Parish Office:  4193811540 Deacon Joel F. Junga        4193562517 Fax:  4193812727 [email protected]  Parish School:  4193811775  Parish School Fax:  4193891161 Deacon David J. Karpanty     4193857227 Rectory:  4193812533 [email protected] Holy Family Center (Large Room):       4193891182  Website: www.toledostpats.org Deacon Joseph H. Kest       4198931244  [email protected] LdžǂDždžǓǔljNJǑ Tdžǂǎ  Reverend Mark Davis, Pastor Deacon Dennis Rife        4194910717 [email protected],  ext. 122 [email protected]  Father David Tscherne, Associate Pastor: [email protected],         ext. 123  V1:`R.1] Q` `V:%`V  %JR:75 :75 Mrs. Lydia Ellinwood CPA, Comptroller     ext. 124 JC1JVRQJ: 1QJ H:JGVI:RV .`Q%$.Q%`1VG 1 V7 [email protected]  . ]7LL1118 QCVRQ ]: 8Q`$LRQJ: V Mr. Ricky Cicco, Director of Music and Liturgy  [email protected],          4193817251 : VV@RVV@ $ 5 8  Mrs. Rebecca Reamer, Religious Education, [email protected],        ext. 141 JC1JV%:1CVR1J&101J$ $5 8   *Q :C .1 1VV@ $ 5 8  Mr. John Trabbic, Director of Young Adult Evangelization    VV@C7,%R$V $5 8 [email protected] ext.125  *.1 1VV@^ .Q` _LQ0V` ^$5 8_ Mr. Ryan Adamson, Director of Youth Faith Formation  4194076729  V:`R QRR: V $ 5 8 [email protected]      ,%R$V VRR QRR: V $ 58  ,%R$V ^ .Q` _LQ0V` ^$58 _ Mrs. Tina Abel, School Principal    [email protected]    4193811775, ext. 133  .V`QCCVH 1QJ  %:1J VJ:JHV $ 8 Mrs. Jane Nevers, School Vice Principal 4193811775,ext. 132 [email protected] 1: .QC1H2QIV%1 1QJ $8  Ms. Mary Miller, Parish Secretary      4193811540 [email protected]  V1:`R.1] Q` `V:%`V  %JR:75 %JV 5 Mrs. Debra Guhl, Bookkeeper ext. 126 JC1JVRQJ: 1QJ H:JGVI:RV .`Q%$.Q%`1VG 1 V7 [email protected] . ]7LL1118 QCVRQ ]: 8Q`$LRQJ: V  Mr. Jason Albright, Maintenance Director    4193811540  : VV@RVV@ $5 8 Greg Roszczipka, Pastoral Council       4193819425 ":75$%& $5  8  ): V` $ 8 Mr. Grant Rayfield, School Council       4193829364 JC1JV":1CVR1J,101J$ $5 8   Mrs. Kati Clark, CoAthletic Director      4193457690  .Q :C .1 1VV@ $58 Mr. Brad Cox, CoAthletic Director       4193447318  VV@C7/%R$V $5 8 [email protected] ..1 1VV@^ .Q` _LQ0V` $5 8  Christina Thomas , PSO Director        4193519246   [email protected] V:`R QRR: V $ 5 8 /%R$V VRR QRR: V $55 8 /%R$V ^ .Q` _LQ0V` ^$ 5 8 _

OFFICE HOURS  .V`QCCVH 1QJ  ":1J VJ:JHV $8 Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. to Noon %: .QC1H&QIV"1 1QJ $8 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 5V V` 5VJHV $8 

