects would be eligible for Workshops-cum-Resîdential Plots appointment as Architectural Draughtsmen Grade 1, scale f 858 to f 1,068. Are' Roc# 'llor Acres frc qd Annual %harges Survey o. (cwsrax.) Premlum Aea/ (Inltial con- Fcex M aterials Assistant (Drillerj, M inistry oj Works (No. 127 / 68) tributionj Salary scale.- E 708 to f 1,068. AGREEM EN T only. fâ. Sh. S:. Sh . 4476/110 0-1148 800 160 365 191 Applicants must possess the Cambridge School Certiiicate or 4476/111 0-1148 800 169 365 199 G.C.E,, but preference will be given to those who possess 4476/112 0.1148 800 160 365 199 Higher School Certificate or who hold the National Ceztificate 4476/113 0.1148 800 160 365 199 in Engineering. A minimum of three years' experionce in civil 4476/114 0.1148 800 160 365 199 engineering or in a Eeld laboratory is essential. The successfui 4476/115 0.1148 800 160 1,095 .199 candidate will be required to work in the field continuously on work consisting of 'drilling, samplin! ané field testing of soils SCHEDULB No. 3 for large buildings, dams and bndge f oundations all over K enya ; applicants m ust be prepared to live in the field for Hotel Plots long periods. Field accommodation in thc forin of a four-berth caravan Will be provided, and field subsistence allowance will Area Road be paid. Plot z.e.. Stand Antlual Charges Survey No. ( a-p,; ;Jv,x.) Prem fll- Rent (1tnr lî'fbfc,7 ,ocoa)n- Fees Water BailiF (T'wtp Postsj, Water Development Department, s h . v%h . ,5' h. xs h M înistry ()/ Agrîculture and Animal Husbandry (No. 128/68) 4476/98 0.1263 1,320 264 540 I9à 4476/99 0.1263 1,320 264 540 199 Salary JcJJe.- E708 to f 996. PEN SIONABLE or A GREE- 4476/100 0.1263 1,320 264 540 199 M EN T. ' Applicants must be at loast 20 years old, of Cambridge GAF TI'E NolqcE No. 1310 Schoo'l Certificate standard of educatlon, and flue'nt in spoken and written English and a gpod knowledge of Swahili. n ey PUBLIC SERVICE COM M ISSION OF KENYA must be able to write conclse reports of a technical nature relating to flow moasurem ents of stream s and rivers, to use a VAcAyclBs Dumpy Level and to rea'd survey plans. They should also be APPLICATIONS are invited for the following posts and able to control W ater Guards, to carry out inspections of must be submittod to the Secretary, Public Service Commission rivers, gauging of flow and control of water diversions and of Kenya, P.O. Box 30095, Nairobi, to reach him by 17th to undertake eytensive safaris along rivers in the settled areas. May 1968. Civil servants must submit applications to heads W ater Bailiffs must have a good personality and ability to deal of department on F0nn PSC.2A in triplicate at least seven days with the public tactfully and, when required, with lirmneass. before the closing date, oth'er apklications to be submitted in Administrative duties involve the scrutiny of legal documents triplicate on Form PSC.2 obtamable from the Secretary relating to water rights and permits. A pplicants m ust quote the number shown against the post in. the advertisem ent. NOTE Examiner ()/ Accounts (Tw() Postsj, Exchequer and XUJ/J Department (No. 129/68) . In a11 cases preference will be given to qualifod zandidates who are K enya citizens. Salary scale.- k 678 to f 828. AGREEM E'NT only. Principal Registrar of Titles (CWfc/ Land Regîstrar and Senior Collector oj Stamp Duty), Minittry of Lands and Settlement Applicants must be of Cambridge School Certilicate standard . of edtlcation and have a minimum of three years' approved (wo. 124/68) accounting/auditing experience. Those not ln Government sorvice must possess at least the Royal Society of Arts certi- . Salary.-42,315 lixed. PENSIONABLE or AGREEM ENT. licate jn Beek-keeping/Accounts, Stage 1I, or eguivalont. The Applicants should be qualmed Solicitors, Barristers or successful applicants will be required to assist ln the auditing Advx ates with a sound knowledge of the principles and prac- of the Settlement Fund Trustees. tice of conveyancing, registration of tiyles and ass% sm ent of stamp dlzty, together with not less than ten years' practical eypenence. Duties of the post include (aj the organization and supervisiO of Land Registration throughout Kenya, induding Senior Machine Operator, The Vice-president's O/Jcc and the guidance aqd training of Registrars of Titles, Assistant M inistry of Home Ajairs (No. 130/68) Land Rpistrars, and the extension of the existing Land Salary ,çctz/c.- :678 to :828. PENSIONABLE. R egistratjon system and establishm ent of new Land Registries, (b) the ' application of thé Registered Land Act throughout Applicants must be civil servants, and have considerable Kknya., (c) .a11 conveyancing and advice to Government on experlence of Punch Card equipment. They must be able to conveyancing matters, an'd (#) assessment and collection of complete machine jobs from the planning stage, and will be Stamp Duty, and the .supervision and guidance of staff required to mako up major plug boards from plans and com- responsible for this work. plete minor plug boards without superWsion. -

Land . Adjudication Omcer, M inistry of fycnds and Settlement (wo. jz5 joyj Senior Key Pttnch Operator, The Vice-president's O'cc anii . Sqlary scale.- k 1,104 to f 1,356. AGREEM ENT only. M illistry ()/ Home vzl#tzfrx (No. 131 / 68) , Applicants must be civil servants of Cambridge School Salar Certïcate standard of education with extensive administrative .v scale.- e 678 to f 828. PENSIONABLE. experience, 'or have in lieu, yea'rs' Eeld experience in Land Applicants must be eivil servants, serving in the grade of a Adjudication work pa'rt of which should have besn in' a Key Punch Operator Scale G8, who have passed an appropriate responsible position. A working knowledge of African departmental test and have at least four years' expenence as a Customar'y Law as related to land is desirable and s'urvey or Key Operator and verilier. The post is that of Supervisor of legal experienc: would be an advantage. The successful candi- K ey Punch Operaters and the selected candidate must possess date will be required to supervise Land Adjudjcation Qver a proven ability to stlpervise Punch Room Staff and plan their large area and should be prepared to travel extensively. wotk. 26th April 1968 TH E KENYA GAZEW E 385 Accountant G rade IH (Four Postsj : (Twt7 Posts jor District Fluency in 170th written and spoken English and Swllnl-li is Cashiersj, ProvincialAdministration, Of#ce oj flle President essential. (No. 132/68) Suitable applicants who are not given a direct appointm ent to the District M agistracy will be eligible f or appointment as Salar.v ,t7t:/e.--.f678 to f 828. PENSIONA BLE. trainees in the lirst instance on the scale :252 to f 378 and Applicants must be civil servants, w'ith at least one yoar's will be required to undergo a three-term course of instruction satisfactory accounting experience. They m ust have success- at the K enya Institute of Adm inistration com mencing in Sep- fully comgleted a course in Accounts at the Kenya Institute tember 1968, successful completion of which should lead to of Adm inlstration, or have passod the Kenya Governm ent appointment as a District M agistrate. Accounts Examination No. l ; or they must have successfully complete,d a District Accountants' / Cashiers' Cou'rst: in the case Tlie salary attached to the post of District Magistrate will of D istrict Casbiers' posts. A sound knowlodge of G overn- be in the range f708 to E 1,356 per annum , the precise scale ment Regulations and Financial Orders, and abilily to control and point of entry depending upon qualïcations and staff and conduct correspondence is essential. Applicants m ust experience. state for which pojt they are applying and submit a separate Successful candidates will be required to serve in any rural set of application form s for each post for which they apply. or urban district of Kenya, and will be subject to the regltla- tions and conditions of service governing the Kenya Clvil Foreman (Mechanicql) (Tw/ Posts),M inistr.v 'p/ W orks Service. (No. 133/ 68) SerAvpiclje icaCtiomnms ishsioounl,d Pb.eO . subBmoxit ted3 00t4o 1,t heN aSiercorbeit,a ryo,n JuFdoicrimal Salary scale.- k 603 to f 828. PENSION ABLE or AGR EE- JSC.2 or JSC.ZA, obtainable from the Secretary of the Judicial M ENT. Service Com mission or at the public counter of any Resident Applicants must possess a Kenya Governm ent G rade I Trade M agistrate's Court, not later than 28th M ay 1968. Test Certifcate for Vehicle M echanics and have ët least three years' practical experience of work norm ally encountered in a M echanical Engineering W orkshop or M otor Engirleering Firm, GAZST'II No'ncE No. 1312 and be capable of repairing and maintaining all tylpes of motor (including dicsel-engined) vehicles. They must be able to read THE INDUSTRIAL COURT and write good English, and to understand spare part and instruction books in English. CAusE èfo. 46 oF 1967 Parties : Executive O'ccr Grade IV, M inistry ol Co-opgratives and Domestic and Hotel W orkers' Union Socîal s'crpfcc,ç (No. 134/68) and Salary scale.- k 528 to f 648. PENSIONABLE. New Stanley Hotel Operated by Nairobi Hilton Applicants m ust be civil servants with at least two yo rs' satisfactory exjerience of Government oëce routine. Prefer- Issues frl dîspute.'- ence will be gw en to those who have successfully com pleted (1) Whether Hilton Intemational took over the employ- a course in Om ce M anagem ent or Accounts at the Kenya ment of all employees with al1 their accrued benefits Institute of Administration. A sound knowledge of Govern- who were employed by Block Hotels Llmited prior to ment regulations and procedures is essential, as is ability to 30th September 1967, at the New Stanley Hotel or control staff and conduct correspondence. whether they olered them new contracts of service as from 1st October 1967. Court BailiF (Three Postst, J/ef#fcfcl Department (No. 135 /68) (2) Did Hilton International agree to employ all the Salary scale.- Enln to f 582. PEN SIONA BLE. employees formerly employed by Block Hotels Limited at the New Stanley Hotel as from 1st October 1967. Applicants must be civil servants, preferably of Cambridge School Certifcate s'tandard of education, and hahre knowledge (3) In the event of there being no break in the continuity and experience of the law relating to service and execution of of service of these em ployees, was there a case of civil and crim inal warrants and other processes. Tbey m ust genuine redundancy. have a driving licence and be prepared to travzl and work (4) lf it is found that Hilton lnternational osered new long hours when necessary, and to serve anywhere in K enya. contracts of service to their employees as a result of their agreement with Block Hotels Limited are they Assistant M ess Caterer, Kenya Army, M inistry oj Defence required to ofl'er employment to 48 ex-employees of (No. 136/68) the N ew Stanley Hotel. Salary scale.-E 474 to f 582. PENSIONABLE or AGREE- 1. n e Domestic and Hotel W orkers' Union shall hereinafter M EN T. be referred to as the Claimants and the New Stanley Hotel Operated by Nairobi Hilton shall hereinafter be referred to as Applicants should be mature persons and have considerable the Respondents. and wide experience of catering and hotel management. The succosf'ul candidate will be em ployed at the 5th '.Kenya Rifles, 2. The Parties were hea'rd in Nairobi on the 5th of February, Nakuru, and will be responsible for the m anagement of the 25th and 26th March 1968, and relied on thelr written and M ess includipg control of staf, catering anti day-to-day verbal subm issions. In addition to the subm issions, the organization of the Mess. Claimants called 11 witnesses. The Respondents called two witnesses. Telephone Operator Grade 1, The Vke-president's OFce and Aw ARD Ministry t# Home Anairs (No. 137 / 68) M ter having heard the submissions made by tho Parties and their respective witnesses the Court finds that tile following Salary scale.- E3%6 to f510. PENSIONABLE. points are proved :- Applicants must be civil servants with a good general educa- (a4 ln or about August 1967, Block Hotels Limited started tion background and must be serving in the grade of Telephone negotiations with the Respondents to take over the operation Operator Grade 11 and haye passed Occupational Test No. I of the New Stanley Hotel, Nairobi, and after negotiations had for Telephone Operators. been concluded between them, their Labour and W elfare Superintendent, M r. W hiting, em barked on the exerckse of informing the unionizable employees of Block Hotels Limited GAZETTB N OTICE N o. 1311 of the new arrangem ent. H e m et M r. W andai the shop-steward who was informed of what was proposed to be done. JUDICIAL SERVICE COM MISSION OF ICENYA Subsequent to this meeting an oëcial announcement of the proposed takeover by the Respondents of the New Stanley VACANCY Hotel was made public. Subsequently several meetings were held between Mr. Whiting, M r. W andai and the Staf Com- District M agistrate, Iudîcîal Department- pezuionable mittee. At this meethlg Mr. Whiting very clearly explained to APPLICATIONS are invited from Kenya citizens who are the workers' representatives what was mtended to be done. between the age of 28 and 38 years for appointment as Distdct The arrangements as outlined by Mr. Whitinj were accepted M agistrates during the year 1968. by them and 2in fact, the Stas Commlttee ralsed one or two additional pomts with him which he accepted. Applicants who are civil servants must either lutve had three years' experience in a responsible post and have passed the (b) n e proposals which M r. W hiting had discussed with the Government Clerical Examination or possess the General shop-steward and the Staff Committee and which were accepted Certiscate of Education (0 Level) or the Overseas; (Cambridge) were reduce,d in writing as follows :- Scheol Certificate ; a full pass in the Law Exa.minaion for *û(a) Unionizable staf of the New Stanley Hotel are being Administrative Omcers is desirable. given notice of term ination of appom tm ent with efect Applicants wllo are not civil servants m uEit possess a from 30th September 1967. You have seen the notice of m inim um educational qualilication equivalent to the General termination of em ploym ent which will be issued indi- CertiEcate of Education (0 Level) er the OverseaEk (Cambridge) vidually to al1 persons concerned. School Certificate. n ey must have not less tharL three years' (bj Those individuals who have completed eight years of experience in a responsible adm inistrative post. Coul't or othor servico on 30th September 1967, will, under our Agree- legal experience will be an advantage. ment, be entitled to two months' extra pay. .1 t 386 'f'c KRNYA GAZETI'E 26th April 1968 (c) Those individuals whom the Hilton Organization may The above facts having been established the Court finds Jt decide to re-em ploy will be paid at the existing rates very diëcult to believe the Claimants' contention that they now paid to them byi Block Hotels Limited but the were not a party to the arrangem ents quoted hereinabove or Hilton Organization wlll 'recognize no seniority earlier that they had not agreed to the various clauses set out in the than the 1st October 1967. letter of 29th August 1967, from Block H otels Lim ited to them . (0 Provident Fund.- Block Hotels Ltd. will pay out a11 dues The Court rejects the Claimants' submission that they had under the Provident Fund including the Company's m erely discussed the above peirlts without actually reaching an contribution made up to 30th September 1967. All agzeement on them. The fact is that the Claimants were absolutely i.n no doubt as to what they had committed their payments will be made by crossed aeheque. mem bers to and were hoping for the best, that is, that the (e) Yearly Bonus.- will be paid in the usual way at the end Respondents would retain in employment all the workers at of the year to each ' employee who qualifies for this. In the N ew Stanley H otel and ofïer them new contracts. A 11 the the case of an individual not being given new employ- workers received a1l their dues including Provident Fund from ment by Hilton, he will be paid his bonus propor- Block Hotels Limited, therefore, as far as the Block Hotels tionately to the 30th Septem ber 1967. Limited are concerned, the Court finds that they acted properly (/) Annual Leave.-n e annual leavo which is due to and cleared all their matters with their ek -employees. It was employees will be granted te tllem irl the usual way as up to the Claimants then to play their cards in such a way it becom es due except in the event of an em ployee not that the Respondents would have been compelled to ofïer new being taken on by Hiltons, will be granted the proportion contracts of service to a1l the ex-employees of Block Hotels of leave. due to him as at 30th Septem ber 1967. Limited, but the Court linds that the Claimants failed badly (g) Service M oney.-'rhe service money will be wound up in this respect and, in fact, their National Oëcials, the shop- on 30th September 1967. Any surplus will be distributed steward and the membçrs of the Staff Committee had 1et down to the stal as a separate payment by crossed cheque.'' the workers. It would have been a sim ple m atter for the (c) On 29th August 1967, a meeting took place between the Claim ants to have m anoeuvred things in such a way that workers' representatives which included M r. Duncan M ugo, none of their m em bers would have lost em ploym ent. the G eneral Secretary, and the aforesaid shop-steward M r. W andai, M r. W hiting and M r. Block. At this m eeting which H aving blundered in such a fashion the Claimants are now was of short duzatien the aforesaid points were accepted by clutching at a straw which has appeared as a result of the the workers' representatives. The Claim ants' representatives at vel'y unsatisfactory manner in which the Rupondents carried no time raised any objection to clause (c) hereinabove. out the exercise of olering new em ployment to the ex- Fallowing this meetmg M r. W hiting Wrote a letter to M r. employees of Block H otels Lim ited. The R espondents had the Duncan M ugo, the Claimants' General Secretary, dated 29th whole month of September in which to finalize this matter yet August 1967, in which he conârmed what had been discussed they took no action hl this regard until the very last day of between them at the m eeting on the sam e day and he set out the m enth of Septem bez 1967, with the result that no employee of tlse Block H. otels Limited was told that his services would the aforesaid (a) to (g) clauses as they appea'r hereinabove. not be required as from 1st October 1967. Tho Court must (d) On 30th August 1967, Mr. M ugo, the Claimants' General strongly cnticize the Respondents for having conducted them- Secretary, replied to the letter of the 29th August 1967, and selves in such fashion in this extremely important matter. In stated as follows ; - these circum stances the Court m ust fin'd that all those efD ear Sir employe% who worked either on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd of October Thank you for your letter dated 29th August 1967. 1967, or en a11 these three days are deemed to have been in the employment of the Respondents. 'Ihe Court linds that they Confirming that 2 the contents of the letter is what we should be subjected to and be governed by the same contract discussed, the U nzon would like to put to you other two of service which the Respondents ha'd offered to the other points, nam ely :- em ployees, the terms of which are set out hereinbelow ;- 1. Grc/uf/y.- n at you consider paying gratuity to those em ployees who were in your service prior to intro- duction ef Provident Fund. i.lzlear . . . 2. Certihcate t# Service.-hs it is in our Agreement Clause 'rhe Company is prepare'd to employ you at the New N o. 16 the em ployees to be given certihcate of service, l Stanley Hotel with efect from 1st Octeber 1967, in the . capacity of (e) On 31st August 1967, Block Hotels Limited gave the following netice .to a11 their unionizable employees : - Your remuneration will be at the rate of Sh...... ElDear Sir/M adam, per m onth. This letter is to give you notice of the termination of Your employment will be subject to a probationary period your employm ent with Block H otels Lim ited. Y our em ploy- of two months during which the quality of your services m ent will cease on the 30th September 1967. Should the rendered to the botel will bo evaluated and during which period between receipt of this letter by you and thç 30th your employm ent m ay be term inated on either side by 48 Septem ber 1967, be less than the notice period to which you heurs' notice. are entitled under the negotiated Term s and Conditions of Employment then the balance of notice will be jiven to you You will be required to observe strictly the G eneral House by way of cash payment equal to the period of tlm e involved. Rules for persons employed in the New Stanley Hotel as You will be paid al1 m oneys due to you under the nego- . m ay be laid down by the Company from tim e to time. A tiated Agreement and in addition will receive a1l moneys copy of the present 'rules is attachod. due to you under the Com pany's Provident Fund. The payment made to you will be in full and fnal settlement of In all further resgects your employment will be subject to all or any claim s you may have against this organization the terms and condltions of service which have been agreed arising from your employm ent. with the Domestic and Hotel W orkers' Union and any revisions thereof which m ay be agreed from time to tim e. Between now and the date your employment with us ends you may be offered new employment by Hilton Hotels who If you wish to accept this offer of employm ent please will advise you as soon as posslble whether or not they wish signify such acceptance by signing and returning the attached you to commence employment with their organization from copy of this letter. the 1st October 1967. Termination of your employment on these terms is of Yours faithfully, course kubject to satisfactory service during the mqnth of Sgd. Sèptember. jor Nairobi Hilton Lîmited. W e take this opportunity to thank you for your services I accept the above-written offer of employment and have to this .company and wish you a happy future.'' received copy of the house rules which I understand and (J) The Respondents did not take any steps regarding the re-employment of the ex-employees of the Block Hotels accept. Lilhitçd until after 20th Septembe'r 1967, and, ilz fact, started offering new contracts. to the persons they had selected to work for' them oh the last day of the month of September On the issuès in dispute the Court finds as follows :- 1967, 'which was a Saturday. On Saturday, according to M r. Odaga's evidence, . little less than 250 employe%p contracts were Issue (1).-The Respondents did not take over the employ- processed and the other employees were told to come back on ment of a1l employees with a1l their accl-ued benests who were Sunday which was the 1st of October 1967. On Sunday, this employed by Block Hotels Limited prior to 30th September work continued and by M onday 60 or 70 employees were left 1967, at the New Stanley Hotel. 'rhe Court fnds that the whose contracts had not been processed. Respondents olered new contracts of service to those (gj A11 the employees were paid of theil dues by Block employees whom they wished to re-employ as from 1st October 'Hotels Limited in Accordance with the agreem ent on term s and 1967. conditions of service which they had entered into with the Issue (2).-The Reipondents did not agree at any time to Claimants including the amounts lying to the workers' credit employ a11 the employees formerly employed by Block Hotets in the Provident F'und. Some workers wçre paid their dues Limited at the New Stanley Hotel as from 1st October 1967. after 3rd October 1967, qnd were ogered Sh. 10 for the work they had 'done for the three days in Octobèr by the Issue (3).-1n view of the Court's above findings this issue Respondents. ' does not arise. 26th April 1968 THF. KENYA GAZE 387 Issue (4).- n e Respondents are not bound 1.o oser employ- 'I'he Court had awarded a standstill period of 18 months mont to 48 ex-employees at the New Stanley Hotel. In view from 1st November 1966, in the above dispute. of the fact that the Court has found that certain employees were not told about their future until after 3r.:l October 1967, Now when the above award is nearly over and the Parties the Court awards a11 such employees their wages for tllc three will no doubt be embazking on fresh negotiations they chose days or less as the case may be with two days' pay in lieu of to refer two isolated issues in this dispute to the Court just notice in accordance wfth paragraph (3) of the contract of because they agreed that these did not fall wîthin the standstill service olered by the Respondents to their employees. period. ' Eleven witncsses gave evidence in Court aml the statements This sort of attitude, to say tbe least, is m ost undesirable and of additional eight witnesses were handed in and the Court the Parties are advised that at the appropriate time they should finds that these employees workod on the days as stated by thrash out a1l thefr outstandfng problem s and in the event of a them in Court or as is recorded in their staternents and, there- deadlock seek the decision of the Industrial Court, after passing fore, they should bc paid for work done on those days along through the formal machinery for settlement ef disputes. with two days' pay 1t. 1lieu of notice. As far as the rem aining employees are concerned out of the Bringing disputes to the Industrial Court in such piecemeal total of 48 the Court directs that if they m ake claim s in fashion is not only a waste of public m oney but a waste of respect of work done during the first three dh ys of October time of a11 concerned. 1967, then the Chief Industrial Relations Oë cer, M inistry of Labour, should verify their claims and whek-e appropriate pass It is most surprising to find that at present there is no them on to the Respondents for paym ent. formal comprehensive agreement in existence embodying the obligations of the Parties at the Docks. During the hearing n roughout these proceedings the Court lifLs had consider- the Court was handed a file in which were reccfzded the terms able sympathy for these employees who had lost their jobs due and conditions of service of the workers at the Port. Some of to the incompetent manner m which the whole transaction these items have not been nelotiate.d with the Claimants but was conducted by their Union oëcials. Unfortunately the have come to be accegted by vlrtue of having been in existence Claim ants have put their own members in such a position and 'having been apphed for many years. that the Court with a1l the goodwill is unable to help them other than as awarded hereinabove. The Court hopes that during the next wage negotiations, due Finally the Court must comm ent on the fact that when to commence soon, the Parties will be able to draw up a full investors com e into the country it is expected that tlleir invest- agreem ent covering a11 terms and conditions of service of Port ment would create employment. n erefore, lnecause of what em ployees. has happened in this dispute the Coul't feels that the authorities Rev:rting to the present dispute the Court, after a very should see to it that new investm ent, if it does not create careful consideration of a1l the subm issions m ade, linds that additional jobs, should at least not lead to the reduction of the paynent of overtime or premium rates is not justilied for the existing labour force. categorles of employees whose nermal hours of work require them to provide a 24-hour cover comprised of three equal Given in Nairobi this 18th day of April 1968. shifts. SAEED R. COCKAR , The Court notes that tbe present practice has been in force President. for some yeal's at the Port, in fact, since the Parkin Com- M OHA M ED J/kH AZI, M.P., m ission of Inquiry Report. N o new circum stances have been Vîce-president. pleaded or have arisen which require the abrogation of this principle which has been m aintained throughout thq past years. J. G . M OLLO , . The court must, therefore, freject the Claimants' demand for P. E. I7. W ILSON , prem ium payment to the Tug and Lighter crews, Battery M embers. . Attendants and Battery Shed H ands. The Cotlrt feels that the Claimants may have a case for asking higher wages for thc'se employees due to the nature of their em ploym ent requirm'g GAZSTTE No'rlcs No. 1313 them to provide a 24-hour cover comprised of three equal w shifts but that aspect of the matter cannot be gone into in TH B IND IJSTRIAL cotm 'r tile present dispute. CAuse N o. 4 oF 1968 The Court accepts the Respondents' statement that M otor Boat Drivers are employed on the two main and normal shifts Dockworkers' Union and, if required to work after 11 p.m. are paid at the appro- and priate overtime trate for werk in extension of a shift. The Claimants, therefore, have no case as far as these employees East African Cargo Handling Services Limited are concerned. lssues frl dispute : - On the second issue, it appears that this practice, that is, (1) A demand by the Dockworkers' Unioll for payment to Section Superintendent's power of suspension, again has been personnel in the categories specilied for overtime rates in force for m any years but had never been negotiated with as enjoyed by other manual grade workers employed the Claimants. This issue is very much tied up with the by the Company for work on a third sllift namely grievance procedtrre generally and tlle Court finds that the Tug Captain and Engineer, M otor Boat D river and Parties did not apply themselves suëciently on tbis matter in Baharias, Battery Attendants and Battery Shed Hands. the present dispute. Somehow the whole system of complaint sheets and the subsequent appeals does not work sm oothly. (2) A demand by the Dockworkers' Union that dtsection 'I'he Parties have admittod this and told the Court that they Superintendent should not have power to suspend a were m aking efforts to appoint an independent persort to be worker'' the Chaimmn of the Appeals Tribunal. The Court feels that 1. The Dockworkers' Union shall hereinafter be referred to this is a step in the right direction. as the Claimants and thc East African Cargo Handling Services Limited shall hereinafter be referred to as tbe Respondents. The Court directs the Padies to go over the N egotiating Procedure thoroughly and to remove anï shortcomings. The 2. The Parties were heard in M ombasa ort the 4th day of Claimants had some justécation for saylng that the current M arch 1968, and relied on their written and verbal sub- negotiating procedure was being by-passed. The disciplinary rnissions. n e members of the Court visi'led the Port of powers of Section Superintendents should surely form part of M om basa on 5th M arch 1968, where they saw the varieus Disciplina:ry and Grievance Procedure. employees involved in this dispùte actually at wsrk. The Court members also perused a file containing comlhlaint sheets kept In view of this the Court is not prepared to disturb the by one of the Section Superintendents in tbe presence of both current practicc at present and would like tlle Parties to start Parties. negotiations on the lines indicated hereinabove. There appears to be no reason why this matter cannot be settled out of AwARD Court. n e Court is not happy at the piecemeal manner in which negotiations are conducted between the Parties on behalf of the workers employed at the Port of Mombaiia. Given in Nairobi this 16th day of April 1968. ln Cause No. 65 of 1966 the Industrial Court between these Parties had made an award on the following issues :- SAEED R. COCKAR, (a) W ages for manual, clerical and other grades. President. (b) Annual leave. MOHAMED JAHAZI, M.P., (c) Leave allowance. Vîce-presîdent. (40 Sick leave. DR. N. C. OTIENO, (c) Promotion of W hite registered weekly labourers to Blue P. E. ' D. W ILSON, after one year, Members. 388 THR KENYA GAZE'ITE 26th April 196$

