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The Octofoil, February 1949

Ninth Infantry Division Association

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Recommended Citation Ninth Infantry Division Association, "The Octofoil, February 1949" (1949). The Octofoil. 24.

This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at CrossWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Octofoil by an authorized administrator of CrossWorks. VOLl.rME" One Year. 60 cents NUMBER 2 THE NINTH INFANTRY DIVISION ASSOCIATION Sinele Cop)". 10 cent.


* * :1: * To place a few of the facts briefly before you, stand by for this: Your Association is fast los­ ing ground. Reserve finances are being used up each year to meet present operating expenses and such a condition can only go on as long as reserves hold out. The Association started in 1945-1946 with about $90,000.00, and during the course of the past three or four years, with operating expenses rising and the payment of over $56,000 to cover cost of publishing "8 Stars to Victory" reserves now total about $20,000. Many have not paid annuql dues in the past because as you so stated, dues would not be paid until delivery of the history~._The history is off the press and everyone entitled to receive it should have a copy. . Many have complained about the increase in the rate of dues from $1 to $3.50. This action was taken at the First Annual Convention held in New York City in 1946 and approved by the members attending. Last year about 3700 members paid their annual dues. Annual operating ex­ penses run about $14,000 per year, so with annual dues for last year set at $3.50 per member expenses were not met. Think what the situation would have been if the annual dues were only $1.00. If 6,000 members were paying annual dues the rate could very easily be lowered. The cost of publishing liThe Octofoil" amounts to about $450 per month. Salaries, postage, station­ ery, printing and other miscellaneous office expenses all add up. Letters have been received from many members expressing their reasons for not paying annual dues. All that is asked of each one who have not paid 1949 dues is that you seriously think about the situation-consider the cost of operation; consider the "ESPRIT DE CORPSII that existed in the Ninth Infantry Division during the last war-Consider what the Association stands for and what it wants to do and can do towards keeping a tie between former buddies-Consider the plans for a Memorial to those who did not return. Consider the Annual Con.. ,.~ntions and the opportunities such affairs offer towards renewal of friendship-Consider your monthly publication, and then consider all the various other reasons why it is important to keep the Association alive and in existence and then compare these points with your reasons for not-heaving paid your annual dues. --lids sincerely hoped that your decision will be to pay 1949 dues now. NO BACK DUES ARE BEING ASKED FOR. Act now, without- elelay-send in your $3.50 and thereby do your part in building up the Ninth Infantry Division Association. For your convenience, a blank form appears on Page 2-tear it out, fill it in-write a check or buy a money order or send Secretary... Treasurer Charles O. Tingley, P. O. Box 1704, Washington 13, D. C., just plain old cash --- "H'it don't make no difference" ....Do it now! Page Two THE OCTOFOIL FEBRUARY, 1949 O~l_a_D_(J_c...-.o,~_O~O_O~_O_O_C-_0_0_0 r_,.:4, FEBRUARY General Donald Stroh IN THE HISTORY OF THE 9TH DIVISION Puts In Much Time 1 (1943) Anti-tank 39th Infantry marches 266 miles to Doing Research Work TNt OCTOfOll I guard airport at Biskra, North Africa. 1 (1945) 2d Battalion 39th Infantry and 3d Battalion 47th Infan­ The story appearing on the ed­ * try attack and capture Wehlerscheid, Germany (Hell's Corner). itorial page outlining various di­ * EDITORIAL AND EXECUTIVE*OFFICES. WASHINGTON. D. C. 2 (1945) 39th Infantry captures heavily defended strongpoint vision activities during the Feb. (Printed monthly at ZIS S. GRANT AVE•• COLUMBUS. OHIO) at 'Forsthaus Wahlersch-eid, Germany; 60th Infantry finds the reary dates hoted. was compiled Form Carda 38Ta shoul4 be sent t. P. O. Box 1704. Washincton 13. D. C. going tough in and around Rothekrenz; 47th Infantry advances by General Donald A. Stroh first Octofoil Editor PAUL S. PLUNKETT to high ground east of the Hofen-Wahlerscheid road. viee-pres':ident of the Association. In a letter of recent date to 216 S. Grant Ave. (Phone: MAin 6998) Columbus, Ohio 3 (1945) After an all day fight beginning at 0200 the 1st and 2d The Octofoil Gen. Stroh explains Battalions 60th Infantry capture Dreiborn and its strongly de­ when he first suggested such a fended castle; the 3d Battalion goes through to capture Herhahn feature £or The Octofoil an ex­ (Heartbreak Crossroads). 47th Infantry captures Einruhr. * DONALD II. c:aK'" P_ld••t * I,· perience of some years back had GENERAL DONALD A. STROH. Fir8t Vice-Pre8ident 4. (1945) 39th Infantry, relieving the 60th. successfully counters proven to him that veterans like JOHN J. CLOUSER'. Second Viee-Presldent German counter attack at Herhahn. pushes on to Morsbach, and very much to be able to look at LESLIE J. RONAY.Third Vice·President pursues enemy across the Urft River by fire. 47th Infantry ad­ such charts and reminisce on the CHARLES O. TJNGLEY. Secretary-Trea8urer ,- vances through Vogelsang', Ordensburg and W ollseifen: Company events that happened two years or THOMAS J. GENTRY. JR.• Jud~e Advoeate A is first to reach the Urfttalsperre Dam-the first of the Roer five years or ten years ago. dams captured after five months of fighting. The General's feature that has BOA ~D OF GOVERNORS 4 (1946) 25 Landk:reise taken over for occupation from 71st Di­ attracted so much favorable com­ LT. GEN. MANTON S. EDDY. F,meritu8' Board Member I vision. ment will be a regular feature in BRIG. GEN.H. D. BIRKS DONALD M. CLARKE , The Octofoil for the next several 5-7 (1945) 39th and 47th Infantry continue their drives toward MICHAEL PUZAK ALBERT E. BRUCHAC the Urft and Olef Rivers, capturing Malsbenden and Hohenried issues. i FRANK B. WADE GLENN O. MOORE I -Pittsburgh In '49- , near Gemnend • JOHN H. W!!!':!'},{ORE WALTER J. MAHON 8 (945) Division (less 39th Combat Team and 3·1th Field Ar­ SGT GEORGE ROSEN i MORRIS OLENDER RICHARD C. STOREY tillery) commences spectacular movement toward Schmidt. HENRY S. RIGBY J. ROBERT BROGAN PICTURED IN MAG COL. GEORGE B. BARTH CALVIN POLIVY 9 (1945) 60th Infantry attacks from Schmidt to capture Hasen­ feld near Schwammenanel Dam. The Mohawk Rhoacsman, a 10 (1945) Division Artillery with 28 hattalions attached paves the 'publication published at the * way for capture of Schwammenanel Dam. Rhoads General Hospital, Utica, The official puhlication of the Ninth Infantrv Division A~sociatio" with*1 12 (1943) 47th Infantry comnletes 482 mile rail trin from Port N. Y.• back in September, 1945, office,. located at Fort Leslie J. McNair. Fourth and "P" Streets. S. W .• had a full column write up with Washington. D. C. Single copy price of this l'ublication is 10 cents per iss?e. I Lyautey to Asis Ben Okba, North Africa. Division Headquarters or by mail. SO cents per year. payable in advance. Subscribers should notIfy completes movement to Tlemcen. an excellent picture of Sgt. this office promptly of any change in address. 12 (1945) Division reassembles in area west of Gemnend. George Rosen. The sarge accumu­ PubJi!"hed each month by and for the members of the Ninth Infantry 15 (1946) Division heacauarters moves to Au'?;sburg. lated 163 points while with the nivi~ion Association. N~ws articles. feattlre storie". photol!'raphic or art ma­ 39th Regt. Quoting from. the pa­ terial from memhers will be welcomed and everv effort wHl be !"'''ide to return 17 (1943) Division Artillery (less 26th) and Cannon Company 60th photograohic and art work in I!'ood conditinn. Please l\ddress all communica­ I Infantry leave Tlemcen to begin 777 mile forced. march to South­ per: "RoE:en was inducted on Jan. tions to The Octofoil. 216 S. Grant Ave., Columbus. Ohio. 10, 1941, taking his basic at Fort Extract from the rertificate of incorporation of the Ninth Infantry ern Tunisia. 17 (945) Division (less 39th Combat Team and 34th Field Ar­ Bragg. In September. 1942, he Divbion As!"ociation: "This Association Is formed by th... officers and men walkec up the gangplank to begin of the Ninth Infantry Division in order to perpetuate the memory of our tillery) ordered to relieve 82d Airborne Division in Hurtgen For­ assi~t over~ fallen comrades. to preserve tll.. esprit de r.orlls of tJ:!e Division. to in ~nd his eas adventures with Go. I pxclu~ively est. 39th 34th attached 2d Division. promoting an everlasting world peace bv means of edtlcahonlll I 19 (1943) Elements of Division still at Tlemcen depart for Bou B, 39th, 9th Div. In the assault activities and to Sf-rve as an Information bureau to members and former I on Algiers on Nov. 8 his Higgins members of the Division!' Chebka. I 19-20 (1943) 3d Battalion and Anti-tank Company 39th Infantry boat was bombed and sunk and he Adverti!'ing Rates will be furnished upon renuest. Write Paul S. Plunkett. swam ashore after seven hours in 216 South Grant Avenue. Columbus. Ohio. Phone MAin 6998. badly hit at Kasserine Pass. 21 (1943) Division Artillery (leO's 26th) and Cannon Companies the Mediterranean. For the next Entered as Second-Class Matter January 7. 1947. at Postoffice. 47th and 60th Infantry conclude forced march at Thala. four days his outfit was under in­ Washin,l!'ton. D. C .• under Act of March 3. 1879. 21-23 (1943) Division Artillery (less 26th) andCan-on Companies cessant aerial attack. I Additional entry Columbus. Ohio. 47th and 60th Infantry win division's first Distinguished Unit Ci­ "At K asserine Pass he was I VOLUME' FEBRUARY. 1949 NUMBER 2 tation for action near Thala. wounded for the first time. Re­ covering, he went aboard ship on (~~,.-.c.._.o.-.()~~~~.._.~o-..o._.(•._.o._.()._.~.:· 21 (1945) 39th Combat Team and 34th Field Artillery rejoin Di­ vision preparatory to crossing the RoeI' River. July 10, three cays later going 22 (1941) 500 members of Division leave Bral2"g for New York and ashore at Lecita, Sicily. While on A MESSAGE FROM YOUR Philadelphia on pass in chartered busses with nolice escort. this junket he was wounded 23 (1944) G-eneral Collins, new commander of VII Corps, officially again. this time at Tronia. NATIONAL PRESIDENT inspects Division in England. "On D plus 3 Rosen was facing In conjunction with what appears on the front page of 25 (1943) Germans begin retreat from Kasserine Pass. another beach assault, this time 26 (1945) 39th Infantry (1st Battalion 60th Infantry attached) on the Normandy coast. In the this issue, it is my desire to urge all of you who have not paid crosses the Roer, pushes south and captures Thurn and Nideggen. Huertgen Forest he was again your 1949 dues to do so as soon as possible. It is of the ut­ 27 (1945) Remainder of 60th Infantry crosses the RoeI' in Division wounced. It was in the bloody zone. and 15th Engineers complete the first bridge. battle for that terrain that he most importance that your Association. have the suppprt of 28 (1945) 47th Infantry crosses the Roer. Entire Division sweeps added the Bronze Star to his its entire membership. to the east, capturing Berg, Abenden. Thuir and the outskirts of achievements. Muklenan. "His was won dur­ When you consider that at one time, upon organization, ing the . Penetrating the enemy lines in our active membership amounted to over 10,000, and our 'Ttvas a Grand and Glorious Day the Ardennes Forest he wiped out paid-up membership for the year 1948 only totaled about a machine gu.n nest, set up an ob­ s-ervation post, and directed artil­ 3,700 members, it presents a very unhealthy outlook for the lery fire on German positions." future. However, those of us who are charged with the re­ PITTSBURGH IN '49 sponsibility of keeping your Association alive are extremely MAJOR SHUMAKER hopeful and confident that our paid-up membership for 1949 will far surpass last year's and we ask your cooperation in mak­ GIVES RIGHT DOPE ing this a reality. ~ajor M. L. Shumaker. 233 Dews Pond Rd., Calhoun, Ga., I would like to bring to your attention once again that senus rrhe Octofoil some aprpe­ your Association has great possibilities for the future. There ciated information. In reference' are about 30,000 to 40,000 men who were at one time or an­ to inquiries hertofore received by other part of the Ninth Infantry Division. This means that Octofoil, the major writes thusly; I noticed an article about a lit­ there is a great potentiality for new members and I urge each tle warrant from the 60th and everyone of you to make an earnest effort to bring in at Inf. who helped the 39th out of least one new member during this year If you desire any in­ a jam. That little officer was the formation as to who is a member and who is not a member, I ammo warrant officer of the 60th Servo Co., and his name is Paul know that 'Our national secretary will do all that he can to fur­ Quaranta. He lives at 64 McDou­ nish this information Pictured above is a group of Ninth Meds.• Co. A. These Joes gal St., New Yo,rk 12, N. Y. are the first ones who left Co. A under the point system. No won­ I knew that gang pretty weIl­ Think back to the time when you were in the Division der they all look kinda happy! and I remember the incident as and recall the names of some of your former friends. If you if it were yesterday. I was regi­ have their present address drop them a note and ask if they mental S-4 of the 60th at that are members. If they are not, then see what you can do about 1949 DUES ARE NOW PAYABLE time, and can tell you fellows from the 39th that the 60th Servo getting them to join. If you do not have their address write 1949 DUES MUST BE PAID IF A MEMBER EXPECTS TO Co. was always ready to serve in to the national secretary and the address wi II be forthcom­ RECEIVE HIS OCTOFOIL REGULARLY anywhere and to anyone. ing if available. Let us all make it our duty to keep our Asso­ A t this time I would like to ciation active. Either through your local Chapter or directly to Secretary tell my friends in the old Ninth Charles O. Tingley, Ninth Infantry Division Association, P. O. where I am. I re-entered the mil­ Most sincerely, itary service in October, 1948. DONALD M. CLARKE, President, Box 1704, Washington 13, D. C., members should send in their 194~ c.ues AT ONCE. Dues are $3.50 per year. This amount and am now on duty with the Ninth Infantry Division' Association. National Guard, located includes one year's subscription for The Octofoil. Pay either di­ in Calhoun, Ga. ~ooogOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQO~OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs rectly to Secretary-Treasurer Charles O. Tingley, P. O. Box 1704, or if you have a local Chapter, pay your local Chapter OKAY YOU ATLANTA LADS Secretary-Treasurer. Help the major. He wants to NOll' Available locate the medical officer ,who W!1en members are listed as delinquent the Secretary is commanded Co. C of the 9th ~ed. Official Ninth Infantry Division Association emblems mandated by the Constitution and By-Laws to remove such names Co. in , Belgium and Ger­ Price from The Octofoil mailing list. many. He lives in Atlanta, but Gold Plated Lapel Brooch, with Safety Catch ' $1.20 Major Shumaker can't remember For your convenience the following blank form is printed Gold Plated Lapel Button-screwback type____ 1.20 the name. Gold Plated Tie Clip______2.10 in a position of The Octofoil that will not cause any news items Closing the major writes: "The *Sterling Silver Ring with Gold Filled En,lblem applied 5.40 to be mutilated if clipped out: 8 Stars to Victory" was superb­ (*Be sure to give correct ring size when ordering the ring.) and I shall treasure it as my most Sterling Silver Key Chain with Gold Filled Emblem MR. CHARLES O. TINGLEY, Secretary-Treasurer, valuable possession. Another job attached --______2.70 Ninth Infantry Division Association, ,well done (typical of the Ninth.) Lady's Sterling Silver Charm Bracelet with Gold Filled I PITTSBURGH IN '49 Emblem attached 3.00 P. O. Box 1704, Washington 13, D. C. BOB FARREL DOING Above prices include the 20 per cent Federal Tax as well as Postage cost. Enclosed herewith is check. money order (mark which), O.K. IN WISCONSIN Send your order together with the proper amount of for my 1949 dues in the Ninth Infantry Division Association. Robert L. Farrell lives at 409 money to the following address: Sig'llled _ E. Beacon St., New London, Wis. He wants to hear from the fel­ NATIONAL SECRETARY lows out of Hq. Co. 3d Bn., 39th. POSTOFFICE BOX 1704 Street or R. F. D. _ Bob js married and they have a WASHINGTON 13, D. C. 20-montn-old daughter. City Zone State He and his ''life both thought ~ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ mightJ- well of the history.

