«kGB rOURTBBlf llItmr^VBtMr Ettraing l^rrald !WTOWBBUA T , AtrOCffT XU IflUK

enough, but in the evening there Is in the various playground activities. summer dayrs, and the children who AVERAGE OAO,T OVCUIATIOM not room to park and the officers The swimming pool la the favorite have learnt to swim recently are for tiM Month o f doly, 1985 ABOUT TOWN EXTRA PARKING of the Improvement Association feel ANNUAL PET SHOW spot on the playgrounds these hot enj03dng the sport and keeping cool. We Give that more apace should be provided. Green Trading They will recommend to the meet­ T h i ■ flj* annual outing of the Waah- JWIUU c a 5 , 4 6 8 SPACE DESIRED ing Friday night that the curbing on TOMORROW NIGHT Stamps. Member of the Audit lagton Social club will be held at the west end of the park be moved Oaano'a cottage, Bolton Lake, Sat­ Bureau of Orcnlatiena IManrlyuatPr S to a point further to the^ east and urday, Aug, 24, It wae announced additional space provided by the DRUG tnday. All membere of the club who change. With the Improvement A s­ Entries Indicate Mnch En­ B w J W H A L E C e h',.ve not notified the committee Depot Square Business Men sociation backlog the plan they will wMANTHFSTFPi^ONN.-- DEPT. VOL. LIV., NO. 276. (Cfiaaalfied Advertlaing on Page 10.)^ ebould do DO by Thursday evening at go before the Selectmen and-a town , CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22. 1935 (TWELVE PAGES) the latest. Supper will be served at Want Additional Room In meeting, asking that this be done by the lake cottage at 6 o’clock. the town. Wan’t Women’s Opinion Specials For Thursday Uembera of Washington Social That Vicinity. The women of the north end are in Different Exhibits. ACTIVITY SPEEDS UP ON “AFRICAN FRONT” (dub will meet at the club at 6:45 p. REDUCE TAXES STATE WITHOUT asked to attend the meeting on Fri­ m. tonight to go to the home of day and voice their opinion as to the Brother Joseph Muldoon to pay their 25c Ex Lax 1 7 c Shelters Rise For Legions The question of providing extra need of gates to protect the Oak­ ’The annual pet show will take Letters Home BRITAIN STANDS FIRM respects. land street crossing. The mothers TO BRWG BACK POTENT SERUM parking space In the vicinity of De­ place tomorrow morning at 10 of children attending school who pot Square will be considered at o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. play­ 50c Williams’ Shaving Cream 3 4 c Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barrow of find It necessary to use the crossing Philadelphia are visiting Mr. Bar- the meeting of the Manchester Im­ to and from school are asked to be grounds. There is a great deal of B E H ^ T M E S F O R P m Y S I S row’s sister, Mrs. E. S. Maling of provement Association to be held at present at the meeting when the enthusiasm In the exhibit this year, 75c Alophen Pills 4 5 c Locust street. the Whlton Memorial assembly hall question of a flash light Instead of and judging from entries already In, FOR ACTION BY LEAGUE Friday evening. men being employed to protect the all kinds of pets will be brought to Mr. and Mrs. G. Albert Pearson of crossing will be advocated by a rep­ 50c Ipana Toothpaste 34c Extra Special Cut Dowd Building Co$ts and That of 1931 Not Effective; Maple street are spending this week Needed At Night the show. Karl Keller and Mark resentative of the New York, New Holmes will assist the recreational at Lake Wlckabog, West Brookfield, Business men In the vicinity of Haven and Hartford railroad. Cabinet in Emergency Se^ Mass. the square' have for some time director, David Hamilton In judging, 50c Perstop 1 3 5 c Purchase Prosperity Will Take Care Most Serious Outbreak claimed that there was need of ad­ Figures are being compiled to and prises Will bo offered for the Accidental Shooting Anthony Salvatore of 90 Walnut ditional parking space during the show bow many are now using the prettiest, the largest, the smallest (2 0 0 sheets) sion Decides to Work for street, Fanny Puluzrl of 46 Blssell evening and at the meeting Friday crossing, both as to automobiles and and the most unusual pet. Kleenex 2 pk^s- 2 5 c 54” ALL WOOL of Itself, Declares John !^ c e That of Four Years street and Frank Allen of Glaston­ night there will be discussed a plan those on fo o t These will be given The girls are making very hand­ bury have been admitted to the which would provide for this. The to the meeting Friday night. There some articles In waffle weaving J. Raskob. Ago; Only Two Deaths. O f Italian Consul Economic and Financial Maples hospital on Oak street. plan now under consideration would Is also an estimate being secured of Which Is having a revival just now, 50c Mennen’s Baby Oil 3 5 c have the west section of the west the number of children living In and the boys are turning out useful Moves Against Aggressor Edwin Anderson and Richard grass plot cut down to give addi­ the vicinity who use the crossing. and good looking leather belts, all of JERSEYS Rubbing Alcohol 2 for 2 5 c New York, Aug. 22.—(AP) Hartford, Aug. 22.— (A P )—With Berggren were elected delegates to tional apace on the driveway along which will be exhibited later on. Causes Excitement the 39tb annual convention of the Depot Square. This Is land owned Rehearsals are progressing satis­ Regular $1.49 to $1.95 yd. , Slice the surplus fat off building the serum used in the 1931 epidemic in Dispute Between Italy K utford District Luther League, to by the New York, New Haven and Nathan Hale Lodge, L. O. Y. A., factorily for the tercentenary cos­ Costs and taxes, ar.d prosperity will abandoned ns ineffective, state (md tume, decorated doll carriages and be held at Bristol ano Forestville, Hartford railroad. The two grass No. 6, will hold a special meeting In •Novelty Knits take care of Itself, in the belief of local health'authorities are keeping Addis Ababa, Aug. 22.— (AP)y,— . said they were hopeful of his recov- and Ethiopia. August 31. September 1 and 3, at a plots when laid out gave ample Orange hall at 6 o'clock this eve­ floats will get under way at six See Our Market Advt on Page 3 John J. Raskob. a watchful eye on Connecticut’s Baron Muzzl Falconl. on Italian con­ ’ cry. meeting of the Luther League of the space to drive around, but that was ning to make arrangements for the olclock. That evening also will •Rabbit’s Hair That was the aubstance o f the most serious outbreak of infantile sul waa in a hospital today suffering The accident caused excitement in Emanuel Lutheran church last before the automobile age. During funeral of their deceased brother mark the distribution of prizes to economic prescription offered today paralysis since that of four years with two bullet wounds and Ethio­ Addis Ababa in view of the. strained night. Following the business ses­ the day there Is parking apace Joseph Muldoon, Jr. boys and girls who have won honors •Matelasse Knit In bis first interview on business ago. pian authorities alleged the man shot situation between Italy and Ethi­ , Aug. 22.— (A P )— Th a himself while on a hunting trip. opia. sion, ice cream and cookies were Yard matters in many months. Though there are more cases now British Cabinet decided today in an served. John Johnson was In charge •Plain Jerseys The bright-eyed, slender, quiet lit than the totals for each o f the last The alleged accident occurred last The Ethiopian government issued emergency meeting, to take a strong of devotlonala before the meeting. tie man who resigned the cbalrman- Tuesday and the wounded man was an official communique which three years there is no cause for stand in the League of Nations for abip of the finance committee of undue alarm, said Dr. Millard brought to the Italian hospital here stated; For aports lulta, dresxee, akirta in light weight weavea. m today. "On Tuesday, Baron Muiri Fal­ economic and financial actibn Mrs. Annie Gordon o f Orchard an General Motors Corp., to head the Knowlton, director of the state street will leave tomorrow for Old new Fall colora. Patterns and colorings suitable for chil­ Accompanied by his wife (whom con!, an Italian consul, left Addis dren's wear. These are all exceptional values. Regular 81.46 to Democratic National committee dur­ bureau of preventable diseases. He against the aiggressor in tha dispute Orchard, Maine, to join her daugh­ London reported to be the daughter Ababa to rejoin hla post at Debre Thursday, Friday and^ Saturday 81.95 values. 54 inches wide. ing the' 1928 presidential campaign expressed the belief Connecticut is between Italy and Ethiopia If such ter, Miss Esther Gordon, who lb at no reason why the wheels of a long way from another epidemic. o f the British minister to Ethiopia) Martos. During hla journey he left octlon Is found necessary. the consul was on his way by cara­ his caravan for a short time to go the Salvation Army campgrounds. DOMES'nOS—Main Floor, heavy Industry could uot be made to Di. Knowlton said he can’t deter­ The Cabinet decided to make n s^ van to his post at Debra Marcos In hunting. Bpln as rapidly as have, recently, the mine when the peak will come but efforts to settle the dispute peace­ Miss Constance Wennergren of lighter lines of business. He is now a Dodjam Province. "A moment later his Ascari '(na­ fully through diplomatic channels if records since 1910 are indltmtors, The alleged accident occurred tive soldier) heard two shots. Ho. Winter street la absent on a week’s director of the giant motor maker the high point should be reached in and at Geneva and joint action Iqr visit with friends In Northampton. and of E. I. Dupont de Nemours A in Suralto forest. One of the two went to look for bia master, whom' other nations with Great Britain tai bringing to every September. bullets fired grazed the baron’s he found wounded. New Fall Co. It appears he said there is almost the event of aggression will only be lungs. When the shots were fired, "The wounded consul today waa proposed If all peace efforts fall. Refusing to play oracle as to Im­ no chw ee of 1935 getting out of line he was examining a revolver. brought to Addis Ababa and taken Salvatore Scudierl of 87 Birch mediate business trends or the near­ As tte shadow o f war deepens over ail Europe, Italian troops in Eritrea frantically rush preparatlona for At the same time, as a further if parents take the ordinary.precau­ the impending Ethiopian war. Shelter for the thousands now in Eritrea Is'hn acute problem, and at left Although two daya have elapsed to the Italian hospital. The gov­ street announces the marriage of his gesture toward Italy particularly; by course of securities, Raskob tions of limiting the contacts of are seen soldiers hastily building barracks. At right, two soldiers write home to Italy to tell the folks about since the shooting and the baron had ernment opened an Inquiry to find daughter. Miss Fannie Scudierl to thinks, nevertheless, that he sees the Cabinet decided to maintain Its Henry Mature of East Hartford. woman— ^luxury furs MILUNERY their children as a protection Africa and how they like the army. , lost a great deal of blood, doctors out the circumstances of the affair." clearly enough the key logs in the against carriers. ban against shipment of war muni­ Hhe ceremony was performed on economic jam which impedes the re­ tions both to Italy and tO'Etblepla. June 2 at Mlllerton, N. Y. 89 Oases Reported In Felts and Velvet Tams turn of the country to the economic The 89 cases as of August 21 com­ It has been recognized all along norm that to him means "not like tliat the temporary ban a f f e c t Coventry Grange, No. 75, will bold pare with 14 for the entire year of i !929, but a job for everybody that’s 1934, 78 for 1938 and 29 for 1932. REDS AND POLAND Ethiopia more than Italy, and the a picnic on ’Thursday evening, Aug­ in advance styles— employable.’’ TWO TARRED, FEATHERED ministers of government decided to ust 29, at the home of the master. An erapidemic would find the state HOLD FUNERAL SERVICES Not a “Strike” continue It temporarily for the pur­ The hour set Is 7:30. without a treatment except the $1.98-$2.98 In his quiet unempbatlc way he ordinary care given by doctors. The pose of showing Italy that Great ARE NOW AT ODDS Britain atm w(uits to settle the af­ Mr. and Mrs. James C. Robinson rejected flatly the idea that it la a reason is that state authorlUes have "strike of capital” which is imped' BY M^B IN CALIFORNIA FOR FAMOUS HUMORIST fair peacefully. of Greenhlll street are at Woodmoiit no serum to give. The 1931 serum. never before shown— Jng recovery In capital goods lines. where they will remain until Labor In brown, black, plum, green, and navy. Dr. Knowlton said was found to have Arms question day. It is not a "strike", he thinks, but no effect and will not be given out However, It was learned that tha Jauntily trimmed with bits of ribbon and feathers. a combination of common sense and again by the health department. It Press Relations Broken Off arms question will ba under con­ economics which prevents the pos­ Hiree Other Alleged Reds 3 CROATS CHARGED Only Relatives and failed to show results in 1931 Dr. 100 I THREATS VOF DEATH stant consideration and the ban may H.ATS— Main Floor Right, Rear. sessors of capital from placing it at Knowlton said. It proved futile in and Reporters Expelled be modified at any time. WANTED at dramatic savings work in heavy Industry. New York in 1933 and in California Sererel; Manhaedled and The Cabinet decided there waa no DULL LAWN MOWERS "You couldn’t even get a washwo­ in 1633. Friends Attend Private SENT TO FIFTEEN reason to change a policy, made TO SHARPEN man with 8500 to risk it in a busl- Have No Cure from Both Countries. clear ofi numerous occrurions, of tha nasa that only paid 4 per cent,” Ras­ "In case of another severe out­ Are Forced to Kiss the ! ' __ _ Rites Bat Thousands Pay British government’s attitude to­ KARLSEN & EDGERTON kob said, then pointed out that if break" Dr. Knowlton said, "the state ward the League of Nations and tha 655 No. Main Street Uxea take much as two-thirds of will help with quarantine and diag­ League Covenant Phone 7385 or 5416 American Flag. Moscow, Aug. 22.—(AP) —Offi­ the profit from an undertaking nosis. But we have no cure for in­ To Be Tried by France for Tribute at Public Services. Letters Demanded $50,000 Tha decision was rsaohed toward Presenting- which Involvea the risk of loas any­ fantile paralysis. cial press relations between Soviet the close of a four.iuid-theee.quar- way, even though it make 12 per Russia and Poland have been broken "Infantile paralysis epidemics come Santa Rosa, Calif., Aug. 22.— Assassination of Alexan­ from Members o f Eight ters hours mseting during which ths cent, the net return would be only lii 15 year cycles, Dr. Knowlton said, by the cancellation by Poland of the Los Angeles, Aug. 22.— (AP) —■ ministers soberly and solemnly re­ 4 per cent. (A P )—Two men were tarred and and it is only four years since the residence permit for the Tass It was time for Will Rogers’ formal viewed the whole problem. In whl(di Combine lower taxes with a 20 feathered and three others ordered der 10 Months Ago. REWARD Miss Louise Chapman 1931 epidemic which took 93 lives. to leave town by self-style^ Vigi­ (Soviet) correspondent in Warsaw exit today from the earthly scene Rich Families in South. the American viewpoint, as Indicat­ be paid for any corn which per cent cut in building costs, Ras­ The 1916 epidemic brought 297 ed by yesterday’s neutrality resolu­ Great llhrlstopher Postive Corn lantes who conducted an all night following the expulsion of the Polish he ruled so long as master of phil­ Of New York kob believes, and you have the Agency correspondent from Russia. tion of the Senate In Wa^tngton. C w cannot remove. Also goon touchstone which transforms stag­ series of raids against alleged Com­ osophy and wit (OontIniMd OD Page Two) munists in Sonora county. Alx-En-Provence, France, Aug. 22. The charge d’affaires of the Pol- Buford, Ga., Aug. 22.—(AP) — A was mentioYied but kept in the back­ for callouses, warts and moles nation into prosperity. A few more than a hundred rela­ ground. Sold In aianchester by Oienney’s The two tarred and feathered In — (AP)—Three Croat Ravolutlon- iwii Embassy called at the foreign tives and friends were bidden to wholesale extortion plot, involving Should Cut IVagea Keynote of Decision 789 Main Street TIOGA YARN STYLIST an outlying district skid they were Ists, after months of uncertainty as office Tuesday, the same day Jan private funeral services by the fam­ “The building trades unions ought Jack Green, ganta Rosa commercial Otmar Berson, the Polish cor­ demands for more than 860,000 and Tha keynote of the Cabinet’s ds- to cut wages 20 per cent for the to their fate while in solitary con­ ily. Among them were the personal Assisted By SISTER SUSPECTED artist, and Solomon Nitzburg, respondent, was expelled from Rus­ threata of death to 15 members of cislon was embodied in the state­ sake of a fuller pay envelope and a finement, learned today they had representatives of President Roose­ eight of North Georgia’s wealthiest rancher at Two Rocks near Petalu­ sia, and informed the Soviet govern­ velt, Admiral William T. Tarrant ment made July 81 by Sir Samuel full week’s work,” Raskob suggest­ ma, whose residence was the scene ment that Joseph Kovalsky, the and moat prominent families, was Hoare, foreign secretary. In the ed. been Indicted on charges of complici­ and Commandhr Herbert A. Jones. of disorder and gunfire. ty in the assassination of King Alex­ Toss (torresponuent who was here at under Investigation today by the House of Commons when he said: Miss Evelyn Peterson Some 2,500.000 of the unemployed, IN WOMAN’S DEATH The huge HnlI)rwood bowl, seat­ Newspapermen who trailed the ander of Yugoslavia. the time on vacation, would not be ing 86,000 and the Community Pres­ ‘T do not think there need be any PINEHURST he calculated, are building trades permitted to return to Poland. ((kmtinned on Page Eight) doubt that v/e are fully conscloiu of Vigilantes said they numbered , ap­ The three men, Ivan Rajtlcb, Mlo byterian church of Beverly Hills workers. Behind each of these job proximately 300 and traveled Kraj and Zvonlmlr Poapecbll, were Kovalsky also served at cor­ our obllgatlona under our treaties DIAL 4151 less workers stands a man who were the meeting places for the gen­ throughout the county in about 50 removed to the Criminal Courts respondent for the official govern­ era] public. and under the Covenant and that we In A 3 Day should be in the steel plant, or the Police CaD Murder a ‘? e r automobilas, the license plates of more than ten months after the klll- ment newspaper Izvestia. certainly Intend to uphold.them.’’ quarry or the cement mill. Employ At the moving picture studios in­ FRESH which had been covered. 'The driv­ Servants Arrested cluding one at which Rogers was a SMITH NOMINATION The Cabinet membera decided they the building artisan and his InvlBible ers and occupants were disguised in (Uontlaued on Page Two) Karl Radek, government spokes­ would fulfil those ubllgattona to the CALVES’LIVER rr DEMONSTRATION helper also goes back on the payroll, feet Crime” ; Can Find No star, fellow film players were (failed old clothing and masked or black­ man, in an article in Izvestia today to pay homage. limit in conjunction with other coim- cutting 5,000,000 from the total of ened faces. 1 / 2 declared the Poles had further re­ A proclamation of Governor tries if war breaks out. 33c lb. A Rea^nable jobleas employables. The five seized were forced to UP TO LONERGAN Sliced Bacon. Yellow Onions. Motive For It. taliated against Berson’s expulsion Frank F. Merrlam asking a minute The British government will con­ \\ \i The stimulation to the railroads kiss the American flag before they by arresting Kovalsky’s servant in tinue to keep the United States of New reaulUng from a rlae in the building were released. YOUTH CONFESSES o f silence throughout California at FANCY Deposit Will Warsaw and a servant secretary of 2 p. m.i the time of the services closely advised of Its progress in industry might easily absorb anoth­ The Nitzburg residence was the the Soviet Embassy there. new peace efforts and will give Bay er half-mlUlon men, he thinks, and Long Beach, Calif., Aug. 22. — scene of a display o f gunfire and was to be followed by city offices FOWL, 29c lb. Hold Any Coat Radek said there was "a serious and most of the flags are at half Senate Committee Leaves Atherton, tho United States charge the service occupations, revived by (AP)—Investigation of the "perfect explosion of gas bombs, accompany political side to the situation.” For Fricassee or Salad. TIOGA crime" slaying of attractive Mrs. MURDERING TWO staff throughout the day. d affaires a (xmtinuoua summary of ing, newspapermen said, when the adding that Kovalsky’s writings events. You May (CenUnued on Page Two) Gladys Olena Fair, turned to Son crowd gathered and shouted for the At Home Town Decision to Connecticat Francisco today, where Mrs. Flor­ were devoted toJmprot^g the rela- However, the Cabinet remained Honeycomb TRIPE.. .22c Ib. man to come out. , tlOTs ^tween tte two countries At Clareroore, Okl(L, which place Select YARNS ence Boykin, 52. a slater, waa de­ Discharged Shotgun Rogers called his "home town" firmly opposed to singlehanded ac­ while Berson did "everything pos­ Man On State’s Patronage. tion aa far os sanctlona against By Ezpreaa From Boston— tained by police for questioning. A volley of buckshot from the Killed CUcago Contractor In sible to worsen them." memorial services were set and at The sister, ordered detained In a nations are concerned, in order bouse sent the crowd scurrying for Radek said that the very day nearby Chelsea the Rev. Argua J. FRESH FISH TWO DEAD, 3 DYING police message aent by C. M. Mur­ cover while a woman inside the Hamilton, cltustnate of the humor­ sedulously to avoid assuming the In Smart New Shades phy, captain of detectives, waa lo­ Fight Over Food, He Tells Beroon was ordered expelled, an role of sole policeman of European building screamed ’’Shoot to kill.” article appeared in the Polish news­ ist waa to deliver a eulogy. Washington, Aug. 22 (AP) — Block Idand Swordfish cated last night In a San Francisco After several shots bad been fired Motion picture producers and dis­ The nomination of Thomas M(. peace. Great Britain will continue to hotel. She submitted readily to paper GazeU Polska, giving the Smith as Connecticut collector of work with France In the peace ef­ Salmon — Mackerel and IN PISTOL BATTLE from the house, the reporters said, the PoHce. French Communist leader. Marcel tributors of America announced NEW questioning and accompanied offi­ some members of the Vigilantes Internal revenue was placed by the forts. Filet of Haddock — Cod more than 12,000 theaters over the cers to police headquarters. shot tear gaa bombs through win­ * »t«tement Senate finance committee today into Contrary to expectations, no offi­ Filet of Sole — Clams that the Third Communlat Interna­ country would be darkened for two A Brand New Lot Of Captain Murphy said San Fran­ dows. forcing Nitzburg oiit. minutes during the aeiarlces. the hands of Senator Augustine cial statement of the Cabinet pro­ Boston Bluefish cisco officers bod advised him that Auburn, Collf., Aug. 22.