GAZBT'I'B No'ncs No. 1314 The Claimants stated that. they did nat get this letter until the 23rd November 1967 and the Court has no reason to doubt THE INDUSTRIAL COURT that. CAusE No. 2 oF 1968 w hile the arrangements were in hand by the Ministry ol p Jrties :- Labour and C.O.T.U.I.Q to call off the strike the Respondents' The Kenya Electzical Trades W orkers' Union Perbseorn n1e9l6 7M : anager issued the following notice on 22nd Noo enA - and The East M rican Power and Lighting Company Limited tsAnnouncement by the M anagement of the East M rican Power and Lighting Company Lirnited to those employees at lssue in D ispute : - ' present taking part in an unlawful strike : Lock-out of 27 Employees r ue to the fact that you are on strike and that 'this 1. The Kenya Electrical Trades W orkers' Union shall herein- strike bas been declared unlawful by the Minister of L abour after be referred to as the Claimants and the East African we must infonn you that unless you return to duty by Power and 'Lighting Company Limited shall hereinafter be 8 a.m. on Thursday 23rd November 1967, you will be ref erred to as the Respondents. deemed to have deserted your empioyment. After that time the M anagement reserves the right to decide whether ot 2. The Parties were heard in Nairobi on the 20th and 21st not to re-employ you should you apply f or such re- day of February 1968 and relied on their written and verbal em ployment.' '' sublnissions. The Claimants further called three witnesses and the Respondents called one witness M r. Om ollo, an Industrial This notice did not have the desired esect and, in fact, Relations Assistant at the M inistry of Labour. throughout the country only 135 workers reported for duty at 8.00 a.m. on 23rd November 1967, of whom only three were After the dispute had been heard but before the award was Nairobi emplogees. '1n fact, the workers were addressed by announced it was found that the term of oflice of the two M r. Lubembe m the morning of the 23rd and they reported members representing workers and the employers had expired f or work at 11 .00 a.m . They were a11 told by a m em ber of on 14th December 1967. Both these memàers were, however, the M anagem ent to com e back the next day. re-appointed to the Court on 26th Februag 196-8 by the M inlster for Labour. Consequently the Presldent c'alled the The next day the following persons at varlous stations were Parties on 2nd M arch 1968 and offered them a re-hearing but not allowed to work. 'The list also includes .those who were in 170th M r. Okumu for the Claimants and M r. Deacon for the police custody and could not, therefore, report for duty either Respondents stated that they did not want a re-hearing and on 23rd or 24th November 1967 ; - would consider the dispute as if it had been re-heard. COMPANY No. Aw ARD N airobi In this dispute the Respondents' employees at the Parklands 5280 M utuku Kaloki Depot went on strike on 17th November 1967, after two of 5279 M atheri M wathi them bad been served with suspension notices on 16th November 1967. They were suspended by the Engineer-in-charge f or a 5262 Kado Kado period of 14 days without pqy. The Claimants alleged that their 5423 Kuiruri Njuguna shop-steward at the Parklands Depot M r. 01oe attem pted to 6231 Benson D . Khabelel see Mr. Bell, the Engineer-in-charge but M r. .Bell refused to see him . In these circum stance,s the workers walked out. The 6240 Leonard Atong Court fmds that even if M r. Bell had refused to see M r. Oloo 5942 M akumi Mutinga and had thereby frustrated the Iirst step laid down in the 5542 Mutyota Muindi Recognition Agreement between the Parties the workers could not bywpass the 'statutory provisions laid down in the Trade 5929 Paul J. Madera DisputG Act 1965, regarding Essential Services. The walk-out 5695 Erastus S. lgaida was, therefore, unlawful although the workers might have been Fravelï provoked and probably felt that they were fully justified 5885 G akera K am au ln thelr action. 5434 Joseph Njuguna Immediate steps that were taken by the oëcials of the 5718 Henry Njagi M inistry of Labour failed to secure the return to work of 6495 Tende O1o Gula these employees and, in fact, the letter written by the Minister 5877 Ngare Kaara for Labour dated the 18th November 1967, to the Claimants' General Secretary in which he warned the workers that their 6148 Timothy M boga strike was unlawful and that the strike should be called o5 5985 M bunz Kabecha lmmediately went unheeded. 2897 Jacob Oloo 'rhe stlike spread throughout the country in the Respondents' establishments and the State acted. The Claimants' om clals were Nakuru arrested and charged f or various ofences under the Trade 8556 Lisutsa Disputes Act 1965. Another 1ot of workers were also arrested 8608 M eshak Chunguli and charged. So the position at that stage was that the workers had defed the 1aw and the State took appropriate action against 2393 Kihara Maimba the persons it thought fit sllould be charged f or various offences. Eldoret Inevitably the burden of getting the workers back to work 8880 Lukas M asinde restzd on the oëcials of the M inistry of Labour. 'The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour was having meetings and con- Coast sultations with the Claimants' oëcials who had not been arrested and the top oflicials of C.O.T.U.IK) who had naturally come 7825 Silvanos Orido ön the scene. As a result the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of 7332 Paul Newton M wangi I.,d bour cam e to an arrangem ent with the SecretarpG eneral of 2876 Augustine Sakwa C.O.T.U.IK) Mr. Lubembe tm 21st November 1967. This àrrangement is set out in the f ollowing letter which he wrote 2359 M ohamed Rashad to the SecretarpGeneral, C.O.T.U.IK) :- 2376 Ancent M . Ngumu

' .' ççDear Sir, 21st November 1967 It is obvious that the matter on 21st November 1,967 was completcly out of the Respondents' hands and they were relying Re : STRIK: BY KENYA ELECTRICAL TluoEs W ORKBRS' UNION entirely on the good olces of the M inistry of Labour to Further to our m eeting this morning, this is to confirm secure a return to work of the workers. This being the position that- the Court fails to understand what was the lmrpose of the Personnel M anager's letter dated 22nd November 1967 which (J) the issue in the dispute which was originally reported was circulated amongst all the workers. The Court fmds t,h at this by Kenya Electrical Trades W orkers' Union for con- circular was issued purely to give the M anagement an upper ciliation will be submitted to the Industrial Court for hand in the whole afair so that it could after the strike was adjudication ; and over, weed out the workers who in their opinion were the (b) the issue of dismissals and suspension of employees trouble makers. If this was not the intention why was thls which has never been brought to our attention before drcular not issued on 18th, 19th, 2(h.1% or 21st November? by your Union and which 1ed to the present strike will be the subject of investigation by an Investigator under Why was it issued on 22nd when the Permanent Secretary M inistry of Labour and tho SecretarpGenera. , section 7 of the Trade Disputes Act 1965. ha'd come to an arrangement for the strike lt o ofb e Cc.Oall.Ted.U oJIlK?) Thb aforesaid will be subject to the strike being called off The Court is aware that such a step is usually taktm to break immectiately.'' q. strikç but in this case this step was not taken until after 26th April 1968 THE KENYA G AZKTTE 389 ' the M inistry of Labour had come to an arranyement on 21st before the Court with proper terms of reference, namely, that . - November 1967, with the Secretary-General of C'.O.T.U.IK) for 27 workers have been denied the opportunity to continue work- return to work. If such a notice had been issued prior to' 21st ing for the Respondents. This dispute was referred to the Court November 1967, it would naturally have figljrecL in the return by the M inister for Labour who would no doubt have to act to work arrangement. The usual practice ls to have a no again in the matter if the Court were to rejed this dispute for victimization clause. There is no reference to it in the letter not having been termed properly. In these circumstanees the dated 21st November 1967, because it was tllought of and Court cannot accept the Respondents' submission. The other issued after that date. The purpose clearly was as stated above authorities that have been cited by the Respondents are not on to give the M anagement the chance to pick sknd choose the all fours with the present dispute. The facts are entirely diserent workers they liked. In fact the Respondents stated that their and the Court must, therefore, reject them. General M anager had read over the telephone this circular to the Permanent Secretary on 22nd November 1967 #before it was During these proceedings neither party raised the question of circulated. This creates a doubtful 'situation in that the person whether or net the Industrial Court had jurisdiction to award who, in fact, had come to an arrangement with the workers to reinstatem ent of a dismissed worker. The Court has, however, call olT the strike should have given his blessings to the circular considered this question at length and has com e to the con- dated 22nd November 1967. It sounds a bit contradictory. It clusion that the provisions of the Trade Disputes Act 1965, do should be noted that M r. M batfii the Permanent Secretary was not give the Court power to award reinstatement. Lord Goddard not called to give evidence by either party. C.J. in R. v. National Arbitration Trsbunal 2 A11 E.R. (1947) 693 at p. 696 staled as f ollows : - The Court fmds that the situation having got to a stage where some of the workers and their leaders had been charged Kil'he next, and, to my mind, by far the more dilcult and f or ofences in Criminal Courts, and the stlike had spread important, question is whether the tribunal have purported to throughout the country in the Respondents' establishments, that award reinstatement, andx if so, whether they have jurisdiction it was not unreasonable f or the oKcials of C.O.T.U.IK) to so to do. It will be remembered that the first matter referred have in writing the arrangement they had lnade with the is the claim made by the workmen for treinstatement from the Permanent Secretary for calling off the strike and the Court date of dismissal of the workers dismissed'. This means that further fmds that the workers did not act unreasonably in not the workmen claim to be reinstated in the service of the rcturning to work until they had been addressed by M r. Lubembe employers as from Ajril 4, 1947, the date when the notices who was actively engaged in negotiations on their behalf . served expired. The trlbunal state in their award that : K'riley find in favour of the claim set out in item (1) of sched. 11 in Tile Court is not forgetting that the workers had gone on an para 1 above, and award accordingly.' I can only read this unlawful strike but the State had taken approplialre action against as meaning that they award what the men claimed, namely, the culprits and they have subsequently been punished. reinstatement as from the date that I have mentioned, and by the tenns of the order an award is made binding on the employers. If my reading of the award be right, it can only The Court is also mindful of the fact that the Electricity m ean 'that the tribunal direct the re-employment of , and the Industry is an Essential Serdce and tllat gross indiscipline should employers are obliged to reemploy, these men and pay them not be condoned. But thc Court feels that the workers have their wages from April 4. I can see no other way by which learned their lesson that they cannot break tlle 1aw and 4et on August 8 a man could be reinstated in employment from away with it as the State has prosecuted the guilty ones qulte the date of dismissal which occurred four m onths earlier. It successfully. may be assumed that the tribunal were of opinion that the real cause of dismissal was the trade dispute, that is to say, The Court cannot allow a situation where the workers, having the claims made by the men which the employers were committed an unlawful act for which they have been punished, unwilling to grant. Jt must also be assumed that the tribunal should further be left at the mercy of an Emllloyer when the were of opinion that the em ployers ought not on that account Ministry of Labour acting in the public interest secures a return to have dismissed the men, but l find it impossible to read to work by them . this award 'merely as an expression of opinion 'to that effect. I can only read it as a direction to the employers having 'The Respondents shoflld appreciate the sllccessful eforts the elect which I have already mentioned. made by the Ministry of Labout oëcials in calling off the strike and they should respect the arrangement made by the Permanent rnaere are no express words either in the regulation or in Secretary, M inistry of Labour in which there is ho mention of the Order which ln tenns give the tribunal any power to the Management having the right to decide Mrhom to engage reinstate but it is said that as they have power to deal with and whom not to engage. This is further aggravated by the any question relating to employment or non-employment it fact that a serious attetnpt appears to have been made to follows that they must have the power to make qn award decimate the Union. Contrary to the Respondents' submission of reinstatement. It seems to me a strong thing to say, leoking that if these workers were allowed to return to work, it would at this regulation which alone gives lorce to the Order, timt a ruin their industrial relations, the Court feels tbat the industrial power is thereby impliedly given to the tribunal to grant a relations in the Eledricity Industry would be pennanontly remedy which no coult of law or equity has ever considered damajed if the Respondents aze allowed to get away with a they had power to grant. If an employer breaks 'his contract of situatlon whereby 27 workers, most of whom are active Union sem ce wlth his employees either by not giving notice to members and oëcials, have lost their employment. It is the which the latter are entitled or by discharging them sum- Court's duty to ensure that good industrial relations are marily f or a reason which cannot be justilied, the workmen's established between the disputhtg parties. rem edy is for damages only.''

