Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Dinosaur skeleton ANATOMY


The teacher uses pictures, Children listen to dinosaur Learning game: Find a books and an sounds (media). dinosaur like I have. encyclopaedia. Dinosaur Children have different skeleton demonstration, images of dinosaurs. The

years old years

3 appearance. Its body parts: teacher shows a picture and - head, body, paws, tails. asks kids to find the same 1,5 dinosaur. The teacher uses pictures, Children observe the Modelling: children make a books and an dinosaur skeleton (media), dinosaur skeleton using encyclopaedia. Compare listen to dinosaur sounds. plasticine (the puzzle,

human’s skeleton with The teacher explains how encyclopaedia, pictures of dinosaur skeleton, compare the skeleton was created: skeletons). Discussion (size, body parts: head, body, scientists found a skeleton appearance, colour, body paws and other body from underground, where it parts).

years old years


- parts). Assemble puzzles- had been for many years, 3 dinosaur skeleton. and put the skeleton together. The teacher answers to children's questions. The teacher with the The teacher describes body Handicraft: Dinosaur children explores the structures of different skeleton made from cotton encyclopaedia (dinosaur dinosaurs (predators, grass- buds. skeleton). A virtual tour to feeding, flying), their the palaeontology museum. characteristics. Children group dinosaurs Children assemble puzzles,

by size, nutrition, discussion with the teacher. movements. Find how the dinosaur skull

years old years

7 looks like (large-small).



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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Predators dinosaurs ANATOMY


The teacher demonstrates A game with small A wonder bag. There is a to the children small dinosaurs. If music is quiet, ball, a car, a doll, a cup and predator dinosaurs. They the dinosaurs will walk. If a dinosaur in the wonder observe body parts- head, music is loud, the bag. Find a dinosaur.

years old years

legs and teeth. The teacher dinosaurs will run.

3 - shows how the dinosaur

1,5 walks and runs.

The teacher shows a film Children tell a story about Children draw and colour a about dinosaurs. Children their dinosaurs. Children dinosaur, create a name for

compare dinosaur’s teeth listen to dinosaurs’ sounds it. Children assemble size with a size of their (internet, CD, a book). puzzles about dinosaurs. hand and a branch. Children play in a land of

years old years dinosaurs.




The teacher shows a film Children listen to Children assemble puzzles about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs dinosaur’s sounds (internet, about dinosaurs. The land have similar characteristics CD, a book). Children play of dinosaurs. Children have to predators: long back in a land of dinosaurs. to cut a top of a paper box. legs, small front legs, sharp Children tell a story about They colour a landscape in

teeth, strong clutches. their dinosaurs. it: sky, mountains and nature. Children glue paper mountains and trees to the

years old years box. It’s also possible to



5 use natural material. Children put handmade dinosaurs into the box: made from carton or paper, foam rubber and plastecine.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Types of dinosaurs ANATOMY


The teacher and kids look Listening to the dinosaur Children touch a toy-

at pictures of dinosaurs, sounds. Media. Game: The dinosaur. Drawing: finger observe dinosaur toys. The teacher says that today they paints. The teacher draws a teacher explains that there are flying dinosaurs. her or child’s hands. The are different types of Children imitate flying child adds eyes, teeth, tail

years old years

3 dinosaurs: flying, walking, (music) and horns on it (using - swimming, meat- and grass finger paints) 1,5 eating. Observation: body parts. The teacher and children The teacher speaks about Game with figures of observe pictures, books, an dinosaurs, explains. Game: dinosaurs.

encyclopaedia, rubber toys Which voice is the odd The teacher asks kids to (dinosaurs). Children one? group dinosaurs by colour compare dinosaurs with The teacher asks kids to (red, blue, yellow and other animals (elephants, listen to different sounds: green).

years old years


- crocodiles, giraffes, hippos, dinosaurs, guitar, birds, Drawing: Children draw a 3 whales), look at a poster. bells, ). Children will dinosaur using templates. Game: Think out your own name the odd one. dinosaur. (books help) The teacher and children Reading an encyclopaedia. Children group dinosaurs observe an encyclopaedia. Descriptions, poems and by their appearance, use Dinosaurs lay eggs. riddles about different pictures. Children compare Compare a chicken egg dinosaurs. Children listen skin of dinosaurs with

with a dinosaur egg (from to dinosaur sounds. Media different materials (touch cardboard). Compare is used. them). Children make a dinosaurs with snakes, dinosaur egg. A small crocodiles, lizards, rubber dinosaur is put into

years old years


- tortoises. Compare balloon, filled with water 5 dinosaur with people, five- and frozen. Children storeyed house, football defrost the eggs with salt. field and with a smallest Children put eggs into one- a cat. Media. Study water, where it melts. visit to the museum.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Prehistoric mammals ANATOMY


The teacher shows The teacher and children Drawing: there are pictures of small imitate animal movements: prehistoric mammals in prehistoric mammals. walking, running, swimming, the picture. Children Under the teacher’s flying. Game: The kids stand decorate the picture using

years old years direction children find and repeat words after the painting brushes (triangles,

3 - their head, legs, tails, teacher, move. Media. circles, squares)

1,5 eyes, nose, ears.

The teacher shows The teacher explains that Pairs of pictures. Children pictures of small different animals lived long cut the pairs out for a prehistoric mammals. time ago. They walked game. Game: Memo, Observe the slowly and heavily. Game: Domino. It is necessary to characteristics. Children heavy and slow walking, find the same in these

watch a cartoon „Ice Age“ raise arms up, squat, fast games, (there are a lot of running on a place) prehistoric mammals). swimming movements, feet Modelling: plasticine, pictures, books.

years old years The conversation with the stomping, flying movements,


- children: prehistoric on tiptoes strengthen hands). 3 mammals. Questions. Discussion: Where did they Children draw a go, no one knows, because background on a sheet of they became extinct. paper. (Paints, crayons, chalks)

The teacher shows books Discussion: Why did the Children assemble puzzles and pictures of prehistoric prehistoric mammals become (prehistoric mammals). mammals. Children watch extinct? Game: mammoths, Modelling: make your a film (media). Compare a elephants, dinosaurs ( and own animal, give a name.

mammoth with an walk) Children use natural elephant: similarities and materials and a differences. Children background (they have

years old years prepare a background already made). Later they


- paper. (Paints, crayons, create a museum from 5 chalks) these animals. Children write notes with their animal’s name, put the animal on the background.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: A job- palaeontologist ANATOMY


A teacher repeats parts of The teacher asks kids to do The teacher hides a rubber the body with children. warm-up exercises (guides toy dinosaur in sand. Under They are drawn on a paper it). Media is used. the teacher’s direction plate. The teacher pours children search for it. powder/bulk solids on it

years old years

and starts to clean it with a

3 - painting brush. The

1,5 teacher explains that scientists search for skeletons in that way. The teacher shows of The teacher tells the Game: Excavations. palaeontologists’ work, children, who is a Inside: Put pasta into children observe and tell palaeontologist - this is a semolina. Children can what they see. Scientists human-scientist who looks make a skeleton from them. clean the skeletons from for traces of animals, he is soil, sand, limestone, take smart and curious, explore Outside- dinosaur skeleton

years old years pictures of each discovery, remains of prehistoric is hidden in the sand.



3 cover with protective glue. animals. Children are trying to get it Animal skeletons are Study visit to the museum. using a shovel and a brush. assembled and placed in the museum. The teacher shows Game: „A museum“. Children are pictures, books and an Children are guides. They palaeontologists, draw a encyclopaedia (where speak about dinosaurs dinosaur, cover paper with palaeontologists are (body structure, appearance, wax and then with black searching for the remains nutrition, size, types). The ink. When the ink is dried, of dinosaurs). The teacher teacher helps them with they scrape the picture of a with kids observes and additional questions. dinosaur with a stick. discusses. Scientists clean Children listen to the big Children put the picture

years old years the skeletons from soil, and small dinosaurs sounds, into salty pastry, colour it.



5 sand, limestone, take guess if it is small or big. Game: Find the imprint of a pictures of each discovery, dinosaur. cover with protective glue. Animal skeletons are assembled and placed in the museum.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Flying dinosaurs ANATOMY


The teacher shows Flying dinosaur’s game. When A teacher prepares paper children small flying the music plays, children dinosaurs. Children decorate dinosaurs. They observe imitate the flying. When the the dinosaurs and fly them. their body parts- head, music stops, the children will

years old years

feet, tail, wings. The fly into the nests. Nests are

3 - teacher shows how the rings.

1,5 dinosaur .

Children consider books Moving game. Children imitate Game: In a foil pouch and about flying dinosaurs. the flying with musical the white paper. There is an The teacher speaks accompaniment. At the end of egg drawn on the foil pouch. (appearance). They the music the dinosaur catches Children glue the egg shells compare the lengths of them. Those children, who to the egg. The teacher has a

dinosaur’s outstretched were caught, are brought to his small dinosaur glued to a wings with their group nest. paper. While children are space, the house, the playing, teacher changes

years old years length of road (up to 15 things inside the foil pouch



3 m). Drawing: Children to the white paper with a draw and colour the small dinosaur on it. dinosaur using stencils. Observation-chat.

The teacher reads a book Moving game: The kids are Flying dinosaur puzzle about flying dinosaurs, dinosaurs. One of the players assembling. Test with an they look at the pictures. stays with his back. One child egg: put the egg into the

The teacher tells kids from dinosaurs makes a bottle. The bottle is heated about flying dinosaurs’ dinosaur’s noise. The child, from the inside. Then put features: a long tail, an who stayed with his back, has the cooked and peeled egg

years old years ability to fly, beak, long to guess who makes noises into the bottle. The egg will



5 wings, lightweight (that's the dinosaur). sink into the bottle. skeleton, lay eggs. The egg is as big as a ball.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: How did dinosaurs live? ANATOMY


The teacher uses toys Children listen to a The teacher draws a (dinosaurs), trees, bushes, dinosaur sound, repeat and dinosaur egg sand and creates a picture imitate it. (Nüktosaurus), children of a dinosaur life, explains colour it. Children play

years old years

that the dinosaurs lived in freely a game using

3 - these conditionals many headband with dinosaurs.

1,5 years ago. Nowadays there are no dinosaurs. The teacher shows books, Children listen to a Moving game: Find your pictures and an dinosaur sound, repeat and home. encyclopaedia, tells kids imitate it. There are clouds, water, that they lived a long time Game: ”Bring a dinosaur grass-food and meat on the

ago. Predators were the egg home” floor. Music. Children biggest dinosaurs, but the walk, fly and swim. When smallest were as a chicken the music is over children egg and ran quickly. will find their homes.

years old years


- Children assemble puzzles, Paper craft: Dinosaur life. 3 discuss (appearance, Use pictures of dinosaurs, colour, size). Game: A trees and grass (natural competition of dinosaurs. material) Toys (dinosaurs) and puppets. The teacher uses an Discussion: Why did the Handicraft: ”When did encyclopaedia. Discussion: dinosaurs become extinct? dinosaurs live?” children when did they live, Media is used. Listen to the cut dinosaurs out from appearance, size, nutrition. sounds of walking, magazines, glue them on The teacher explains that running, small and large their paper, speak about it some dinosaurs could not dinosaurs. Guess: small or (who, appearance, size,

years old years adapt to the changing large type).



5 conditions (lack of food, egg destruction, climate change), and that's why they died out.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher uses pictures The teacher demonstrates The teacher offers to play a and toys. The teacher how the dinosaur walks and game. Game: „A wonder

explains that dinosaurs runs. Children are bag“. The teacher uses a lived a long time ago. dinosaurs. Under the small bag and different Nowadays there are no teacher’s direction (musical toys. The teacher asks to dinosaurs in our life. accompaniment) children put a hand into the bag and

years old years

3 Dinosaurs were very big move according to the find the dinosaur out. - and strong. music tempo.


The teacher uses books, The teacher uses soft toys. The teacher offers kids to pictures and toys. Game: Compare the draw a dinosaur using Conversation-dinosaurs dinosaur with other animals Nüktosaurus. Media.

lived a long time ago. They (bear, fox, wolf, moose, Children speak about their no longer exist. Dinosaurs etc.). Children tell what drawings. are different: predators and colour is the dinosaurs,

years old years plant-eating. The teacher how many feet, how do


- explains that the dinosaurs they look like, the head, 3 were very large and their etc. teeth were a human’s arm length.

The teacher uses books, The teacher offers kids to The teacher with kids pictures. The teacher listen to the dinosaur’s prepares and plays Game: demonstrates a film using sounds. Children assemble media. Conversation- a puzzle (dinosaurs). They dinosaurs lived a long time name body parts, colours, a ago. They no longer exist. size etc.

years old years

Dinosaurs are different:

7 - predators and plant-eating

5 The teacher explains.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Grass-eating/herbivorous dinosaurs ANATOMY VISUAL AUDITORY KINESTHETIC

The teacher uses sample There are fruits and Finger paint. The teacher uses material about dinosaurs. vegetables on the table. stencils and draws a dinosaur. Explains that there are The teacher has a hungry Children draw grass, trees and herbivorous (grass-eating) dinosaur in her hand, leaves using finger paints. and carnivorous (meat- asks kids to bring a pear

years old years

eating) dinosaurs. The and a carrot to the

3 - teacher shows pictures of dinosaur. (media).

1,5 plant-eating dinosaurs. Children name food (colour, name, shape, size) The teacher has pictures of The teacher explains that Game: Feed a dinosaur. There dinosaurs, explains that grass-eating dinosaurs are dinosaurs with numbers on there are herbivorous had a long neck which the pictures. There is food on (grass-eating) and helped them to get the table. Children have to carnivorous (meat-eating) leaves from trees. The feed the dinosaurs according dinosaurs. Children answer teacher offers a game: to the exercise on the picture. to the questions (calm children walk on tiptoes grass-eating dinosaur, and try to get leaves

years old years meat-eating - predators: from a high tree.



3 size, body structure, appearance). Game: „Wonder bag“- there are different rubber toys in the bag. Children touch them and find dinosaurs. The teacher uses pictures Game: Confusion. Children draw a dinosaur and an encyclopaedia about The teacher reads according to the scheme and dinosaurs, explains that different facts about colour it. there are herbivorous dinosaurs, children have Modelling: Dinosaur (grass-eating) and to say, whether it is right The teacher draws a dinosaur carnivorous (meat-eating) or wrong. Game: Why (contour) on the paper, kids dinosaurs. Grass-eating do we need? The teacher cover it with plasticine.

years old years dinosaurs were calm, meat- asks the children: Why



5 eating – predators. Find the do the grass-eating dinosaur in the picture, talk dinosaurs have a long about it. Drawing: a neck, strong legs, flat dinosaur (template), colour teeth. Children discuss. it.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Water creatures/inhabitants ANATOMY


The teacher shows children Game: The teacher has the Aquarium. The teacher has the small water creatures. children wear vests (yellow, different fish cut from Toys or pictures. They red, blue), rings of the same paper. Children glue fish to observe their body parts- colour are on the floor. Mu- the blue paper. They draw head, tail, fins. The teacher sic. They make swimming bubbles (fish breathe) using

years old years shows how to move in the movements together. When pencils.

3 - water and the kids repeat the music stops they have to

1,5 after the teacher. find the home by the right colour.

The teacher uses books, Game: „Fishing“. Children Children colour different pictures of water catch a fish. The teacher sits pictures of the water in- inhabitants. Children learn behind the folding screen habitants, cut them out and from the book who are and puts something (a fish, glue on pictures of water

water creatures, who lived boots, plastic bags, a car, a taken from magazines. Test: million years ago. They cup) on a tip of a hook. swim or don’t swim. Items compare them with current Children discuss with the on a table: a branch, a stone,

years old years water inhabitants. Drawing: teacher where these things a foam-rubber, a wooden


- Under the teacher’s came from. toy, a ball, a pearl, a piece 3 direction they draw a of a plastic bag. Children background, waves, fishes put items into the water. etc. They observe what item swims or not.

A teacher shows pictures of Children listen to the sound Kids assemble puzzles (the the water in-habitants. of the ocean (media) Hand water inhabitants). Test with Discussion: what is in the movements (storm, calm) eggs. To pour water (half) picture, who lived a million Children play in a shadow into a jar, put the egg into

years ago? How were theatre (or a theatre using a the water (the egg sinks like animals evolved from water folding screen) with a stone). Mix the salt with creatures? „Ocean“ puzzle handmade water creatures. water (the egg rises to the

years old years assembling. Children speak Preparations: children draw surface. Pour in fresh water



5 about the picture of the their water creatures on a (the egg will float in the puzzle, what creatures, thick paper, cut out and glue middle) .Why did this plants, the colour of water onto the stylus to play in the happen? Salty water is etc. shadow theatre. denser than fresh water.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses dolls of The teacher explains that Under the teacher’s different colours and our body is covered by skin direction children watch explains that dolls have and demonstrates it on her and touch their skin, read different skin (white, skin. She asks kids to touch rhymes.

years old years

yellow and brown) The their skin. The teacher

3 - teacher show pictures with plays a hand game with

1,5 different skin colour children. people. The teacher uses pictures, The teacher explains that Under the teacher’s books. Explains that all our body is covered by skin direction children draw people are different. and demonstrates it on her pictures of different people There are pictures of skin. She asks kids to touch (different skin), draw a mak

people with different skin their skin. Under the on their faces. Roleplaying on the walls. Someone is teacher’s direction observe game: traffic in towns born with white skin, kids their skin with a (pedestrians, drivers) and a someone with yellow, but magnifying glass. The policeman (a child in a

years old years


some people have brown teacher plays a hand game policeman costume) stands – skin. with kids. in a centre and controls the

3 traffic. At the end of the game all the children can try to make their fingerprints.

The teacher uses pictures, Under the teacher’s Under the teacher’s books. Explains that direction kids observe their direction children observe humans’ body is covered skin with a magnifying their and friend’s skin with skin. People are glass. There are pictures of under a magnifying glass. different. Someone is born people with different skin Different skin types: haired,

with white skin, someone on the walls. The teacher hairless, rough. Knowledge with yellow, but someone and kids cover their hands of cold and hot, for has brown skin. The colour with colour and print them example, putting ice on the

years old years of the skin depends on one on a paper. After they skin or putting a hand into


- substance-melanin. Skin observe and analyse their the hot water. Roleplaying 5 protects us from cold, hands. game: A policeman. At the injuries and infections. end of the game all the children can try to make their fingerprints. (using black colour)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses dolls The teacher uses different Under the direction of the with different hair false hair. Children teacher children brush dolls’ colours and explains that observe, caress and brush hair. Roleplaying game: „Hair people like dolls have it. dresser“. The teacher is a different hair colours too The teacher and kids learn a hairdresser and kids are clients. (white, yellow, brown, poem ”I love my horse”- The children come to the

3 years old 3 years - black). the studying material is hairdresser’s and explain, what

1,5 play horses and combs. hairstyle they would like to get. The hairdresser makes a hairstyle. The teacher shows kids The teacher uses different Under the direction of the teacher pictures with different false hair. Children children brush dolls’ hair, braid hair colours. Children observe, caress and brush hair, make a hairstyle. compare their hair. it. Roleplaying game: „Hairdresser

There are different Children put the false hair “The child is a hairdresser and pictures with different on their heads and look in a kids are clients. The children hair colours on the walls. mirror. Children tell the come to the hairdresser’s and Children name and teacher if they like the explain, what hairstyle they

years old years

5 explain what they see in a colour or not. would like to get. The child-


3 picture. hairdresser makes a hairstyle. (Studying material- an apron, combs, scissors, different bottles, hairdryer.

The teacher shows hair The teacher uses different Under the direction of the with different colour and false fair. Children observe, teacher children brush dolls’ length. Our hair is like caress and brush it. hair, braid hair, make a hairstyle. plants that need water Children put the false hair Roleplaying game: and nutrition. Hair roots on their heads and look in a „Hairdresser“ The child is a are under the skin in mirror. Children tell the hairdresser and other kids are small bags, what is teacher if they like the clients. The children come to the hydrated by blood. This colour or not. hairdresser’s and explain, what

years old years puts our hair to grow. Children describe each hairstyle they would like to get.



5 The teacher asks to look other’s false hair. The The child-hairdresser makes a in a mirror, the child teacher helps with hairstyle. Game: „Wash doll’s describes his/her hair and additional questions. head“. The child chooses a doll compares with another and washes its head. (a bowl kid’s hair. with water, shampoo or soap, a Hair is thin and thick comb, a towel)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher asks to have a The teacher knocks at the The teacher uses a game: look on hands and fingers. table using his/her nails and colours nails with gouache. The teacher explains where the children repeat after A game: there is a hairy the nails are. her/him. material on the wall.

3 years old 3 years A game: there is a hairy Children crab like a cat. - material on the wall. 1,5 Children crab like a cat. The teacher asks to have a The teacher asks kids to The teacher uses a game: look on hands and fingers. knock at the table using their the child draws his/her hand The teacher explains where nails and to listen to the and colours nails with the nails are. Children sound. It’s possible to knock gouache. observe their nails under the in a rhyme.

years old years magnifying glass.



3 The teacher explains how the nails grow. Nails can be short and long. The teacher asks to have a The teacher asks kids to The teacher uses a game: look on hands and fingers. knock at the table using their the child draws his/her hand The teacher explains where nails and to listen to the and colours nails with the nails are. Children sound. It’s possible to knock gouache. observe their nails under the in a rhyme. The game: „Nail magnifying glass. A game: under the teacher’s technician“- to massage and

The teacher explains how direction kids kick the balls colour. the nails grow. snapping their fingers. One child is a nail technician Nails can be short and long, and other kids are clients. soft and strong, and they The child comes to the nail

years old years


- have the property to technician’s and describes, 5 covered. what he/she’d like to do with nails, what picture would be drawn. The child-nail technician colour and massage nails. The teacher helps with additional questions.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses pictures The teacher demonstrates a The teacher puts a small piece and books. Describes how small bubble made from of plasticine on a kid’s hand. the blister forms (new shoes plasticine on a doll’s head- The teacher colours the kid’s pinch). Ouch, it hurts. this is a blister and this hand and make a print on a place hurts. big paper. The teacher

3 years old 3 years - describes that the place with a

1,5 bubble is a blister. This place hurts. The teacher uses pictures The teacher describes that Game: Where is blister? (The and books. Describes how blisters are different- some teacher uses a big doll and the blister forms (new shoes are dry and some are wet. makes a small bubble or a pinch. Ouch, it hurts. Skin Blisters occur on legs and blister on her feet or arm).

reacts and blister forms. hands. The teacher asks Children close their eyes and This is when water kids to observe their hands try to guess where the blister accumulates under the skin). and to answer additional is. The teacher prepares leg To show on a doll examples questions: is this a blister or models from a paper. Under

years old years


- where blisters can form. not? Children tell teacher the teacher’s direction 3 what they see. The teacher children put a piece of puts a small piece of plasticine on the legs and plasticine on a kid’s hand colour it. Children make and tells that this place footprints on a big paper. hurts - this is the blister. The teacher uses pictures The teacher describes that The teacher plays a game and books. Describes how blisters are different- some with kids: Where is blister? the blister forms (new shoes are dry and some are wet. (The teacher uses a big doll pinch. Ouch, it hurts. Skin Blisters occur on legs and and makes a small bubble or reacts and blister forms. It’s hands.The teacher asks kids a blister on her feet or arm).

enough to change the shoes, to observe their hands and Children close their eyes and to clean an injured place and to answer additional touch the doll and try to guess sometimes to pick the blister questions: is this a blister or where the blister is. to let the watery fluid out). not? Children tell teacher Put the plaster on the injured

years old years


- To show on a doll example what they see. place. The teacher prepares 5 where blisters can form. The teacher puts a small leg models from a paper. Both children and grown- piece of plasticine on a Under the teacher’s direction ups have blisters. Children kid’s hand and tells that this children put a piece of have blisters mostly on their is not comfortable and this plasticine on the legs and feet, but grown-ups have place hurts - this is the colour it. Children make also on hands. blister. footprints on a big paper.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher puts two toys on The teacher uses a real cat The teacher uses a cone, a a table: rubber and stuffed and asks children to stroke stone and grass. A game: toys. the cat. What do you hear? If close eyes and guess, what is Under the direction of the you stroke the cat it purrs. this?

old teacher children touch the A game: Wonder bag. toys and describe what they The teacher uses a bag with feel. animals covered with

3 years - different materials. A child

1,5 puts his/her hand into the bag and takes the animal out. The child describes it: is it hairy or hairless, prickly etc. The teacher puts different The teacher uses a real cat A game: Wonder bag fruits and vegetables on a and asks children to stroke The teacher uses a bag with table: children touch and the cat. What do you hear? If animals covered with

describe a colour, a shape you stroke the cat it purrs. different materials. A child and a size. The teacher asks It’s not allowed to pull cat’s puts his/her hand into the guiding questions: What do tail because it’s painful. The bag and takes the animal out. you feel? (hairless, cat becomes angry and starts The child describes it: is it

years old years


- dry(rough), hairy, size, cold, mewling. hairy or hairless, prickly etc. 3 warm, dry etc). Activity game: „Blind man’s buff“- eyes are closed and the kid catches and guesses who is this. The teacher puts different The teacher uses a real cat A game: Wonder bag fruits and vegetables on a and asks children to stroke The teacher uses a bag with table: children touch and the cat. What do you hear? If animals covered with describe a colour, a shape you stroke the cat it purrs. different materials. A child

and a size. The teacher asks Children pull their hair, and puts his/her hand into the guiding questions: What do reflexively comes “Ouch”. bag and takes the animal out. you feel? (hairless, The child describes it: is it dry(rough), hairy, size, cold, hairy or hairless, prickly etc.

years old years


- warm, dry etc). Activity game: „Blind man’s 5 The teacher explains that our buff“- eyes are closed and skin feels pain too, asks to the kid catches and guesses pinch themselves. who is this (the child names kid’s name and surname)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher uses a fan Game: the teacher is in the The teacher gives towels to and fans in front of centre and kids around him/her. kids. Children make different him/her and towards the The teacher pans with scarf movements (wave in front of kids. The teacher around making wind. Then asks them, turn around and old describes that if wind kids to fan using scarf too. undigested running with blows our eyes will close The teacher gives kids towels. towels. The teacher does automatically. They run with towels in circles everything with kids.