— (A P )__ tionale was planning tha Bolehe- Lonergan, who has refused to sup­ Neither Santa Rosa police, the vizatloD of France. At the request of the family the ceedings was Issued, the decisions Alleged Gangsters Fight in Mrs. Boykin admitted having paid a sheriff's office, nor the district at­ The mysterious disappearance of port Smith’s appointment. arrived In it being announced un­ •Collars Intriguing Patterns This sUtement, said Radek, was casket was unopened as Rogers’ SHTCBnNB two-hour visit with her sister here torney’s office would comment im­ James C. Kennett, Sr., retired Chi­ Senator Harrison (D., Miss.), officially and informally. Monday night and returned to San mediately upon the action, but the cago contractor, and the death of slMderous and unfair to Cachin’’ committee chairman said the nom­ COFFEE, 21c lb. Newark, N. J., Lottery and was made "with the deliberate (Continued on Page Eight) Free instruction will be given to Francisco the next day. peace officers said they had receiv­ an unl^ntlfled red-headed youth ination was referred to Lonergan as U. 8. NEUTRALITY. Fresh Roasted— Ground Fresh. Captain Murphy, who classed the were confessed aa ala3rlngs by Earl pur^se of affecting Franco-Soviet •Sleeves all customers who make purchases ed no official report of the activity. relations. TREASURY BALANCE. a special sub-committee at the Washington,' Aug. 22.— (AP) — Sealine Coats slaying aa a "perfect crime,” said No one could be found to say where Cramer, Sheriff Elmer Gum an­ Connecticut Senator’s request. The Headquarters, Polibe Say. nounced early today. Authoritative sources disclosed to­ Duff’s of Tioga yarns. Misa Chapman the Investigation centered around a the tear gas was obtained. reference made It possible for Lon­ day that although the President waa missing .32 caliber pistol— the same Washington, Aug. 22.— (AP) — Ginger Bread Mix Meeting Called The 21-year-old Itinerant prospec­ The position of the Treasury on Aug. ergan, if he so desires, to delay a willing for tho Senate’s neutrality •Flares will be prepared to answer all your caliber believed to have been used The action started last ' night tor, wluj was arrested in a hunt for 20 waa: report on the nomination until too legislation to become law, he hoped Newark, N. J.. Aug. 22— (A P) — In the slaying—owned by Mrs. Boy- 2 cans 43c '•A-gun fight broke out in the re- when the crowd gathered near a cattle thieves, voluntarily made the GETS20MIUI0NS late for Senate confirmatlrm this it first would be made only tem­ knitting problems. kin. confessions. Gum. said, and gave the Receipts 87,396.741.76; expendi­ session. Delicious served with whipped mted headquarters of a Newark building downtown where a meeting tures, 825.696,694.30; net balance, porary. Lost the Pistol o f unemployed workers had been location o f ah abandoned mine shaft The finance committee waa ex­ $ 3 9 * 5 o - $ 5 5 - ? 5 9 - 5 o - $ 8 9 - 5 o fottery gang today and when the ex­ 81,580,546,138.03; customs receipts Chairman McReynolds had just citement died down tWo men . lay Mrs. Boykin, Murphy said, related called. Seeing the crowd gathered where ho said he hid the 'body of pected to meet again either later to­ called the House foreign affairs com­ F itted and Kennett. for the month 824,173,049.99. Orandmother’a dead and three critically wounded. that she had owned a .32 pistol for few persons entered the building. ON HIS BIRTHDAY day or tomorrow to continue con- mittee into session to consider tha several 3rears but lost it in Los An- The Vigilantes decided to go out Gum quoted Cramer as saying he Receipts for the fiscal year (since alderatiou of a measure to finance The police broadcast an alarm for July 1), 8608.616,830.30; expendi­ seven point nieasure which swept FRUIT SYRUP three men, heavily armed, traveling shot Kennett last June In a quarrel payment under the Railroad Retire­ through the Senate yesterday. New (Oontlnued on Page Two) (OonUnued on Page Two) over food at the abandoned mining tures, 81,148,468,197.47; including ment Act. Unless Lonergan re­ All Flavors Sw agger in a car with stolen license plates. 8583,177,012.77 of emergency ex­ It was reported that his plan, in Northern Beaver $59*S0 The dead men were Identified emmp where the Chicagoan had gone George Vanderbilt lo Get ports the nomination by that time line with an agreement reached at ______19c In search of health. penditures; excess of expenditures, committee action will be improbable fropi cards in their pockets as: 8984.851,887.71 gross debt 829,092,- a White House conference last night P rices Vincent Capra. 45. and Elia Con- The red-headed youth, whose bodyi at this session. was to: DUCHESS OOOKINO APPLES M odels atanzo, 40, addresses unknown. Another 20 Millions JUfhra 600,654.53; a decrease of 82,433,- Smith's nomination was support- was found several daya ago In an­ 469.60 under the previous day; gold ' 1. Limit the life of the legislation From Gulley ■ ’-r-derl: 140 Monkeys at Large other abandoned mine shaft of the ssseta 89,187,129,282.06. (OonUnned on Page Eight) until next February or March, so 5 pounds IBo Jerome Bevlnetto, 41. of 78 18th famous Emigrant Gap mining area He Is 35. further study could be given before Brown Lapin $59*50 b On avc.:i;o. shot In the left chest and northeast of here, was killed in a a permanent law la enacted Genuine Golden Bantam Corn right side of the neck. After Fleeing from Zoo dispute over the rifle used to slay 2. Approve the majoiujbrovlaloai Lima Beans •Self Joseph Triola, 25, 209 North 12th Kennett, Gum said Cramer told him. of the Senate bill. dWT Green String Beans street, ihot in the abdomen and the This riajdng (xmurred several days New York’ Aug. 22— (A P )—An­ 3. Add to it a mradatory biut Black rtrw lift shoulder. other Vanderbilt wtll enter the thin Carrots — Beets Haaaapaqua, N. T., Aug. M.— » Led by ”A1 Capone” , the noisy Ut- after the death o f Kennett. Aged Spinster Uses Gun against loans or credits to warring Spinach — OaoUBower' TIOGA YARNS Antonio Sunaaro, 89, of-90H Gar- Checks Were Cashed ranks of 820,000,()00 heirs Sept 24 (AP)—^Weary attendants took stock tie fellows had marched single file his twenty-first birthday, while he nations or against the sale or pur­ TMder Yomig Squash Kid Skin $89.50 Trim m ed aide street, shot in the abdomen. Kennett’s divorced wife previously p...,. CRK'VENNA. to freedom on a plank which a chase of their securities in this Oncumbers — Tomatoes SPANISH YARN, ConditiOBa Crittoal today of monkeyablnes at Frank la on his honeymoon. 200-yard ball...... workman bad laid across the moat had reported in Chicago that two To Defend Her Rights country. 6 5 c 1-ounce b a ll...... The three were taken tp cHy hoa- Buck’s zoo on the Sunrise Highway. George Vanderbilt, who has that kept more than 600 monkeys on checks sent him had been returned wealth and good I(X)ka and haa shot Ail provisions probably will be Barrels of Kindling Wood. pital, but their condition was so endorsed in handwriting not his, and Grey LAMBALE, ONDENOUVEAU, critical that detectives could not im­ Of the 178 rtaeaiu monkeya which their island in the zcx>. Those a lion, is not an eligible man. mandatory. •Fitch 175-yard skein ., 100-yard b a ll...... marched to freedom m Long Is­ the Emigrant Gap postmaster had New London, Aug. 22.— (AP) —.rover to the September tejrm of Su- Such a law, It was contended, BIBDSEyE FBOBTED 8TBAW- 8 5 c mediately Question them. which returned in the dark, how­ He will be mauried Sept 6, to the land’s wtxxUands yesterday, the ever, leaped nimbly from the wall received a change of address notice Mlse Una Beckwith. 77, of this city!P«rior Ck)urt, raising the bond, would assure Americans they were BEBRDBS. Only the most tasty, BELGIAN FLOSS, When the police arrived at the pretty and leas wealthy LuciUe Par­ BOUCLE, keepers reported— outride the moat. Hence the uncer­ for the contraetoria mail. sons, of Llewellyn Park, N. J., who not likely to become embroiled in ripe berries are siloed and pack­ Broadtail $79.50 1-ounce skein ...... scene -.of the ah(x>ting —a candy mean, to defend her rights at *>> ^ Trim m ed 4 5 c 200-yard ak ein ...... atore at 317 South 6th street, corner Dead; One. He tried monkey- tainty os to. how many repented Before Sheriff Gum announced admits that' she is "a bum shot" any Immediate foreign troubles. It ed—just like native berries. Cramer’s eonfesrion he bad dispatch­ times— even if they msy be but money. YOKOHAMA SILK, of 15tb avenue—their first impres- sbinea on the third rail of the Long their escapade. when faced by a roaring lion. also would" leave a temporary lieiv. FREE STORAGE SHETLAND FLOSS, Island railroad ed samples of the youth’s hand­ apples. But she added; "If there is an trallty act on the statute books un­ I Birdseye Peas . . . . ; ...... S8c 100-yard akein . . . . , 5 5 c 1-ounce b a ll...... aioD was that there b fd been a fight Hunger was counted a strong ally The youthful explorer’s patri­ ServiDga for four or five. in a card game. Playmg cards were Captured: Two. They thought of the keepers. Housewives and writing to San Francisco experts for mony will be increased by 820,000,- The aged spliuter testified in officer among you who dares, take til well after the next session con­ Easy Payment Terms comparison with the check endorse- •Squirrel strewn over the floor m a_room at they were a 'match fbr two Merrick merchants guarded their ediblea, but 000 on hit thirty-fifth birthday. Hla court here yesterday, that It her gun i me over to Franklin street, venes. Bale’s the rear of the store. policemen. ments and the note the postmaster mother, the four tlmes-married Mrs. had not missed fire one °of a quar- | P. Leroy Harwood, 'vice-president Officials were reported to feel tb« NATIVE POTATOES Arranged. bananas were to be bad at the soo received. Knit-A-Bit Oeraer, Further examination revealed Surrendend; An uncertatin num­ for the taking (by monkeys). Margaret Emerson, is a "million tot of marauders in her apple o r -, of the Marines Saving Bank put up Importance ot arms and munitions 19e peck HALE’S FUB COATS— dozens of letteiy slips. ber, probably about thirty. They For eeveral daya Cramer denied dollar girl” in her own right. chard recently would have bad two the bond. in (x>nnection with the Itallan-Bthi- Trim m ed llwJAITIALECo Main Floor Bear, Lsft. Nor were the hoppers and abep- any knowledgt of Kennett’s disap- Main Floor. Bear. The asigbborboed where tbs store got scared of the dork «n«)s. tified youth, but lata last night he average fun-loving American youth. case In which Miss Beckwith is court—that further apple stealing can produce (U1 tha anna and munt- tracks after the chattering herds suddenly wkad for Sheriff Qum and uproar hy th# gunplay. StUl at Urge; About liO. . hod stopped a tr^L charged wtth assault with a dan- srouid be met with sl^ Ia r treat 4 . aald he wiabad to make a statoment. (Oanttned on Paga Two) garoua w new e and then bound her ■ f r-i /-J mant at her bands. (OonttBoed m Page B rttl /IPAOB TWO M AW U H li^TlSK BVIfiNIXMU H B K A L U . M A N U H Jari'tfU . O U N N . THUKSDAY, AUGUST 22,19881 MANCHESTER ElVENIKG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CUNN„ TMUKSUAY. AUGUHr 22,1988. PAGE THBBCV were John Lons, Fairbanks mer­ chant; bis brido of a month and Al­ Salmon river. The greatest port of the land zUxlut the pond i* owned MISSING AIRPLANE ton Nordale, clerk of the tlnlUd STEEI2 CONTINUE WHO CAN RESCIND PER CAPITA COSTS by Dr. (Jeorge E. Wilcox of WUll- HAYES TO ADDRESS SUtea District Court aqd rspreses' N. Y . Stocks Local Stocks 100 FROM MANCHESTER Rogers Expressed Wonder BORAH RESOLUTION Manchester BODIES OF FLYERS mzuiUc. tntlve of the fourth division at the Other land owners whose acreage SOUGHT IN A U SK A last session of the Legislature. A MARKET FEATURE U-TURNS POLICY? Date Book Adams Exp ...... (Furnished by Putnam S Co.) OF HARTFORD $52 come* into the survey ora Paul Po- FIREMEN OF STATE Flying a distance of ten mllet tocelc, Abraham Wiener, Rufus Rath- At Man^s Fear of Death UPHELD BY K. OF C. apart, five searching planes flew Air Raduo ...... Central How, Hartford, Oobb. AT OLD ORCHARD. ME. SENT TO CHEYENNE Alleghany ...... bun, and one or two others. The over the n>gge

evening to the outstanding children Soon after there were street demon­ at the playgrounds. strations against the proposed dic­ STATE’S REPTILES Rogers In A Serious Mood DAILY RADIO PROGRAM YOUTHS IN TRIBUTE The following children will take IBARRA RESIGNS tatorship. ITALIAN CREDITS Rogers Was Charitable ROCKVILLE part In the plays Friday night: The mlnlatere of Venezuela and EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA TtiURSDAY, AUGUST 22 (Central and Eastern Standard Time) Dorothy Teabo, Dorothy Tuttle, Peru protected the lives of Legisla­ Carrie Wagner, Jane Flynn, Lucille tors menaced by the crowds. The LISTED IN BOOK Notet All programs to kajr and baalo chains or aroops thtreof unlssa spscl- TO THEIR DEAD PAL AS ECUADOR HEAD BEING RECALLED To Many In Distress Sod: coast to coast (o to o) dMlgnatlon Includes all avallabis stations. Carpenter, Lorraine Badstuebner, Venezuelan minister waa shot In Pregrams subject to change. P. M. (DdaUght time one hour later) Jean Badstuebner, Edward Sunega, the hand while accompanlng Carlos GRANTS AN INTERVIEW \ NBC-WEAF NETWORK Cent. EasL SUNDAY LIQUOR SALE Lillian Schrumpf, Faith Schelner, del Rio, president of the Senate, to f ------— ------— ______4:16— 6:16—Carson Robison — east* Emrna Janton, Rose Janten, Veron­ the Legation to offer him asylum. EDrrOB’S NOTE: This is the Ahave a weed-patch out there, end 1 SASIC —> East! weaf wlw weel wtlo Nothing But the Truth—midwest Work of Prof. Lamson and w ja r w ta a wCsh kyw w hio w fb r wre Playmates Bring Flowers ica Archacki, Naomi Hirth, Elaine Liberal and Socialist Govern­ Precaution Is Taken In View last of four stories revealing the feed a few horses.' cape, tlght-flttlng white Jodhpurs, 4:35— 6:3(^COBSjek Choir — bsi^ic; CAUSE OF DISCUSSION homely sides of Will Rogers wgy when wcae wUm wwj wsal: mid: Cadets Quartet—west; Jack Arm* Hirth, Lorraine Semple, Bobby HARTFORD MAN KILLED. But he waa secretly proud of it, Weeps As He Tells A P. and American ehoes. kid wmaq wefl who wow wdaf wkbf strong—midwest repeat which gave him hie unique posi­ NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wlmj King, Norma Green. Stuart Cole­ end enjoyed It thoroughly. While Dr. Ditmars Lists 15 Spe* In appearance the "King of Kings” 4:46— 6:45—Cossack Choir Continued and Money to Family of man, Malcolm Coleman, Dorothy ment Is Now Headed by tion as First Jester to the Amer­ wlba watp webc wdar kfyr cret efet 4:65— 6:85—Prese.Radio New t Period Orange, Aug. 22.— (A P )— Hyman of Deterioration in Ex­ there, be usually arose at 5 a. m. has not changed noticeably since SOUTH — wrva wplf wwnc wls wjax Special Town Meeting Called ican people. Correspondent He Prays 6:00— 6:00—Just Entertainm ent—ea; Luetjen, Harriet Bertsche, Bebe Holtman, 42, of 688 Garden street, Hle latcbatrlng was UteraUy always this correspondent saw him at bit wfla»wsun wlod warn wrao wsb wapl Organ Concerts—west and Dixie cies in Connecticut wrjda wsmb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre Deceased Youngster. for August 31 Again to Take Milanese, Dolly Milanese, Josephine Antonio Pons. Hartford, was killed today In a col­ out to hla friends. They knew he coronation in 1930. 6:15— 6:16—Buddy Clark, Baritone Honan, Gerald Allen, Sylvia Blon- change Status. w oai ktbs kths wsoo wave w u r 5:30— 6:30— Oallcy Or.—Dixie: A east: Action On Matter. lision of two trucks. He was a By WILLIS THORNTON kept tha key In e notched hole on However, bis wistful face and the MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kglr kshl ^ steln, Shirley Green, Doris Baxter, Daily to God to Avert a B. Ropers—midw rpt: Melodies—w passenger In a truck transporting NE.A Senioe Staff Oorrespondent one side of the gatepost. fact that tears suffused his eyes PACIFIC—kgo kfl krw komo khq kfsd B:45— 6:45—Boake Carter's Comment Arllne Trapp, Kenneth Dorn. ktar kgu kpo kex kga kyr kya 6:00— 7:00—Kate Smith and Company Rockville, Aug. 22—There has vegetables from New York to Hart­ He loved hla horses, and loved Apparently few persons have a showed the deep anguish under It was around 8:30 o'clock last Coming Wedding Guayaquil, Ecuador, Aug. 22— London, Aug. 22.— (A P )—One of The Unsel-and-glltter side of to play polo because It necessitated which he was laboring. Cant. East. 7:00— 6:00—To Be Announced evening at the home of Mr. and been considerable discussion since ford which was driven by Steve fondness for knakss and most per­ Conflict. 7:15— 6:15—C. Hanson Towns, Talk Mr. and Mrs. Richard Poehnert of (AP) — A Liberal and Socialist gov­ the "Big Five” British banks, de­ Hollywood never touched Will Rog­ really skilful and hard riding. He The Emperor seemed like a me­ S:0S—W om an’s Radio Review 7:30— 8:30—Marty May and Company Mrs. Joseph Muldoon of 119 Cedar the meeting of the Common Ckjuncll Banish, 22, of 82 Chapen street, sons seem to abhor them, possibly gi30—Songs by Oiga Vernon 8:00— 6:00—Heldt and Hie Brigadiers West street announce the engage­ ernment headed by Antonio Pons bad no Interest In the pink tea dieval prophet as he spoke in sub­ street, a home filled with sorrow at Hartford. The other truck was clared the financial editor of the ers at all. He had his sense of because they have read the story of 2:4S— 8:4S— In King A rth u r’s Land 8:30— 6:30—Bill Hogan A Orchestra Tuesday In regard to the legality of ment of their daughter, Elizabeth waa In prospect today after Con­ driven by Michael Decapone of. New aspect of pol . He usually play^ dued, measured tone In ancient. 1:00— 4:0^Maradlth Willson Orch. 8:4S— 6*45— Louis Prims Orchestra the tragic death of 14-year-oId Jo­ to Harold R. Schelbe, son of Henry News-ChronlcIe today, has recalled values before he went there, and It in denim pa*.ts and a flannel shirt, By JAMES A. MHXS. 1:80— 4:30—M atinee Musleale, Songs 9:00->«10:00—Johnny Hamp Orchestra the action of the city and the action Haven. Holtman was hurled out the Garden of Eden. Everyone sees (eepyrtxht. KtS by-AMoelated Press) Semttised Ambaric, which was In­ seph, Jr., who was killed early Scheibe of 101 Orchard street. The gress had accepted the resignation the whole of the Italian credits. remefined the same. even whan the rest of the players 3 :45_ 4:40—Betty Marlewe. Prog.—w. 9:30—10:30—Ted Florlte'e Orchestra Tuesday afternoon when a tree to be taken In the coming town of the windshield. Banish escaped a snake occasionally and some would terpreted by (Jeorge Herouy, the 4:0(^ 6:00—Flying Time. Adventure 10:00—11:00— Seattle Symphony Orch. marriage will take place In October. of former President Jose M. Velasco As credits which are now utilized His position was so secure that were in Immaculate whites. But he like to know most about them and •on of the foreign minister, who was 4:16— 6:16—Lee Gordon A Oreheetrs 10:30—11:30—Jan Ssvitt Orch.—basic; which he and his father were cut­ Alceting In regard to the Sunday Ibarra. Injury. Addis Ababa. Aug. 22.— Weeping Miss Poehnert is employed in an mature, they will not be renewed he did not have to stoop to nasty was no Clown at the gams. Hts learn which are harmless, which are educated at Cambridge University. 4:30— 6:30—Press.Radle News Period Catos Vapabonds Orchestra—Dixie ting down fell the wrong way and sale of liquor with meals In clubs, Velasco Ibarra, whose alleged at­ The Hartford truck crashed as he talked. Emperor Halle Selas­ 4:36— 6:36— France! Adair* Soprano 11:00— 12:00— Dance Music—west only Insurance office In Hartford and and will have to be repaid by the little. tricks of scrambling upward three-goal rating was official. poisonous, where they Uve and what “Peace be unto you!" waa the 4:46— 6:45—Billy A Betty—weaf only struck him on the head. restaurants and hotels. A special Mr. Schelbe Is a substitute postal tempt to set himself up as dictator through a fence after the collision. Italian banks or commercial firms to and he was srounded deeply enough He’d ‘D reei’’ for Stones! sie predicted to the Associated 8:00— 6:00—Amos 'n* Andy—east only NBC WJZ NETWORK they eat. There are 15 species of greeting of this now world famous Shortly before, the body had been tovm meeting has been called for employee. He Is a plumber by failed when the army upon which In ranch and family life not to care Hla dislike of formal dreas waa 8:15— 6:1^To Be Announced BASIC — East: wjs wbS'Wbsa ivbal brpught to the home and now It which they were granted. It Is prob­ snakes In Connecticut, of which only Press today. In a remarkable Inter­ descendant of King Solomon and the S:30— 6:30—Dorsey Bros. Orchestra wham kdka wear wjr wlw wsyr wmal Saturday evening, August 31 to take trade and has been employed for hd had depended for support decided PROBE DANBURY BLAST at all for whoopee. genuine and deep-seated. When he lay In the flower-laden living room, able this lead will be followed by all' two are poisonous, the copper-head view, that war between Italy and Queen of Sheba. 6:45— 6:45—Talk. Rtp. Wright Pat. wfil: Mid: woky wonr wls kwk kwer action on the matter, as a ruling had many years at the Henry Schelbe & to uphold the constitution. Is being ether big British banks,” It added. That la why his sudden death consented to “dress up" for a for­ man koU wren wmnq kso wkbf awaiting the hour of burial at 2 held a prisoner In a military bar- Danbury, Aug. 22— (AP) Two and the timber rattlesnake. Occa­ Ethiopia would not only drench the "It is kind of the Associated S:00— 7:00—Rudy Vallee’a H r.