The Court further fmds that none of the wlhrkers who were Lord Goddard's views were adopted by the Uganda High alowed te resume duty on 24th November 1967, were re-engaged. Court in M iscellaneotzs Cause No. 62 of 1966. In fact they were a11 allowed to resume duty without any break in service and without new contracts of service. T'hey This being the position the Court is in considerable diëculty. sulfered no loss of privileges either. It is quite clear, therefore, Slnce havîng come to the conclusion that the R espondents acted that adive Union members and Union oflitzials have been wrongly in this dispute, it finds itself in the unhappy 'position victimized presumably f or having caused and taken part in an of not being able to make an enf orceable award as the Court unlawful strike. But the Respondents seem to overlook the fact has no Jurisdiction to award reinstatement of an employee. that the dtfance of 1aw took its course and thdz workers whom the State thought fit to punish were punished. ln a1l the circum- But in view of the fact 'that Electricity is an Essential Service stances surrounding this dispute the Court Iindls that these 27 and the Minister for Labour acting under powers given to bl'm workers are victims of an unfair labour practice. in section 30 of the Trade Disputes Act 1965, has referred this dispute to the Court, the Court strongly recommends to the 'fhe Court would like to stress that it has no intention of M inister and the Parties concerned to take steps so that these restricting an employer's right to ilire and lïre unless it is 27 employee's are allowed to continue working for the Respon- proved that such hiring or Iiring amounts to 1tn unfair labour dents. Thls would greatly help to restore industrial relations practice. between the Parties which unfortunately at present 'are at the Iowest ebb. In countries where organized labour has won the right to collective bargaining, etc., it is a1l the more important that there should be no unfair labour pnactice, otherwise the industrial relations machinery would not function smoothly. Given in Nairobi this 23rd day of April 1968. 'I'he Court has carefully considered the submissions made by the Respondents that the facts of the dispute do not bring it SAEED R. COCKAR, within the legal and technical defmition of a lock-out and the President. Claimants should, theref ore, fail. It may well. be that this is so but to find against the Claimants on tllif; technical point DR. N. C. OTIENO, would sel've no useful purpose but would merely prom ote G. A. T. W ISE, further industrial strife because the Parties would be back again M embers. !9b TI4F. KFN YA G AZRTIY 26t14 April 1968

GAZBTTE No'rlcB No. 1315 14542.- Pnints and lacguers. HEINRICH WAGNER AND CO., a partnership with limited llability consisting of Heinrich Wagper- THE E M ARKS ACT Appenzeller and Fredy H. W agner, partners with unlimlted liability as well as Emma Koenig-Klampll, Eugen Muller- (Cap. 506) Kunzle, Franz Isidor Dreher, Dr. Hans Tobler, Rosmarie .N OTICE is hereby given that any person who has grounds Nigjli-Wagner, Elsbeth Muller-Wagner, partners with limhed of opposition to the registration of any of the trade marks fljabgity ; duly organized under the laws of Switzerland, manu- advertised he acturers and merchants, of W erdholzlistrasse 79, Zurich, from the datree ionf atchcios rdGinazge ttoe the classes may, within 60 days switzerland and c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby and Satchu, Form T , lodge Notice of Opposition on advocates, p. o . Box 29 ,M ombasa. 22nd November 1966. .M. No. 6 (in duplicate) together with a fee of Sh 50. . Notice is also hereby given that o/cial objection will be taken under nzle 21 (3) to a11 applications in wbich tbe specification claims a11 the goods included in any clas's unless the Registrar is satislied that the claim is justilied by the use CLwss 3--SCHEDULE 1II of the mark which the applicant has made, or intends to make if and when it is registered. W here an applicant considers By Con-çenf that a claim in respect of a1l the goods included in a class can be Justified . it will save unnecessary delay in examining applica- tions if a claim is filed simultaneously with the application, accompanied in appropriate cases by supporting documents. ' S E 14511.- Wax polishes Jn liquid or paste fonn f or use on The period for lodging notice of opposition may be extended ioors. RECKI'IT AND COLMAN (OvERsEAs) LIMITED, a limited by the Registrar as he thinks Iit and upon 'such terms as he liability company incorporated in England, manufacturers and may direct. Any request for such extension should be made to merchants, of Dansom Lane, Hull, Yorkshires England and the Registrar so as to reach him before the expiry of the c/o Messrs. Daly & Figïs, advocates, P.O. Box 34, Nairobi. period allowed. 16th November 1966. Formal opposition should ncyt be lodged until after reasonable notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration so as to alïord him any opportunity of withdrawing his applica- tion before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition is incurred. Failure fto give such notice will be taken into account in considering any application by an opponent f or an order Farina jùjeniier f or costs if the opposltlon is uncontested by the applicant. W here it is stated in the advertisement of the applicant that 14635.- A11 the goods in the class. Joltâ.> MARIA FARINA tlle mark, upon its registration, is to be limited to certain GEGENUBER DEM JuLlcHs-pt,ATz, a Germ an Kom manditgesell- colours, the colours are, as far as possible, indicated in the schaft, the personally responsible partner being Vitor Langens of accompanying representations of the mark in the usual heraldic Obenmarspf orten 21, Cologne, Rhein, Germany and c/o M essm. m anner. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. To be Representations of the marks advertised herein can be seen associated with T.M . No. 11996. 5:th January 1967. at the Trade Marks Registry, State Law Omces, Nairobi. Application f or registration in Part A of itho Register are shown with the oëclal number unaccompanied by any letter. Applications for Part B are distinguished by the letter B pre- fixed to the omcial number.


AI,v Ex 14714.- Detergents for use in industrial and manufacturing processes. Josel;l.l CRosFlsto & SoNs LIMITED, a Com pany organized under the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, manufacturers, of Bank Quay, W 'arrington, Lancashire, England, and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 7th Febnzary 1967.

CLAss Z--SCHBDULE 11l AR EX ON S 14539.- Rust preventers, enamels, colours and paints, lacquers, mordant.s and resins, chemical products for the mamtenance, repairing and assembling of any vehicles (except lacquer thinner mainly for motor bodies). S.I.P.A.L. AREXONS Societa Italiana Prodotti Auto e Locomozione S.p.A., a joint stock company organized under the laws of Italy, of Viale Espinasse 93, M ilano, l'taly and c/o M essrs. Atkinsons Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 22nd November 1966. Registration of this Trade M ark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter CTR''

lx ll.- perfumery, cosmetics, and toiletries. Rtnhltuàxs olv PALL MM.L (KENYA) LIMITRD, a limited liability company incorporated in Kenja of Plot No. 209/4231, Kilmarnock Road, P.O. Box 30431, Nalrobi and c/o Messrs. Shapley, Barret M ars'h & Company, advocates, P.O. Box 286, Nairobi. To be associ- ated with T.M . No. 14799 and others. 2nd February 1967.

BIOTEX ls3œ -- Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use ; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations ; soaps for laundry use. KORTMAN & SCHULTE N .V., a Dutch Company, manufaoturers, of Achterhaven 48 Rotterdam, woRredgs st'r'Fatiinogne r shPaalil ntgsi'v'e no right to the exclusive use of the Holland and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advo, cates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 1st November 1967. 26th April 1968 THE KENYA GAZETTE 391


Proceeding under section 32 (1) Lb) of the Trade M arks Act. Jv7 s (oaPSMntroihr1dtlahe'45 tr 47t,-b slsia. AStvgadoehNnv atotc,p hec. srae Ce1t1mphef1aosR=e1in,rs 3=d aht7CtPi >lcir.a C.oesOwu dn1,;s ,nAe.4s- t d'E-1)ehv. riBN5rn ey,go-r Dt( OeJxl-untar eShitsnec.1seiGjnE)sdHa .,1J: mErJ1(; Ayca,bo g?cl(.) anuy.r4le R'.eN(1srpT.dL9as ;t.-riaB/7.1cnDe i)Lchir9pjnUI/io6aIngoaNb7Ir=/àg, .-Iz E.tL -pMi:qEo=TpoVen1rloiEses pRhr baisn.rL eag IdtK,Mai osIasnTscpoasoEl acnuDinar,ta itneO&rdygf substances ; animal health produds ; anlmal washes, dips and shampoos ; disinfectants, insecticides ; insecticidal collars and 15344.- Soaps, dotergents, bleaching preparatitms and other bands ; pest destroying preparations. SHEI-L INTERNATIONAL substances for laundrï use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and PBTROLEUM COMPANY LIMITED, a British company incorporated abrasive preparations ln Class 3. UNII-EVER LIMITED, a British under the laws of England, M erchants, of Shell Centre, London, company, manufadurers, of Port Sunlight: Cheslkire, England S.E. 1., England and c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, and c/o M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, advocates, P.O . Box 29, M om basa. 8th M arch 1967. Nairobi. To be associated with T.M . No. 11111. 8th November 1967. SYN TEX R EG OLA R Registration shall give no right to the exclusive use ef the word CXREGOLAR'' 14173.- Steroid herm one pzeparations for gynaecological use. SYNTEX CORPORATION, a corporation organized under the laws of the Republic of Panama, of Arcia Building, Justo Arosemena Avenue, Panama, Republic of Panama and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. To be 1 7 associated with T.M. No. 14174. 20th July 1966. yuj $ 7, :71::1j S X GOLATE Registration shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word ITREGOLATE'' 14174.-Steroid hormone preqarations f or gynecological use. SYNTEX CORPORATJON, a. corporatlon Organized under the laws of the Republic of Panama, of Arcia Building, Justo A rosem ana Avenue, Panama, Republic of Panama and c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. To be associated with T.M . No. 14173. 20th July 1966. 15390.- Detergents (not f or use Jn industrial or rnanufacturing processes) and soaps included in Class 3. UNII-BVE,R LIMITED, a British Company, manufacturers, of Port Sunlight, Birkenhead, D ON G TOTOBRC BA LA T Cheshire, England and c/o M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, Registration shall give no right to the exclusive use of the' advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. To be associated with T.M . Nos. 14687, 13647. 29th November 1967. words ttrfberoxlc and BALAMRIT''. ' 14835.-A tonic for children. Doxt)lts Axo COMPANY, Private Limited, a limited liability company incorporated in India, manufadurers & merchants, of 82 tN . M aster Road, Bombay, 1, India and c/o M essrs. Daly & nggis, advocates, P.O. Box 34, VALROR Nairobi. 7th Xpril 1967.

15395.- Cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasiv's preparations VI.D A IN including oven cleaners, soaps. VAI-MONT Ixc. (1k corporation 14858.- Pharmaceutical preparations. ABBO'I'T LABORATORIES. organized under the laws of the State of Delaware), manufac- A corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois, turers and merchants, of 90 Park Avenue, City of New York, United States of America, manufacturers, of North Chicago, State of New York, United States of America an4l c/ o Messrs. lllinois 60064, United States of America and c/o M essrs. Kaplan Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box (19, M ombasa. & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 18th April 1967. 4th December 1967. H TA lsl3s.- pharmaceutical preparations f or human use. KENYA CH AR M IS OVERSEAS CO. LTD., manufactuling chemists of P.O. Box 2569, Burton Road t.' , Light Industrial Area, Nairobl. 4th October 1967. 15397.-N1 goods included in Class 3 (Schedule 111). COLGATE PALMOI-IVE COMPAxY, a Corporation duly organizes. and existing SELECTO under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of 15372.- 1nsecticides, fungicides, herbicides, weedkillers, plant America, manufacturers, of 300 Park Avenue, New York, desiccants and def oliants. PLANT PROTECTION LIMITED, a British N.Y. IO02Q United States of America and c/o NEossrs. Kaplan company, manufacturers, of Yalding, Kent, England and c/o & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, 'Nairobi. thh December M essrs. K aplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O . Box 111, Nairobi. 1967. 20th November 1967. 392 Tc KENYA GAZETIW 26th April 1968 Cu ss S- S/HEDULB IIl instruments and tools ; chucks, tool Nolders, cutting and pressing tools ; hydraulic machinel.y and equipment ; textile machines; rubber manufacturing machines ; pumps ; mechanical, hydraulic ' - - --' ORFERON and electrical transmission mechanisms ; pneumatic, hydraulic 15379.- Pharmaceutical, veteyinary and sanitary substances ; and electrical equipment f or direct and remoto control ; hand infants' and invalids' foods; plasters and materials for bandag- and automatic control of movement of machine parts and their ing ; material for stopping teeth, dental wax ; disinfectants. combination ; sxtures and jigs for boring, drilling, milling, grind- Flsoxs PztusucEurzcwt.s LIMITED (a British Company), manu- ing, planing, etc., to facilitate the operation on metal-workin! facturers and merchants, of 12 Derby Road, Loughborouglu machine tools, castings, f orgings, stampings. Kovosvl'r, narodm Leicestershire, England and c/o Messrs. Atkhason, Cleasby & podnik, a National Corporation duly established and existing Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 22nd November 1967. under the laws of Czechoslovakia, manufacturers & merchants, of Sezfmovo Usti, Czechoslovakia and c/o Memsrs. Kaplan & SERTOD Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111y Nairobi. 8th November 1967. 15385.-Pharmaceutica1 products. BIOCHBMIE GESBLLSCHAFT M .B.H., manufacturers, of Karntnerring 4, VIEAINA, Austria and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, CLAss 9--SCHEDuLE lIl Nairobi. 24th November 1967. CLAss I6--SCHBDULE l1I E OM ETR , 15393.-Products for the destruction of animals and plants, plant proteding agents. FARBwERK.E HoEcfls'r AKTIENGESELL- CHAFT, a joint stock company organized under the laws of 15353.- Physical and electronk appliances ; computing devices ; Germany (Federal Republic of Western Germany), manufac- surveying, signal, measuring and supervisory devices ; weighing turers and merchants, of Frarlkfurt/Main-Hoechst, Bruningstr. apparatus in combination with calculating machines ; talking 45, Germany and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, machines ; adding, calculating and accounting machines ; advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 4th December 1967. machines for punching, verifying and the evaluation of record- materials ; counting and cash registers ; adding, calculating and UTROM H , accounting machlnes in combination with tym writers and/or writing tables and/or devices for punching, verifying and the ls400.- chemical products for hygienical use ; pharmaceutical evaluation of record-materials and/or eledronic or electro- and veterinary preparations. .Soc1BTA FARMACEIJTICI ITALIA, a technical calculating devices and their interior appliances or corporation organized and existing under the laws of Italy, accessories. VEB BUCHIJNGSMASCHINENWERK KARL-M MLX-STADT manufacturers, of Largo Donegani 1-1, M ilan, Italy and c/o manufacturers of oëce eguipment of al1 kinds, a German M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. company organized and exjsting under the laws of the German 5th December 1967. Democratic Republic, of Altchemnitzer Strasse 41, Karl-M arx- Stadt, German Democratic Republio and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & OFO DE Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 14th Noyember 15401.- Chemica1 products f or hygienical use ; pharmaceutical 1967. and veterinary preparations. SoclB'rx FA.uMwcEtm cl ITALIA, a 1535, 2.- -fypewriteks à oflke machines ; adding, caloulating and corporation organized and existing under the law6 of Italy, accounting machines m combination with typewriters ; writing, manufacturers, of Largo Guido Donegani, 1-1, Milan, Italy drawing, painting' and modelling goods ; omce appliances and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, (except furniture). VeB DUC:IRTIVI;SMAC;I-IINEU RK KARL-M ARX- Nairobi. 5t1: December 1967. STZDT, a German Company orranized and existing under tlw laws of the Gennan Democratlc Republic, manufacturers of olce equipment of all kinds, of Altchemnitzer Strasse 41, Karl- R OBR EX Marx-stadt, German Democratic Republic and c/o Messrs. 15404.- Infants' and hwalids' foods. RECKIT'r & COLMAN Kaplan & Stratton, advocatees, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. To be (OvERsBAS) LTD., a limittd liability Co. incorporated in England, associated with T.M . No. 15353. l4th November 1967. exporters and merchants, of Dansom Lane, Hull, Yorkshire, Enyland and c/o Messrs. Daly & Figgis, advocates, P.O. Box 34, Nalrobi. l4th December 1967. Cu ss IZ- SCHEDIJI.E llI Y AM AH A CLAss G--SCHEDULE l1I ls36l.- Motorcycles, motorboats, and outboard engines. YAMAHA HATSUDOKI KABUSHIKI KMSHA (a corporation duly EGA organized under the laws of Japan, manufacturers & merchants, 14525.-Blectzic conduit tubing and junction fttings theref o'r, of No. 1280 Nakajo, Hamakita-shi, Shizuoka Ken, Japan and all of metal and nono being f or use in rdation to railway c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box signals, road traKc signals, marine signalling apparatus, light- 29, M ombasa. 15th November 1967. houses or signalling apparatus for aircraft, ships or land vehicles. EGA ELECTRIC LIMITED, a company duly organized and exist- îng under the laws of England, manufacturers and merchants G xss I8--SCHEDUL? III of St. Asaph, Flintshire, North W alos, United Kingdom and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, ER Nairobi. To be associated with T.M . Nos. 14526, 14527. 18th November 1966. 15369.- Travel1ing cases, tmvelling bags, attache cases, suit cases, document cases, despatch eeasos, brief cases, valises, trunks P ROL and portmanteaux. ANTI-BR LIMITED, of Hlot W orks, Alfred 15423.- M etallic materials for railway tracks. LOCKSPIKE Street, Bury, Lancahire, England and c/o Messrs. Hamilton, LIMITED (a British company), manufacturers and merchants, of Harrison & Mathews, advocates, P.O. Box 30333, Nairobi. 20th 7, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4, England and N'ovember 1967. c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 21st December 1967. FOXCRO 15370.- Travelling cases, travelling bags, attache cases, suit cases, document cases, despatch cases, brief cases, valises, trunks CLAss 7--SCHEDULE llI and portm anteaux. FoxcRor'r LUGGAGE LlMl'rEo, of Pilot W orks, Alfred Street, Bury, Lancashire, England and c/(? M essrs. Hamilton, Harrison & M athews, advocates, P.O. Box 3033, Nairobi. 20th November 1967.

Ctxss ZG--SCHEDULE ll1 EGA 14526.-Tubing for eledlic conduits and junction fktings for such tubing, a1l m ade of plastics and none being for use in relation to railway signals, road tramc signals, martine signalling apparatus, lighthouses or signalling apparatus f or aircraft, ships or land vehicles. EGA ELEGRIC LIMITEDS a company duly organized and existing ttnder the laws of England, manufac- turers and merchants, at St. Asaph, Flintshire, North W ales, 15r347.- xM achine tool sx, especially chi ps detaching and non- United Kingdom and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, detachl-ng machinery, devices, instnlments and tools f or metal- P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. To be associated W' ith T.M . Nos. 14525, working machine tools such as milling, dividing and drilling 14527. 18th November 1966. 26th April 1968 Tl'lE KENYA GAXRTTE 393 CtAss ZO--SCHEDULE III

INdEZ SFZINC MITTZESS ( ' ''' -xî ihh ! ($ ! j; 'Ip! 1v àj , hqk', %< < y ' ' è ' ' * t t w5* o - ? . 4 *. : ...... X9.àz.enu : . ,u. .-. : ;.) ty , - Cilll '' -' - ' g M ode by HIll1I ld1!$ Box738a M O M B A S A Phone 4219

Registration shall give no right to the exclusive use of letters HM , the devfce of a mattress, and the words Jlnner SpHng M attress'' 15373.- Mattresses. HlRANl M ANUFACI-UIUSRS, manufacturers, of Spring House, Plot 105, Sec. XIX, W orkshop Road, P.O. Box 7383, M ombasa. 22nd November 1967.

SJJSf:II 37 ctAss 29--scssouss IJf ls4lo.- M attresses. HlRANl M ANIJFACTURERS, of Spring House, Plot No. 105, Sec. XJX, W orksllop Road, JP.O. Box 7383, M ombasa. 19th December 1967.

CLAss 25-=ScHEDuLE l1I

15364.-A11 goods included in Class 25 (Schedule 111). LA CHEMISE LAcos'rE, Sociote Anonyme, a comm ny organized under the laws of France, manufacturers, of 8 Rue de LEhFEIZï Castiglione, Paris, France and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 17th N ovember 1967. 14716.- Vegetab1es and frtzits, a11 being dehydrated, preserved, dried, canned or cooked. BJDDLE, SAW YER & COMPANY LIMITED, manufacturers and merchants, of Haddon House, 2/4, Fitzroy e# Street, London, W .1., England and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & # # * Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 9th Febnzary 1967. . - *1/ * I SM ANH #' @' A ee ls4x .- vegetables, frults, vegetable produc'ts and fruit pro- ducts. CADBURY BRO'rHBRS, LIMITED, m anufacturers, of Bourn- ville, Birml-ngham, Bngland and c/o M essrs. A'tkipson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M om basa. 14th D ecember 15365.-N 1 goods included in Class 25 (Strhedule 111). LA 1967. CHEMISE LAcos'l'E, Societe Anonyme, a company organized under the laws of Prance, manufacturers, of 8 Rue de Cas- tfglîone, Paris, Franee, and c/o M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton. advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 17th November 1967.