•• ~ FEBRUARY, 1949 THE OCTOFOIL Page Three NEW SET OF OFFICERS AND NEW it PO,!,. That Will Win Any Hand MANY GOOD ITEMS MEETING PLACE FOR NEW YORK BEING HELD OVER By STAN COI1EN, ner, 1 yr.; Div. Arty., Anthony No doubt The Octofoi! editor 192 Danforth St., Lascalzo, 1 yr., and Ha,told Lo­ will catch a lot of heck during Jersey City, N. J. gan, 2 yrs.; 60th Inf.: Freel Go­ the next few days. Due to the The year! 948 will long be re­ lub, 2 yrs., and Henry Galdaro, front page being devoted entirely membered in the history of the 1 year. to the dues paying campaign a New York Chapter because of the The next meeting of the New large number of items were held wonderful leadership inspired by York Chapter set for February 4, over. Many others were abbrevi. ..~l Bruchac. To Al and his staff will he held at 76th St. and ated to the point it being almost ()f '48'ers g-oes the thanks of the Broadway, Hotel Manhattan T ow­ criminal. But there was no al­ New York lads for a fine job done. ers. All members are invited to ternative. Correspondence was Now 1949 heralds names of the attend; a special film will be unusually heavy any way due to :following. men, the new President, shown as part of the evening's members who admired the history George Whitney. George was a entertainment. writing in their thoughts. Tech. Sergeant with the Div. All those members whose wives BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Hqs. Adj. Gen. office. Ris First complain, whose sweethearts re­ Richard L. Fuller, 1938 Estes Vice Presic1ent will be Dick bel, whose mothers and sisters Ave., Chicago, writes "My wife O'Connor of B Btry., 84th F.A.; yell blue murder, gentlemen, be just said 'Look, Dogface, our lit­ Second Vice President will be firm; act nonchalant, now is the tle boy was almost four month's Vincent Guglielmino of G Co., time to tell them off. ago, so grab that pen and write 47th Inf. The man who take.; over Listen kids--don't knock your­ to The Octofoi! immediately." the bulk of the work as Record­ selves out-the 9th Div. Assn. Accompanying the birth notice ing Secretary, Harold Pe,per of also has a ladies' auxiliary that was a swell photo. It was received 9th Merl. Bn. The slogan that was meets the same time that we do. too late to get a cut made-but attached to Pepper by Fred Go-. All you have to do is to toddle it will be used n€xt month. lub and unanimously accepted by down on Feb. 4 and Mrs. Spencer A swell picture of Mr. and Mrs. the group is as fo~lows: "DON'T will be delighted to explain all the Sydney B€rnstein's youngster was BE A SHLEPPER, BRING YOUR details of what the Ladies' Aux­ sent in by Stan Cohen. For the MONEY TO PEPPE'R." iliary association has in mind for same reason it can't be used until The new Board of Governors t~ z coming year. So next time re­ n€xt month. The Bernsteins live that was selected for the coming member, give the little ladies 3 at 3373 12th Ave., Brooklyn. year is as follows: Sp. Trps., J 01'­ break, take them with you on Feb. Henry Geisel, Elkhart, Ind., dan Bierman, 2 yrs.; Sol Brots­ 4 and let them in on a darn good sent some clever drawings that key, 1 yr.; 39th, Cliff Heller, 1 yr., time. will be used as soon as space is and Jim Brun, 2 yrs.; 47th: Get­ See you next then at the New available. zy Schiff, 2 yrs., and Harry Ker- York meeting on Feb. 4, 1949. -Pittsburgh In '49- Columbus. o. RETIRING PRESIDENT OF NEW YORK Lads Send Miss CHAPTER AL BRUCHAC EXTENDS HIS Kaye History THANKS FOR CO-OPERATION GIVEN Remembering th~ dreary days Al Bruchac, who has chalked to work with almost an entirely put in -over in North Africa when up such a marvelous job as prexy new group of people. New as of­ Movie Actress Martha Raye drop­ of the Greater New York Chap­ ficers but old insofar as active ana ped in various areas to brighten ter of the Nbth Infantry Division good members of our Association. the day with her inimitable and Association, forwards to The Oc­ I know if they continue to re­ versatile entertainment programs, tofoH a statement expressing his ceive your cooperation and the a group. of old-time former Ninth heartfelt gratitude to those who cooperation of the membership men living in Ohio decided the have co-operated with him to that I received that we here in least they could do to show their establish the enviable record. AI's New York will have a Bannel' appreciation to Martha was to se­ cure an extra copy of "Eight letter speaks for itself: Year. The two G.I.• pictured above need no introduction or caption "On behalf of myself and the I know they will receive that Stars to Victo,ry" for her. After lines to advise former Ninth men who they are. Lt. Gen. Manton passing the book around from lad other outgoing officers of the cooperation ••• so it will be an­ S. Eddy, DOW commandant of the General Staff and Command Col­ Greater New York Chapter I other banner year for the Great·· to lad, all eager to autograph the lelle, , and Lt. Gen. Louis A. Craig, Inspector Gen­ volume, a copy has been sent to want to thank The Octofcil for er New York Chapter. eral, are admired and respected by former Ninth men to a greater the cooperation we have received "I also want to thank not only the actress. extent than any Division commanding officers in the history of Shortly after hitting Algiers in from you during my term of of­ the Editor of The Octofoil, but American armed forces. Gen. Craig recently spoke before a Class fice. I sincerely feel that your Charlie Tingley, our National early 1943 Martha's entire troupe at the Staff College on the functions of the Inspector General's of performers were stricken with swell "editing" and brushing up Secretary, and the two Presidents office at whcih time the above picture was made by the Instructional of our articles and notices was during my term, Henry Rigby and ailments that God-forsaken part Aid Service. The Octofoil felt sure former Ninth men would be of the world exposes one to-that most instrumental in the favor­ Don Clarke, for the cooperation made happy to learn both of these great and understanding for­ able progress of the Greater New insofar as all our activities were is all except Martha herself-and mer Ninth Commanders were looking fine and feeling fit-and a she carried on and on and on-in York Chapter. As a member of concerned. Needless to say, pictul e is more convincing than words. the National Board of Governors these men don't very orten come true N in t h Division spirit­ I feel that you are also doing a into contact with our local Chap­ puttirig on one-woman perform· swell job for the National Asso­ ter as much as the editor of The WIKES-BARRE ALL SET FOR A. ances' day after day. Never will ciation as a whole. Octofoil but they are instru­ old-time Ninth men forget Mar· "As for the newly elected offi­ mer;tal in kee'ping our National ~IEETING tha Raye. SPECIAL JANUARY 30 -PITTSBURGH IN '4~ cers you will find you are goi !: As~,cciation on the right track." nr Laird Rehrig's Dad ~howed Up At Last Meeting In An Effort Ray Enjoyed to Locate Some Former Ninth Men Who Knew the Former Burlile KRASOVETZ ELECTED TO HEAD Company A, 47th Regt. Boy. Reading the History Francis Wolman, 257 Green death of his son, Laird E. Rehrig, Raymond Burlile, 310 S. Maia THE PHILADELPHIA CHAPTER St. Edwardsville Pa. (Kingston of Co. A, 1st Bn., 47th Regt. St., Marysville, 0., enjoyed the Under date of Dec. 17, 1948, ing to plans formulate·d in Decem­ P. '0.) is a typi~al Ninth man- "He saw an article in an Al­ history and along towards the shortly after having gone to press b::.1' to allow the girls to set the he doesn't know what the term lentown newspaper so wishes to back part of the book he spotted with the last issue of The Octo­ Iaachinery in motion themselve::: '''give up" means. A special meet- cor:tact anyo~e who knew his S~)TI. the picture of an old buddy, Harry foil John H. Wooten, the efficient for the organization of an Aux­ ing has been calle'd for Jan. 30 at LaIrd was kIlled July 11, durmg Davis, who used. to live on the publi6ty director or Philadel­ iliary. The girls made themselvef" tl:~ Wilkes-Barre American Le- the Cherbourg campaign. No one banks of "T'.f3 Beautiful Ohio." phia's ever-growing Chapter was acquainted in the lobby and hacl !Yion Home for former Ninth Di· at the meeting- could give any in­ -PITTSBURGH Itt '49- received. Membetrs in the Phila­ a lively discussion. Someone ;ision men: formation. He entrusted me with CLAIR McKEE IS delphia area having news notes of eavesdropped a bit and it was In a letter to Secretary Tingley ~wo sn~pshots that may. be a help in tel' est to the ; :embership noted that a good part of the con­ 10 "(Holman asks for m havmg someone wnte to the A MARRIED MAN should contact John at 117 French versation, among the married la­ dat ed J an. ,n f th >" On Oct. 16 Clair McKee, for· additional application blanks for a ,,~l. thO th W'lk· B Ave., Westmont, N. J. dies, centered on babies an·d their e_9 next meeting and is also en- ne .mg e . 1 ~s- a~rc mer B Btry., 60th F.A. man, was wa~ Popular Martin Krasovetz respective spouses. The ladies, deavoring to get some combat ~hapter WIll accomplIsh IS gam­ married to Ruth E1len Reed of elected President of the Philadel­ God bless them, conducted a busi­ films for the occasion. To date mg new members. To .d~te many the same neighborho,od as Clair, phia Chapter by a large vote at ness-like session. When they join­ Wolman has sent out over 600 new members have Jomed our Rt. 3, Findh.y, Ohio. the December 3d meeting held at ed the men in the latter half of I'd t fo,rmer Ninth men. ranks who h~re~ofore never heard On their honeymoon the couple t:le Essex Hotel. The fOl'mer 39th t1.eir meeting they came up with ca s ? , of the AssoelatlOn. visited an old buddy, Dick Foley, man succeeds Guy l\IcCormick, some sound ideas for the forma­ Quotmg from one o.f vy olman s "There will be combat films- of Salem, O. After leaving Dick's who has ably presided over the tion of their own unit. letters to The Octofoll, It reads: with amber fluid for the thirsty home they journeyed to West­ Chapter since its initiation over a After busineSo3 was terminated, . ."On 9 January 1949 t?e at the next meeting. cornwall, Conn., to visit Ralph year ago. Marty L well liked and refreshments were served and thc Wllkes-Bar:e C?apter held Its "Out-of-town men are getting Scoville, another budcly from the demonstrated ability to lead ladies and g-entlemen proceeded 3econ~ seSSIOn wlth a few new ac- to see a beautiful Legion hom': same outfit. this growing organization through to make themselves acquainted. c?mphshments. ,Due to late ar- on their trips to Wilkes-Barre. McKee says he enjoyed reading its second year. The girls plan to meet again at nvals and a WIlkes Barre-Scran- They have been more than ge'n­ "8 Stars to Victory," but the only Other officers elected were Ar~ the same time and place in con­ ton basketball game the turn-out erous in turning a room over to trouble was the Ninth covered so Sykes, who succeeds himself as junction with the Chapter's regu­ was not as good as expected. us whenever needed. President much territory it all couldn't be First Vice President; John Calla­ lar meeting to be held on Friday, "The !?cheduled collection of Blaum once again took it upon put in one book, the way the oth­ han, Second Vice Pre3ident: Bob Feb. 4 at 8 :15 P. M. in the Essex. due's was not held but will be hel-d himself to finance the beer and er Divisions were able to do. Colflesh, Treasurer, and Roger All who plan to attend should ar­ on the 30th of January. A spe- cigarettes, plus cigarette cases. -PITTSBURGH IN '4!)- Parker, Secretary. A 9-rnan board range early for baby sitters, ete., cial meeting is being called on "You fellows staying away do JACK LEAHY ACTS of governors was elected. an 1 the gals who missed the last the 30th of January at the Le- not know what you are missing. At the January 7th meeting meeting should make it a point gion Home, North River st., It gives one a wonderful feeling AS PALLBEARER AT th ~ new officials were installed to remind· the boy friend or hub­ Wilkes-Barre, Pa. to once again be with the guys and took up in a workman - like bv that you have an important "Every jackass from here to who shared your foxhole and A BUDDY'S RI T-E S manner. date that evening. As always, hell and back better turn out- your life. In a short note to The Octo­ It was learned that Ex-Presi­ new members a,re cordially in­ because we are going to get that "Okay, Yard Birds ... off your foil Jaek Leahy, Jr., now living,at dent McCormick had undergone vited. charter or know the reason why. cans and head to Wilkes-Barre on 8 W. Concord St., Dover, N. H., an appendectomy. All who know For more information contact "The following list of men Jan. 30. It's Charter Day. Spend and a former staff sergeant with Guy wish him a speedy recovery. John H. Wooten, 117 French have so far attended our meet- an enjoyable afternoon with war­ the 39th, has this to say: There was a fine turnout at the Ave., Westmont, N. J., or John ings. Come on gang and join time buddies in a peace time at­ "I acted as pallbearer at the meeting and many of the fellows P. Farson, 716 Powdermill Lane, them: Robert L. Davis, Joseph mosphere. Time: 2 :30 P. M." funeral services for Pvt. George were accompanied by their wives Philadelphia 31, Pa. Phone Ard­ Witz, John B. Knight, Julious B. -PITTSBURGH IN '4!)