—o to c N O R T H W E S T A C A N A D IA N — w tm j been received by Attorney Bernard Son plumbing business. "Tho decision Is not due to- any unloosed an avalanche of genu­ mal dinner or party, that meant a sionally there Is a person who really Press," said the Monarch, "to send 7:00— i:0(^8howboat of tha Airwave o’clock this afternoon. The grief* racke. Army leaders Installed Pons Investigations were started this two countries In blood, but might wlba kstp webc wday kfyr orct efcf J Ackerman from the office of the - Farm Bureau Night dictation from the bank of England inely sorrowful comment In Holly blue serge suit and black bow tie. likes snakes and tries to study their •:0O— 6:00— W hitem an'# Mualo Hall SOUTH — wrva wptf wwnc wls wjax stricken family, bearing up remark­ Farm Bureau night will be ob­ as the new president. morning Into the explosion which drag In the whole world. one here who attended my corona­ 9:00— 10:00—John 8 . Kennadj^ T a l k - Attorney General, that any ruling or the Treasury, but Is a norn I wood. "I loved Will Rogers.” . . One of the few times be consented wfla-weun wlod wim wmc wsb wapl ably well In their hour of heavy af­ served Friday evening by the It waa learned that the chief of wrecked the Danbury Motor Service habits. Such was the late Professor "If, unhappily, such a conflict tion and knows my country. I am oast: Amoe *n*. Andy—west repeat wjdx wsmb kvoo wky wfsA wbap kpre by tho city was Illegal Inasmuch as precautionary measure which ! “There Is a big gap left In the to dress formally was at the debut g:1S_10:15—Jesse Crawford. Organist woal ktbs kths wsoc wave fliction, moved about In the routine Vernon Orange. Supper will be the Imbabura battalion had been Station in the .center of the city last George Herbert Lamson, tha author leads to a world struggle between sure that you and your great organ­ the city of Rockville Is within the taken In view of the serious d e -' screen world.” . . . “ He was the of Paula Stone, daughter of his old of this bulletin. ization win Interpret fairly to the 6:30—10:30—National Radio Forum MOUNTAIN—kon kdyl kglr kghi I tasks of dally life, and In preparing served by the Vernon Orange at designated to promulgate the pro­ night. David Fredericks, 45, father most charitable man I ever knew." the black and white races," said the 10:00—11:00—Ben Pollock’s Orchestra PACIFIC—kgo kfl kgw komo khq kfsd for the funeral services. town of Vernon; therefore the ruling terioration that has occurred In the friend Fred Stone. It was hla way It is a different story with the American people tho tragic events 10:30—11:30—Austin W ylie's Orchestra ktnr kpo kex kga kgr kya 7:30 o'clock d. s. t. There will be clamation by which Velasco Ibarra of nine children, who was burled ten . . “ I feel like I had lost my beat of showing hts levs for the Stones. Emperor, "tho very existence of Chums Arrive must be made by the town. Various reportedly had hoped to make hlm- Italian exchange position." turtles, which are sometimes kept as which seem about to happen here. CBS-WABC NETWORK Cent. East. members of ti:e Common Council group singing at the tables led by feet when the blast blew him out of friend." . . “Everybody who work­ To every great star of stage or humanity Itself Is threatened. We Came the sound of many feet up­ Dr. E. A. Perregaux of Storrs. eelf dictator. the vulcanizing shop is in serious British coal exporters, for one, pets for many years. Thirteen Expreeeee OnUtude. 2:30— 3:30— Garden of Melody, Orch. state that they have received no ed with him loved him." . . “When screen the "benefit racket” be will be back In 1914. BASIC—East: wabo wade woko wcao ^ 3:00— 4:00— Teddy H ill A Orchestra on the front veranda, and when Mr. There will also be an original song Troops Displeased condition in Danbury hospital. have been declining further coal species of turtles may be found In “I am deeply grateful to the sym­ waiab wnac w ar w kbw wkro whk cklw official notification of the ruling. my husband passed away. Will Rog­ comes a cross to be borne as pa­ "There will be no more security 3:30— 4:30—The Singing Lady—east and Mrs. Muldoon went to the door, contc.st, -with songs written and en­ Before he had reached the conclu­ He is suffering from first degree shipments until payment of back Connecticut or In Its coastal waters. pathetic and friendly attitude of wdre wcau wiaa wenn wfbl waptLwJtv 3:45— 4:45—Orphan Annla—east only They also state that Wllllmhntlc and ers waa like a brother to me.” . . . tiently os possible. All sorts of du­ for the world In the future than wbnt; Midwssti wbbm wfbm kmbe 4:00— 6:00— M artha Mears, Contralto there stood a bare-headed band of tered by County Farm Bureau mem­ sion of the proclamation, the troops burns. debts. Representations have been “He was the most charitable, the bious proposals demand their aid. BuUeUn No. 64. Tho RepUles of there wee then. IntemaUonal American newspapers through this kmox wowo wh&a kfab 4:15— 6:16—Winnie the Pooh. Sketch Putnam and. other places where Connecticut, by George Herbert youngsters, all subdued and quiet bers to judges and prizes will be expressed their displeasure, shout­ State Policeman Walter Boah, and made to the government. most tolerant man I have ever Yet when the thing woe oi, the lev­ treaties will have no more validity sad time. EAST—wbp whec wlba wfea wore wlcc 4:30— 6:80—Preai'Radio News — ba- there are cities within the town gov­ Lamson. has just been published by efrb cknc wibx wmaa ale; The Singing Lady—mdw rpt and saddened in the presence of awarded. ing "Viva the constitution.” Fire Chief John McNamara are In­ known. There was not an atom of than tho word of a thief. ‘Wo have little more to fight ernments, went ahead with their el, no one was.morf generous of his DIXIE—wgst wafa wbre wqnm wdod 4:35— 6:35—Sengs oy Kurt Brownell death that had removed or of Jheir Tho music for the singing and The former President himself vestigating. It waa said today that racing Is a popular envy In his system.’’ time and talents than Will Rogers. the State Geological and Natural "1 fear that neither tho United Italy with than the weapon o f pub­ klni wrec wlaq wdau wtoc krld wrr 4:45— 8:45— Lowell Thomas — east; most beloved and active comrade.i ordinances and voting. Attorney dancing will be furnished by Mary HIstoy Survey. Professor Lamson ktrh ktaa waco koma wdbn wbt wdae Orphan Annie—rrjieat to midwest went to the barracks to urge sup­ fumes generated caused by leaking sport In Paris. 'The run AnMssed Fortune In Millions A half dozen tours benefited the States, nor England, nor the other licity. which I hope will ultimately wbig wdbJ w wva wmbg wsjs wmbr 8:00— 6:0(5-D}nner Concert Program at the West Side playgrounds. For Bernard J. Ackerman declines to and John Zurek of Columbia. Fol­ port from the troops, but they re­ gasoline caused the explosion. The In grooves on a 12-foot course That la the way they felt, the Red Cross In time of need. was at work on the manuscript and great powers realize the graidty of enable peace to triumph over war. wala ktul Kgko wcoa wdno wnox kwkh 8:15— 6:15—Tony A Qua, Serial Skit a moment all waa silent as the hoys comment on tho situation, but addl- lowing the supper there will be a plied with vivas for the constitution. loss is set at 310,000. made of glass. people with whom WlU Rogers Once when on tour with Frank had made good progress with the the situation. v • ■ "Our greatest solace Is that right MIDWEST—wal wmt wmbd wisn wlbw 8:30— 6:30—Dot and Will, Dramatical crowded Into the house. play given In the upper hall with snakes at the time of his death, De- kfh wamk wkbn wcco wabt ksej wnax 5:46— 6:45—Graham McNamse—w js ttunnl information will be sought lives and worked. Eddie Ctantor, Hawkes for tho relief of drought "My own people have sufficient and justice are on our side and our woe 6:00— 7:00—The Nickelodeon. Comedy Then Francis Taggart, age 14, from the Attorney General's office. the following from Mansfield tak­ an old friend for 20 years, con­ sufferers, they were In a small cember’ 1931. Dr. Raymond L. conscience Is clear." MOUNTAIN—kvor kts koh ks1 6:30— 7:30—To Be Announced courage, endurance, and patriotism who had been delegated official A conference with Mayor Scheets ing part: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph solidated many comments Into: “He southern town. The local chairman Dltmarg was then employed to pre- to bear tho brunt Of Italy’s assaults COAST — khj koln kfrc kol kfpy kvl 6:45— 7:46— Hendrik Van Loon'a Talk Anthony. Mrs. Clarence Anthony, kfbk kmj kwg kern kdb kgmb kgb 7:00— 8:00— Death Valley. Days. Play spokesman of the group, stepped and the ordinance committee will was one man In the entertainment asked Will to speak at a Negro portion concerning the alone. But If, unfortunately, other DIVA IN TUB DIDO 7;30— 8:30—CyrIM Pitts, Tenor teloe forward. He had a little speech also be held within a day or two. Mrs. A. E. Anthony, Mr, and Mrs. world who more then balanced by church. Will said he would If they turtlei and otherwise complete the Cent. Baat. 7:45— 8:45—To Be Announced Harold James, Harriet Swanson and nations are drawn Into It aa they 1:0S— 4:00—Howelit*Wright, Planoa prepared In advance, a few words to Elks To Kleet bis exemplary life any of the scan­ would sing him a couple of spirit­ paper for publication. 8:00— 9:00—NBC Symphony Orchts. Russell Slate! H ie danclhg will fol­ surely will be, It will be a disaster Los Angeles — Physlolana may 1:16— 4i16—Inetrumentaliate Program 6:0(^10:00—Jowlih MinIstere* Cantors the effect that Joe's comrades, with The Rockville Lodge of Elks will dals Involving people of the thea­ uals, which were bis favorite mu Thta bulletin gives full but brief give their orders about how muoa 1:30— 4:60—Jack Armstrong — east; low the play. of tho first magnitude. 6:16— 10:16— Tony A Qua—west repent the willing assistance of neighbors, hold Its August meeting this eve­ ter." sic. La about the reptiles and practice Madame Amllta OalU- Two Pianos—Dixie: Organist—west 9:30—10:30—Joe R lnei and Orchestra had chipped In to make up a purse At the County Home grounds Prays to Avert It. 1:45— 4:45—T ito Oulaar, Tenor Solos 10:00— 11:00— Shandor and His Violin ning with Exalted Ruler George THE Greatest ADVERTISING The American people have al­ Will told later that there were should be useful to teachers, pupils. "I pray to God dally that such a Curcl, tha opera star, may give her 4:00— 6:00— Buck Rogers—east: Shsr* 10:05— 11:06— Rsnny Weeks Orchestra as a token of their love and esteem there w-ill be 4-H exhibits on dis­ ways been wllUng to pay well any­ 800 voices in the choir, and that voice, but M e has her own ideas man's Orchaatra—wait * Dlxla 10:30—11:30—Chaa« Dornbarger Orch. Betts of Manchester presiding. Plans play, and a standard canning ex­ catastrophe may be averted.” for Joe, who had always been n for the early fall activities will be one who amuses them. They paid more than 2,000 people overflowed about tt all. leader In whatever activities the hibit will be shown at the Vernon Tha Interview was held In the discussed at this time. WlU Rogers, their favorite Jester, the church. * P»rapblet of Emperor’s new palace which Is fur­ "I always am cautioned not to playground had. Grange hall for Farm Bureau wom­ very well Indeed, His estate Is ex­ Never Collected His Bela 38 pages and 12 plates. overdo," complained the star, who is 9:00— Death Valley Days — dra­ Marriage Announced en who will enter the County can­ MEDIUM-READERS PAY TO nished throughout in modem Amer­ matic program. “ We," he began, striving hard to pected to come to well over 32,000,- ‘Tt developed Into a contest,' recuperating from a goitre opera­ keep hla voice steady, to overcome Announcement Is made of the ning contest this fall. thP*i?«fll“T*VK“ dl»trlbutad by ican style with a modesty and taste 9:30— Concert by the Civic Opera 000. he drawled. “I’d tell a few Jokes, the State Librarian, Mr. Oeorxe q suggesUve of President Roosevelt’s tion. "Every day I wont to ilng the sob In his throat. "W e ..." marriage of Mrs. Lottie Ruth Cran­ The event will be for all Farm Godard, Hartford, (ionn tt S f tal In the bath tubl” Orchestra. dall of this city, daughter of Mrs. Bureau members and their friends, Always a canny Investor and and they would ask for a few more. study In tho White House. WTIC Tears Come Instead business man, Rogers had more I’d agree If they’d sing another tended to follow a liberal policy “ On the set** . , , WUI Rogcra studtea one of bis appealing parte. 10:00— NBC Symphony Orchestra. Seth Schofield of Stafford and Wal­ with all others interested In the e e • • • • • Autographed photographs of all Eburtford. Conn. 11:00—Time, weather, baseball The words ju.st couldn't come. READ than 31,000,000 in Insurance, a spiritual, and the3r'd agree to sing distributing Survey BUBFRISB BOUQUn Tears came instead, big unashamed ter C. Moyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. work of the Farm Bureau. * united States Presidents since Theo­ 50,000 W. 1040 &. C. S83 J M. scores. The committee In charge of the large Beverly Hills home, his fa­ another song If I’d tell some more mbllcauons to public libraries, c o l dora Roosevelt looked down from tears that wracked his sturdy fig­ Paul Meyer of Manchester. The cere­ Chicago—^Ualah (Jordon, engtnoer Trmveler. 8ro»doa.tin, Serrloe 11:18— Jewish Ministers Cantors' arrangements for the evening In­ vorite ranch near Santa Monica, stories. It went on until both of us ® Institutions, and to talning a niece from South Dakota parents aro In Boston attending the the walls on the sad-eyed UtUo Mon­ ure, He could only hold out the gift mony took place on August 16 at and other California and Oklahoma was pretty near wore out, hut It scientific men, teachers and others for tho Bureau ot Safety, at a meet­ Saving Ttina Association of America. Thompsonville. cludes Mrs. Thomas Nelli of Vernon, and a nelce from Vermont. National Mail Carriers’ convention. arch of this ancient black empire. mutely to Mrs. Muldoon, who also oU Interests and real estate, as well was one of the most memorable Who require parUcular buIIeUns to? ANDOVER The Ladies' Benevolent Society is ing of the Chicago Safety <2oim^ 11:30— Mayfair Orchestra. was openly crjing, as were all In Plonle. Saturda.v Alexander Bunce of Bolton and Mrs. Mrs. Georgo Merritt visited In Disdaining bis customary plaoe as sizable chunks of government evenings Pve ever spent anywhere.” those who planning a supper to be given next yeaterday latd, "truck drivera aro 12:00 Mldn.— Shandor, violinist. the large throng that had come to The Rockville Garden club v.-ill A. E. Anthony of Mansfield. WilUmantlc Wednesday morning. on a golden throne, the Emperor sat 12:08— Cocoanut Grove Orchestra bonds and cash. He was one of the He loved to ' bet. But he would Friday night. becoming more careful and dourto- Ihimdajr, Angiut St, 198S pay their flnal respects to the lad hold a picnic on Saturday, A ...... t Mr. and Mrs. Ersklne Hyde and Mrs. Lewis riiclpa attended a In an ordinary arm chair behind a ous on the streeta than the moot 12:80—Mount Royal Hotel Orches­ wealthiest stars In a community never collect when he won, though otaere'rw pS.?pTd*'‘ ‘' " ‘- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis motored Miss Jane Nelson Is staying with P.M. who only a fsw ifhort hours before 24 at the home of Mrs. Laura ,1 i where big money is a common­ pariah meeting fa Hebron Tuesday modern flat-topped desk. conscientious pleasure car opera- tra. he was always more than prompt to to Brookfield to visit friends re­ Mr. and Mrs. Spears while her evening. 4:00—^Woman’i Radio Review. his sudden death had pitched the at Tolland. place. pay off when he lost He was dressed In a simple black toro." 4 :SO—Stanley Davte, songi. West Side Junior softball team to a FRENCH WAR VETERANS cently. At this time the final plans will '■ Shunned Social Spotlight No big spectacular charities g e o . S. GODARD, 4:46—Adventures In King Arthur double victory over the East Side Raymond Williams of Hartford discussed for the fall flower s'.-.?. ■ But Will Rogers lived simply, marked his course through Holly­ lu .1 State Librarian. Liand. playground team. Joe had only al­ which will be held during the dayc ON GOOD WILL VISIT as befitted a simple man. He didn't wood. But no sooner was his death Distribution and Exchange Agent. spent the week-end at the home of 0:00—Boy Scout Jamboree. lowed three hits In the first game of the Rockvllle-Vernon Tercenten­ drink, smoke, or chew (except gum, announced than hundreds of little Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis. 6:80— ^Matinee Mualcale. and five hits In the second, besides ary celebration. which helped him keep from smok­ people began to recall the times Mr. and Mrs. George Merritt and 0:00—WrlghtviUe Clarion. walloping the ball lustily himself. 40 A- 8 Meeting ing). He didn't go to night clubs when Will Rogers had helped them family visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray- RADIO A 31.5 F orm er S old iers W ith 6:80—New.; baseball score.. by D ay He had been In blithe spirits when The Tolland County Volture of the or first-nights. He didn’t go In for out. Three Boy Scouts whose ex­ mond Healey and children In Port­ 6:46—Tba Harmoneersi he departed for home to help hts 40 & 8 will hold a meeting this eve­ Families Welcomed in New the social swim, and bis attitude pense he had arranged to pay to the BOLTON land Sunday. (Baatem Standard Time.) father remove the tree In the rear ning at the new American Legion 7:00—^Amoi 'n’ Andy. York With Gun Salute. toward such things Is well exempli­ national jamboree In Washington Tho Andover Grange has accept­ 7:10— Rbjrthm o f tba Day—Ed yard of his home. When the tree home In Somers. fied In a story often told In Holly­ Things like that. began to topple, Joe expected It to “Hot Dog" Roast ed an Invitation to attend Neighbors' Neary, Mlotat New York, Aug. 22—(AP) — wood: Example in Gentle Living daughters of Chicago Heixhta Tii Night at Hampton Orange Friday 7:80—Amateur Program. James Wellington, who has been fall In the opposite direction away Damon Temple, Pythian Sisters, New York, Aug. 22.— (AP)—Now A swanky HoUsrwood hostess In­ The Fairbanks, Aliuka, baseball from the house and ran into the ex­ are visiting their d ^ x h tfr ' J i ' evening and will furnish one half 8:00—Rudy Vallee's Variety Show. with NBC for six years has resigned will hold a "hot dog” roast this eve­ York Legionnaires today welcomed vited Will to a dinner, but did not team Is playing In the Discovery Harold WUts. “ “ “ Snwr. Mrs. hour program. 0:00—Captain Henry's Showboat. and Is going to Hollywood to take act path which the tree took. The ning at the summer cottage of Mrs. include Mrs. Rogers In the invita­ Day celebration at Dawson right a fling at the movies. knob left when the top limb was Ida Weber on Tolland avenue. Mrs. a delegation of French war veterans tion. Will went, and was asked to Mr. and Mrs. George Merritt and 10:00—Paul Whiteman's Music Hall! now, aided by 3100 contributed to maudinglnc^dlnx°“M Mrs. « c Margaret o m m i t Haling t e e 11:00—News. Frank Slnglsere and Gllvln Keech, cropped struck him at tha base of Martha Thuemmler. is chairman of on their second good win visit to entertain. He did so, but later sent them by Rogers just before bis de­ family motored to North Benning­ the skull. Death was Instantane­ the committee In charge of the ar- the hostess a bill for services ren­ ton. Vermont Friday, returning 11:10—Jesse Crawford, organist. both veteran announcers also have the United States. parture for Nome with Wiley Post. 8nd Mrs. £l8le Jones met af ous, caused by a fractured skull. rangernents. dered. When she protested that be It was In little things like this home Friday night. 11:80— National Radio Forum. resigned at NBC In order to free Three hundred fifteen former 6 6 lance. The boys had pooled together Will Attend Outing had been a guest, Will answered, "I that Will Rogers showed Holly­ Center church and Mrs. Kingsbury and daughter, 13:00 Mldn.—Silent. French soldiers, accompanied by arrangements for the Try These Tonight their nickels and dimes and obtain­ Members of Hope Chapter. O.E.S their wives and sisters, arrived here am never a guest when Mrs. Rogers wood a living example of how to Mias Helen Kingsbury, of Colches­ WEAF-NBS—5:38, Frances Adair, ed contributions from others on the will attend the 83rd annual outing Is not invited." be simple though rich, modest 12^ 0° ® ®c*ch, June 27. at ter. called on Mrs, Lewis Phelps and celebrating the 117th anniversary from Niagara Falls and Montreal soprano; 6:45, Representative West Side to make up a sizeable and received a salute from a pla­ This devotion to Mrq. Rogers and though famous, and in every re tI'II.' jP' helpers arc: Mrs. Helen Fitzgerald Tuesday purse. With part of It. they pur­ of the birth of Robert Morris which this distinction between hla pubUc lattonship kindly and gentle. Pearl Broil afternoon. WHY Wright Patman on adjusted service will be held by the Order of Eastern toon of Marines at Grand Central Winifred Gagliardone. cerUfleates; 7, Rudy Valce; 8, Cup. chased a beautiful floral tribute, the station. and' private life was characteristic On the high plateau overlooking About twenty of the gown’s young rest thsy turned over to Mrs. Mul­ Star at Wilcox's Pier Restaurant In of Will Rogers, and was one of the Santa Monica Bay where lies Will The Brothers ot the Grange are WDRC tain Henry’s show boat: 9, Paul At the head of the visiting dele­ rehearsing for tho next Grange meet­ people met at Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whiteman; 10:30, Radio Forum. doon to do with as she wished. A West Haven. The business meeting things many Holljrwood folks found Rogers’ ranch, everything Is un­ Tuttle’s home Tuesday evening to and entertainment will take plade at gation was Alexis Pantaleonl, con­ ing. They are in charge of the pro tSO Hartford, Conn. USO WABC-CBS—0 p. m., Variety pro* short poem, written by Earl and hard to understand. . naturally quiet and still today. On give a surprise farewell party for Tommy Moore, with the assistance 12 o'clock followed by dinner at 2 ductor of the tour, and Monslgnor Horses Hla Bobby the hooka in the tack room the gram and refreshments ^ 9 f Daylight Saving TUna gram; 8, Manhattan Choir melody; o'clock. Leo Regent, Bishop of Lille and annual Old Home Day. Miss Mary Merritt who is leaving 8:15, Charles Hanson Towne; 9, of their father, was also presented He waa modest about bis Santa ropes and lariats hang motionless. Friday for New York. On Satur­ to the family. It was entitled "In Play at Playgroimds chaplain of the group. Monica nmcb, saying, “Oh, yes, I THE END. S n Methodist church Heldt’s Brigadiers; 9:30, Aham No special programs have been Frank E. Samuel, national ad­ be held Saturday, August 24 day Miss Merritt will sail for Cali­ Tbnrsday, August tZ, 1086 Jones orchestra. the Midst , of Life We Are In fornia where she will meet her Death,” and read: a-ranged for the Maple'street and jutant of the American Legion and org^ za tlon s In the town P.M. WJZ-NBC—5:02 p. m., Edward pl&nning floats. fiance, Ernest Reid of ■ San Diego. Northeast, playgrounds this week, personal representative of National classes; it Is given by the family 3;00-7-Dalton Bros. Davies, baritone; 8:35, Prof. Paul but preparations have been made Commander Frank N. Belgrano, Jr, They will be married and live fa San "W e’ll miss you, Joe, our comrade physician; it is discussed at child 1710 Fym Bureau night for home 3:16—Boston Braves vs. Pitts­ Douglas, "Are the Old Paries Break­ for the entertainment to be present­ extended the official welcome to makers, local leaders and club folks Diego. Mr. Reid serves In the true. EDUCATION BEST he^tb centers each week or month burgh. ing U p7": 6, Dinner concerts; 6:15, ed at the Maple street school audi­ Mgr. Regent who replied briefly In ^11 have a get-together and supper navy. Miss Merritt has resigned 6:18—:Instrumentalists. Tony and Gus; 7, Nickelodeon come­ Our faithful friend to all were when mothers attend with their pre­ her position with the Case Paper you; torium Friday evening, August 23. French. Center at 5:30—Jack Armstrong—All-Amer­ dy and songs; 7:45, Hendrick Willem Two plays, "Old King Cole" and A police escort conducted the vis­ school children for examination; It Is Board company of this town. She ican Boy. Van Loon, author. And In our mem'ry you'll remain. MEANS OF STATE brought to the home by the public tuMm. " ’‘ I* *>« alnging at tho was presented with a folding leather Until we all shall meet again." "Cinderella” will be given In cos­ itors to a hotel where they will 6:46—Tito Gulzar. What to Expect Friday; tume by the children. This will be headquarter during their stay to­ health nurse: It reaches mothers lead and Mary and John Zurek of writing case and a traveler’s diary. 