M AM 15389.--rlotb1n4, G UETI', PsMonv & Co., 1)Nc., a company organiyed and exlsting under the laws of tht, State of New York, United States of America, manufadurezs, of 530 Fifth Avenue, New York 36, N.Y., United States of Amezica and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 1 11 14 Nairobi. 27th November 1967. BLUEBKRD rp X . 15394.- Knitted articlos of clothing. BLIJEBZERD HoslsRy & 15319.- Y 1 goods. included in tMs class. CIP-ZOO S.P.A., an K-'rwp.u LIMZ'I'r.D (British Nationality) of 104, Hinckley Road, Italian Societa per Azioni, duly organized and existing under Earl Shilton, Leicestershire, England and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, the laws of Italy, of Via Parenzo, Brescia, Italy and c/o Messrs. Cleasby & % tchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 4th Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 7th December 1967. November 1967. 394 Tlv KENYA GAZEW E 26th April 1968 CcAss 3O--SCHEDULE III P BEAR BR AN II 1541 1.-A1l goods in this class. M ONSANTO OVERSFAS ENTER- 12158.-A11 goods included in Class 30. BERNERALPEN PlusEs COMPANY, manufacturers and merchants, of 890 North M ILCIUGESELLSCHAFT trading also as Societe t-aitiere Des Alpes Lindbergh Boulevard, City of Creve Coeur, County of St. Bernoises and as Bernese Alps M ilk Co., a joint stock company , State of M issouri, U.S.A. and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & organized under the laws of Switzerland, manufacturers, of Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 19th December Stalden, Emmenthal, Switzerland and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, 1967. Cleasby & Satchu' advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. To be COA STER associated with T.M, . Nos. 835, 836, 838, 12133. fyth December 1963. 15412.- Non-alcoho1ic drinks and preparations for making such drinks ; including fruit juices. SCHwEPPES (OvERsEAs) SE N LIMITED, aerated water manufacturers, of Schweppes House, B.14710.- Candies, chocolates and confectionery. Tl.lE SEVEN- 1-4, Connaught Place, London, W ., England and c/o M essrs. UP COMPANY, an American Corporation existing under the laws Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 19th of the State of M issouri, U .S.A., manufacturers & merchants, December 1967. of 121 South M eramec Avenue, St. Louis, M issouri 63105, U.S.A. and c/o M essrs. Daly & Figgis, advocates, P.O. Box 34, Nairobi. 1st December 1967. G P 14867.- Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured. REMBRANDT ToBAcco CORPORATION (OVERSEAS) 'LIMITED, a com- pany organized and existing under the Laws of .switzerland, of Weinbergstrasse, 79, 8035 Zurich, Switzerland and c/o Messrs. Shapley, Barret M arsh & Company, advocates, P.O. Box 286, Nairobi. 26th April 1967.

Registration shall give no right to the exclusive use of the IRDFIXCO I K 473 ' . .j a B.14721.- Candies, chocolates and confectionea. THE SEVEN- , UP COMPANY, an American corporation existing under the laws of the State of M issouri, U.S.A., manufacturers & merchants, of 121 South Meramec Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. (- as' , r , j a.- and c/o M essrs. Daly & F'iggis, advocates, P.O. Box 34, Nairobi. . ' 1Ly yv1 e .x 14th February 1967. ' RO E Registration shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters iT37f'S'' l4923.- Choc()1ate, chocolates and non-medicated confec- tionery. ROwNTREE Axo CIIMPA.NY LIMITED, manufadurers, of The Cocoa Works, W igginton Road, York, England and c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocatés, P.O. Box 29, M om basa. 16th M ay 1967. Carlyle BR OOK E BO 15409.- Tea, coffee and f oodstuffs. BROOKE BOND KENYA 15210.- Al1 goods included in Class 34. AMRRICAN-CIGARETTE LIMITED, manufacturers, of Mutual Building, Kimathi Street, COMPANY (OvERsEAs) LJMITED (a company Organized & existing P.O. Box 2011, Nairobi. To be associated with T.M . Nos. 5882, under the laws of Ljechtenstein), of Staedtle 380, Vaduz, 5884. 18th December 1967. Liechtenstein and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocatçs, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 16th October 1967. CLAss 3I--SCHEDULE llI

# LL O Y D s # let # - K A R T A p R lc A u lO 1T œ D . 1j-, 1; , .r , j , ,s , ,r j t*.o. œoA * eT*. *AR*oœ'. GGOYA Q B.15336.- Agricultural, horticultural and forest produce and grains not included in other classes, fresh fruits, vegetablcs, seeds, . live plants and flower, food stul's for anim als. KIRCHHOFF'S EAST 3 l l* I I *. ' z.' , ., 1 . - j- .- AFRICA LIMITSO, Partners : Dr. R. J. Jordan, Lord Strathcarron, '' . Viscountess Chetwynd, S. A. W aruhiu, J. Buitenweg, of New ' 1, , lj . - : ' 1-.r-.- Grogan Road, P.O. Box No. 30472, Nairobi and c/o Messrs. ' W arhuhiu & Co., advocates, P.O. Box 7122, Nairobi. 8th ; $ , - nv =7,--. - ox- w- u- - -% .r, November 1967. , CLAss 32--ScHEDULE 1Il F SCA 14560.- Beverages including 1ow calorie beverages and dietetic 15391.-Tobacco whether manufactured or unmanufaotured beverages, and preparations for making such beverages. THE CopE & LLOYD (OvERsEAs) LIMITED, tobacco manufacturers, of. COCA-COLA COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Delaware, Granite House, 97/101, Cannop Street) London, E.C., England United States of America, manufacturers, of 515 M adiyon and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Avenue, City and State of New York, United States of Arnerica Nairobi. To be associated with T.M . No. 11362. 29th November and c/o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocatos, P.O. Box 111, 1967. Nairobi. To be associated with T.M . No. 14559. 29th November ADDENDIJM 1966. TM A. 15033 in Class 8 : GARA DRY Advertised on 9th February 1968, upder Kenya Gazette Notice 15359.- Non-a1coholic beverages, syrups and concentrates used No. 488 ?page 148, the Trade Mark which was inadvertently in the preparations of such beverages. Pepsico, Inc. (A corpora- left out ls shown hereunder :- tion organized and existing under the lâws of the Stato of Delaware, manufacturers, of 500 Park Avenue, New York, V OCH RO New York, United States of America and c/o M essrs Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 15th Z. R. CHESONI, November 1967. Ag. zlxuf. Registrar oj Trade Marks. 26th April 1968 THF. KENYA GAZE'ITE 395 QIAZBTTB '4OTICE :40. 1316 CLASS S--SCHLDULE III t THE TRADE MARKS ACT BIOW TR ATH (Cap. 506) 14894.- Pharm aceutical preparations and dietetic products. NOTICE is hereby given that any person who Nas grounds STRATH LABOR AG, a joint Stx k company duly organized of opposition to the registration of any of the 'trade marks under the laws of Switzerland, m anufacturers and m erchants, advertised herein according to the classes may, within 60 days of M uhlebachstrasse 25, Ztzrich, Switzerland, and c/o M essrs. from the date of this Gazette, lodge notice of ollposition on Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. Form T.M . No. 6 (in duplicate) together with a fee of Sh. 50. 10th M ay 1967. Notice is also hereby given that oëcial objection will be By Consent. taken under rule 21 (3) to all applications in which the specihcation claims a1l the goods included in any class unless DE CEL tbe Registrar is satisfied that the claim is justilied by the use 15204.- A11 goods in Class 5 (Schedule 111) including surgical of the mark which the applicant has m ade, or intends to m ake tapes and dressings. Jonwsox & JoHwsoN, m anufacturers, of if and when it is registered. W here an applicant considers that 501 George Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States a claim in respect ef a11 the goods included in a class can be of America, and c/ o Messrs. kaplan & Stratton, advocates, justitied ft wfll save unnecessary delay in examining applications P.O. Box 111, N afrobf. 11th October 1967. if a claim is Iiled simultaneously with the applicallion, accom - panied in appropriate cases by supporting dxuments. OV O ST n e period for lodging notice of opposition may be extended by the Registrar as he thinks Iit and upon such terms as he 15428.- M edicines and pharm aceutical preparations for may direct. Any request for such extension should be made human use and veterinary use. N .V . ORGANON, a N aam loze to the Registrar so as to reach him before the expiry of the Vennootschap, manufacturers, of Oss, Holland, and c/ o period allowed. M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocutes, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 2nd Janual'y 1968. Formal opposition should not be lodged until ltfter reason- able notice has been given by letter to the applicant for OVOSTAT rygistration so as te afford him any opportunity (yf withdraw- 15429.- M e.dicines and phannaceutical preparations for ing his application before the expense of preparing the notice human use and veterinary use. N.V. ORGANON, a Naamloze of opposition is incurred. Failure to give such ntytice will be Vennootschap, manufacturers, of Oss, Holland, and c/o taken into account tin considering any application by an Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, a'dvocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. opponent for an order for costs if the opposiLtion is un- 2nd Janual'y 1968. contested by the applicant. STOVA R W here it is stated in the advertisement of the alnplicant that tbe mark, upon its registration, is to be lim itml to certain 15430.- M edicines and pharm aceutical preparations for colours, the colours are, as far as possible, indidzated in the hum an use and veterinary use. N .V . ORGANON, a Naam loze accompanying representations of the mark in the usual heraldic Veanootschap, manufacturers, of Oss, Holland, and c / o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. m anner. 2nd January 1968. Representations of the marks advertisod herein can be seen at the Trade M arks Registry, State Law Oë ces, Nairobi. AR H ,V AX lsc l.- phanhaceutical and medical preparations and sub- Applications for registration in Part A of the Register are stances. THE W SLI-COME FOTJNDATION LlMlTso, a British shown with the oëcial num ber unaccompanied b34 any letter. Company with lhnited liability, manufacturing chemists, of Applications for Part B are distinguished by the letter B 183/ 193 Euston Road, London N.W .I, England, and c/o prefxed to the omcial number. M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. 2nd January 1968. TI5q CLAss I--SCHEDULE 1II 15438.- Pharmaceutical preparations and substances. THl BRITISH DRUG H OUSES LIMITED, Wholesale druggists, of 16-34. BAYC OM Graham Street, City Road, London N., England, and c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the M om basa. 3rd Janual'y 1968. exclusive use of the sumx TCHROM ''. l4%o.- -fanning agent. FARBENFABRIKEN BAYER AKTIENGE- E sEtAscuàm', of Leverkuscn, W est Gennany, and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. llfdkg.- Disinfectants, insecticides deedorants and prepara- l0th June 1966. tions for qurifying air. RECKITT & COI-MAN (OvERssAS) LTD., a limited llability Company incorporated in England, exporters and merchants, of Dansom Lane, Hull, Yorkshire, England, and c/o M essl-s. Daly & Figgis, advocates, P.O. Box 34, N airobi. 12th January 1967. Cu ss Z- SCI4EDtu III

14817- HmUDD B ro nd ilat . Paints, enamels (in the nature of paints), va'nùshes (other than insulatinp varnish), hcquers, anti-co.rrosives and a'nti-fouling cempositlons. IMPERIAL CIV MICAL INDUSTRIES 15461.-A11 kinds of medicines and a11 other goods properly LIMITED, a Company organized and existing undel' tbe laws of belonging to Class 5, yarticularly pharmaceutical preparations Great Britain, m anufacturers, of Im perial Chenzical H ouse, for increasing the callbre of the pulmonary air passages. CHeMlscHe W ERK.E AI-BERT, of 6202 W iesbaden-Biebricll M illbank, London S.W .I, England, and c/o Messl's. Kaplan & Postfach , Stratton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, N aîrobi. 29th M arch 1967. , 9101, Germany, and c/ o Messrs. Atkînson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, Mombasa. 18th January 1968.

CûAss 3--SCHEDULE I11 CLAss 7--SCHEDULE llI CLAss 9--SCHEDULE lII SATIIRA CLAss 11--ScHsoULE III 15447.- A11 goods included in Class 3. DOROTHAC GRAY, 1Nc., a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the R * A State of Arkansas, U.S.A., of 90 Park Avenue, New York, 15437.- M achines for washing and/or dzying laundry ; U.S.A., and c/o M essrs. Hamilton Harrison & M athews, m achines and maciline tools f er use in industry ; engine and advocates, P.O. Box 30333, N airobi. 8th January 1968. motors ; not for Iand vehicles ; electric generaters and power plants ; component parts of al1 the aforesaid goods. RADIO CORPORXTION ()F AMERICA (a Corporation organized and existing SEC T OF T SEA under tile laws of the State of Delaware), manufacturers and 15448.- A11 goods included in Class 3. DoRoTm r GRAY, Iwc., merchants, of 30 Rockefeller Plaza, City of New York, State a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the of New York, 10020, United States of America and c / o State of A rkansas, U .S.A ., of 90 Park Avenue, N ew York, Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satehu, advocates, P.O, . Box 29, U.S.A., and c/o Messrs. Hamilton Harrison & Mathews, M ombasa. To be assoclated with T.M . Nos. 8681, 12567, advocates, P.O. Box 30333, N airobi. 8th Januan 1968. 15446, 15441. 3rd January 1968. 396 THE KENYA GAZF. 26th April 1968 15440.-Apparatus and instruments for recording, storing, television, photograqhic, cinematographic,, Feighing, transmitting, rolaying, receiving, reproducing, analysing, pro- measuring, . testing) slgnalling, checking (suqervision), teaching, cessing and/ or selecting information, data, sound, music, counting, accounting, adding and calculatlng apparatus and ' - pictures and/ or other signals ; a?paratus, instruments and instruments ; data collecting, handling, logging, processing, gauges for testklg, measuring, wmghing, probing, indicating recording, and communicating apparatus, agparatus and instru- and/ or controlling ; laser apparatus ; means of recording ments for measuring, recozding and lndicating pressure, signals, includiny discs, magnetlc tape and cartridges thorefor ; temperature, density, strain speed and other physical quantities ; apparatus and lnstruments for the navigation and/ or control analogue, digital and hybrid computing apparatus ; simulation of land, water, air and/ or space vehicles and other objects in apparatus, sound recording, transmitting, and repreducing space er aerospace ; electric batteries ; apparatus and instrtz- apparatus and instruments ; and parts included in Class 9 of m ents for use m' com munications, includm g radio l telephone, the aforesaid goods. THB SOLARTRON ELECTRONIC GROUP television and 0th er means of signalling ; electnc utensils ; LIMITEO, a Bzitish Compapy, manufacturers and merclmnts, of apparatus and instruments for use in labora.tories and/ or for Victoria Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, England, and c/ o scientitic purposes ; apparatus for teaching, training or learning ; M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, component parts of all the aforesaid goods. RAolo CORPORATION M ombasa. 3rd January 1968. ()F AMERICA (a Corporation orgarfized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A.), manufacturers and merchantss of 30 Rockefeller Plaza, City of New York, State of New York, 10020, United States of America, and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, Cl-Ass 25- ScHEDcLE III M ombasa. To be associated with T.M . Nos. 15437, 15440, 12567 and others. 3rd January 1968. lsM l.- lnstallations and appliances for heating, lightlg, cooking, cooling, refrigerating, air-conditioning, ventilating, drying, and for sanitary purposes ; com ponent parts of al1 the aforesaid goods. RAolo CoM olu'nox op AMERICA (a Corpor- ation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Ddaware, U.S.A.), manufacturers and merchants, of 30 Rocke- ' Clauno feller Plaza, City of New York, State of New York, 10020, 15450.-Man-made leather and bags of a1l kinds made wholly Unitod States of America, and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Clmasby er principally thereof included in thls class. KVRASHIKI RAYON & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. To be associated C0., LTo., a joint stock Company duly organized under the with T.M . Nos. 12567, 15437, 15440. 3rd January 1968. laws of Jaqan, manufacturer and dealez, of 1621, Sakazu, Kurashiki Clty, Japan, and c/ o Messrs. Kaplan & Sttatton, advocates, P.O. Box 111, N airobi. To be associated with CLAss 9--ScHBouLE 1II T.M . No. 15451. 10th January 1968. 15451.--Clothing ; including boots, shoes and slippers made QUASI-ARC wholly or princigally of man-made leather. KURASHIKI RAVON Registration ef this trade m ark shall give no right to the Co., LTD,, a jomt stock Company duly organl'zed under the exclusive use of the word :iARC'' laws of Japan, manufacturer and dealer, of 1621, Sakazu, 14927.- E1ectrodes and electl'ic arc welding apparatus and Kurashiki City, Japan, and c/ o M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, parts thereof. rf'Hi! BRITISH OXYGEN COMPANY LIMITED, a advocates, P.O. Box 111, Nairobi. To be associated with . British Company, manufacturers and merchants, of Hammer- T.M . N o. 15450. l0th January 1968. smith House, London W .6, England, and c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & . Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 16th M ay 1967. G BR 15473.- Rea.dy made clothes for men, boys, ladies, girls. Proceeding under section 32 (1) (bj of the Trade Marks Act. M Acos (E.A.) L'ro., manufacturors, of P.O. Box 33, M acbakos. 26th January 1968. BRIGHT PROM IS 15436.-Perfumel'y, cosmetics and toilot preparations. THE ARISTO GILI-B'FI'E COMPA'NY (a Corporation organlze,d and existing 15474.- Ready m ade clothes for m en, boys, ladios and under the laws ef the State of Delaware), manufacturers and childrenwea.r. MAcos (E.A.) LTD., manufacturers, of P.O. Box merchants, of 15 W est First Street, City of Boston, State of 33, Machakos. 2&h January 1968. Massachusetts 02106, U.S.A., and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 3rd January 1968. CHI,ORIDE CLAss 21--ScHBouLB I11 15472.= Electric accumulators and parts tbereof . THE CHLORIDE EI-ECTRICAL STORAGE COMPANY LIMITED # a British M RLAW ARE Company, manufacturers, of 50 Grosvenor Gardens, London S.W .I, England, and c/o M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advo- Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the cates, P.O. Box 111, N airobi. 25th January 1968. exclusive use of the suëx iiWARE''. 14919.- Artic1es of tetbleware inclutled in Class 21. RANTON & COMPANY LIMITBD, a British Company, manufacturers and SOL ON m erchants, of Rock W orks, Comm erce R oad, Brentford, 15442.- E1ectrical and electronic apparatus and instruments, Middlesex, England, and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & all inclqzed in Class 9 ; scientific, nautical, surveying, radio, Satclm, advocatts, P.O. Box 29, M ombasa. 16th May 1967.