3 years 3 years - and turn around with musical A game: Kids tickle each

1,5 accompaniment. other. Their mood changes and children start laughing (this is a reflex).

The teacher explains that Game: Children stand in front The teacher asks to look at hair on our body rear up of each other. One child using the light or the sun. What like on frightened different sounds and happen with your eyes- animals. Our skin reacts movements tries to make automatically eyes start to cold and fear. This is a another child’s eyes blink- blinking- this is reflex. reflex. reflex. Game: Kids tickle each Game: Children stand in

ears old ears

y Muscles with a humorous other. Their mood changes and front of each other. One



3 name-hairrearers-shrink children start laughing (this is a child using different sounds automatically together reflex). and movements tries to under the hair. make another child’s eyes blink- reflex. Media. The teacher explains that A game: Children stand in front The teacher asks to look at hair on our body rear up of each other. One child using the light or the sun. What like on frightened different sounds and happen with your eyes-

animals. Our skin reacts movements tries to make automatically eyes start to cold and fear. This is a another child’s eyes blink- blinking- this is reflex. reflex. Muscles with a reflex. To check the knee-jerk humorous name- The teacher explains that reflex under the direction of

years old years


- hairrearers-shrink people wink eyes automatically the teacher. 5 automatically together if somebody fans a fan. To give A game: Kids tickle each under the hair. children a try to use a fan. other. Their mood changes and children start laughing (this is a reflex).

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher demonstrates a Children hug a doll and A game: Caress a doll and blue colour and explains that dance with dolls (squat put it sleep. The teacher tells skin becomes blue if it hurts. together, hug, rock to sleep) that doll’s leg hurts. The She demonstrates how the teacher demonstrates how to

3 years old 3 years

- bruise looks like on a doll. put it in bed and sing a

1,5 lullaby. The teacher explains to kids If the human falls or bumps A place, where bruise was that pinching skin or she/he automatically shouts formed, is painful with a bumping a knee form a because of pain Ai-Ai- Ai blue spot on the skin. bruise. At the beginning the The teacher and children The teacher and children bruise is dark blue, later make a human model. make a human model. becomes lighter and at the Children draw eyes, mouth Children draw eyes, mouth

years old years end it’s yellow. It means, etc. Children draw bruises etc. Children draw bruises



3 that bruise is healing up. using blue colour on a using blue colour on a model- these are bruises, the model- these are bruises, the bruise hurts and looks like bruise hurts and looks like this. this. If we hit ourselves blood- If the human falls or bumps The teacher explains that if a vessels, where blood she/he automatically shouts child touches the bruise or circulates, can be ripped. because of pain Ai-Ai- Ai the bump it will hurt.

The blood flows under the The teacher teaches kids to Children play a moving skin and the bruise is make a human model. game with models „Catch formed. If we hit our head, Children cut it from paper, me“- the teacher runs with what is stronger, blood- draw eyes, nose and put kids and catches them.

years old years


- vessels will start blooding clothes. Children imitate falling and 5 too, but under the skin it will draw bruises on a model in create a bubble and a bump the places where they fell on the head will be formed. on. This is a bruise.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows The teacher offers kids to The teacher and children play a pictures where kids run play a moving game: ”Who game: ”Drivers”- children run and explains that if is the first in a house”- kids around imitating a steering people run they sweat. run 3-4 times and the teacher wheel that they use. Energetic touches kids’ heads and tells: music plays during the game

years old years ”Oh, you are so sweaty and (using media). The teacher

3 - offers kids to sit and relax. touches kids’ heads and tells:

1,5 ”Oh, you are so sweaty and offers kids to relax on a carpet.

If it’s hot outside and a Game: ”Who is the first in a Having physical activities child is running he will house”- kids run 3-4 times children run and start sweating. sweat. Water drops are and the teacher touches kids’ Spritz water using a hand on formed on the skin and heads and tells: ”Oh, you are the skin. These drops are the the body becomes wet. so sweat and offers kids to sit same as a sweat or and relax.The teacher offers perspiration. to touch their heads and asks: The teacher explains that are you tired and sweaty? If putting on a warm hat in the

years old years kids answer no, the teacher summer hot weather the kid’s



3 will ask them to run again. head will become wet or sweat. After this game touches children’s heads and answers that their heads are wet. The teacher explains that being wet means to sweat. The temperature of the Having physical activities human’s body is about children run and start sweating. 37C. If it’s too hot Spritz water using a hand on outside or if we overwork the skin. These drops are the the temperature will same as a sweat or increase. In that case our perspiration. The teacher body has to reduce it: the explains that putting a warm

years old years body produces small hat in the summer hot weather



5 water drops that cools us. the kid’s head will become wet This is perspiration or or sweat. The teacher advises sweat. parents to visit a sauna steam room. The child can feel what is hot and to sweat.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows an The teacher prepares a doll Children touch and stroke umbilicus or a belly button model. Under the teacher’s their belly buttons. on the doll and asks children direction kids draw a belly A game: ”Where is my belly to find it on their bodies. button on it. Children spell button?” (Children show their The teacher uses pictures the word belly button with belly buttons and after hide it

years old years and toys, explains what the teacher’s help. The teacher under the blouse). Under the

3 - belly button is. and kids dance a chick’s teacher’s direction children

1,5 dance (music). repeat the game many times. The teacher and kids dance a chick’s dance (music) The teacher shows an The teacher and kids dance The teacher draws a doll with umbilicus or a belly button a chick’s dance (music). kids, after the children draw a on the doll and asks children Children have prepared belly button on the doll. A

to find it on their bodies, boys and girls in their game: ”Put the doll in uses pictures. Children spell hands. clothes”(Studying material- the word belly button with Drawing: ”Put your boy or carton, paper, pencils and teacher’s help. The teacher girl in clothes by the paints)

years old years


- prepares a doll model. weather conditionals” with Modelling ”Put a doll in 3 Under the teacher’s musical accompaniment clothes” (studying material- direction draw kids a belly plasticine, a modelling knife button on it using colour and a stick) pencils. The teacher shows an The teacher uses different The teacher with kids draws umbilicus or a belly button body parts like a head, eyes, a mouth and a nose on a on the doll and asks children hands and legs for a model, doll, after the children draw a to find it on their bodies. offers to create a human belly button on the doll. In the mother’s stomach a from these body parts. Afterwards they cut it off. mother and a baby are Children create a doll using A game: ”Put the doll in

connected with an umbilical a model, cut it out. The clothes considering weather cord. The baby gets food teacher offers kids to draw conditions”(Studying material- and oxygen , that is needed clothes to hide a belly carton, paper, pencils and

years old years for his development, by an button. The teacher offers paints).


- umbilical cord. After the children to talk about it, The teacher offers children to 5 birth there is no need of an their emotions. Children talk about what they’ve done, umbilical cord and a doctor name those, whose work is their emotions. Children mark cuts it. After that only done better and who need each other’s work and name umbilicus or a belly button to be more attentive and those, whose work is done can be observed. active. better and who need to be more attentive and active.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows dolls The teacher uses a song „A The teacher offers children to and pictures- with a white lion and a turtle“ and a put on sunglasses and to look and brown body. picture of a sun on a wall at the sun. Afterwards to (made from paper or repeat without sunglasses. clothes). The teacher gives The teacher explains that

years old years children sunglasses- the sunglasses on the eyes are

3 - children look into the carpet protective and casual. The

1,5 imitating sunbathing and teacher offers kids to look sing: la la la around and describe how things around them look like. The teacher uses different The teacher asks kids to draw The teacher offers children to pictures and books. a picture, where are the sun put on sunglasses in order to Children describe what and sunglasses. Children protect their eyes from they see. Rays of light can explain the need of the pinching. burn us. If we are on the sunglasses and how they To protect the skin and keep seaside or in the mountains protect people. it healthy being in sun people

years old years and don’t protect our skin The teacher uses a song „A use protective creams.



3 with specific creams, our lion and a turtle.“ Children use specific kids’ skin will become red and cream. start pinching. This is sunburn. The teacher uses different Creative work: „The sun and The teachers offers children pictures and books. sunglasses“. The teacher to put on sunglasses, explains Children describe what offers kids to choose a that sunglasses are like a they see. creative work they want to protective shell. Their toned

Rays of light can burn us. do (gluing, drawing or glasses have filters that If we are on the seaside or modelling) Children create a obstruct the light to get into in the mountains and don’t work. The teacher offers the eyes and to pinch. protect our skin with children to talk about their To protect the skin and keep

years old years


- specific creams, our skin works and emotions. it healthy people use 5 will become red and start Children mark each other’s protective creams being in the pinching. This is sunburn. work and name those, whose sun. Children use specific Also skin burn can form work is done better and who kids’ cream. after careless use of need to be more attentive and matches. active. Media

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows a The teacher explains kids that The teacher uses a toy skeleton (can use an the skeleton is not an alive skeleton. Children can skeleton model or a creature. It’s possible to take it touch and observe how the

toy), the teacher shows apart and to count body parts: 2 parts of the skeleton move. kids where are head, legs, 2 hands, one head. Under the teacher’s hands and legs). Modelling: children model a direction children make round head, hands and legs are movements using hands

years old years


- sticks. The teacher and kids and legs. A game: The model a backbone like a stick teacher with kids walk

1,5 and put it on the base. It looks around in a room and move like a skeleton. their hands (with musical accompaniment)

The teacher shows a The teacher uses a big skeleton The teacher uses a big skeleton (can use an model. The teacher tells skeleton model. Under the skeleton model or a children that the skeleton isn’t teacher’s direction children toy), the teacher shows an alive creature. It’s possible can try to move the head, kids how the skeleton to take it apart and to count knees, elbows, hands, arms, looks like, what parts it body parts: 2 legs, 2 hands, one legs. The skeleton can be consists of- a skull, a head. The teacher offers kids to moved to another place or

years old years

chest, hands, feet). model: children model a round put flat.


– To demonstrate that the head, hands and legs are sticks.

3 skeleton isn’t a real The teacher and kids model a creature. backbone like a stick and put it on the base. It looks like a skeleton.

An illustrative The teacher uses a big skeleton The teacher uses a big material- a skeleton, model - the teacher introduces skeleton model- the teacher pictures about the sounds arising from moving introduces sounds arising skeleton and it parts. body parts. The teacher tells from moving body parts. To demonstrate that the children that the skeleton isn’t Children can try to move

skeleton isn’t a real an alive creature. It’s possible the head, knees, elbows, creature, what parts it to take it apart and to count hands, legs. Where is the consists of- a skull, a body parts: 2 legs, 2 hands, one backbone. The skeleton can chest, to count how head. Children model a round be moved to another place

years old years

7 many ribs there are, head, a backbone (long), hands or put flat. Under the


5 arms, hands, feet.The (medium) with fingers and legs teacher’s direction children skull consists of 22 (long) with toes like sticks.The make a skeleton model bones. teacher and kids put it on the from cardboard. base. It looks like a skeleton

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows a doll- The teacher uses The teacher creates a doll- marionette and dramatization with musical marionette. Children can demonstrates that arms and accompaniment. Children try to create a puppet show. legs can be moved with move with dolls. Under the teacher’s

3 years old 3 years white strings. direction children do - exercises. 1,5 The teacher shows a doll- The teacher uses The teacher creates a doll- marionette and dramatization with musical marionette. Children observe demonstrates that arms and accompaniment. a skeleton. Under the

legs can be moved with teacher’s direction children white strings. Illustrations do exercises.The teacher that contain pictures of a teaches body parts. tendon. Tendons are like

years old years


- white strings that are 3 attached on the bones. They help us to move our body, they keep bones together. It’s possible to use The teacher uses The teacher creates a doll- anatomical model where dramatization with musical marionette using carton. children can see what the accompaniment. Children Children observe a skeleton. tendons are. can move doll’s body parts Under the teacher’s direction Tendons are like white according to the music: children do physical

years old years strings that are attached on slowly or fast. exercises using hands and



5 the bones. They help us to feet. move our body, they keep bones together.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher demonstrates, The teacher makes different Under the teacher’s where the muscles are on movements with musical direction children squat. his/her body- on hands, accompaniment: jumping The teacher explains that legs and crawling like animals. A muscles work while

3 years old 3 years game: „Bees“- children move squatting. It’s also possible - around and squat. to jump and crawl on a 1,5 carpet imitating animals. The teacher uses an The teacher makes different The teacher demonstrates anatomical model, where movements with musical how the meat looks like or children can see what the accompaniment: jumping the real fresh chicken. The

muscles are. and crawling like animals. teacher explains that if To demonstrate pictures A game: „Guess, what muscles work they will be of muscles and brawn. animal this is?“ (a bear, a strained. The teacher and A human moves using a rabbit, a wolf etc.)- kids squat together and

years old years


- muscular system. A brain coordination and movement boys show their muscles. 3 orders muscles to contract development. Skilful hands“- Tongue is a muscle too, can coordination, movement and play tongue games with hand sensibility kids (different exercises development. with a tongue) The teacher uses an The teacher makes different The teacher demonstrates anatomical model, where movements with musical how the meat looks like or children can see what the accompaniment: jumping the real fresh chicken. muscles are. and crawling like animals. Children can touch their To demonstrate pictures A game: „Guess, what muscles and see how they of muscles and brawn. animal is this?“ (a bear, a work when they squat, To describe what a rabbit, a wolf etc.)- children show their muscular system is. coordination and movement muscles. Muscles are big: A human moves using development. Under the the biggest muscles are in

years old years muscular system. A brain teacher’s direction kids do our buttock.



5 orders muscles to exercises with dumbbells- a Small: tongue is a muscle contract. game: „Show your muscles“ too, can play tongue games (children double one’s fist with kids (different and strain muscles, the exercises with a tongue). teacher touches kids’ muscles(strained and relaxed.)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses a head The teacher and children Under the teacher’s model and explains that we learn a small poem by direction children create a

have a place (a body organ) heart. model from foam-rubber in our head that helps us to (to make crinkles like a think and function. brain). To use media and pictures. To explain to children that

3 years old 3 years the biggest part of the brain - consists of water 1,5 (experiment- to put an example into the water and feel that it becomes wet) Illustrative materials are The teacher and children Under the teacher’s pictures, anatomical models learn a small poem by direction children create a and a small size cauliflower heart: ”Traffic” brain model from foam- or a walnut (they are Children read the poem by rubber (to make crinkles similar to brain structure). heart, and the teacher like a brain). Children can see how it explains that our brain To explain to children that

years old years looks like and where it is. works. the biggest part of the brain



3 To visit a museum. consists of water (experiment- to put an example into the water and feel that it becomes wet). Illustrative materials are The teacher plays a game Under the teacher’s pictures, anatomical models with children: tells orders direction children create a and a small size cauliflower and the child listens and brain model from foam- or a walnut (they are does it. rubber (to make crinkles similar to brain structure). Learning a poem by heart- like a brain). Children can see how big it this is the brain work too. To explain to children that is, how it looks like, where The teacher and children the biggest part of the brain it is. The brain is like a learn a small poem by consists of water

years old years conductor, it directs the full heart: ”Traffic” (experiment- to put an



5 body. There are two types Children read the poem by example into the water and of the brain- the brain (in heart, and the teacher feel that it becomes wet). the head) and the spinal explains that our brain Our brain gives orders to cord. works . our gestures and in that way comes smile or sadness.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher demonstrates To listen to the neighbour’s To listen to the neighbour’s on his/her body where the heartbeats with ears. heartbeats with ears. heart is. The teacher shows a doll or a heart shape

3 years old 3 years

- thing.

1,5 The teacher demonstrates To listen to the neighbour’s Under the teacher’s on his/her body where the heartbeat with ears directions children compare heart is. It’s possible to use (The teacher introduces the heartbeat before and a heart model. Illustrative how people listen to the after a physical activity). material. What is a heart? heart beats using a The teacher explains what The importance of the heart stethoscope). A roleplaying the heart is. Listen to and how it works. The game- a heart doctor heartbeats. teacher explains that our (cardiologist) The teacher heart is a muscle. It works guides a game: one child is

years old years automatically day and a doctor, other kids are



3 night. patients. The child comes to the doctor’s, points to the heart zone and complains about it. The doctor listens to heartbeats using a stethoscope and writes a recipe. The teacher demonstrates Listening to the heartbeat Under the teacher’s on his/her body where the with a stethoscope. The first directions children find a heart is. It’s possible to use try is when a child sits pulse on their hand and feel a heart model. It’s possible gently and the second after how the heartbeats during to use a video film where is ten squats. Comparing. The one minute (children count

demonstrated how the heart teacher asks kids to imitate heart beats before and after looks like, how it beats. heartbeats using drums. physical activities). The The teacher explains to The teacher guides a game: teacher explains what the kids that heart beats are one child is a doctor, other heart is. Listen to

years old years


- pulse (the place where it kids are patients. The child heartbeats. 5 is). The heart sends blood comes to the doctor’s, to a full body by pipy points to the heart zone and vessels. Some vessels are complains about it. The thin, some are thick – doctor listens to heartbeats arteries, veins. The thinnest using a stethoscope and are capillaries. writes a recipe.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



Studying material is a red Under the teacher’s The teacher uses a dish liquid. To demonstrate that direction children make red with red liquid and children blood is red and it is a fluid. liquid using water and red touch this fluid with colour. fingers- it’s liquid and A game: „Doctor“- The warm. teacher is a doctor and kids

3 years old 3 years - are patients. Children come

1,5 to the doctor’s and show the place which hurts. A nurse writes a recipe. The teacher uses a video as The teacher guides a game- The teacher uses a dish a studying material. one child is a doctor, other with red liquid and children Studying material is a red kids are patients. A child touch this fluid with liquid. To demonstrate that comes to the doctor’s and fingers- it’s liquid and blood is red and it is a fluid. shows a place what hurts. warm.

years old years It’s possible to use a drop The doctor listens and the



3 counter and to demonstrate nurse writes a recipe. how the blood circles in vessels. Studying material is a video The teacher guides a game- The teacher uses a model where human blood system one child is a doctor, other from cardboard that has a is shown. What happens if kids are patients. A child transparent hose on it. people injure skin? The comes to the doctor’s and Under the teacher’s blood circles in a full body. shows a place what hurts. direction children pour A heart beats and blood The doctor listens and the water with funnel into the

years old years circles in pipes, what are nurse writes a recipe. transparent hose.



5 vessels. Through the Children speak about their vessels our organs get illnesses, what they have oxygen and energy. already had.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



Studying materials are Children listen to the sound Children taste fruits. Sweet, fruits (a lemon, a grapefruit of sniffing. What sound is sour and bitter. and a banana). Teacher when the kid smells gives it to kids to smell it something- the kid inhales

3 years old 3 years

- and to see the colour. the smell.

1,5 The teacher puts different Children listen to the sound The teacher uses a guessing fruits on a table. Children of sniffing. What sound is game: ”What is edible and watch and smell, name the when the kid smells not” and ”What fruit is shape, temperature, is it flat something- the kid inhales this”. Kids touch the fruits

or rough, a colour. the smell. and say, what fruit is this, The teacher describes that what shape it has. Kids we feel a flavour through a taste the fruits and say, mouth and the smell what is sweet, sour or

years old years


- through a nose. bitter. 3 The teacher shows garlic and dill and gives children to smell it. A game: ”Hear-don’t hear” The teacher describes that Children listen to the sound The teacher shows a game: we feel the flavour through of sniffing. What sound is ”Hear-don’t hear”. Children mouth and the smell when the kid smells close and open their ears. A through nose. something- the kid inhales game with a mouth- taste

The teacher shows pictures the smell. and guess, what this is. with a nose and a mouth. There are four flavours on The teacher puts different the tongue- sour, sweet, fruits on a table. Children salty and bitter.

years old years


- watch and smell, name the The teacher shows dill, 5 shape, temperature, is it flat fumbles it and gives or rough, a colour. children to smell it. The teacher knifes garlic and gives children to smell it.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



Children look into friend’s Children can hear the The teacher plays a game mouth, what do they see- sounds of the digestive with children ”Happiness teeth, why do they need system result in a toilet. and sadness”, ”Being ill” teeth- to chew food. Children are on a peepot: ”Fruit game”. Children digestion gases come out taste sour and sweet fruits from the posterior and it is (for example pears, apples,

3 years old 3 years - called as farting. bananas, lemons, oranges

1,5 etc).