6:00—^Yankee Network Nea^ Serv­ WEAF-NBC—4:15, p. m.. Grand­ from the Ups of some well trained Games were played and refresh­ The Signed Tribute the final program to be presented day and tomorrow. Columbia will accompany with ac­ ice. pa Burton, huntoroua fe tch e s; 6:13, this season, and there will be a HEALTH DEFENSE speaker at the women's club or cordion and saxophone. An enter- ments served. The tribute was signed by "Com­ Other New yorkers In the wel­ e r i c a H 6:16—Bunkbouse Follies with Car- Uncle Eira radio station; 7, Jes­ charge of ten cents for admission. church group; It appears as a con­ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hilliard rades from the West Bids" Includ­ coming group were Robert E. (Lon­ toikf^nH ! ? '' ‘i® Mansfield son Robison. ' sica Dragonette, quartette and or­ Tho proceeds of tho entertainment don, chairman of the special com­ vincing argument at tho men’s club folks and dancing wiu foUow. Bryant, Henry and Kenneth Hil­ 6:30—Russian Bear Orchestra with chestra. ing John Breen, Earl Moore, Fran­ will go toward the Playground As­ that bedth protection can be pur­ M lu Lydia Young, leader of the liard arrived home Tuesday evening cis Taggart, Buddy Fogarty, Victor mittee; Charles R. Bayart, presl- Education of the public through Kuban Kossack Choir. WABC-CBS—4 p. m., Loretta Lee, sociation fund. Four star prizes dent of the French War Veterans of chased through support of tbs local 4-H C ^ l n g club, went to Vernon after spending several days visiting 6:56—Baseball Scores. songs; 6;S0, Bert Block's Orchestra; Taggart, Fred Modean, Henry Frye, will also be presented on the same the spread of proper Information baa health officer's program; It comes in today to prepare tho canning booth Mr. Hilliard's sister, who has Just Clifford Eagleaon, Eddie Fraher, New York and John D. SulUvan. 7:00—Austin Scrivener and his 7:30, Court of Human Relations. etate Legion commander. been one of the greatest weapons the wake of telling reports which ? ? Club field day bought a place near a l ^ e lake fa Whispering Strings. WJZ-NBC— 2:30 p. m., Vaughan Jackie Fraher, Edwin Stratton, show city fathers bow much cheap­ Which is to be held Saturday at Ver- New Hampshire. Junior Luplen, Elmer Vennart, The.delegation la to bo received by used by health authoritlea to rout 7:15—Buddy Clark. De Loath, contralto; 4 p. m., Don Mayor F. H. LaGuardla this after­ fear. Ignorance and superstition con­ er it la to protect health than to non ^ n ter. Money prises will be Mr. and Mrs. and 7:30—Isham Jones' Orchestra, Rodolfo and Rhumba orchestra; 9, James Doggart, Chester Kurlowltz, HIS EXCEllENCY- fight an epidemic of disease or in­ awarded. children, Gresham and Mona, will William Hammlll, Harry O'Connell, noon at City Hall after ceremonies cerning disease, and to bring about 7:45—Boake Carter. Cavallo Band Concert. sanitary conditions; It comes over 'ihe Tercentenary committee con- return to their home In Rochester, Robert Martin. Henry Coleman, at tho Eternal U ght war memorial Not only do they gladly pay for widespread Improvement In public 8:00—Kate Smith and her Swaneo In Madison Square. A reception by health and disease prevention, since the air when the family is gathered mstlng of Samuel Alvord, chairman' New York eome time next week. ^UR new American Gas Is called As a r ^ lt of all these things, it is 100% dean Music. Gordon Smith, Everett Solomonson, Mrs. Eklna Sumner, Rev. and Mrs Ben Magmison, Horace Cordy, Phil French societies and a banquet wlU the days of the first meeting of the at the flroalde; it may greet them in Miss Walty Brown has rented her •AIR-CONDITIONED” 8:48— Otto Neubauer and the Dip­ climax tho first day's stay. Connecticut State Board of Health the local theater; it appears in print­ Harold Wilts, Mr. and Mrs. David cottage at Andover lake until Labor burning-does not leave harmful deposits—has lomats. BURGURS SEND FAKE Waddell, Joseph Forbes, Sonny Toomey, Mrs. Elsie Jones, met at the Day. Phelon, (Calvin Cordy, Arthur Ben' Tomorrow tha visitors have been their newspaper but eagerly look in 1878, It was stated by Elizabeth ed form on the Ubrary table; and It because it does the same things for a motor that greater net pow er-and nets more miles to the 9:00—Manhattan Choir. Invited to a special preaentatlon In C. Nickerson, director o f the Bureau catches the eye and influences tha bail last evening to arrange for the Miss Dorothy Butler is visiting 9:18—Charles Francis Towne. son, Howard Janicke, Earl Mc< CALL TO HRS. DUPONT Geowan, Gordon Fraser, Robert their honor at Radio City Music of Public Health Instruction of the mind when the daUy newspaper Is celebration September 28. Exer­ Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson. ‘ ‘ a ir-c o n d itio n in g ” does for trains, theatres, gallon. And for good measure, a higher anti­ 9:80—^Marty May, comedian with Hall. ______• State Department of Health today. read. In addition, the State Depart­ cise at the cemetery at 8 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen are enter Lorch, Edwin McAllister, William and a program In the evening at the stores, etc. It keeps the motor cool, sweet and knock rating than other regular gasolines to Johnny Augustine’s Orchestra. Mullens, Tommy Moore, Stephen At that first meeting, the presi­ ment of Health has a hundred or 10:00— Heldt's Brigadiers. Police Pul On Trail of Men forward to its daily arrival . . . h^l will be featured. effleient—no matter what the ou tsid e changes 10:80— Fallon, Walter Ford, Alvin Pelscuk, ELSIE JANI8 WELL dent of the board said: "Gentlemen, mure leaflets on special health sub­ which chemicals are added for anti-knock alone. Who Planned to Loot Empty Edwin Pelscuk, William McGeowan, there Is such a remarkable Ignor- jects, control of different diseases in temperature and humidity may be. 10:48—Louis Prlma’s Orchestra. Residences. Johnny O'Connell, Tom Martin, child hygiene, oral hygiene, nutri­ 11:00— Yankee Network News ^ r v - North Tarrytown, N. T.. Auff. It. kance even among the more Intelll- Ice. James Balters, Clifford Jonss, Nick —(AP)—Bearing a slight scar on Igent classes of the community in re- tion, mental hygiene, sanitary prob­ Deaths Last Night Cel Your New Philadelphia. Aug. 22.— (A P )— A Angelo, Richard Grant, Owen War­ her right cbeekbons and one on the NOTHING gives as much value - received as the news­ “gard to the genera] laws of hy­ lems, ctc„ which are available for For, even in the course of a day, a motor can 11:18—Johnny Ramp’s Orchestra. ren, Harry Magnuson, Roy Helm, the asking either from the depart­ 11:30—Ted Flo Rlto's Orchestra. fake "call from the telephone com- back of her neck, aa mementos of giene, that it becomes the first duty be subjected to a lot o f weather changes. And pany" to Mrs. Francis I. Dupont, Charles Beilis, Joseph BelUs, Clar­ the July 24 automobile accident In paper that costs three pennies a day and guarantees its of the State Board of Health to take ment or local health officers. Beverly Hills, Calif. _ Edith AiV Conditioned ‘‘AIR-CONDITION” irember of the Delaware family, put ence Haugh, Walter Fortin, Meri- which she was injursd on Saw Mill measures to enlighten the public Itobwta, 86, a leading actress of the with existing regular gasolines it becomee erratic. police on the trail of a band of burg­ dtth Murdock, Donald Geer, James River road, Elsie Janls 'waa back at mind not only upon some o f the silent picture era and tho wife of Geer, Ear! Kennedy, Franklin Mur­ circulation! Funnies, short stories, romance, recipes, lars who are bclloved to have mark­ her PblUpse Manor home today. main principles but upon not a few Carter, real estate operator. Betmuse o f its 100% Pure Petroleum Base— Your Motor! dock, Eddie McCann, John Thumer, For a abort additional period tba of the details o f public hygiene or Recreation Center Mls^, Fla.—Mrs. May R^rts, ed for robbery several homes closed Ernest Weiss, Michael Weiss, Clif­ 68, widow of the lata Judge J. W. AMOCO for the summer. actress must carry her left arm In a fashion news . . shopping guides, business news, sport­ state preventive medicine.’ Since because it is n o t acid trcated-because it needs WBZ-WBZA ford Rautenberg, William O’Con' Roberts of Platte county. Mo. Stop at any Yellow end Black American Goa Pump and Mrs, Dupont received the call yes­ •ling to support Uie collarbone frac­ that day a steady baiTSge of regu­ Items of Interest BpringSald — Boston nell. Jerry O'Connell, Dennis Cole­ W ^esburg. Pa.—Mrs. Jean Wil­ no added chemicals—because of our new refinery fill up your tank with "AIR-CONDITIONED” Ameri­ terday In Wilmington. The caller an- man, Larry Maloney, Frank Bugch, tured In the mishap. She was ing and general educational information . . and YOUR lar and special bulletins, sent to son Downey, 78, scholar, teacher DnjUgfat Saving Time nounced himself as “from tho tele­ .Mven home from Grasslands hotpl- local leaders with the understanding Md former vice president of the GAS and modem processes-and because of careful can Gis. Then keep your ear "sljMmnditioned'’ with Gertrude Fenerty, Wesley Shorts, Tbnreday phone company" and added: Albert Curly and Lennart Torsten- '^tal yssterday by her chauffeur, ADVERTISING receives equal attention because it ap­ that they would keep their com­ Oiildren of the American Revolu­ at "AIR-CONDITIONED" Ameriesa Ois. Even though We just wanted to know when son. Frank Rennie, and waa accompanied munities Informed, has been main­ The womea's swimming tion. adjustment of light end content—we have been Tbnnday, August 22, 1985 by her nurse, Mrs. Hasel Rudolph. tained by state health autaoritles, WlU meet as foUows: 7 to 7:48, s It costs in more to produeo, It la being fold at regular g u P. M. you aro coming back to Philadel­ Michael Zwiek. playground direc­ able to condition this new American Gas to phia, so we can connect your phone. Her husband, Gilbert Wilson, was pears with the many things which interest readers most! Mias Nickerson declared. vanced; 7:45 to 7:80, life saving. DEATH LIST GROWS price Irom Mslnt to Florida.oad Inland by thousands of 4:00—Betty and Bob. tor at the West Side, praised the CLARENCE a MARTIN Mrs. Dupont checked back and reported In New York City on busl- By this method, there have been mu counteract erratic motor performance caused by Amoriesa dealers and ststions. 4:18—Easy Aces. dead youngster highly. ‘ He waa a AMOCO learned the call was flcUtlous. She most likable lad," said Mr. Zwick. THE GOVERNOR OF WASHING­ neae. blasted such fallacious ideas as those The girls’ afternoon swimming ^rlln, Aug. 22— (AP) — Fire 4:80—FMdnatlng Rhythms. How much more effective this form of advertising is clase hag been changed to Saturday changes in outside temperature and humidity. hurried back to her mid-city Phila­ “Not onij did he take a promtnoiit TON that windows must be kept closed started by an electric cable today Service Station 5:00—Time. part in all our activities at the at night since tba night air would moniing. The women's plunge Interrupted the rescue work in the delphia home, and reported the mat­ SCORES NEW DEAL I^rlod will be held from 7 to 9 5:16—New England Agriculture. ter to police. playground, but ha was always Clarence D. Martin waa a small­ than the haphazard throw-away, or handbill, left like a bring disease, that sewer gas was to subway cave-ta where 84 peradni 8:30—Kellogg Singing Lady. town miller and banker, when the o’clock. Women members may get are believed still entombed. The Comer Center Street an^ Next door, detectives found two ready to lend us a helping hand. Ha bo feared, that tuberculosis was towels from the life guard. Mem­ 5:48— Little Orphan Annie. waa popular with everyone, clean- 1932 Democratic landslide swept Pittsburgh, Pa., Ai^. 22.— (AP)— hereditary, that damp soil spread all ministry of propaganda reported 20 suitcases packed with silver plate In (Sovemor Martin L. Davey, of Ohio, waif at a housekeeper’s doorstep in the hope that she’ll bership cards must be shown. 6:00— Evening Radio Journal. cut and manly, and we're going to him into office. Cheney (pop. 1,200), kinds o f disease and many others. missing In the collapse but the Henderson Road tho home of Edward L.'Welsh. left an attack against the “New Satnnlay 6:15—Bradford Orchestra. miss having him aroimd." In eaitem Washington, retained Moreover, Miss NIckorsOn sold, the newspapers listed the missing at 34. 9:80—Press-Radio News. AuthorlOes expressed the belief the Deal" ringing In the ears of dele­ read it . . but offering absolutely no assurance of any The girls’ swimming classes will No bodies have been found. rebbers had been frightened away him aa Its third-term mayor even complete file o f these bulletins COMPLETE 6:33— Ray Jor.es. after his election to the governor­ gates to the National Association of meet at 9:30 a. m. The men's plunge before they could take their loot. O. W. SHELLY DIES shows that Connecticut has always period will be held from 7 to 8 6:40— Sports Briefs. New Britain, Aug. 22— (A P) — ship. Tall, spare, just past 49 years Gardeners as he returned to Ohio actual reader circulation! Advertise in this paper reg­ WHITEWINO ‘TT’ ■ LUBRICATION 6:48—Lowell Thomas. The Welsh family is away. today. kept pace with the accepted prac­ o clock. Men must get towels and George M. Skellv, 38, a son o f Po­ old, hs wears roustabout outing tices in disease prevention and pro­ plunge Ucketa at the office. 7:00— Dinner Concert — String en­ Suggesting that the present Na­ Portland, Ore.— Street cleaners, liceman James Skelly, who waa shot clothes or a silk hat and tails with motion o f health. Health truths are Monday SERVICE semble. NO QDORUSi; and killed by Gerald Chapman, the Mual aplomb; affects a Charlie tional administration “needs horre ularly, and you will be advertising successfully! by all means, must have personal­ Norfolk. Nsb.—Aden Sheriff, per- sense Instead of college professors'’. not spread by the "over the back ra e men's plunge period wlU be ity. 7:16—Tony end Gus — dramatic bandit, In 1824, died at hla home CnapUn moustache and gold-rim- held from 7 to 8 olclOck. The wom- sketch. ■tstent In attempts to form a third here today after a year’s illness. He msd eye-glasses, and likes airplane Governor Davey in a speech before fence" method, which Is the great- George Rais, superintendent of USING AMOCO MOTOR national political party, read hia ezt handicap to health progress in 7:30—Buccaneers Male Quartet served In the U. B. Navy during the travsl. “Call me 'Bolivar,' ” be told the association last night blamed 8*to S'o°c*otff streets, says personality is of vital platform to 23 persons last night. It any community. importance to white wmga, and he OIL AND GREASE • :43— Mr. and Mrs. Magoogie. World War, enlisting at the »g» of newsmen when they first addressed much of the “wasteful, incompetent Tneeday was his sscond attempt at a nation­ 17 In 1917 and remaining In the ser­ and in some cases dishonest'' relief Today health Information is prop­ •o Informed a delegation of candi­ 8:00— Nlcholodeon — Comedy, al convention. him os “Your Ehccellency." “Boli­ ^ e womea's swimming classes tonga and melodrama. vice on the U. S. 8. South Carolina var" was his boyhood nickname, be­ situation In Ohio on “ theorists with erly disseminated through many dates for jobs who objected to Sheriff, an electrician, made no Manchester Evening Herald channels, Mlis Nid^dt-son explained. wul meet at the foUowlng time; 7 grades given them when they took until the end of the war. Chapman cause o f his worship for Simon BoU- no practical experienes.” 8:80—Cyril Pitts, tenor. effort to perfect the organixatiOB of to 7:48. beginners; 7:45 to 8:30. in- Maurice Coleman, Mjt. was banged at tha stata prison in var, ths South American liberator. John H. Doif, Beverly Farms, It comes to the child in school health temedtate. a civU service test The highest *;:467^sndrlk WtUsm van* Loon, his "American party." Hs w u the mark for personality was 67,6. Wethersfield for s lu in g the He U married and has three sons, Mass., was elected president of the b eolr ■Mtfcer. 'PoUoeman. WUUam. Dan and Frank. AMiRICAN OIL COI|WANY***Also mokers «f i^OCO«OAS***lt’a **AIK"COtlPiTIONlP’’ tool -■X ' ■


MANGHE^rBR EVSNING BSK A i^. MANCJiJSS’nSR, CONN.. THURSDAY, AUGtnST 22, lUWb. PAGE FIVE OF S E E C M N AQUATIC ACROBATS To Stunt At Shrine Water Qrcus OBITUARY DAY OF REST Miss Grace Hassett of 214 Center Thornhill Grooms Vets CANDIDATES AGAIN street left yesterday morning for a IN WATER CIRCUS FUNERALS three weeks’ vacation at the Elms r J FOR SOLDIERS Hotel at Crescent Beach. Joseph Moldooa, Jr. For New Rose Bowl Drive Gehrig Breaks One of Ruth^s Marks ’The funeral o f Joseph Muldoon, Chambers and Pero Decide Miss Margie Herrman of Camp- Nantical Stunt Team to Be Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mul- AT PINE CAMP . . " ■ ' ' ' '' ' A M - w m m field Road has just returned after a doon who was accidentally killed As Foes Gird For Battle week’s vacation with friends and re­ by a falling tree Tuesday after­ Award $2 Prize to Person to Ron for Nomination In latives on Long Island. Featured at Shrine Fete noon, was held at tbe borne of hia Urbanetti Hard Pressed PASSES RECORD OF parents at 119 Cedar street at 2 Local Sport Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meyers of o’clock this afternoon and at St. Men Are Tired in Body Bot By OSBORNE T. BUCK ’ From the northern end of the con­ Primary Sept 10. Fremont Center. Sullivan county, Three Days. M ary’s church at 2:30. ference also are "Babe" Holltnbery Who Nabs Ball On Sunday To Win First Net Match N. Y., are visitors today at the The services at the house and Buoyant in Spirit After San Francisco, Aug. 22.— (A P )— at Washington State, Lon Stlner at Chatter 16 CIRCUIT BLOWS home of Mrs. Elizabeth Palller of church were conducted by Rev. J. While Leonard (Stub) AUlson. for­ Oregon State and Prink CalUson at mer assistant to “Navy BUI" In- OTegon—alt boasting a measurs of Permission was aecured todayAgivan 14 Middle Turnpike West. Mrs. Aquatic acrobats, daredevils of Stuart Neill, rector of St. Mary’s a prise of $3.00 to be awarded Lebro Urbanetti began defense ofAUrbapettl h) the third round. Only That at leaat five of the present gram and new coach of the Golden success in western play. Stlner In­ from Commissioner ot Aviation, ' With all the Interest that haa Meyers is Mrs. Pailler’s sister. Mr. the water, will stage a thrilling church and during the services John Hardships Daring War to the person who captures tbe ball, WITH BAGS LOADED members of the Board of Selectmen Bears, will build a rejuvenatsd elev­ troduced the “IrMi men” of 1933 Chester Morris and Chief ot Police been manifest In soft ball locally his town tennis title last night with' three matches remain to be played Meyers, a delegate for the New spectacle at the Shrine W ater Circus Chambers sang, "Safe In the Arms The money haa been turned over to will be candidates for re-election York Dairymen’s League, la on his of Jesus” and “ Abide W ith Me.” en with the help of capable sopho­ and lost only one ace halfback by Samuel G. Gordon to drop an auto­ the Herald Sporta editor, Erik this season, we wonder why Man­ a etralght set victory over James 1" k '»* In East Hartford, August 31, Sept. mores, CaUforala’s traditional foe, graduation last spring, Norman graphed baseball from an airplane chester Isn’t represented In the first to have them completed before the this fall became certain today when way to the convention of the organ­ Members of Nathan Hale Lodge Game Maneuvers. Modean, and may be obtained by Antonio In a second round match, 1 and Sept 2 when Fred Ludolph of Stanford, will send a veteran senior Franklin. over Mt. Nebo field during the Old state tournament of the Connecti­ end of the week. All Involve seed- ization being held In Montreal. Young Orangemen of America, of applying at the Herald office on but Antonio pressed the champion it was learned that David Cham­ Chicago brings his International which the boy was a member, eleven to the gridirons this fall. While Phelan la feared as "due" Timer’s game next Sunday after- Monday. The captured ball and cut softball association which open­ ed players who will be favorites Gets 17th or 18th, Rgnrot Nautical Stunt team to the great n(Kin. A1 G. Kamm of Hartford, all the way and took four gamai over their opponents. bers and Joseph Pero are to Die Foreman Joseph Skoneskl o f Co. marched from tbe house to tbe Pine Camp, Aug. 2— (AP) — To­ The Callfomla-Stanford game, In tbe California football belt, parachute must be brought to the ed at Norwalk last night. Teams festival. manager of the Hartford Start ot In each set before bowing by 6-4, Bher BIssell, No, 3, meets Francis proposals for nomination in the Re­ No. 1 of the Manchester fire depart­ church and from the church to the day was an unofficial day of rest for according to receipts and crowds, Is coacbei are not overlooking tbe office. Identifying'the owner. from Norwalk, Westport, Bridge­ Yesteryear will drop tbe ball attach­ 6-4. Urbanietu, seeded No. I, had DellaFera, the winner to oppose Uncertain, in Opener A t publican primary September 10. ment will represent the company at Last year this team had the hair One of the several daredevil stunts to be performed at the Shrine Water Circus at the Oasis club East East cemetery, where burial took the 36,000 National Guard and still the big football attraction of other new mentors, Ted Bank at Attached to tbe ball will be a 10 port, Darien, Shelton, New Canaan, ed to a parachute from a plana a first round bye, while Antonio had Wilbur Brown; Karl BIssell, No. 3, The first candidate for the office the state convention o f firemen to o il visitors to the Chicago World Hartford, August 31, September 1-2. ’ place. The services at the grave Regular army troops here for the the Pacific Coast. Idaho and Douglas Fessenden at foot parachute and the prise which Fairfield, Stratford. Stamford and piloted by Charles "Frenohy" Des- beaten Austin Briggs in his first faces Bill Slnnamon In what prom' of Republican auditor to succeed be held in Plainfield tomorrow and Fair standing on end as they went were conducted by the officers of army war games. Unit training In a spot similar to that o f CaU- Montana. Is expected to be captured by New Britain arc rcpreaentecl and comb of the Descomb Flying Service the winner of the five-day tourney match. Ises to be a bang-up tuMle, tbe wih' Yankees Divide M the Isaac Colo, was William Stratton of Saturday. Francis Limerick will through their perilous perform­ Nathan Hale lodge. The bearers was prescribed for the various com­ fom ia’s unseasoned mentor. How­ Allison, another new coach who some youngster just breaking Into some time betwen 2 and 3 o'clock. will reprAsent the state in the na­ In the other second round match ner to meet LiOCkbart Rogere, who Florence street, Cheney Brothers be the delegate from No. 2. ‘ ances. The team also has appeared were William Slnnamon, Jr., David mands, but at the divisional com­ ard Jones of Southern California took charge late last year, has besn the game, will float slowly to tbe aln. ’The plea was summed up by In addition to tbe prize of an tional championship at Chicago, reported played, Ray DellaFeia timekeeper, who announced today Muldoon, Jr., Robert Muldoon, Jr., manders’ discretion it was general­ must build a winning machine, after attracting the "electric fan" con­ Mt. Nebo Field, ellmioating the pos­ with Slnnamon Is rated as a tourney Browns and Hgers Gain. before large audiences in Europe. Vlrginlo Gayda, political writer for American League baseball auto­ September 7, 8 and 9. ousted Frederick Marks after an­ dark horee; and Robert Sturgeon, he will run for that office. Mr. Cole A well children’s conference will DISCOVERY OF NEW WEDDINGS ail cousins o f tbe deceased and ly understood that rest would be the a disastrous 1934 season. versation In the southern tier. He sibility of danger which might be Jumping frail outboard motors the Giornale D’ltalla, under the other hard battle, the scores being la to seek the nomination for tax Woodrow Wilson, Billie D. Wilson order of the day. Common enemy of California and inherits some potential "greats’ graphed by the leading players of incurred If the ball waa dropped to No. 4, tackles Louts Georgettl, the be held at the health center on through fire and over hurdles, acro­ headline, "N o Conflict But Ctollabo- both National and American 6-3 and 6-4. DellaFera will meet collector. and Edgar Smith. Tired in body but bouyant In’splril j Southern California la Stanford, from BUI Ingram ’s regime and hae be caught by some daring youngster Word comes from M. , Edward winner to meet Mike BrosowskL Haimes street tomorrow afternoon batics on aquaplanes, stunts on ratlon,” Leagues, Dr. D. C. Y. 