CLAss 29--ScHEoULB lI1

15199.- Edible oils and fat products included in Class 29 (Schedule 111). VEGETABI,B 0IL IxousTmBs L'MITEO, a Tanga- nyika Company, manufacturers and merchants, of Plot No. 7, Block :TK'' >Court Road, P.O. Box 1211, M wanza Tanzania, and c/o M essrs. Kaplan & Stratton, advocates, P.O. Bex 111, Nairobi. 9th October 1967. , . '

26th April 1968 THF. KENYA GAZE 397 CLAss 31--ScHEotms III ûlAzETTs 'foTlcB :10. 1317

- .- STRA THB LlouoR LICENSING AcT , 14893.- Foodstuls for anim als and additives to anim a 1 f oed, (c gp 'jaj; included in Class 31. STRATH LABOR AG, joint Stxk Company SOUTH SIRIKWA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT duly organized under the laws of Switzerland, manufacturers AppjacA'yloNs will be considered at the meetings of the and merchants, of Muhlebachstrasse 25, Zurich, Switzerland, above Court to be held at times dates and places speczed and c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. hereunder :- , Box 29, M om basa. l0th M ay 1967. District Com m issioner's Oo ce, Eldoret, on M onday, 6th C May 1968, at 10 a.m . ; the District Commissioner's OKce, tAss 32- ScHBDIJLE II1 uapsabet , on Wednesday, 8th May 1968, at 10 a-m. and SPLA SH at the District Commissloner's Oïce, Tambach, on Friday, jco v ay 1968, at lo a.m . 14750.- M inera1 and aerate.d waters, and other lton-alcoholic s. K. KOINANGEt drinks ; fruit juices ; fruit beverages ; syrups ; and other Premdent, preparations for the' foregoing, in Class 32. TI.m COCA-COI.A Eldoret, South Sirikwa Liquor Licensing ExpoR'r CORPORATION, a Corporation of the State l>f Delaware, 16th A pril 1968. Court. Uhited States of America, manufacturers, of 515 M adison Avonue, City and State of New York, Unito:l States of BAmerica, and c/ o Messrs. Kaplan & Stratton, adlrocates, P.O. cuzsvrs xo.rlcs No. 1318 ox 111, Nairobi. 1st M arch 1967. J O THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT (cap. 121)- 15476.- m er, ale and porter ; mineral and aorato, waters and KlAMsu LlovoR t,I csxslxo cotm.r other non-alcoholic drinks ; syrups and other prellarations for makink beverages. cl'rv BREV-SRV LlMlTso, a liakited liabintv NOTICE is hereby given that the Kiambu Liquor Licensing company incorporated in the Republic of Kenva. of Kineston- Court will be held in the District Commissfoner's Oëce, 'kr. J. Pat-el & Kiambu, en 6th M ay 1968, at 10 a.m. Road # P.(). Box 30144, Nairobi, and c/o M essr-s. C0., advœ ates, P.O. Box 3891, Nairobi. 26th January 1968. A list of applicants may be seen at the District Oëcers' omces, Kikuyu, Kiambaa, Limuru, Githunguri, n ika, Gattlndu ' Cl-Ass 34- ScI.mDtrt.E llI and District Commissioner's notice board at Kiimbu. C Ki J. P. MWANGOVYA, nmbu, /or Presîdent, 15434.- A11 goods included in Class 34. ST. REGIS Toiucco 16th April 1968. Kiambu Liquor Licensîng Court. CORPORATION LIMITBD, a Company organized and existing under the laws of Liechtenstdn, of Staedtle 380, Vaduz, lwfechtenstein, and c/o Messrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, adApocates, P.O. GAZE'I'TE Noaqcs No. 1319 Box 29, M om basa. 3rd January 1968. THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT ' (Cap. 121) M URANG'A LIQuOR LlcExslxG COIJR'I- ''M'X THE first statutory m eeting of the M urang'a Liquor Licensing %h% Coul't will be held at the Murang'a County Council Chamber K on M onday, 13th M ay 1968, at 10 a.m ., to hear applications receivod. JAIRO AKIBAYA,

' .. . Fort Hall, Presidènt, @ * @ . 13th April 1968. M urang'a Llhuor Licensîng Court. /tr. ' e oE uu x E F l uTE R Gwzsvrs xovlcs x o. 1320 THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT (Cap. 121) MACHAKOS LIQUOR LICENSING COURT TH E next statutory m eeting of M achakos Liquor Licensing Court will be held at the M asaku County Council's Chamber, Registratio'n of this trade mark shall 4ive no right to the on M onday, 13th M ay 1968, at 10 a.m ., to consider exclusive use of the words 'iDe Luxe Fllter'' alld the letter Ypplications. ..M ,,. w . F'. Y. SIBONDO-ODUOL, 14759 kt7r President, THE UN.-ITTEDo baKccINoG DwOhMe thTeOr BAmCaCnOu fCacOtMurPoAdN Yor unnlanufactured. M achakos Zkutpr Licensing Court. , LIMITED, trading also as M ARCOVITCH & CO. tobacco manufacturers, of cam bridge H ouse, com m ercial street, London s., England, and c/o M ess rs . Atkinson, cleasby &, satchu, advocatzs, e.0. Box GAze'r'r's No'rlcs xo. 1321 29, M ombasa. To be associated wîth T.M . Nos. 2386, 3873. 7th M arch 1967. THE U QUOR LICENSING ACT CONQ ST (CaP. 121) ls446 KsRlcuo Lw voR LlcsxslxG couR.r .- Tobacco whether m anufactured or unnzanufactured. ssxloR simvlcs (ovsRssxs) LlMl1'so, of 10, slnith square, . THE next statutory meeting of the Kericho Liquor Licensing westminster, London s.w ., England, and c/o M tssrs. Kaplan Court will be held in the Oëce of the District Commissioner, & stratton, advocates, P.o. Box 111, Nairobi. 5th Januarv at,z 10 a.m., on Monday, 13th May 1968, to consider 1968. - applications. CO T PUS M. M. OLE NCHARO, 15468 president, .- A11 goods inçluded in Class 34. ST. R:;GIs TOBACCO Kericho Liquor Licensîng Court CORPORATION LiMITED, a Company organled and existing under . the laws of Liechtenstein, of Staedtle 380, Vaduz, JLiechtenstein, and, c/o M essrs. Atkinson, Cleasby & Satchu, advocates, P.O. Gxzs.r,rs xoncs No Box 29 . 1322 - , , M ombasa : 18th January 1968. HA THE LIQUOR LICENSING AG 1 (cap. 121) 5469.- A11 goods included in class 34. 'rtmMwc Toswcco M cosfluxv N sp.u t-ltw op Llcsxslxc couR.r .v., a joint stock company organized and existing under tlje laws of the N etberlands, m anufacturers and IT IS notified for general information that the next statutory m erchants, of D rentestraat 21, Amsterdam , The N etherlands, m eeting of the M eru Liquor Licensing Court will be held in and c/o M essrs. Atkinson, cleasby & satchu, advocates, P.o. the Olce of the District Commissioner, Meru, on M onday, Box 29, Mombasa. 18th Januaa 1968. 6th M ay 1968, at 10 a.m., to consider applications for licences. - Z. R. CHESONI B. A. OSUNDW A .. t , *. , ' Actlng Assistant Rd#I&/rg?' M eru, Presfdent, . . .. . of 'urercJe M arks. 10th April 1968. M el'u Liquor Licensing Court. 398 THE KEN YA G AZETTE 26th April 1968 Gxzew s Novtcs N o. 1245 GxzErrE N oTlcE No. 1326 THE AFRICAN LIQUOR ACT ERNEST AYSCOGHE FLOYER, DECEASED (Cap. 122) NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Trustee Act (Cap. 167), that any person having a claim or an NAIROBI AFRICAN LIQUOR LICENSING BOARD interest in the estate of the late Erncst Ayscoghe Floyer TITE next statutory meeting of the Nairobi African Liquor formerly of Kaimosi, who died on the 21st day of August Licensing Board will be held in the District Commissioner's 1967, is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his Omce, Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi Area, Nairobi, on Monday, claim or interest to M essrs. Shaw & Carrutlltrs, advocatess of 3I'd June 1968, at 9 a.m., to consider the granting, renewal and P.O. Box 112, Eldoret, on or before the 15th day of June 1968, transfer of licences for the manufacture and sale of African after which date the estate will be distributed am ongst the intoxicating liquor in N airobi A rea in 1968. persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims and A11 applicatiens to be considered, whether for grants interests of whioh it has had notiee and will not as respects renewals, transfers or rem ovals must reach the District Com - ' the property so distributed be liable to any person of whose missioner's Oflice, P.O. Bex 30124, Nairobi, by 4th May 1968, claim it shall not have then had notice. on the appropriate form s obtainable from the District SH AW & CARRU TH ERS, Commissioner's Oëce, Nairobi Area. Eldoretu Advocates jor the Executors, Al1 applicants m ust appear in person. 16th April 1968. #.0. Box 112, Eldoret. W . K. M ARTIN, Chairman, ClAzslvs lfoTlcE ifo. 1327 Nairobi, Nairobi Ajrican Liquor Licensing 8th April 1968. Board. SULTANALI GULAM HUSSEIN M ANJI, DECEASED NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Trustee Act (Ca?. 167), that any person having a claim agahzst or an interest m the estate of late Sultanali Gulamhussein GAZBTTE Nonçs No. 1323 M anji, who died on 5th January 1968, at Nairobi, Kenya, is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his or hor claim to ' M essrs. Ahamed & Ahamed, advocates, P.O. Box THE AFRICAN LIQUOR ACT 1069 ? Nairobi, before 29th June 1968, after which date the (Cap. 122) adm m istratrix wfll distdbute the estate am ong the persons entitled thereto, having regard enly to the claims and interests Kls1JM'u/ SIAVA A/RICAN tatm olt LICENSING BoAao of which theï have had notice and will not as regards the THF. next statutory meeting of the Kisumu/siaya African property so dlstributed be liable to any person of whose claim Liquor Licensing Board will be hgld in the District Commis- they shall not have had notice. sioner's Omce, Kisumu, on M onday, 3rd July 1968, at 10 a.m. A11 aqplicaticms for new licences, late renewals and transfers Dated this 20th day of April 1968. of existlng licences must reach the District Commissioner's AHAM ED & AHAM ED, Oëce not later than 25th April 1968. Advocates jor the intended Administratrix. A1l applicants f or new licences are requested to appear in person or by an advocate before the Licensing Board. Attendance of applicants for renewal is optional unless there GAzsrre NoTlcs N o. 1328 are objeetïons fn which case attendance is desirable. ALIBHAI JERM BHIM ANI, DECEASED C. S. M BINDYO, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of the Acting Chairman, Trustee Act (Cap. 167), that any person having a claim against K isum u, Kisumulsiaya African Liquor er an interest in the estate of late Alibhai Jeraj Bhimani, who 9th April 1968. Lîcensing Board. died on 30th October 1967, at M igori, Kenya, is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his er her claim to M essrs. Ahamed & Ahamed, advocates, P.O. Box 1069, Nairobi, before 29th June 1968, after which date the executors GAZBTTB N ovrlce No. 1324 will distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claïms and interests of wliich thej have had notice and will not as regards the property so distn- THE AFRICAN LIQUOR ACT buted be liyble to any person of whose claim they shall not (Cap. 122) bave had notice. KAJIADO AFRICAN LIQUOR LICBNSING BOARD Dated this 20th day of April 1968. THE first statutory meeting of the Kajiado African Liquor Licensing Board will be held on M onday, l0th June 1968, in M IAMED & AHAM ED, the District Commissioner's Oflice, at 10 a.m. Advocates for the Executors. A1l applications whether for new, renewals and transfers, must reach the District Commissioner's Oflice not later than GAZET'I'E NoRqcs No. 1329 2nd M ay 1968. Applicants for new licences must appear in person befere the CLEM ENT LOCK W ACE, DECEASED Licensing Board or be represented by their advocates. Attend- NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to sectien 29 of the ance of applicants for renewals is optional unless there are Tnutee Act (Cap. 167), that any person haviag a claim against objections in which case their attendance is desirabie. or an interest in the estate of tlze late Clement Lock W ace of Late applications will not be accepted. P.O. Box 54, Thomson's Falls, who died at n omson's Falls on 5th April 1968, is hereby required to send particulars in S. KIHUM BA, writing of his or her claim or interest to Barclays Bank D .C.O., Chairman, ' Trustee Department, P.O. Box 30356, Nairobi, before 7th July Kajiado, Kajîado Ajrican Liquor Licensing 1968, after which date the exercutors will distribute the estate among tbe persens cntitled tlzereto having regard only to the 16th April 1968. Board. claims and mterests of which they have had notice and wil not as respects the property so distributed be liable tq any ptrson of whose clahn they silall not then bave had notlce. (IAZBTTB 'qoTlcs 'fo. 1325 Dated the 19th day of April 1968. BARCLAYS BANK D.C.O., THE AFRICAN LIQUOR AG Trustte Department. (Cap. 122) P.O. Box 30356, Nalrobî. KIAMBU AFRICAN LIQUOR LICBNSING BOARD NOTICE is hereby given that the Kiambu African Liquor GAZET'IV Norlcxs No. 1330 Licensing Board will be held in the District Commissioner*s Oëce, Kiambu, on 13tl1 M ay 1968, at 10 a.m . ESTATE OF M RS. KATHLBEN LA M OTHE RENDM L A list of applicants may be seen at the District Oëcers' ANY person having any claim against or interest in the oëces, Kikuyu, Kiambaa, Limuru, Githunguri, Thika, Gatundu estate of the above named who died at Dorchester in 1he and District Commissioner's. notice board at Kiambu. United Kinqdom on 17th February 1967, fs required to prove the same wlth the undersigned on or before 30th May 1968 J. P. M WANGOVYA, after which date tlle estate will be distributed taking account, for Chairman, only of claims so notised. Kiambu, Kiambu Ajrican Liquor Lîcensing R. F'. J. LINDSELL, 16th April 1968. Board. Advocate for the Executors. 26th April 1968 THE KENYA G AZE'ITE 399 GAZE'I'TB NoTlcs No. 1331 GAZETTE NOTICE N9. 1334 SIR ALFRED CHESTER BEATTY, DECEASED PROBATE AND ADM INISTM TION NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 29 of thc Trustee Act (Cap. 167), that any person having a claim or an TAKE NOTICE that after 14 days from the date of this interest in the estate of the late Sir Alfred Che'ster Beatty, Gazette, I intend to apply to the High Court at Nairobi formerly of the Chester Beatty Farms, Karamiat Estate, P.O. for representation of the estates of the persons named in the Box 284, Eldoret, whe died on the 19th day of January 1968, second column of the Schedule hereto, who died on the dates is hereby requized to send partieulars in writilzg of his claim respectively set forth against their names. or interest to Messrs. Shaw & Carruthers, advocates, of P.O. Box 112, Eldoret, on or before the 15th day of June 1968, And further take notice that a1l persons having any claims after which date the estate will be distributvtd am ongst the against or interests in tlle estates of the said deceased persons gersons entitled thereto baving relard only to the claims and are required to prove such claims or interests before me lnterests of which it has had nottce and will not as respects within two m onths from the date of this Gazette, after which the property so distributed be liable to any person of whose date the claims and interests so proved will be paid and satistied claim it shall not have then had notice. and the several estates distributed according to law. SH AW & CAR RU THERS, SCHEDULE Eldoret, Advocates /5/- the Executors, 16th April 1968. #.0. Box 112, Eldoret. l>ublic ZIJJ, Testate l-rustee's J/crae of ilccccfe# viddress // or GAZBTTS No-rlcs N o. 1332 Crc use ?f@. ;) eath Intestate

TRIBHOVANDAS JESHANG M ARU, DECEASED 31/68 Noor Isaa :.u : . N airobi 25-9-67 Intestate 32/68 Makau s/o Mwaniki Ikanga 15-6-67 Intestate NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to secdon 29 of the Iaocytltpn, Trustee Act (Cap. 167), tha't any person having a claim against Kltul or an interest in the estate of late Tribhovandas Jeshang 33/68 S t e p h e n Njoroge A.C. Kiran- 17-1-67 Intestate M aru of P.O. Box 3026, Nairobi lwho died at Nairobi on M bogo gari Lower 2nd Octeber 1967, is hereby requlred to seml particulars in xrxbetq writing of his or her claim or interest to the un'dersigned before 34/68 Valerie Loew s . Nallobl 1 6-10-67 Intestate 35/68 Mohlmed Abdulla Thlka 9-11-67 Intestate the 31st day of M ay 1968, after which dalte the adm inistrators Talrara will distribute the estato among the persons entitled thereto 36/68 F r an c i s Ki p s an g Kericho 2-8-67 Intestate havin4 regard only to the claims and interests of which the Arap Izangat adm inlstrators shall then have notice and will n'ot as respects the property se distributed be liable to any qorson whose claim or interest they will not then have had notlce. N airobi, KAM LA MADAN, Dated at N yeri this 231-d day of M arch 1968. 19th ApHl 1968. Acting Assîstant Public Trustee: GH ADIALY & (M-OM PAN Y, Advocates jt?r the intended Admînistrators, P.O. Box 130, N yeri. G AZBTTE N OTICE N o. 1335 GAZBTTE NoTlcE No. 1333 THB BANKRUPTCY ACT IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI (Cap. 53) PRO BATE AN D ADM IN ISTRATEON Aozotmxlm PtrsLlc EXAMINATION TAK E N OTICE that applications having been m ade in this Debtor's ncznc.- Dhirajlal Bhimji Shah, trading as Shah Court in :- G rocers. (1) CAuss No. 86 OF 1968 Address.- bo. Bex 3737, Nairobi. By Natwarlal Anderji Nathwani of P.O. Box 5172, Nairobi. Description.- Wudeç. (2) Ratilal Bhurabhai Sodha of P.O. Box 12, Kericho, (3) C'tpurr.- l-ligh Court of K enya at N airobi. Prabhudas M adhavji Dolasia (described irt the will as No. oj matter.-m .c. 12 of 1966. Brabhudas M adhavji Dolasia) of P.O. Box 949, Kisumu: and Date t?/ adjourned public cxJrzlfac/f(?n.- 14th June 1968. (4) Jagdish Manilal Nathwani of P.O. Box 5172, Nairobl, the Sbur.- 10.30 a.m. executors nam ed in the will of the deceased through Plcce.- 'l'he Law Courts, Nairobi-

N. P. Sheth, Esq., advocate of Nairobi in Kellya, for a ërant ' of probate of the wiil of Manilal Anderji Nath.wani of Nalrobi Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, aforesaid, who died at N airobi aforesaid on the 8th day of 19th April 1968. Deputy OFcftz/ Receiver. June 1967. (2) CAUSE No. 102 or 1968 By Catherine Hall Chisnell of P.O. Box 3158, Nairobi in Gàzs'r're NoTlcE No. 1336 Kenya, the executrix named in the will of the deceased, through M essrs. Hamilton Harrison & Mathews, advocates of Nairobi THE BANKRUPTCY ACT aforesaid, for a grant of probate of the will of Frank Edward Chisnell of Nairobi aforesaid who died at brairobi aforesaid (Cap. 53) on the 9th day of February 1968. ADJOIJRNBD Ptrimlc EXAMINATION (3) CAIJSE No. 103 oF 1968 Debtor's rlczrlev- Rashida Begum w/o Sheikh M ohamed Hussein. By Irene G rindlay of P.O. Box 520, Thika. in Kenya, the executrix nam ed in the will of the deceased, through M essrs. Address.- p.o. Box 850, Eldoret. Hamilton Harrison & M athews, advocates of Nairobi in D eycrfp/foa.- -l-rader. K enya, for a grant of probate of the will of D ouglas Alfred Ctpur/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. G rfndlay ef Thika aforesaid, who died at Nairobi aforesaid gn No. of matter.- B.c. 6 of 1965. the 23rd day of N ovem ber 1967. Date of adiourned publîc examinatîon.- 3kst M ay 1968. N t?I/r.- 10.30 a.m . (4) CAusE No. 104 oF 1968 Place.- Whe Law Courts, N airobi. By n e Standard Bank Limited (through its duly constitutcd attorney, Ronald Henry Fulbrook of P.O. Bolz 30299, Nairobi Nairobi, M . L. HANDA , in Kenya), the duly constituted attorney of M idland Bank 19th April 1968. Deputy O'cfcl Receiver. Executor and Trustee Company Limited of :.7 / 32 Poultry in the City of London, and Timothy George Japsine Russell for- merly of 109 Thunder Lane, Nonvich, now of 12 Godstone Road, Bletchingley, Redhill, Surrey, the executors named in the GADTT'E NolqcE No. 1337 will of the deceased through M essrs. Daly & aFiggis, advocates of Nairobi aforesald, for resealing in Kenya the grant of 'I'HE BANKRUPTCY ACT probate granted on the 25th day of April 1967, by the District (Cap. 53) Probate Registry at Bangor in Lngland, of the estate of the late Fredrïc Evelyn Soames of Shellbrook Hi11, Ellcxsmere, ADJOURNED PusLlc EXAMINATION Shropshire, and of Nyeri in Kenya, who died at Shellbroek Debtor's rlam c.- sizeikh M ohamed Bashir. Hill aforesaid on the 14th day of M arch 1967, Address.- p.o. Box 850, Eldorct. This Court will proceed to issue the same unless cause be Description.- BstaLe M anager. Court.- High Court of Kenya at Nairobi shown to the contrary and appearance in thibk respect entered No. 5/ matter.- B.c. 76 of 1960. . on or before 10th May 1968. Date oj adjourned public examination.- 31st M ay 1968. Nairobi, Ml.' eYp.u tPyA RTeEgLis,trar, /for/r.- 10.30 a.m. 22nd April 1968. High Court oj Ketiya, Nairobi. Pltlcp.-'rhe Law Courts, Nairobi. N.B.- The wills mentioned above have been deposited fn and M . L. HAN DA , are open to inspection at the Court. . Deputy Omcial Receîver. 400 THE KENYA GAZETTE 26th April 1968 GAZBTTE NolqcB No. 1338 GAZETTB No'ncs No. 1343 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT THE BANKRUFTCY ACT W ap. 53) ICc#. 53) Aolotmzœ o Ptzimlc EXAMINATION PUBI-IC EM MINATION Debtor's nlrzle.- lkahemtulla Hussein Suleman Verjee. Debtor's atzzzlc.- Aris Leonidas Grammaticas. Address.- p.o. Box 1218, Nairobi. Address.- p.o. Box 9396, Nairobi. Description.- Yoïmeïky trader, now employee. Dcxcrfptfoa.- Businessman and Company Director. Ctpurr.- l-ligh Court of K enya at N airobi. C/urr.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at M ombasa. No. oj matter.-m .c. 10 of 1965. No. t?/. znc//er.- B.C. 4 of 1967. Date ()/ adlourned public examination.- ltb June 1968. Date of Jzublfc examination-- lbsk June 1968. SoIfr.- 10.30 a.m . f:lWur.- 10.30 a.m. Place.- 'W o Law Courts, Nairobi. Place.- -fhz Law Courts, Nairobi. Nairobi, M . L. .HANDA, Nairobi, ' M . L. HANDA, 19th April 1968. Deputy Omcial Receiver. 19th April 1968. Deputy Omcial Receiver. GAZSTTE NoTlcs No. 1344 GAZE'I'TB Nornce No. 1339 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT THE BANKRUFTCY ACT (Cap. 53) (Cap. 53) PUBLIC EXAMINATION Debtor's ntzve.- l-lassanali Hussein Suleman Verjee. Ptœl-lc BXAMINATION Address.- b.o. Box 9708, M om basa. Debtor's zllrzle.-Dhana Singh s/o Hakam Singh. Delcrfp/f/n.- Formerly merchant. Xffffreyx.- section 3. Eastleigh, N airobi. Ctpurf.- lligh Court of K enya at M ombasa. Description.- Yunneç. No. oj matter--m .c. 1 of 1967. Cbur/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Date t# publîc examination.- lLst June 1968. No. oj matter-u-B.c. 29 of 1963. Hour.- qli3o a.m . Date oj yu!)Dc examination-- 'lth June 1968. Place.- D e Law Cburts, Nairobi. SWur.- 10.30 a.m. Place.- en w Law Courts, N airobi. Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, 19th April 1968. Deputy OFcicl Receiver. N airobi, M . L. H AND A, 19th April 1968. Deputy Oycfcl Rccefver. GAzs'r'rE No'ncs No. 1345 THE BAN KRU PTCY ACT GAZE'I-I'B Ntm cs No. 1340 (Cap. 53) FIRST M EETING or CREDITORS THE BANKRUFTCY ACT Debtor's ncmc.- M ohinder Singh Kalsi s/ o Banta Ram Kalsi. W ap. 53) Address.- kko. Box 466, Nairobi. PIJBLIC ExAMINA.rION Dezcrfp/ftpn.- Transporter. fbur/.-l-ligil Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Debtor's nczne.- M iguel Rodrigues. Address.- b.o. Box 8905, Nairobi. No. 0/ matter.- B.c. 3 of 1968. D escription--x mpkoyze. Date oj #r5'/ meeting.-lLb May 1968. Cour/-- High Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Hour.- 2,.3Q p.m. No. 0/ matter.- B.c. 12 of 1967. foce.--conference Room, State Law OKce, Harambee Date oj public examination.- knth June 1968. Avenue, N airobi. f& ur.- 10.30 a.m. Dcfe oj order for summary administration.- stb April 1968. Place.- 'W e Law Cotlrts, Nairobi. Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, 19th April 1968. Deputy Omcial Receiver. 19th April 1968. Deputy O/.5cftzl Receiver. GAD TTE NoTlcE No. 1346 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT GAzsrrs N OTICB No. 1341 (Cap. 53) 'I'HE BANKRUPTCY ACT No-ncB oF D IVIDEND (Cap. 53J (Under Compositionj Debtor's rlc- e.- ltobert Ngethe. PUBLIC BM MINATION Address.- b.o. Box 4190, Nairobi. Debtor's ntzmc.--saleh Verjee. Dexcrfp/bn.- Building Contractor. Address.- p.o. Box 11, Nairobi. fbur/.-l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Description.- Yor eïjy trader, now em ployee. No. oj matter.- B.c. 6 of 1966. Ctprlrf.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at M ombasa. Amount per f .-SIZ. 2/60. No. 0/ mdtter.- B.c. 5 of 1967. First or Jz;c7 or tp//lerwfxe.- First. Date of public examiqation- lqst June 1968. W hen #cy'c:Je.- 30th April 1968. St7?zr.- 10.30 a.m . W here payable.- .M my oëce, Harambee Avenue, P.O. Box Plcce.- 'l'he Law Courts, Nairobi. 30031, Nairobi. Nairobi, M . L. HANDA Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, 19th April 1968 , . Deputy O'cftzl Receiver. 19th April 1968. Deputy Oycfcl Receiver. GAzsrrs NoTlcs No. 1347 GAZBT'I'S No'ncE No. 1342 THE BAN KRUPTCY ACT THE BANKRUPTCY ACT W ap. 53) (Cap. 53) N o'rlcE or D lvlosNo PUBI-IC EXAMINATION Debtor'z ncme.- Karamshi Devraj. Address.- Formerly of P.O. Box 4095, Nairobi. Debtor's rlczzle.- Verjee. Description.- Yxznun. Address.-p.o. Box 1218, Nairobi. C'ourf.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. Description.-œ onneïjy trader, now employee. No. @/ matter.- B.c. 23 of 1953. Cbur/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at M ombasa. Am ount per f .--cents 42. No. oj matter.- B.c. 6 of 1967. First or Jntzl or otherwise.- sevcond and inal. Date of public examination.- lsst June 1968. When pcyJ:!c.- 30th April 1968. J& &r.- 10.30 a.m . W here payable.- xt my oë ce, Harambee Avenue, P.O. Box Place-- 'W v Law Courts, N airobi. 30031, Nairobi. - Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, Nairobi, M . L. HANDA, .' Q- 19th April 1968. Deputy tplcft?l Recelver. 19th April 1968. Deputy OFcft?l .Receîver. 26th April 1968 Tlv KENYA GAZETI'E 40l