The teacher shows an Children can hear the Fruit game. Children eat

anatomical model. It’s sounds of the digestive sour and sweet fruits and possible to show a Power system result in a toilet. compare tastes. point presentation or a During the digestion gases Under the teacher’s picture and books, where a comes out from the direction children make a

years old years


- digestive system is shown, posterior and it is called as salad from healthy fruits 3 how it works, what parts it farting. and vegetables. consists of. The teacher shows an Children can hear the Fruit game. Children eat anatomical model. It’s sounds of the digestive sour and sweet fruits and possible to show a Power system result in a toilet. compare tastes.

point presentation or a During the digestion gases Under the teacher’s picture and books, where a comes out from the direction children make a digestive system is shown, posterior and it is called as salad from healthy fruits how it works, what parts it farting. and vegetables.

years old years


- consists of (stomach, When the stomach is empty 5 bowels, a colon) we can listen to the sound of urine in our bowel. It’s possible to listen it through ears or touch by hands.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



Under the teacher’s Teacher asks children to During the breathing the direction children can inhale through the mouth teacher asks to put a hand in

inhale and exhale. and a nose and to listen to front of the nose- what do Neighbours observe and the sound comes out. you feel? Children touch the tell, what they notice (chest A game: a train tour neighbour’s chest and see and shoulders move up and (quickly and slowly) how the chest moves.

years old years

3 down) Children are in pairs and - blow a feather. Those who 1,5 will blow further win A game: ”Feather blowing” and ”Play with your tummy” Anatomical model. Pictures The teacher demonstrates, Under the teacher’s direction with lungs, how they look how wind blows- strongly children blow a balloon and like, their functions. and loudly, quietly and for a demonstrate how the lungs

long time. Children repeat are filling with oxygen. after the teacher. A game: ”Inhalation Children make a circle and andexhalation” imitate trees, their hands are A game: ”Spike the ball”

years old years


- like branches. While wind is 3 blowing they move their hands- strong wind and quiet wind. The game goes with media. Anatomical model. Pictures It’s possible to listen to the The teacher gives balloons with lungs, how they look breathing using the to the children. Children try like, a colour, a place, their stethoscope (children can to inflate and deflate the functions. listen to each other). balloon. The teacher describes why Under the teacher’s direction Games: „Spike the ball“,

our body needs oxygen for kids blow into the water „Physical exercises with breathing. using straws and listen to the music“, „Wind and breeze“ People have two lungs that sounds that bubbles make. are like air pumps. Muscles

years old years


- put it working. During the 5 inhalation air gets to the lungs, where it is filtered. The blood gets the oxygen. During the inhalation we inhale the oxygen and exhale carbon.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



Under the teacher’s Children listen to how the The teacher plays a hand direction children clapping hands sounds loudly game with children: Where observe their hands, and quietly. Feeling the rhyme are our hands? (hide, show how many hands there with musical accompaniment and clap). Sewing game, are? Teacher helps kids (on knees, on a table, on a sewing buttons, clacks. to colour a hand with pillow etc). A game: Listen and Game: „Listen and clap your

years old years paint and to print it on clap your hands. Children sit on hands“ Children sit on the

3 - the paper. the floor, the teacher claps her floor, the teacher claps her

1,5 hands on the floor loudly and hands on the floor loudly and quietly in the air. Children clap quietly in the air. Children their hands after her with clap their hands after her with musical accompaniment. musical accompaniment Under the teacher’s Children listen to how the The teacher plays a hand direction children clapping hands sounds loudly game with children: Where observe their hands, and quietly. Feeling the rhyme are our hands? (hide, show how many hands there with musical accompaniment and clap). Children can write are? Teacher helps kids (on knees, on a table, on a (a name), draw (a hand and to colour a hand with pillow etc). A game: Listen and colour it). Game: „Listen and paint and to print it on clap your hands. Children sit on clap your hands“ Children sit

years old years the paper. the floor, the teacher claps her on the floor, the teacher claps



3 Children draw and hands on the floor loudly and her hands on the floor loudly compare: a small and a quietly in the air. Children clap and quietly in the air. big hand, one and two. their hands after her with Children clap their hands musical accompaniment. after her with musical accompaniment. Under the teacher’s Children listen to how the The teacher plays a hand direction children clapping hands sounds loudly game with children: Where observe their hands, and quietly. Teacher helps are our hands? (hide, show how many hands there children to clap and click their and clap). Children can write

are? Teacher helps kids hands Feeling the rhyme with (a name), draw (a hand and to print a hand on the musical accompaniment (on colour it). Knitting and paper. knees, on a table, on a pillow handicraft. Game: „Listen Children compare: a etc). Game: Listen and clap and clap your hands“

years old years


- small and a big hand, your hands. Children sit on the Children sit on the floor, the 5 one and two. floor, the teacher claps her teacher claps her hands on the hands on the floor loudly and floor loudly and quietly in the quietly in the air. Children clap air. Children clap their hands their hands after her. after her with musical accompaniment.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is a bud? BIOLOGY


The teacher brings The teacher guides a The teacher shows children branches with buds, moving game: shows parts tree branches with catkins demonstrates them, of plants and kids are doing and explains that if catkins displays images and gestures or movements fall off, the buds will come repeats seasons with kids according to agreements. out on these places. Paper (spring, summer, The root-children squat, craft - teacher has prepared autumn, winter). stem- stand up, leaves- put worksheets with chicks on

years old years

Explains that the buds hands on hips, flower- raise them. Children have to

3 - are bursting in early your hands over your head. make birds plumage using

1,5 spring after the catkins. hibernation in the winter, produce new shoots. Study visit to the yard. Wildlife observation. The teacher puts different Study visit to the yard, they The teacher brings parts of a tree on the table listen to the sound of trees, branches with buds on (leaf, twig, flower, catkin describe it (listening to the them. Children observe crackling). The teacher

etc.) children choose buds. them using a magnifying Game: form different reads riddles: swings, but glass, find differences. groups. Children form can’t move (a tree); it is Study visit to the park. groups according to main bare in winter, bright in Kids observe buds using a

years old years

summer (hardwood trees),

5 characteristics- leaves, magnifying glass. Paper

– flowers, catkins, branches. in summer and in winter craft: A branch with buds. 3 Drawing: A branch with I'm thorny (softwood (glue a branch on a colour buds (gouache). trees). Kids think about paper, glue buds). Test: Put what it could be. the branches into water and look at what happens.

The teacher uses pictures The teacher reads riddles: The teacher bring branches and books, puts different swings, but can’t move (a with buds on the. Children parts of a tree on the table tree); it is bare in winter, observe them using a (leaf, twig, flower, catkin bright in summer magnifying glass. Moving etc.) children choose buds, (hardwood trees), in game: „Find the right tree“

form different groups summer and in winter I'm (birch, spruce, pine, rowan, (leaves, flowers, catkins, thorny (softwood trees). maple, chestnut, oak tree). branches) and name the Kids think about what it Paper craft: A branch with could be. Children listen to

years old years parts of the tree. buds. (glue a branch on a

7 the media, accompanied by

- Discussion: What is a bud? colour paper, glue buds). 5 Drawing: Trees (gouache natural sounds (the trees Test: Put the branches into and crayons). swaying in the wind, water and look at what animals, the sound of the happens. sea, birds).

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is a leaf? BIOLOGY


The teacher brings dried Study visit to the yard The teacher asks children leaves of different plants, under a tree. The game is to touch leaves of trees near uses pictures, demonstrates played collectively the healthy path. Pays where leaves are on plants. "Rustling game." Children attention to the leaf surface: Game: Find the same. Kids run quietly, taking short soft and furry. Children can

years old years put the right tree next to its steps, gently moving touch, feel the difference.

3 - leaves. through the leaves. The Test: put branches into the

1,5 teacher asks to repeat: the water, look at what will rustling of the leaves. happen.

The teacher uses pictures Study visit to the yard Study visit to the park. and books, demonstrates under a tree. The game is Children touch leaves of different types/colours of played collectively different trees. The teacher leaves. Study visit to the "Rustling game." Children pays attention to the leaf park. Children observe run quietly, taking short surface and colour. leaves of different trees. steps, gently moving Children can touch, feel the Describe trees, when do the through the leaves. The difference, can compare leaves grow and become teacher asks: what did you various wild plants, leaf

years old years

colourful? Test: Put hear? Rustling? The thickness - the thickest, the

5 branches (birch, spruce, teacher asks to play „Silent thinnest and measure the

3 pine, rowan, maple, game“. "Silence of the length - longer, shorter. chestnut, oak tree) into game". Kids stay quietly Drawing: (printing water and observe what and motionless, listen to technique) leaf (put some will happen. how the wind moves the colour paints on the leaf, leaves, which sounds it put on the paper, press and creates. print)

The teacher uses pictures Study visit to the yard. The Learning game: „Plant and books, demonstrates teacher leads children to Wise“. The teacher leads that leaves are of different the aspen trees, asks to children to a park and asks colours and can grow in form a circle around the them to choose one leaf different places. Explains aspen and listen to the (trees, bushes, flowers, that the main purpose of sound of shaking leaves. grass, etc.) Children fold leaves is to get solar The teacher introduces the leaves in length then form a energy. Children say that specific characteristics of row in ascending order

years old years this tree, paying attention leaves are of different according to the length of


- to the unique feature - the

5 shapes and colours. Test: their leaves. Children name Put branches (birch, spruce, leaves move in calm plants of the leaves they pine, rowan, maple, weather. Paper craft: the have, describe shapes, chestnut, oak tree) into teaches has already surfaces and edges. The water and observe what prepared worksheets with teacher can help kids. will happen. different parts of the tree.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is the root? BIOLOGY


There are different The teacher asks children The teacher brings carrots, vegetables on a table: to taste carrots, beets, beets, radishes. Children carrots, beets, radishes. radishes. Children can touch them and compare:

Children observe coronal listen to the sound of eating big or small, long or short. roots. The teacher and crunching. Game: explains that roots help „What colour is this Drawing: „Draw a root to a plant to drink the water drawing?“ Children colour carrot“- draw lines.

years old years

3 pictures of beets and - and get food which is necessary for its growth. carrots using gouache

1,5 Test: Put carrots into paints. water, observe what will happen.

The teacher brings The teacher brings carrots, The teacher brings carrots, carrots, beets and beets, radishes. Children beets and radishes. Kids radishes. Children can listen to the sound of can touch coronal roots,

observe coronal roots. eating and crunching. their softness and strength Study visit to the tree Game: "Who is the fastest of the main root. Children which has roots on the slicer" Children are in two describe their feelings after ground. Discussion: What touching them. Drawing: a

years old years teams. Both teams cut

5 trees do you know? carrot, a beet, a radish. vegetables (on time). The – Describe leaves. Why

3 fastest team win. Other there are some roots on the children can listen to the ground? Test: Put carrots sound of cutting into water, observe what vegetables. will happen.

The teacher demonstrates The teacher brings carrots, The teacher brings carrots, roots using an beets, radishes. Children beets, onions and radishes. encyclopaedia, roots - it is can listen to the sound of Kids can touch coronal a hidden part of the plant eating and crunching. roots, their softness and which sticks the plant in Under the teacher’s strength of the main root. the ground and allows it to Children describe their direction children cut eat. The teacher brings vegetables, listening to the feelings after touching carrots, beets and radishes. sound of it. Game: them. Test: put an onion Children observe coronal Vegetables. Cucumbers into water, observe: roots

years old years roots. Study visit to the and stems arise.

7 and carrots are good, do

- 5 tree, which has roots on you know other the ground. vegetables? Kids name vegetables. The game can be repeated.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is a flower? BIOLOGY


The teacher uses pictures The teacher asks children Study visit to the yard. of flowering trees (cherry, to draw a flower (spiralling Children can see where the

chestnut, linden tree). from the inside out). flowers grow and touch Children and the teacher them. Game of colours: name them, describe the children guess the colour of colour of flowers, size. The a blossom.

years old years


- teacher has brought a flower of the chestnut, puts

1,5 it into water. Children observe how it blooms.

The teacher uses pictures The game "Thumbelina". Study visit to the yard of flowering trees (cherry, The children squat in a (blooming period of trees chestnut, linden tree). The circle, holding hands. One and flowers: cherry, teacher brings bluebells child is in a circle. Day- chestnut, linden tree, and dandelions, explains blossom breaks out. The dandelions). Children that the flowers are children rise up and take a observe blooming trees and bursting every year, and step toward. Hands raised, flowers, name trees and

years old years

this period of flowering is Thumbelina wakes up and flower, describe colours,

5 called bloom or runs between children. smell flowers. Guessing

3 florescence. The teacher Night (blossom shrinks), game: children will guess talks about stamens, which Thumbelina runs back into what trees and flower grow is an important part of the the circle and the other kids near their playschool. flower, and is fitted with are around her, all the the pollen. children squat.

The teacher shows pictures The teacher describes The teacher asks kids to of flowers and trees. There flowers, children will guess look at different are bluebells and tulips on them. The teacher brings flowers/blossoms. Children the table. Children observe mugs filled with soil. guess the flower. it. The teacher explains that Under the teacher’s directions children plant a

the flowers are bursting every year, and this period flower. The child writes his of flowering is called name on the mug and he bloom or florescence. will oversee his flower.

years old years

7 Stamens are an important


5 part of the flower, and is fitted with the pollen. Children observe pictures of different flowers. Analysis

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: How does a tree get food? BIOLOGY


A teacher shows children Study visit to the yard. The teacher asks kids to pictures of a tree as a Game „Parts of the tree“. touch soil and ground, whole, highlights its root Children stand in a row. If explains that this is the systems, as the plant feeds the teacher says „a tree table of trees. Roots attach by the root system, which trunk,“ all the children will trees to the ground. attaches the plant to the stand up straight. If the Drawing: colouring book.

years old years

ground. teacher says „tree Kids colour tree leaves

3 - branches“, kids will (finger paints).

1,5 straighten their arms up. If the teacher says „leaves“, kids will raise hands up and spread fingers out. The teacher shows pictures The teacher reads riddles The teacher asks kids to and book about trees, pays about trees: the tree, you touch soil and ground, attention to roots that helps can get a second nose from explains that this is the (maple); white candles food table of trees. Roots

tree to get necessary food and attach to the ground. attached to the branches in attach trees to the ground. The teacher asks kids to the spring months Guessing game: Study visit observe ground with a (chestnut). to the park. The teacher

years old years

Children guess together. takes pictures of trees and

5 magnifying glass, explains

– that this is the food table of Media. Listen to sounds of asks kids to find leaves by 3 trees. Roots attach trees to nature. the pictures. the ground. Paper craft: „A tree“ (using torn paper pieces)

The teacher shows pictures Test: The teacher brings The teacher asks kids to and book about trees, pays boxes filled with ground touch soil and ground, attention to roots what help and rooted onions. Every explains that this is the tree to get necessary food child can root one onion. food table of trees. Roots and attach to the ground. Observation and attach trees to the ground. discussion. Test: root onions and water Kids observe the ground with a magnifying glass Riddles: While it is frosty plants. and speak about it. Roots outside, I'm still bright, I Game: There number on attach trees to the ground. do not carry or lose leaves, the trees. Kids have a paper

years old years there are cones on the with numbers on it (like on 7 The teacher gives kids

- 5 rooted onions to observe. branches (pine); the tree, the trees). They search for you can get a second nose trees by their numbers and from (maple); white write trees on the paper. candles attached to the branches in the spring months (chestnut).

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: How can plants breathe? BIOLOGY


The teacher shows pictures Game: „Parts of the plant“. Study visit to the park. of plants, explains that Children stay in a row. If Children pick fallen plants breathe using leaves, the teacher says „stem“- chestnut, acorns (oak tree), which have tiny invisible children will stand up, cones (pine and fir tree), openings. They inhale air „leaves“- put hands on name them. Artwork: through the openings, hips. Media. Listening to Hedgehog and a horse. The

years old years oxygen (in the air) gives the sounds of nature. teacher shows that a

3 - them an energy to grow up. hedgehog can be made

1,5 Study visit to the yard with from the chestnuts, horses a magnifying glass. from acorns. Observation.

The teacher shows pictures Study visit to the yard. Study visit to the park. of plants. Discussion. Game: „Parts of the plant“. Children study, observe Plants breathe using leaves, Children stay in a row. If and touch different objects which have tiny invisible the teacher says „stem“- (acorns, fallen chestnuts, openings. They inhale air children will stand up, cones etc.) Under the through the openings, „leaves“- put hands on teacher’s direction children

years old years

oxygen (in the air) gives hips. Media. Listening to count them, measure

5 them an energy to grow up. the sounds of nature. according to size. Children

– 3 Game: A plant lotto. Play Handicraft: animals from can count, distinguish and and name plants, describe natural materials. name harvested in autumn them. chestnuts, acorns, pine, and fir cone.

The teacher shows pictures Game: „A phone“. The Study visit to the park. of plants. Children observe teacher whispers to a child Children pick plants, them with the teacher and the name of a tree. The flowers and blossoms for guess plants. Discussion. child whispers it to the next their future herbarium. Plants breathe using leaves, child. At the end of the They dry plants between

which have tiny invisible game the last child will say newspaper, then glue them openings. They inhale air this word in a loud voice. into their notebooks, write through the openings, The game can be repeated. titles and names, place of

years old years oxygen (in the air) gives picking. If the herbarium is



5 them an energy to grow up. ready, children will observe Test: planting parsley and and describe their work dill into the ground, together. observation.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: How to determine the age of a tree? BIOLOGY


A teacher demonstrates Children listen to the The teacher brings tree children tree logs. This is sounds of nature (media), logs. Children touch it, a piece of wood from the saw sounds. smell and sit on it. forest. It looks like a little Drawing: drawing circles

years old years stump, children can sit on on a sheet of paper with

3 - the stump- like a small finger (tree logs)

1,5 chair.

The teacher demonstrates Children listen to the The teacher brings tree children tree logs. This is sounds of nature (media), logs. Children touch it, a piece of wood from the saw sounds. smell and sit on it. Children

forest. It looks like a little compare different tree logs: stump, children can sit on age, smell, appearance. the stump- like a bench. Observe it with a

years old years Count the tree rings to magnifying glass.


– determine the age of a 3 tree. Game: find a stump, guess its age. Discussion.

The teacher tells children The teacher says that some The teacher asks kids to plants like trees grow very that a tree grows taller, but draw a 20 years old tree. also thicker. Every year the high. Children listen to the The teacher brings different trunk of the tree increases sounds of nature, saw tree logs. Children can by a few centimetres. One sounds. observe them and compare

years old years


- tree ring grows under the with their drawings. Whose 5 bark. Count tree rings and tree is the oldest. determine its age.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is a resin? BIOLOGY


A teacher shows pictures The teacher brings resins, The teacher asks kids to of different trees (spruce children observe it. smell resins, asks, „How and pine), explains how Children listen to the does it smell?“ Children old the tree resin can be sounds of nature (media). touch resins, the resin collected. The teacher remains on the finger and

years years shows the children resins does not disappear after

3 - on pine branches. washing hands. Children

1,5 Observation: colour, wash hands. appearance.

The teacher tells the Study visit to the forest. The teacher asks kids to children what the resin is. Children pick the resin. smell resins, asks, „How The resin drips, it is sticky Children can see how to does it smell?“. Children and often smells. Mostly pick the resin and listen to touch resins, the resin

conifers produce this liquid the sounds of nature. remains on the finger and to protect themselves from does not disappear after freezing, and to live in the washing hands. Children

years old years winter. Be careful with wash hands.


– your clothing because it is

3 Drawing: Pine tree not easy to wash the resin! (gouache)

The teacher tells the Study visit to the forest. Study visit to the forest. children what the resin is. Children pick the resin. The teacher brings a small The resin drips, it is sticky Children can see how to bucket, puts it on the pine and often smells. Mostly pick the resin and listen to tree and explains that the conifers produce this liquid the sounds of nature. resin begins to drip into the to protect themselves from bucket now, asks children

years old years

freezing, and to live in the to smell the smell of resin,

7 - winter. Be careful with children describe its smell.

5 your clothing because it is not easy to wash the resin!

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is a conifer? BIOLOGY


The teacher shows Children listen to sounds of Study visit to the yard with children branches of the forest (trees crackle, spruces and pine trees. spruce and pine trees. wind, birdsong, flies Children observe them with

Children observe. The buzzing). a magnifying glass, touch teacher explains that and smell it. They can spruce has short needles compare trees and find and pine needles are long. differences between their

years old years

3 Children demonstrate needles. - (hands)-large and small.


The teacher shows pictures The teacher tells children Study visit to the forest how the pine looks like.

of conifers. Conifers have with different spruces and

ld needles and cones (pine, Needles are long, soft, pine trees. Children spruce, cedar pine), and pairs of branches. Cones observe them, touch, smell they do not shed needles in are small, rounded. Birds and compare them. They

years o years

eat the seeds. Children

5 autumn. can compare trees and find

– listen to the sounds of the differences between their 3 forest (trees crackle, wind, needles (long-short, soft, birdsong, flies buzzing). sharp, sticky).

The teacher shows pictures The teacher reads riddles: Study visit to the forest of conifers. Conifers have one piglet and seventy with different spruces and needles and cones (pine, above the eye- spruce pine trees. Children cones; In summer and in

spruce, cedar pine), and observe them, touch, smell they do not shed needles in winter I am hairy- conifer. and compare them. They autumn. The exception is Children listen to the can compare trees and find the larch that loses needles sounds of the forest (trees differences between their

years old years

crackle, wind, birdsong,

7 in winter (like deciduous needles (long-short, soft, - flies buzzing). 5 trees). Study visit to the sharp, sticky).The teacher forest. Children observe reads riddles. Children spruce inflorescences with guess. a magnifying glass.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is the difference between pines and spruces? BIOLOGY


The teacher show branches Children listen to the The teacher asks kids to

of spruces and pines, sounds of the forest (trees touch needles of spruces explains that spruces have crackle, wind, birdsong, and pines, asks to smell short needles and pines flies buzzing).Guessing them. Drawing: draw have long needles. The game: the teacher shows needles on a branch of

years old years


- needles are sharp. The needles of spruces and spruce (already on a paper) needles are soft at early pines, children guess.

1,5 growth.

The teacher shows Game outside: Children The teacher asks children branches of spruces and stand in a row. If the to touch spruce and pine pines. Discussion. Children teacher says „a tree trunk“, bark, asks, „Do you feel explain that spruces have all the children will stand how rough and rugged it short needles and pines up straight. If the teacher is?“ The game "grouping". have long needles. The says „tree branches“, kids Be attentive and form two will straighten their arms

years old years needles are sharp. Study groups from pine and

5 up. If the teacher says visit to the forest (to spruce needles: one group – „needles“, kids will raise 3 observe conifers). is spruce needles, the hands up and spread fingers second group- pine needles. out.

The teacher shows The teacher asks kids Study visit to the forest. branches of spruces and which birds eat seeds of Children observe spruces pines. Discussion. Children spruces and pines .Game and pines, touch tree bark, explain that spruces have (media). Children are birds, smell it, pick cones and short needles and pines some kids are trees compare them. Do you feel have long needles. The (headbands on their heads). the difference between needles are sharp. Study If the sound of birds song them? Handicraft (natural visit to the forest (to plays, kids fly to a tree, material): decorating the

years old years

observe conifers). Children speak about the tree they room with hedgehogs from

7 - observe and compare flew to. cones, colouring cones etc.

5 needles of spruces and pines, find differences and similarities. Kids search for cones, compare.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: A cat and kittens BIOLOGY


The teacher shows pictures The teacher brings big and The teacher brings big and of a cat and its kitten, their small cats. Children small cats. Children (appearance) - A cat is a observe them, play and observe them, play and domestic animal, its sounds listen to how the cat purrs. listen to how the cat purrs. (meowing, purr, growl), The teacher imitates the Children touch and stroke a cat's activities, food. Game: cats uttering sounds, the cat, give it something to

years old years ”Feed cats and kittens” kids repeat after her. Media eat, drink, play with it. A

3 - Children and the teacher with cat’s sounds is used. game with a cat- a bow is at

1,5 play together. the end of a rope. Children run with it, the cat runs after them.

The teacher demonstrates The teacher brings big and The teacher brings big and pictures and books about small cats. Children small cats. Children cats and kittens. observe them, play and observe them, play and Conversation with listen to how the cat purrs. listen to how the cat purrs. children: habitat, The teacher imitates the Children touch and stroke a appearance, food benefits. cats uttering sounds, the cat, give it something to The game "Animals and kids repeat after her. Media eat, drink, play with it. A their children" (different with cat’s sounds is used. game with a cat- a bow is at

years old years

big animals and their the end of a rope. Children


– babies-find the right baby) run with it, the cat runs

3 Study walk to the animal after them. Drawing: shelter, where children can Colouring books. The observe the animal’s teacher gives stickers with behaviour, how people take cats on them, children glue care of cats, feed them. them to their works.