- Fogarty, 60th Inf., who was re­ or girl friends. This was accord- more 0621. Urcih,- Paul Yuggi, Stanley Sera­ turned to Dover for final rites. I fin, Herbert Donath, Lawrence 60th Histories and lived but a few doors from him Lyneh, Frank Dennis, William prior to moving to my present ad­ Paging Pete Carroza SECY. TINGLEY IS Saleski, Mark S. McKeoun, Jo­ Windshield Stickers dress. I was greatly honored by seph A. Junti, Lee Blaum, Paul J. Are Still Obtainable Mrs. Fogarty at being asked to be For C. F. Caldwell SEEKING TO FIND Callahan, Simon W. Cickey, Jo­ a pallbearer." seph Glazewiski, Adolph A. Bud­ Secretary Tingley advises The Jack advises that he liked the C. F. Caldwell, 302 "e," War­ BEAN'S BUDDIES dell, Kazmer Drobricki, Stanley Octofoil that his supply of Fi­ history and will see all the gang ner Robins, Ga., would like to se­ Secretary Charles O. Tingley, Marzer, Alfred Aubre.y, Adam nal Thrust books has been ex­ in Pittsburgh. He hasn't missed a cure the address of Pete Carroza, P. O. Box 1704, Washington 13, Duesh and Peter Kaminski. hausted, but he does have quite Reunion held by the Association. formerly of A-T Co., 39th. D. C., asks that anyone having "Before the meeting got under­ a few copies of the 60th History -PITTSBURGH IN '49- way the Wilkes-Barre Post was available that will be mailed Visiting Minister: "Well, well, Carroza is not listed in the files any information about the death given its first chance to accom­ upon receipt of 25 cents to I can see you're a bright little ~ecretary Tingley maintains at of Pvt. Berkley P. Bean, Co. B, plish a good deed-a purpo,se for cover postage and packing fees. man. And how high can you National Headquarters_ Anyone 3£th, who was killed in action on which the Association is founded. And while sending two bits count?" Oct. 13, 1944, near Germeter, "Mr. William B. Rehrig of Rt. for a 60th History another 25 Boy (proudly): "One, two, who can help Caldwell out should 1, Lehighton, Pa., made a special cents might as well be included do so. He would appreciate any Germany, should contact the sec­ trip to Wilkes-Barre to obtain for the purchase of a half dozen three, four, five, six, seven, eight, information submitted. retary at once. ~ome information .concerning the Oc:tofoil winclshield atickera. nine, ten, Jack, Queen and King." 'age Four THE OCTOFOIL FEBRUARY, 1949 UNANIMOUS ACCLAIM FOR HISTORY 24 COURTESY COPI ES OF "8 STARS TO·:·training. Yeu and your men did Chuck Anderson's DON II ~ffg~~a~J~~ CROSSKllL VICTORY WERE SENT OUT --- THE and we take our hats Industrious Wife IIRIDING HIGH" RECIPIENTS ARE VERY GRATEFUL With every good wish for your continued success, I am, Writes ~..aice Note IN FREMONT,' O. R. E. D. HOYLE, GENERAL MANTON S. EDDY KIND ENOUGH TO ALLOW (Maj. Gen., U.S.A., Ret.) Another lucky ex-G.T. is Chas. Don Crosskill, former 9th Pic. OCTOFOIL USE OF LETTERS RECEIVED FROi.,A THOSE ',- * * L. Anderson, 31!) S. Franklin St., i:; living at 1120 Franklin Ave., WHO APPRECIATED THE GESTURE. Dear Manton: Thank you and Fleehvood, Pa., who has a lovely Fremont, Ohio. Don's charm­ the Hth Inf. Div. A",sn. for their wife imbued witil the l\inth Div. ing wife writes that he has over­ history, "8 Stars to Victory." I spirit and let's the whole cock­ come the supposed handicap of The following names of those who ,vere mailed con1pli­ eT-ed world know it in no uncer­ being an amputee. And al'€ they read it with interest. It is a rec­ tcr'1~S. r~U"ts n1entary copies of "Eight Stars to Victory." Their ~·e'pl.ies cord of which they are justly tilin Read d her let­ proud of the little daughter? proud. ter to The Odofoil: The whole family enjoyed "8 are also printed, which are self-explanatory. No DIvISIOn Dear :EditoJ": I am \vriting this has ever published a history that met such universal acclaim JOHN MILLIKIN. Stars to Victory." Don says many (Major General, U. S. Army.) letter without the knowledge of guys around Fremont who were in frOlu all walks of life as has the Ninth Division history. m T husband. He receives The Oc­ other outfits are jealous as ail-get­ tofoil each month. We both en­ Those who l'eceived copies of Dear General Eddy: The Infan­ out of the Ninth's history. the history include Generals Eis­ joy it immensely. -Pittsburgh In '49- great deal of pleasure. Thank try School Library is much Recently my husban - made- in­ enhower and Bradley, all the 9th you very much for thinking of pleased to have a copy of "Eight Division Commanders, CommaJld­ quiry relative to certain awards Hoosier Boy Likes me. Stars to Victory," and appreciates he sl,ould have received long ag'). ers of the Corps and Armies in Your History Committee is to be very much your thoughtfulness in which the Division. served; the Recently the award arrived and Ilis Copy of Book complimented on turning out sending this valuable and inter­ attached is a clipping from a Post libraries at Fort Sill, Fort such' a splendid book, which, I e9ting history to it. Bryce C. Miller, Box 205, Benning', Fort Riley, and Mrs. Pennsylvania neW_lapel' t hat Swayzee, , wants to hear am sure, will be highly treasured 'V. A. BURRESS. I\Irs. Anderson enclosed: Doris Crompton, Lady Mayor of by all members and former mem­ (Major General, U. S. Almy.) from his buddies who served in Winchester, England. GETS AWARD Anti-Tank PIt., First Bn., 60th. bers of the Division. Cha,les L. Anderson has been A complete list of those recdv­ (Signed): COURTNEY. The HObsier lad goes all out in ing copies of "8 Stars to Victory" Dear Manton: Many thanks for awarded the Bronze Star Medal, (General COUl'tney H. Hodges, praising "8 Stars to Victory." follow: your letter of Nov. 10. It is good with one Bronze Oak Leaf Clu,,;­ -Pittsburgh In '49- U. S. Army.) to hear that "8 Stars to Victory" tel'. It was awarded by Col. General of the Army D. D. * :j~ * Eisenhower. is off the presses. I sincerely ap­ James B. Carroll, Executive of Howard Counselman General 0ll1ar N. Bradley. Dear Manton: I receiYcd your preciate you sending me a copy the Eastern Penn.3ylvania Mili­ General J. Lawton Collins. letter of 12 Novemher, which an­ and am looldng forward to its ar­ tary District. Knows About Books General Jacob L. Devers. nounced the forwarding of a copy t'ivaI. 'Ve here in Second Army Sgt. Anderson received the Howard C. Counselman, former General Courtney H, Hodges. of the History of the Ninth In­ were only too glad to have been Bronze Star Medal for meritori­ Co. E, 39th man, now residing at Lt. Gen. L. T. Gerow. fantry Division in World Vlar II. able to lend some assistance in the ous service ill connection with 2809 'Villchester St., Baltimore Lt. Gen. C. R. HuebDoer. We appreciate it greatly. publication of the book. military operations against the 16, Md., works in a large publish­ Lt. Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer. I shall be personally intensteJ (Signed) : BOn. enemy during the period, Jan. 1, ing house as a bookbind€l'. Dur­ Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet. in reading the history of this fa­ (R. B. McCLURE, Major Gener­ 1945, to March 31, 1945, in Ger­ ing the past year the lad has bound Maj. Gen. R. E. D. Hoyle. mous Division, and after the copy al, General Staff Corps, Chief many. The Oak Leaf Cluster to many division histories-and he Maj. Gen. R. B. McClure. has circulated through the Head­ of Staff.) the Bronze Star Medal was says "8 Stars to Victory" is the Maj. Gen. John Millikin. Quarters, shall have it placed in * * * awarded Sgt. Anderson for ex­ b{)st division history he has ever Mrs. George S. Patton, Jr. the Post Library, which is in the Dear Matt: If it was ''lith a emplary conduct in ground com­ seen. Howa.rd's emuloyer al,30 ex­ Mrs. Francis 'V. Honeycutt process of building up a section great deal of pleasure and pride bat against the ar~l1ed enemy dur­ pr€ssed his opinion that the Ninth '(.vidow of Gen. Honeycutt, first of Combat Unit Histories. that you mailed the library a ing the Algeria-French Morocco history was an unexcelled product. 9th Div. Commander.) (Signed) JOHN R. HODGE, copy of "8 Stars to Victory," it Campaig-n. The former 39ther says his only Mrs. Doris Crompton (Lady (Lt. Gen., U. S. Army.) ii) with the same feelings that I Sgt. Anderson entered the Arm­ regret is that he could not have :Mayor of Winchester.) ::: * * thank you for the gift. ed Forces in April, HJ42, fr-)m been privileged to bound copies of Comdt., Artillery School, Fort Dear Manton: I appreciate you I hope you have included in Philadelphia, and served in the "8 Stars to Victory." Sill, Oklahoma. sending me a COpy of "Eight your history Gen. Bradley's let­ European, African, Middle East­ -Pittsburgh In '49- Stars to Victory." The book has ern The'ater with the 9th Inf. Div., Comdt., Infantry School, Fort lookin~ ter to the Ninth and First Divi­ Benning, Georgia. . not yet arriYed, but I am sions on VE-Day. I tried to get which was cne of the first Ameri­ Mrs. Raleigh Thomas Commandjn~ General, Ground fOl'VVal'd to readin o' this record of our people to include it in "Dan­ can divisions to land in North General School, Fort Riley, the achievements 7>f the 9th Div., ger Forward" along with a few Africa in November, 1942. Dur­ Is a Real Mother and . which you started on the road to other comments. ing the time he spent overseas Booster for Ninth Div. Commanding General, Fort glory. I never pass up a man wearing Sgt. Anderson won eight battle Bragg, North Carolina. I am glad Second Army Head­ a Ninth Division emblem, but al­ stars for participation in the Al­ Mrs. Raleigh Thomas, Sr., 1722 Dr. Lawrence H. Baker. quarters could be of some little ways try to find out which outfit gerian, French Morocco Tunisian, Culbertson Ave., New Albany, Clarence T. DeHaven. assistance to you and your asso­ he was in and where. Sicilian, Nor man d y, Northern Ind., writes a nice letter in behalf Mr. Hans C. Meile (German ciates in making of record the (Signed) : CLIFT. France, Rhineland, Ardennes and of 4er son, James E. Thoma~, a artist in initial stages of book.) outstanding' accomplishments of (Clift AJ1(lrus, :M"ajor GeneraJ, Central European Campaigns. His former T-5 in the 9th. Jim's S-Sgt. Lawrence E. Reed. this fine division. U.S,A.; Commanding.) other awards and dec·orations ;n­ health has been bad ever since he Mrs. Hazel McGuire (manu­ L. T. GERO\V, clude one Bronze Arrowhead for returned home. Certainly some of (Lt. Gen. U. S. Al'my.) * * * script typist.) Dear Gen. Eddy: Thank you the invasion of North Africa, the 9th Signal guys will take time Dates, senders' address, etc., are for your Jetter of 10 November Combat Infantryman's Bad g e, out to write Jim a few lines and deleted from letters to conserve Dear General Eddy: I spent and for the copy of "8 Stars to Meritorious Service Unit Emblem, cheer him up. space. The letters, all addressed most of Christma;; Day sitting by Victory," the history of the 9th European, African-Middle East­ Mrs. Thomas closes her letter by to Lt. Gen. 1\1. S. Eddy, Com­ the fire reading "8 Stars to Vic­ Div. in World War II. ... ern Theatre Ribbon, Good Con­ praising "8 Stars to Victory." mandant, Command and General tory." With the book, I didn't As you well known, this Di­ duct Medal and the World War II -Pittsburgh In '49- Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, miss going out. I aQ'ree with you vi.:'ion holds a very special place Victory Medal. Kansas, I'ead as follows: that it is a splendid book. I par­ with me, and I followed closely On his discharge from the serv­ M. SGT. EARLL Dear :Manton: Thank you for ticularly like the maps, which al'e its progress through the war. I ice Sgt. Anderson returned to the copy of "Eight Stars to Vic­ really excellent. Having had such Fleetwood, Pa., where i, 1H46 he WELLS SAYS 39th Geol'ge'~' am indeed proud that I had a part tory." While my leisure for read­ a time with the maps in in the training of this - one of married the former Joyce Snyder, DID NOT IIRUN" ing the10e days is scant and cramp­ book * * * I appreciate them. our best fighting divisions-and I of Fleetwood. M. Sgt. Earll E. Wells, Hq. & ed, I hope before the winter is When I look at all the division am sure you must be equally out I will have time to brush up histo,ries peo'. Ie have sent me, all IT'S A GIRL Hq. Co., 9th Inf. Div., Fort Dix, 1 :oud of the part you played in on the Ninth Infantry Division. of which I read, as well ag the leading the Division in combat. Accompanying the newspaper N. J., has one criticism to offer In the meantime, the book has combat teams and even regimen­ l\Iy first glance at this volume, clipping was another very impor- l'elative to "8 Stars to Victory." an honored place on the reading tal ones, I feel it is the g'reatest which you so thoug'htfully sent to tant announcement which reads: He says "The only point that I table in my library. possible tribute to George tha1' me, assures me U, t it is a well The doc says papa will pull thru, will argue is the statement that Sincerely, they send them to me. prepared and most interesting And mama-she is all right, too! the 3d Bn. of the 39th fled back Signed: EISENHOWER. BEATRICE PATTON, history of the Ninth. I am very And baby's {'oing fine! to Souk Ahras. I don't believe we * ;;< * (Mri'!. George S. Patton, Jr.) happy to have "Eight Stars to It's a girl-born Nov. 20, 1948. did. I know that the Kasserine Dear Manton: Many thanks for ::" * :Ie Vietcry" in my ilbrary, and I am Named Ann Louise. Pass episode was one in which no sending me a copy of "Eight Dear Gen. Eddv: Please forgi,T€ looking forward ,vith great pleas­ Weight: 6 Ibs. 10 oz. one ever knew the true picture but Stars to Victory." I am building me for being so long in acknowl­ ure to an opportunity to read it Parents: Mr. and Ml'S. Charles