Our Pastor Fr. Mark Davis

Dear Friends, Happy June!!! I know that summer does not officially start until June 20th or so, but it always seems to be summer after the last day of school. I was so great to have more people back to church last week and to be able to see at least some people’s faces. Thanks so much for all of your cooperation with our new seating plan. Overall, we thought it worked well having the Mary (left) side of the church still distancing and masking while the Joseph (right) side of the church was open. It was also a great blessing to see my very first SPH theater Production: Into the Woods Junior at the Maumee Indoor Theater last Sunday. Congratulations to Mrs. Brenda Rayfield and all of the cast and crew. It was a very entertaining and enjoyable performance. Thanks to all who came, donated and supported the show. I think that all of us who attended were not only entertained but could tell how well the students did and how much this experience taught and formed them. I am looking forward to next year’s play already. This past Tuesday June 8th, I celebrated the 25th anniversary of my ordination to priesthood in the of Toledo. It is so hard to believe that it has been 25 years! Wow, the time has flown so quickly. I was ordained on that day by Bishop Hoffman with five other men. We are all still in our diocese. My classmates are Fr. Keith Stripe (St. Ignatius, Oregon), Fr. Bill Rose (Christ the King, Toledo), Fr. Ron Schock (St Joseph, Monroeville), Fr. Tom McQuillen (St. Aloysius, Bowling green), and Fr. Pat Rowan (retired Mili- tary Chaplain). On behalf of my class, thank you for all of the prayers, love, and support that you have given to us and all priests in our diocese. You truly are the Body of Christ and give back to us much more than we ever can give to all of you in our service to the Church. I hope that you can join me in a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday July 11th at the 11:30 Mass. Following Mass, please join us for our parish picnic. It will be a great way to celebrate, not just my anniversary, but our ability to gather more freely and be together. We are long past due for a good party! Peace and Prayers, Fr. Mark

The St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, along with our community partner, Meijer, is asking for your help. It's Dale N. Barber easy to do. Beverly Jean Hamilton  Philip G. Neitzel Visit the Maumee Meijer store and purchase a $10 pantry card Catherine Anne Sisco (located at the checkouts). Meijer will match it! Your $10 card is Anthony "Tony" Zajac worth $20. But next Saturday, June 19, it is Meijer Double Day with every $10 card worth $30 to our pantry. We use these cards to purchase fresh food items like milk, eggs, lunch meat, and fruit and vegetables for ourneighbors who are hungry. St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Pat’s invites com-  munity members who would like more information on These pantry cards will be on sale through becoming a Vincentian to an informational meeting July 3 and thank you in advance for your and pantry tour on Monday June 14 at 7:30 pm in support to the Meijer Simply Give the large room of the Holy Family Center. Please call Chris at Program. 419381 9835 formore information. 

         Goal    $65,920.00            Amount  $61,141.84 Dale Byerly            Percentage 92.75 %   Number of donors 378  ($4,778.16 to go!)  11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

MASS SCHEDULE Happening this Week

MONDAY, JUNE 14 MONDAY 7: 00 a.m.     For All Parishioners 7:00 p.m.       STVdeP        Large Rm./HFC    8:45 a.m.     Deceased Lenkay Family  TUESDAY    7:00 p.m.       Boy Scouts      Cafeteria TUESDAY, JUNE 15  7:00 a.m.     Anita and James Leahey WEDNESDAY   8:45 a.m.     Jose and Pauline Rojasf Family       THURSDAY          WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 FRIDAY 7:00 a.m.     Todd Anthony Langel 8:00 p.m.         Lock In      Large Room    SATURDAY 8:45 a.m.     Louise B. McCarry 3:00 p.m.       Reconciliation     Church           THURSDAY, JUNE 17 SUNDAY 7:00 a.m.     Robert Thomas (Anniversary)           8:45 a.m.     Martha Jablonski (Anniversary) Lowgluten hosts are available for those in need.  Please let an usher or a deacon Mass Coordinator FRIDAY, JUNE 18 know before Mass begins. 7:00 a.m.     Charles and Katherine Cronin          8:45 a.m. Sharon Thompson   St. Vincent de Paul Help Line 4193819835 SATURDAY, JUNE 19 4:30 p.m.      Benny Wodarski  Dick Mahoney         SUNDAY, JUNE 20 7:30 a.m.      Trabbic and King Families  Max Veitch         9:30 a.m.      Richard Topping  Donald Speweik  11:30 a.m. Mary Puglisi  Charles and Mary Mouch    5:00 p.m.      Jerry and Carol Harms      Phil Baranski

Volunteers are needed  The White Elephant is looking for Volunteers to pick up donated items and bring them back to the church. If you are interested in volunteering for this or doing anything else for the White Elephant, please call Bernie Murnen at 4192609436.