The teacher demonstrates The teacher imitates the The teacher brings big and pictures and books about cats uttering sounds, the small cats. Children cats and kittens. kids listen to her. Game: observe them, play with Conversation with ”A cat and mice”. The them, listen to how the cat children: habitat, teacher chooses a game purrs, observe them while appearance, food benefits. leader- the cat. Other kids purring. Children touch and

The teacher gives riddles, are mice. Mice run, the cat stroke a cat, give it children tell the correct catches them (repeat 3-5 something to eat, drink, answer. times). After the new game play with it.

years old years The game "Animals and leader (a cat) is chosen.

7 Paper craft: ”My cute - their children" (different 5 big animals and their Game: ”Give the cat its pussycat” (paper, pencils, babies-find the right baby). milk”. Children pour milk glue). The child gives a Study walk to the animal on the plate and listen to name of his/her cat, tells shelter. the sound how the cat the story about him and drinks it. makes a toy for his/her cat.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: A dog and a puppy BIOLOGY


The teacher shows pictures The teacher brings a small The teacher brings a small of a dog and a puppy, their dog into the group. dog into the group. appearance – the dog is a Children play, watch and Children play, watch and

domestic animal, sounds listen to the sound (dog listen to the sound (dog (barking, growling), dog’s barks). The teacher imitates barks). Children touch, activities, food. Game: dog’s sounds, children stroke, feed and give ”Feed a dog and a puppy” repeat after her. Books something to drink. A

years old years

3 the teacher pours milk into board game: ”A mother and - with animal sounds. a cup and gives it to the a child”- animals and their

1,5 dog (kids are watching). babies (learned animals). Children assemble puzzles (dogs).

The teacher shows pictures The teacher brings a small The teacher brings a small and books - a dog and a dog into the group. dog into the group. puppy. A conversation with Children play, watch and Children play, watch and children: dog’s habitat, listen to the sound (dog listen to the sound (dog

appearance, food, impor- barks). The teacher imitates barks). Children touch, tance. The game ”Animals dog’s sounds, children stroke, feed and give and their babies” (different repeat after her. Books something to drink, play big animals and their with animal sounds. with it. Drawing: A

years old years

5 babies - find the right Listening to different colouring book. Children

– baby). Study walk to the dog’s barks. (media) choose their dog, the 3 animal shelter, where teacher gives a sticker of children can observe the the dog. Children stick it on animal’s behaviour, how their papers. people take care of dogs, feed them. The teacher shows pictures Teacher brings a small dog Teacher brings a small dog and books - a dog and a into the group. Children into the group. Children puppy. A conversation with play, watch and listen to play, watch and listen to children: dog’s habitat, ap- the sound (dog barks). The the sound (dog barks). pearance, food, importa- teacher imitates dog’s Children touch, stroke, feed

nce. The teacher reads rid- sounds (using media). and give something to dles about domestic ani- Study walk to the animal drink, play with it. mals, children guess and shelter, where children can tell the right answer. The observe the anima’s. Modelling: ”My dog”.

years old years

7 Children work under the

- game ”Animals and their 5 babies” (different big teacher’s direction. animals, and their babies- Children choose their dog’s find the right baby).Study name, speak about it and walk to the animal shelter, prepare food. where children can observe the animal’s.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: A wolf and a wolf cub BIOLOGY


The teacher shows pictures The teacher uses the media A teacher uses a role-play of a wolf and a wolf cub, and shows kids an game ”The Three Little explains that the wolf is a animated film ”Three Little Pigs” with masks. Children wild animal, appearance- Pigs”. Children imitate run in front of the wolf imitate the walking wolf pig’s and wolf’s sounds. (accessories: three houses,

years old years

using masks. pigs and the wolf role-play

3 - Game: ”Catch”. Kids run masks.

1,5 freely. If they see a wolf, they will hide behind chairs-media. The teacher shows pictures The teacher uses the media Under the teacher’s of a wolf and a wolf cub, and shows kids an directions children create books and sample animated film ”Three Little the wolf and the three pigs’ materials, their appearance- Pigs”. The teacher uses headbands. Ready the wolf is a wild animal. media with wolf’s sounds. headbands can be used in Game "Let's go to the the game. Game: Children forest" (children walk run in front of the wolf

years old years

around in a group, imitate (accessories: three houses,

5 the wolf’s sounds (howl) pigs and the wolf role-play

3 and its movements). masks Game: ”Forest animals and their babies” after matching the pictures kids name the animals. The teacher shows pictures The teacher uses the media Drawing: ”Animals in a of a wolf and a wolf cub, and shows kids an winter forest"(children books and sample animated film ”Three Little draw and colour using materials, their appearance- Pigs”. The teacher uses templates).Under the the wolf is a wild animal. media with wolf’s sounds. teacher’s directions Game "Put the wolf's body children create the wolf and parts together" (the child the three pigs’ headbands. chooses the appropriate Ready headbands can be cards and assembles a wolf used in the game. Game:

years old years

(a wolf cub) picture. Game: Children run in front of the



5 ”Forest animals and their wolf (accessories: three babies” after matching the houses, pigs and the wolf picture kids name the role-play masks animals.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Bear and bear cubs BIOLOGY


The teacher shows pictures The teacher uses media and The teacher shows children of bears and bear cubs shows kids an animated film a soft toy, kids touch it,

(Appearance) - a wild ”The Three Bears”. The play - three bears (large, animal. The teacher reads a teacher talks to the children medium and small). fairy tale,, The Three and asks questions. Bears”. Game ”Lay the Game: Children dance, turn

years old years around, squat and hug their 3 table for bears" – under the - teacher’s directions bears (soft toys). (media) 1,5 children lay the table: three plates in different sizes, cups, etc. The teacher demonstrates The teacher uses media and The teacher offers children pictures, books and shows kids an animated film to touch bears’ faux fur and

sample materials about ”The Three Bears”. The to compare with the fox bears and bear cubs teacher talks to the children skin. Children create wild (appearance)- a wild and asks questions. animals (egg boxes, toilet animal. The teacher reads rolls etc.) and bear masks

years old years The teacher uses media


a fairy tale,, The Three using templates and colour – Bears”. Conversation with (bears’ sounds in a forest). them. The masks can be

3 the children and asking Children listen to the sounds. used after in different questions. games.

The teacher shows pictures, The teacher uses media and The teacher offers children books and sample shows kids an animated film to touch bears’ faux fur and materials. A bear and bear ”Masha and the Bear”. The to compare with the fox cubs (appearance) - a wild teacher talks to the children skin. Modelling: ”Three animal. The teacher reads a and asks questions. The Bears”- and their dishes.

fairy tale ”Masha and the teacher uses media to hear Bear”. Conversation with bears’ sounds in a forest. Game: ”Animals and their children and asking Children try to imitate the babies” after matching the pictures kids name the

years old years questions. Game ”Do not bears’ sounds and

7 animals, describe their - let the bear out of the ring” movements. 5 (the children keep a bear in appearance, size, colour, a circle and never let it out. fur. Then the next Bear plays in the circle. The game is repeated 3-5 times.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: A cow and a calf BIOLOGY


The teacher shows a picture The teacher imitates the Children touch and stroke

with a cow and a calf. The animal’s (cow) sounds. the soft toy. The teacher teacher tells children about Children repeat after the explains that cows give animal’s habitat, appearance, teacher. Listening to the milk and offers to drink food and importance. cow’s voices. Media. The some milk. Children

years old years


- A game with blocks "Domestic teacher demonstrates a soft explain why drinking milk animals". (media) toy (cow), uses the poem, is good for their health.

1,5 children repeat after her.

The teacher shows a picture The teacher imitates the The teacher uses pictures with a cow and a calf. The animal’s (cow) sounds. and books. Handicraft- teacher tells children about Children repeat after the children cuts out animals animal’s habitat, appearance, teacher. Listening to the from magazines, animals,

food and importance. The cow’s voice. Media. The puts animal babies their teacher shows pictures, books- teacher offers kids to drink parents, glue it on the a cow and a calf: its habitat, some milk. Why is base, complete the picture. appearance, food and drinking milk good for Drawing: colouring books

years old years

5 importance. The game their health. Study visit to a can be used. The child – ”Animals and their babies” farm (children listen to

3 finds a cow and a calf, and (different big animals, and cows’ and calves’ sounds) colours them according to their babies-find the right his/her wishes. baby).Study visit to a farm (children observe cows and calves) The teacher uses pictures and Study visit to a farm Study visit to a farm. books. Children show pictures (children listen to cows’ Children can see cows and with cows and calves. They and calves’ sounds) calves. Children stroke speak about their habitat, Children name animals, and touch its hair, nose, appearance, food and speak about them, feed fingers, horns. The teacher importance. them. takes packs of milk and Building game: ”A cow and a Children listen and look at pours the milk into cups calf” (using blocks). process of milking of cows, for kids. Children taste the The game "Find animal’s body how the cows eat and milk.

years old years parts" (pictures are cut into where they live. Discussion: the taste of



5 parts, the child puts together milk, why it is good for the animal’s body parts, and our health. name different domestic Drawing: colouring books animals). (repeat 3-5 times can be used. The child using different animals) finds a cow and a calf, and Study visit to a farm. colours them according to his/her wishes.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Domestic animals BIOLOGY


The teacher shows pictures Teacher imitates animal The teacher shows different

of 2-3 domestic animals. sounds, kids repeat after toys (domestic animals) The teacher uses fairy tales the teacher. She explains that there are about domestic animals. Listening to animals’ longhaired and shorthaired

years old years Children assemble puzzles voices (media) “Domestic domestic animals.


- with small domestic animals”. Sounds around Song game “What does the

1,5 animals, blocks with us, "What are the domestic animals. animals’ voices?” dog say -woof, woof ...” The teacher shows pictures The teacher: learning a Game: wonder bag. There of domestic animals, kids poem by heart. are domesticated animals in

assemble puzzles with Study visit to the farm. the bag. The child takes one animals. Children listen to the of those animals and speaks Study visit to the farm. domestic animals’ sounds about it, make its voice. The game ”Animals and on the farm. Drawing: the teacher uses

years old years

5 their children” after The teacher guides a game: stencils. Children draw

– matching the picture kids ”Guess the animal's sound” animals using stencils. 3 tell the animal’s name. The child closes his eyes (media accompaniment). and describes what he hears. (media) The teacher shows pictures Study visit to the farm. The teacher brings a real of domestic animals, Children listen to animals’ cat or a small dog into the puzzles, blocks with sounds. The teacher reads playschool. Children pictures of animals, reads about animals and observe, touch, stroke, feed books. describes them. The teacher reads fairy The teacher guides a game: animals. Children speak tales about domestic ”Guess the animal's sound” about their domestic animals. The child closes his eyes animals (a cat or a dog).

years old years A game ”Animals and their and describes what he

7 - Under the teacher’s

5 children” after matching hears (media) the picture kids tell the The teacher guides a direction kids create animal’s name. moving game: ” Geese- domestic animals from Study visit to the farm. swans come back home” wool, yarn, hair, etc. Children observe animals and speak about them.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: The fox and the fox cubs BIOLOGY


The teacher shows pictures The teacher uses the media A soft toy- a fox. The of foxes and fox cubs and listens to the fox teacher asks kids to touch (appearance)- a wild sounds with the children. fox faux fur (soft, colour, animal. The teacher plays The teacher talks to the bushy tail, paws, ears, etc). with kids a moving game: children and asks ”The fox and rabbits”. The questions. The teacher Drawing: colour the fox stencils. (gouache)

years old years

teacher is a fox, children plays with kids a moving

a are rabbits (wear masks). game: ”The fox and


- They imitate how the fox rabbits”. The teacher is a 1,5 sneaks. Media. fox, children are rabbits (wear masks). They imitate how the fox sneaks. Media.

The teacher shows pictures, The teacher uses media and A soft toy- a fox. The books and sample listens to the fox’s sounds teacher asks kids to touch materials- a fox and fox with children, fox faux fur (soft, colour, cubs. communicates with them bushy tail, paws, ears, etc). (a wild animal, appearance, and asks questions. Game: colour, etc.). The teacher ”Guess wild animals” Modelling: ”A fox and fox reads a fairy tale, “The (children must imitate wild cubs”.

years old years bun”. Game:,, The bun” – animals, whose voice they Drawing: Different paper

5 under the teacher’s will hear, or whose picture – animals (drawing and

3 direction children choose the teacher will show). colouring using stencils). headbands and play. Moving game: Children The teacher talks to Drawing: ”A fox” paper, imitate the way the fox children and asks gouache, pencils, chalks sneaks. Media. questions. Media. (narration). The teacher shows pictures, The game "Fox and The teacher asks kids to books and sample Rabbits". The teacher touch fox faux fur (soft, materials- a fox and fox choses a fox using nursery colour, bushy tail, paws, cubs. counting. The rest of the ears, etc).

(a wild animal, appearance, children are the rabbits colour, etc.). The teacher who live under the Children create different reads a fairy tale “Fox and Christmas tree. Fox's home animal headbands from paper (drawing using

years old years the Cock ", plays a role- is on the opposite side.

7 templates, colouring and - play game “Fox and the Rabbits jump around. The 5 Cock ", with children using fox comes! The fox catches cutting out). headbands. rabbits. After the new fox is chosen. (nursery counting rhymes)

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: A sheep and a lamb BIOLOGY


The teacher shows a picture The teacher imitates the Touching sheep wool. The with a sheep and a lamb. animal’s (sheep) sounds, teacher uses soft toys (a

Tells the story about the and the children repeat sheep and a lamb). animal's habitat, its after her. Listening to the Children stroke the animal appearance, feed and sheep’s voices (media) in their hands, run around importance. Puzzle Game : “Catch me” the and squat (using media).

years old years


- assembling "Domestic children run, and the The teacher guides the animals" (media) teacher tries to catch them game and helps kids.

1,5 (the teacher has a mask or a toy in her hands).

The teacher shows pictures, The teacher imitates the Touching objects made books - a sheep and a lamb: animal’s (sheep) sounds, from yarn (folk clothes, A conversation with and the children repeat socks, gloves, a scarf, a hat,

children: its habitat, after her. Listening to the a sweater). Children touch appearance, food, sheep’s voices natural and fabric importance. Children (media).Study visit to a (artificial) lambskin. Game: observe how the yarn is farm. Children listen to to roll wool into a ball.

years old years

5 made. sheep’s and lamb’s Moving game: "Sheep and

– A building game "sheep sounds. lambs." Domino board 3 stockyard" (children use game. blocks). A game "Animals and their children" (find a

mother animal and its baby). The teacher uses pictures Study visit to a farm. Touching objects made and books, and asks the Children listen to sheep’s from yarn (folk clothes, children. The children name, and lamb’s sounds. socks, gloves, a scarf, a hat, describe and show pictures Children name animals, a sweater). Children touch

of sheep and lambs. They speak about them and natural and fabric tell about its habitat, feed them. Dramatization: (artificial) lambskin. appearance, food and ”The wolf and the seven Different practical

years old years importance. Board games: A baby goats (media). activities with sheep wool:



5 building game "sheep ”Creating dolls using stockyard" (children use yarn”. blocks). Study visit to a sheep farm.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: The horse and a foal BIOLOGY


The teacher shows a The teacher imitates the Children stroke, touch and picture of a horse and a animal’s (horse) sounds. brush horse’s tail using a

foal. Tells the story Children repeat after the comb (soft toy). Learn a poem about the animal's teacher. Game,, Horse "- the by heart :,, I love my horse” habitat, its appearance, media accompaniment. The teacher finds food and importance. Children imitate the voice opportunities to bring a real

years old years

3 The teacher uses soft tsok-tsok (using a tongue). pony, and children can watch, - toys. Moving game: touch, stroke, feed, and ride a 1,5 ”Horse riding ”(uses horse. wooden horses and media). The teacher shows a The teacher imitates the The teacher finds picture of a horse and a animal’s (horse) sounds. opportunities to bring a real foal, tells about their Children repeat after the pony, and children can watch, habitat, appearance, teacher. Game,, Horse riding touch, stroke, feed, and ride a food, importance. ”( the wooden horses are used, horse. A poem about a horse Conversation: the child and the children make a horse and its baby. Children learn looks at the picture, sound ( media). Study visit to the poem by heart. ,, I love my

years old years

describes it, answers a farm. Children listen to horse” (3-5 times)


– questions. Puzzle. horse’s and foal’s sounds. The

3 Study visit to a farm - a game ”Animals and their horse and a foal babies” (different big animals,

observation, where and and their babies-find the right how they live, eat, sleep. baby).

The teacher shows a The teacher imitates the The teacher finds picture of a horse and a animal’s (horse) sounds. opportunities to bring a real foal. Tells the story Children repeat after the pony, and children can watch, about the animal's teacher. touch, stroke, feed, and ride a habitat, its appearance, horse.

feed and importance. Study visit to a farm. Children The game "Find animal’s listen to horse’s and foal’s Discussion: the teacher and body parts" (pictures are sounds. the children speak how to take care of a horse, how to help it.

years old years cut into parts, the child The game ”Animals and their

7 The teacher demonstrates

- puts together the

5 babies” (different big animals, animal’s body parts, and accessories for riding a horse: and their babies-find the right name different domestic a saddle, a carriage, a plough. baby and repeat their voices). animals).Study visit to the farm.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Wild animals BIOLOGY


The teacher shows children The teacher imitates the A teacher tells about pictures of wild animals, animal’s sounds. Children animals’ skin and fur. The soft toys (a rabbit, a bear, a repeat after the teacher and teacher asks kids to fox, a wolf, etc.). A child name wild animals. describe animals and to names and describes wild A game: ”Guess the stroke them (colour, length

years old years

animals. animal's sound”. The child of fur, soft or hard).

3 - Game: ”Catch me!” closes his eyes, listens to Modelling: ”Wild animal”

1,5 (Children run and the game the animals’ sounds and (Round head, legs- leader tries to catch them). names them (media). sausages and a body- a fat Media. sausage). The teacher holds the The teacher imitates the The teacher uses different game: who is in the animal’s sounds. Children materials as an example: picture? The teacher puts repeat after the teacher and furry, smooth. Children pictures of animals name wild animals. touch the material and downward and offers kids Dramatization: ”A little name an animal which is to guess who is in the house” "- the children play similar to this material. picture. out a fairy tale using Under the teacher’s

years old years

A child names and speaks costumes and masks. direction children model a

5 about the animal in the Children speak about wild animal (the child

3 picture. The teacher offers animals, compare wild chooses the animal himself, children to play domino. animals with domestic afterwards names it and its Find the animals and their animals (the media). baby). babies. Name them. Study visit to the museum. The teacher holds the The teacher imitates the The teacher offers kids to game: who is in the animal’s sounds. Children create an animal mask picture? The teacher puts repeat after the teacher and cutting out from a paper pictures of animals name wild animals. using templates and downward and offers kids Study visit ”Let’s go to the colouring it. (Samples of to guess who is in the forest”- to show where different animals, which picture. Children speak. animals live. live in our forests, are on a Domino board game table). Children use ”Animals and their handmade masks for

years old years babies”. After matching a dramatization.



5 picture a child names the Dramatization: ”A little animal and its baby. The house” - the children play child describes it. out a fairy tale using costumes and masks. Discussion about wild animals, comparing.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: The difference and similarity between animal and human hearing ANATOMY


The teacher brings a rabbit The teacher brings a picture The teacher gives children and a bear, asks: do they book with animal sounds. soft toys- forest and have ears? Teacher counts Children listen and imitate domestic animals. The task the children’s, rabbit’s and animal voices. Tools: the is to find ears- soft and bear’s ears. Children touch picture book with animal furry. Children massage their own, doll’s and bear’s sounds, batteries. For example:

years old years their ears to hear well, ears. Whose ears are soft

3 "Jungle book" The song

- imitate teacher’s massage and furry? Whose ears are "Rabbit has long ears." 1,5 movements. soft and smooth? Who has long ears?

The teacher- doctor has a Game: "What animal is it?" The teacher gives kids toy dog. The dog has a Media. The teacher asks kids puzzles (pictures can be stitched ear. Game: „Animal to listen to one animal sound. drawn or cut out of a clinic“. Why did she come Children have to guess the magazine): human’s and

to the doctor’s? What animal and show the picture of animal’s ears. Children have could’ve happened with it. This child, who answers to assemble puzzles (for her? Is there any child? Has correctly, gets one colourful example, during 3-5

years old years anybody visited an animal button. The winner is the child minutes). One child gets one


- clinic before? Why did you who collects the biggest puzzle game. Paper craft: 3 go there? Why does this dog number of buttons at the end of children glue animal’s and have a stitched ear? the game. The game can be human’s body parts (cut repeated. Tools: pictures of from magazines) animals, media.

What animals did children Media accompaniment. The The teacher asks children to see? How did their ears look teacher asks kids to listen to do a crossword. Topic: like? Why do animals need different animal voices. Asks Human’s and animals’ ears. ears? Children compare ears the children, „What animal Tools: a big crossword on a

by length, similarity. Are voice was it?“ The teacher asks blackboard, crosswords for the animals’ ears warm or to describe animals (large, children on papers, pencils. cold? Animals’ hearing is small, colour of fur, the shape Children do the crosswords

years old years more sensitive than of ears, daytime or nocturnal with the teacher.



5 humans’. The hearing is animals, hibernation) .Media. more important that eyesight for many animals (nocturnal animals)

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Hearing loss and harmful effects of sound ANATOMY


The teacher comes with a An experiment with the The teacher asks children to doll. Children greet the doll drums. The teacher has touch a drum skin (all the many times, but the doll drums. Plays the drums children touch it). Explains does not answer! She said that the drum skin is very

softly. Asks the children: that the doll went to a con- was this sound unpleasant? thin and it must be saved. cert and sat near an orchest- Plays hard. Hard hitting Also, our ears have an organ ra musician. One musician drums. Asks: was this sound that is similar to the drum

years old years played drums and the doll skin, and we need it to keep

3 unpleasant? Once more - does not hear any more. Try plays the drums, so that the our sense of hearing. 1,5 to great the doll in a loud drum is broken! Explains Tools: drums, a picture of voice. The doll answers that loud noises can be an ear structure- suits for children. The loud noise harmful to our hearing, 1.5-3 years old kids. badly affects our hearing. quiet noises we do not hear! Game: " ENT (ear nose Media accompaniment, the Drawing: the teacher gives throat) specialist". The teacher asks to listen to colouring books (pictures of teacher is a doctor. She different voices: the animal a drum, a radio, a big car, an checks kids’ hearing, asks sounds, various machines, airplane, or any other thing

them: have you ever been to engines, different genres of that makes a loud noise. the ENT doctor’s and why? music. The teacher asks, Kids colour. One child gets Asks whether the children „What did they like or one picture. Tools: A4

years old years know that there are people dislike?“ paper, colour pencils.



3 who do not hear the voices. She explains that there are Tools: Media. different reasons why people cannot hear.

The teacher tells children Game: "What did I hear?" Children draw two faces: about aspects that affect our Rules: The teacher raises up good/happy and angry, and hearing, and why hearing is a green flag - the children explain why one face is

weakened. Sometimes start clapping their hands good (calm) and another is people can become deaf. and stomping their feet. The angry (because of loud The children suggest what teacher says a word and noises). Children draw tools

years old years tools or objects can be used raises a red flag after that. and objects that we use to



5 to protect our hearing The game is over. The protect your hearing. One (earmuffs, cotton, etc.). teacher asks what word she child draws one instrument said. or object.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: How to keep the ears clean ANATOMY


A teacher demonstrates two Tools: children's literature, The teacher (the doll as an dolls. One doll has clean poems or stories, media example) shows how to ears, another- dirty ears. accompaniment. The wash the ears with warm Explains that our ears need teacher reads poems or water and soap, asks to be cleaned, they are stories about clean ears. children to touch the water healthy and beautiful. Asks and to observe soap. the children to show their Washes the doll's ears. The

years old years

own ears. Says that the teacher asks: Are the doll's

3 - children are good, because ears clean now? Children

1,5 their ears are clean. The answer the question. teacher asks: What do we need to do with the second doll (who has dirty ears)?