I did not like that statement. This up a war library and the history edging your lovely letter and the through eal'efully. L. Andnson. is a minor point to argue about of the Ninth Infantry Division wondea:ful book. (Signed) JACOB L. DEVERS. -PITTSBURGH IN '49- for the book as a whole from the certainly has a place in it. It touches me deeply that you (General, U. S. Army; Chief, standpoin.t of facts and complete- This history is particularly in,. and the Ninth Infantry Division A rmy Field Forces.) HAS READ HISTORY ness IS very fine." teresting to me because 0 f my Association should send me a copy THRU THREE TIMES' -PITTSBURGH IN '49- close association with your old of "Eight Stars to Victory," as a * * * Division. In glancing through th~ tribute to Francis. Knowing In Dear Matt: "8 Stars to Victory" Roland E. Pope, who was a T-5 Shu,rtzer's Dod teceived and it is a beautiful book it appears to be one of the what high esteem he held you, I with the 60th Meds., writes from R.Dd Mother Ask best I have seen. It is indeed a wish he could have known you book. You can be vcry proud of 401 Fullerton St., Roseburg, Ore. I fitting tribute to the men who were one of his successors. He it; in fact, I am happy to put it Says the Pill Pusher: ((I have read p in my library an(1 am proud of the For Some He wore The OctofoiI. I am looking would have been so pleased. my cOJ?Y of the histo~y thTo~gh Excerpts of a letter dated Jan. forward with keen' anticipation to To vou and to the members of fact that this Division was in my three hmes and each tIme I fmd 4 1949 and signed by Mr. and an opportunity to read the text. the Association I send my heart­ command on several occasion:;. it more interesting." V.' U. Shartzer, 2750 Edge­ (Signed) OMA~ N. BRADLEY. (Signed) : RALPH. Mrs. felt and sincere gratitude for wood, Gary, Indiana, follow: :~ (C. R. HUEBNER, Lt. Gen. G.S.C. * thinking of me in this lovelywav. We received u8 Stars to Vic­ Dear Matt: I appreciate very MARGARET H. HONEYCUTT. Chief of Ctafl'.) -PITTSBURGH IN '49- tory." We want you to know how much the lovely copy of the his­ (Mrs. Francis H. Honeycutt.) much we thank you for making it tory of the 9th Division in Wo·rld possible for those who lost loved 'Val' II. "Eight Stars to Victory" Mv Dear Gen. Eddv: I want to MRS. SPENCER ones to receive this book. is an appropriate name and as one thanl{ you, an(l through you the We know from things we have peruses the book the title is jus­ 9th Inf. Div. Assn. Histoty Com­ APPEALS TO hem'd and read that our s{)n was tified with increasing emphasis. mittee for the copy of the his­ a part ()f a great Division. I feel that you and all the men tory of the Ninth in World War THE LADIES His name was T-5 Alfred J. :md women who served with the II. The "8 Stars to Victory" is The following letter from Mrs. Shartze,r, Hq. Co., 47th. It would Ninth Division enjoyed a privi­ a magnificent work, and I am de­ make us happy if we could con­ lege extended only to red-blood­ l\:ae Spencer is self-explanatory: lig'hted to have it. You and your Dear Mr. Tingley: Vv' e \vant all tact some of his buddies who were ('d Americans and vou all mea~­ committee have done a job that with him when he was killed in ured up fully to th~ responsibili­ you can \vell be proud of ,md T tbe ladies who had brothers, sons or husband in the 9th Inf. Div. to Cherbourg. ties of such service with credit, know evel'V member of the Di­ -PITTSBURGH IN '49- Jl0t only to yourselves, but to vision will' cherish his copy-and join the Ladies' Auxiliary in 1949. ;your country. those who join in the future \vill, It is not only open to Gold Star SGT. WALTER (Signed) AL. I know, bE" proud of vour ex­ l\IotheJ's and l'elativcs but all New SAMMIS WITH (A. C. \Vedemeyer, Lt. Gen., ploits and succe"ses and cherish York mothers, wives and sisters of GSC, Deputy Chief of Staff for the memorv of the men who membns of the Division Assn. NINTH AGAIN Plans and Combat Operations.) fought so gal1antly. Ladies, get on the bandwagon, Sgt. Walter S. Sammis, former .;~ * :.:c It was a blow to me wllen I was make this a banner years You la-, Pfc. with the 47th Regt" ,is back Dear JIanton: I ha\Te just re~ told that I was too old to lead dies who have men of J'our family with the Ninth at Fort Dix. ceived the Ninth Division His­ the Ninth in battle, but I w::ltched \vho are members Please join up! The Sarge writes many interest­ tory,' "Eight Stars to Victory," for news of your continued ;::u('­ Meetings are only one night a ing facts about the new 9th-and and wish to say it is indeed a cess and the glory that came to month. Ladies make it a date. The above picture of R~land evidently he's doing okay for heautiful volume and one that I myoid command-and I was Signed: Sincerely - Mae M. was made in Giesenfield, ~er- himself-he is in what they call shall add to my history with a proud that I had a hand in the Spencer, a "Gold Star Mothel'." ~any in 19~5. ,,~~-~ '-- Leadcl"ship 8<:hoo1. FEBRUARY, 1949 THE OCTO FOI L Front Line Soldiers ------_.:. Sound Off IFORMER NINT.I-I. AAI=~ ICDn..~ ~'" A r ... "'A n:ONOR ROLL FOR CHllPTERS ., .~._. ~ · .'~.?'., '-v~~. • u AND INDIVIDUAI--IS 'VHO GO LI KES TAYLOR1S COAST ARE RELIVING DAYS SPENT ~IEMBERS RIDDING THE WORLD OF NAZIS . AND SECURE NEW OCTOFOI L NOTES Remember --- Every Member Owes the Association a New Mrs. Rufus M. 'Watson, Roxton, DADS, MOTHERS, WIVES, KIDDIES AND SWEETHEARTS OF Member In 1949 -- - It Can Be Done --- The Associa· Texas, mother of John W. '\-Vat­ FORMER NINTH MEN ARE LOUD IN THEIR PRAISE tion Must Sf-ay Out In Front of Any Other Similar Group. son, formerly of M Co., 47th, FOR THE OUTSTANDING HISTORY OF ALL TIME. ATLANTA CHAPTER Lt. Edward A. Wall, \Vard E-4, is an ardent l'eader of The Octo­ Thomas J. Donnelly, Rherdale, Fitzsimons Gen. Hospital, Denver foil, especially Wilton Taylor's . The complimenta~y letters pouring into The Octofoil Ga. (lst Lt. D Co., 39th.) 8, Colo. (l st Lt. F Co., 39th.) Secr~tary T~n¥~ey's :>Sgt. Joseph E. Geode, Hq. Frank S. Chatto, 5B4;3 Dolloff aI·ticles, and to prove' it she takes offIce ar:d office from former members Co., Hq. 31'd Army, Fort :McPhel'- Rd., Cleveland 4, O. (Co. C, time out to write a very interest­ of the Nlnt~ Infanty DIVISIOn and their families praising 1>8 son, Ga. (S-Sgt. 60th Inf. AT Co.) 47th.) ing letter to Taylor, which he has Stars to VIctory" means a lot to the Committee that la­ CONNECTICUT CHAPTER James V. Kauth, El Paso, Ill. bored long an~ well c?mpiling this great book. Taken at Bruce Fraczek, rH. 4, 130x :19, (Pvt. F Co., 47th.) kindly forwarded to The OctofoiL Bridgeport, Conn. William E. Varco, Bridge Ter- Parts of the letter reads: random are prInted brIef excerpts from a few of the hun­ DETROIT CHAPTER race, Box 7 (Fort Montgomery, Dear Mr. Taylor: I have been dreds of letters on file: John Vander M::-iden, Apt. 52, New York. (Pfc., G Co., 39th.) reading your letters in The Octo­ Please extelld my sincere foil. My son, John, is still single thanks to those l'esponsible for V.E.H.P., Ann Arbor, Mich. \Valdon K. Lewis, 440 Vandalia A GOOD EGG ILLINOIS CHAPTER St., Edwardsville, Ill. (Capt. C and lives here at home. He is sending me a copy of "8 Stars to farming, raising cotton. God has Victory," for their kindness, :"V.hen sending in hi. 1949 dues, John W. Poplowski, 1 G2G So. Btry., 84th F.A. Bn.) ~2 4~) Court, Cicero, Ill. James P. McManus, 520 First been so good to him.- He went thoughtfulness and generosity.­ Wilham Sherwen, 98 Ross St., NEW ENGLAND CHAPTER Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. (T-4, safely through the war; has made A. Jankoski, 211 N. Market Ave., Newark, N. J., former Hq. Co. 3d Hanual L. Brun, 385 Eddy St., Cannon Co., 47th.) two good crops since returning. S. Plainfield, N. J. (next-of-kin of Bn., .60th, sent an extra dollar. Fall River, Mass. John F. Mo,ran, :3633 Evanston THRILLED Pfc. Anthony Jankoski, 47th.) QuotIng from Bill's letter: "En­ closed also is a dollar to help pay DR. PETER G. HUNZIKER Ave., Cineinnati 7, Ohio. (Pfc., He is so thrilled over your let­ :-~ * :it for the postage on notices of back Rog-er L. Vuilleumiel', 2 Bel'ke- Co. C, 60th.) ters. I don't know why he never I want to let you know I re­ takes time to write you. Last d~e~. to Schmoe. like myself. ley Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y. HONOR ROLL STARS TO DATE ceived the History, and it is a fine DIVISion history is tops."-Bill. ED· -ARD COYLE (Including last issue.) night when The Octofoil came and book. Many thanks for it. Am Donald Ayers, 657 Ridge\"ood New York Chapter 8 I said "Wilton has a letter in The enclosing dues for 1949. I like '" * 'Ie Ave.. Upper Monclair, N. J. (Pfc. Illinois Chapter 7 Octofoil," he was dressed to go .T. J. Zytkowicz, former M-Sgt. The Octofoil and look forward to ~q. Hq. & Hq. Btry., 9th Di\'. Arty.~ Detroit Chapter 2 to town, but took off his jacket l'eceiving it reguhl.1·ly.-Alfred F. Dlv. Co., is living at 4 Mose MOHAMED BEN SAID Atlanta Chapter , 2 and hat and stayed home to read Kostenblatt, Box ] 6, No. Hoosick. Ave., III Dover, N. J. The Sarge Michael A. Woytovich, 288 8th Connecticut Chapter 2 it. You cannot realize how close N. Y. (Pfc. 60th.) . recently. cha,nged addresses-but AVE!., New York, N. Y. (Pfc. :F District of Columbia Chapter 2 the Ninth is to me. I tried to he sent In hIS dues with the new Co., 39th.) New England Chapter 1 keep up with it as much as pos­ * * * address. That is something all the sible during the war. Not too Re'ceived my copy "8 Stars to members should and must do NO SPONSORS MENTIONED Buffalo Chapter , 1 Victory." It is a genuinely schol­ if John J. Miller, 50 O'Dell St., Dr. P. G. H-unziker ] r..lany former Ninth men live near they expect to get The OctofoiI. us. You know Henry Via, one of arly work and does due credit to Albany 2, N. Y. (L Co., a9th.) Ed\val'd Coyle , 1 one of Uncle Sam's greatest fight­ '" * * Alfred E. Gasagrand, Box 218, Donald M. Clarke ] John's buddies, was killed in William H. McLaughlin former France. His mother lives at ing- divisions. It reflects the mag­ Bayville, N. J. (S-Sgt. Hq. and Total new members to date nificent Hespl'it de corps" that dis­ 709th OI·d., 110W living at 379 E. Hq. Co., 3rd Bn., 47th.) for 1949-42. Broken Bow, Okla. 'Valter Chan­ Welch Ave., Columbus Ohio was cellor, who joined the 47th in tinguishes 9th men from all oth­ ers. I'm filled with pride when I one of the first bunch' that 'come England, lives near us. Rip '\-Vest­ back to the states because ofac­ ENA~TS brook, of 1\:1 Co., also comes by see in The Octofoil the fact that .PDILLY GRO-.JP NEW the Ninth spirit is still very much ~umulated points, and Bill says he now and then. Louis C. Meeks, IS. of the opinion a lot of J oes, like LAWS TO GOVERN THE BODY who was captured in North Afri­ alive. even though men who made ca, lives in Dallas. However, he the Ninth are scattered through­ h:m1self, left before the Associa­ The Philadelphia Chapter of less dues are paid before March out the nation. Congratulations tIon was formed, still do not the Ninth Infantry Division Asso­ 31 of any year, then the member was not in M Co. John recognized kno~ the boys in the picture and was on a job supe,rblv don-e.-Charles of its. existence. Mac has ciation has adopted a Constitution M. Sacco, 2402 Mandell St., nothmg but praise for the history. and set of By-Laws whieh al'e is delinquent. Officers may be re­ pleased with Lt. Phillips' letter. moved for cause. Duties of the Houston 6. Tex. (G Co., 60th, an Raymond Porter, former T-5 in most comprehensive. !Much time old HGo DeviL") the. 60th is now living in North and efforts was spent to compile various officers are enumerated. O.xford, Mass. Letters will reach so complete a set-up. The laws mandate that an aud­ * * You will find enelosed $3.50 hmi addresF'ed to Box 22 Main St The Constitution, beginning it be made at certain intervals, Ray wrote in extending his per: with Article I and concluded with and a Board of Governors, com­ for my son, '\-Vrignold J. Smith, Pa~t T-5, 34th F.A. for The Octofoil. sonal :vote of thanks to the history Article X, beginning with the posed of the president and commIt.tee for a marvelous job. title of the group lists n'1.€mber• President with nine elected mem­ Please send it to Rt. 1. Butler, ship requirements, meeting dates, bers govern the body, Rubject to Pa. My son is baek in the Army '" '" * the number to constitute a consti­ approval of the entire body. No at Fort Dix, 1 T. J. I g-et a big- kiek John Boswell, who was a cor- tutional quorums as well as pre­ amendment can be made to the out of that paper.