AǓdž ǚǐǖ NJǏ ǏdždžDž ǐLJ PǓǂǚdžǓǔ?  Our St. Pats Prayer Chain may be able to assist you. If you would like to have prayers sent to Jesus for you or a loved one, please send an email to:Bob Winterhalter: [email protected]or  call the Church Office: 4193811540. 

 St. Patrick of Heatherdowns Parishioner Awards  Several members of the Central Catholic High READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 13, 2021 School Class of 2021, who are parishioners of St.  Patrick of Heatherdowns Parish, were recently Sunday:   Ez 17:2224/Ps 92:23, 1314, 1516 [cf. 2a] recognized at the senior honors assembly:       2 Cor 5:610/Mk 4:2634    Kevin Bishop received the Revs. Robert and Martin Donnelly Monday: 2 Cor 6:110/Ps 98:1, 2b, 3ab, 3cd4 [2a]/Mt 5:3842 Christian Discipleship Award, which is named in honor of Central  Catholic Alumni, the Very Reverend Robert Donnelly (class of Tuesday:2 Cor 8:19/Ps 146:2, 56ab, 6c7, 89a [1b]/Mt 5:4348 1949) and his brother, Martin Donnelly (class of  1956). Following their Christian formation at Central Catholic, Wednesday:  2 Cor 9:611/Ps 112:1bc2, 34, 9 [1b] both were ordained priests for the Diocese of Toledo, with Robert         Mt 6:16, 1618 later being ordained a Bishop. This award is presented to students  who exemplify the life of a Disciple of Jesus Christ  seeking to Thursday:  2 Cor 11:111/Ps 111:1b2, 34, 78 [7a]/Mt 6:715 know, love, and serve God and our neighbor.   Friday:   2 Cor 11:18, 2130/Ps 34:23, 45, 67 [cf. 18b] Kevin was also recognized as having submitted on record the        Mt 6:1923 most hours of service of anyone in the Class of 2021 during his  four years at Central Catholic  195.35. Saturday:  2 Cor 12:110/Ps 34:89, 1011, 1213 [9a]         Mt 6:2434 Kevin earned the OHSAA Scholar Athlete Award, which recog-  nizes the senior boy and girl with the highest grade point average Next Sunday: Jb 38:1, 811 Ps 107:2324, 2526, 2829, 3031 who have received a minimum of four varsity letters in all sports         [1b]/2 Cor 5:1417/Mk 4  combined.  Kevin also received the Exchange Club of Toledo’s Youth of the Year Award, recognizing hardworking high school students who attain high levels of scholastic achievement, community involve- ment, and leadership. Kevin will now advance to district competi- tion and have an opportunity to vie for the prestigious National BAPTISM SCHEDULE Youth of the Year Award. June 20, 2021, July 18, 2021, August 15, 2021, and   September 19, 2021 Liam Brown received the Bishop’s Cross, which is the highest  honor bestowed upon any graduate of a Catholic High School in BAPTISM CLASS SCHEDULE the Diocese of Toledo. The award dates back to the year 1873, July 11, 2021, September 12, 2021 and November 14, 2021 and it is given to one boy and one girl from the graduating  class. Students who receive the Bishop’s Cross are Catholic stu- For more information, please contact Deacon Dave Karpanty dents who clearly strive to love God with all their heart, soul, 4193857227 or[email protected] mind and strength. They manifest an active life of Christian char- ity in the way they relate to and serve their neighbor. Liam will attend Frnciscan University to study theology and catechetics.   PRAYER DURING  Allison Montanaro was the Heritage Speaker at the graduation CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC  ceremony, which means she finished third academically in the O clement, O loving, O sweet Mother Mary, class. Allison will attend Bowling Green State University. We, your children of every nation,  Turn to you in this pandemic. Jacob Peters received the Reverend James E. Steinle Senior Our troubles are numerous; our fears  are great. Leadership Award, which is given in honor of a former principal Grant that we might deposit them at your feet, of Central Catholic. This award recognizes seniors who have Take refuge in your Immaculate Heart, demonstrated strong qualities of leadership and service without And obtain peace, healing, rescue, receiving formal recognition. The recipient of this award is a And timely help in all our needs. leader without necessarily holding an office of any kind. It is the You are our Mother. character and example of the individual that has earned them this  Pray for us to your Son.  honor. Amen.  Jacob was also recognized as having submitted on record the sec- ond most hours of service of anyone in the Class of 2021 during his four years at Central Catholic  181.75 hours.   11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME


Notice: Sunday Preschool and Children’s Liturgy of the Word are suspended until further notice.  FAMILY FAITH FORMATION (Wed., SeptMay; K6; catechism for parish students enrolled in pub- lic school; 6:157:30): FFF students are eligible to  participate in parish sports programs. Contact the Athletic Board (number on front page of bulletin) for information about the current sport season. A Homeschooling option is also available if there is a temporary sport conflict or health issue. The registration form and more information are available on the website and in the parish office.  THE PROGRAM IS IN NEED OF TWO CATECHISTS.   SUNDAY PRESCHOOL (9:30 Mass; Sept.May; ages 3 1/2 5 and potty trained): We use the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd model (www.cgusa.org).  RCIA for CHILDREN: If your child(ren) need to “catch up” on Sacraments, please contact me. Also, if you think you would like to help prepare children Sacraments, contact me. It is not a big time commitment and might give you further insight into your own faith.  CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD (9:30 Mass; K4; SeptMay): Being a catechist for this is a GREAT way to be in- volved in the spiritual development of your child; PREP IS EASY. Dismissal is from the church during the 9:30 Mass.  (All catechist positionsFFF, preschool, CLW require a back- ground check, and completion of an online Protecting Youth course. See Mary in the parish office for details.)  FIRST EUCHARIST: TBD.  Confirmation: Confirmation 2022 will be on Wednesday April 27th; 7pm at Rosary . Confirmation at St. Patrick’s is conferred in the spring of the 8th grade year at the earliest, but older students are welcome. Mandatory preparation is in the preceding fall and winter months. Contact me in September for more information.  If your child is brand new to religious formation or has been away for more than 2 years and you are seeking preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation, a foundational year of religious education is required before Sacramental prep will begin.

New SPH Ministry Opportunity  Do you love being outside, taking care of the environment and are neat and tidy?  If so, then we have a ministry for YOU! We are looking for a person or two to coordinate a crew to keep the SPH grounds free of trash. With the south Toledo winds, the perimeter fencing is like a sieve! Please contact Rebecca Reamer at 4193810240 to get involved. 

POPE FRANCIS PRAYER INTENTION FOR JUNE  Tljdž BdžǂǖǕǚ ǐLJ MǂǓǓNJǂLjdž Let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage  with the support of a Christian community: may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness and patience. 

Bulletin Announcement from the Diocese   THEME: PARADE AROUND OUR FATHER (CIRCUS) Each year, the Diocese of Toledo is required to undergo an audit to ensure that it is incompliance with the articles of the United Grades K through 6 States Conference of Catholic BishopsCharterfor the Protection of Children and Young People.Bishop Daniel Thomas is pleased th th th th July 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 toannounce that the Diocese was found to be in full compliance with the requirements in theCharterfollowingtheauditfor  6R8pm. fiscalyear 20192020.   The Diocese of Toledo remains committed to ensuring the St. Patrick of Heatherdowns Holy Family Center protection of children and providing a safe environment for all  young people.If you have any knowledge of abusethat has been committed by a cleric or by any personnel of the , Contact Rebecca Reamer you areurged to report the abuse to your local police department, at 4193810240; Children Services, and tocontact the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (419) 2144880; or to write to [email protected] the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at 1933 SpielbuschAvenue; Toledo, Ohio43604. 

