«kGB rOURTBBlf llItmr^VBtMr Ettraing l^rrald !WTOWBBUA T , AtrOCffT XU IflUK enough, but in the evening there Is in the various playground activities. summer dayrs, and the children who AVERAGE OAO,T OVCUIATIOM not room to park and the officers The swimming pool la the favorite have learnt to swim recently are for tiM Month o f doly, 1985 ABOUT TOWN EXTRA PARKING of the Improvement Association feel ANNUAL PET SHOW spot on the playgrounds these hot enj03dng the sport and keeping cool. We Give that more apace should be provided. Green Trading They will recommend to the meet­ T h i ■ flj* annual outing of the Waah- JWIUU c a 5 , 4 6 8 SPACE DESIRED ing Friday night that the curbing on TOMORROW NIGHT Stamps. Member of the Audit lagton Social club will be held at the west end of the park be moved Oaano'a cottage, Bolton Lake, Sat­ Bureau of Orcnlatiena IManrlyuatPr S to a point further to the^ east and urday, Aug, 24, It wae announced additional space provided by the DRUG tnday. All membere of the club who change. With the Improvement A s­ Entries Indicate Mnch En­ B w J W H A L E C e h',.ve not notified the committee Depot Square Business Men sociation backlog the plan they will wMANTHFSTFPi^ONN.-- DEPT. VOL. LIV., NO. 276. (Cfiaaalfied Advertlaing on Page 10.)^ ebould do DO by Thursday evening at go before the Selectmen and-a town MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 22. 1935 (TWELVE PAGES) the latest. Supper will be served at Want Additional Room In meeting, asking that this be done by the lake cottage at 6 o’clock. the town. Wan’t Women’s Opinion Specials For Thursday Uembera of Washington Social That Vicinity. The women of the north end are in Different Exhibits. ACTIVITY SPEEDS UP ON “AFRICAN FRONT” (dub will meet at the club at 6:45 p. REDUCE TAXES STATE WITHOUT asked to attend the meeting on Fri­ m. tonight to go to the home of day and voice their opinion as to the Brother Joseph Muldoon to pay their 25c Ex Lax 1 7 c Shelters Rise For Legions The question of providing extra need of gates to protect the Oak­ ’The annual pet show will take Letters Home BRITAIN STANDS FIRM respects. land street crossing. The mothers TO BRWG BACK POTENT SERUM parking space In the vicinity of De­ place tomorrow morning at 10 of children attending school who pot Square will be considered at o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. play­ 50c Williams’ Shaving Cream 3 4 c Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barrow of find It necessary to use the crossing Philadelphia are visiting Mr. Bar- the meeting of the Manchester Im­ to and from school are asked to be grounds. There is a great deal of B E H ^ T M E S F O R P m Y S I S row’s sister, Mrs. E. S. Maling of provement Association to be held at present at the meeting when the enthusiasm In the exhibit this year, 75c Alophen Pills 4 5 c Locust street. the Whlton Memorial assembly hall question of a flash light Instead of and judging from entries already In, FOR ACTION BY LEAGUE Friday evening. men being employed to protect the all kinds of pets will be brought to Mr. and Mrs. G. Albert Pearson of crossing will be advocated by a rep­ 50c Ipana Toothpaste 34c Extra Special Cut Dowd Building Co$ts and That of 1931 Not Effective; Maple street are spending this week Needed At Night the show. Karl Keller and Mark resentative of the New York, New Holmes will assist the recreational at Lake Wlckabog, West Brookfield, Business men In the vicinity of Haven and Hartford railroad. Cabinet in Emergency Se^ Mass. the square' have for some time director, David Hamilton In judging, 50c Perstop 1 3 5 c Purchase Prosperity Will Take Care Most Serious Outbreak claimed that there was need of ad­ Figures are being compiled to and prises Will bo offered for the Accidental Shooting Anthony Salvatore of 90 Walnut ditional parking space during the show bow many are now using the prettiest, the largest, the smallest (2 0 0 sheets) sion Decides to Work for street, Fanny Puluzrl of 46 Blssell evening and at the meeting Friday crossing, both as to automobiles and and the most unusual pet. Kleenex 2 pk^s- 2 5 c 54” ALL WOOL of Itself, Declares John !