-J. W. Smith, poral in the 84th F.A. is living at scribing ethics that will be en­ Constitution or By-Laws unle.:;s Rt. 1, Butler, Pa. 719 ~ lth St., N. E., Massillon, o. forced during meetings. notice is given of such proposed ,~ >I< * Quotmg from John's letter it reads th~s: Initiation fees are set and UI1- changes. .I wish 'to express my apprecia­ like "I want to take this op­ bon to you for the copy of "8 portumty to express my greatest Stars to Victory." You and all than.ks to everyone responsible for SECRETARY TINGLEY~S MESSAGE the men of the Ninth have every makIng the history a reality." right to be extremely proud (l'f * 'Ie * CONVEYS HISTORY INFORMATION this publication, and this g-esture From \vay out in Sunny Cali­ Under date of Oct. 22, 1948, structions to edit the book and on your part is g-ratefullv ac­ fomia Dario A. Gagliasso, Rt. 2, Secretary Charles O. Tingley di­ make a rep-ort on the findings. knowledged. - Rachel J. Wilcox. Box 89, Cupertino, Calif, a former 1812 Pennsylvania Ave., Augus~ rected an open letter to all mem­ The editing report states in ef­ 47th Regt. Pfc. sends in his letter fect that the errOl'S noted are of tao Ga. (widow of 1st Lt. Len J. of praise for the history. bers of the Board of Governors Wilcox, Co. B, 47th.) a minor nature and that none of * 'Ie 'Ie which should be of interest to an them interfere with the readabili­ * * * Call off the blood hounds-the ty of the book. It further stated WANTS NAME OF JUST ONE ~eal:c~ is over, Michael Zvolensky members of the Association. The QF SON'S BUDDIES that from the over-all point of IS hvmg at 67 Somerset St. in letter follows ~ Just received "8 Stars to Vic­ New Brunswick, N. J. Mike 'will view our History is an excellent WILTON TAYLOR, In Person tory." Let me thank the friends Final payment in the amount of Many Octofoil readers who be in Pittsburgh, but in the mean­ book and that the fine quality of of my loved one, Pvt. Onis W. time he would like to get a letter eighteen thousand seven hundred the illustrations and the general have enjoyed reading Wilton Strong I Co., 60th, for sending it fifty dollars ($18,750.00) has Taylor'. article have expressed or two from some of the 84th F.A. arrangement make the book very to me. Please sir, can You give men he soldier with. He also been made to The F. J. Heel' a desire to know what the guy me the name of just one person appealing to the eye. The i'eading looks like. Taylor is a modest praised the book. Company to cover the full con­ matHial is easy to follow, and who was with him in battle? I've tract price for "Eight Stars to sort of a cuss and it took some never learIwd how he died-only * * the author is to be complimented' "manuvering" to get­ Here is a new address: S-Sgt. Victory." just killed in action. Surely there on his picturesque choice of words sion of the above picture. is someone in this world who Tony Lappas, Hq. 73 L.S.C., APO To provide the necessary and his composition. cOl1ld tell me something aboutmv 407-A, care New York Postmas­ for this final paymel~t four (4) EXCELLENT BOOK LIKES PICTURE IDEA beloved son and my only child. ter. Tony is back in Kraut teni­ five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) General Eddy, in his reply, I agree with you about pictures. There isn't one thing left in the tory. He formerly was with Co. 'Ve might staI·t a "round robin" world for me but tears and heart­ E, 47th. His 1949 dues have been maturity value United States Sav­ stated that "it was his personal letter among l\f Co. men for a ings Bonds, Series F, were cashed aches. Please sir, try and locate paid. He likes The Octofoil and opinion that an excellent History collection. Right after John re­ believes if some of the old gang at the U. S. Treasury, the pro­ has been produced and that the someone who will help me.-Mrs. turned home we lost our home in Virgie (Strong) Kerr, Mt. Home, would write he could give them ceeds of which amoLnted to fif­ artist, the author and the publish­ afire and lost all the pictures I Ark. some interesting notes in his an­ teen thousand seventy-three dol­ er have all done excellent jobs. had saved. ~wel'S from the old country. I wish all the hoys would give * * * lars twenty-nine cents ($4,­ The History has been printed and ::c ** their company and regiment when "I recently finished the division 073.29) was closed out and trans­ is now being put in the hands of history and feel that everyone Henry A. Dabyowski, a former ferred to our checking account. writing so we could identify them GOth S{'rgeant, is living at 282 Se-· the subscribers and let's be thank­ more easily. who had anything to do with its It was not necessary to nego­ ful that we have a history and The history has arrived, and al­ writing deserves a load of' con­ mel Ave., Garfield, N. J. Hank tiate a loan with the Am.erican forget and ignore further criti­ gratulations for doin~ a fine job. sent in his dues and complimented though I haven't had time to read "8 Stars to Victory." Security and Trust Company as cism." it, I feel as though I know it by Can you do me a favor and in­ had at first been l'\Etieipatcd, due It is sincerely hoped that this heart. sert a notice in the paper inviting all former 9th Recon. men to the ;\Orlllan Epstein, a former T-4 to arrangements made with the memorandum will dispel whatever You must keep on writing and annual convention? I believe somE' in the 31th F.A., Hq. Co., lives at Treasury Department for :mme­ criticism that may exist relative urging the boys to ·write. I am sure they are like my son, just are bashfuL-Bob Lvnch, 2278 1848 Andre\vs Ave., New York, diate payment on our bonds. to our History. fail to write but look forward to 6th St., Cuyahoga Falls, O. (Lt. )J. Y. N 01'111 says "8 Stars to Vic­ Before final payment to the This office is making every ef­ your letters in The Octofoil. Keep 9th Recon.) tory" \viJ] always be one of his Heel' Company was made, a let­ fort to obtain all possible publici­ urging the picture business; may­ * most tl'ea"u)'€d possessions. ter was sent to Lt. Gen. Eddy ad­ ty for our History. Your advice be we can w01·k out a 'way to get I received my COpy of "Eigh; ,~ ':' vising him of certain errors which and suggestio~1s are urgently re­ a picture history, and have names Stars to Victory," and it was well Le:-,lie R. }lcCann, a former quested in order that a thorough and addresses of all the Jiving and wo~·th the wait. Had a wonderful GOth Pfe. wI·ites hom 732 S. Gtll were noted in the final published bec;,.u~e copy of the History. His advice job may be accomplished. a special section for those who holIday season. :;: received St,. Ca)']'ollton, Ill., saying the Dth Sincerely, did not come back. card~ ~l·OI11~.u:te a. few old 60U, I history is absolutely the best his­ was desired as to the advisability ~f. McDou9'~:ll, CHARLES O. TINGLEY, I feel like Lt. Phillips-I love buddJe:O',-WIIlJ811l ton r,f any division that has been of making a check with the Heel' 1\1 119 Grove Dr., Ashtabula, OhIO. ]1U)']1',,'ll,",J • Secretary-Treasure~ these Co. boys as if they "."ere ~u. Company in order to definitely nlY (60th Regt.) .) . -PiiTSBURGH IN '49- own. rlace the responsibility for such \Ve could hardly control our­ '" * '" Edmund ::\abcl', a fOr111e1' 47th €rrol'S as had come to our 110tice. Johnny: "Dad, my Sunday selves while the Ralph Ed,vards r received my copy of l'Eight PEe .. ;:=; back in Ocheyedan, Iowa. School teacher says that if I am program was on. Oh, yes, a 60th ORDERS EDIT OF BOOK Stars to Victory" and am very· His dues al'e paid up to date-and a go,od boy I'll go to heaven." boy, Jack TeneH, lives not far proud of it. If any of the boys Le, lOO, looks forward for each Upon receipt of this letter, Gen. Grocer: "\Vell?" from us. who were in the GOth Inf. ,,,ant issue 01' The Octofoil- not to Eddy turned a copy of the History Johnny: "Well-you said if I Ed's. Note: It's mothers like my addl'ess it's just Virgil H. Fry, mention how he enjoyed reading over to the Editing and PubIi ca­ John 'Vatson's as well as the As­ Gainesville, Mo. Would enjoy was good I'd go to the circu::;. sociation members that helps cre­ hearing from any of them.-Vir- "8 StaLs to Victory." tion Section of the Command and Now, what I want to know is ate the determination for The Oc­ gil H. Fry, Gainesville, Missouri. -PITISBURGH IN '49- General &taff .College with if!- WhQ'~ telling the truth r~J tofoil to carryon and on (lnd on. (60th Regt.). -,,-- PAY '49 DUES TODAY! Page Six THE OCTOFOIL FEBRUARY, 1949 co NTION PLANS ARE INTRE MAKING ....._------* MRS. ORA BROGAN MAKES Help This 80yl s Dad ITIS NOT TOO EARLY TO START WITH HEADLINFS IN PITTSBURGH PLANS FOR ATTENDING THE JUNE Adorning Page 2 of The Pitts­ elected member of the Ninth In­ 30-JULY 1-2 REUNION burgh Press on Sunday, Dec. 19, fantry Division Association Board 1948, was a 2-column cut of a cou­ of Governors. ple of big-hearted individuals, and The noteworthy occasion for COMMITTEE SET UP -- WILLIAM PENN HOTEL WILL BE immediately adjoining the 2-col­ the photos to be printed in the THE HEADQUARTERS --- ASK THE BOSS FOR RIGHT umn cut was a single in which was Pittsburgh was due to VACATION DATES TODAY. pictured Harry Kiester, a disabled the fact the Pittsburgh "hello" veteran. girls had band.ed together and In the 2-column cut was U. G. purchased a $500 electric wheel .A visit to Pittsburgh, Pa. the last day of June and the Hodgens district traffic superin­ chair for Veteran Kiester. The first two days of July should be a MUST with every for­ tendent of the Pitssburgh B€ll photo also showed. an outlin-e of mer Ninth Infantry Division man in North America. In­ Telephone group, dressed just like the unique contraption old man dications are that the next Reunion to be held in the Penn­ Santa Claus is supposed to dress. Alexander Bell's hired. help went Standing by holding the telephone out and had rigged up for this sylvania metropolis will go down in history as the greatest apparatus for Santa is none other veteran. Reunion of former combat men ever held anywhere. than Ora Brogan, the petite little Nice going Ora. Keep up the At a meeting of the Pittsbu,rgh wife of Bob Brogan, recently good work. Chapter held December 17, 1948, Belated Greetings the following Committee was ap­ pointed to handle the "pick and KENNETH MEYER MEA.NS TO Sent ByDetroiters shovel" work in making plans for Goming just a few hours after the convention: STA.RT CHAPTER IN AKRON the last issue of The Octofoil went Tom Gray, Chairman. Kenneth Meyer, a real "Ninth Signe'd Kenneth L. Meyer, 468 to press this short note with sea­ Walt Mille'Stine. man" submits this report to The Pearl St., Akron 4t o. son greetings and ~._l optimistic re­ Bert Murphy. Octofoil : During the latter part of N 0­ Pictured above is port from the Greater Detroit Mike Puzak. yember Kenny has sent out 150 Ray Pifer. Did you know that situated in Rehrig, Co. At 1st Bn., 47th Chapter, was received from the letters as above. The response has t Bob Brogan. the area enclosed by Cleveland, who was killed during the Cher­ Chapter's aggressive secretarYt' Youngstow 1. Canton and Ak,ron certainly not been what his eff,orts Alex Forrest. bourg campaign. Any m&mber Joe Casey, 8621 Colfax, Detroit are 164 former Ninth Inf. deserve. He thinks maybe some Bill Hennemuth. who was with young Rehrig 4, Mich.: Div. men who belong to our Na­ were undelivered because of ad­ The Greater Detroit Chapter Bob Buck. during this campaign should tional Organization. dress changes and has asked The reports that a very active' cam­ TINGLEY VISITS THE Octofoil to print his form letter. contact his d.d. Here's the fa­ Several fellows in Akron feel paign is being conducted by the CONVENTION CITY that with this many men around, Herman Sharpnack, an old-line ther's name and address: Mr. Membership Committee this past it would be worthwhile to form a Ninth man, forme:rly with Division William B. Rehrigt Rt. It Le­ month to obtain new members Secretary Charles O. Tingley North-Eastern Ohio Chapter. This Message Center and· Ninth Signal hightont Pa. and make sure that every mem­ met with members of the above­ chapter would be acti eboth so­ is confined to the Veterans Hos­ Read Francis Wolman's story ber is an active member this com­ named committee _Saturday, Dec. cially and in other affairs. What pital in Chillicothe, O. Kenneth printed on another page. 18, 1948, at which time definite -Pittsburgh In '49- ing year. The Social Committee is your response to this sugges­ met Herman when they both be­ reports that plans are being made plans were outlined to the Com­ tion? What night wotld you pre­ come attached to the Division in MINNESOTA BOYS for the Annual Reunion of Michi­ mittee as to what arrangements fer a meeting? Please drop a re­ 1940. The Ohio Chapter has been gan members, their wives and were to be made to make this ply to the Akron Committee by given Kenney's l!'