The teacher tells a fairy tale Game: Wonder bag. There The teacher gives different about the brothers’ ears. are ear cleaning items and plastic toys: rabbits, bears, One was beautiful and things that are not suitable dogs, etc. Exercises for 5 clean! Another was black for cleaning in the bag. years old kids: Wash toys’ and ugly! Drawing: a face Children take things out of ears in a bowl of warm and ears. Children use their the bag, saying, "Yes" if this water.

years old years

imagination and speak thing is suitable for cleaning

5 - about their drawings, whose ears and "No!" if it is not Exercises for 3 years old

3 ears these are and how to suitable. The teacher asks to kids: Dry toys with towels. keep the ears clean. comment their answers. Tools: plastic toys, bowls of warm water with towels.

The teacher speaks on a Game: "Harmful - useful!" Children (teamwork) make topic: "How to keep ears The teacher reads out ear a collage: clean". Children say how care tips. If it is harmful-

they take care of their ears, children stomp their feet. If "What do we you need to what tools are needed. it is useful- the children clap keep our ears clean?". Drawing: the human’s their hands. Children cut out pictures from magazines, glue them

years old years body-the kids give the

7 on a paper, speak about the - name, name parts of the 5 body and why it is result. necessary to keep the ears clean.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: How ears hear ANATOMY


The teacher shows a doll The teacher demonstrates Game: Guess what! Music and different animals. Both children how to massage

plays in various heights. the doll and animals have ears. Game: Put your hands Children distinguish ears. They have two ears. on the ears and squat- sounds between high and Asks children to show their media accompaniment low tones. If they hear a

years old years

own ears. The teacher reads (happy! happy! happy!)

3 high tone, they will clap - a small poem about ears once. If they hear a low 1,5 and kids repeat after her. tone, they will stomp their feet. The teacher uses pictures, Game: What is listening? Children close their eyes. books: ears. How do we The teacher turns the radio The teacher gives a variety hear? (Ears). The teacher on, the sound is very low. of toys: rabbits, dogs,

explains: ears work like You can listen to the music bears, dolls, etc. Children microphones. Sounds enter well. The teacher makes touch their ears and say the ear and collide against the radio sound louder. It’s whether they are long or

years old years the eardrum, which makes uncomfortable to listen to short, hard or soft, etc.



3 them listen to. Then our the radio. Comparison. brain takes them and interprets sounds.

The teacher uses an Game: "Auditory memory Modelling: children create encyclopaedia: the ears. game". Matching pairs by a model of our ear using How can the ears hear? The hearing. We use a kinder plasticine. Game: Do what teacher tells children that in surprise egg, plastic bins you hear. order to keep their ears filled with different things: healthy avoid listening to for example - peas,

years old years

the loud music, because the buckwheat, sand, stones.

7 - long lasting noise can

5 damage their hearing.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



A teacher shows a doll. Children touch their ears. Game: Listen to the Explains that the doll has The ears are small, soft and sounds. Children close

two ears. Asks children to warm. The teacher with their ears with hands. The show their own ears. What children counts ears –one teacher asks to listen to do your ears do? Ears listen and two. Game: Who is it? different musical to the sounds and they do Children close their eyes

years old years

instruments. Question: do

3 not like when people shout, and listen. One child calls - you hear the sound? there are loud noises and another child (name). Other 1,5 Children open their ears. voices. The teacher reads a children guess who it is. Question: do you hear the poem about ears. sound? What sound? The teacher uses series of Game: What musical Children observe their and images: structure of the ear. instrument is this? Tools: a their neighbour's ears, Children show their ears folding screen, different measure the length of their and the name: right-left. musical instruments. and neighbour’s ears (with

Questions: Why do we Game: „Guess the tune!“ a finger) and compare need our ears? Do the ears Children close their eyes them. Touch ears and hear in the same way? and listen. One child calls compare their thickness.

years old years Reaction to loud voices. another child (name). Other Drawing: Children draw a


- Children observe the children guess who it is. human’s head and ears, on 3 structure of the ear the left-blue earring, on the (encyclopaedia) Game: right- red earring. Compare human’s and animal’s ears.

The teacher uses series of Children listen to different The teacher demonstrates images: structure of the ear. pieces of music. Media. how to massage ears. Children show their ears Children compare pieces of Children massage their and the name: right-left. music: loud and quiet. ears.

Questions: Why do we Game: „Guess the tune!“ need our ears? Do the ears Children close their eyes Drawing: Children draw a hear in the same way? and listen. One child calls human and ears, name parts of the body, right and left

years old years Reaction to loud voices. another child (name). Other

7 ears, legs, arms, eyes. - Game: Whose ear is this? – children guess who it is. 5 the teacher chooses pictures of different ears. The child talks about pictures.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses a mirror, a Game: „Day and night“. The teacher uses cups of bowl of water and a torch. Media is used. If the warm and cold water, a

The mirror is in a bowl of teacher tells „Day“, kids sharp pencil, pictures water. The teacher lets light will run freely. If she tells (sun,water,fire). Test: the to the mirror, a rainbow „Night“- kids squat, close teacher touches a child’s appears. The teacher asks their eyes and imitate hand with the warm cup and

years old years

3 children to catch the sleeping. shows the picture of the sun; - rainbow. Chat, we can see with cold- shows water; with 1,5 thanks to light. Game- try the pencils-hurts-fire. to catch the rainbow! Drawing: colour the sun, water and fire (an example) The teacher uses pictures of Game: Guess description. The teacher uses cups of eyes from an Children have to guess warm and cold water, a encyclopaedia. Comparing: who is the teacher sharp pencil, pictures why people do not see in speaking about (describes (sun,water,fire). Test: she the dark, but a cat sees. In kids), repeat 5 times. touches a child’s hand with the dark its eyeball Outdoor learning: the warm cup and shows the increases, and then it sees children draw a cat on the picture of the sun; with cold-

years old years in the dark. Its eyes flash in sand (sticks) and speak shows water; with the



3 the darkness. Test: Two about drawings (eyes, pencils-hurts-fire. triangles are drawn on each ears, tail, colour, size, Modelling: „Cat“- children other (red and yellow). give a name). make a cat using plasticine. How many triangles do you Discussion. see? The teacher uses an Game: Guess eyes“. One The teacher cuts pictures encyclopaedia, tells kids child describes another (angry, sad, happy, confident about an eye structure child’s eyes (colour, faces) into 6 pieces. (apple of the eye, lens, shape). Other kids have to Children will assemble it. retina, iris, the optic guess. Game can be Test: the teacher uses cups

nerve). Eye colours are repeated. of warm and cold water, a different. Children name sharp pencil, pictures the colours. The human’s (sun,water,fire). Test: the eye is very sensitive, it teacher touches a child’s

years old years


- must be protected. Chat. hand with the warm cup and 5 Comparing: why people shows the picture of the sun; cannot see in the dark like with cold- shows water; with cats. In the dark cat’s the pencils-hurts-fire. eyeball increases, and then Modelling: „Cat“ it sees in the dark. Its eyes (plasticine) Discussion. flash.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses a doll and Game: „Catch “- a doll Game: children are sitting a mirror, asks where eyes Masha is sleeping. on chairs in a circle. The are and what they do (open Children run freely in the teacher has a fan and sits in and close). Game with the room. If the doll wakes up the centre, shows how the doll: blow into eyes. What and says „catch“, children wind blows. Waves in front

years old years

is happening? Eyelashes will squat and close their of children’s faces,

3 - protect the eyes. Let’s eyes. explains that when the

1,5 make surprised (big) eyes wind blows, eyes are and blink. closed. Offers kids to use fans too. The teacher uses a poster Game ”Good-bad”. If it is The teacher uses a fan and about how to take care of harmful to the eyes, the a torch. Test: turning eyes (eyebrows, eyelashes, children will close their on/off. Eyes reaction to the eyelids). Explains that eyes. If it is useful, they light. Conversation. people need to take care of will clap. The teacher Drawing ”A face”- children eyes. Children wash their explains: Child rubs eyes choose a template, draw eyes. The teacher asks kids with dirty hands (bad), eyes.

years old years to look at a lamp (for some reads book in the bed



3 time) and then turn off the (bad), dry face with a clean lamp. Conversation. Eyes towel (good), reads at the are delicate. The teacher table (good). shows pictures of eye hygiene. Chat. The teacher uses a poster Game: „Quiet and loud“. The teacher uses a fan and about how to take care of Children listen to the a torch. Test: turning eyes (eyebrows, eyelashes, music. If music is quiet, on/off. Eyes reaction to the eyelids). Explains that they will sleep. If it is loud, light. Conversation. people need to take care of they will run freely. Moving game: the teacher

eyes, eye hygiene. Game: prepares plastic bottles with “Good-bad”. If it is holes on bottle caps. There harmful to eyes, children is a bucket of water will stomp their feet, outside. Children pour

years old years


- explain why. If it is useful, water into plastic bottles 5 they will clap their hands, and spray each other. Chat. explain why. Pictures of different faces. Children draw eyelashes, eyebrows, eyes and colour them.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Structure and Function of the Eyes ANATOMY


The teacher uses a mirror, Game (media Game: Put the doll with a camera. Children sit in accompaniment): „Repeat closing eyes to sleep, front of the mirror with the after me“. The teacher furniture, a flat sheet. The teacher. The teacher asks to shows different teacher tells that when we show their eyes, nose, movements, children repeat put the doll to sleep, she

years old years

eyebrows, mouth. Look at after her. Game: ,,Cuckoo" closes eyes. Children play

3 - each other, smile, hug. children close eyes with with eyes (open-closed),

1,5 Describe eyes. Children hands. When they hear a put the doll to sleep. answer. The teacher takes little bell ring, they will photos, exhibition. open their eyes. The teacher uses a mirror, The teacher shows video. Game: An eye doctor. The a camera, a picture of an Explains that the eyes are teacher is a doctor. There eye structure. Test: to test soft. People can improve are letters on a wall. the eye reaction to light. poor eyesight wearing Children tell the doctor How does it react to a glasses and lenses. Eyes what happened with their camera flash? work thanks to a little black eyes. The doctor will check Conversation: what dot in the middle of the eye their eyesight, write the

years old years happens in the eye. Test: that opens and closes like a prescription and ask to put



3 there is a lamp on the table curtain to let more or less the glasses, asks: Do you the child looks in the light through. The see these letters better? The mirror by turning the lamp conversation with the eye is an organ of vision. on and off (eye reaction: children about eyes. Protect them from the sun. light-big, dark-small). The teacher uses a mirror, The teacher shows video. Game: An eye doctor. The a camera, a picture of an Explains that the eyes are teacher is a doctor. There eye structure. Test: to test soft. People can improve are letters on a wall. the eye reaction to light. poor eyesight wearing Children tell the doctor How does it react to a glasses and lenses. Eyes what happened with their camera flash? work thanks to a little black eyes. The doctor will check Conversation: what dot in the middle of the eye their eyesight, writes the happens in the eye. Test: that opens and closes like a prescription, asks to put the

years old years there is a lamp on the table curtain to let more or less glasses and asks: Do you



5 the child looks in the light through. see these letters better or mirror by turning the lamp Game: "Blind man's buff " no? The eye is an organ of on and off (eye reaction: - the child is blind (the vision. Protect them from light-big, dark-small). child has a towel on the the sun. Game: ”Lotto” – Observe an eyeball with a eyes), he tries to catch what does the eye doctor mirror. another child, feel him. use?

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows pictures, Game: " Blind man's The teacher uses a toy: a asks children. Children close buff" - the teacher is blind drum, a brush, a watering their eyes: Can you see the (has a towel on the eyes). can, a ball, linen. The

picture? No. Open your Children run freely, the children sit around the eyes. Can you now see the teacher tries to catch table. The teacher shows picture? Yes. Game: Where children, tells: I don’t see, toys and covers the toys

years old years are our eyes? Children put I don’t see. The teacher with a flat sheet, asks kids


- their hands in front of their opens eyes and tells: I see to put hands under the sheet

1,5 eyes. Here are our eyes, here you, who are you? The and touch the toy, what is are our eyes (take hands off, child tells his name. it? The child answers and clap and say, here they are, describes what is in his etc.) hands. The teacher uses pictures of The teacher uses media Paper craft: ”Rainbow”- nature: rain, rainbow. (sounds of rain, hail, name colours, cut out, glue Puzzles (eyes). Children snow, lightning, strong them in the correct order to

observe pictures. What do and light) Children a picture of nature. Study you see? What helps you to observe, listen, explain, visit to the yard. see (eyes). Why do some compare. Watch the Observation of natural people wear glasses? colours of the rainbow, phenomena.

years old years


- Discussion. Close your eyes, name them in the correct 3 do you see something? No. order. The teacher explains that eyes are organs of vision. Drawing: ”Rainbow” The teacher uses eye posters, The teacher asks children The teacher uses wooden images of nature in our to watch and listen to the blocks with letters and homeland. Children observe media (natural plastic letters. Game: and tell stories about our phenomena: waterfalls, ”Wonder bag”- the child homeland. Discussion: What thunderstorms, hail, takes out three blocks or helped you to see it? - This forest, rainfall). Study letters and reads letters or is the organ of vision. visit to the yard. Observe words together. The teacher

years old years Observation: sea, desert, the hail, rain drops uses pictures (human’s and



5 waterfalls, mountains, through a magnifying animal’s eyes). Compare: forests (pictures). Drawing: glass. size, colour, whose eye is Draw your relatives’ faces it? and compare (paper, pencils, The conversation-why do paints, chalks). Discussion we need eyes?

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


A teacher demonstrates Game (musical Game: "Wonder bag"

pictures of people who accompaniment) „Repeat The teacher puts different wear glasses, explains that after me!“ - The teacher toys into the bag (blocks, people wear glasses shows different balls, cars, dolls). because they see poorly. movements, children repeat Children put hands into the

years old years

3 Asks: whose grandmother after her (clap, jump, squat, bag, touch toys and guess. - or grandfather wears raise your hands up). Discussion. 1,5 glasses. Shows glasses. Children put on glasses. The teacher uses pictures Game: "Blind man's buff" - Role-playing game: ”An of eyes, books, the teacher is blind (has a eye doctor” (doctor’s encyclopaedias. Explains towel on the eyes). suitcase, a coat, a hat, an

that eyelids and eyelashes Children run freely, the ABC on a wall). The protect our eyes from dust, teacher tries to catch teacher is an eye doctor, dirt and light. Blinking children, tells: I don’t see, I kids are the patients. protect our eyelids the don’t see. The teacher Conversation, discussion.

years old years


- eyes. If the child touches opens eyes and tells: I see The game is repeated, but 3 eyes with dirty hands (this you, who are you? The now the child is the eye is dangerous), he will wash child tells his name. doctor, others are patients. eyes.

The teacher uses pictures Game: "Blind man's buff " Handicraft: „Glasses- of eyes, books, - the child is blind (the masks“ the teacher uses a encyclopaedias. Explains child has a towel on the variety of templates, and

that eyelids and eyelashes eyes). Children run freely, children draw, paint and protect our eyes from dust, the child tries to catch cut off their mask. The dirt and light. Why do children, tells: I don’t see, I teacher can help put a people wear glasses (vision don’t see. He catches rubber on the mask. Game:

years old years


- problems). Glasses can somebody, touches him, "Give your friend a mask", 5 help correct vision. Some tries to guess his name. He the children exchange their people cannot see is a new blind man. masks. far/closely, there are also blind people.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses a microbial The teacher tells that the Game: „Kill the microbe“-

sample material. The teacher microbes move very the teacher puts a spot on a asks kids to look at their own quickly. Game: the teacher child's hand. It's like (dirt) a hands (clean). Study visit to is a game leader, children microbe. She offers to kill the yard. After that the teacher run freely. The teacher the microbe. She asks kids

years old years

3 uses a magni-fying glass and touches the child and to wash their hands with - explains that the dirt on top of he/she squats. Media soap.Under the teacher’s 1,5 the arms is a place inhabited accompaniment. direction children wash their by micro-bes. hands. The teacher shows the sample The teacher tells that the Game: Kill the microbe. The material with microbes. microbes move very teacher puts a spot on a Conversation with children quickly. Moving game: child's hand. It's like a about microbes. Game: „Find “Smart microbe” Under microbe. She asks kids to out, where the microbe the teacher’s direction one wash their hands with soap. lives“(Pictures with dirty fruit child is selected “a Children wash their hands on the ground and washed on a microbe”, and he tries to and tell why it is necessary

years old years plate).The child selects the catch other children to wash hands. Game: Safe



3 pictures, where microbes live, (healthy organisms). The fruits and vegetables from and explains why he made media accompaniment. microbes. Under the such a choice. The teacher The game is repeated 3-5 teacher’s direction children uses a magnifying glass. times. wash fruits and vegetables before eating. The teacher shows the sample The media accom- The teacher asks how you material with microbes. paniment.Hide and seek can get rid of microbes. Conversation. Where microbes game „microbes“ (do not Children tell and live - air, water and ground. fall off the floor). The demonstrate: they wash The teacher explains that it’s child is a microbeheadgear hands and plastic toys with possible to see them with a and he runs and tries to soap. Test: The teacher puts microscope, magnifying glass. catch other children. At a glass of milk and bread on Game: Laboratory assistants. the end of the music the table by the window. In

years old years Children look through the children will hide them- the evening children observe



5 microscope, magnifying glass selves on chairs. Game: it. What happened to the at a variety of things. ,,Wash toys " Black spots food? Kids think: is the food Discussion about microbes: are drawn using markers. fresh or not (smell, head, tail, hands, etc., alive, The teacher asks the appearance, edible or not, moving? children to wash and clean etc.). their toys from germs.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher uses sample The teacher uses the media The teacher catches a fly material and shows a accompaniment to setup a and puts it into a jar, brings rubber fly. Tells the story flying fly z-z-z. it. Children observe. Then of birds (appearance, body Game: „Birds and flies“- the teacher explains that the parts, wings, etc.). the teacher is a bird (birdie flies have a head, legs, Game: „Catch the fly“-she on her headgear), and body, wings. The fly hums.

years old years

puts a rope at the end of a children are the flies. The teacher asks kids to

3 - branch and a fly at the end Children run, the teacher listen. Game: ”Catch the

1,5 of the rope. She turns the tries to catch kids. At the fly”- the teacher is a fly, branch and children try to end of the music children and the kids are running catch the fly. Media. squat. and trying to catch the teacher. The teacher uses the The teacher uses the media: Modelling: ”A fly”-Under sample material and shows fly is flying z-z-z. the teacher’s direction a rubber fly, speaks about Study visit to the yard. (using natural materials)

birds (appearance, body Children are looking for children model a fly. parts, wings, etc.),catches and observe them, Game:,, The birds and the the fly (into a jar), brings in telling, listening to the flies” – a child is a bird a group. Children observe. sounds they make. (birdie on his head

years old years

5 headgear) and other

- Explains that the flies have 3 a head, legs, body, wings. children are flies. Children Game: „Guess who is in run and a game leader-bird- the picture?“- put pieces of catches them. At the end of the picture together. the music children squat. The teacher uses the The teacher uses the media The teacher reminds that sample material and shows accompaniment to setup a the flies are harmful a rubber fly. She tells about flying fly z-z-z. insects. Test: the teacher flies (appearance, body Study visit to the yard. puts small pieces of meat parts, wings, etc.). The Children are looking for into the jar. Conversation- teacher catches a fly, puts it insects and observe them, after some time observe into a jar and brings in a telling, listening to the what happened in the jar. group. Children tell that the sounds they make. There are fly’s eggs on the

years old years flies have a head, legs, Moving game: „Catch a top of the meat.

7 - fly“ Children have a The teacher explains that

5 body, wings. Test: the teacher puts small pieces of butterfly net, run and catch flies breed. meat in the jar. flies. Game: „Clean the kitchen“ Conversation-after some time observe what happened in the jar.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses the The teacher uses the media The teacher brings live sample material and accompaniment to setup a mosquitoes. Children rubber mosquitoes. Tells mosquito flying in z-z-z. observe (mosquito has a about the flies Game: Birds and head, legs, body, wings). (appearance, etc.). Game: mosquitoes- the teacher is a Mosquito hums. Game: The „Catch the mosquito“-she bird (birdie on her head „Mosquito Game“-the

years old years

puts a rope at the end of a headgear), and children are teacher has a mosquito in

3 - branch and a mosquito at the mosquitoes. Children her hands, the children run

1,5 the end of the rope. She run buzzing, the teacher and teacher tries to put the turns the branch and tries to catch kids, at the mosquito on the body. children try to catch the end of the music children Discussion. fly. squat. The teacher uses a model- The teacher uses the media The teacher offers children material rubber mosquito. of mosquito’s and frog’s a colouring book. The child Conversation with children sounds. Discussion. finds and colours a picture about flies (appearance, Mosquito goes (z-z-z), and of a mosquito on it. etc.), that mosquitoes are the frog goes (kva-kva). Conversation with the insects, they fly, buzz and Children think whose voice children what is the suck blood. is an odd one. Study visit to mosquito (large-small, fly-

years old years Game: ””-the teacher the yard. Children search crawling, etc.). Game:

5 - Children are mosquitoes.

3 throws the ball, kids catch for insects and observe the ball (if they hear them, telling, listening to They run and find a flower mosquitoes) If they do not the sounds they make. and squat (paper flowers). hear, they will push the ball away. The teacher uses a sample The teacher shows the wild The teacher offers children material rubber mosquito. mosquitoes through the to become investigators and The teacher tells kids media. Listening to their to create a mosquito about mosquitoes voices, sounds and catcher. Test: „Mosquito (appearance etc bad insect- repeating them. Game: Catcher,“ Tools: a plastic

parasitic, they carry „Catch the mosquito“ bottle, water, sugar, yeast, diseases, humming). Children stand in a circle at paper. When the catcher is Children tell about arm’s length (forming ready, children put it in a mosquitos and answer the gates) 1 child is the game dark place. Children

years old years


- questions. The teacher tells leader, another is the observe. A scheme: 5 that only female mosquito (with a mosquito mosquitoes attack people. headgear) The game leader Study visit to the yard- tries to catch the mosquito insect observation- find running through the the mosquito and talk established gateways. about it.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses a sample Under the teacher’s The teacher offers children material with a sick child. direction children move to colour their

She tells that a child got freely (with a towel). The handkerchiefs (paper, sick because he had the teacher is a virus (virus finger paints). Children virus. Game: ”I am sick” headgear). When the decorate their towels and Under the teacher’s teacher sneezes children talk about that. The teacher

years old years

3 direction children put a squat and hide behind the points out that the hands - sick doll to a bed, the towel. Who did not hide were black, and in order to 1,5 thermo-meter under her becomes ill and sneezes not get sick they need to arm, take care and give the too. Media. wash their hands with soap. medicine. The teacher uses pictures, The teacher uses media. The teacher offers children books, a teddy bear (in Game: „Try to catch a to draw germs using paints. bed). Asks what happened healthy child“ When the drawings are to the bear? Is the bear Every child has a balloon ready the teacher directs sick? Were you sick? The tied behind his back. The attention to the fact that the teacher explains that when teacher is a virus. She runs hands are painted too. The the virus enters the body, behind the kids and tries to virus is clever and gets to

years old years we sneeze, cough, we are pierce a balloon with a their hands. Children wash



3 sick. What do you need to needle. If the teacher their hands with soap. do when you are sick? manages to break the Children discuss. Game: balloon, the child will get „Hospital“. Children treat sick. the sick bear. The teacher uses pictures, The teacher offers children Role play game „ Treat a books. Discussion: what to play a role play game: doll“. A doctor and a nurse the virus is, how often they „Aibolit „- a doctor, a are selected, other children are ill. Explains that we get nurse are selected, other with their dolls come to the sick, we cough, sneeze and children are sick. Children doctor’s. They say that have fever. The small rods come to the doctor's and their „child“ is ill. The come out through our nose listen to breathing through doctor looks, listens, writes and mouth, move through the nose, mouth, the cough, the medicine and children

years old years the air. They are dangerous can they sing when they (doll’s parents) are going



5 to healthy people. It’s have a sore throat. home and treating their important to behave in the The child listens to the child. right way in order not to hearts and lungs using become ill and not to infect stethoscope. The teacher people. Game: ”Aibolit” asks leading questions. Children treat each other.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows sample The teacher uses the media. The teacher puts fruits on a material with fruits. The teacher shows different table (pears, apples, Explains where they grow, movements, with explana- bananas, etc.) She offers

their shapes, health tions (washes hands, face, kids to try fruits and benefits. Game:,, teeth, dries with a towel, explains that fruits are Harvesting "under the laughs in the mirror). healthy food, there are a lot

years old years teacher’s direction children Music is used. Children of vitamins. We need them

3 - put pears and apples in repeat all the movements. to be healthy.