GAZETTE NoTlcE N o. 1348 G Aze'r'rs N o'ncs N o. 1353 TH E BAN KRUPTCY ACT THE BANKRUPTCY ACT W ap. 53) (Cap. 53) ' ' NOJICB OF INTENDED DIVIDEND NoTlce oF INTENDED DIVIDBND Debtors' llczney.- Fatehali Habib and Alibhai Remu, trading as Deblors' z?(7zncx.- (1) Swaran Singh, (2) M angal Singh, (3) A .F. & Co. Bakhtawar Singh, a11 trading as Body Building W orks. Address.- oyugis, South N yanza District. Address.- p-o. Box 5365, N airobi. Description.- -k-radek's. D escription- u otor body builders. - Ctpur/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Kisumu. Ctprfrf.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at Nairobi. No. 5/ matter.-m .c. 10 of 1957. No. 0/ matter.-m .c. 90 of 1960. Last (ftzy, jor receivin,j Jvt7t)/x.-10th May 1968. Last day for receiving prtpt?/.ç.- 13th May 1968. Trustee's rlcznc.- ofliclal Receiver. Trustee's nczntd-- oflicial Receiver. Address.- p.o . Box 993, K isum u. Address--p-o. Box 30031, Nairobi. K isum u, 1. H . PATEL, N airobi, M . L. H ANDA , 25th April 1968. , Agent oj the O/lcitzl keceiver. 19th April 1968. ' Deputy O/./icfll Receiver. GAZBTTB Nolqcs No. 1354 IN THE M ATTER OF THE COM PANIES ACT GAZET'I'E No-rlcE N o. 1349 ' W ap. 486) TH E BAN KRUPTCY A CT AND IN THE MATTER OF INDO.AFRICAN LITERARY (Cap. 53) SOCIETY LIM ITED ' N o-rlcs OF INTENDED DIVIDBND M EMBSRS' VOLTJNTARY W INDING UP Debtors' ntzznex.---tll Ratilal Harishanker Shukia, (2) Man- N OTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinary general sukhlal H arishanker Shukla, partners .in Shukla Bros., and m eeting of Indo-African Literary Society Limited held at V. A. Shukla & Co. M ombasa on Thursday ? the Uth day of April 1968, the Address.- j>.o. Box 367 and P.O. Box 31411, N airobi, following special rçsolutlon was duly passed ;- iespectively. ITTHAT the Company be wound up as a members' voluntar: Description.- -k-ïaneïs. winding up and that Jayantkum ar Rambhai Trivedi of P.O . C'tpur/.- l-ligh Court of Ktnya at Nairobi. Box 2742, M ombasa, and Kunjvihari Kantilal Trivedi of No. of matters- B.c. 13 and 14 of 1966. P.O. Box 2778, M ombasa, be and are hereby joiritly Last day jor receiving pr(p(?/J.- 13th M ay 1968. appoiated thè liquidators for the purpose of such winding Trustee's ncmc.- official Receiver. kl 11 .3S Address.- p-o. Box 30031, 'N airebi. Creditors of the Com pany are required on or before the Nairobi, M . L. HAN DA, 20th day of M ay 1968, to send full particulars of a1l claims they may have against the said Company to the undersijned, 19th April 1968. Deputy Ohicial Receiver. the liquldators of the said Company at the undermentloned address or in default thereof they m ay be excluded from the CIAZETTE lfoTlcE lfo. 1350 benest of any distribution m ade before such debts are proved. Dated at M ombasa this 18th day of April 1968. ' THE BANKRUPTCY ACT J. R. TRIVED I, (Cap. 53) K. K . TRIVED I, N oTlcE oF IN-FENDED D IVIDEND Liquidators, Debtor's rltzznd.- vaghji Karamshi Shah. P.O. Box 2778, M ombasa. XJtfrcxyk- salim Road, opposite M ackinnon M arls:et, M ombasa. Description.- u eb'chant. GAZBTTE NoRqcs No. 1355 . fb l/r/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at M om basa. IN THE M AIVER OF THE COMPANIES ACT . . .. No. oj matter.- B.c. 13 of 1961. tCcp. 486) Last tftzp. for receiving prt?t?/y.- 30th April 1968. Ayo Trustee's nczne.- oflicial Recciver. IN THE MATTER OF INDO.AFRICAN LITERAIW Address.- p.o. Box 366, M ombasa. SOCIETY LIM ITED M om basa, S. R. V 'AM BA A, N OTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF LIQUIDATORS 8th April 1968. jor Onicial Receîver. (M embers' Voluntary Wz'jntWntl Up) (Rule 51) Name f?/ Company.- jndo-hfzkcz.n Literary Society Limited. GAZETTE No'rlcE N o. 1351 Adtiress oj registered clf#cc.- plot No. 193, Sectien V, Rodger THE BANKRUPTCY ACT R oad, M om basa. Registered postal address.- p.o. Box 1045, M om basa. qcap. 53) Nature tp/ llfyfrfc:y.- printers, stationers anl. booksellers. ' No'rlcs oe D IVIDEND Liquidators' ntzm cy.- layantkum ar Ram bhai Trivedi and (Summary Casej Kunjvihari Kantilal Trivedà. Address.- p.o. Box 2778, M om basa. Debtor's nc- c.- N anubhai Bapalal Trivedi, trading Date t# appointment.- k8& April 1968. N. B. Trivedi & Sons. Sy' w'Jlorll cppofnretf.- M em bers. Address.- p.o. Box 850, M ombasa. D escription.- u zçchant. Dated at M ombasa this 18th day of April 1968. Ctpur/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at M om basa. J. R . TRIV EDI, No. oj matter.- B.c. 11 of 1957. K. K. TRIVEDI, Ankount per f .- SIA. 1 / 19. Liquidators, First or lrlc/ or tp//?cnpfyea-lJirst and Enal. P.O. Box 2778, M om basa. W hen payable.-o nd M ay 1968. W here payable.- h L my oflice, 01d Custom s H ol-lse, Nkrum ah Gwzsrrs N orlcs N o. 1356 R oad, P.O. Box 366, M om basa. ' IN THE M AU ER OF THE COM PANIES ACT M om basa, ' S . R . W AM BAA, (Cap. 486) 16th April 1968. jor O/-/icfc! Receiver. AND IN THE M AU ER OF PROM OTER S & IN VESTORS GAZETTE rN o-rlce No. 1352 LIM ITED M EMBERS' VOLIJNTARY W INDING UP THE BANKVUPTCY ACT N OTICE is hereby given that the crcditors of the above- , (Cap. 53) named Com pany are required on er before the 15th day of June 1968, to send their names and addresses, with particulars NoTICE OF DIVIDEND of their debts or daims, to the urtdeïsigned 1. R. Leslie and Debtor's name. Karmali M anji. M . H . Pedlow of P.O. Box 30158, N airobi, the liquidators of zïlllrcku.- Asembo Bay and Kisumu. the Company, and if so required by notice in writing from the Description- hàadtï'. said liquidators either personally or by their, to com e Crpur/.- l-ligh Court of Kenya at K istlm u. in and prove their debts or claim s at such time and place as No. oj z?7c//cr.- B.C. 6 of 1952. shall be specilied in such notice and in default thereof, they Anloultt /7cr f .- SIA. 1 /92. will be excluded from the benefit of any dLstributïon m ade First or #?7c/ or otherwise. Final. befok'e such debts are proven. W hen pJyJJ)Je.- 23rd April 1968. D ated tbis 20th day of April 1968. W here payable.- oL ce of the Oë cial Receiver, State Law Om ce, H aram bee Avenue, N airobï. . 1. R. LESLIE, M . H . PEO LOW , Kisum u, 1. H . PATEL, Joint Lîquidators, 1 (7th April 1 968 . .d'1 gelït of //7t? Ohicial Receib'el'. P.O . Box 30158, Nairobi. 402 THE KENYA GAZE 26th April 1968 GAZET'I'E No'rlcE No. 1357 THE TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT (Cap. 404) THE undelmentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board at the lsmail Rahimtulla Trust Library, Jeevanjee Street, opposite New Kenya Bus Service Station, Nairobi, on the following dates ;- (1) M onday, 13th M ay 1968, at 9 a.m.- applications in res pect of Road Service Licences and ttB'' Carliers' Licences up to Reference Ne. NB/B/57/68. . ' (2) Tuesday, 14th M ay 1968, at 9 a.m.- applications in respect of iiB'' Carriers' Licences. Every ebjection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and the District Commissioner of the district fn whfeh such application fs to be heard and a copy thereof shall be sent te the applïcant not less than seven days before the date of the m eeting at which such application is to be heard. Except where otherwise stated, the applications are fo( one vehicle. Every öbjector shall include the size and Registration Number of his vehicle (together with timetables where applicable) operating on the applicant's proposed route. Those who submit applications in the name of partnership and companies must bring CertKcate of Registration to the T.L.B. meeting. A. N. OUMA, Executive Omcer, I'ransport Licensing Board, P.O. sèx 30440, Nairobî. ROAD SERVICE LICENCES NB/R/8/68- Chania Express Service Ltd., P.O. Box 128, the underm entioned vehicles on a co-ordinated Thika. Route : Thika-Gatuanyaga-Ngoliba. (Two timetable. Present route : Sugutu-Mugie-Rumuruti- vehicles, 7 passengers each.) Thomson's Falls-ol Kalou-south and North 9/68- Kiambu Road Sqvice, P.O. Box 210, Kiambu. Kinangop - Limuru - Nairobi. (KHU 66, 40 Route : Gikuni-Nalrobi ; Kinjabi-Ngecha-Nairobi ; passengers.) Present route : Nairobi-Naivasha- Nyanduma-Nairobi ; Githunguri-t-n'nuru-Nairobi ; Nakuru - Eiburgon - Londiani - Kericho - Ahero - M asina-Nairobi ; Kiawaroga-Nazareth Hospital- Kisumu. (KKH 566, 51 passengers ; KKL 835, Banana-Nairobi. (Five buses, 52 to 62 passengers 51 passengers.) each-) 10759- Kinangop Township Bus Services, P.O. Box 8586, 10/68- Mzee wa Ngendo, P.O. Box 8246, M ombasa'. Nairobi. Variation of route to add Limuru-kuiru Route : M ombasa - Nairobi ; M ombasa - Taveta. and delete Kihihie and Gatare. Present route : IIUE 83, 15 passengers.) Naivasha - South Kinangop - Gatare Forcst - 11 / 68- Simon Kamau Ngotho, P.O. Box 15, Chunya, Kangari-rfhika. (KCF 990, 35 passengers.) (2) Mbeya, Tanzania. Route : Namanga-Kenya/ Variatîon of route to add Ndaragua-shamata Tanzania border-Nairobi. (6o-passenger vehiclev) Settlement Scheme-ol Kalou. Present route : 12/68- M uthoni & Mwihaki Travel Services, c/o P.O. Limuru-Kinangop-Gilgil via Kipipiri. (KGV 29, ' Box 3157, Nairobi. Route : Nairobi-Ruiru-Thika- 35 passengers.) 13138- Nyandarua Road Transport Co., P.O . Box 1025, Kabati-saba Saba-Maragua-Fort Hall-rfhagana- North' Kinangop. Route : North Kinangop- Karatina-Nyeri. (Six vehlcles, 8 passengers each.) Wanjehi - 01 Kalou - Ndunderf - Nakuru. (52- 13 / 68- Zodiac Tours Ltd.z P.O. Box 3004, Nairobi. passenger vehicle.) (2) Route : Thomson's Falls- Carriage of tourists. Route : Kenya. (11 vehicles, 01 Kalou - W anjohi - South Kinangop - Lim' uru - 7 passengers each.) Kiambu-Ruiru-rfhika. (66-passenger vehicle.) (3) TLB. 2041 -African Safari Lodg'es Ltd., P.O. Box 6020, Route : South Kinangop-North KinangopuW anjohi- Nairobi. Carriage of . tourists. 'Route : Kenya. 01 K alou-ol Joro Orok--fhom son's F'alls-Naivasha. (12 vehicles, 7 passengers each.) (K -passenger vehicle.) 12228- Shimba Tourist Service, P.O. Box 1942, Nairobi. 14/68- 17rancis Njuguna Kariuki, P.O. Box 23082., Lower Carriage of tourists. Route : Kenya. (Six vehicles, Kabetep Nairobi. Route : Gitangu-Kanjeru-Njatha- 7 passengers each.) ini-Nairobi. (s6-passenge.r vehicle) (2) Route : 5/6- Dar es Salaam M otor Transport Ltd., P.O. Box Kibiku - Gatara - M uthure - Nairobi. (56- 872, Dar es Salaam. Route ) Tanzania bordep passenger vehicle.) Lunga Lunga-Kwale-Mombasa. (KKU 851, 55 15/68- P. M . Shitakha, P.(9. Box 4659, Nairobi. Route ) passengers.) Nairobi - Kibwezi - Voi - M ombasa - Kiliti - 11497- Pau1 Gitonga Zakayo, P.O. Box 17192, Nairobi. M alindi. (Two vehicles, 6 passengers each.) Variation of route to add Karatina-Fort Ha1l- 16/68- Henry M . Kahigu ' c/o P.O. Box 20551, Nairobi. N airobi. Present route : Tucha-rfhithe-Kagioni- N Route : Gathundl..a-ol Kalou-rfhomson, s Falls- Gachatha-Giakanja-Nyeri. (KGK 38? 34 gassen- Nakuru ; Thomson's Falls - 01 Kalou - Kiongo - gers.) (2) Paul Gitonga & Co. Route : Kmdara- Nakuru. (7-passenger vehicle.) lhari - ' M uthuaini - Ngangarithi - Nyeri - Karatina - 17/68- Kirumba Njuguna, P.O. Box 10219, Nairobi. Embu-sagana. (3o-passenger vehicle.) Route : Nairobi - Nakuru - Elburgon - Londiani - 12080- Githima M . Bus Service, P.O. Box 12746, Nairobi. To increase the passenger-carrying capacity from Kericho. (lz-passenger vehicle.) 7 to 42 passengers. . Present route : Karai-Kikuyu- 18 /68- M bitu Karuga, P.O. Box 51, Kikuyu. Route : Uthiru-Nairobi. IKHG 306, 7 passengers.) Githiria - Rangata - Rungai via Nairobi. (18- l3loo-Kericho Highland Service Ltd., P.O. Dox 447, passenger vehicle.) Kericho. Route : Nairobi - Voi - M tito Andei - 19/68- Francis M uiru M arugu, P.O. Box. 289, Thika. Mombasa. (Ten vehicles, 6 to 7 passengers each ; Route : Kandara - Gatitu . - M uruka - N guthuru - and six more vehicles as standby, 6 to 7 passengers n ika-Nairobi. (K -passenger vehicle.) each.) 1 l8zl- Rwegetha Bus Servico, P.O. Box 160, Naivasha. 13438- Chinga Provision Store, P.O. Box 12335, Nairobi. Route : Gita Forest-Njambini-North Kinangop- Variation of rouie to add Maragua-saba Saba- W anjohi - 01 Kalou - Ndundori - Nakuru - n ika-Ruil-u-Nairobi. Present route : Chlnga-Fort Naivasha. (Two vehicles, 50 to 60 passengers Hall. (KHH 950, 6 passcngers.) each.) (2) Variation of route to add Nairekia 6654-M uranga Bus Service, P.O. Box 415, Nairobi. Ngare - M iriri - Thagutui - M aiyella Farm - Change of present timetable to a new timetable Kongoni. Present route : North and South and to operate between Fort Hall and Nairobi K inangop-N aivasha roun'd the Lake-K ipipiri-ol only. Present route : Karuri-Fort Hall-rfhika- Kalou. (KGH 90, 42 passengers.) Naxrobi. (Granted to come to Nairobi for night 20/68- Kimani M uturi, P.O. Box 27, Kikuyu. Route : only.) (KHJ 42, 44 passengers.) Nairobi - Limuru - M uguga - Gitaru - Uthiru - 12899- Tsavo Tsafaris, P.O. Box 4191, Nairobi. Carriage Nairobi-Ngecha. (KCW 959, 9 passengers.) of tourists. Route : East of Tsavo National Pai'k. 777- Gic hu'ki W arui, P.O. M bari ya Njiku , Kikuyu. (KHZ 283, 7 passengers ; KGY 463, 6 passengers.) To incfease the passenger-carrying capacity from 13531- Rukubi Bus Service, P.O. Box 3743 !Nairobi. To 7 to 42 passengers. Present route : Nairobi- increase the passenger-carrying capaclty from 21 to M agadi - Central Training School - Ongata-rongai - 42 passengers. Present route : Rukubi-Gitaru- Kiseliani. (KHG 825, 7 passengers.) No pickiag N airobi. (KGU 21, 21 passengers.) or setting down passengers between Central Train- 6623- James M wangi M aguru, P.O. Box 5, n ika. ing School and N airobi. Variation of route to add Nairobi. Present routc : 13137- Leah W angore, P.O. Box 219, Limuru. Variation Kangari-Thika. (KKW 670, 61 passengers.) of route to add Nakuru-Limuru, and to delete Present route : Kinyqna-Kigumo-Thika. (KHQ 617. Kitale. Present route : Eldoret-Kitale. (KLG 589, 50 passengers.) ' 7 passengers.) . '' 11793- Kcnya Road Service, P.O. Box 78, Limuru. 9360- Peter Nyaga, P.O . Box 70 Em bu. Route : M aua- - . Route : Ngong-Nairobi via Dagoretti Corner. M eru Township - Chikorl! ge - lshiara - Embu - ,.' . . ' ( T wo veh icles ,52 passengers each.) (2) To o' perate Sagana-erhika-Nairobi. (4s-passenger vehicle.) 26th April 1968 TI.1E KENYA GAZEW 'E 403 ê4B'' CARRVRS' LlcBNcEs ..-NB/B / 50/68-Mrs. Maq Rose Wangari Njiinu, P.O. Box 34, tons ; ITHZ 232, 7 tons ; KHM 936, 16 tons ; Ruiru. Carnage of vcgetables, chartloal, potatoes, KHT 279, 8 tons ; KHT 808, 8 tons ; KGE 344, shop goods, wattle bark, furniture a.nd a1l goods. 5' tons ; KGE 432, 5 tons ; KGE 868, 5 tons ; Route : Kenya. (7-ton vehicle-) KGR 641, 5 tons ; KG S 231, 5 tons ; KH C 378, 51/68-Harrison Njoroge Njuguna, P.O. Box 405, n lka. 5 tons ; KHC 225, 5 tons ; KHC 509, 5 tons.) Carriage of a1l goods. Route : Thika-central (2) Carriage of heavy gauge equipment and all Province - Nakunz - Nairobi - Easttùrn Province - goods. Route : Nairobi and throughout Kenya M ombasa. (KKU 551, 13,570 1b.) (2) Route : without restriction. (20-ton trailen) M ombasa - Central Province m Nakuru - Nairobi - '/4og- Kaigua Kiruku, P.O. éox 88, Kiambu. Variation Eastern Provfnce - M ombasa - Coast Province. of route to add Central Provfnce-hfachakos- (KKS 501, 13,117 lb.) (3) Route : Thika-central Kajiado-Narok Districts, for carriage of a11 goods. Province - Nakuru - Nairobi - Eastklrn Province - Present route : Kiambu District and to Thika- M ombasa. (Two vehicles, 9 to 12 tons each.) Nairobi. (KGS 752, 10,550 1b.) (2) Carriage of TLB. 12989- Gatharani Transport, P.O. Box 12,999, Nairobi. al1 loods. Route : Kiambu-central and Bastern Carriage of petroleum products. Route : Provlnces - Nairobi - Kajiado - Narok - Nakuru Mombasa-Kenya. (KKQ 804, 10.,100 gallons ; Districts. (1- to 9-ton vehicle.) Z 7252, 10,100 gallons.) ' 5542- Muhu Kangari, Dagoretti M arket, P.O.' M bari ya 12264- George M . Om olo, P.O. Box 14223, Nairobi. Njiku. Carriage of all goods. Route : Kenya. Variation of route to add W estern Province-Rift (Five vebicles, 9 tons each.) Valley Province-Nairobi, for carriàge of all loods. 4842-Josegh Mwangi Gichohi, P.O. Box 116, Muranga. Present route : Nyanza Provincc-Kericho Dzstrict. Carnage of a11 goods. Route : Kinz Location-Fort (KKN 884, 14,060 1b.) (2) Variation of route to Hall District - Nyeri District - Nairobi - M ombasa. add W estern Province - Rift Valley Province - (Three vehicles, 7 tons each.) (2) Route : Kiriaini- Nairobi-Kericho District, for carriage) of all goods. Nyeri District-Fort Hall District-n ika-Nairobi. Present route : Nyanza Province-Kerichtx (KKW for carriage of a11 goods. (7-ton vehicle-) 118, 13,670 1b.) 9251- Kitemange Ndema, P.O. Box 56, Kitui. Variation 52 / 68- Banana Hill Fanners Stores, P.O. Banana Hill. of route to add Athi River, for carriage of al1 Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Kiambu-Eastern goods, sheep, goats and livestock. Present route : Province-central Province-Rift Valley Province- Kitui Distrkt ; Kitui-rfhika ; Kitui-Kibwez,i ; Thika- Western Province-Nairobi-Mombasa, subject to 30- Nairobi ; Kitui-Machakos-Konza (not on main mile railway restriction clause. (Four vehicles, 10 M ombasa-Nairobi road) ; and also for carriage of to 12 tons each ; and two trailers, 'L0 tons each.) sheep and Aoats, cowpeas and coflke (mbuni) (2) Route : Kenya, subject to 30-mile railway from Kibwezl to M ombasa, returning with salt, restriction clause. (Three vehicles, 8 to 12 tons paraln and cement only. (KHJ 116, 11,960 1b.) cach.) 55/68-Mary Wangui Kariuki, P.O. Box . 117, Molo. 53/ 68-Kén4a Transport Co., P.O. Box :534, Kiambu. Carnage of falrm produce and all goods. Route : Carnage of a11 goods, livestock, ltlbricating oils Olenguluone-Rift Valley Province-vairobi. (7- to and manufactured goods. Route : Kenya. (One lo-ton vehicle.) vehicle and one trailer of 22 tons ; ltnd two more 56/ 68- zephaniah Gicure Ndungu, Kiriti Location, P.O. vehicles of 12 tons each.) (2) Route : Nairobi- Kangema, M uranga. Carriage of shop goods, farm Kibwezi-M tito Andei-voi-M om basa, for carriage produce, building and a1l goods. Route : of al1 goods. (One vehicle and one trailer of 22 Rwathia - M uranga - Nyeri - Kirinyaga - Nairobi - tons.) . Kiambu-Nyandarua. (Two vehïcles, 7 tons each.) 54/68- Kibaru Runyenje, P.O. Box 130, Enlbu. Carriage 57 J68- Reuben Gikaru, c/o P.O. Box 30010, Nairobi. of petroleum products and al1 goods. Route : Cariiage of farm produce and al1 goods. Route : Central Province - Embu - Meru - Kitui - ' Uylands - Naivasha District - Nairobi - Nyandarua M achakos - Nairobi - M ombasa. (7- to lo-ton Dlstrkt - 01 Kalou - Thomson's Palls - North vehicle.) Kinangop. O-ton vehicle.) 12906- Malaika Safaris Ltd., P.O. Box 5351, Nairobi. 58/68- 0. Gichuru & Co., c/o P.O. Box 10315, Nairobi. . Carriage of' a11 goods and petroleum products. Carriage of all goods, charcoal, vegetables and Kenya. (Four tankers, 9 to 15 tons each ; and trade joods. Route ; Kfambu-Machakos-Kxtuî- four lorries, 7 to 15 tons each.) Kibwezl - Voi - M ombasa ; Kiambu - Narok - 4326- Gichuhi Njoroge & Co., P.O. Box 351, Kiambu. Nakuru-KerichœKakamega-Busia. (7-ton vehicle-) v Variation of réute to add North-Eastern Province- 59/ 68-M akau Mwoneo, P.O.. Box 3465, Nairobi. Carri- Rift Valley Province, for carriage of a11 goods. a!e of all goods. Route : Nairobi-Machakos-Athi Present route : Fort Hall-Kiambu-Nyandarua- Rwer. (s-ton vehicle.)

