Page No.1 [NIT No.11/S.E.S.C.S.S. PWD OF 2020-2021] GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER SOUTHERN CIRCLE, SOCIAL SECTOR, PUBLIC WORKS DTE., 45, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, 5th Floor, Kolkata – 700013 Phone No. : (033) – 2236 0457 Fax No. : (033) – 2236 0457 e-mail:
[email protected] Memo No: 834 / S - 47, Date: 12.11.2020 NOTICE INVITING e – TENDER No.11/S.E.S.C.S.S.P.W.D OF 2020-21. WBPWD/SE/SC_SS/NIT11/2020-2021 The Superintending Engineer, Southern Circle, Social Sector, P. W. Dte. on behalf of the Governor of West Bengal invites e-Tender for the following work(s) Only from the intending contractors as detailed in the table below. [Collection (downloading) and Submission (uploading) of Tender can be made online through the website only]. Sl. Name of the Work Estimated Earnest Money Cost of Period of Name & address of the No. Amount (`) Tender Completion Concerned Division (`) documents (`) (Non- refundable) Repair, renovation and Executive Engineer, 01. upgradation work of Nalmuri 365 (three South 24 Parganas BPHC, South 24 Paraganas. 2,50,12,897.00 5,00,258.00 NIL hundred Division, Social Sector, RN 19001612, sixty five) P.W. Dte. 76, Sundari days. Mohan Avenue, Kolkata – Project ID: HF192019079S000 700014. 1. Intending Tenderer may download the tender document from the website directly with the help of Digital Signature Certificate . 2. As per P.W.D., W.B.'s Notification No. 199-CRC/2M-10/2012 dated 21.12.2012, the intending tenderer shall not have to pay the cost of tender documents for the purpose of participating in e-tendering, but, the successful tenderer will have to pay the cost of tender documents during execution of Formal Agreement.