1,5 separate baskets. The At the end of the game The teacher pays kids’ teacher explains that they says, now we are clean and attention to the colour, are useful as they have a healthy. shapes, smell and taste. lot of vitamins. The teacher is a doctor. The teacher uses the media. The teacher prepares plates The teacher observes Game: „Who is the fastest filled with sliced fruits and children's hands, feet, picker“? Two teams, two vegetables (children cannot touches the head, give a pat baskets, pictures: a fruit see what is on the plate). on the back, asks why we garden, vegetables. There Game: “Guess by need eyes, ears, etc. The are fruits and vegetables on flavour“ The teacher asks teacher asks to look in the the ground. After a signal children to taste one of the

years old years mirror- to smile, bright sound teams are picking fruits or vegetables.



3 eyes, pink cheeks-perhaps fruits and vegetables. The Children name fruits and all the children are healthy! winners are those who vegetables by their favours. She asks what you must do quickly pick their fruits. to be healthy? How can we keep out health? Game: „Cook“. Children The teacher uses the media. The teacher brings a fresh are cooks and prepare Game: „Who is the fastest onion, dill, garlic, a pear, vegetable salad and picker“? Two teams, four an apple, an orange and a compote. The teacher puts baskets with different lemon. The teacher offers

fruits, vegetables, colours, pictures: fruits, children to rub the onion vegetable shredder, plastic vegetables, berries, and and dill in the hands and knives and forks on the unhealthy chips, then sniff. Cut the garlic, table. Children choose the hamburger, Pepsi, etc.). pear, apple, orange, lemon -

years old years


- necessary fruits, describe There are fruits, vegetables, and smell. Conversation 5 them (colour, appearance, berries and un-healthy food with children „What are the shape, size, etc.). Under the on the ground. After a fruits and vegetables“? teacher’s direction children signal sound teams are Game: A salad make a salad, taste it. picking the harvest. Children name objects.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher shows pictures The teacher asks kids to The teacher cut fruits and of teeth, asks kids to look taste food. Children eat and vegetables, asks kids to in the mirror and observe listen to the sound of eating taste them. Children tell her their teeth. There are and chewing. Children grit if it is soft, hard, what is different fruits and teeth, make a chattering easier to eat. They touch

years old years vegetables on the table (an noise. their teeth. The teacher

3 - apple, a pear, a carrot). The says and shows the kids

1,5 teacher asks how can we how to brush teeth. eat fruits (teeth) Children rinse their mouth.

The teacher shows pictures The teacher asks kids to Children look in the mirror and books about teeth, asks taste food. Children eat and and touch their teeth, brush to look in the mirror and listen to the sound of eating teeth. Test: half blow a

observe their teeth. and chewing. Children grit balloon, draw a face on it, Conversation: why do we and tap their teeth, listen to glue teeth on a mouth. need teeth, a dentist? The the sound. Game: Blow the balloon. What is

years old years teacher speaks about tooth healthy/unhealthy food. happening? There is space



3 decay. Children speak between teeth. about what influence the food has on teeth.

The teacher shows a teeth The teacher asks kids to Children brush their teeth, model. Discussion. Human taste food. Children eat and look in the mirror, touch is born without teeth, a listen to the sound of eating their teeth. Game: „At the growing baby has milk and chewing. Children grit dentist’s“. One child is a

teeth, milk teeth fall out, and tap their teeth, listen to doctor, the second is a permanent teeth grow. the sound. Game: patient. Test: half blow a (32). Children watch and healthy/unhealthy food. balloon, draw a face on it,

years old years compare their teeth. glue teeth on a mouth.


- Discussion: why do we Blow the balloon. What is 5 need teeth, a dentist? Why happening? There is space tooth decay occurs. Tooth between teeth. brushing rules

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher shows children Media. Children Paper craft: Children glue a a rubber toy- a flea, shows demonstrate how a flea picture of a flea to a white how it jumps. Game: jumps to the music. The sheet of paper children jump like fleas teacher asks to jump on the

years old years

3 and squat. place, to jump towards like - fleas. 1,5 The teacher shows pictures Media. The teacher divides Modelling: children make of fleas. Game: Choose a kinds into two groups. fleas using plasticine. The flea from other insects. Children compete in teacher explains that fleas

Children describe its colour jumping to the music. They appear in dirty places. and size, how does it look jump on the spot over the Children tell how the flea like, differences. The rope – who will jump looks like, what will teacher tells kids where and further. happen if the flea bites you.

years old years


- why they appear, how their The teacher tells once more 3 bites affect (harm/diseases) that the room must be kept people and animals. clean. Discussion.

The teacher shows pictures Media. The teacher divides Game: „Create a picture“. of fleas. Game: Choose a kinds into two groups. Children create a picture flea from other insects. Children compete in from small pieces. (A flea) Children describe its colour jumping to the music. They Children assemble puzzles and size, how does it look jump on the spot over the (fleas) like, differences. The rope – who will jump teacher tells kids where and further. Discussion about why they appear, how their fleas: how they affect

years old years bites affect (harm/diseases) people’s health, spread



5 people and animals. Paper diseases. People have to craft: children cut pictures maintain the cleanliness of fleas out and glue them and hygiene. to paper.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: How parasites get into human’s body. ANATOMY


The teacher tells kids that it Children listen to the sound Game: „Wash your hands“.

is very important to wash of running water. Children Children wash their hands. hands with soap. You have eat fruits. What do you need Microbes live on our dirty to eat vegetables and fruits. to do before eating? - wash hands. The teacher demonstrates hands.

years old years


- dirty and clean fruits and vegetables.


The teacher shows pictures Children listen to the sound Children wash their hands. of how to wash hands, tells of running water. Media. Game „Dirty doll“. Kids

kids that it is very important Children move like teach doll how to use to wash hands with soap microbes and parasites. personal hygiene products. after walking outside, toilet, Didactic game: „Find the

years old years touching animals. Clean same“. The teacher gives


- and fresh food. People have hygiene products, children 3 to use only personal have to find the same. hygiene products.

The teacher shows pictures The teacher takes balloons. There are a microscope, of microbes and parasites, There are angry faces on fruits and vegetables on the tells kids that it is very them. Children name the table. Kids can see

important to wash hands hygiene rules and pop the microbes through the with soap after walking balloons. microscope on dirty fruits outside, toilet, animals. and vegetables. The game Hygiene. Clean and fresh „Wonder bag“

years old years


- food. Children take different 5 People have to use only hygiene products from the personal hygiene products. bad and talk about why they need them.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher shows a toy- a Children are divided into Children colour pictures of

tick, describes its two teams. One team has ticks. appearance, movements, white shirts, the second habitat and a damage ticks team has black shirts. The make. teacher puts pictures of

years old years

3 ticks on the shirts. Children - show where we can see 1,5 ticks and where not.

The teacher shows pictures, Children are divided into Children model a tick using speaks about their habitat. two teams. One team has plasticine. There is a black Children describe their white shirts, the second and white paper on the

team black shirts. The table. Children put their appearance, speak about teacher puts pictures of ticks on the paper, observe. the damage ticks cause (for ticks on the shirts. Children Where can you see ticks and people and animals). How show where we can see where not?

years old years

5 shall we dress going

- ticks and where not. How 3 outside (to the park/forest)? did they get on our bodies?

The teacher shows pictures Children are divided into Children colour and cut the of insects. Children find a two teams. One team has tick out. tick, speak about the white shirts, the second There is a black and white damage ticks cause (for team has black shirts. The paper on the table. Children people and animals). teacher puts pictures of put their ticks on the paper, Clothing in the park and ticks on the shirts. Children observe. Where can you see forest. Stings are very show where we can see ticks and where not?

years old years dangerous. ticks and where not. How



5 Game: „What did the artist did they get on our bodies? forget to draw? - what is missing in the picture of an insect.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher show a toy- The teacher explains that Game: „Cockroach racing“.

cockroach, describes its rustle and Children have headband appearance, colour, habitat, crawl while moving, run with pictures of movements. away when the light is cockroaches on them. They turned on. Children imitate run freely in a place

years old years

3 the sound of rustling marked with a chalk. - cockroaches (crumpling (music) 1,5 paper)

The teacher shows pictures Children imitate the sound Game: „Cockroach racing“. of cockroaches. Children of rustling cockroaches Children have headband describe their appearance, (crumpling paper). The with pictures of colour, size, habitat, teacher tells kids that they cockroaches on them. They movements. Children reproduce rapidly and cause run freely in a place answer to questions about a lot of harm to human marked with a chalk. the damage cockroaches health. (music) The teacher tells

years old years cause. the children that



3 cockroaches appear there, where it is very dirty. People need to pay a lot of attention to the cleanliness and hygiene. The teacher shows pictures Children put picture on the Game: „Make a picture“. of cockroaches. Children table, listen to the sound Children make a picture describe their appearance, (rustling) while moving. from small pieces colour, size, habitat, The teacher explains that (cockroach). Children movements. Children cockroaches reproduce assemble puzzles answer to questions about rapidly and cause a lot of (cockroach). Children are the damage cockroaches harm to human health. in two groups and have

years old years cause. People must fight with headbands with pictures of



5 them using special cockroaches on them. They equipment and to pay a lot grabble slowly or fast in of attention to the colonies according to the cleanliness and hygiene. music. Who is faster?

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

Topic: What is digestion? ANATOMY


The teacher uses different food as The teacher offers children The teacher uses different

an example (carrots, cabbages, to taste different food (a food as an example (carrots, bread, boiled sausages etc) carrot, a cabbage, bread, a cabbages, bread, boiled Children observe and name sausage etc). Children taste sausages). The teacher offers

years old years products and their colours. The and listen to the sound, children to taste different


- teacher helps them. The teacher which comes from their food. A game: „Shop“. The


explains- that this is food or mouth. teacher is a cashier, and

1,5 nutrients, that we eat. children are customers.

1.5 The teacher uses pictures and The teacher offers kids The teacher demonstrates books about digestion organs and different slices of fruits. kids, where the digestive a model of a human. (Teeth, a Children chew and listen to organs are. Children show tongue, saliva, an oesophagus, a the sound from their mouths. them on their bodies. stomach, bowel). The teacher explains the An experiment:“ How our Digestion is a scholastic way of sound of chewing. It comes stomach works“. The teacher food and processing. At the when we chew hard food. gives kids a glass of water,

years old years beginning we chew food, after it When we eat a slice of sugar, salt and one piece of



3 moves through the oesophagus bread, which is soft, no bread. Children put sugar, salt down to our stomach. There the sounds come out. and bread into the glass and food becomes into porridge, A game: „Put fruits and observe, what happens (like which moves down into bowel, vegetables into different in our stomach).

where the sorting happens. baskets”- media. The teacher uses pictures of The teacher offers kids The teacher gives one cookie digestion organs (Teeth, a tongue, different slices of fruits. to everyone. Children put saliva, an oesophagus, a stomach, Children chew and listen to cookies into the mouth and bowel and an apple- big magnet). the sound from their mouths. chew. They observe, what

Conversation: how this apple Chat: It comes when we happens with the cookie travels in us. Digestion is a chew hard food. When we there. Saliva helps the cookie scholastic way of food and eat a slice of bread, which is to become soft.Teeth help to processing. At the beginning we soft, no sounds come out. crush the cookie and to ingest

years old years


- chew food, after it moves through Games: Edible or not“, Stomach walls are rough like 5 the oesophagus down to our “Healthy and unhealthy” sandpaper. She gives the stomach, the food becomes into sandpaper to kids. Children porridge, which moves down into rub the cookie on the bowel, where it is sorted sandpaper and observe, what

happens (like in the stomach)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

Topic: What is food? ANATOMY


The teacher takes toys: a dog, a The teacher puts different The teacher asks kids to taste cat, a rabbit, a doll and different animals and foodstuff on a sausages, bread, jam, candies

foodstuff. She tells kids, what table: a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a and milk. they eat and demonstrates chicken, a doll, a carrot, a fish, The teacher and children set foodstuff. The teacher explains seeds, grains, a bone, an apple, the table for a doll. There will why we need foodstuff. Food candies. Children choose food be vitamins on the table.

years old years

3 can be healthy and unhealthy. and put it in front of the Children put toys on the table: - animals. The teacher asks kids edible food, fruits and 1,5 to taste different foodstuff. vegetables. Children listen to the sound of chewing and eating. The teacher demonstrates books The teacher asks kids to taste The teacher knifes fruits and and pictures, of foodstuff. Chat: different foodstuff and listen vegetables into slices. The what the food is, why we need to the sound coming out. first group of children put food, vitamins. Different A didactic game: „Put them on plates and set the

foodstuff is differently healthy, foodstuff on a plate“ sort fruits table. The second group of consists of proteins, fat and and vegetables by the colour. children visit them and taste carbs that are very important for A didactic game: „Buy the the food, speak about it.Game: our organism. The teacher same foodstuff“ . Children “Edible or not” Children stay

years old years


- shows pictures of foodstuff, will go shopping and buy the in a circle, the teacher with a 3 where vitamins live. same foodstuff like they have. ball is in the centre. The The teacher uses media. teacher names different foods. If this food is edible children will catch the ball. If it’s

poisonous-won’t catch. The teacher demonstrates The teacher asks kids to taste Game „A cook“. Children pictures, books and slides of different foodstuff and listen make a healthy salad. Under foodstuff. It consists of to the sound coming out. the teacher’s direction kids proteins, fat and carbs that are A didactic game: „Put slice vegetables and mix them very important to our organism. foodstuff on a plate“. Kids with oil and salt. After that Game: „What is useful to our sort fruits and vegetables by they eat the salad together.

years old years organism“ the colour (plates of the same Game: “Edible or not“



5 Children are in two groups. colours) A didactic game: The teacher names different They have sort pictures of „Buy the same foodstuff”, a foods. If this food is edible foodstuff (useful- on a table and game: “Edible or not” . children will catch the ball. If harmful - into the bin). it’s poisonous-won’t catch.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

Topic: What is flavour? ANATOMY


The teacher puts different fruits The teacher gives kids bread, The teacher gives kids fruits and vegetable on a table: an candies, apples, oranges, pears, and vegetables. Children taste

apple, an orange, a pear, a cucumbers, tomatoes and it, its flavour. (sour, sweet) cucumber, a tomato, a carrot, carrots. Children chew it and A game: „Tasting“. Children an onion. The teacher explains listen to the sound coming out. taste different fruits and kids that every food has its Children can listen to the vegetables and speak about

years old years

3 own flavour that we can taste sounds of hard and soft food. their flavours (sour, sweet or - with a tongue. She There is no sound when we eat bitter). Game: „Set the table for 1,5 demonstrates the tongue. soft food. The teacher asks kids a doll“ Kids with the teacher Children show their tongues to drink and explains that this put fruits and vegetables on the

too. is food too. plates for a doll and eat too. The teacher uses a poster of a The teacher gives kids bread, The teacher and kids do tongue boy with a tongue. There are candies, apples, oranges, pears, exercises: show your tongue bubbles ( papillae ) on the cucumbers, tomatoes and between teeth, turn your tongue

tongue. Chat: we feel the food carrots. Children chew it and to the right/left, clean teeth with flavour (tongue): sweet, salty, listen to the sound of hard and a tongue.The teacher gives kids bitter and sour. Our sense of soft food. There is no sound fruits and vegetables. Chat: flavour can be developed. when we eat soft food. shapes, colours, flavours. Game

years old years


- Taste food, what you didn’t The teacher asks kids to drink “What is in the bag?“there are 3 like earlier. May be it will milk, water and fruit-drink. small pieces of fruits and surprise you. The teacher gives Children compare flavours. vegetables in a bag. Children kids to taste lemon and orange A game: „What flavour is close eyes and take one taste

slices. Children compare. this?“ fruits and vegetables and guess, repeat 6-8 times The teacher uses a poster of a The teacher offers kids to taste The teacher and kids do tongue boy and four colourful circles different fruits and vegetables exercises: show your tongue (red, yellow, blue, green)Chat: like a lemon, grapes, an onion. between teeth, turn your tongue

we feel the flavour(sweet, A game „Guess what“: three to the right/left, clean teeth with salty, bitter and sour) thanks to glasses, water, salt, sugar, a tongue. our tongue.The teacher gives lemon acid, a spoon. Children The teacher gives kids fruits kids mirrors. Children observe pour water into glasses and put and vegetables. Chat: shapes

years old years


- their tongues and do exercises: sugar, salt and lemon acid into colours, size. Drawing: three 5 clean teeth using a tongue at different glasses. They observe fruits and three vegetables the top, at the bottom, on the how they dissolve in the water. (paper, pencils, paints, marker) right/left side in the mouth. Children taste and guess the Children and the teacher make

flavour of water. a fruit salad.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

Topic: Why do we need water? ANATOMY


The teacher uses a bowl with The teacher opens a faucet. The teacher and kids comes water. Children stand around it Children listen to the sound of to the washbasin. Game:

and look into it,see themselves. running water. Two glasses: „Wash your hands“. Children The teacher puts glasses in front one is filled with water, the wash their hands. The teacher of every child and pours water in. other is empty. She pours water asks kids to touch warm and

Children observe, how the water from one glass to the other. cold water. Children feel the

years old years

3 pours. After that the teacher gives Children listen to the difference. Game: „Wash - stones. Children put stones into sound.The teacher takes a bowl your doll“. The teacher 1,5 the glass of water. The teacher and pours water there. Children prepares a bath filled with explains that they can see stones throw stones into the water and water. Children wash their

because the water is glassy. listen to the sounds. dolls and dry using towels. The teacher shows a book „Why The teacher opens a faucet. There are a bowl and two do we need water?“ ,gives a glass Children listen to the sound of watering cans: one is red, the and a jar filled with water. Child- running water. Two glasses: second is blue. The teacher ren pour water from a jar into the one is filled with water, the pours water from both cans glass. The teacher takes two glas- other is empty. She pours wa- and asks kids: What water is ses. One is filled with water and ter from one glass to the other. in the red and blue watering

years old years the second with milk. She puts Kids take a small bottle of wa- cans?“(warm and cold). Chat:


- stones in both glasses and asks ter and pour it into the bowl, water can be warm, hot and 3 kids: „Where are the stones?“- in throw stones into the water and cold. It’s not allowed to touch the first glass filled with water, listen to the sounds. hot water because of risk of because the water is glassy. Media- water sounds. getting injuries.

The teacher demonstrates pictures Children listen to the sound of Hand massage: bowls, warm of different water conditions and running water. Two glasses: and cold water. Children put ways of using it. Children pour one is filled with water, the their hands in both bowls.

water from a jar into the glass. other is empty. The teacher The teacher gives pipes and Two glasses: one is filled with pours water from one glass to kids taste water. Water is water and the second with milk, the other, asks to listen to the tasteless. Under the teacher’s there are stones in both glasses. sound.Children throw stones direction kids put sugar and

years old years


- Water is glassy, but milk is not. into the water and listen to the salt into the water. 5 The 3rd glass of water. Kids put sounds, observe which one Afterwards they taste it and sugar, salt and oil into the water, drowns. The teacher explains understand that water with observe that sugar and salt that heavy objects drown, and sugar is sweet, with salt is

dissolves, but oil doesn’t dissolve. light objects swim. salty.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

Topic: How our bowels (intestine) sort food? ANATOMY

VISUAL AUDITORY KINESTHETIC The teacher uses a doll, a rope, The teacher explains what we do The teacher uses dolls and toy pictures, schemes. on a pee pot. She demonstrates furniture, doll’s clothes, toy The teacher demonstrates on a pee pots and asks why we need pee pot. She plays with doll, where the intestine or them. The teacher offers to sit on children „Our family“. They bowels is and how it’s rolled. the pot and have a pee. Children put a doll into the bed, after

years old years The teacher explains that our sit on the pee pots and listen to sleeping put it on the pee pot

3 - poo and pee comes out through the sound of poo or having pee. (to have a pee and poo), dress


1,5 the bowel. A doll, which can drink and it up and offer to eat and

- have a pee, is used. drink (media is used).

1.5 The teacher uses a poster, a A doll, which can drink and The teacher uses books, a rope, pictures, schemes; have a pee, is used. poster, pictures, a rope, explains kids that our intestine The teacher uses studying schemes.

sort food into two parts: materials: A4 paper, pencils, She uses a human model. vitamins and other parts. The paints, crayons. She uses a Children have human models part, that we need, is sent to human model, and makes a too. They draw a face on a our blood, and the other one drawing with children of how model and glue a rope on it

years old years


- comes out as excrements. The our intestine sorts food. (zigzag, like our intestine) 3 teacher takes a rope and shows The teacher offers kid to have a A game: Change your doll’s how long our intestine is. After pee after that activity and listen diapers. (using media) that she rolls it like on the to the sound of it.

poster. Observation. The teacher uses a poster, a The teacher takes a rope. The teacher uses a hose and rope, pictures, schemes. Children measure the rope in explains that it is similar to

The teacher explains kids that groups (How long is our in- our intestine. A discussion: our intestine sort food into two testine?) Children look at the people can’t live without food parts: vitamins and other parts. poster and roll the rope as our and drink. The teacher The part, that we need, is sent intestine looks like (it’s thin like demonstrates scheme, where

years old years to our blood, and the other one a sausage at the begin-ning, but food dissolves, useful part of



5 comes out as excrements. at the end it’s thin like a it stay in our organism, cucumber).Children go to a useless comes out like toilet and listen to the sounds of excrements. Game: „A

having a pee/poo. family“ (take care of a baby)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: The tongue and lips ANATOMY


The teacher uses pictures The child smiles, an The teacher uses a mirror.

of a mouth and a tongue. elephant pulls out its trunk, Children look in a mirror Offers children to look in hippopotamus yawns (u-i- and move their lips and the mirror and to show the a). The tongue meets the tongues. Game: two glasses tongue and lips. Game with chin. Under the teacher’s of water (warm and cold).

years old years

3 lips: ”trunk”, ”smile”, directions kids try to Under the teacher’s - ”house is opened”. imitate the horse neigh direction kids taste warm 1,5 (using a tongue and lips). and cold water (using lips and tongue). The teacher uses pictures. Game: exercises with a The teacher uses a mirror. Children find an upper lip tongue. Children imitate Kids observe their tongues, and a lower lip, look at the horse neigh (media). pull it out, show it. The picture. Game with the Mirror is used. Children teacher explains that there tongue: ”The upper lip sing and observe their lips are places on the tongue, greets the chin”. Try to while singing. which help to recognize touch the upper lip with flavours, temperature (cold, your tongue, put it back hot). Children eat food and

years old years


- into your mouth. Try to talk about its favour, 3 touch the chin, back into temperature. Children taste mouth. Game: ”A doctor”. cold and warm water (lips). The teacher has a white Discussion. coat, talks about oral hygiene The teacher uses a mirror, Children listen to the The teacher uses a mirror. pictures, books. Children sounds of chomping Kids observe their tongues, name the parts of the animals and people. pull it out, show it. The

mouth. The teacher teacher explains that there explains that there are are places on the tongue, places on the tongue, which help to recognize

years old years which help to recognize flavours, temperature (cold,


- flavours, temperature hot). Children eat food and

5 (cold, hot). Test: children talk about its favour, taste cold and warm water temperature. Test: children (lips). Game: „Guess by taste cold and warm water the flavour“ (tongue). Discussion.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses a book The teacher asks kids to The teacher uses a mirror. about teeth, a carrot in a taste different fruits and Children open their mouths jar. Test: children observe vegetables, listen to the and observe their lower

years old years the roots of the carrot in sound of eating and teeth. Small kids have


- water and green stems on it chewing. small teeth or milk teeth.