Kajiado-Nairobi Districts. (KKG 95,3, 12,010 1b.) 60/68' - Muchanga W ahome, P.O. Box 3141, . Nairobi. 8526-Osman Sheikh, P.O. Box 18, Wajir. North- Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Fort Hall-n ika- Eastern Province. Carrfage of petrolLeum products Nairobi Districts. (5- to 7-ton vehlcle.) and all gqods. Route : Nairobi-cc/ast Province- 61 J68-Mwogoi Young Transqort & Supply, c/ o P.O. Eastern Province ; Nairobi-M alaba->zenya/uganda Box 951, Nairobi. Carrlage of a11 goods. Route : border ; Nairobi-M oyale. tThree vehicles and M achakos District-Kitui District-n ika District- three trailers? 10 to 15 tons each.) (2) Conversion Garissa-Nairobi. (7-ton vehicle.) of <

K:B'' CARRIERS' LIcsNcEs--(Ct7n/2.) Ni/n/tlé/éq- ratua kamau, P.G. Box 12 !s0, Nai.robi. Carriage 7186-Heng Kahoya & Co., P.O. Box 284, n ika. of vegetables, charcoal and farm produce and all Carnage of buildïng m aterlals and all goods. goods. Route : Njumbi-port Hall--xrhika-Nairobi- Route : 'Thika - Embu District - M achakos Nyandarua District. (-/-ton vehicle.) District-Kitui District-central Province. (KKV 459, '1'LB. 5133- Ngugi ole Ndaiya, P.O. Box 39, N arok. Carriage 15,345 16. ; KKV 461, 15,280 lb. ; KKV 458, of al1 goods. Route : Narok District-Nairobi via 15,300 lb. ; KKV 457, 15 300 1b. ; KGD 525, 1390 1b Kijabe Cross Road - Narok - NalEunz via Mau 13,065 1b. ; KF'F 508, 7,. . : KF'F 504, Narok ; Narok-Nafvasha. (KHM 760, 11,480 lb.) 9,120 lb.) 389-M uema Kalanzo, P.O. Makueni via M achakos. Carriage of foodstus, maize, sugar:, castor seeds 13561- Andika Kunyanyi, P.O. Box 383, Thika. Carriage and a11 goods. Route : M aklleni-M achakos of shop wgoods. Route : Kenya. IKK.Z 526, Distrkt-Nairobi--fhika. (KHL 964, 13,485 lb.) 22 )170 lb.) ' ' sllzl-Ndungi Nganga, P.O. W angige, l-ower Kabete. Carriage of al1 goods. Route : W angige-Kiam bu- 13393-Freeway Transport Service Ltd., P.O. Box 2109, Nairobi. (7- to 9-ton vchicle.) (2) (zarriage of al1 Nairobl. Carriage of petroleum products in bulk. goods. Route : Kenya. (7- to lthtoll vehicle.) (3) Route : M ombasa - Nairobi - Nakuru - Eldoret - Conversion of t4&C'' to dùB'' Carriage of all goods. Kenya/uganda border. (Ten vehicles, 10 tons Route : Kenya. (KHH 551, 12,250 1b.) each ; and ten trailers, 14 tons each.)

QJAZBTTB èfoTlcs i4o. 1358 THE TRANSPOR'T LTCENSING ACT (Ctw. 404) THE undermentione; applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board meeting along with others to be heard on 13th and lïth May 1968, at 9 a.ta., at the Ismail Rahimtulla Trust Library, Jeevanjee Street, opposite New Kenya Bus Service Station, Nairobi. A. N. OUM A, Executive Olcer. ROAD SeitvlcE LlcimcEs TLB. 637- Southern Cross Safaris Ltd., P.C). Box 8363, MS/R/7/68- Nairobi W est Service Station Ltd., P.O. Box ' Nairobi. Carriage of tourists. Route : Kenya. 12505, Nairobi. Route : Nairobi-voi-Mombasa. (Five vehicles, 7 passcngers each.) (Ten vehicles, 7 passengers each.) ' 4618- NB/R/ 120/68- Gateru Kahoro, P.O. Box 17029, Nairobi. CPan African Safari Ltd., P.O. Box 4209, Nairobi. Route : Nairobi - Thika - Fort jj. au . sagana - 5 arpriasgse nogfe rst o; uriasntsd. Rtwoou te m: oKre nyvcLe. hic(lKesK Po f9 947, Karatina-Nyeri-othaya. (sz-passenger vehicle.) 4235- Robert M ukindi, P.O. Box 417, Thika. To delete passengers each.) the present route ; and variation of route to add NB/R/20/68- Terrace Hotel, P.O. Box 10845, lfairobi. Carri- B1 - Yatta - Karakara - Kisimani - Thika. Present age of staff and hotel guests only. (F'uoute : Nairobi route : Nyamangara - Karae - Harris Road - Extra Provincial District. (ls-passenger vehicle.) Thika--l-ala-Yatta. (KHW 667, 32 passengers.) . t4B'' CARRIERS' LlcsNces NB/ B/4/ 68- Runyenje Transpert Co., P.O. Box 1984, Nairobi. 50/ 68- John Njoroge M ubi, P.O. Box 5274, Nairobi. Carriage of all goods and petroleum products. Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Mombasa-Nairobi- Route : Nairobi - M ombasa ; Nairobi - Embu - Eldoret-Kenya/uganda border. (7- to lo-ton Meru. (Eight vehicles, 10 to 15 t'ans each, and vehicle.) eight trailers, 10 to 15 tons eaeh.) TLB. 5607- Njuguna Daniel Nganga, P.O. Box 42, Kikuyu. . Carriage of a11 goods. Route : Kenya. (8-ton 21 / 68-Bgznard Kitonga Sila, P.O. Kangundo, Machakos. velzicle.) Carriage of farm produce, manure, charcoal and 628- Bomett & Sons, P.O. Box 30260, Nairobi. Carri- all goods. Route ; Kangundo-Kianlbu-Fort Hal1- age of all goods and petroleum products. Route : Bmbu - Kitui - Maclaakos - Kajlado Dfstricts - M ombasa - V& - Nairobi - Namanga - Nakuru - Nairobi-coast Prevince. (s-ton vdticle.) M alaba-Kitale. (Two tankers, 10 tons each ; and fottr lorries, 8 to. ' 11 tons each.) (2) Change of 22 y6d--qlaiserr Transporters, P.O. Pox . 30040, Nairobi. conditions for the carriage of all goods. Present Carriage of farm ' produce and all Ijoods. Route : route : Nairobi - M alaba - Kenya/uyanda border - Narok - Rift Valley Province - Kisii - South Nakuru - Eldoret - Kedeho - Kis-n - Kisumu - Nyanza - Kericho - Nairobi - M chmbasa. (Four M ombasa - Malindi - Eldama Ravine - Tambach, vehicles, 15 tons each j and four tl'ailers, 18 tons fer carriage of Madhvani products, vegetables, each.) (2) Route : Nalrobi-M ombasa, for carriage ghee, sweets, potatoes, horticultural products and of petroleum products. (Four vel'ticles, 15 tons shop goods only. (KKU 294, 18,090 1b. ; each ; and four ti-ailers, 18 tons each.) KKT 628, 18,0. 50 lb.)

GAZETTE NoilcE No. 1359 . THE TRANSPORT LICENSING ACT W ap. 404) THE undermentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board meeting along with others to be heard on 13th and 14th May 19'68, at 9 a.1n., at the Ismail Rahimtulla Trust Library, Jeevanjee Stfeet, opposite New Kenya Bus Service Station, Nairobi. ' A. N. OUMA, Executive Omcer. ROAD SERVICE LICENCPS NB/R/21/68-M atemo Bus Service, P.O. Box 1.1217, Nairobi. Nairobi - Machakos - M ariakani - Changamwe - Route : Ngarua - Thomson's Falls -. Nakuru. (50- M om basa ; Nairobi-M eru-N anyuki via Karatina. passenger vehicle.) (2) Ngarua-Thamson's Falls- (Six vehfcles, 7 passengers each.) 01 Kalou-Njabini-l-imuru. (sz-passe nger vehicle.) 10989- Archers Cabs Ltd., P.O. Box 97,* Nairobi. Carri- (3) Route : Gita Forest-North Auinangop-south TLB. Kinangop - Kamirîthu - Nairobi. (4s-passenjer age of tourists. Route : Kenya. (Ten vehicles, 7 vehicle.) (4) Route : Nairobi - Naiq'asha - Gilgtl - passengers each.) Nakuru - Burnt Forest - Eldoret. (sz-passenger 5752-5* 011 Mwanli Kihara & Co., P.O. Box 209, vehicle.) (5) Route : Eldoret-Burnt Forest-Nakuru- Nyeri. Variatlon of route to itdd Pura Milk- Giljil - Naivasha - Nairobi - Limunl. (sz-passenger W est Kieni. (2) To increase the passenger-carrying vehlcle.) capacity from 25 to 42 passengers. Present route : 22/68- John Karu & James Kanyi & Co., P.O. B'ox 142, Othaya - Kagere - Gachatha - Kiakanja - Nyeri - Kiambu. Route : Limuru-Nathaleth Hospital-Riara Mweiga-lhuriri. (KHQ 186, 25 passengers.) Lange - Kanunga Kiamara - W aguthu 3579- 115r% a. Bus Service, P.O. Box 17058, Nairobi. Gathanja - Muthaiga - Muthaiga l'olice Station - Variation of route to add Njiri's High School- Nairobl. (Two vehicles of 7 passengers each ; M ariira - Kigumo - Kaharati - Saba Saba two vellicles of 14 passengers each ; one vehicle of M ugoiri - Thika - N airobi. Present route : Tim e- 36 passengers ; one vehicle of 62 passengers.) tables authorized by the Board for Kirima Bus 23/68- Luxury Road Transport, P.O. Box 7300, Nairobi. Service, an authenticated copy of which must be Route : Nairobi - Lanet - M aji Mlàzuri - Kitale ; carried in this vehicle. (KKR 268, 61 passengers.) 406 THF, K EN YA G AZE 26th A pril 1968 ROAD SERv1cE Ljctsces--jcontd.j TLB. 63l4-Kenatco Transport Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 6991, . of route to add Nairobi - Namanga - Kenya/- . . Nairobi. Route : Nairobi-Homa Bay, for night Tanzania border, for six vehicles of 6 passengers ' t -'-- services, and to operate on a co-ordinated time- each. Present route : To operate on a co-ordinated ' table. (KM B 147, 49 passengers ; KM B 543, 56 timetable authorized by the Board foT Kericho passengers.) . ' Hilhlands Service Ltd. an authenticated copy of whlch must be carried ln this vehicle, operating on l3loo- Kericho Highland Service Ltd., P.O. Box 447. Route': Kisumu-Nairobi ; Kisumu-Busia-Bungoma- Kericho. Carriage of tourists. Route : Konya. Homa Bay - Nyeri - Eldoret - Kericho - Manga. (Ten vehicles, 7 passengers each.) (2) Variatlon (Six vehicles, 6 passengers each.) ::B'' CARRIBRS' Llcexces TLB. 1102- Tito Kimali, P.O. Box 145, M achakos. Variation Voi-Kibwezi-Athi River-Nairobi. (Four lorries, 10 of route to add Eastern and Central Provinces, tons each ; four trailers, 14 tons each.) for Orriage of a11 goods. (2) Change of condi- NB/B/97/68- M wiga Enterprises, P.O. Box 30019, Nairobi. tions for the carriage of a11 goods. Present route : Carriage of petroleum products. Route : Nairobi- Kangundow-fhika-Nairobi, for carriage of shop M ombasa ; Nairobi - Elderet - Kisumu - Kenya / goods, vegetables, building materials and manure. Uganda border and all Kenya. (Six vehicles and (KHG 412, 6,140 1b.) . six trailers, 10 to 12 tons each.) 5479-James Gichuhu Gichora, Thogoto Store, P.O. M au Narok. Carriage of all goods. Route : Nakuru 98/68- Hussein Roba Kato '& Hassan A. Guracha, P.O. ' Box 13071, Nairobi Carriage of petroleum pro- District-Nairobi District. (KHV 321, 3,445 1b. ; ducts. Route : Nairobi-M ombasa. (One tanker, and ene more vehicle of 5 tons.) 4,000 gallons and trailer, 3,500 gallons ; and one l'7o4v Nairobi Clearing House (Kenya) Ltd., P.O. Box more tanker and trailer of 10 to 12 tons each.) 5932, Nairobi. Carriage of a1l goods. Route : Mombasa M unicipality Area. (Three vehicles, 5 99/ 68-Nganga Kuria, P.O. Box 93, Njoro. Cacriage of tons each and one lorry of 7 tons.) (2) Variation a1l goods. Route : Tereki-Nakuru-Eldoret-Kenya / of route to add Nairobi and loo-mile radius Uganda border ; Tereki-Nairobi. (One vehicle, 10 thereof . Presont route ; Nairebi City Council to 12 tons.) Area. (KHU 818, 10,985 1b. ; KHM 758, 100/68- James Fanuel Odula s/o Odongo, P.O. Box 7696! 12,305 lb. ; KGE 676, 2,394 1b.) Nairobi. Carriage of al1 goods. R oute : Nairobl Extra Provincial District. (Four vehicles, 5 to 7 MS/ B/35/68-CaKrreinaygae oBfu lpkeetrso leLutmd. , prPo.Odu. ctBso. xR o1u85te9 ,: Mombasa-. .l tons each-l The undermentioned applications appearing in this Gazette are amended to read as belqw :-

TLB. 11702-' Mohamed Noor Hussein, P.O. Box 1842, Nairobi. Wajir - Garissa - Thika - Nairobi. (KHU 764, Carrlage. of petroleum products. Route : Nairobi- 16,225 1b.) Mombasa. (KKY 78, 24,850 1b. and one trailer NB / B/ 50/68- John Njoroge M ubi, P.O. Box 5274, Nairobi. of 15 tons.) . (2) Variation of route to add Carriage of all goods. Route : M ombasa-Nairobi- Nairobi-M ombasa, for carriage of all goods and Eldoret-Kenya/uganda border. (Two vehicles, 7 petroleum products. Present route : Mandera- . to 10 tons each.) I ' .