!tter for proper TO MEET JAN. 23 families this coming year. Convention the best of all. Feb. 1, if possible. action. Richard W. Simst Secretary­ We hope all me:"'1bers have re­ WILLIAM PENN THE SITE Treasurer, Greater Twin City ceived "8 Stars to Victory/' and Arrangements have b'een made Chapter, can be reached at 3932 have again recalled to mind the with the William Penn Hotel to NEW YORK HAS NEWS NOTES Brunswick Ave., S., St. Louis comradeship d these days they all accommodate the Convention. Park, Minn. Dick forwarded dues shared together in the 9th Infan­ COMING THROUGH REGULARLY for several members and. enclosed try Division. GUEST SPEAKER TO BE By STAN COHEN Tom Flynn and Irv Feinberg th-e following announcement: Detroit Chapter extends best ANNOUNCED ' A reunion is being planned of are going to Florida shortly. The Several of our Chapter got to­ wishes for a Merry Christmas and Efforts are now being made to all former members of Co. B, married men will still be found gether for New Year's Eve at the a Happy New Year to all our arrange for an outstanding per­ 47th, who live in or near New at the usual haunts eve r y home of "Chick" Hennen and cele­ comrades all over the world. To son to be the guest speaker for York City. To those men who month at the 9th Div. Associa­ brated. the N.ew Year in true 9th the Gold Star Mothers and Wives the banquet, which will be held on would be interested in getting to­ tions... Reason: More and more Div. styl-e. Wilson Langlev, Essex, of the Honored Heroes members Saturday eveningt July 2. fun at every meeting they go to. of Detroit Chapter offer prayers gether for a little reunion they Mo., formerly of A Co., 47th, also JUST A WARNING Phil Ortof, 9th Recon' and his that they may have received the are asked to contact either Art t attended and got into an argument This is just an advance warn­ Stenzel, 89-49 215th St., Queens wif.e, Natalie, are now living at gift of Consolation from Him who 2260 79th St., Jackson Heights, with Paul E. Johnson as to the ing to you fellows, mainly to no­ Village 8, N. Y., or Jack DiSanto, date the Division cut off the Cher­ gave His own Son at Bethlehem N. Y. Phil is now a salesman. for the salvation of all. tify you of the Convention dates 75-10 Cald,vell Ave., J. 1. Mas­ bourg Peninsula near Barneville. so. that schedules may be so ar­ peth, N. Y. Kindly include your Bill and Sally Riecker, 2530 17th -PITTSBURGH IN '49- Walk, Jackson Heights, N. Y., are Chick brought out some old Di­ ranged to peTmit everyone to at- address, plus any suggestions vision outlays and nroved the dis­ Fagq Production Co. tend. . you may have to offer to help this doing fine these days. Bill is also attending New York U. at night cussion to the f"atisfaction of both IOn MORE DETAILS NEXT MONTH reunion along. C'mon "BAKER" narties. Yon might mention this Really the Beam' let's have some actio.n on this. and d.uring the day is working in Kenny H. Fagg, Terre Haute, More details will be forthcom­ the Texas Company in New York in th-e next issue of The OctoIoi!. ing in the next issue of The Oc- Interesting happening.; occur al­ Any members in the TVlin Cit,! Ind., former Pfc. with the 60th, most every day in this city. Here City. Bill was with the 47th and mails a brief announcement that tofoi!. • Finance Office. ... Eugene Ky­ Area may send dues to the ad­ Indications at this early date is one 'that Damon Runyon would dress given above. will no doubt prove interesting to like to:print; Tony Lascaizo puts hiberger, A, 39th can now be prove beyond any reasonable t Tom Solon, President of the his old t;')th buddies. It reads: an advertisement in a' New York found at 29A S. Porland. Ave., in doubt that this will be the biggest Chapter. announces that Sunday. The Kenneth H. Fagg Produc­ paper offerin: his plea for some Brooklyn.... Don eroto, 39th, tion Co. announces the arrival of and most interesting conventicn office space he needc';. Well one Hqs., comes down to the New Jan.- 23 is the date for the 11 ext the Ninth Infantry Division Asso­ meeting at the Officers' Club, Fort the new 1948 Diaper Model placed fine upstanding gentleman an­ York meeting from "\Vestport, on display' at the Unicn Hospital ciation has ever held. swers Tony's ad and here is v,rhat N. Y..•". Don is with the State Snelling. Minn.. and. anyone able to pay dues at this time sho']lld on Nov. 20. 1948. PLAN VACATIONS NOvV happens; Tony always wears his Conservation Department.... Bill Diaper Model has two blue N ow is the time to proposition 9th Div. pin, so this day being Simonson, 34th F.A. Hqs., and do so. (The Octofoil regrets the fact headlights, 1 milk tank, 1 dis-" the boss about ~acation s~hedules. 1_0 different fl.·om all the rest we Agnes, and his d~ught-er, Jean, nosal can, 4 strong levers. Con- Many were unable to attend last find Tony approaching the door. age 2, are bunking at 94-42 43rd that this issue will not reach the Minnesota lads until after the tains 6 lbs. 2 oz. of horsepower. year because the exact dates for The knocks, walks in, and low St., in Elmhurst, L. 1. Bill is It should be advertised as Mr. the Convention were not released and behold guess what! The guy working for Sheffield Farms..•. meeting date.) -PITTSBURGH IN '49- Thomas Stephen Fagg. in sufficient time for work sched- who advertised is also a former 9th Snuffy D-ejulius, Hqs. Div. Arty., The Faggs will be glad to dis- ules of the members to be ar­ man. He takes one look at Tony's can be found at 2525 Grand Con­ plav their new model at 113 N. ranged. 'Yin and you gues:::ed it, Tony is ·MITTELMANS ARE course in the Bronx, N. Y... Sam 18th St., ten days after the above NO USE TO BRING A DRINK now operating his Decon Art Sternlicht, 39th, B Co., of 1310 IN CALIFORNIA date. Agenoy in Manhattan because his Ave. U, Brooklyn, will sell you Call at this address for free Those who like to socialize over landlord was an ex-9th man. anything you need in insurance A Christmas greeting card fr()m cigars. a glass of foamy suds or on rare Something new every day ... former Joseph Mittel­ occasions take a wee sip o·f some- these days.... Attention, atten­ Kenneth H. Fagg, President. thing a bit more potent, will de- here is an offer that cannot be tion ..• Calling Captain George man I "Eight Stars to Victory" overlooked; If y,ou are ever near man: "Eight Stars to Victory" Nell Fagg, Production Mgr. rive considerable satisfaction fro111 Sthurtle somewh.ere in Nebraska: (Editor's Note: WO:1der if learning that Mike Puzak, the first 3')9 W. 37th St., stop in at Get­ 1227 38th Ave., San Francisco All your boys want you to know Ken knows that former Capt. secretary-treasurer the Ninth In­ zy Schiff's restaura'lt and you get they are asking about you and 22, Calif. a FREE CUP OF JAVA. Yes­ Kreible, the be'st medic the 60th fantry Division Association had, hope that you are okay and doing Joe, Edna (Mrs. Mittelman) ever had was for a long time is in the lucrative business If Getzy offers to any former Ninth well. •.. Harry L. Hammer, B and. little Linda are doing okay on the Union Hospital staff- . man a free cup of coffee-all of Btry., 60th FA, of 1563 55th St.t out there in the Golden Gate may still be the-re. His charm- dispensing alcoholic beverages m this in a newly redecorated at­ Pittsburgh. Brooklyn, says "Hello to all his Bridge citv. ing wife was likewise on the No doubt many of the members mosphere, so fancy that most of old buddies." -PITTSBURGH IN '49- his guests (reaches) have left for staff of the same hosnital.) especially former 39th men, will the coming season. -PITTSBURGH IN '49- 8 •. 9 Information Obtained -Pittsburgh In '49- feel a bit timid about partaking- Where, oh where is Wally Ralph Butcher a Frank Moore's Gold of Mike's hospitality and will in- Wolfson cries Jordan Bierman? ? Regarding the Death ·fe Thinks a sist on the little' Pollock accept­ Doc Gross is also having his hands Butter and Egg Man Of Ed Prothero Engrs. Star W. ing pay for his wares. But Mike full lately. Only the other week l ·story says "nOt a thousand times no.'t Doc had to spend all hiB time at Ralph H. Butcher sends a plea Lot of the H• So it looks like the drinks will be the local bar, just to catch up on for former 899th T.D. fellows to A recent issue of The Octofoil Pfc. Frank E. Moore served on the Great Puzak's Fouse. drop him a few lines to Rt. 2, c..rried a request from Wilton the 60th Regt. with distinction. Howdy Doody-(seems like his WOMEN WILL BE LAVISHLY television set went on the blink). Farmington, Wash. Ralph says he Taylor, Taft, Calif., for someone His charmin,: Gold Star wife, is getting along swell operating to submit any available informa­ Vivian, 509 S. Wooster St., Al­ ENTERTAINED Doc Seslowe is foaming at the t a farm with his dad and brothers. tion re'lative to the death of Ed­ gonat Iowa, writes a few lines to The most outstanding ladies n_outh. Doc claims that if Doc -Pittsburgh In '49-- Humphries doesn't answer soon, win Prothero, Co. A, 15th Engrs. The Octofoil, which read: auxiliary of not only the Ninth the old man is going to tear him GOTTA GIVE RIGHT Under date of May 10, 1948t I want to thank the Association Infantry Division Association, but limb from limb.••. Better an­ from Beaver Falls, Pa., Taylor· re­ for my copy of "8 Stars to Vic­ of any veterans' organization, ex­ swer him Doc Humphries as there DOPE TO GET THE ceived the following card from tory." It has given me a clear ists in Pittsburght and the girls is still plenty of life left in the David L. Prothero: picture of the part my husband will be batting 1.000 in their role old boy. OCTOFOIL REGULAR "Ed was killed in action Sept. took in the last war. He was with of hostesses to those members 6t 1944. They were trying to Col. Paddy Flint and his AAA-O who bring their wives, mcthers, Speaking of Doc's-most of John W. McClaren (known to cross the Meuse River when they Regiment, which is shown so much sisters or sweethearts. the guys at the last meeting re­ some of th-e old timers as Bibs­ met enemy fire. They had to re­ respect by the writer of "8 Stars m~mber Hotel rates and all other de­ the plague of "I Decline" to others it was Junior), writes treat but some were caught. Ed­ to Victory." These facts I never sired information will be avail­ from the Doc's. Incidently, Doctor from 12231 Matherson Ave., win, with some other men, vc1un­ knew before. The book is some­ able for the members within the Sternlicht will be Grand Marshal Cleveland Ohio, and admits it is teered to try to save some of thing I will always t1"(~a"ure. next few days. ' at the installation. His assistant his own fault he hadn't received tLeir buddies who they learned -PITTSBURGH IN '49- This fourth annual reunion of will be Doc Seslow, and his as­ recent issue of The Octofoil be­ later had either been killed or the greatest combination of com­ sistant will be Doc Gross. Posi­ cause he had changed addr-esses taken prisoner. He was hit by a Irval Riqqleman bat men ever to assembled will go tions are still available as assist­ without notifying Secretary Ting­ shell from an 88-mm. in the stom­ In West -down in history as the outgtand: ants to any honest hard working ley. Mc served his time with the ach and died before help got to ing event in 1949 on this North pfc.••• 9th as a part of Hq. Co. 1st Bn., him. If you would care for more Irval Riggleman, former Co. 'B, American continent within the Apology to Ted Martine; last 39th. He wants some of the old information I could send you the 60th man, is living in Mocrefleld, confines of ?11 veterans' organi7:a­ month he was called Fred Mari­ gang to writet especially Sgt. Tom address of a man who came to W. Va. lrv is another who praises Hons. Be there early and stay no. Honest, we didn't mean it. Donavan. Where is Tom, anyway? see us." "8 Stt:1's to Victory" late. FEBRUARY, 1949 THE OCTOFOIL Page Seven GREATER DETROIT CHAPTER MAKING Newell Anderson BERT COY WRITES James R. Thompson PLANS FOR ITS SECOND REUNION Back In Army LETTER FROM OLE By JOE T. CASEY, ing for three nice people to make Secretary Tingley's fil-es s?~w- MAN RIVER TOWN Has a New Address Secretary Greater Detroit, a donation so they can be se'llt ed New-ell W. Anderson as hvmg James R. Thompson has re­ cently moved from Crofton Ky 8621 Colfax, home rather than wait. in Kanapolis, N. C., the hometown Bert Coy is living at. 4200 Mc­ All Michigan members and of former Captain Cannon of B Pherson Ave., St. LOUIS 8, Mo., to ~.ortonsyille, Ky., Rt. 2.' • the'ir wives and families are plan­ When the Detroit "B I 0 0 d ~ants JIm- claIms "8 Stars to V· Co., 60th. But Andy advises he and to _hear from from his tory" was th IC ning to attend the Dance and Re­ Bank" has a balanee of 25 pints, has a new add.ress and it is now buddIes from 746th Tank Bn., C 1>0 k h e most interesting union, about the middle 0 March, any further eontributions to the Sgt. Newell W. Anderson, Co. E, Company. • o e . has ever read. He does at which the Ninth Division mo­ bank will go to the veterans (any 514th ABN Inf. Regt., 17th ABN T~e la? wntes a nice letter, en­ n~t want to miss any Octofoil~ vies will again be shown. branch of service) who are sweat­ Inf. Div., Camp Pickett, Va. Th€ clOSing hiS 1949 dues as well as n eIther. The "active member" drive is ing out operations and waiting in Sarge asks for some of the old- snapshot of Glenn Gearheart, KltJl 'till Smiling In Btds .f Whitt going strong, and new members the Dearborn Veterans Hospital. timers from Signal Co. to drop him Bexley, 0., Rt. 1; Joseph A. Th~- JOHN HANUSCIN are to be perg.o.n "l,y brought to It is a bit of a surprise to find a card now and then. cez, 117 Lackaw~nna Ave., 01I- the next meeting on the fil'\St Sun­ there are still many vetuans who -PITTSBURGH IN '49- phant, Pa., and himself. ATTENDS RITES day in February (the 6th), at 2 are putting' in time in a Veterans FORMER 9th MEDIC Bert say.s he is shaking all the Joht;- . Han~scin can be reached P. M. at 624 Brush St., in down­ Hospital for the sake of a few bushes, gomg up and down the by ~ntlllg hIm at Box 461, Rich­ town Detroit. pints of blood. The Red Cross LIVES IN FLORIDA ~anks of the Missippi River look- eyv~lle, Pa. In a letter written Detroit's group plans to form a helps when there is an emergen­ mg for new members and asks Christmas day John compliments "Blood Bank" for Michigan cy, such as a fire, etc. But, a Taking the liberty of extracting The Octofoil to let him know of both The Octofoil and the history members-one. pint in the bank, veteran whose operation is nor­ certain sentences from a personal anything he can do that will be But most impo.rtant, he wants t~ and you get all you need if the mally expected to require two (or letter sent to Secretary Tingley a help to the Association. hear from some of the 47th Can­ member (or his immediate fam­ seven maybe) is not quite an from a former 9th m-edic captain, Bert says he has read every non Co. ily) should ever need any. Some e' :rgency, since he can eat and none other than Otto "Hack" wo.rd in "Eight Sta:s to yictory" Hanuscin has returned to work veterans whose operation may re­ sleep, and wait a bit longer fer Hackradt, The Octofoilfeels such tWIce and really