EDITORS The Review of African Political Economy Jan Burgess, Ray Bush & Morris Szeftel (ROAPE) is published quarterly by Carfax Publishing Company for the ROAPE Inter- BOOK & FILM REVIEWS national editorial board. Now 28 years old, Carolyne Dennis, Roy Love, Tunde Zack- ROAPE is a fully refereed journal covering Williams all aspects of African political economy. ROAPE has always involved the readership in shaping the journal's coverage, welcom- EDITORIAL WORKING GROUP ing contributions from grassroots organisa- Chris Allen, Carolyn Baylies, Sarah Bracking, tions, women's organisations, trade unions Lynne Brydon, Janet Bujra, Jan Burgess, Ray and political groups. The journal is unique Bush, Reg Cline-Cole, Carolyne Dennis, in the comprehensiveness of its biblio- Graham Harrison, Julie Hearn, Shubi Ishemo, graphic referencing, information monitor- Roy Love, Giles Mohan, Colin Murray, Mike ing, statistical documentation and coverage Powell, Marcus Power, David Simon, Colin of work-in-progress. Its award-winning web Stoneman, Morris Szeftel, Tina Wallace, site at www.roape.org is a most useful tool Gavin Williams, A. B. Zack-Williams. for researchers and academics alike. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Editorial correspondence including Africa: Rok Ajulu (Grahamstown), Yusuf manuscriptions for submission, should Bangura (Zaria), Bill Freund (Durban), Jibril be sent to Jan Burgess, ROAPE Publications Ibrahim (Zaria), Amadina Lihamba (Dar es Ltd., Box 678, Sheffield SI 1BF, UK; tel: 44 + Salaam), Trevor Parfitt (Cairo), Lloyd (0)114 267-6880; fax: 44 + (0)114 267-6881; e- Sachikonye (Harare). mail:
[email protected] Canada: Jonathan Barker (Toronto), Bonnie Advertising: USA/Canada: The Campbell (Montreal), Piotr Dutkiewicz Advertising Manager, PCG, 875 (Carlton), Dixon Eyoh (Toronto), John Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 81, Cambridge Loxley(Winnipeg).