ASME Honors Willis Whitfield SANDIA LAB NEWS For Clean Room VOL. 21, NO. 16, AUGUST 1, 1969 One of the highest honors won by a Sandian, the American Society of Me• chanical Engineers' Holley Medal, has been awarded to Willis Whitfield (1742) for his concept of the laminar flow clean room Analog Goes Mod principle. Election to the select group of recipients puts Willis in the company of such men as Henry Ford, Ernest Lawrence (cylo• tron) , Carl Norden (Norden bombsight), EAI-680 -- Sandia's New Computer and Edwin Land (Polaroid). The gold medal, which has been award• ed since 1924, will be presented during ceremonies in November. With Hybrid Option in Its Future In an ASME publication, qualifications A recent significant addition to Sandia's for receiving the award are described: computer capability is Electronic Associ• "The Holley Medal is bestowed only on one ates EAI-680, a modern, medium-scale, who by some great and unique act of solid state analog computer. Principal use genius of an engineering nature has ac• of the new computer will be in connection complished a great and timely public with the Analog and Hybrid Simulation benefit ... The achievement should be of Project headed by Craig Jones (9422). The such public importance as to be worthy new system, located at the Bldg. 880 Cen• of the gratitude of the nation and to call tral Computing Facility, replaces one forth admiration of engineers." which had been in continuous service for The laminar flow clean room, used to over 12 years. eliminate airborne contamination within In addition to a somewhat expanded closed spaces, has become an essential tool complement of analog components and in the space program and in electronics, peripheral equipment, the new EAI-680 microbiological control, medicine, and contains a repetitive operation or "rep• many other areas.
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