 CENTRAL CATHOLIC offers athletic summer camps for seven different sports serving students from PreK through incoming 9th graders.Prices range from $20 to $50.Camps take place at Central Catholic High School from June 8 through July An Adult Education  15.  Opportunity To learn more and register for the camps, please visit this link: https://www.centralcatholic.org/athleticssummercamps/summer camps.  Contact Greg Dempsey at [email protected] or call 4192552280 for more information.


SEPARTED SUPPORT GROUP  We are continuing to meet on the firstandthird Thursdays of eve- ry month in the Community Room at St. Joan of Arc from 7 to 9 pm. We require masksandthere is plenty of room for social dis- tancing. Once the new Covid policy goes into effect, we will fol- low the new guidelines. We welcome new members in their time of need. We wish to give otherssupportandhope through sharing our own agonies and experiences. Our group meets year roundandwe use the Catholic Divorce Survival Guide Program, To Access formed.org: Simply go to our web page and click on however you do not have to be Catholic to join us. Those of us the link for formed.org at the bottom of our page. Once there who have gone through a divorce or separation can understand as click on “sign in” as a returning viewer. If it is your first time perhaps few others can. Our primary purpose is to help click on “sign up.” Note: data rates may apply from your in- ourselvesandothers to regain peaceandspirituality. If you have ternet carrier. This applies to internet use on your phone or any questions, please call Vicki Sweeney at 4198650085. home computer.  11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

St. Pat’s Contemplative Prayer Group Upcoming Event M June 16th       St. Patrick of Heatherdowns Council #14155    Congratulations to Bill Saba on being elected Grand Knight of  St. Pat’s Council 14155. He and the other new officers will  assume their duties at the next Council Meeting on July 12. Fr. Mark will be leading a Contemplative Prayer/Praying in Thanks to Ray & Donna Darr, Jim & Jean Spencer, Doug Silence evening via Zoom on Wednesday June 16 at 7 p.m. Siebenaler, & John Eckhart who placed approximately 400  flags on graves of veterans at Calvary Cemetery on May 29. During the meetings those attending have a chance to pray Many of the stones were overgrown with grass which made it together, share what the prayer experience meant to them and difficult to read and find the names. learn more about the prayer . All members of the parish are invited to take part. Any sharing during the evening is completely You too can have an “Experience of a Lifetime.” Do you want optional. to become a part of an organization that promotes Faith,  Family, and Fraternity? Maybe you should consider joining the If you have any questions about contemplative prayer or the Council here at St. Pat’s! 4 MORES: MORE Knights bring evening, or if you would like to attend the evening, send an email MORE hands & hearts, to raise MORE funds and to to [email protected] with the subject line of evangelize, doing GOD's good works helping MORE people in Contemplative Prayer. We will do our best to answer your need! Both Fr. Mark & Fr. Dave are members. How about questions. Those who wish to attend the evening will be sent a you? link to the Zoom meeting as well as links to the November and February presentations in case they would like to view/review Log onto these websites to find out more about the Knights these before June 16th. of Columbus. WWW.KOFC.ORG or  WWW.KOFCOHIO.ORG Mt. 6:6 “If you want to pray, enter your inner room, close  the door, and pray to your Father in secret, and your Father Pick up a copy of our monthly newsletter, The Knightly News, who sees in secret will reward you.” in the narthex or view it on the Parish website. For further in- formation contact GK Bob Schuster at 4193829140 M bobby- shoe2@buckeyeaccess.com or PGK Ray Darr at 419382 0054 M [email protected].

