LOVELL's GAZETTEER of the DOMINION of CANADA. Wide, and Throughout Its Entire Length It Is OXFORD, Or HOLY, LAKE, in Keewatin Completely Sheltered on Both Sides
, 726 LOVELL'S GAZETTEER OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. wide, and throughout its entire length it is OXFORD, or HOLY, LAKE, in Keewatin completely sheltered on both sides. It has dist., N.W.T., north-east of Lake Winnipeg, good anchorage ground and considerable depth Man. of water, and is navigable for vessels of the OXFORD MILLS, a post village in Grenville largest capacity on the lake. A large number CO., Ont., and a station on the C.P.R. It con- of vessels are engaged in the grain and lumber tains 3 churches, 3 stores, 1 hotel, 1 carriage factory, trade. Pop., about 10,000. 1 wagon factory, 1 cheese factory and 1 carding mill. Pop., OWIKANO LAKE, a body of water in Brit. 350. Columbia. Area, 62,720 acres. OXFORD STATION, a post village in Gren- OWL'S HEAD, a beautiful mountain on Lake ville CO., Ont., on the Ottawa & Prescott div. M^mphremagog, about 6 miles from Georgeville, of the C.P.R., 6 miles from Kemptville. It con- Stanstead co.. Que. There is a large hotel at tains 2 churches (Episcopal and Methodist), 1 its base, and a landing place for steamers ply- butter and cheese factory, i store and tele- ing between Magog and Newport. graph and express offices. Pop.. lOO. OWL'S HEAD HARBOR, a post village in OXLEY, a post village in Essex co., Ont., Halifax co., N.S., 48 miles east of Dartmouth, on Lake Erie, 4 1-2 miles from Harrow, and of late on the I.C.R. It contains 1 church of Eng- noted as a summer resort for the re- sidents land, 1 Union hall, 1 store and 1 lobster can- of Detroit.
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