enJoyed It. for .a coal mining outfit. After that oneration. ge~tmg out of the service John quire three transfusions are wait- excerpts will bring back memories I to many former 9th men. Quoting' bUIlt a home, married and has three youngsters, two daughters from the lett-er: "I am staying at and a son. Kenneth Ray Liked PAYS 5 BUCKS FOR Frank Boscia's house, 752 N. W. 118 Stars to Victoryll OCTOFOll FOR SELF 18th St., Miami, Fla. H-e was one .0I,1 Nov. 28 William Gr;cgo of of the kids in my company who RICe s Landing, Pa., a former 39th ~an was giv-en final rites. From Elmira, N. Y., Kenny AND 0 N E OTHER went to O.C.S. shortly after Pearl Hanuscm says Bill's family -seem- Ray, 400 1-2 Sullivan St., is sing­ Harbor. \Ve spend many pleasant ed we'l~ pleased that so many for­ ing praises fo,r "Eight Ctars to The Association would have no hours talking over old times and mer Nmth men attended. Victory." difficulty in financing publishing have fought and refought the I -Pittsburgh In '490- Ray kills two birds with one and printing The Octofoil if there Carolina maneuvers many times. ll stone (or was it a can of C ra­ were othe,rs as interested in the Weare still going to the railheads Gets a IISang Out tions'!), by saying "The Octofoil Association as Mr. Paul Rekettye, and scrapping over the ration 1079 Mercer Ave., Akron, Ohio. Of Reading Octofoil is tops and so was every man in breakdown." ~arl In sending in a subscription for -PITTSBURGH IN '49- Hubbs, Box 109, La Jolla, Co. E of the 39th." He wants to CalIf., former 47th man is at­ hear from some of the old gang. The Octofoil in 1949 for himself Nick -PITISBURGH IN '49- and the ~,10ther of another Ninth Miele Sends te__ ding school at the University boy who lost his life while de­ Bronx Cheerto illl of Califqrnia and working for Un­ HOOSIER LAD WILL fending America's way of living, cle Sam in the summer with the SUBMIT CARTOONS Mr. Rekettye sent a check for $5. Former 9th Q.M. guys are on Forest and Park Service. Paul Rekettye is the father of the ball this month with letters to Living so far away he has been unable to atte'nd any of the con­ A former A. T. Co., 39th man, Tibby Rekettye, who was recent­ The Octofoil, Dominick Miele, 853 ly returned to his beloved coun­ ventions, but says he gets a big Henry Geisel, 117 1-2 W. Lexing­ South Boulevard, Bronx 59, N. Y., "bang" out of The Octofoil. . try for final burial. sends his greetings to all former ton Ave., Elkhart, Ind., has sub­ -Pittsburgh In '49- -Pittsburgh In '490- mitted some humorous cartoon Ninth men, advising he plans to see 'em in Pittsburgh. Former Ninth strips he has drawn in 11is spare Georgia Cracker Pictured above is Glenn Gear­ time. The ideas are. excellent­ Honor~d Un~le heart, Rt. 1, Bexley, 0.; Joe Man Prepares and with a little touching up they S': JACK-P'ELDRlfDGE Thacez, 117 Lackawanna Ave., will reproduce nicely for The Oc­ Oliphant, Pa., and Bert Coy, For Priesthood tofoil. In the very near future it Sam s Big Court BURIED IN OHIO Former Pfc. Gerald F. Rowan, is planned to publish some of 4200 McPherson Ave., St. Louis > Major Forrest F. Barefoot, 810 8, Mo. 9th Div. M. P., can be reached by Hank's art work. Mulberry St., Macon, Ga., was re­ Bill Mauser, 6632 Bliss Ave., -Pittsburgh In ·49- add.ressing him Br. John Dominic -PITISBURGH IN '49- cently transferred to that city. Cleveland, Ohio, former captain, Dominican House of Studies, Har~ Jeanne Finkle Is The major recently contacted. ex­ Btry. C, 84th F.A., advises The DICK BLAYOCK1S lem Ave. at Division St., River Sgt. Raymond King from his old Octofoil that on 1 December 1948 BOY A HOWLING Forest, Ill. He is studying fo,r the the Guilty Culprit outfit. 34th B.A. Bn. Accompany- final rites were held for 2nd Lt. Catholic Prie-sthood in the Domin­ Jack Eldridge, 84th F.A. Bn., in 8-MONTH FELLOW ican Order. Br. John says he en­ While rambling around Capt. ing the letter was a newspaper Aurora, Ohio. joys The Octofoil, is proud to be Bob Turner's baIliwick in the City clipping advising that Trammell Jack was killed in the bombing of Angels, snapping pictures ,)f F. Shi, another former 9th man, Dick Blaylock, former 47th lad, member of the Association. Being of St. Lo on 25 July 1944 while lives at 1207 N. 35th St., Rich- unable to attend Chapter meet­ bathing beauties Ted Matusik',; haG been appointed law clerk to on a forward observing post. bright colored shirts attracted the Judge Davis of the Middle District mond 23, Va. The Blaylocks baby ings, he doses the letter, "But I Bill says that Jack's parents is 8 months old. will remember the Association ,in attention of MiEs Jeanne. Finkle, of Georgia Federal Court. -Pittsburch In '490- wer-e grand about· the solemn oc­ They recently moved into a my prayers." 4252 Bronson, Los Angeles. Cal., Rog Despard.·ne casion. Five former 84th F.A. men new home. after Dick took time Thanks a million for the kind and she "mugged" old "Shirts" were pres-ent, and among those out to read his copy of the history. letter Br. John Dominic. himself for the photo used in the St t PIE Iy who travelw over 1,000 to make -PITISBURGH IN '49- -Pittsburch In '490- last issue of The Octofoil. Thanks, a r sans a r Jeanne. Roger V. Despardins, a former the trip were Frank Heberling and Georqe Cyphers Glad FEB. 9 TO BE A BIG Capt. Turner claims Jeanne is Go,rporal in Hq. Co., 9th ilves at Waldon Lewis. Oth-ers present tL~ character who inspired. the fa- 31 Chester St., Woonsocket, R. J. were Dr. R. J. Sating and Stev-e To Get Citation Dope DAY IN GEORGIA'S mons song, "Jeanne with the Looking- forward to seeing a Yovich. Ken Meyers, Akron, paid MU~ICIPALITY his respects to the family before Geor,g-e W. Cyphers, former B BIG Light Brown Hair." lot 0.£ old buddies in Pittsburgh, CO. 60th Pfc., writes from 1656 Walter J. VIctor, 580 Holder­ -Pittsburgh In '49-- Rog' closes his letter by paying a the funeral. . -Pittsburgh In '49- Lockwood Ave., East Cleveland ness St., S..W., Atlanta, Ga., sent :'.l Wants the real complim.ent to the history. ~ctof~II St .. -PITISBURGH IN '49- 12, Ohio. Naturally he likes the The a copy of a trade Identify Pill Pushers history, it was nice to refresh his ~agazme Jammed full of sh~)l·t Pictorial Book CDI. Steven Budrick memory of many localities he had J-okes the members would enJoy forgotten by nam", also to learn re~?ing. Taking the .copy to a In sending holiday greetings to 'Back In the States that B Co. 60th reeeived the unit MIlItary Order of Cootie conclave The Octofoil, all former Ninth Members who attended the Phil­ citation awarded the day he in East Liverpool, 0., topas3 men and relatives of deceased adelphia Reunion can not forget the Purple Heart. around, some culprit copped it- buddies, Wilton Taylor adds, that Cpl. Steven Budrick, a former G -Pittsbu.. s::-h In '49- now The Octofoil will have to his gre'atest wish is for all the fel­ Go., 47th man. He is the Joe who Where's Evrett Hyde wait un~i Walt ~an send next lows to flood The Octofoil with personally provided the gifb; th~.t month's Issue. In hIS letter he asks photographs for a better paper, were given to the Gold Star Moth­ Hiding Himself Now? that the following notice be and to keep thinking it over for er and Gold Star Father at the printed in this issue: a "Pictorial History of 8 Stars tn Reunion. Robert Ro~ers' address is Rt. 1, The Georgia Chapter of the 9th Victory." , Cpl. Budrick left the Hawaiian Box 356, Cheyenne, Wyo. Bob Infantry Division Assoeiation will Quoting from the letter: "I Islands last October. After being hold a dinner and dance at the dare y·ou fellows to send your ph;)­ wa", with the M.P.s. pushed around a bit he thinks for The lad enjoyed his history. He American Legion home on Pied­ tographs in. You'll get them a reasonable length of time a let­ mont Rd., Atlanta, on Feb. 9. back. The Ocwfoil and History is connected with the Continental ter addressed to him at this ad­ Oil Co., and wants the add.ress of Dinner will be served from 8 Committee have taken care of dr-ess will be delivered: Cpl. Steven Everett B. Hyde, who was in the to 9 p. m and the dance after­ a hundred or more I have sent in. Budrick, A. S. N. RA-6901607, same outfit. wards. The charge is $2.50 a "Let's have each member who 5025TH A.S.U., Fort Leaven­ -PITTSAUPGH IN '49- couple. writes in be sure to give his unit worth, Kansas. Contact Walter J. Victor, Sec­ address. Quite a few might not ri!­ Jun~ Is Throwing -Pittsbur3'b In '49-- Jerome Cosenza, 9th Meds., retary, at 580 Holderness St., nember who you are if you don't S.W., Atlanta, Ga., at ONCE­ identify y,our unit. Co. A, contributed the above Noodles Together GLENN HAWKINS picture made on a lonely road and pay 1949 dues. "Richard L. K<..nnon of Cres­ From 508 Colonial Ave., Nor­ -Pittsburgh In '49- ton, Iowa, is back in the service. GETS BAD BREAK in Germany. Cosenza lives at Glenn Hawkins, Rt. 1, Brink­ 316 Van Buren St., Newark 5, folk 7, Va.. John E. Jung. a for­ Cyril J. Guidry Doing His wife and children. have been mer 2nd Bn. 47th Anti-Tanke'!.. transferred to the European The­ haven, 0., a former 9th Medic N. J., and would like to hear from any of the buddies who v,'ants the gang to know he's still O.K. In Delta Country ater. Hiss address is Sgt. R, L. advises The Octofoil their home making oodles of noodles with the Kin Kennon, ASN 37111864, Co. was completely d.estroyed by fire recognize themselves. Cyril J. Guidry, former Co. C, -PITTSBURGH IN '49- Wah On & C)., Norfolk. 39th man, lives at 305 Washing­ H, 350th Inf., care P. M. New last year, nothing was saved. The earned the Purple Heart. York, APO 541. Dick was with sarge's m-edals wer d.estroyed-but Matusik Says 126th ton St., P aquemin.:-, La. Gy says Octofoil and the historv. He re­ "8 Stars to Victory" was well­ 1st PIt., M Co.• 47th. he got around to sendin,g- in his cently contacted Lt. Klitch, of -PITISBURGH IN '49- 1949 dues. That should make Ord. Men Big Help written. He should know, having wrie section, doing recruit work been with tllC Ninth from Fort YS IT a lot of Joes have red .faces. A Theodore Matusik, 2058 W. down in Norfolk. THE MAN SA fellow who suffers such a loss and Bragg until the war's end. 76th St., Chicago 20~ Ill., writes -PITTSAURGR IN '4CL- Since leaving the service he IS A GREAT BOOK still pays his dues is one in a mil- The Octofoil that he wants to see Former O.M.- Guys has married and they have two lion. The Octofoil, Secretary arrangements made for 126th Ord. kiddies, a boy and girl. He Alois E. Panfil, 1825 S. 18th Tingley and the other offic-ers doff men to get into the Association. Can Still IIProcure" wants to hear from the old gang. St., Milwaukee, Wis., formerly their hats to Glenn. Says Matusik, "after all those -Pittsburgh In '490- with the Division Band says in a Incidently, Secretary Tingley guys in the 126th helped main­ LeRoy F. Dreifus, a former WANTS CAL BRODO recent letter: "Have read "8 is helping this d.eserving lad to se­ tain our vehicles. They were in staff' sergeant in th-e 9th Q. M., Stars to Victory." It is truly a cure replaced metals for those he combat too. They were not rear writes Secretary Tingley he re­ OF NEW YORK CITY fine book." . lost in the fire. cently purchased a n-ew Plymouth -PITTSBURGH IN '49- -PITISBURGH IN '49- eschelon (Paris stationed). The David E. CI:-,rke, former Pfc. 126th has a legitimate complaint. automobile after only five days of in K Go., 60th is sending out an WANTS C CO. 47th GEN~ DEVERS SENDS T-ed has finally gotten his mem­ waiting. SOS for Cal Brodo. fo,rmerly of bership in Father Connors' Chow­ Please do not inquire of The the same outfit. Harold Beck's MEN AT REUNION SEASON GREETINGS der and Marching Club through Octofoil how these former Q.M. mother wants to hear from Cal In a short note dated 5 January the efforts of Joe McKenzie-and guys can go out and do these since Harold often spoke of him. Carl Pope, C Co., 47th writes 1949, addressed to Secretary is he a happy lad? things. It's a $64 question. Write Mrs. Charles P. Beck, 204 from 535 N. Queen St., Lancas­ Tingley, General Jacob L. Devers, Matusik claims he has a foxhole Roy mentions getting a letter W. Price St., Linden, N. J. Harold ter, Pa., asking that as many of Chief, Army Field Forces, has dug for himself as protection be­ from Bill Brathuhn, who was pret­ was in B Co., 60th. He was trans­ the old gang as possible should asked that every member of th-e cause he has seen fit to criticize ty well liked by the old gang be­ ferred. to the Third Div. and was be in Pittsburgh for the reunion. great Ninth Division be extended. "8 Stars to Victory," but hoe says caU2e he was a baker who con­ killed at Anzio. He is proud of the history as his wishes for a most successful the best policy is to call a "spade cocted dishes that seemed clear Dave lives a-l; 200 Montclair well as his copi-es of The Cetofoil. and Happy New Year. a spade." .-...-----.-. out of this world. Ave., Newark 4, N. J. 'ate Eight THE 0 C T 0 FO IL JANUARY. 1.49 ANOTHER INSTALMENT, P.O'.W.'S DIARY + ------_._--_.. _------RUMORS ARE FAST AND FURIOUS AS ~~~~l~s,T~~~ ~::sa:e ~?tfooi{~i~~a;~~.~ ROY STANTON IJoe Coppelino Wants TO DATE VIC WILL GO HOME -- BUT ward to being- liberated soon. An- SAYS DOLLARS News From 60th Men ....IG DAYS STILL AHEAD other good indication is that the C "-'" I .Joc'eoh Coppolino can be reac11- MANY TRY11-.. rumors are flying' thick and heavy. A ;,P~NT ~~ ~. 4~? ~f:l1;~:~~~tsA~~~r:I~~~~~ The tension here is growing by the RE WELL I PLANS HIS FIRST MEAL WHEN HE GETS TO MOM'S PAN­ hour. Roy J. Stanton. forme!' 