'Moore has By HUGH S. FU LLE R TO N , JR. Chambers has served two years Five automobiles carried play­ after their interdivisional man twice in successive years the Pa­ a bunch of able aopbomores to pick from 2,000 foot elevation. HaggerJy, chairman of the commit­ at 2 o’clock. v;ater sklis and numerous other COMET ANNOUNCED The moat rampant of recent crit­ Aiaoclated Press Sports Write^. and Pero one year on the Board of Laycock-Swanson mates of the deceased from the euvera yesterday—for many their cific Coast conference champion. over. tee In charge of the Connecticut events are scheduled for the pro­ Announcement la made of the ics' regarding Britain’s "obstruc­ West Side playgrounds. The Indians’ coach, C. E. CTlny) The other coaches can run vet­ Open Horseshoe Tournament at Selectmen. Sherwood Q. Bowers, Mrs. Ellen McCann of 14 Wads­ first taste of hardships in the field— As the major league leason draws gram to be staged by the team. The marriage of Miss Eleanor Swanson, tionism” to Mussolini’s designs in Thornhill, expects to place nine sen­ erans Into tbe game, although Greenwich next month that through Frank V. Williams and John Jensen worth street is spending the week they did intensive tours of "bunk near the final month, tha sehed^e feature of the program, however, daughter of Mrs. Hannah Swanson Ethiopia, Gayda wrote today: iors, playing their third year to­ Jones Is credited with having good the generosity of tbe merchant! ot NIGHT BASEBALL are also candidates to succeed with her son and daughter-in-law, fatigue." calls for one important aeries after v/111 come v/hen Bob Eastman drives of 7 Florence street and Harry J. "It is above all things certain gether, against Trojan and Bear. "coming-up" material. Greenwich, no cnti'y fee will be nec­ themselves. Chairman Aaron Cook Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McCann at Sunset Heavenly Body Is of Four­ ’ Today was essentially a field day Sta n din g s •mother, almost without Interrup­ his speedboat full tilt Into a bank Laycock, manager of the W. T. that no general hostility toward Aim For Bose Bowl Bid Oiitaldera Also Threaten essary for the tourney, which is is a candidate for collector and out Beach, Branford. DOWNPOUR FLOODS of ceremonies for officers of the Green Blanks Methodists tion. So fa r there’s been no real “'’S of sandbags, the resulting collision Grant store In Manchester, which England and all its vast erftplre ex­ He needs a tackle and a back who Tbe most feared and powerful slated for September 8. of the running for Selectman. The camp. STARTS DEBATES YESTERDAYNI RESULTS decision as tha Cardinals challenged catapulting him high into the air teenth Magnitude; Seen took place in Port Chester, N. Y., ists in Italy.” e:an shift from quarter to half, and elevens outside tbe conference re­ candidacy of James H. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Findlay of All- A sad note was sounded as the the Giants and registered only a and onto the shore. Tuesday, August 6. Pointing out the great distance summer rumor says he has the main Santa Clara and St. Mary’s, the other member of the Board of ston. Mass., are visiting Mrs. Find­ army prepared with military honors The sale of tbe Waranoke Hotel Nattooal Leagne Fred Ludolph will tow his as­ Following the marriage, Mr. and between sectors of English opinion STREETS OF TOWN chaps qualified to do that coming with (^naaga cf Spokane, Wash., property during tha peat week rsf Selectmen, is contingent on his de­ lay’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert to pay its last respect to Lieuten­ New York 8, Clnoinnati 0. Only Through Telescope. regarding Mussolini’s alms in Ethi­ up from the ’34 frosh. Stanford ex­ and San Francisco crowding them. In Twilight Clash, 9 to 0 call! to old time sporting element cision as to whether or not he also sociates behind his high-powered Mrs. Laycock took an automobile ant Robert Sberer who was killed St. Louie IS, Boston 8. Hemingway of Summit street. opia, Gayda pleaded for understand­ pects to win Its third straight con­ will seek the collector's job. craft while they demonstrate their trip up the Hudson and into Cana­ Tuesday night when his plane Historically, one of the four has up­ In Manchester the part that two Brooklyn 8, Pittsburgh 0. ing of Italy’s designs. ference title and to receive another set an outstanding conference mem­ horses had In the naming and build­ To the six prevlmwly announced various acts before the crowd. The da, returning to Manchester on crashed near here as he was return­ Philadelphia 18-5, Chicago 19-10. L. L. Foster, manager of Every­ Those designs, he wrote, "signify bid to the Pasadena Rose Bowl. ber annually. ing of the hotel. The building was candidates for collector the names crew has produced more than 100 Chicago, Aug. 22.— (AP) — The Monday. They are for the present ing from participating, in an anti­ body’s market, is spending his va­ a development of productive civili­ Heayy Rain This Afternoon Pre-season Information Ifidlcates Santa C3ara and S t M ary’s, once erected by Jamoe O’Brien, who was jor Leatnie Officials As to Ameriau Leogtie of Evald Matson and Robert J. news reels for various production discovery of a new comet was an­ making their home with the mother aircraft demonstration. Game Called in 6th As Hub-1 BOX SCORE cation at SouUi Fallsburg, N. Y. zation In a territory confined be­ Allison is going to buUd from the warm-up teams, have become ao always fond of horses and had a Phlladslphta 10-0, Cleveland B-S. Boyce, Cheney Brothers employees, companies. of Mrs. Laycock. At the request of his parents the nounced today by Dr. Otto Struve, yond possessions and augmentation ground up by ealUng on the re­ powerful they are scheduled for Btaaoheeter Green A. O. part In tha training of Red o f W ar­ Detroit 4-8, Boston 1-3. were added today when It was Members of the Nautical team In­ Forms Ponds in All the body, with a military escort was to Whether It’ll Pay. Mr. and Mrs. George Krause and director of the Yerkes Observatory of the reciprocal econoi^c friend­ serves of other years and the beat later gamea and draw some of the lar^tes Take Fourth AB. R. H. PO. A. B. anoke, a horse owned by the late New York 14-8, St. Louis 3-14. I- learned that they are definitely In clude: Fred Ludolph, Chicago; Bob be sent to Olney, III., today. son. Bobby, are spending several of the University of Chicago. ship fo r the mutual benefit o f all.” of the triumphant Bear yearlings of biggest gates of the year. Vloti s a ...... 4 2 3 2 0 0 George F. Rich. Waahington 18, CSilcago 7. the running for the office. This aft- Eastman. W inter Haven, Fla., and The 103rd Blue Infantry regiment weeks at Bolton lake. The newcomer was first noted Gayda warned, however, that "it 1934. 8t. Mary’s, under tutelage of Zapatka, rf-3b ...2 1 0 0 0 0 Elton Holland, Winter Haven. BRITAIN STANDS HRM Low Spots. of the 43rd N ew Englamd division amoon, of the eight avowed candi­ Tuesday night by George Van Bles- is Italy’s hour to provide for itself Jones, with his confusing m trry- “SUp" Madigan, wlU have a some­ Place; Conway Keeps 3 Patriss, 2b ...... 3 1 8 1 3 0 Mr. O'Brien, with Michael Daly, New York, Auj. 32.—(AP) — THE STANDINGS dates for the Republican nomina­ yesterday drove the 27th division Following their appearance at the broech, astronomy professor at the without in any way taking from go-round shift, can be counted on to what Inexperienced team this year, B. Lovett, lb ..,...3 1 1 6 0 0 a brother of Father BUI Daly, waa M ajor League club owners still are tion as collector only Oscar O. An­ off the strategic “ H ill 300” and World Fair the team went to France University’s Williams Bay, Wls., FOR ACTION BY LEAGUE those who have already taken." He come up with a contender despite while "Clipper" Smith of Santa J. Lovett, 8b .. ...3 0 0 0 1 1 the owner of a running bores. National Lea^me derson bad filed his proposal. A torrential downpour engulfed hammered It back toward the Black Hits Scattered and Also sharply divided over night baseball, and staged a series of stunts there. observatory. It was disclosed by a based this statement upon the rec­ th^i934 setback, the worst suffered Clara will send a vereatlla, veteran Jarvis, I f ...... 8 0 0 0 known aa Clawd, a three-time Derby L. PC. Of the five Democrats who now LOBBYIST CALLED river. The 103rd and 102nd Infantry 1 0 tried euceessfully this year by the Since then the troupe has been in photographic plate taken from the ognized Italian desire to provide It­ Manchester at 2 o’clock this after­ by Troy since Jones took hold in passing and running eleven on the A. Borello, e f ., 1 0 winner that mada money for both N ew York ...... 78 41 .040 hold elective offices, all but one are (Continned from Page One) In support deployed along a grove ...3 3 0 0 constant demand throughout the 24-Inch reflector telescope. self with colonies much as England noon, Inundating the streets, trans­ a mile and a half to the southeast. 1928. field, made up of seniors and jun­ Berube, e ...... of tbs owners. Mr. O'Brten was the Gincinnatl Reds but latest Indica­ Louis ...... 69 48 .616 escpected to be candidates for re- Stars at Plate. ...3 1 1 4 1 0 United States. Last night the Observatory’s 40- has provided for Itseslf in the past. University of California at Loa iors. Conway, p ..., proprietor of tbe Orferd Hotel when tions point definitely to its exten­ I^lcago ...... 72 48 .600 election. William Howard Taft, con­ tlons she needs whereas Ethiopia forming the hilly thoroughfares Into ...8 1 8 0 B 0 TO SENATE PROBE Inch refractor lenses were used to His editorial was the signal for the Angeles, with the usual sprinkUng Tho latter Is bad news $or Thorn­ be ewned part of C9aud and with the sion In 1636 with tbe American Flttaburfh . stable, has moved from town and has neither the money nor the cred­ cascading streams of water ankle N. Borello, rf .....0 0 0 0 0 0 ...... 64 88 .638 make further observations. press at large to refrain from criti­ of vaterasa and sophomores tutored hill, who baa seen his Stanford men money that ha made from bis share Brooklyn .. will not seek the office again. James it to purchase any. deep, choking the storm sewers The Green, ably aided and abetted ..w. I 4^ League following the trail biased by ...... 84 60 .474 The comet is of the fourteenth cism of England. by BIU Spaulding, will be, aa In tbe emerge victorious by the narrowest In tbe horse’s winnings and with the the National. Philadelphia ...... 81 66 .440 J. Duffy, constable, was circulating APPROVE TAX MEASURE magnitude, and can be seen only Therefore, they believed it seemed which were unable to handle the RAILROAD LINES by one Conway on the mound, slam­ 24 9 10X17 9 1 money be eecured by selling his In­ past, a difficult barrier to clear in o f margins fo r two seasons. Ban Methodists Men’s Club Previously confined to tha mlnort Cincinnati ., ...... 46 69 .418 his proposal today. Precedent for through a powerful telescope. Dr. highly Improbable that the United overflow and giving the kiddles a terest In the lease that he had on Witness Testifies President’s FR.ANCE’S FE.ARS iba conference race. The Bruins Francisco, greatly advanced under med the pill all over the West Side and teorned for years by Uie major B o s to n ...... S3 $8 .378 the continuing in office of Harold Struve said that tonight It would be States because of arms and muni­ great time "paddling.” AB . R. H. PO. A. E. tbe Orford Hotel, be buUt the W ar­ have threatened the leaders In the the two-year direction of "Spud” Diamond last evening and routed the league manatee, night baseball now American League Keating, constable and deputy sher­ TO RAISE PENSION FUND In the vicinity of the Sagittarius tions sales could become involved in Paris, Aug. 22.— (A P )—The fears The depression In Pearl street be­ Keensy, 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 2 1 anoke Inn. CERTAIN OF AID p ast Lewis, former Warner quarter at lo being eagerly discussed and advo­ W. iff, was established last year when constelTatlbn. that dispute. of Premier Pierre Laval over the tween Holl and Hamlin street and Methodist Men's Club by a score ot McKay, c f ...... 3 0 1 0 0 1 U PC. Secretary Attended One of posaiblllty of wrecking the League Strong and nationally known In­ Stanford and aailstant at North­ cated by tho owners. Dutroit ...... 72 41 .637 James J. Johnston Was elected con­ one at the foot of Knighton street dependent teams as well as the 9 to 0, the slaughter being stopped Wogman, S b ...... 3 0 0 3 1 1 He wished to give it a dlatlnguieh- of Nations were Increased today. western, baa forged ahead. The Several o f them consider the Ctn- Now York ...... 64 47 .877 Lon Gehrig stable while a deputy sheriff. Washington, Aug. 22.— (A P )—The EMPEROR PRAYS was flooded. Charter Oak place also northerners In tbe conference come Dons may be lying low to get re­ between halves o f the sixth Inning aa Hsdlund, 0 ...... 8 0 0 3 3 1 ed name ami could think o f no bet­ Fear was prevalent in France that olnnatl test conclusive and feel that Chicago ...... 67 68 .818 It la not expected that there will His Cocktail Parties. House ways and means committee was six Inches under water. The Into the patchwork of uncertainty venge against Stanford for last fall, darkness caused Umpire O'Leary to Dixon, l b ...... 3 0 0 8 1 0 ter name than tbe name of ths Rich THREATS OF DEATH Addis Ababa, Aug. 22.—(A P) __ hasty action by the British govern­ the nocturnal sports appeal, under ■light gain and the Yanks and Ti­ be any opposition in the Democratic railroad underpass on Center street, Governor Cross Retoms to take their toll of champions. call the game, one of the regular Grubs, If ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 horse. There wa.i a conference with Cleveland ...... 66 86 .813 today approved a tax measure In­ The soft voice of Emperor Halle ment would make Italy determined when tbe Indiana squeezed out vic­ gers came out aU square. primary to Edward J. Murphy, and on Center street between Proc­ Phelan’s A Menace Twilight League contests. Nellson, rf ...... O 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. Rich on the matter. He explain­ certain limitatlone, wlU mean “finan­ B o s to n ...... 89 86 .813 tended to raise money for payment Selassie, a frail, gentle eyed figure to conquer the Ethiopian Empire. tory on a break. Still another crucial series opens whose term on the Board of Educa­ SENT TO nFTEEK tor Road and Victoria Road, also Among the northwest elevens, May, ss ...... 3 0 1 0 2 0 ed to Mr. O'Brien that Waranoke cial salvation" for second division Philadelphia ...... 49 60 .480 Washington, Aug. 22 — (AP) — of pensions to the Nation’s railroad seated in the dim-lit throne room Following the frank admission of from Washington With Idaho and Montana, both confer­ Five Runs In First today as the Giants and ths Chica­ tion expires this year, or to Edward formed miniature lakes. Jimmy Pbslan with an almost com- Kissman, p-rf ....2 0 0 1 0 0 was an Indian name. That made clubs. Washington ...... 48 66 .431 Bernard B. Robinson, utility lobby­ workers. of the Imperial Palace today was Baron Pompeo Alolsl, Italy’s ence members usually at tbe bot­ The Churchmen presented Kiss- go Cubs meet with the National F. Morlarty, party registrar of vot­ The protracted hot spell In evi­ plstely veteran and speedy, tricky tom of the percentage colunm, with Ray, p ...... 1 0 1 0 a 0 little difference to Mr. O'Brien, He Others, like Frank J. Navin, presi­ 8t Louis ...... 41 71 .866 ist, told the Senate lobby committee President Roosevelt had indicated (Continned from Page One) lifted In prayer to prevent his 7,000- spokesman at the tri-power confer­ man as their starting pitcher, but recalled it bast aa tha name c f a League. lead again at stake. The ers. dence during the last two weeks .football army at Washington Is giv­ new coaches may provide the up­ dent of the Detroit Tigeri are out­ he wanted the legislation this ses­ year-old Kingdom of Ethiopia from ence in Paris that Italy was strong­ Assurance of Assistance. after the first four Hublardltes to horse so Waranoke waa the name League leaders have bed a hreath- John P. Cheney of 178 East Cen­ today he had given a cocktail party became more uncomfortable today en a chance to repeat the suc­ sets tbe fen always looks for—like 31 0 3 18 10 4 spoken in their opposition. Nevln re­ TODAY'S GAMES sion. United States Department of Jus­ being drenched In blooff. ly considering the League, “ the face Mr. Kissman had circled the given. It has BtiU been called th'-t “ >* 'P *!! •lues their struggle with ter street has taken out a nomina­ attended by Marvin McIntyre, White by the presence of excessive hu­ cess he .enjoyed at Purdue after Manchester G reen ...... 810 12x— 9 cently expressed the opinion night ’The committee, voting approval tice. "(jod give me patience and cour­ French hoped that the British Cab­ Nevada’s 9 to 7 victory over St. bags by virtue of three hits and a name by the older residents al­ SL Louis, trimming ths Rads four tion proposal for Selectmen and will House secretary, L. W. Robert, as­ midity. Weather reporta today in­ quarterbacking at Notre Dame. M ary’s In 1934. Both have produced Hits off Kissman 3, Ray 7, Con­ basoball would be the beginnlnz cf Nsttpnal Leagne 18 to 4, agreed to raise the total pro­ W. A. Rorer, chief of the Atlanta age to hold my army until all ef­ inet’s deliberations would result in Hartford, Aug. 22.— (AP) —Gov­ v/alk, Ray was ruchou Into the though with change of CAmershlp times running despite a few close file before next Monday night, the sistant secretary of the Treasury dicated there will be showers and He’s a "northern menace” among great individual players and may way; sacrifice bit, Jarvis; stolen the end for the major leagues but St. Louis at Brooklyn, posed tax on rail employers and em­ office of the Bureau of Investiga­ forts for peace are exhausted.” he a friendly decision. ernor Cross returned from Washing­ breach In a vain effort to change the other names have been applied. calls and winding up with a 3 to 0 time limit for filing. and Senator Tydlngs of Maryland. cloudy weather during the remain­ other powerful and football-'wlse apring the sensation of the fall by bases, Patrlss, M cKay; left on bases, this view point la not generally Chicago at New York. ployes to 7 per cent. This would be tion, Department of Justice, said said slowly In deep emotion-fraught Although Mussolini has refused ton today with assurance from way things were going. But Ray had victory jresterday. ' Frank Mullen of 38 Division Activities of the worker here for der of the afternoon and tomorrow. ■quads. overhauling the strong squads. Methodist Club 4, Manchester Green shared. Cincinnati at Philadelphia. divided equally betw'cen a payroll in Atlanta: "We are investigating tones. "W e shall not be the first to to brook interference with his cam­ President Roosevelt that financial the misfortune to hit Joe Lovett, The basebaU which will be drop­ The Cubs have spUt even in ten street has filled out a blank for Tax Howard C. Hopson, of the Associ­ draw blood.” Gardens which have become near­ 6; base on balls, off Kissman 1, Ray Here’s the current lineup, baaed Pittsburgh at Boston. ated Gas and Electric System, oc­ tax on the carriers and on income several extortion notes," but declined paign in East Africa, Laval has help in somo form would he forth­ the first batsman he pitched to. ped Sunday from a plane piloted by ames on tho road since tho end o f Collector which will be filed .with The King of Kings, granting a ly parched by the absence of rain 2, Conway 1; hit by pitcher, J. on a poll of club officials by ths As­ Anierlcan League cupied the investigators especially tax on workers. to discuss the case further. been negotiating with him with a coming to the New Haven road and MIkoIlet running for Joe was ad­ Charles "Frenchy" Descomb over lelr groat home stand. They slam r. the Town Clerk. Herbert Phelon of private interview to the Associated were saved by the storm. Lovett by Ray; struck out, by Ray sociated Press: Waahington at Chicago. g after cryptic telegrams between the Originally the bill provided for a In each case, so far as could be view to limiting war if he cannot other railroad lines in distress. vanced to second by Jarvis’s single, Mt. Nebo Field has been autograph­ msd out 87 hits and 31 runs a c ^ n it 163 Cooper street has filled a pro. Press, sat bowed In thought for a 4, Conway 3. Time, 1:08. Umpires, Clubs operating or definitely plan­ Philadelphia at Cleveland. two had been explored fo r clues ot 4 per cent payroll tax on employers learned here, the letters bore the prevent it entirely. Where the money will come from. and came home with tlie fifth run of ed by Connie Mack, Mickey Coch­ tba Phllliea but got only an even posal for auditor and will file it few long moments. His dark, wist­ O’Leary and Ruaaell. rane, Eddie Collins, L efty Grove, ning night baseball: Cincinnati Reds, New York at St. Louis. break that put them tour gemes off with Town Clerk Samuel J. Turklng- attempts to block the Wheeler-Ray- and a 2 per cent on workers’ earn­ typewritten signatures, "Vigilance Frenph officials expressed belief Governor Cross was unable to state. MIKE GIBBONS SCHOOLS the inning when Conway slammed a ful eyes stared half shut into the Max Bishop, Kenesaw M. Landis, Boston Braves and Washington Boston at Detroit burn utility bill. ings. Committee, Justice for Poor People." It would be Impossible for Great He doubted however, that the New neat single to righL Six more bingles tha lead and one behind tha Ctards ton later. Both are employes of glowing log wood fire on the open TALMADGE CONTINUES Jimmy Dykea, A1 Bimmons, Lou Senators. Senator Gibson (R.. V t.), de­ Legislation replacing the railroad In addition to money, lands were Britain to close the Suez canal to Haven road's request for $1,000,000 resulting in four more runs from who trimmed tha Braves 13 to 8 to Cheney Brothers. hearth of the sandal wood-painted Gehrig, Dr. J. H. Naylor, Capt. J. Clubs "open minded" but Inclined l^vs Dlzsy Dssz his 31st mound nounced the witness as a member of pension system held unconstitutional demanded of some of those receiv­ Italian troop ships In enforcement to put men back to work In the New Ray before Umpire O'Leary called BAH LE OF MAIN ST. what he called the "vicious social ing the threats. room. The fire’s gleam cast a of sanctions without running the Haven and East Hartford repair SON FOR GO WITH LOUIS M. Henry Charles S. Morris and favorably; St. Louis Cards, Chicago victory. by the Supreme Court is on Presi­ things off for the eve.i.ng. strange radiance on his finely chis­ ATTACK ON PRESIDENT Frenchy Descomb. Cubs; Philadelphia Phllllci; Chicago GOLF HELFS MYERS 'The Phils withstood the shelllnir lobby.’’ dent Roosevelt’s desk but it contains John, Victor and Bona Allen, danger of II Duce considering It a shops could be granted out of the Conway, hulling for the Green eled features. Spiritual serenity Is W hite Sox; Pittsburgh Pirates and In the opener to win 13-12 but suc­ The cocktail party, Robinson said, no provision for taxes to pay the brothers, of Buford, and operators of hostile act. They said there was no $4,800,000,000 work relief fund as pitched a masterly game, allowing ENDS IN 9-ALL TIE written there, and anguish. He precedent for such an act since Gibbons. "The next 12 months will A card studded with a few Ught- St. Louis Browns. cumbed to a sixth inning rally in M ER R nr HIGHWAY was given at the "F Street Club" In benefits. a large leather goods plant here, Says Party Violated Pledges suggested by Edward G. Buckland, but three scattered singles, and bit­ TO FATTEN AVERAGE honor of a young lady whose en­ were among those who received the seemed a Judean figure out of the the 1886 treaty which neutralized Old SL Paul Phantom Ex* be devoted to building Jack up to weight bouts, but consisting mostly Clubs denltply opposed; Detroit tho afterpiece In which 16 Cubs and Plunged Nation Into chairman of the road's board of di­ ting safely each of the three times gagement was being celebrated. letters. Members of their families Bible. the waterway and no attempt has that point.” Park Tavern Plays Popular of the heavier boys will be put on Tigers, Cleveland Indians, Boston went to bat and 12 scored. The final Debt. rectors. be came up. Manager Hublard's He said he had not Invited Tyd­ were threatened. Has Faith In England been made to deny its use to com­ Tbe talk veered to Louis when at South Park tonight by Red Sox, New York Giants, New tally was 10 to 8. A TOUGH PROBLEM "It is not a legal question,” Gov­ latest “ find" scored one run and by Market Team That Looks lngs. Others Threatened "I still have faith In England," he batant ships. pects Jack to Be Natural I asked Mike If it aver struck him naker Pets Perone. In the York Yankees and Brooklyn Dodg­ Chicago, Aug. 33— (AP) — Up to *Loii Gehrig of the Yanks stepped ARYANS URGED NOT ernor Cross said, "but a matter of fast foot-work combined with swift Like Bluefielda On Day Off. K feature spot, Klngflsb Baleaano of Crj'ptlc Telegram Mrs. Catherine Shadburn, of Bu­ continued. " I am still hopeful that that Pack might box the Brown ers. this season the Ufetiroh batting tu with Another record pet’fornaance Atlanta, Aug. 22.— (A P )—Gover­ policy." He indicated that Presi­ Hartford will go against tha rugged Attempts of the Investigators to ford, a slater o f the Allen brothers, the League of Nations will work Bomber some day. and accurate pegging, registered five average of Buddy Myar in the as hla club divided a twin bill with nor Eugene Talmadge unllmbered dent Roosevelt would be required to Rival of Negro in Two AI Barretti of New Haven. It Non - committal — Philadelphia American league was .397. Then be have Robinson or Hopson Identify also received a death threat. Others out a solution. But if war dese­ "1 formed my opinion as to Jack’s assists. Berube on the receiving end, With their captain and leader In the Browni. Lou belted a home run TO BUY FROM JEWS HOLD FUNERAL SERVICES another broadside at the Democratic revise bis rulings on tbe use of the promises to be a lively affair. Here Athletics. took up golf. How to Adjust Costly Park­ the "C. U." of a telegram of theirs who received the letters were: crates our soli an order for blood work relief fund If It was to be future on the basis o f Tom’s and my and anotber recent acquisition of tbe the hospital, the Park Tavern, with the beeee full to leed the way was fruitless. must come and we are ready to pre­ National administration In an ad­ Green's, ^ao shone. 'The husky lit­ champs of Main street, met the Blue- Is the complete card as announced Today the Washington Infleldcr is to ft 14«2 triumph in the opener. Taylor Whitley, land owner, of dress at the old Central Baptist opened to private Industry or even Years; Famous Fistic Fam­ experience," replied Mike. "At by the matchmaker: Tony Amors vs. Addressing Robinson, who was Dacula, Ga. serve the Kingdom our fathers gave FOR FAMOUS HUMORIST public utilities. Jack's age, Tom Gibbons weighed tle catcher walked one, just foiled to flelda players under the name o f the batting .344 and In tba midst o f a That was either hla 17th according way to Terrain Cause for Berlin, Aug. 22— (AP) — Aryan church last night. Despite frequent Peter Amo; Bob Maloney vs. hot fight for ths American League working for him against the Whecl- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wayne, land us. VVe would be untrue to our great (Jovemor Cross nevertheless was about 188. When I was Jack’s age, I beat out a bunt, and cracked out a Popular Market last night on tbe BUDDY BAER TO FACE to ths traveling - scribes with tbe Germans were enjoined today by the past, which goes be.vong Biblical Interruptions that finally resulted In George Spendolinl; A rt McAIpln vs. er-Rayburn utility regulation bill, own'ers, of Flowery Branch. inclined to optimism on the chances ily Turns Out New Star. weighed about 138 and at maturity drive In the fourth, that but for Blueflelds diamond and tossed a real batting champlensblp,. onks, or his l$th with ths bases Hopson had said: Dasswershcschc, organ of the^ Nazi times and we will stain our proud (Continued from ’’age One) a call for the police after the gover­ ■care into the W est Bide cohorts. Jeckls Williams; George Fitch vs, full, according to Gehrig. A com­ Picked Guard, not to buy goods C. R. Ware, president of the First of Federal aid for the railroads. scaled 168. clever fielding would have landed Manaters and trainers wbo shake Headaches. "Assume B. K. is friend with all record of victories if we failed in nor had concluded. Pros Deslaurters, trying out at first George Cooper; Eddie Terrace vs. plete review of his more then 1.600 from Jews. "The Jewish problem National Bank of Lawrencevllle. Though po commitments were made, Retains Speed Taking On Weight him on third. Berube scored a few JACK DOYLE. CROONER their beads when their players sug­ politicians and C. U. is one of them. our duty. body lay In state from 7 a. m.. until The governor charged the NaUonal base for tbe Market, was a tower Lewis Randolph; Henry Franks vs. ames win be needed to decide the won’t be solved by breaking win­ Pemberton Collier, Lawrencevllle he said, and no formal application By BARRY GRAYSON Gradually moments later on patrlss’ bit. BtUy Carter; Joe Jackeon ve. Jfos gest a round o f golf oa tneir daye ’’C. U. is a friend of ours except "If Italy attempts to conquer noon within the gates .o f Forest administration with violating cam­ Cf strength for the Tavern, commit­ sue but at any rate he beat Babe dows and smearing house fronts," attorney. for money was filed by the New Ha­ Sports Editor, NBA Serrlee Another hundred percenter in a bat­ Klemba; Wheeler Louis vs Beroev off, might have to do some explain' Hartford, Aug. 22.— (API — How when his own Interests are concern­ us,” he said earnestly, his eyes Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale. paign pledges and plunging the am positive that Jack will coma ting plenty of errors until he was £Ruth's lifetime mark of 16 homers said the paper. " I t will be settled Similarity of content and prepara­ ven road or by himself as an agent ting way was Frank Patriss, ths FCx; George Oarke vs. Mike Pron­ New York, Aug. 32— (A P )—Jack tng when this gets around. It ’i true to adjust the proposed $20,000,000 ed, which is a good deal of the catching the gleam of fire, "we And at their wish the private fu­ in at 188 or 190 pounds In leas than with ths corners crammed. l«u alone by taking away from these tion of all the letters was reported country Into a huge Indebtedness of the state. It is possible that help St. Paul, Aug. 22.— Mike Gibbons, Green’s second-zacker, Frank get­ shifted to second base where be con­ to; Goldfish Baleaano vs. Jos Mar­ Doyle, tba crooning Irishman, and that Buddy gives credit to other Merritt parkway to the terrain of time." shall repeat the victory of Adua. neral program at the Wee Kirk O’ two years. I am glad be la not tak­ parasites in our midst every pos­ by several of those who received that must be paid with “ taxes pro­ may come in some other form than ting three bita out of aa many trips tinued his helpful ways. cus; Jackie Clarke va. Nick Massle; Buddy Baer, younger brother of tbs elements suchlb as pure luck and a want on to hit another homer la Fairfield county has become a prob­ Both readily identified B. K. as W e shall be strong because we The Heather at the park was made tbe old St. Paul Phantom, Is school­ ing on weight too rapidly because he the afterpiece but Johnny Murphy sibility for them to get rich on the them. duced by the sweat of the brow of through the work relief fund. to the plate. Of tbs remaining three Ths Tavern get away to a good KlnglUb Balesano vs, Jake Barreti. former champion, who abo can sing, batting spot In-tbe bibatting order, for lem, requiring a conference of state, Bruce Krcmer, former Democratic must,” brief and simple. Is going to retain bis speed by tak­ ----- ud(* ■ • “ couldn’t hold the lead and S t Loula dally needs of our compatriots. The threat that “your damned the working man." The project is still unsettled, the ing bis son, Jack, for a battle with ■macks garnered by the Hublardltes, ■tart In the first Inning on a ceuplo There wUl ha tba usual lucky num­ will show their fistic wares in Madi­ his sudden rise in thstb averages,ee, but country and Federal officers. The National committeeman from Mon­ Drilling Troops Mrs. Rogers and her three chil­ ing It on gradually." ba regards go lf as probably ; be won tbe gams 14-3. "The most effective weapon is in heart will be shot out," was made ■ "You said no laboring man is governor stated and the group who Joe Louis. Mike, 20 years ago con­ "Tuffy" Vlot was responsibls for of errors, an Inflsld hit and a long ber draw for baskets of graceries. son Square Garden Bowl tomorrow f big* Issue was the principal discussion at tana now practicing law here. Outside a curfew' tolled from a dren, W ill, Jr., M ary and James re­ Mike Gibbons met Louis In Chica­ Seat rsaaon for tbs changs- Tigere Ineraaee Lead the hands of housewives who dally in each of the letters. v.'orth over $1 a day,” came a voice went to Washington In behalf of tbe sidered one o f the finest middle- double by "Pop" Edgar that aallsd A banner crowd Is expected to turn night when they olesh In a featura a meeting today In the office of Qov- The subject was not pursued in neighboring Coptic church as dark­ turned yesterday from the east, rid­ go last winter, but has never aeen two, and ’’Butch" Lovett fop one. Tbs Yankee split enabled Dstrelt spend millions In Germany.” May Be Deranged from outside the church, where railroad will not know the final re­ weights who ever lived, believes that over tbe left fielder's bsad. Tbe out Last week 8,000 taw the show. bout in a seriea o f tlx rounders. em or Cross by the Governor, Lieslie detail at once, as the committee ness enveloped . the Emperor’s ing in the private car of Jesse Jones, him in the ring or gymnasium, ex­ McKay, Ray and May were the only to increase its lead to eeven g4mee A t Fulda officers announced that In Lawrencevllle. W are said, "M y about 100 people were standing sult until they are called back for with a fair break, Jack Gibbons will Tavern chalked up eight runs and FIREIWEN WIN AGAIN A. Hoffman, state PWA director. sought to learn about other activi­ mountain kingdom. He rose and chairman of the Reconstruction Fi­ cept in pictures. Jack Gibbons and oburchmen able to solve Conway’s as the Tigers trimmed ths Red Box no Jews were doing business In the guess Is that the person who sent around the open windows. be a natural opponent for tbe then allowed the M arket to catch up, H ighway Commissioner John A. ties of Hopson’s Associated Gas and walked to the window and stood nance Corporation, long a close another conference. delivery to the extent of hitting twice, 4 to 1 end 3 to 3, cattle market there following po­ the letters is pretty mean and about "Eugene Talmadge never said any bis older brother. Bob, aaw Louie ■o generoui wbra they in allowing Macdonald, Senator Kenneth Brad­ Electric interests against the legis­ looking down upon thousands o f his friend of Rogers. phenomenal Negro within two years. aafely, each ringing up a alngle. Tbe Hose Oo. No. 4_team won an­ Cleveland broke even with the lice action against their demands for half crazy. such thing,'.’ the governor replied. box in Chicago lost winter, however, runs, that tbe game was tied at 9-all ley of Westport, chairman of the lation now deadlocked betw’een Sen­ white cIad"-warrlors, drilling with Special guards kept all but In­ Seldom, if ever. In history has the Gail) Fourth Place otber victory in the second half of Athletics winning ths second game high prices and a disposition to dis­ “I turned my letter over to the ond gave their dad oonslderable In­ In the fifth whan the game was call­ Star Plans Broken Bat Fence ate and House. medieval lances and swords on the timate friends of the family out cf "Come inside where we can see you VOTE ON BONUS BILL son o f a topnotch fighter become Scoring nineteen runs to their op­ the Reo-Li^on softball league last 3 to 0 behind Lloyd Brown's foui^ M erritt Highway Comm^iion and order. Department of Justice. It demand­ formation about the pulverizing ed by Umpire George Olds on ac­ Senator Charles P. Rumpf of Darien. Chairman Black asked If Robin­ green grounds of the palace. Rain the spacious groimds of the Rogers and I will debate with you all night." great in the same profession. ponents twro la the lest two games Digbt on Tartar Oak field, defeat­ hit flinging after taking a 10-8 All Jewish stores In Fulda have ed $4,000. The letter told me that puncher of Detroit count o f darkness. The application for PW A funds is son had received information ahead was falling, drenching the soldiers ranch in Pacific Palisades. "Come out here and I ’ll beat hell So It is only natural that there ie played, the Green doea seem on tbe ing the Legion, 3-8. The firemen beating when Jimmie Foxx smack­ signs inscribed "Jew.” A group of the wrlter-ror committee—would "I eaw the picture! of Louis’ fight "TV" Wlganoskl held'ths Market now on file with Mr. Hoffman. But o f time that a speech by the Presi­ who in a few weeks, perhaps In a cut o f you," the voice replied, but in AT THE N E H SESSION Just a trace of glistening behind verge of staging a come-back, and if clinched tbe game In tbe first two ed hla 36th home run and Bob John­ dent would not attack any indivi­ 17 non-Aryan clothing firms appeal­ shoot my heart out if it took 10 with King Levlnsky, and Joe im- safe while be was In tbs box and today’s conference was called for few days, may march forth to sell a lower tone that the governor ap­ Mike Gibbons’ glasses as he tells you the Hublardltes can hold the pace, it Innings, scoring four runs and added son his 33rd. The lYhite Sox ab­ dual. ed vainly to Dr. Schacht that their years, if I failed to comply with the WILEY POSTS FUNERAL ptetaei me mostly as a great hitter," contributed a cireui catch on a foul final discussion on the tj-pe of park­ their lives for him. Oklahoma City, Aug. 22— (AP) parently did not hear. that all indications point to Jack may be that their status wdll change four mors for good measure In the sorbed a 18 to 7 licking from the "Yes, sir," Robinson replied. representatives could not get lodg­ demand." To Come On Opening Day — explained Mike. ‘1 undentaod that In back of third while playing way to be built before Mr. Leslie for­ "We are struggling with our —Oklahoma bid Wiley Post a sad Gibbons becoming so superlative fourth. Senators. "Where did you get that informa­ ing and food while traveling. Whitley said in Dacula be was told bo boxes well, but In my opinion, ha rather considerably before ths series third. Jim Foley robbed Pop E ^ar wards the application to Washing­ backs to tbs wall," he said. "W e are farewell to^y. A place of honor Backers of Measure Obtain that be will make bis father look Sherman waa the heavy atlckar The Brooklyn Dodgers trimmed tion ?" Black asked. will not go down In history aa a is over. of a bit In the fourth Inning by a ton. that his " ‘damned heart will be doomed against all our wishes to was preparedMn the rotunda in the Necessary 275 Signatures. like on ordinary performer by com­ for the firemen and Fields, short­ the fourth piece Pirates 8 to 0. "From several sources," Robinson ■hot out’ ’’ if be failed to comply great boxer. He la entirely too flat- Last night’s triumph waa the sec­ sensational atop. 'Eddls Ragualcus Mr. Hoffman wants assurance that TO REMAIN ON LIST fight a mighty power, which pos­ State Capitol fW the body of the in­ THEATERS TO SUSPEND parison. stop tor the No. 4's, accepted nine replied. He then mentioned John with a demand for $600— likewise in ond In six starta for the Green and rapped out two doubles and a single the application as submitted covers sesses enough ammunition and In­ trepid flyer to UaYrom 10 a. m., un­ Waahington, Aug. 22.— (A P) — K Pzurdon the parental enthusiasm, footed, end, in my opinion, doei not chances in tha field, erring twice. Snure, Jr., a Washington newspaper­ 10 days. compare with men Uke Bam Lang­ lilted them from their deadlock wrlth in as many times at bat. It Is ex­ Ths score: the general features of design pro­ Waterbury, Aug. 22.— (AP) — struments of death to overwhelm a til noon. vote on the opening day In the but Jack has everything in every pected that tba tie wlU be played off man, and a man named "Grldley," He said the letter was written en­ IN ROGERS TRIBUTE ford and Jack Johnson. tbe Methodists for the cellar Into Hose Oe. No. 4 posed by Commissioner Macdonald, Peter H. Dunais, who was ousted by much stronger nation. Governor E. W.\ Marland and session of Congress on the Pai Apartment, and although he is only In the near future. who he said was a representative of tirely in lower cose letters, and that ‘T believe that the reason Louis fourth place. The Methodista remain' Racing Notes wil will build the road and Fairfield the Denver Post. court order as Republican Registrar " I cannot understand England other dignitaries c h ^ noon to pay $2,000,000,000 Bonus-Inflation 33 and comparatively inexperienced, AB R H PO A E there was studied bad spelling in it; their respects to the ' ■ • stands out 10 prominently at this In last place with one victory in six Gravino, c f ...... 4 a 1 1 d 0 county itself. of Voters following his appointment preventing ammunition from reach­ Warner Group to Stop for Min­ was assured today. he is a perfect super-fighting ma­ starts. B y T H E ASSO CIATED PRESS. by Mayor Frank Hayes and who more difficult words were spelled ing us. W e are handicapped enough stratosphere explorer wRo-fell to Backers of the bill finally obtained time Is beeaiua o f the very decided Fields, s s ...... 3 a 0 8 4 2 Commissioner Macdonald’s plan is ute This Afternoon — Has chine, ready for tho best men of hla Tomorrow night, the League lead­ When Alfred Gwynne Vanderbllt’9 filed a petition for an Independent correctly. without this further hindrance. his death with W ill Rogers in 217 signatures on a petition to take lack of good beavyweighta. I never Yesterday's Stars Edgar, l b ...... 4 1 1 6 1 0 said to call for a double road sep­ weight in the world," beamed Mike. ing Morlarty Brothers clash with Discovery finished second to A. A. Republican party candidate here A re we to fight n-lth spears and Alaska just a week ago. No Effect Here. the bill away from the House Ways have actually seen him In action, Stratton, p ...... 4 1 i i i o arated by a continuous stretch of SMITH NOMINATION Jack Gibbons, an all-round ath­ the Blueflel^, tied for second place Baronl’s Top Row in the Narragan- August 8, will be allowed to remain leather shields against machine gun Funeral services were to be held and Means committee and bring It to however, and am merely pasotng a By ASSOCIATED FR^SS Hunt, S b ...... 3 1 1 2 4 1 parkway, each road permitting one­ lete at Cretin High of St. Paul and with tbe Pollsh-Amerks. A victory sett Park special yesterday, it was way traffic onl}-. The breadth of on the Republican primary list, ac­ WILEY POST FELT FUNNY bullets? at the First Baptist church at 2 p. the floor for a vote. Under House quick opinion." Alvin Crowder and Charley Ge- Bohlebs, 0 ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 Warner Brothers theaters Detroit University, won a middle­ for M oriarty’s will clinch the League the sixth defeat suffered by the big the road would be 84 feet, 27 feet UPTOLONERGAN cording to the terms of a decision Cites the ’Treaty m. They w ill be brief and simple. rules, however, It would bo Impossi­ Mika is certain that Jack Gib­ hringer. Tigers— Crowder held Red Fracebia, I f .... 3 0 0 2 0 0 Post’s fellow pilots will pay final throughout the United States will weight Golden Gloves championship title, while a triumph for the Blue- chestnut son of Display this year. for each highway, both of which handed down early this afternoon by "The preamble of the treaty of ble to obtain a vote this session un­ bons wUl stand up, and It w ill be in­ Sox to four hits In first game, H. McCormick, sf 3 0 0 1 0 0 WHEN PARACHUTE FAILED tribute to him as bis body Is taken honor the passing of Will Rogers, in 1932. Since turning professional fields will give them a clear bold on The iranderbllt ace, which won will provide double lanes. an examining committee consisting 1920 says clearly that Ethiopia less (Tongresa meets well into Sep­ teresting to watch the development Sherman, 3b ___ 3 0 3 3 0 1 Oonttnned from Page Oue) from the Capitol to the church at one of tbe greatMt screen person­ on Nov. 11. 