European Trade Union Institute Bd du Roi Albert II, 5 1210 Brussels Belgium +32 (0)2 224 04 70
[email protected] Collective bargaining in Europe: towards an endgame Volume III Edited by Collective bargaining in Europe: Torsten Müller, Kurt Vandaele and Jeremy Waddington towards an endgame This book is one of four volumes that chart the development of collective bargaining since the year 2000 in the 28 EU Member States. Although collective bargaining is an integral part Volume III of the European social model, it does not sit easy with the dominant political and economic discourse in the EU. Advocates of the neoliberal policy agenda view collective bargaining III Volume — and trade unions as ‘rigidities’ in the labour market that restrict economic growth and impair entrepreneurship. Declaring their intention to achieve greater labour market flexibility Edited by and improve competitiveness, policymakers at national and European level have sought to Torsten Müller, Kurt Vandaele and Jeremy Waddington decentralise collective bargaining in order to limit its regulatory capacity. Clearly, collective bargaining systems are under pressure. These four volumes document how the institutions of collective bargaining have been removed, fundamentally altered or markedly narrowed in scope in all 28 EU Member States. However, there are also positive examples to be found. Some collective bargaining systems have proven more resilient than in Europe bargaining Collective Waddington and Jeremy Vandaele Kurt Müller, by Torsten Edited others in maintaining multi-employer bargaining arrangements. Based on the evidence presented in the country-focused chapters, the key policy issue addressed in this book is how the reduction of the importance of collective bargaining as a tool to jointly regulate the employment relationship can be reversed.