3Dth from G Co.. 60th to send in let­ MILITARY FUNERAL man is living at Midland, Md. Roy tel'S to The Octofoil. Joe enjo::ed TRY; SWEET TOOTH IN NAZI GERMANY IS ONLY A April 17: They held a military y-rites a nice letter, explaining he ". Stars to Victory." '.7as a little late with 1949 dues, --Pittf:burgb I.. '490- GREAT BIG HEADACHE. funeral for the two British non­ coms who were shot to death in because on Nov. 10 a r.ew bahy Ed Brown Holding By VIC J. WOJTAS, their attempt to escape from Sta­ boy arrived. Last Christmas, in H . lag- 3-A. 1947, a little girl arrive10nford, Calif. Fort 1729 N. '","ood St., Chicago, Ill. Roy say~ he's ,Proud of the his- Edward Blown is living in Han- Only two more instalnlents of Vic's remarkable diary HEAR THE GUNS tory and ~Ives IllS new addrei's a3 ford, Calif. He showed a cousin are left for Octofoil readers, Then that day of days, the As I sit here and write, we can 415. "V,. Pme St. He also plans to of his "8 Stars to Victory.'" The hear the guns of the front lines, be 111 PItsburght. cousin, is Paul Mathias, Box 176, dream of months is realized-back in Mom's kitchen-be and every once in awhile planes 8ure and read the P.O.W,'s reaction when he reached his -Pittsburgh In '49-- Rodeo, Calif., Paul was with the come over, drop their load. It is 9th but was wounded before the home after all the months of dreaming. Continued from then when we see· billows of smoke Pearl Nickles Moves Association was formed. Now that where Vic's diary left off last issue: with some planes doing- quite a he knows about it he plans to join. . All kinds of rumors are going ------­ bit. of diving. I guess this action F r 0 m Columbus, O. -PITTSBURGH IN '49- the rounds as to wh-en we will is about nine miles southwest from A Cinema Club, composed or between six and nine pounds that Stalag 3-A. RumOI'S are flying­ Pearl ~ickles, former 39th lad, be bidding farewell to this place, he eats daily, isn't it? So you patients in th-e Veterans Adminis­ ; - . .' ;j' so, am looking thick and heavy, and we are all has moved to Akron to be near people can just imagine the shape tration hospital in Manhattan . '-'; forward to be- hoping- for the liberation of Stalag the Rekettye family. Octofoil Beach, New York, is producing a of our stomachs after eating the 3-A. If most of the rumors are ing on my way readers are all admirers of Paul documentary film depicting hos­ way. we have for two years. You true this should happen in the Rekettye, the father of Tibby, home s 0'0 n, can see the Red Cross Bulletin very near future. who was recently returned to Ak­ pital life. Volunteer workers very soon. tries to point out how well a Pris­ JENNIE "TRITES AGAIN ron for final burial rites. trained in motion pictur-e produc­ onerofWar gets along. What IS -PITTSBURGH IN '49- tion are helping with technical de­ WEATHER Received the fifty-first letter your opinion? My opinion is we're '49 DUES tails. WINDY from Jennie Depa, dated Dec. 5, PAY TODAY! existing' and that is all. I guess on April 17. (Ed.'s Note: Jennie The weather there is no Amel'ican who knows is now THE Mrs. Vic Wojtas.) here is vel' y the value of food, more so than APPLICATION BLANK we American Prisoners of War. LICE NOT SO BAD windy, wh i ch The lice !'lituation isn't so bad. gives us all an­ I'll never forget. Give the coupon below to a fellow-Dlember of the Division. LETTER FROM HOME I can only find 10 lice daily. other wo r l' y, In a letter dated Dec. 6. 1944, April 19: 1,500 British Prisoners Better yet, fill it out for the new member of The Association and living in tents. and written by Mary, she men­ of War 2rrived in Stalag 3-A yes­ then let him sign it in your presence. Remember !!! Every 'We had a few tioned the marriage of Genevieve terday. They were evacuated from member gets a new member in 1949. tents rip and to Kenny Caloud. Am very glad a prison camp around Lember~ in There are now two types of membership in the Nint'n Infantry Wojtas blow down, to to hear of their marriage, and my Poland. Here's their story: They Division Association: make conditions a little more mis­ only regret is that I couldn't be evacllated Lemberg- around Jan. da~Ts present at the wedding. 20, three thousand strong. They 1. By paying an initiation fee of five dOnal'S ($5.00) you will erable. Better are ahead, said thev walked from Jan. 20 to soon, I hope. ATTENDS MASS be entitl-ed to membership for the CUrreI}t year, ic;suance of a mem­ April 8 (Sunday): Attended April 18, covering 900 miles in bership card and lapel button and the monthly publication for one THEY'LL THINK HE'S "NUTS" Mass at Stalag- 3-A. Luckenwalde, three months. The atrocities men­ April 4: Germany. Mass held for Intention tionedwere men freezing- to death, year. This type of membership doe:s not entitle you to a copy of the Dear Mom, Pop and AU: You of 28 Comrades who were killed some of them starvini to death. Division History. You would have to purchase such at the time of will think I'm crazy when I get in an air raid in the town of Bran­ Some of them attempted to escape publication. home and start buy'ing preserves. denberg. Most Of those killed were and w~re 1"hot; others who could dried fruits, vegetables, fruit men of Furstenberg Stalag 3-B, not make the walk were shot and 2. By paying an initiation fee of ten dollars ($10.00) you will juices and mixed nuts in large who were taken to Brandenburg left beside the road. Three thou­ b-e entitled to all the ben-efits as stated above, plus a copy of the Di­ quantities. sand strollf~ when thev started out, Here is what the Germans fed after our evacuation. vision History, which we will mail to you. ANOTHER R.UMOR arriving in 3-A with half their Annual dues in the Association amount to three dollars and us . today: Three-fourths cup of April 12: There is a rumor go­ number. This was their story; 1I0UP, three thin slices of bread, ing' around camp that we will leave take it for what· you think it is fifty cents ($3.50) per year, which includes the cost of the monthly with a ration of margarine. This worth. (We thought we had it publication. has been our d~JY" ration since Stalag. 3-A soon. One of the ru­ mors is that we are goin~ to an rough on our eight-day evacuation March 20. The only ,exception was walk from 3-B.) Note: Make check or money order payable to the Secretary. two issues of potatoes which area around Munich. We're all Treasurer, The Ninth Infantry DiviaioD,A••oc:iation, P. O. Box 1704, amQunted to five small potatoes hoping that if we do move, the ANOTHER RAID Washington (13), D. C. . move is for the best, and not the yve witnessed another daylight per. man. Wondering whether the worst as it usually turns out. raId over Germany with our planes Enclosed herewith is $10.00 in check-money order (cross out Nazi heel is hurting more than we Friday 13: According to the ru­ flyin,g- a lot lower' than they usual­ one) to cover initiation fee for membership in the Ninth Infantry are. mors going- around camp I should ly do. There were nine waves that Division Association, of which amount sixty ($0.60) is for one year's RAINING be on my way home soon. If half come over with 36 planes to a subscription to "The Octofoil." This $10.00 initiation fee also entitles April weather, a driving rain­ me to a copy of the Division History. very windy and cold. the rumors are true I'll be satis­ wave. Where they dropped their I have a sweet tooth but it is fied. loads I didn't hear. Here's what HEARS OF FDR'S DEATH most of us can't understand: We not doing' me much good in the rumblin~ heart of Nazi Germany. So when Friday 13: We heard that our hear artillery and in dif­ (DATE) I get home' I'll have one of each: beloved President, Franklin Dela­ ferent directions from 3-A. Once My present address is: (Please print or typewrite,). Mars Bar, Milky Way, Three no Roosevelt, had died. On this in awhile fighter planes come over Bears. Snicker, Dr. I.Q.. Oh Hen­ day we were cut from a full Red to drop their loads, still we just ry, Butterfinger, Baby Ruth, Mr. Cross parcel to half a parcel per do not know where the front lines Name man. It's bad enough trying to are. LAST FIRST MIDDLE Good-Bar, Guest House, Power stretch a Red Cross parcel for a House, Bit 0' Honey, Tango. APRIL 21 week, and now it's just double April 21: A!:; r sit here and write I R.F.D. or Street _ Mounds, Charleston Chew. Chicken trouble for the duration of this Dinner, Pecan Roll, Hershey's Milk damn war. .. I can hear rifle, machine gun and I Chocolate, Tootsie Roll, Carmello, artillery fire, which means only City and State ------Dreams, Nu-Bar, Big Nick, Clark KILL PRISONERS one thing: Our day of liberation is Bar, Ole Nick, Butter Scotch, D­ April 14: Two Bdtish Air Corp drawing closer. Another indica­ Zone _ BaI', Ritter House, Malt Teaser, non-coms tried to escape from tion is the guards arol,md camp Tootsie Fruiti, Whizz Bang, Puff Stala~ 3-A today. One of them have left their post. The noise My address while with the Ninth Infantry Division Ball, Forever Yours, Frozen Mag- was killed instantly, and the other and excitement here is growin,! by was: . ic, Red Sails, Jumbo, Cowboy, Tof­ was seriously wounded. My opinion the hour. CHICAGO-HERE· I fee Bar, Peanut Brittle, Welch's is that it was a little too late in COME! Fudge Bar,· Five in One, Whiz, the game to try to escape. . (Be sure to read the next Rank and Name ._ ..-.- --_~ _ Sensation, Heat's Toffee, Walnet­ PLANES HIT- instalment of this Diary.) ta,. Pecan. Feast, Almond Treat, April 15: On the night of the -PITTSBURGH IN '49- Organization Pay Day, 19th Half, Walnut 14th at 10:30 P. M. Allied planes NO AMBITION Crush, Peca.n Pete, 25 Carat, Hol- hit the town of Potsdam, a suburb ow'ay's Caramel, Chocolate Mints, of Berlin. Since I've been in this An Infantry company was in Jolly Jack. game of war I have never heard training for combat, when one day Signature TRICKY FROGS or seen as much anti-air craft fire. a colonel made a surprise inspec­ R~commended by .__ In my two years as a Prisoner The searchlights amounted to ·35 tion. As he walked down the line, of War I found the French pris­ or 40 (fair guess). It seems to me he asked questions which the mC!l Enclosed herewith is $5.00 in check or money order (cross out oners the biggest collaborators, the Germans have concentrated answered properly. But, finally, one) to cover initiation fee for membership in the Ninth Infantry lIhylarks, pro-Nazi of any other their aircraft units in .the area he came to the last man in the Division Association, of which 'amount sixty cents ($0.60) is for a nationality in Germany. They al­ around 3-A, for their last defense rear ranks, the recruit the cap­ year's subscription to "The Octofoil." I understand that this initia­ ways seem to get into various of Berlin. Besides bombing the tion fee does NOT entitle me to a copy of the Division History. towns and cities, go out on hikes town of Potsdam, Allied planes tain had tried to hide from the and walk -unguarded. They have bombed targets South and South­ colonel. more food on hand than any other west of camp. For at least 20 mIn­ "Do you like the Army?" the nationality in the way of biscuit utes there was a continuous rum­ colonel asked. (DATE) bread, and cereals. When we were bling' of anti-aircraft guns, flashes, down and out, the French would flares, searchlights and then more "No!" the recruit answered. My present address is: (Please print or typewrite) : refuse us a cigarette butt. When rumbling and flashes. I really The .colonel opened his eyes we received Red Cross packages have to admit that the Germans wide, "And why not?" Name ------"Life is too hard!" '! they would be the first to bargain have a perfect air defense of the LAST FIRST MIDDLE with us. They get bread for two Berlin area. It takes a lot of guts "Why, son," the eolonel ex­ packages of cigarettes, and would for our boys to fly through it, plained. "Life is hard everywhere. R.F.D. or Street _ sell the same loaf of bread from SECOND BRITON DIES To succeed in life, you must be six to eight packs of smokes. In April 16: Second British non­ willing to do more than what the City and State_ just about all their dealings their com died a day after his attempt prices are tripled. My opinion is other man does. To become a gen­ to escape from Stalag 3-A. eral, you must be willing to get Zone _ that the French are German pro­ Here is something- I forgot to up at 5 :30 in the morning, work fessional shylarks, shysters and mention: It took place Thursday, My address while with the Ninth Infantry Division SUck holes. April 12, On this day the Germans all day at top speed until 10 :00 MORE FIGURING tried to move 1,400 British officers or 11 :00 at night. You must be was: April 6: Lyle Hetrick, Jack and 700 British non - coms from willing to work, world" The colo­ Rose, Al Hudy and myself figured Stalag 3-A to an area around Mu­ nel paused, then asked, "Do you Rank and Name. _ the amount of food we eat daily. nich. The British waited at th~ understand, son7" This includes German rations and railroad depot for two days, and .organization whatever we eat fr"om the Red then were sent back to 3-A. We For a moment, the recruit Cross parcel. It amounted to a heard later the Germans couldn't stared blankly at the colonel. little less than a pound of food per move the British because Allied Then. he said, "I don't care to (Si~ature). man daily. What does the average troops had control of part of the work hard. I only wish to be a man eat daily in civilian life 1. It's rai!r.oaq somewhere arou!!d M~- colonel."-By Jon Chinen. Recommended by_._••_:-__~-