1932, this real thorough­ Gsbringsr's triple brought winning $49,888 last year despite the fact Mr. Hoffman’s view as expressed of Republican Registrar Albert C. shall be allowed to obtain all the tember. second place and retain their slim Armstrong, rt ... S 1 0 1 0 0 noon. .Natiofial Guard airplanes ages In history, by terminating all bred of pugilism has won 82 con­ of hla splendid eon. run in second. he trailed Cavalcade in many races, several weeks before the Fairfield Faller and Attorney Vincent A. Maysville, Okla., Aug. 22.— (A P) arms necessary to defend ourselves Rules are that after the petition la Chance of tying tbe loaders. The ed by Frances T. Maloney the Con­ will be drawn overhead In formation business In the Warner Brothers secutive contests, 16 by knockouts. "In all my time as a combatant, standing; Frank Demaree, Cubs— Pounded was alow rounding Into form this County Planning Commission is that Miller. —Wiley Post proljably was spared from external aggression. How can signed, it must remain on the calen­ manager and Instructor, I have Fblladalpbla pitching for two dou­ Totals...... 31 8 7 21 10 4 year. He dropped five straight de­ necticut junior Senator. with one place vacant. Other mili­ theaters foi one minute, this after­ Heavyweight Title Gibbons' W . L. PC. Legion “ the county needs and wants a to achieve note in aviation because England break such a solemn dar seven legislative days before a never seen a boxer who could see a bles and $ta singles In double cisions Including one to Head Flay Lonergan left the committee room treaty?” tary planes and commercial pilots noon, from 8:00 p. m. to 8:01 p. m. Objective Moiiarty’s ...... 6 0 1.000 AB R H PO A E means of rapid transit across the Immediately after the committee once be could not obtain a pilot to vote can be had. punch or movement being executed header. in tha Suburban Handicap, before 20 WORKMEN KTf.i.m Restlessly the Emperor paced the will follow, dipping wings In salute The observance does not affect Young Gibbons’ most recent vlo- Pollsh-Amerks ...... 3 3 .800 country consistent ^vlth the terrain.’’ recessed and could not be reached. take him aloft for a scheduled para­ Votes are permlasible on such peti­ by an opponent and make his own Lou Gehrig, Yonks and Ivy An­ Pitkin, I f ...... 4 0 0 1 0 0 he came through with a world rec­ parquet floor, often to cry. “where and strewing blossoms at the south the local playhouse os tbe State tory was scored over Frankie Bat­ Blueflelds ...... a a .800 Johnson, 3 b .....3 i o 3 1 1 The Macdonald plan is understood However he had persistently refused chute Jump. entrance of the Capitol. tions only on the second and fourth move quicker than Jack Gibbons," drews, . Browns—Gehrig clouted ord for one and one-el$(hth miles in Brasov, Rumania, Aug. 33.__(AP) can we turn for help when thb w olf does not maintain a continuous taglia of Wiimipeg, one of the hard­ G re en ...... 2 4 .333 Priess, l b ...... 3 0 1 8 0 0 to call fo r a continuous road of the to comment on the Smith nomina­ Raymond Dills, garageman who The body will be placed In' a show. Mondays of each month. home run in each game, one with the Brooklyn Handicap at Aqueduct •Twenty workmen were reported of Italy Is already at our throats? est bitting and brot mlddlewelghts concluded the old St. Paul Phantom, Wright, e ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 lame width regardless of the ridges tion. Unless the Senate actually re­ recalled Post’s early parachuting crypt at Fairlawn cemetery to re­ Thus, no vote this session w ill be Methodist ...... 1 8 .167 baaee fuU, Andrews, held Yanks to to start bis string o f eight succes­ killed and 30 injured today when the Will America forsake us. too? I in tbe world. with pardonable pridt. MuUane, p ...... 8 1 1 1 0 0 ind furrows that appear throughout jects the nomination Smith can take over Maysville to stimulate Satur­ main until the aviator’s widow de­ possible, but the bill and petition will six hits In second game. sive triumphs. steel frame of a new airplane hangar fervently hope your country won’t Battaglia foiled to win a round Wlgren, 8 b ..... 8 1 1 0 8 2 the country. This would require office as a recess appointee pending day trade, said: cides whether Its final resting place retain their privileged status when George Earnahaw, Dodgers— Shut Despite hla setback. Discovery under construction here collapsed. refuse to grant export licenses for in 10 from Gibbons when they Smltb, c f ...... 3 0 0 8 0 0 the removal and filling in o f land for Senate confirmation next session "One Saturday Wiley couldn’t get will be Arlington cemetery or Okla­ ADDISON Congress convenes again. out Pirates with six hits, fanning picked up $8,000 and pushed bis Authorities sold they feared still supplies already ordered In the fought before the largest crowd that FLAY EASTERN FINALS Tedford. c f ..... 1 0 0 0 0 0 llgbway purposes. However, it but can receive no salary. a pilot so he tied a dummy to his homa City. The Patman bill calls for the issu­ $4,000 PRIZE six. earnings for the season up to more bodies were crushed under the United States. ever saw a boxing match In Min­ Kennedy, s f .....8 0 1 8 0 0 was pointed out, if the road is ad­ Senator Maloney has expressed chute, took it up and dumped it President Roosevelt directed an Mrs. George Slater of Neipsic ance o f over $2,000,(X)0,000 In cur­ Jimmy Foxx, Athletics — Foxx $78,690. In Top R ow bs met a horse justed to the terrain this expense doubt that Smith would find It prac­ dabris. The architects were arrest­ "We all know we have the high­ street. East Glastonbury, went to rency to pay to World War veterans nesota at Lexington Park, St. Paul, Mosley, r f ...... 3 0 0 0 0 0 ed. overboard. The parachute never did officer of general’s rank to repre­ OF LEGION BASEBAU made four bits Including 36th homer that holds the world mark for one nigh t be saved by building two sep- tical to accept It on that basis. est moral right on our aids. W ith tbe funeral of Rev. William W. l u t month. A1 Diamond, Solly Slmon(is, ss ...... 8 0 1 3 3 1 open. It hadn’t been folded right sent him a t the funeral. Brig. Gen. Immediately the face value of tbslr IN OPEN GOLF P U Y and knocked in five nms In first and one-alxteenth milea, made under irate highways In certain sections. the moral support and encourage­ H. W. Butner commandant of the Evans, former pastor of the Buck­ adjusted compensation certificates. Dukelsky, Kid Leonard, and Jlmniy 100 pounds at Bay Meadows last TO PROBE DEATH "W ile y said later that sure did game with tbs Indians. GET BACK WAGES. ment of great friendly countries Field Artillery School at Fort Sill ingham church, Wednesday, Aug. Dclmont are among the better boirs Charlotte, N. C„ Aug. 22.— (A P )— Totals...... SO 8 8 18 7 4 year. Yeiterday the Boronl Speed­ make him feel fimny." such as the United States and Eng­ D lszy Dean, Cards— Rang up sea­ Score by Innings: was elected. 21, at his home In Hubbardston, YALE BEATS JAPS repelled by Gibbons. Harahey, Pa.. Aug. 32.— (AP) — Teams from Carrolltonr Ga., and son’s file t pitching victory at ex­ ster, Which l i campaigning In the FBAT HOUSE BOUGHT Bridgeport. Aug. 22— (A P )—Cor­ land, we know we would triumph. Hose CO. No. 4 ...... 203 400 0—3 New Britain, Aug. 22.— (AP) __ Most downtown stores gave notice Mass. Mr. Evans died suddenly Tokyo, Aug. 22.—(AP)—The Jack Gibbons now weighs 168 Prize money of $4,000 for 73 hole Hast Lynn, Mass., faced each other pense of Braves. East for tbe first Uma this year, bad oner J. J. Phelan 'Will probably bold JOHN A. MANSFIELD But It Is sad to speak even of the Legion...... 000 100 3—3 Former employes of Ace Ckiat Co., they would remain closed during the Sunday evening, Aug. 18, of heart ham-storming Yale University pounds and stands a half Inch above competition drew 156 of tbe nation’z today in the first game of the only 110 in the eaddle. a bearing Monday on the d^th of Harwlnton, Conn., Aug. 22__ triumph. I pray that triumphs will New Haven, Aug. 22.—{API— which has been reorganized, received afternoon. trouble. He leaves hit wife, two baseball team tonight defeated tbe 6 feet. He hae tbe frame to carry ranking ahot makers to tbe Hershey American Legion Junior baseball Two-base hits, Hunt, Sehlebe; hits, The Alpha Delta Phi bouse bos been Floyd "Pete" Canfield, 36 year old (A P )—John A. Mantfeld who serv­ come only in peace, which hath a off Stratton 3, off MuIIane T; atolen ^ecke totaling $623.07 from State Post’s body was returned here sons, Weston and Philip, also a Tokyo club 7 to 8. It was Japan’s much additional weight country club today for tbe third an­ ■astern finals here. Tha added starter, one e ( the cyfli purchased by Y ale University from racing driver, who was klUed in the ed as representative from this" town greater glory than war.” base, Edgar; base on balls, oft Strat­ Labor Commissioner Joseph M. Tone last night from Maysville, Okla., daughter. Priscilla. Mr. Evans was *first important night baseball game, Jack sUU can do 160 pounds, and nual Hershey open golf tourney. Plains, Pa., and Bridgeport. Ck>nn„ Last Night *s Fights of racing In New York stat% has, the Tiler Trust Association. The feature midget car race at Newfleld in 1900-1923, 1937 and 1929, died to­ home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. ton 1, off MuIIane 8; struck out, liy today, the amount representing buried in the fam ily plot beside bla played on tbe newly flood-lighted Twin Cntlea promoters are asking teams were to follow (tarrollton and Stamps and roint and a thouasnd and one Other things sttracl been ordered aboUabed by the Yale chapter of the fraternity voted Park last night. Local police of­ day at a New Haven hospital where A PLEADING NOTE W . F. PosL Waiter Hagen, Henry Picard and Stratton 1, by MuUane 1; umpires, wages which the NRA suit and coat first wife, who was Idlled in an au- diamond of Waaeda 'University. Teddy Yaroas to give him a crack at East Lynn on tba diamond thU aft­ By ASao^AliD PRESS eolleetora. but Jimmy Celllne. Cerfitnele’ elafzlng first sacker,' Jockey a u b at tbe eugnedea o l to disband last year and since then ficials stated today that they are he had been a patient since July 4. Rome, Aug. 22.— (A P )—The Ital­ Accompanying the body was Joe virtuaUy an of tfie game’s big shots Bulla and B. McCoUum. authority said were due them. M r. t' accident a few years ago. Mr. The score: « tbe middleweight wreath. ernoon. Philadelphia—Beanie Baas, former has tbe field to himself ii^ breken bate. Jim plans to build s fenra the atate radng commlwton. TIm its bouse has been used as the planning no special investigation He was 77 years of age, a native of ian government today for the first Croason, the "m ercy flyer o f the from ooazt to coast will battle over Tone said $188 remains to be dis­ into the accident. State police are Evans was engaged in poultry rais­ Y a l e ...... 7 10 S "But Jack Gibbons’ real objecUve The winner of the tournament will featherweight champion, outpointed ■round bit Roehteier, N. Y.. bsek yard with them end hse 120 Joekey Qub also haa passed a nils , tpnun of the Tide Political Union, Campville and a former resident of time allowed a pleading note to Arctic” who flew the remains of ing and fru it grow ing and had 18 hole! each today and tomorrow. Mel Ott made five elnglM and a tributed. The cheeks were given conducting a probe for tlis corwer’s T o k y o ...... 8 6 3 l.< the heavyweight tiUe, for which meet tbs western champs to be de- Johnny Craven, Conaboboeton, Pa. spllnured bludgsena ss s starter. Here hU rhtldren— Betty, 10; fOrbkldtng the eelling or t fndwit debating organiilstloo. Seymour. Ha was a member of tbs ersap into the offlclsUy iupired Post and' RtKcri^back from Point ilanned to vtp ply the pulpit o f a Then tbe Kxty low zcorerfi and ties double bis first IS Umee at bat in out at tba dtx hall. and JOaln; TauJU, cided in a toumamant now imAur Los Angeles—Maxle Rossnbloom, Warren, and James, Jr.— frolic with Ahe collection, which a hpree for SO days after a ( SiKaOQt MMOBto L b4|o> ,prtas agalast Qtagt B t i m r to ~ h. tbe crucial mid-August seriea ba- (or tjMMIb- j e * »«tart»t9d m w i rapidly aa big Isagusra tav* their sbaturad cudgeU for; radng^Mwhere i twem tha Cards ap4 the OlMrti at fl( ttai MANCHESTER EVENING HEKALD, MANCHESTER. (XJNN., TilUKSDAT, AUGUST ZZ, 1WJ«, rAUis T E » MANCHESTER.EVENING HERALl\ MANGHEtrrbK, UINN., THUK8UAY, AUGUST 22,1988. SENSE and NONSENSE Toonenrille Polks By Fontaine Pox OUR BOARDIl^G HOUSE

JUSTDOO DO NOT TRUST MEN TOO FAR. He may be any mongrel, without a BOMB DO NOT KEEP THEIR SOL­ Mdigree, EMN PLEDGES ANY BETTER HOW PO YO U LIKE YOUR ^ No Wu«-blood prise relations, nor THAN DO NATTONS. any family tree; VOUP, PISH l-v>V/HAT \$ HAM SEPeVED-v."BURNE^ He may be black or yellow, or lanky, Harry—It certainly la dark in thii VOUW CHOICE TOR PINNER ON "BOTH SItiES*? short or tall, parlor! Gosh, I can’t even see my TH IS EYENIN5 NEA tofvlcs. Inc. ’’One moment, please. Mr. Bole- "You might try giving him an HI# heart Is flesh and musels, not FABLE; Once a member of tee CKILLETS IN PE‘M5INES$ turn to F. T. BUsh Hardware Co. Company. son wishes to talk with you.” early supper If It Isn’t too much sanieiesa like a etone; school board had children who were CALL* HIM''HERN\n' A!C / 1935 DODGE four ton semi van, Joe wondered if she would be able C hildren When human friends prove fruitless, not promoted. T O R N\V R E T U R N , ANT> 1 BEGIN HERE TODAY telling herself that, after all, ahe trouble, where he sees only some H E& b e e n HOOKET) 6 0 LOST—BETWEEN Manchester Me­ 1933 International 1-2 ton panel, ; TENEMENT FOR RENT—5 rooms JO DARIEN breaks here engage­ to speak at all when Boleson took By Oliv» Robertt Barton milk and eggs and bread and but­ untrue in time o f need, WILL PREPARETHEfA A LA HOOPLEl 1934 Ford coach, 1934 Pontiac bad ^ven Bret little cause to write the wire. In a panic, she was Tou’H find tee dog good compuiy, a MANY TIMES,WE PUT morial hospital and Eldrldge street, and bath 818.00 at 89 Birch atreet. ment to BRET PAUL, college a revealing letter. And be bad BY NBA SERVICC INC. ter and fruit, or some small por­ Convict—rm here for having Ova LETS SEE-THERE ARE FIVE OF O S~ , sedan, 1932 Willy a sedan. Cole athloUo star, because he objects tempted to test her voice; then kindly pal Indeed. wives. e r " aet of pictures. Snapshots and two Inquire The Manchester Trust Co. never been romantic with words tions of vegetables and meat. Sort A B R A SS ■RINa IN HIS enlargements. Call 31S8. Motors—6463. to her taking a job as hostess suddenly she heard a deep mascu­ "Tom eats like a pig, but Billy of slip jp on him, I mean, and see Visitor—How are you enjoying RENT HUNTING? Tell us what ("like Fragonet,’’ she thought). line. "Miss Jo Darien?” won’t eat at all,” worried Mrs. n o s e h e l i k e s at 'Crest Lake Inn. fashionable Perhaps she bad no right to doubt If sigh t, won’t help appetite. He A Scotchman’s dog stole a piece your liberty? august A B O U T T E N ! LOST—ON CENTER, HunUngton you want. We’ll take care of It for summer resort owned by wealthy “Yes.” Brown. ’’Honestly, I don’t know of meat from a butcher’s shop: HOUSEHOLD SERVICES this one letter which bad reached "Miss Darien, I am very azKlous what tee child lives on.” ought: to'eat—that’s sure, but may­ ^ PISH", EH*? TH' RIBE UP \ or Summit streets, pair of glasses, you without charge. R. T. McCann, DOUGLAS MARSH. Jo goes to her In Hollywood. be your Idea o f appetite and mine Butcher—Is teat your dog? It doesn’t take a wise man to give white gold, with one focus glass. OFFERED 13-A 69 Center atreet. Dial 7700. Crest Lake and later Bret arrives to talk with you. Could you pos- The doctor looked Billy over Scotchman—It was, but he’s keep­ advice but it requires a wise man to About all Bret’a letter did was albly come to my office at 3 this are dlffeient.” Finder please return to Herald aa life guard. to remind Jo again, this time with and asked some questions. Final­ ing himself now. know when to take advice. > ... Office. T.'PHOLSTERING—Phone 3616 If FOR RENT—4 NICE rooms, on ..D ou gla s Marsh’s eccentric afternoon?” ly. he took a sample of Billy’s \ ^ 4 Hazel street, near Sheridan Hotel. effect, that she must write her par­ “Why, yes. . . * you desire medium or high grade mother dislike* Jo. PE T E R ents. She sat down now and wrote blood by painless methods, and ANNE UNDBERGH WRITES CORRECrr THIS SENTENCE: The ox isn't so dumb. He doesn't reupholsterlng of your 3-plece Inquire 9 Hazel atreet. FBAOONET, Him actor, pays Jo "Good! At 3, then. It’s very some other specimens. The boy don’t care how many millions the do without hay In order to have a PERSONALS 3 the long overdue letter, being kind of you. Miss Darien. Good- -eaten set, odd Chairs, boudoir marked attentions and asks her rather vague about why and how was a bit underweight for his boss makes,” said the Red, "so long big pile left over when he dies. chairs, dining room chair scats, NEW WARANOKE Apts., 801 Main to niarry him as soon as he can by.” height, but teen he was very tall as I get what I earn.” STOMACH UI/:ER, GAS pains. In­ street, nicely furnished rooms with she bad left Crest Lake, and fibbing (To Be Continued) AN INTERESTING BOOK studio couches at reasonable prices. get a divorce. Jo becomes friend­ a little about her prospects in the for hla age. digestion victims, why suffer? For or without light housekeeping ly with LOLA MONTEZ, film quick relief get a free sample of Mattress and box spring renovat­ City of Cinema. It was not until "He seems aa fit as a fiddle to \ Young Wife—Darling, why do you Quotations ing, Excellent references. Cash or privileges. Reasonable rates. Tel. actress. she had finished this letter that me,” be announced finally, "but “North of the Orient” Is An! bt pay me the little attentions you Udga, a doctor’s prescription at 3936. Prompted by his mother, Marsh ' used to before we were married ? A fighting bull thrills ma mors ------^'=^' Arthur Drug Stores. terms. Manchester Uph. Co, Busy she framed a note to Bret. The I’ll give you a better report Wed­ Epic Account of the Famous since 1922. asks Jo to leave Crest Lake. She answer was more difficult than nesday If you can come In. No, Husband—Did you ever see any­ than any^man I have ever m et FOR RENT—FURNISHED or un­ decides to go to Holl.vwood to Couple’s Air Adventures. one run after a street car when he —Manija Fernandes, female bull­ furnished apartments. Call Centen­ she’d imagined. She tore up five Daily Health I won’t need Billy again. Go home look for a Job, and there or six beginnings which had led and play and have a good time, had eaught it ? fighter of Spain. nial Apartments, 4181 or 4279. BOOK REVIEW. MOVING—TRUCKING— with PYagonet. Later the begins her Into saying things she did not lad. You are as sound as a nut.” Manchester to doubt Fragonet’s promises and By Bruce Catton. The weight of public opinion is In STORAGE 20 FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, all really want to say. A t last she Service On Wednesday tee test reports Youth—Dearest, could you leam moves to a rooming house where to lova me? the main the only Influence which Evening Herald Improvements, at 18 William street. wrote only half a dozen lines. TTiey from the laboratory were good— By this time you have probably PERRETT & GLENNEY INC. local he cannot And her. Lola Montez were lines telling him that ^ e ap­ excellent. ’The chemistry of the Bweet Young Thing—I might— I will prevent war. Call 3379. offers to help Jn And a Job. SIL.A8 CHILD NEEDS SPECIAL been Informed that Anne Morrow and long distance moving. Dally preciated his kindness and his In­ blood was balanced and showed learned to eat spinach. —Former Secretary of State Frank CLASSIFIED DBANN, the director, asks Jo to CARE IN SUMMER Lindbergh has written an account express to Hartford. Overnight ONE AND ’TWO ROOM apartmenta terest, but saying nothing about no Increased defense against tox­ of the flight ahe and her husband B. Kellogg. ADVERTISEMENTS service to and from New Fork. 'Tel. come to the studio for a screen his professed love and suggesting If prosperity Is Just around tee just reflnlshed. To see them call on test. She goes. When Lola hears Daily Bath, Pure Food, light Cloth­ ins of any sort. Calcium and so made to China In 1931, and that the 3063, 8360 or 8864. Jensen, Johnson Block, office 709 gently that there was no need for on were all right. No sugar or comer. It must be one of those cor­ Real psychology is marvelous. l1j\4E MA30R Count il* wordi to n Uno. of this she warns Jo not to relle ing, Sunshine Contribute to Baby’s book Is named "North to the Ori­ ( 1 ^ \ InUlnli, numbers end abbfevlntlone Main atreet Phone 6070— 7635. him to come to Hollywood on her other signs of kidney trouble. ent.” It remains only to report ners which permits no left hand Real psychiatry Is essential. But CAN TELL A •neb count as a /ord and oompoond on Drnnn’s promises. account. Health and Comfort In Hot turns. get only a bite of each and you’ll Weather "Then what is It. doctor?” that tee book Is a great deal more < £ 3 wordi at two wordt. Minimum cost It PUBLIC PASSENGER FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, NOW GO ON WI’TH THE STORY "I really don’t know whether Digestive Efficiency have mental Indigestion. TISH BY ITS price ol three iinet. I’ll stay here much longer," she interesting and charming than you B-22 Xilne rates per day for transient SERVICE 20-A modern Improvements, 93 Charter CHAPTER XL "Well—a number of things. Very are likely to expect. Mother—Elsie May, can you tell -Judge CkimUle Kelley, of tee Mem­ NIBBLE e w i wrote, "so perhaps It will have to By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN me who ate tee Icing off tee cake phis juvenile court ' ada. Oak atreet. Apply Sam Yulyes, 701 Next morning Lolita appeared Editor, Journal of the American possibly he has a digestive system In other 'words, this book will not BCeetlT* Marcb If# 1M7 IN ADDITION TO SILVER LANE Main street. be some summer at Placid Beach, teat absorbs one hundred per cent I made for Daddy's birthday? lefMitnn r,f. iiiii Caab Cbarpa bright and early, stopping on after all—If it’s going to be any­ Medical Association, and of Bygeia, have to be carried by tee glamour i ConaeeutlYe Days .al 1 cU| I eta Bus Line, De Luxe Bus for lodge her way to the atudio. But she nourishment out of everything he of a great name. -Mrs. Lindbergh Elsie May—Mother Dear, you told Ths public Interest in me depends where.” the Health Magazine me yseterday teat little girls should on things I can do teat nobody else t ConaeoutiY# Dayi ..