1,5 (as well as teeth) Children observe how If you look in a mirror and Who is a dentist? The carrots grow in a vegetable open your mouth, you will dentist checks your gum bed. There is a small green see your teeth. You can health. If he detects caries, stank on the ground, roots observe them better if you he will clear the hole (using are in the ground (as well open your mouth widely, special tools), puts as our teeth). You can see put a finger into the angle medicine and fills a cavity

years old years only the ”head” of the of mouth and to turn your (in a tooth).



3 tooth, that is called crown head a little. of the tooth. The root of the tooth keeps it in the gums (chin). The teacher asks: what do If you look in a mirror you What is dental caries? we use for chewing? will see two rows of teeth: Microbes (bacteria) make (teeth). Milk teeth start the top row and the bottom an acid from sugar, that growing in babyhood. row. The jaw is under the food contains, in our These teeth fall out (6-7 gum. The tooth roots attach mouth. The acid attacks the

years old) to make room to it. There are the upper enamel. There will be a for permanent teeth in the jaw and lower jaw, or hole: caries is formed. mouth that we carry jawbone. Children explore Caries is a small hole. throughout life. the incisors, eyeteeth and Game: „Dentist“ Children

years old years


- What is the bite? Each permanent teeth in the clean the hole and fill it 5 tooth has a role. The mirror. with plasticine or fillings incisors cut, eyeteeth bite, (moulage) permanent teeth crush food. All teeth are important, they must be saved.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher uses a doll, The teacher asks kids to Game: Inhalation and demonstrates its stomach and taste different food. exhalation. The child explains that food, that we eat, gets Children eat and listen inhales- his stomach

years old years here. We chew food, swallow to the sound of eating is small, exhales-big.


- down, and then the food gets into (eat apples, carrots, Children touch their

1,5 our stomach. swedes, candies). stomachs. The teacher demonstrates pictures Rubber toys (with Game: Inhalation and and books, explains: the journey of sounds). Children sit on exhalation. The child the food starts from our mouth-teeth the toys, they make inhales- his stomach (we chew food), we swallow food, sounds (poop). After is small, exhales-big.

and it moves down through the eating fruits occur gases Children touch their oesophagus to the stomach. In the in the stomach and stomachs. stomach the food is pressed and sometimes come out Drawing: (templates) properly crushed into porridge, and (poop, fart). Children cut the

years old years


- then the food moves along the long The teacher asks human out, glue it on 3 coiled pipes (intestine) into the children to try different a paper. The child small intestine. food. Children chew and explains where the listen to the sound stomach is. coming out of the mouth. The teacher shows pictures and Nutrients are absorbed Drawing (templates). books about digestion. Explains: the into the blood, remains Children cut the journey of the food starts from our come out through the human’s body out, mouth-teeth (we chew food, saliva), large intestine. glue human’s we swallow food, and it moves Rubber toys (with digestive organs on it, down through the oesophagus to the sounds). Children sit on explain the digestion stomach. In the stomach the food is the toys, they make (mouth, oesophagus, pressed and properly crushed into sounds (poop). After stomach, small porridge (into small pieces), and eating fruits occur gases intestine, large

years old years then the food moves along the long in the stomach and intestine).



5 (9 metres) coiled pipes (intestine) sometimes come out into the small intestine. The process (poop, fart). is called the digestion, it takes places in the organs, which all together form a gastrointestinal tract.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



Study visit to the yard. The teacher asks kids The teacher asks kids to touch Children observe the to taste apples, pears toys (furry, plastic, rubber, environment. The teacher and lemons (this is the gummy bears, candies). explains that we use eyes for sense of taste or the Children touch them and find watching. Game: Eyes are gustation). what is edible. open/closed (hands in front Children listen to the Modelling: children make

years old years

of the eyes). Children take a music (media): happy, balls.

3 - smell, touch the natural sad, slow, loud.

1,5 materials and listen to the Children move or sounds of nature. Children dance to music. uses five senses (eyes, nose, hands, ears) The teacher uses pictures Children listen to the The teacher uses fruits, and books, explains that music (media): happy, candies, vegetables etc. there are five senses sad, slow, loud. The Explains that we don’t have to

(hearing, sight, touch, smell, teacher puts pictures of think about our senses and and taste). faces into different their work. Only a few people Game: there are five baskets places. Children move can feel better. Try to play

years old years on the table and pictures of and find the right with your senses. Game: try to


- body parts on them. The picture. eat fruits having garlic under 3 child chooses the picture and Drawing: „Fruits and your nose. puts into the right basket, vegetables“ explains why he/she chose it.

The teacher uses pictures Children listen to the Conversation: sense of touch and books, explains that music (media): happy, is very important. there are five senses sad, slow, loud. The Game: There are two baskets (hearing, sight, touch, smell, teacher puts pictures of filled with warm and cold

and taste). faces into different water, a bun and an apple, a Game: there are five baskets places. Children move brush and a plum on the table. on the table and pictures of and find the right If you touch an object (with body parts on them. The picture. fingers), our nerve endings

years old years


- child chooses the picture and will send a signal to our brain 5 puts into the right basket, (is this object smooth, rough, explains why he/she chose it. cold or hot). The nerve Study visit to the yard. endings are everywhere in our Children explore the body. Kids tickle each other. environment.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Microbes in the mouth ANATOMY


The teacher uses picture of Under the teacher’s Under the teacher’s

oral hygiene, explains that directions children move direction children rinse it is necessary to wash (squat, run, walk, hug). their mouths, wash hands hands with soap in order to Media. This game can be with soap. Game: ”Wash not put dirt into the mouth. repeated. your doll with soap and

years old years

3 Children wash hands and water”. - rinse their mouth. Children 1,5 taste different fruits and vegetables. The teacher uses picture of Game (media) ”Day and Microbes cannot be seen by oral hygiene. Game: there night”. Children are ordinary eyes, they can be are different story images microbes. If music is fast, viewed through a on a table. Children choose children will move fast. If magnifying glass and a pictures related to the oral music is slow, children will microscope. Children look hygiene, describe pictures. stop moving. through a magnifying glass Game with a tongue: brush and cannot see anything. teeth with the tongue. The There are bacteria inside

years old years teacher explains that there our mouth that can protect



3 are places on the tongue us from microbes. Children which helps us to recognize try to rinse the mouth, wash tastes, the taste of hot and hands with soap - this is cold. Children taste hygiene. different fruits and vegetables. I am sick. The teacher says Do you know, what Microbes get into the body that we do not sometimes happens in your body, through the nose, mouth, feel well (aches, dizziness, when you have a fever? ears and cuts. Children say cough, runny nose). What White blood cells are what is necessary to do in

is it? Small tiny creatures- fighting with microbes. order to not become ill. bugs can get into our body Game: children are There are story (plot) cards and do mischief there. microbes, two kids are on the table. Children

years old years When the germs get into policemen who are trying choose appropriate cards



5 our body, our body to stick germs and make which help to be healthy. policemen (white blood them sit down. cells) immediately come to help it. During this time we have a fever.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is a plant? BIOLOGY


The teacher introduces Under the teacher’s The teacher asks children to

plants (pictures). The direction children play a touch birch bark, explains plant grows in the game: listen to the sounds that it feels smooth and ground. Compare: the of a lawn mower. silky. The children gather big plant (a tree) and the flowers, the teachers makes

years old years


- small plant (a flower) flower headbands. Drawing:, ,Grass "(finger

1,5 paints).

The teacher shows a plant Under the teacher’s The teacher asks children to in a pot. The plant starts direction children play a touch the oak bark, growing from a seed and game: listen to the sounds explains that it is rough and grows in the ground. of a lawn mower and a saw rugged. Touch the apple

Compare: the big plant (a (saw trees). seeds and pumpkin seeds. tree) and the small plant Children taste seeds. (a flower). Children name The game "Grouping". Be

years old years the parts of the plant (root,


attentive and sort seeds into – stem, leaf, flower). two groups - one group of

3 An experiment: Children apple seeds and second find differences between group of pumpkin seeds. apple seeds and pumpkin seeds. Children taste seeds.

The teacher shows pictures Under the teacher’s The teacher brings reindeer of plants. Discussion. direction children play a moss and lichens, asks The plant starts growing game: listen to the sounds children to touch them. Do of a lawn mower and a saw you feel differences from a seed and grows in (saw trees). between them (what kind of the ground. Children name Study visit to the field- we differences)? Which is the parts of the plant (root, harder? Which is softer? can hear the sound of the stem, leaf, flower). combine harvester. The teacher brings Children observe reindeer gooseberry branches moss and lichens, compare (thorny) and red currant

years old years


- them, find differences. branches (smooth). 5 Children touch them. The teacher brings water- plants, the kids can touch the blue and red water- plants (algae). Children can feel that plants are soft, wet and slimy.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is the root? BIOLOGY


The teacher brings The teacher brings carrots, The teacher brings carrots, carrots, beets and beets, radishes. Children beets, radishes. Children radishes. Children can listen to the sound of touch them and compare:

observe coronal roots. eating and crunching. big or small, long or short. Game "What is the Drawing: „Draw a carrot“- colour of the drawing?" a paper, gouache.

years old years

3 Children draw a beet and

- a carrot using water- 1,5 colour on paper, add freely chosen things (the sun, a tree or a car, etc.).

The teacher brings The teacher brings The teacher brings carrots, carrots, beets and vegetables. Children can beets and radishes. Kids radishes. Children listen to the sound of eating can touch coronal roots, observe coronal roots. and crunching. Game: their softness and strength Study visit to the tree, "Who is the fastest slicer" of the main root. Children

which has roots on the Children are in two teams. describe their feelings after ground. Discussion. Both teams cut vegetables touching them. Children Outdoor game: „Edible- (on time). The fastest team use plastic knives, cut

years old years inedible"- the teacher win. Other children can vegetables into pieces and

5 names different food. If – listen to the sound of eat. 3 food is edible, children cutting vegetables. will catch the ball. If food is not edible, children will not catch it.

The teacher demonstrates The teacher brings The teacher brings books and pictures of vegetables. Children can vegetables. Kids can touch different roots - it is a listen to the sound of eating coronal roots, their softness hidden part of the plant and crunching. and strength of the main which sticks the plant in root. Children describe

Game: "Who is the fastest the ground and allows it to slicer" Children are in two their feelings after touching eat. Study visit to the tree, teams. Both teams cut them. which has roots on the vegetables (on time). The The teacher explains the

years old years

ground. Discussion. Why

7 fastest team win. Other importance of medicinal - there are some roots on the 5 children can listen to the plants in our lives. The ground? For example, sound of cutting teacher asks kids to touch orchids produce aerial vegetables. the herbs: valerian and roots above the ground. ginseng. The children tell They do not attach to the what they feel (hands, soil. nose)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is a leaf? BIOLOGY


The teacher brings dried The teacher leads children The teacher asks children to leaves of different plants. outside under the tree. The touch raspberries that grow The teacher uses pictures game is played collectively near the healthy path. Pays and demonstrates where the "Rustling game." Children attention to the leaf surface: leaves are on the plants. run quietly, taking short soft and furry. Then leads to

years old years steps, gently moving another plant which has a

3 - through the leaves. The smooth surface. Children

1,5 teacher asks to repeat: the can touch, feel the rustling of the leaves. difference.

The teacher uses media, The teacher leads children The teacher asks children to demonstrates different types outside under the tree. The touch raspberries that grow of leaves. Leaves are of game is played collectively near the healthy path. Pays different colours and can "Rustling game." Children attention to the leaf surface:

grow in different places. run quietly, taking short soft and furry. Then leads to Explains that the main steps, gently moving another plant which has a purpose of leaves is to get through the leaves. The smooth surface. Children solar energy. Study visit to teacher asks: what did you can touch, feel the

years old years

5 the flower beds. hear? Rustling? The teacher difference, compare

– Conversation. Flowers have asks to play „Silent game“. different wild plants, leaf 3 different leaves, they grow "Silence of the game". Kids thickness - the thickest, the from different places. stay quietly and motionless, thinnest and measure the Children show where the listen to how the wind length - longer, shorter. leaf is on the flower, moves the leaves, which Colour different leaves and describe its shape. sounds it creates. name them.

Study visit to the yard: Study visit to the yard. The Learning game: „Plant children observe different teacher leads children to the Wise“. The teacher leads leaves and name them. The aspen trees, asks to form a children to a park and asks children gather leaves and circle around the aspen and them to choose one leaf listen to the sound of stick for a herbarium. (trees, bushes, flowers, Weaving wreaths of shaking leaves. The teacher grass, etc.) Children fold flowers, grass, leaves. Paper introduces the specific leaves in length, then form a craft: work sheets with characteristics of this tree, row in ascending order

years old years paying attention to the


- different parts of the plant. according to the length of 5 The child must put the parts unique feature - the leaves their leaves. Children name of the plant on a clean piece move in calm weather. plants of the leaves they of paper to form the whole have, describe shapes, picture (each plant has a surfaces and edges. different shape)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is chlorophyll? BIOLOGY


The teacher shows children Test: there is a sponge and Artwork: the teacher gives pictures of plants and a a bowl of green liquid on children different fresh

glass filled with green the table. The teacher green leaves. Children rub liquid. Chlorophyll is the demonstrates how the against the white green colour, which gives sponge will get green background of the paper,

ears old ears the green colour to plants. colour. Screw the sponge in the paper turns green.



- the palm of your hand, put Children can draw a it in a bowl of green liquid, beautiful picture on it.

1,5 open the palm. The sponge absorbs the green liquid.

The teacher shows children Test: there is a sponge and Artwork: the teacher gives pictures of plants and a a bowl of green liquid on children different fresh glass filled with green the table. The teacher green leaves. Children rub liquid. Chlorophyll is the demonstrates how the against the white green colour, which gives sponge will get green background of the paper, the green colour to plants. colour. Screw the sponge in the paper turns green. Kids can break down plant the palm of your hand, put Children can draw a ears old ears parts and see if they emit a it in a bowl of green liquid, beautiful picture on it

5y open the palm. The sponge (using colour pencils or – green liquid. Study visit to 3 the yard: a magnifying absorbs the green liquid. crayons) or to do a paper glass to observe the colour At the beginning the craft. of plants. sponge is green, but it becomes white when the green liquid flows out.

The teacher shows children Test: there is a sponge and Test: the teacher has pictures of plants and a a bowl of green liquid on prepared a green liquid glass filled with green the table. The teacher (using food colour) and liquid. Chlorophyll is the demonstrates how the shares transparent straws. green colour, which gives sponge will get green Children suck the liquid in the green colour to plants. colour. Screw the sponge in the straw and place the tip Kids can break down plant the palm of your hand, put of one finger, so that the parts and see if they emit a it in a bowl of green liquid, liquid does not run out. ears old ears green liquid. Children open the palm. The sponge Discussion. Artwork: the


- absorbs the green liquid. teacher gives children

5 observe the plant parts using magnifying glass. At the beginning the different fresh green leaves. Discussion about what they sponge is green, but it Children rub against the see. (does everyone see it?) becomes white when the white background of the green liquid flows out. paper, the paper turns green. Children can draw a beautiful picture on it.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher brings tulips of The teacher asks children The teacher brings tulips of different colours, explains to draw a flower (spiralling different colours. Children

where they grow. Children from the inside out). can touch flower petals. can observe flower petals Children can draw a lot of Game: „Do you know through a magnifying flowers and colour them as colours?“ The teacher takes

ears old ears glass, to say what they see. they wish. one flower petal (one



- Repeat colours. colour), puts it in a row on the table. Children have to

1,5 add more petals of the same colour.

The teacher brings The game "Thumbelina". The teacher brings tulips of flowering plants: tulips and The children are in a circle different colours. Children bluebells, explains that the holding hands. One child is can touch flower petals. flowers are bursting every in a circle. Day-blossom. Children touch flowers and

year, and this period of The children stand up and petals, tell the differences flowering is called bloom take a step towards. Hands (gentle, strong, big, small). or florescence. The teacher are raised, Thumbelina The teacher refers to the

years old years talks about stamens, which wakes up, runs between


stamens and asks children – is an important part of the children. Night (do not to touch it by the tip of the

3 flower, and is fitted with blossom), Thumbelina is finger. You can see, there is the pollen. the circle and the other kids yellow dust on your are around her, sit. fingers. Drawing: „Colour the tulip“

The teacher shows pictures Game: „Do I feel the Children touch flowers and of a flower (blooming), and plants?“ Study visit to the petals, tell the differences flowers which do not yard. The teacher shares (gentle, strong, big, small). belong to the flowering cards with images of plants The teacher speaks about plants (do not bloom at on them. Children group the stamen and asks flower into two categories: all). Children observe children to touch it by the bluebells and tulips on the flowering and not. Children tip of the finger. You can table. The teacher explains move freely, search for see, there is yellow dust on that the flowers are plants, which have similar your fingers. The teacher

years old years characteristics. Later


- bursting every year (bloom brings (grainy) pollen, 5 or florescence). Stamen is analyse, why this plant is that is called pollen pellet. the pollen producing part suitable for your group (the Children rub pollen of a flower. Children teacher and children come between the fingers and observe pictures of to the plants) point out the differences different flowers. between them. Discussion.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows pictures Game: "Who is in the The teacher brings different of increased flower petals garden?" The children form flower blossoms, asks the (where stamens can be a circle, holding hands. children to touch the

observed). The teacher One child is a bee inside a stamens by the tip of the explains that the stamens circle. Music plays, kids finger. You can see, there is are covered with pollen. walk in a circle and sing, colourful pollen on your Observation using then raise hands and the fingers. Drawing: „A

years old years


- magnifying glass. bee start flying between flower“ - finger paints. children, until the song

1,5 says: "Push in the second one!" -The game with a new bee.

The teacher shows pictures Round game: "Who is in The teacher refers to the of increased flower petals the garden, who is in the stamens and asks children (where stamens can be garden?" The children form to touch it by the tip of the

observed). The teacher a circle, holding hands. finger. You can see, there is explains that the stamens One child is a bee inside a yellow dust on your are covered with pollen. circle. Music plays, kids fingers. One pollen must meet walk in a circle and sing,

years old years The teacher brings bee

5 another pollen to give birth then raise hands and the pollen that is called pollen – to a new plant. The teacher bee start flying between

3 pellet. Children rub pollen has brought a real and large children, until the song between the fingers and lily flower with beautiful says: "Push in the second point out the differences stamens on it. one!" And the game starts between the two pollen. again with a new bee.

The teacher has brought a A film about nature- The teacher refers to the real and large lily flower different flowering plants stamens and asks children with beautiful stamens on and insects around them. - to touch it by the tip of the it. The teacher shows Game: "Who is in the finger. You can see, there is pictures of increased garden?" The children form yellow dust on your flower petals (where a circle, holding hands. fingers. stamens can be observed). One child is a bee inside a circle. Music plays, kids The teacher brings bee The teacher explains that pollen, what is called years old years walk in a circle and sing, the stamens are covered 7 pollen pellet. Children rub - then raise hands and the

5 with pollen. One pollen bee start flying between pollen between the fingers must meet another pollen and point out the to give birth to a new plant. children, until the song says: "Push in the second differences between the It is called pollination. two pollen. Wind and insects help. one!" And the game starts again with a new bee.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: What is the nectar? BIOLOGY


The teacher brings a jar of The teacher brings a jar of The teacher offers kids to , explains to children honey and a honey taste the honey. Children that this is the nectar. Each extractor. Teacher makes put their finger into the bloom has a drop in it. honey, the children listen honey, and see how it sticks

years old years


- Bees put these droplets attentively and quietly to to the sides of their fingers. together, a jar is filled. the sound.


The teacher brings a jar of The teacher brings a jar of Test: The teacher has a jar honey, explains to children honey and a honey of honey. Puts honey on that this is the nectar. Each extractor. Teacher makes kids’ hands and asks to put bloom has a drop in it. honey, the children listen them together. Keeping a Bees put these droplets attentively and quietly to few seconds and then try to

years old years

together, a jar is filled. the sound. Is this sound open the hand. The teacher

5 Drawing: „A bee“- loud or quiet? Game: bees asks: Is it difficult to open?

3 templates, paints. flying and buzzing. Sticks? Gives kids to taste honey, how does it taste like?

The teacher brings a jar of Under the teacher’s Test: The teacher has a jar honey, explains to children direction each child makes of honey. Puts honey on that this is the nectar. Each a musical instrument from kids’ hands and asks to put bloom has a drop in it. kinder surprise eggs and them together. Keeping a Bees put these droplets bee pollen (grainy), filling few seconds and then try to together, a jar is filled. with grainy. The teacher open the hand. The teacher Honey is a sweet and brings a jar of honey and a asks: Is it difficult to open?

sticky nectar. Paper craft:,, honey extractor. Teacher Sticks? Gives kids to taste A bee "- the children cut makes honey, the children honey, how does it taste the oval body and glue it listen attentively and like?

years old years quietly to the sound. Is this on a paper.


- sound loud or quiet? Modelling; „A bee“- 5 colourful plastecine.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher brings The teacher brings The teacher brings children

sunflower seeds, says that sunflower, pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds. Children if we put it into the ground and puts them on the table. can touch the seeds, its and water it, a new plant She takes a pinch of seeds sharp peak. Children shell will grow. Together put the and through them below seeds, eat them.

years old years


- seed into the ground. the table (height of about Observation 30cm). Children listen to

1,5 the sound.

The teacher brings The teacher brings different Teacher brings children to different seeds, says that if seeds- sesame seeds, touch sunflower, pumpkin, we put it into the ground sunflower seeds, and puts sesame and cucumber and water it, a new plant them on the table. She seeds. Children can touch will grow (depends on takes a pinch of seeds and the seed, its sharp peak. what seeds we have through them below the Children shell seeds, eat

years old years

chosen). Together put the table (height of about them. They taste different

5 seed into the ground. 30cm). Children listen to seeds and talk about

3 Observation. Test: to put the sound. flavours. cucumber seeds into a wet cloth on the plate (in a warm place). Observation

The teacher brings The teacher brings different Children can touch the different seeds, says that if seeds- sesame seeds, seeds. Analyse what one we put it into the ground sunflower seeds, and puts feels like. Then the teacher and water it, a new plant them on the table. She gives children the

will grow (depends on takes a pinch of seeds and opportunity to put the seeds what seeds we have through them below the into the ground (a box, chosen). Each plant has its table (height of about filled with black own seed. For example, 30cm). Children listen to soil/ground). Every day

years old years


- potato tubers and onions the sound. children will measure the

5 are also the seeds of new plant (make notes in the plants. Test: to put „growth calendar“). cucumber seeds into a wet Drawing: Children observe cloth on the plate (in a and draw pictures of plants warm place). Observation for the portfolio.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher asks children The teacher cuts apples and The teacher asks kids to to look at the apple and pears into segments. touch apples and pears, pear, explains that these are Children eat, crunch and explains that these are fruits. The apple is the fruit listen to the sound of it. Is fruits. The apple is the fruit of an apple tree and the this sound loud or quiet? of an apple tree and the pear is the fruit of a pear pear is the fruit of a pear

years old years tree. Fruits grow on the tree. Fruits grow on the

3 - bushes or even emerge bushes or the ground. The

1,5 from the ground. Game: teacher cuts apples and Put fruits into the right pears into segments. basket. Children taste fruits.