FEED YOUR NEIGHBOR  Due to a very successful food drive in March, our pantry is very full. We will not have another Feed Your Neighbor drive until July 10. We thank each of you for your love and concern of the poor. May God bless each of you for your generosity. 

Follow us on Social Media

  Amazon Smile Do you purchase from Amazon? If so, have you signed up for Amazon Smile? Amazon gives back to non profits. We are one!! Before you place your next order, visit Amazon Smile and choose St. Patrick of Heatherdowns! Remember to always go through Amazon Smile when you log in to your Amazon account and we will get the donation from Amazon. Every little bit helps to keep St. Pat's moving forward.   11TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Visit with our JOE GANZEL PRENEED SPECIALISTS It makes sense for you and your loved ones PLUMBING, INC. 1010 Rall Road • Toledo, OH 419-865-6512 419-874-4331 Paul Ganzel, Master Plumber www.perrysburgautomall.com Maison-Dardenne Luke Ganzel, Master Plumber Rich Cronin, Owner www.ganzelplumbing.com D&R POOL 419.893.7686 L L 501 Conant St. • Maumee, OH 43537 C SALES www.walkerfuneralhomes.com 5016 Airport Hwy., Toledo, OH 419.382.3151 www.dandrpoolsales.com Fine Steaks & Seafood — Lunch & Dinner Specials — 217 S. Reynolds Rd. 419-536-2883 419-841-5017 • [email protected]

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Mechanical Services inc Quality is #1, Always service inc. NAMHOENTERPRISES LLC 24 Hour Towing Service We Love To Paint HVAC/R Industrial/Commercial 419-478-0581 419.482.8207 419-872-6000 •www.JLmech.com Complete Auto Repairing RUG & FURNITURE CLEANERS - 5055 DORR STREET - www.namhoenterprises.com PROUD TO SUPPORT ST. PATS 5240 Lewis Ave,. Toledo 419.536.1342 419.536.0095 FREE ESTIMATES You’re Only a JEFF'S PROFESSIONAL GEO. F. Fuller & Sons Stranger Once! PAINTING with three locations residential • commercial & SON, INC. Insurance to serve you: interior • exterior PLUMBING • HEATING • COOLING One Family, One Business at a Time 105 S. 3rd St., Waterville 419-441-1081 aluminum siding • power washing 5660 Southwyck Blvd., Ste. 200A 4400 Heatherdowns, Toledo 419-381-1281 over 20 years experience Serving Northwest Ohio Since 1910 7436 W. Bancroft, Toledo 419-724-7981 call jeff putz 419-266-0931 419.382.1234 419-866-8796 www.ShawnsIrishTavern.com bonded & insured www.georgefpetersandson.com

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4448 Heatherdowns Blvd. Senior Living Community that Brings Lively l i v e music Activities and Comprehensive Care to All Residents 419-382-0615 5020 Ryan Rd., Toledo, OH 43614 sebastianositaliano.com 419-389-0800 • GlendaleAssistedLiving.com Dinner Hours: Tuesday-Saturday at 4:30pm

1770 South Reynolds Road Toledo, OH 43614 Joe Megan Coyle 419-865-1295 Coyle CoyleFuneralHome.com Matt Simon, Parishioner 4317 Heatherdowns Blvd. Uncompromising academic (NEAR EASTGATE) 419.891.9494 rigor and support. Students 419-389-8486 UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP 1302 Conant St. formed as Men for Others. ORDER ONLINE AT Maumee www.Vitos.com [email protected] Contact Admissions at Parishioner Owned mcclureinsurancegroup.com sjjtitans.org

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3453 Heathersdown Blvd. Golda Osei, Parishioner 419.382.3456 or 419.473.2805 [email protected] Visit us online at 567-742-7170 5660 Southwyck Blvd., Suite 200F, Toledo berstickerscottfuneralhome.com www.pristinecarehomehealth.com 3-D-4-3 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 14-1522