^ c e That of Four Years street and Frank Allen of Glaston­ night there will be discussed a plan those on fo o t These will be given The girls are making very hand­ bury have been admitted to the which would provide for this. The to the meeting Friday night. There some articles In waffle weaving J. Raskob. Ago; Only Two Deaths. O f Italian Consul Economic and Financial Maples hospital on Oak street. plan now under consideration would Is also an estimate being secured of Which Is having a revival just now, 50c Mennen’s Baby Oil 3 5 c have the west section of the west the number of children living In and the boys are turning out useful Moves Against Aggressor Edwin Anderson and Richard grass plot cut down to give addi­ the vicinity who use the crossing. and good looking leather belts, all of JERSEYS Rubbing Alcohol 2 for 2 5 c New York, Aug. 22.—(AP) Hartford, Aug. 22.— (A P )—With Berggren were elected delegates to tional apace on the driveway along which will be exhibited later on. Causes Excitement the 39tb annual convention of the Depot Square. This Is land owned Rehearsals are progressing satis­ Regular $1.49 to $1.95 yd. , Slice the surplus fat off building the serum used in the 1931 epidemic in Dispute Between Italy K utford District Luther League, to by the New York, New Haven and Nathan Hale Lodge, L. O. Y. A., factorily for the tercentenary cos­ Costs and taxes, ar.d prosperity will abandoned ns ineffective, state (md tume, decorated doll carriages and be held at Bristol ano Forestville, Hartford railroad. The two grass No. 6, will hold a special meeting In •Novelty Knits take care of Itself, in the belief of local health'authorities are keeping Addis Ababa, Aug. 22.— (AP)y,— . said they were hopeful of his recov- and Ethiopia. August 31. September 1 and 3, at a plots when laid out gave ample Orange hall at 6 o'clock this eve­ floats will get under way at six See Our Market Advt on Page 3 John J. Raskob. a watchful eye on Connecticut’s Baron Muzzl Falconl. on Italian con­ ’ cry. meeting of the Luther League of the space to drive around, but that was ning to make arrangements for the olclock. That evening also will •Rabbit’s Hair That was the aubstance o f the most serious outbreak of infantile sul waa in a hospital today suffering The accident caused excitement in Emanuel Lutheran church last before the automobile age. During funeral of their deceased brother mark the distribution of prizes to economic prescription offered today paralysis since that of four years with two bullet wounds and Ethio­ Addis Ababa in view of the. strained night. Following the business ses­ the day there Is parking apace Joseph Muldoon, Jr. boys and girls who have won honors •Matelasse Knit In bis first interview on business ago. pian authorities alleged the man shot situation between Italy and Ethi­ London, Aug. 22.— (A P )— Th a himself while on a hunting trip. opia. sion, ice cream and cookies were Yard matters in many months. Though there are more cases now British Cabinet decided today in an served. John Johnson was In charge •Plain Jerseys The bright-eyed, slender, quiet lit than the totals for each o f the last The alleged accident occurred last The Ethiopian government issued emergency meeting, to take a strong of devotlonala before the meeting. tie man who resigned the cbalrman- Tuesday and the wounded man was an official communique which three years there is no cause for stand in the League of Nations for abip of the finance committee of undue alarm, said Dr. Millard brought to the Italian hospital here stated; For aports lulta, dresxee, akirta in light weight weavea. m today. "On Tuesday, Baron Muiri Fal­ economic and financial actibn Mrs. Annie Gordon o f Orchard an General Motors Corp., to head the Knowlton, director of the state street will leave tomorrow for Old new Fall colora. Patterns and colorings suitable for chil­ Accompanied by his wife (whom con!, an Italian consul, left Addis dren's wear. These are all exceptional values. Regular 81.46 to Democratic National committee dur­ bureau of preventable diseases. He against the aiggressor in tha dispute Orchard, Maine, to join her daugh­ London reported to be the daughter Ababa to rejoin hla post at Debre Thursday, Friday and^ Saturday 81.95 values. 54 inches wide. ing the' 1928 presidential campaign expressed the belief Connecticut is between Italy and Ethiopia If such ter, Miss Esther Gordon, who lb at Bees no reason why the wheels of a long way from another epidemic. o f the British minister to Ethiopia) Martos. During hla journey he left octlon Is found necessary. the consul was on his way by cara­ his caravan for a short time to go the Salvation Army campgrounds. DOMES'nOS—Main Floor, heavy Industry could uot be made to Di. Knowlton said he can’t deter­ The Cabinet decided to make n s^ van to his post at Debra Marcos In hunting.
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