The teacher asks children The teacher gives kids and The teacher asks kids to to look at the apple, pear opportunity to cut apples touch apples, plums and and plum, explains that his into segments. Children pears, explains that these is the fruit. The apple is the listen to the sound of fast are fruits. The apple is the fruit of an apple tree, the and slow cutting, analyse. fruit of an apple tree, the pear is the fruit of a pear pear is the fruit of a pear tree, the plum is a fruit of a tree, the plum is a fruit of a

years old years

plum tree. There are a lot plum tree. Children can

5 of different fruits, which analyse the smoothness or

3 grow as bushes or even roughness of the fruit after emerge from the ground. touching it. Drawing: A Game: Put fruits into the basket“- There is a basket right basket. on a paper. Children draw fruits.

The teacher asks children Fruit roll race - every child Game: „Wonder bag“. to look at the apple, pear chooses a fruit what he is There are different fruits in and plum, explains that his going to roll. Children a bag (can’t be transparent). is the fruit. The apple is the listen to the sound of The child puts his hand into fruit of an apple tree, the rolling different fruits. the bag and takes one fruit, pear is the fruit of a pear Which fruit rolls well and describes (large-small, tree, the plum is a fruit of a which does not? Children smooth-rough-prickly, soft- plum tree. There are a lot analyse shapes of the fruits. hard, etc.). Other children

years old years try to guess what fruit this of different fruits, which The teacher asks kids to cut


- is. The teacher offers

5 grow as bushes or even apples into segments. emerge from the ground- Children listen to the sound different fruits. Are these these are vegetables. Study of fast and slow cutting, the fruits from wonder bag? visit to the yard. Children analyse. Modelling: „Different fruits and vegetables“ observe fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetable beds.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher shows the The teacher leads children The teacher leads children picture of a gardener to the yard, gives them to a tool shed, demonstrates

holding a shovel, a bucket, rakes and shows how to a shovel, rake, bucket, rake and watering can. The rake leaves. Children try to watering cans and child feels the gardener's rake leaves. wheelbarrows. Under the tools. The teacher explains teacher’s direction children

years old years


- that the man plants can keep things and play. trees/plant into the ground

1,5 and takes care of them (watering them).

The teacher shows the Study visit to the yard. The The teacher leads children picture of a gardener teacher gives rakes. to a tool shed, demonstrates holding a shovel, a bucket, Together clean the yard. a shovel, rake, bucket, rake and watering can. The The work is organized in a watering cans and child feels the gardener's way that everyone can do wheelbarrows. Under the tools. The teacher explains something. Some children teacher’s direction children that the man plants will put leaves onto can keep things and play.

years old years

trees/plant into the ground wheelbarrows, another will

5 Drawing: „A grower and and takes care of them transport them to the – his tools“- pencils, crayons. 3 (watering them). Study compost pile. visit- gardeners’ work. Discussion: what is needed for weeding and watering plants.

The teacher shows the Study visit to the yard. The The teacher leads children picture of a gardener teacher gives rakes. to a tool shed, demonstrates holding a shovel, a bucket, Together clean the yard. a shovel, rake, bucket, rake and a watering can. The work is organized in a watering cans and The child feels the way that everyone can do wheelbarrows. Under the gardener's tools. Children something. Some children teacher’s direction children say that the man plants will put leaves onto can keep things and use.

years old years wheelbarrows, another will trees/plant into the ground Test: „Onion planting“-


- transport them to the

5 and takes care of them children, the teacher and (watering them). Analyse compost pile. The teacher growers plant onions in the together: why we need to gives shovels. Children garden. Observation spade flower beds and weed and water plants? Repotting houseplants. plant flowers there.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher uses a bowl of The teacher explains that The teacher shows kids a water, rubber toys: a shark, sharks live in the water. toy shark, asks to show the fish, a glove with teeth on The teacher pours water, parts of its body, children it. She shows how the fish children listen to the sound stroke it. Game: Fish swims. After catches it of water. The teacher uses swims. Children are fish,

years old years

with the glove- like a wooden spoons and knocks the teacher is a shark

3 - shark. each other (like shark teeth (media). Children swim

1,5 Game: Feed a shark. Kids make). Gives the kids like fish. When music is catch fish with gloves. wooden spoons, and turned off, they have to children knock too. squat and close their eyes. The teacher uses pictures The teacher offers kids to The teacher guides a game: of sharks, measuring tape, listen to different sounds: ”Wonder bag”- uses rubber silhouette of a shark from a sea, waves, wind, seagulls, toys. Children touch and

paper. Offers children to sad music. Conversations describe toys they got describe the appearance of with children on what they (smooth, rough, teeth, size). the shark. The teacher have heard. The game "Hunting shark" shows the length of 1-10 Children observe fish in an (the teacher plays the role

years old years


- meters (measuring tape)- aquarium. of a shark, kids are marine 3 the size of sharks. Game: animals. If teacher shouts, "Who is the fastest shark?” kids will run into their put the puzzle together." houses (the ring). Children assemble puzzles. The teacher uses and shows The teacher offers kids to Paper craft: The teacher an encyclopaedia about a listen to different sounds: gives children stencils (a life of sharks. Discussion. sea, waves, wind, seagulls, shark), sandpaper, pieces of

The teacher introduces sad music. Children clothes/materials, tape, different shark species, describe their feelings. pieces of leather. Asks kids their habits, their lives. Children imitate sea, to touch and compare Board game „Lotto“ - waves, wind, gulls (music). different materials.

years old years


- shark species, the children Children observe fish in an Children choose 5 are divided into groups aquarium. appropriate stencils and (pictures of sharks, the kids material, glue the shark put cards with represent onto the stencils. fragments onto it). Discussion (their results)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher uses a variety The teacher pours water Compare aquarium fish, of toys - fish, fishing net, a into a bowl. Children listen sizes and amounts of them.

bowl of water, a bucket, to the water pouring. The teacher shows a rubber asks to observe the parts of Observation: kids watch fish, observe and touch it - the body (head, tail, fins). and listen to how fish swim compare it with a real fish. Watching how the fish in an aquarium. Game: „Floating fish“- kids

years old years

3 float. The game "Catch the put hands together and - fish" (the kids are trying to imitate the floating fish in 1,5 catch the fish with a fishing the water. net and to put it in a bucket). The teacher uses material The teacher offers to listen The teacher uses an "Fish", an aquarium with to the media: wind noise, aquarium, a net and a bottle fish and herbs, snails. churning waves, the gulls of water, and offers Children describe fish’s cry. The children tell what children to help her (to take appearance, edible fish, they heard, and then a part of cleaning) to clean how snails move, breathe, compare them. Children the aquarium. Children will eat. Game: Who and how observe fins. Study visit to put fish into a bottle using

years old years moves: cards, red-swims, a river or lake. net. Conversation about



3 green-crawls, yellow- fish (body parts, wet, slip, grows). The teacher names cold, covered with scales). water inhabitants, children Modelling: ”Goldfish”- show cards. children use different coloured plasticine. The teacher uses an The teacher offers to listen Game: „Fishing day“ -use encyclopaedia, observation, to the media: wind noise, aprons, hats, gloves, dishes conversation about fish churning waves, the gulls and products: canned fish, (parts of the body, colour, cry. The children tell what bread, vegetables. The size). Teacher: a fish has they heard, and then teacher talks about fish spots on it –these are sense compare them. Children dishes and offers children organs. They feel observe fins. (Dorsal fins, to prepare fish dishes. movements of water, help caudal fins, ventral fins, Children prepare fish

years old years fish to find food and notice gills). Study visit to a river dishes, taste them - the



5 dangerous fish. Children or lake. Fishing (using children describe the taste. compare big and small fish. fishing rods). the shark and sprat. Why do the fish rise their heads out of the water? Fish breathe.

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TEEMA: Echinoderms BIOLOGY


The teacher uses a model- The teacher uses media - The teacher uses a game ”sea-bed "(sand, plants, peaceful music or "Wonder bag" filled with shells, stars - game fish, splashing water, sea voices, natural material: starfish octopus). Observation- whispers of the wind. shells, stones. Children conversation. Game: Find take things out, touch them.

years old years

the right house. The teacher Temple printing: the sea

3 - uses four starfish (sea star) stars are made from

1,5 and cans filled with four potatoes (cut out). Children basic colours - the kids put print sea stars on a blue stars in the appropriate jar. paper. The teacher uses the image The teacher offers kids to The teacher uses sea stars of the seabed where the listen to sounds of crashing and massage balls. two objects covered with waves, churning waves, Children touch them and paper. Offers children to roar of the wind, the gulls describe the appearance,

guess riddles, to find out cry (media). The teacher count how many feet does what is hiding (sea star and plays the harp, kids are the sea star have. sea hedgehogs). listening to the music. Game: exercises for Conversation image on the They tell what this sound is fingers. Children massage

years old years


- basis of the marine similar to (waves). fingers using massage balls 3 animals. The game "The (starting with the smallest Sea Waves" - says the head finger). of the game of words and Paper craft: ”Sea stars” music 1-2-3 children make blue paper, glue, sea stars. animal shapes. The teacher demonstrates The teacher offers kids to The teacher uses sea stars pictures of water listen to sounds of crashing and massage balls. inhabitants. Conversation - waves, churning waves, Children touch and telling and describing roar of the wind, the gulls describe their appearance.

familiar animals. Creating a cry (media). The teacher Modelling: ”Sea story "How a sea hedgehog plays the harp, kids are hedgehog”. Children create has quarrelled with the sea listening to the music. a sea hedgehog using star". The game "Sea They tell what this sound is plasticine (head, body, legs,

years old years


- waves" - the head of the similar to (waves). needles). Game: ”Sea star”- 5 game says a word (with Children compare the children move around musical accompaniment), sounds of nature and freely. After the words of 1-2-3 children make animal musical instruments. 1-2-3 they gather in groups shapes. of 5 and join hands.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Ocean plants BIOLOGY


The teacher uses an The teacher pours water The teacher asks children aquarium. Observation. from one bowl to another to touch sand, rocks, water Which is the water, sand, - the kids are listening to and plants. Kids describe shells, plants. The teacher the sound of water. She them. Drawing: „Water puts the sand into the pours sand, children will plants“, a blue paper, green containner, add seashells and listen to the sand sounds. and yellow colours, water,

years old years

plants, turns kids’ attention The teacher uses a game a towel). Kids finger-paint

3 - to bubbles in water – in that "Rustle – does not rustle" green plants using gouache

1,5 way plants grow up. Game: – playing the maracas, and add a yellow stripe- "The plant grows" (small rustling – hide hands yellow sand. plant-squat, large – stand up behind your back. and hands up). The teacher uses pictures- The teacher offers to Game: "Guessing box" - plants on the sea bed. listen to the (sounds of stones, seashells, sand. Discussion- description- nature) sea sounds, Children take things (one substance, stones, seashells, waves, rapping stones, by one) from the bag, touch sand, plants, the conditions listen to the seashells. them and describe their for their growth. The game The teacher uses plastic properties. The teacher "Find the right pair" - the boxes filled with sand, gives children a magnifying

years old years teacher uses cards with sea stones, etc. Children glass to observe the sea



3 plants; children find the right listen and explain what sand, offers to plant water pair. they hear. Comparison. plants. Game: "Plant the plant in the aquarium" (bottles of water, sand, stones, shells, plants). The teacher shows a video Study visit to a river or The teacher demonstrates about sea plant life, lake – observation and canned seaweed, opens it, harvesting seaweed listening- plants in water, gives children to taste it. (laminaria). Conversation. listening to the different Children have a glass of Preparing canned seaweed. sounds (wind, water, drinking water, spoons and Experiment: How the plant throwing stones into the salt. Children try to drink breathes? Use a cup of water water and sounds of the water, then add the salt,

years old years and drinking straws. nature). taste and talk about it, com-



5 Children put the straws into pare the first and second the water and blow- bubbles glass of water. Game - – in that way plant breathes. tasting "Healthy salad" (seaweed, fresh vegetables).

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher uses an Study visit to the yard. Children search for snails aquarium with snails. Children observe snails outside, take them and put Observation (appearance, outside. Find snail, into a bucket filled with size, colour, horns). The observe and speak about grass. Children feel the teacher offers children to it. snails. take one snail, asks each Drawing: „The Snail”-

years old years

child how many snails does under the teacher’s

3 - he/she have (one). Children direction children draw a

1,5 put snail back in aquarium. house on a snail’s body. How many snails are there in the aquarium (many). ”Lotto game”-put a snail together. The teacher brings a snail. Study visit to the yard. Modelling: “The Snail”- Discussion with children: Children observe snails colourful plasticine, base, snail’s appearance, colour, outside, listen to it (listen an example.

size, horns, snails crawl. and compare). Drawing: “My snail”-under Offers children to pick a card the teacher’s direction – the child talks about the children create headbands. picture and draws a snail. Game: Kids imitate

years old years


- Game: “Put the snail crawling snails. They have 3 together”- there are cards headbands on their heads. with snail parts on a table, the child finds and completes the picture. Domino game. The teacher shows pictures The teacher uses media: Study visit to a river or of snails and an the sea, the river, ocean, lake. Observation and encyclopaedia. Observation the waves, seagulls cry, conversation about wild of different snails (sea, land, wind rumbling. Guess animals and sea snails. river snails). Conversation what's the voice that you Game: Kids imitate sounds with the children and heard? of nature. Handicraft: my answering questions. The snail-under the teacher’s

years old years teacher shows a variety of direction children create



5 snails, kids tell-appearance, headbands. size, colour, horns, difference and similarity. Paper craft: create your own snail (headbands)

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Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners



The teacher uses a book, Study visit to the yard. The teacher brings a box of rubber worms. Children Find an earthworm, watch soil, that have worms.

watch, what is the and listen. Game: “One Children observe them appearance, size, colour. worm” Children imitate crawling. The teacher brings an crawling on their hands and Drawing: under the earthworm in a jar. move their bodies like a teacher’s direction.

years old years

3 Observation, conversation. worm. "Earthworm" -gouache, - Game: “One worm” paper. 1,5 Children imitate crawling on their hands and move their bodies like a worm. The teacher shows books, Study visit to the yard. The teacher uses a picture encyclopaedias. Children Find an earthworm, watch of a worm cut into six tell about their knowledge and listen. parts, offers children to put of worms (the teacher adds Children have to find their it together. Conversation.

that there are different habitat (burrow, in the She helps children to speak worms: dew-worms, earth ground) using a about worms asking worms, flat, round, magnifying glass. questions (earthworms, cabbage butterfly). The Observation: how the dew-worms, appearance,

years old years


- teacher tells the story of the worms move, crawl. colour, habitat). Children 3 worms’ life. Children Listening to their sounds. will find earthworms using answer the questions. magnifying glass, gather Creative activity: Draw them in a jar and then let different worms and cut them out into the puddle. them out. Bonding. The teacher demonstrates Study visit to the yard. The Drawing: Children draw a children the encyclopaedia. teacher explains and picture of nature (nature, Children speak about demonstrates how to dig river, fishing). Study visit worms (habitat, different the ground with a spade. to the yard. Children will

types- dew-worms, earth Then the worms are find earthworms using worms, flat). After the rain crawling out. Children magnifying glass, gather worms are crawling out of observe, and the teacher them in a jar and then let their burrows and they will explains that a lot of them out into the puddle.

years old years


- soon dry up and die off for worms live inside the soil. 5 unknown reasons. Creative They are very useful, they activity: knitting “A rake the ground. Study visit worm”. The teacher shows to a river- compare and kids repeat after her. earthworms with a leech (as worms).

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners


The teacher and kids observe The teacher uses media. Children stand around a an aquarium: fish swim, Children are on mats and blue cloth on the floor water plants and other water listen to the sound of a sea, (imitates the sea), guess, inhabitants. Game: water waves, imitate sponges. what is under this cloth. inhabitants (children and the The teacher explains that The teacher takes the

years old years

teacher make swimming sponges do not move when cloth away, kids observe

3 - movements with hands there are big waves on the stones, toy fish, sponges

1,5 (palms together), music. The sea. there. Kids touch them, teacher shows pictures of feel different objects, put sponges. Observation. them on the cloth. The teacher uses media- The teacher uses media. Children stand around a underwater world, explains Children are on mats and blue cloth on the floor that there are fish (move) listen to the sound of a sea, (imitates the sea), touch it and sponges (do not move). waves. Game: „Sponge, and guess, what is under Sponges have a live!“ The children stand in this cloth. Kids take characteristic: new sponges a circle holding hands and things out and describe will appear from the pieces. imitate sponges. The them (smooth, rough, Game: If kids see a fish, they teacher uses a tambourine. sharp, soft). The kids

years old years will make appropriate If there is no music, kids name them, find all parts



3 movements (palms together). will run freely. If the music of a sponge and glue it on If they see a sponge, they plays, children will make a a sticky paper. This is a will squat and put hands circle (new sponge) new,, sponge“ (fist) on their knees. holding hands. Drawing: Sponges in an aquarium. Study visit to the The teacher uses media. Children stand around a oceanarium. Children Children are on mats and blue cloth on the floor observe the underwater listen to the sound of a sea, (imitates the sea), touch it world. The teacher explains, waves. Game: „Sponge, and guess, what is under compares water inhabitants. live!“ The children stand in this cloth. Kids take Children name their habitat, a circle holding hands and things out and describe movements, appearance, imitate sponges. The them (smooth, rough,

years old years colour, size. Competition teacher uses a tambourine. sharp, soft). The kids



5 game: „Find sponges“ kids If there is no music, kids name them, find all parts are discoverers of the sea, will run freely. If the music of a sponge and glue i on who can find more sponges. plays, children will make a a sticky paper. This is a Drawing: „ The underwater circle (new sponge) new,, sponge“ world“ holding hands.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Underwater world –eels BIOLOGY


The teacher uses an The teacher uses media. The teacher uses magic aquarium, a fishing rod Children are on mats and sand and rubber worms, with toy worms (they have listen to the sounds of hides worms in the sand. to sink in water). The seagulls. The teacher tells Children have buckets in

years old years

teacher demonstrates kids kids (in a low voice) about their hands, they find

3 - how the worm moves in eels that like to listen to the worms in the sand and put

1,5 water. Drawing: ”A worm” music too. them into their buckets.

The teacher uses pictures The teacher uses music Game: ”Save worms”- and books about eels. (sounds of the sea) and worms, buckets, sand, an

Children observe and claves. Game: The teacher aquarium filled with water. describe them (habitat, shares claves, children play The teacher hides worms in appearance, colour, size), and listen to the sound of the sand. Children have compare with other water crackling (worms buckets in their hands, they

years old years


- inhabitants. Drawing: ”An crawling). If kids hear the find worms in the sand and 3 aquarium with fish”. sound of the sea, they will put them into their buckets Children draw fish, snails, hide claves behind their and put them into the stones and plants. back and sit motionless. aquarium. The teacher uses an Musical game: ”The worm Drawing: ”Water encyclopaedia about eels walks "- children have long inhabitants”. Children draw and other water inhabitants. ribbons in hands- worms. water creatures, colour and

Children observe and Children walk backwards cut them out. Handicraft: describe them (habitat, on mats. A big fish (a ”The underwater world”. appearance, colour, size). child) swims around mats. The teacher with children Comparison: eels and other When the music ends, the decorates a windowsill

years old years


- water creatures. worms will stay on their imaging the underwater 5 places (they do not move). world (natural material: If somebody moves, the leaves, brunches, stones, fish will catch him. shells, coloured fish, worms, etc.).

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: The underwater world-shells BIOLOGY


The teacher brings a real Game “Hide yourself!“- The teacher asks kids to snail. Children observe it the teacher is a bird. take shells (use natural (movements, appearance, Children move freely material). horns, houses (shells), (music plays). When the Handicraft: (the teacher has

years old years

colour). Study visit to the music is over, children prepared picture of the sea

3 - yard. Children look for squat and close their eyes. from plasticine) kids put

1,5 snails, observe them. The teacher walks around their shell on the picture. them and strokes kids. The teacher brings frozen Children listen to different Children stand around the seafood (molluscs, snails, sounds (Seagulls, waves blue cloth on a floor squid, octopus), names crashing, splashing, fish). (imitates the sea), touch it them; takes a bowl of water Game: Children put and guess, what is under and put frozen seafood into pillows on their back, they this cloth. (different shells, it, explains that these are are snails. When music stones, candy wrappers, ocean inhabitants and plays, they are moving artificial flowers, branches compare them. A snail has slowly (there can be etc.) Kids will leave only

years old years a house on its back, but barriers on their way). sea inhabitants, natural



3 some creatures do not have Those children, whose objects and plants, they will their own houses. Game: pillows fall, are out of the pick the rubbish. The make a logical chain: find game. Listening to the teacher thanks (presents) the odd one. Study visit to ocean in a shell. kids for cleaning the sea. the yard: observe snails with a magnifying glass. The teacher organizes a Game: „Save yourself!“- There is magic sand in a study walk to the animal children are in two teams: big aquarium. There are store. Kids observe an molluscs and birds, there shells in the sand. Game: aquarium (hoe molluscs are cardboard cones on the find shells and make a and snails move). Children floor. Children listen to the natural picture. (group or compare their behaviour, music (sound of the sea) individual work). size, colour. Discussion. and move slowly. Study visit to the yard. Worksheet: connect dots in Suddenly they hear the Children observe snails

years old years a right order. Result-a gulls cry, the children- with a magnifying glass.



5 mollusc. Drawing: „An molluscs put cones on their Discussion: there is a snail aquarium“ heads. If there were not in a box, it has its enough cones for everyone, „footmark“ they will finish the game. Listening to the ocean in a shell.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Inclusive Preschool for Kids - Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learners

TOPIC: Water creatures/inhabitants ANATOMY


The teacher shows children Game: The teacher has the Aquarium. The teacher has small water creatures. Toys children wear vests different fishes cut from or pictures. They observe (yellow, red, blue). There paper. Children glue fishes their body parts- head, tail, are rings of the same on the blue paper. They fins. A teacher shows how colour on the floor. Music, draw bubbles (fishes to move in the water and children with a teacher breathe) using pencils.

years old years the kids repeat after the make movements in

3 - teacher. swimming. When the

1,5 music stops all the children have to find the home by the right colour.

The teacher uses books, Game: „Fishing“. Children Children colour pictures of pictures of water catch a fish. The teacher water inhabitants, cut them inhabitants. Children learn sits behind the folding out and glue to the pictures from the book who the screen and puts something of water taken from

water creatures are, who (a fish, boots, plastic bags, magazines Test: swim or lived a million years ago. a car, a cup) on a tip of a don’t swim. Items on the They compare them with hook. Children discuss table: a branch, a stone, a

years old years current water inhabitants. with the teacher where foam-rubber, a wooden toy,



3 Drawing: Under the these things came from. a ball, a pearl, a piece of a teacher’s direction they plastic bag. Children put draw a background, waves, items in the water, observe fishes etc. what item swims or not.

The teacher shows books Children listen to the sound Kids assemble puzzles (the and pictures of water of the ocean (media) Hand water inhabitants). Test inhabitants. Discussion: movements (storm, calm) with eggs. Pour water (half) what is in the picture, who Children play in a shadow into a jar, put the egg into

lived a million years ago? theatre (or a theatre using a the water (the egg sinks to How were animals evolved folding screen) with the bottom like a stone), from water creatures? handmade water creatures. add salt into the water (the

years old years „Ocean“ puzzle Preparations: children draw egg rises to the surface.


- assembling. Children speak their water creatures on a Pour in fresh water (the egg 5 about the pictures thick paper, cut out and will float in the middle) (creatures, plants, the glue onto the stylus to play .Why did this happen? colour of water etc.) in the shadow theatre. Salty water is denser than fresh water.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.