{ t ota 11 ota party or team trips, we also offer had to decline Jo’s Invitation to does eat. Very possibly, too, he Is a writer of uncommon ability. If i Day ...... t 11 otsl II ots BUSINESS LOCATIONS Babies feel the heat more than be seen and not heard. can.' 7 passenger nedan delivery. Phone come Into the upstairs room and was bom to be tall and thin and she keeps on as she has begun, S( ORCHY SM|TH Muttering In A Museum All orders for Irregular tnsertlona do grown-ups. In the first place, never will weigh what Is considered —Oeorga Barnard Shaw yrlll bs charged at the one time rate. 3063, 8860, 8864. FOR RENT 64 finish their discuaaion of Drann She was thinking of Dlla Saun­ there is a good chance that future WFg -WOdSflHP DOtLflRS/ By John C Temt Special ratee for long term every and hla screen teat. ders when she wrote that last the child's heat regulating apparatus standard. He’a as straight aa a IDLENESS IS AN ACQUIRED OieP IN THOU6M77 HIMMBLTnOW WANDER* generations will remember her hus­ Poy/ POTiss fl to r o r ALWAYS X VOOLD (N*irr •OP couRgR, TWfR w m s day advertising glvs upon rsqustt. FOR RENT— STORE and offices, "I’d llks to talk to you about a —a brightly blond Dlla Saunders Is not as well developed as that of gun-rod and his eyea are sparkling HABIT. EVEN A PUP WILL If matters continue tea way they -IMre THE AEREONAimcAL MUSIUM N$AR band as much for her prose as for MONBV' EFFBN THOUgH *YAH, CHENTtEMENS -AttOW NIIUPOIT Ads ordtred for tbrss or sli days REPAIRING 23 rent very reasonable. 100 percent number of things," Lolita told Jo, In the arms of a too eager Bret the adult. Besides children are and clear. If he was 111 he would CHASE ITS TAIL RATHER THAN have been going, there won’t" i t any ------TUB FLVINO FIBtO..., "THE ONty THINR* TW V and atopped bsfors tbs third or ACtb location. Apply State Theater more active than are grown people, his flights. REMAIN IDLE. country to be president of. X DON’T UKE DSR IDef\ MR •no PAY DBR CHECK? ♦ scour HAD OURINA' THE WAR day will be charged only for the ac­ "but I’ve plenty on the - schedule Paul. Hurriedly Jo folded the note show signs of perpetual fatigue, be To begin with, ahe describes the ■ $eea«wMum Manager. and so they generate more heat. UF $eoReH$K SCHMIDT HUMPH/ NOW D6M n U B M - RUT I TEtL YOU, MeNRY, tual number of .imee the d appear- MOWER SHARPENING, key mak today. And I’ll talk to you later paper Into its envelope, dampened nervous and cross and either he too preparations for the flight, and Its — U. S. Senator Huey Long. •d. charging at the rate earned, but " Summer, therefore, brings about sleepy or not sleepy enough.” Doctor—What you need le an ab­ nPDLINB DOWN TD PEF ISt SAVING, *VAM, DOT Ing, lock, vacuum cleaner, clock, about that sandwich shop." She the flap and sealed the answer with Incidental minor adventures, with TH6R6 isn't fi MAN IDDAY BO allowance or refunds can be made special child problems which de­ ’’But why docs Tom eat so solute change. You must not do QUIBT UPS X VOUtD HlMMItrr«C$-HS WAS A gun repairing. Bralthwalte, 62 reached Into her bag and drew a deflnttely punctuating blow from a great deal of humor. Her efforts Tarantulas locate teeir prey by WHO VyouLD EVEN on sis tlms ads stopped after the HOUSES FOR RENT 65 much?” any head work at all. UKB ID HBLP Him y*. CUDB SPOUT WBN HB HAD fifth day. Pearl atreet. forth a letter. "Here . . . I just her small fist. mand careful consideration by every to master the Intricacies of radio, the sense of touch; only prey which t h in k o r TRVIHS TO No **tlll forbids” : dloplur Uu— sot dropped by to deliver this. I never Remembering a letter-box at the mother. "Tell me, what do yoil have for Patient—That’s bad. I’m a bar- they touch, or which touches teem, — ■ »M 6 V A Y / lOT/ DONNBRWrrnSR i HANDie ONE FOR RENT— CAMBRIDGE street, tee 3 a. m. visit of two Eskimos on her. sold. five room bungalow, furnished or dreamed I’d be cast In the role of comer, Jo took the two missives Every child should have a bath a regular meal—say, dinner In the Is seized. S------Jsf'" X AM DER JACHAfg A The Herald will not be responsible HELP WANTED— Cupid!" evening?” TTie doctor’s eyes swept a lonely lake in Alaska, an evening lor mors than ons Incorrsel inssrtlos unfurnished, all Improvements. Tel. immediately and dropped them Into each day. If the bath Is given In Jo took the letter and glanced the clattering green slpt. Return­ over Mrs. Brown’s thick figure and In tee home of a Japanese fisher­ MODERNIS’n C AMERICANISM: of any advsrtiaament ordersd for FEMALE 3ri 7446. the morning, a lukewarm sponge man who could not speak a word of more than one time. at the handwriting. It was from ing to the little stucco bungalow her very heavy arm. "This Is between you and I so don’t may be given again in the after­ English—things like these she puts The Inadvertent omiesion of Inoor- WANTED—GIRL OR woman, gen­ Bret, and addressed to Jo "In care she saw Drann’s roadster drew noon. If the child complains of Irri­ ”I set a good table, Doctor.” she tell nobody nothing what I’m telling rset publication of advertlelng wHl bo eral housework. Write Box 138, of Miss Lolita Montez, Atlas Pic­ alongside the curb. The director retorted, misunderstanding him. down with genuine wit. w u , but her and me was engaged to roetlOel only by eanoellatlon of the SUMMER HOMES tation of the skin, it may also be Better than that, however, la the SAYS: Me*.F sbarge made for the service rendered. Tolland, Conn. FOR RENT tures Corporation, Hollywood.” hopped out rather breathlessly and given a sponge before It la put to "I have good thick cuts of meat pe married before him and her ever All advertisements must conform 67 "Thanks so much,” Jo said, "I’m raised his hat. —Charles, my husband, likes pot- way she succeeds in telling what tee met.” bed for the night. fascination of flying really la. Fly­ Is stylo, oopy and typography with FOR RENT—8 ROOM cottage, afraid I’m being a terrible nuisance “ I’ve some news for you. Miss During the summer clothing roast with thick tomato sauce, or ragulatlons anforesd by tbs publUh- HELP WANTED— to you.’’ Darien,” he told her. steak smothered In onions. And ers, as a rule, seem tongue-tied Mrs. Smith—John, you must dis­ ors and tbsy rasorva tha right to Columbia Lake; west side, garage, should be as light as possible. Food when it comes to explaining tee •dlt, rsvlss or reject any oopy con­ MALE 36 lights, boat. Available Aug. 25th. "Forget It." the actress advised "Surely not about the screen must be watched for evidence cf potatoes, two or three vegetables, charge the cook. She threatened to sidered objectionable. lightly. "Have to run now . . test?" Jo’s voice was carefully and biscuit or rolls and a couple emotional experience that a long throw me out of tee kitchen. DD Phone 5661. nnr spoilage, and milk must be kept CL081NO HOURS-Claaslfled ada to WANTED — EXPERIENCED silk I’ll sec you later.” cool. of kinds of Jam and pickles or flight brings. Mrs. Lindbergh John—The very Idea! I shall W published same day must be re- Ho nodded vigorously. "Yes cold at all times. makes tee nature of teat experience sstved by II o’clock noon: Saturdays weavers, on box looms. Apply Mid­ The moment she had said good- relish. Then always dessert. Roly- certainly discharge her. No one can WASHINGTON T U B B S . . . about the test. It’s an ex­ BO clear teat it becomes your own. talk to my wife like teat and not ______By ( rane OUT OUR WAY ]I:M a. m. dletown Silk Conlpany, Middle- WANTED TO RENT 68 by to Lolita, Jo turned back into I f Ice Is not available, the milk poly or pie or ralsln-and-rice pud­ By William 9 town, Conn. her room and shut the door. Then cellent one." ding. Oh, yes, there’s always a I suppose that what I am trying answer to me for it! lf'5 MISS twiTCH Y. SHE OEEfTHATOI\«?| MY aOSHr LISTEM TO THIS.' TELEPHONE YOUR WANTED TO RENT Sept. 15 or she glanced again at the familiar, "I’m glad you think so,” Jo said, bottles should be wrapped In a damp to say Is simply that this book would Mrs. Smith—Im glad to hear you SITS THERE EVERY WiaHT, ME AKJ IDEA w a s <30IM' cloth and put In water on a shady big dish of fruit somewhere, too. CARLIWQ', I AM WILD CAJse I'M TIRED OF BEIN' \/TLL PAY FOR Oct. 1, 5 or 6 room single or apart­ sprawling handwriting of Bret quietly Incredulous. I will say teat about Billy. He be interesting even if Lindbergh say teat, John. Maggie Is In tee ,TC) A M ov ie — AMD WANT ADS. window ledge. The water will evap­ ABOUT YOU. COME JES A HAMDV MAM/ IMTH'V boTH OF ment with garage and land for Paul—the handwriting she remem­ “Not only do I think so,” Drann does eat fruit.” were someone you had never beard '▲do are aoeeptod over the telephone SITUATIONS W AITED— orate from the cloth and this will TO THE BOAT LAWDIWS, WHEM I SMD I'D (30/ \ DAYTIME YOU gt taa OHAAOB RATS given above FEMALE 38 garden. American couple. Must be bered so well on notes aj;d themes assured her, "but Boleson saw It. The doctor sighed. He had a of before. By any standard, it Is John—All right. I’m going to tee T ...... DOMTlMAMT CETO UT ss s soavenlen a to advertisers, but reasonable. Write Box M, Herald. and book covers, from Choir days too— and he is tremendously ex­ serve to keep the milk cold. If there short appetite himself. “Mr.n. one of tee best books o f the entire office. When you hear tee tele­ i^OMAigce bbokons: TOO. HE DECIDED,WOT TO BE SEEM WITH M E ------OF HBRE f , * e CASH RATES wUl om aeosptsd as YOUNG WOMAN wishes any kind together at the University. She cited about your possibilities.” Is any question at all about the Brown,” he said, "don’t be offend­ summer. phone bell ring tell Maggie 1 want ------TO (SO. WOU WOLl'r I'M TO Nfua-I OP A KID— WOLL PAYMENT U paid at ths bust- safety of the milk. It should be BOM offlea on or before the eeveuth of work. Experienced In clerical had thrilled once over those heavy, “Boleson?” repeated Jo. ed, but If I had to ait down to a Published by Hnreourt, Bruce and to speak to her. LET MS <30 AU3MS "The chief,” Drann assured her. boiled. (MOT <3000 EM OU(SH, /AJ TH E S s j following tha first Insertion of work and caro of children. Write masculine pen-strokes, but now she table like teat I’d feel as though Co., It sells for $2.50. A T MKSUr, AM' HE DA’YTIME r b u t A T MKSHTT eseS hd otherwise the CHARGE Box L, Herald. was curiously calm about them. "And several of the production Insects are a nuisance and can THAT HEALTH IS A PRICE­ KMOWS IT. IVHV JgAjra will be eollected. No responsl- LEADING She opened the letter and read: heads had a look at it, too.” cause a good deal of Irritation to LESS POSSESSION IS A FACrr w e s t IT'S DARK, I'M O K a Y^ MUty lor errors la talepboned ada Despite her resolve to keep her 'C A (J S E IVHY? 'rA/i ...... DOGS— BIROS— PETS 41 why you left Crest Lake—whether shine is of greatest Importance for igsg«m«nisgugurntnU 1* Batting—Vosmlk, Indians, .349; It was because you are In love other one," Drann went on. "He’s the child. ’Therefore sun bathing £Mnyrlng#! sssaM#f«;a.».aL« FOR SALE—BLUE PERSIAN klt- Myers, Senators, .344. with Fragonet or for some other definitely interested and you are has come Into vogue. However, DMtthn e •• e e e e e uexk.#,*** e ^ tens. Call after 3 p. m., Lillian Farr, reason. But Tubby wrote me sure of a minor contract In any Card of Thank* ac« Runs—Greenberg, ’Hgers, 95. overexposure to the sun may be to Mtmorlam •t»M 127 Charter Oak street. Runs batted in—Greenberg ’Tlgera, that you didn’t know until event. But I want you to have a harmful. test taken which displays a little ZfOtt and Found s»:« •«.s 1 136. months later that It was I who ’The sunbaths may begin when the Even acquiring a dark tan Is AnnounctmentB I yanked you out of the lake that npiore versatility. I’ll get you some Ftrtonala ...... I POULTRY AND Home runs—Greenberg, Tlgera, 32. child la quite young—perhaps at the light work. Pitching—Allen, Yanks, 12-3. day. It wasn’t much of a stunt, real dialogue to speak with another HEBE SHE IS. I'tL SLIP Aatomobili person." He stopped, gave her that end of the second month. The child SUPPUES 43 NATIONAL I’ll admit, but it did hurt a lit­ should be exposed for just a few UP BEHIMD HER AW D- AutomoblUt for 8«le ...... ^ tle when you never mentioned It. disturbing smile of bis. “ You see, AutomoblUt for Exohang* m s m b FOR SALE—WHITE Giant roaat- Batting— Vaughan, Pirates, .401; I want you to go over big, Jo minutes at first and then as the skin Auto AeoMtorU*—Tlr«i ...... • Medwlck, Cards, .370. But now I know why. Auto Repairing—'PalntlBg •••«• t Ing chlckena, 35c lb. dressed. De­ "I’m leaving here soon, for Darien 1” becomes somewhat used to the rays Runs—Galan, Cubs, 100. Auto Sobool* ...... t-A livered. Ralph Von Deck. Tel. 5327. Marsh Is talking about closing Jo was chiding herself for her of the sun, the length of the ex- Auto*—Ship by Truck ...••••• • Runs batted In—Berger, Braves, the place for the 'season. I hear posure may be increased. Auto*—For Hire ...... i FOR SALE—R, 1, RED brouirs, 102. doubt. “ I—how can I thank you O*rago*—Servloo— tor*g* that be and Babs are to be mar­ enough ?’’ "Like good toast", says one doc­ 8 10 alive and dressed, also early R. 1. Home runs—Berger, Braves, 27 tor, "you brown them but never Motorcyole*—Blovole* ...... IX ried, and perhaps that’s the rea­ "Thtink m e?” said Drann. "You Wanted Auto*—Motorcycle* It Pullets. Allen, 37 Doans atreet. Pitching-CasUeman, Olante ll'-?. son for all the rush to close. bum them.” BmelacM mad Profeaaloiial Sowtoo* Telephone 8837. will repay me a hundredfold when Builneii Sorvlce* Offered II But I don’t mind, for I’ve made you have become a great star.” He Bouaehold Service* Offered more money here than I would reached out for the door of his After the baby haa had Its bath. Building—Contracting ... smom U have at Placid Beach. car. "I am late already at the It may be placed on a blanket or In FlorUta—Nuraoi'lee ...... l i WANTED— PETS— GOOD USED CARS "W hy shouldn’t I come to Hol­ the bed near an open window so Funeral Director* ...... SI studio— but I had to tell you In Beating—Plumbing—Roofing S7 POULTRY—STOCK 44 1935 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan, lywood. Jo? Remember the two person about this. And,” bis voice ^ t the sun will fall direcUy on Its Insuranco ...... SI built-in trunk, heater, 5100 ml lee. weeks we planned for Placid lowered, "one word of caution. It body. The eyes should be protected. Millinery—Dreaimaklng ....•••* It 1988 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan, Beach? Why couldn’t we spend Isn’t wise to say much about these At first an exposure of one min­ Moving—Trucking B.orago to WANTED TO BUY—Live poultry. them together in Hollywood? ute on the- chest and one minute on :,C) teee rr nka scrvicc. inc t. m. aca a a. fat. off. Public Paxaeoger Service rAaHCK.K-A new tires, heater, 21,800 miles. matters until the contract Is signed A. Gremmo, Telephone 3441. You see, I can’t believe you’ll the back is recommended; This Painting—Papering ...... 11 1080 Ford Sport Coupe, rumble and sealed.” He smiled confiden­ (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Profeaalona) Service* II seat. really go for Fragonet. And 1 tially. ‘"The jealousies of Holly­ time may be lengthened by one-half still love you, Jo. I suppose I Repairing ...... tl wood, you know!” minute for each side of the body The rhino-leopard ran real fast Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning 14 HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 1980 Ford Roadster, rumble seat. always will—Bret.” every other day. replied another Tlnymlte. "That’s Toilet Oooda and Service t l 1927 Bulrk Sedan ...... $40.00 and, as tee bunch saw it whiz why we’ll all stay on the ground. If tee sunbaths ore started In win­ Wanted—Busineae Se.'vlco •••.k.»s II WINDOW SHADES, high grade, 1928 Studebaker Sedan... .$40.00 Below his signature was a Jo nodded, watching the big road­ past, wee Coppy shouted, “Hey We’re pretty smart, you see. - a Jwh i m ST wto m. ssa u. i Educational tantene, Holland and duplex; put 1927 Whippet S ed an ...... $25.00 ster move away and Into the ter, tee exposure is made In a differ­ there. Dotty, hang on good and Courae* and Claaaea tl hasty postcript which made “Some folks will take chances SALESMAN SAM on your rollers 26 cents each, Jo smile. "When Drann was here traffic. For a moment or two she ent manner. First Just tee legs to tight. Private Instruction tl the knees are exposed for five min galore. I don’t know what they Sam KNOWS They Were ______B v S n v 'T Dancing ...... tl-A standard colors, sizes; fumlsk sam­ WILLIAMS he told me I ought to get some­ was rooted to the pavement, her “Be sure, now, to take lots of do It for. When there is any dan­ utes. Later tee thighs may be ex­ V a OlAWT MBTA 3 uf^f» UP AM' DOWM / R lC rH r ^ (S ^ g u Tivwsoi.i* « e o wiv/st Musical—Dramatic S> ples. Capitol Window Shade Co., 46 WAPPING DEALER thing In the studios in Hollywood.” mind tom with conflicting thoughts. pains to hang on to tee rhino’s ger, all I say Is, not for me!” Wanted—Inetruotlon ...... 10 Capen street, H.ntford. Tel. 6-7018. posed and still later the rest of the reins. If you can stick upon the OH TU'SPRlHcS-eOAaD SeVeiiAL /SAMI. HOP JC ^ess twey (oeRc~ f Rosedale 74-8 She found that postscript more It couldn’t be true—It couldn’t bo bpdy. FlaBBclal than amusing. It was so filled so easy.' Alid yet . . . Drann had beast’s back, you wlU be all T i m e s , 12.ZAT RK^HT, C44I C F ? T O IT I Bond*—Stock!—Mortgage* t l FOR SALE—GAS RANGE, good Sunlight which passes through or- right.” Soon Goldy shouted, "There’s a E i : : ... Bueinete Opportunities ...... II with masculine ego; and when com­ said it was true; he had ahown BOARD (VAS SPLIT! Money to Loan ...... II condition, price reasonable. Phone pared with the rest of the letter th6"^teat film to Boleson and the mnaiy window glass does not con- "Oh, I am having, heaps, of fun. sight that ought to fill us all with fright, but we know the oT Trainer Help and itltaatloi 3828. 25 Starkweather street. It was so irrelevantly concerned production chiefs, and they hadn’t teln tee beneficial ultraviolet rays Please try and make tee big beast Help Wanted—Female II with Bret Paul In HoUywood—and turned thumbs down. ’Therefore, In sunbathing the sun’s run a wee bit faster,” Dotty an- will not let us come to harm.” Help Wanted—Male ...... II FOR SALE-COM BINATION range UNDER not Jo "Darien. Slowly Jo read the Drann had said she should tell rays should reach tee child without Bwered. ”I am not afraid. “Why, It’s a camel,” Duncy cried. Salesmen Wanted ...... Il-A with oil burner, stand, two bottles Interference. "His back Is broad as It can "Between his humps I’d like to r i ( ^ Help Wanted—Male or Femalo.. IT NEW MANAGEMENT letter again, trying to determine no one. but Jo knew ahe should Agcn.a W anted';...... 11-A and drum. Excellent condition, 23 what there was about It that let LoUta into the secret. There be, and there 1s lots of room for And, look! It has a sheei hea Sltuattone Wanted—Female IS Middle Turnpike W. 26-32 Birch Street alienated her. ’The words were could be no possible harm In let­ me.” And teen she flopped up Wateh me stop It with my arm.’ Sttuatlone Wanted—Male .«•••• Il> 3 B oom s...... $20.00 Heated right, but something was gone— ting the actress know, and Jo felt high, juat as a sudden turn was He waved bis small arm in the' Employment Agencies ...... 40 FOR SALE—3 PIECE leather par­ 4 B oom s...... ^5.00 Heated something that should have been she owed It to Montez for oil her made. air and gave tee camel quite a Live Stock—Pete—PoaKry—Voklclea lor suite and roll top desk. James 5 R oom s...... $80.00 Heated WRESTLING Dogs— Birds—Peta ...... 41 there If he really loved her aa he kindness. Besides, there was the scare. Instead of stopping, though. ■Live Stock—Vehicles ...... 41 W. Foley, City Tuxl, Purnell Place. 1 S to re ...... $40.00 With Heat sold. "Why shouldn’t I come to possible chance Drann was not tell­ "Oh my, oh my, you nearly fell. It started racing Duncy’s way. Poultry and Supplies ...... 4)1 1 S tore...... $20.00 With Heat Hollywood, Jo? Remember the two ing the truth. Perhaps, Jo cau­ By A8S04IIATED PRESS Then came a prank that was FOR SALE— PIANO, radio, phono­ You’ve had enough, now. I can tell,” Wanted - Peta—Poultry—Stock 44 weeks we planned for Placid tioned herself, that was why he Long Branch’ N. J.—Joe Savoldl. said Duncy, with a grin. “I’ll have real neat. It butted Duncy off his For Bale— Mtecellaaeoae graph, dining table, sofa etc. Tele­ RELIABLE REALTY CO. Beach?’! There was something cold suggested secrecy. Three O&kf, Mich., defeated Fred feet. "My goodness,” shouted Goldy. Articles for Sale ...... 4i phone 3253. See Superintendent On Premises. the Trainer make him stop.” Boats and Acceasories ..•••••« 41 and calculating, something almost But before the morning was Iowa, two out of three The old man did, and Dotty cried, "That beast’s real rough In its 126 Temple Street Tel. 7-5110 repulsive to Jo in those two short much older Jo received a telephone play.” Building Uateriala ...... 47 Call tor Information "That really was a thrilling ride. Diamonds—Watches—Jowalry •« 4t questions. call from the Atlas atudio. A wom­ Detroit—OrvlUe Brown. Wallace I’ll bet, if someone else tried It, he’d Electrical Appliances—Radio *.« 41 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 At 7:80 P. 5L But she put the letter carefully an’s voice, carefully modulated, Kas., defeated Roland Klrghmler. take a sudden flop.” (The 'Hnies plan to leave Freak Fuel and Feed ...... 49*A Into the top drawer of the bureau, Stillwater, Okla., 1 fall. Garden — Farm—Dairy ProduoU 10 FOR RENT—ROOMS furnished or said, “This is Mr. Boleson’s of- “Perhaps you’re absolutely right,” Forest In tbe next story). Houtahold Gouda 11 unfurnished, centrally located, weat Machinery and Tcola ....•••••• it Lif e'g Little Lesaons Musical Inatrumenta II of Main street, quiet neighborhood. I’jinli H' Office and Store Equipment 14 Write Box Z. Herald. A Beautiful Misunderstanding Sptelal* at the Stores ..r.II ALLEY OOP By HAMLIN ITS THE OLD STORY wearing Apparel—Fur* ...... 17 FURNISHED ROOM, breakfast If o r THE FATHER AND ~ Wanted—To Buy ...... i i ‘ MOO WITH NO P5CG HOLD ON HOW DO [ KNOW OH-THAT5 IT.' RB/ENGE. WHAT? TH" QUEEN? WHO DIDN'T UNOIRSTAND^ desired, convenient, central loca­ NOTHING Eaam* Beard—Hotele—Reaorta Fa r m v , m o d in o sa u r ™ \V THIS VACN OF VOURS AINT EH ? HMm -LISTEKJ, WELL.FEC-.'HMM m ! O O N T FiBU I EACH OTHER. AW WAS Reetaaraate tion, moderate price. Write ’Room’ , waL.VEH; P a n ic s t u n i3| TOOAV. BADLY, HEU BC TOO STERN A BATHER, Room* Without Board ..«..««••« M Herald Office. > NO NOTHIW’ -BO ^W IW ^ SOME KIND OF A TRICK? MUG. YOU'RE WHY, SURE -O K Ay//_ VOURE right; BUT ^THAT'LL BE HLO AND NOW THAT THE Boardus Want,^ ...... „....H.A ; A SET-UP FOC U S / I AINT AFTER MORE BARBARA. Country Board—B.aorta >0 IT AINT MUCH- YOU CAN HAVE .s w a L /' BOV HAS LEFT Hotala—Baatauranti *1 .SOUNC» TOO GOOD 'GOT NO GAME HOME____ NM WANTED—ROOMS— JH A M THAT/ THERE'S A U rrL E HER', x : Waatad—Boom.—Board tf W H A T NEVER WRITES BmU Batata r.r Bwt BOARD 62 TBE MOO^/lA^J QUEEN- TH' 'Apartm.uta, Flata T.n.m.nta^ M IS i r P MUG Bu.ln.ai Loeatloni (or R.nt ... 44 GENTLEMAN . WANTS small ilT - GET ME.? THA'S Boua.a (or Bant ...... 44 expensive room In private family, ALL I WANT MUST BE Suburban (or B.ut 44 with parking space. State price. PLUMB SuDim.r Homaa (or Rant ,.num 4T OUTA T H IS / ,'WaiiUd to Bant ...... 44 Reference exchanged. Box Y, CRAZY/ Baal Batata Far gala Herald. 'Apartmmt Building for Salt Buiiuaaa Proparty lor Sal. Parma and Lawd tor Sal# Boniaa (or Sal. APARTMENTS—FLATS— (or Sal# ...... TENEMENTS 63 R tM it Proparty (o r Bate ...... Suburbaa (or Salt ...... FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene- Baal Bttat. (or Bzoliassa ....« <4 ment, with all Improvements. In­ woBUd—Rtal Ea'at...... « „H**’4<**‘" quire 64 Oxford street, or telephone