GAzerrE N oerlcB No. 1360 G AZET'I'E NOTICE N O. 1362 THE SOCIETIES RULES 1968 (Z.N. 62 of 1968) THE SOCIETIES ACT 1968 PURSUANT to rule 14 of the Societies Rules, notice Ls (No. 4 oj 1968) hereby given that- (c) the societies listed in the First Schedule hereto have PURSUANT to section 14 (2) of the Societies Act 1968, been registered ; and being satished that the societies listed in the Schedule hereto have ceased to exist, 1 hçreby notify that the registrations of (bj the society listed in the' Second Schedule hereto has the said societies are cancelled from the date hereof. been refused registration, . under the provisions of the Societies Act 1968. ScHeout.s

FIRST SCHEDUI-B Association. of Air Traëc Control Oëcers, East Africa. D ate Registratîon Nyanza M edical and Dental Association. Name 0/ Soçiety EFected Alego Umaje Ugo Association, Nairobi Branch. Kenya African National Union, M uthithi Sub- branch ...... - 18-4-68 M winami Society. Klmumu Fnmily Society ...... 18-4-68 Kenya Peoples Uniont Gem Locational Branch 18-4.68 Nganjia Fnmily Society. A Kwenda Gem Associatlon, Gem Branch . . 18-4-68 Dated this 19th day of April 1968. SEcoNo SCHBDIJLB D ate 0. J. BURNS, Name t# Society t# Rejusal Acting Registrar of Socîeties. Kenya Peoples Union, Uasin Gishu District Branch 16-4-68 Dated this 19th day of April 1968. 0. J. BURNS. CIAZBTTE 'foTjcs 'Qo. 1363 Actîng R'egîstrar t# Socîetîes. LEGAL AND GENERAL ASSURANCE SOCIEW GAZETTE Noerlcs No. 1361 LIMITED Loss or PoLlcy THB SOCIETIES ACT 1968 (No. 4 oj 1968) Policy No. f2.301611 Ior Sh. 60,000 dated 1â'/ Decèmber 1959: PURSUANT lo section 14 (3) of the Societies Act 1968. on the lf/e o! and the property 5/ M ukundrai M t)fflp/lc; being satished that the societies listed in the Schedule hereto Pc/el. have ceased to exist, 1 hereby notify that the registrations of NOTICE is hereby given that evidence of the loss or the said societies are cancelled from the date hereof. destruction of the above policy has been submitted to the SCIIEDULB Society and any person in possession of the policy, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate lmmediately Kenya Nurses Association. by registered post with the insurer. Failing any suclz com- United M aragoli of East M rica, Laikipia Branch. munication a certifed copy . of the policy (which will be the Dated tltis 19th day of April 1968. sole evidence of the contract) will be issued to the owner. 0. J. BURNS, Nairobi, J. A. LAW April 1968 , Actihg Reglstrar of so c/e/fel. , Manager, East Africa. 26th April 1968 Tlv KENYA GAZE'ITE 407 ûiazswis p4ovzcs 'vo. 1364 ' BAST A FRICAN CUSTOM S AN D EXCISE D EPARTM EN T LlcsxcEs Issuso IN KENYA IJNDBR TH& EAST ATm cAN ExclsE M ANAGEMENT AcT 1952 roR THE YBAR 1968 Lkeonfe j commoaiu xame (,y Luensee ,7,',.'zJ''JJ K(N) 1 Soap ...... M/s. Colgate-palmolive (E.A.) Ltd...... Nairobi. K(N 2 Paints and Distemper . . . . M/s. M ansukh 0. Kantaria & 1. N. Patel tradiqg as Galaxy Paint Co. Nairpbi. K(N 3 ' M ineral Wators ...... Highlands Minerals W ater Co. Ltd. . . Nyerl. K(N 4 Beer ...... Kenya Breweries Ltd. (i) . . Ruaraka. KIN 5 Beer Kenya Breweries Ltd. (ii) Ruaraka. K(N 6 Soap . . United Soap Factory . . Nairobi. K(N 7 M ineral W aters Coca-cola Bottling Co. Ltd. . . . . Nairobi. K(N 8 Spirits W. and A. Gilbey (E.A.) Ltd...... Nairobi. K(N 9 Fabrics . . . . Kepya Toray M ills Ltd...... Nairobi. K(N 10 Fabrics ...... Unlted Textile Industries (K) Ltd...... Thika. K(N 1 1 M ineral W aters . . . . Kenya Sunshine Products Ltd...... Nairobi. K(N 12 Paints ...... Leyland Paints (Africa) Ltd...... Nairobi. K(N) 13 Cigarettes and Tobacco . . B.A.T. Kenyg Ltd...... - . . Nairobi. K(N 14 Fabrics ...... Kenwool Enterprises Ltd...... Nairobi. K(N 15 Soap ...... Ruaraka Soap Factory Ltd. . . Nairobi. K(N 16 Soap ...... O1d M ark Soap Factory Ltd. . . . . Nairobi. K(N) 17 Mineral W aters ...... F'itzgerald Baynes and Co. Ltd. . . . . Nairobi. K(N) 18 Mineral W aters ...... Seven Up and M zuri Bottling Co. Ltd. Nairobi.. K(N) 19 Soap . . Budhwani Soap Factory . . Kisumu. K(N) 20 Biscuits Erskine and Price (Mfg.) Ltd. Lower Kabete. K(N) 21 Soap W holesale Foods Ltd. . . Nairobi. K(N) 22 Soap Elephant Soap Factory Ltd. . . . Nairobi. K(N 23 Soap . . . . Gohil Soap Factory ...... Nakuru. K(N 24 M inqral W aters . . Aggarwal M inerals ...... Nanyuki. K(N 25 Fabncs . . . . Kenya Textiles M ills Ltd...... Nairobi. K(N 26 Biscuits . . Fairview Bakery J ...... N/irobi. K(N) 27 Soap . . Baby Soap Factory Ltd...... Kllumu. KIN 28 Biscuits . . Sunbeam Bakery Ltd. Nmrobi. K(N 29 Biscuits Primeal Dog Biscuits . . Nairobi. K(N 30 Sugar E:A. Sugar lndustries Ltd. Muhoroni. K(N 31 Begr Csty Brewel'y Ltd...... Nairobi. K(N 32 Palnts . . . . Sadolins Paints (E.A.) Ltd. . . . . Nyirobi. K(N) 33 M ineral W aters . . Equator Bottljrs Ltd. - . . . . . Klsumu. K(N 34 Soap . . Kibos Industrles Ltd...... Kijumu. K(N 35 Soap . . Thika W ax W orks Ltd...... Thlka. K(N 36 Soap Local Industries Ltd. . . . . Nalrobi. K(N 37 Biscuits . . Duncan's Ltd...... Nalrobi. K(N) 38 M inqral W aters ...... Ruby Mineral W aters Nakuru. K(N) 39 Fabrlcs ...... Nath Brothers Istd. . . Thika. K(N) 40 Lacquers, Enamel, Distempers, Paints Robbialac Paints Kenya Ltd. Nairobi. and Varnishes. KI'N Sugar Miwani Sugar Mills Ltd. . . M iwani. K(N Spirits Miwani Sugar M ills Ltd. . . M iwani. K(N Soap ...... E.A. Industries Ltd. . . . . Nairobi. K(N) Biscuits . . Uplands Bacon Factory (K) Ltd. . . Uplands.

K(N) Mineral Waters . . . . SKpeanryka DOiamtmoenadl LStodd.a W a.t e. r Fac. to. ry ...... EN1j kourentz.. K(N Detergents . . . . Erskine and Price (Mfg.) Ltd...... Naiyobi. K( Mineral W aters . . . . Newaha Mineral Products ...... Keylchg. K(N Paints ...... Tho W alpamur Co. (K) Ltd...... Nmroh. K(N Mineral Waters . . . . Noormohamed Valji and Sons Ltd...... Mumias; K(N Spap Produce Dealers and M illers Ltd. . . M atlakijl. K(N) Blscuits Anbee Ltd. Nairobi . N/lrobl. ) So ap Kisumu So ap Factory . . lfa K(N) Biscuits Houje of Manji (1967) Ltd xajuromjyq. K(N) Biscuits . . . . M arlna Bakery ...... Nanyukl. K( Mineral W aters . . M achakos Soda W ater Factory ...... M akchakos. K(N Soap . . . . Ameerali Nazarali Many-l Keshavji, trading as Enterprise Manu- Nalrobi. facturing Company. KINI 58 W oven Fabrics . . Kisumu Cotton M ills Ltd. Kijpmt!. K(N) 59 Biscuits . . Proctor and Allen Ltd. . . Nalroby K(N) 60 Soap M essrs. Uzuri Soap Factory Nalrobl. K(N 61 Soap . . M essrs. Cleanwell Products . . . Nalrobi. K(N 62 Soyp ...... Gosrani Soap Factory ...... Nalrobi. K(N 63 Palnls, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels and Messrs. Twiga Chemical Industries Ltd. . . j Nalrobi. Dlstempers. j

W . J. DOLOUGHAN, for Commîssîoner-General of Customs and Sxcfwe, Fm t ad./Hrm

GAzs'r're NolqcB No. 1365 n e above rates became due on 1st January 1968, and will - be payable at the oKce of the Nanyuki Urban Council and LAIKIPIA CO COUNCIL at the County Council's Revenue Oëces at Nanyuki and No'rlcs Thomson's Falls (in case of Euaso-Nyiro and Rumuruti rates) not later than 30th June 1968. Rates 1968 IN PURSUANCE of the provisions of section 15 of the Pursuant to the provisions of section 16 (3) of the Ratlng Rating Act (No. 20 of 1964) (as amended), notice is hereby Act 1964, interest shall become payable at the rate of 1 per given that the Laikipia County Council has levied the follow- cent per m onth or part thereof on any rate rem aining unpaid ing rates for 1968 on the unimproved site value of land after 30th June 1968. appearing in the valuatien rolls and supplem entary valuation 'rolls in respect of the following areas :- It is further notKed for the information of the 'ratepayers that, whilst every esort will be made to deliver to evea person Area to whîch this notîce f.ç applicable Rate levied liable a dem and note stating the am ount due, failure so to Nanyuki County Division 3 per cent 'deliver such dem and note will uot be held to absolve the debtor from any liability or penalty attaching to non-paym ent Rumuruti Township . . 31. per cent of the rates. . Notice is also given, pursuant to the provfsions of the section quoted above, that the Laikipia County Council llas J. NDERIN Z levied a rate of 40 per cent 'on the ahnual rental value of a11 Clerk to the Council, land appearing in the rating roll for the Euaso-Nyiro County p4anyuki County Osces, Division for the year 1968, the m inimum rate being Sh. 50. 13th Jïprg 1968. P.O. Box 4, Nanyuki. 408 Tlv KENYA G AZETTE 26th April 1968 çlxzBTrs i4oTlèe 'qo. 1366 GAZS'ITE NoTlcs No. 1370 KENYA ARM Y THE TRANSFER OF BUSINESSES ACT T (Cap. 500) ENOER No. 1731 /4 (76) NOTICE is hereby given that the business earried on by TENDERS are invited ' for the manufacture and supply for Margaret Christine Amelia Elvin of P.O. Box 6696, Nairobi, the Kenya Army of the following :- ' under the name and style of Salon Marguerite at Nyali Beach Quantity H otel, N yali Estate, M om basa, has, from the 10th day of (i) Safes, meat, metal 200 April 1968, been sold and transferred to Nyali Beach Hotel Ltd., P.O. Box 581, M ombasa, who will carry on . the said (iï) Birts, steel, galvanized 200 business at the same place and under the same business name. (iii) Buckets, 13 in. . . 200 The address of the transferor is P.O. .Box 6696, N afrobi. Tepder forms showing details of specifications and conditions The address of the transferee is P.O. Bex 581, M ombasa. may be obtained from the Provision Oëcer, Kenya Army The transferee has not assumed and does not intend to Ordnance Depot, Kahawa, who will also make a i'sealed assume any of the liabilities incurred in the said business by pattern'' available for examination. the transferor up to and including the 9th day of April 1968, Tenders m ust be enclosed in a plain sealod envelope marked and the same will be paid and discharged by the transferor. with the respective tendir number and addressed to reach the Al1 debts due and owing to the transferor in respect of the Principal Procurement 'Oëcer,- Defence Headquarters, P.O. said business up te ' and including the 9th day of April 1968, Box 668, Nairobi, or be placed in the Tender Box at Procure- will be received by the transferee. ment Braneh, W a' tezworks Camp, Nairobi) not later than lnid- Dated at Nairobi this lôth day of April 1968. day on 29th April 1968. MARGARET C. A. ELVIN, The Principal Plocurement Omcer does not bind hl'mself to Transferor. accept the lowest or any tender. NYALI BEACH HOTEL LTD., Transferee. GAZBrrs NoTlcs No. 1367 CIAZETTE 'fOTICE èfO. 1371 DISSOLUTION AND RECONSTITUTION EAST AFXICAN RAILWAYS AND HARBOURS OF PARTNERSHIP 'IYNDER FoR SUPPLY OF M UNYAMA LOGS N OTICE is heroby given that as from 1st January 1968: TEN DERS are invitod for the supply of about 22,000 cu. ft. the partnezship heretobefore subsisting between (1) Rajaball Hoppus M easurement (approximately 29,000 cu. ft. True Suleman Khaku, (2) M ohamed Jaffer Suleman Khaku, (3) M easure) Timber M unyama Logs (Khaya Nyasica or Khaya Gulamhusein Suleman Khaku, (4) Abdulla Suleman Kbaku, Anthotheca). Regular monthly deliveries each of about (5) Asgarali Rajabali Suleman, (6) Akberali Rajabali Suleman 1,800 cu. ft. are required. ' and (7) Husein Suleman Khaku, carrying on business at D etailed specï cation., term s and conditions of tender may Premises Yo. G 60, Pereira Road, Mombasa, in the lirm name be obtained ?on request, from the Chief Supplies Oë cer, East or style of Valimohamed Hajee W aljee & Company, has been African Ratlways and Harbours, P.O. Box 30540, Nairobi. dissolved by m utual consent by retirement therefrom of the said Rajabali Suleman Khaku. Sealed tenders in plain envelopes superscribed lt-l-ender for That as from 1st January 1968, (1) Kassim Rajabali Suleman: M unyama Logs'' must be a'ddressed to the Chairman, Railway (2) M ohamedhassan Rajabali Suleman, (3) shaukatali Rajaball Tender Board, P.O. Box 30066, Nairobi, so as to reach him Suleman, (4) Naushadali Rajabali Suleman, (5) Anverali Abdul- not later than 10 a.m. on Saturday, 18th M ay, 1968. husein Nazerali and (6) Mabmood Gulamhusein Suleman have The lowest or any tender need net necessarily be accepted. been adm itted as partners. The continuing partners (1) M ohamed Jaler Suleman Khaku, M ELITUS NYANDONG, (2) Gulamhusein Suleman Khaku, (3) Abdulla Suleman Khaku, for Chiej Stqpplies O'cer (4) Asgarali Rajabali Suleman, (5) Akberali Rajabali Suleman and (6) Husein Suleman Khaku and the admitted partners (1) Kassim Rajabali Suleman, (2) M ohamedhassan Rajabali CJAZETTS lqoTzcE iç o. 1368 Suleman, (3) Shaukatali Rajabali Suleman, (4) Naushadali EM T AFRICAN RAILW AYS AND HARBOURS Rajabali Suleman, (5) Anverali Abdulhusein Razerali and (6) M ahm oo'd Gulam husein Sulem an will, as from 1st January TSNDER FoR SIJIYI-Y oF M vtml Lot;s . 1968, carry on the business in co-partnership in the same firm TEND ERS are invited for the supply of about 12,000 cu. ft. name or style ind at the same place. Hoppus Measuremeat (approximately 16,00: cu. ft. True A1l debts and liabilities of the said business up to and M easlzre) Timber M vuli Logs including the 31st December 1967, will be collected and paid Regular monthly deliveries each of about 970 cu. ft. Hoppus by the continuing partners. . M easurement are 'requi/ed. Dated at M om basa this 16th day of April 1968. Tenderers must quote a price delivered F.O.R. at the station RAJABALI SULEM AN KHAKU, nearest to their m ill, which station must be named. Retiring Partner. M OHAMED JAFIRER SULEM AN KHAKU, The sueceassful tenderer will be required to enter into an GULAMHUSEIN SULEM AN KHAKU, agreem ent for the supply of the logs and m ust be prepared to ABDULLA SULEMAN KHAKU, furrtish a cash 'deposit 'or bank guarantee for a sum equal to ASGARALI RN ABALI SULEM AN, 5 per cent of the total value of the contract against satisfactory . AKBERALI RAJABALI SULEM AN, completion of the contract. HUSEIN SULEMAN KHAKU, A detailed specxcation f or theso log: may be obtained on Continuing Partners. request, from the Chief Supplies OKcer, East African' Railways KASSIM RN ABALI SULEMAN, and Harbours, P.O. Box 30540, Nairobi. Only tenders from MOHAM EDHASSAN RN ABALI SULEMAN, bona fide concessionaires will be considered. SHAUKATALI RAJABALI SULEM AN , NAUSHADALI RN ABALI SULEMAN, Tenders in sealed plain. envelopes superscribed t'Tender for ANVERALI ABDULHUSEIN NAZERALI, M vuli Logs'' m lzst be addressed to, a'nd reach the Chairm an V AHM OOD GULAM HUSEIN SULEM AN , ef the Railway Tender Board, P.O. Bok ' 30066, N airobi, not later than 10 a.m. on Saturday, 18th May 1968. Admitted Partners. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. GAZET'I'S NolqcE No. 1372 M ELI'I'US NYANDONG, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP for Chiej Supplies Omcer. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretobefore subsisting between Jamnadas Khimll M ehta, Mansukhlal Jamnadas M ehta, Chimanlal Jamna4as M ehta and Hfralal GAZETTE NozqcE No. 1369 Jam nadas M ehta, carrying on business on Plot No. 5, Kutus, NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAM .E and Plot No. 1, Kagio, under the 111-n1 name or style of Jamnadas Khimji M ehta, has beep dissolved by mutual consent 1, Rupchand Hirji Gudka of P.O. Box 9818, Nairobi in as from the 31st day of December 1967, by the retirement Kenya, a British subject, do hereby give public notice that by therefrom of Jamnadas khimji Mehta and the said business, as a deed poll dated 27th March 1968, duly executed and attested from the 1st day of January 1968, is being carried on by and regtstered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi, in Mansukhlal Jamnadas Mehta, fhimanlal Jamnadas Mehta and Volume B.3, Folio 331/82, the use of my former name and Hiralal Jamnadas Mehta as the continuing partners. surnamo of Rupeshi Hilji Shah has been abandoned and in Al1 debts due to and owing by the said business up to and lieu thereof has been assumgd and/or adopted the name and including the 31st day of December 1967, will bè recelved and surnamo of Rupclund Hirji Gudka. paid by the said continuing partners. In pursuance of the change and adoption of the surnam e as JAM NADAS KHIMJI M EHTA, aforesaid, I hereby declare that I shall at all times hereafter Retiring Partnqr. upon a11 occasions whatsoever and wheresoever use and sign MANSUKHLAL JAM NADAS M EHTA, and/or subscribe my name and surname as Rupchand Hirji CHIM ANLAL JAMNADAS M EHTA, Gudka. HIRALAL JAM NADAS M EHTA, RUPCHAND HIRJI GUDKA. Continuîng Partners. PmN'le BY TI;E GONERNMBNT PlllN'rpa, NMROBI