Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1998 No. 107 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, August 31, 1998, at 12 noon. House of Representatives MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1998 The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was in which the concurrence of the House MORNING HOUR DEBATES called to order by the Speaker pro tem- is requested, a bill of the House of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- pore (Mr. PETRI). following title: ant to the order of the House of Janu- f H.R. 3824. An act amending the Fastener ary 21, 1997, the Chair will now recog- Quality Act to exempt from its coverage cer- nize Members from lists submitted by DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO tain fasteners approved by the Federal Avia- the majority and minority leaders for TEMPORE tion Administration for use in aircraft. morning hour debates. The Chair will The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The message also announced that the alternate recognition between the par- fore the House the following commu- Senate had passed bills and joint reso- ties, with each party limited to 30 min- nication from the Speaker: lutions of the following titles in which utes, and each Member, except the ma- WASHINGTON, DC, concurrence of the House is requested: jority leader, the minority leader, or August 3, 1998. S. 1325. An act to authorize appropriations the minority whip, limited to 5 min- I hereby designate the Honorable THOMAS for the Technology Administration of the utes. E. PETRI to act as Speaker pro tempore on Department of Commerce for fiscal years The Chair recognizes the gentle- this day. 1998, 1999, and 2000, and for other purposes. woman from the District of Columbia NEWT GINGRICH, S. 1754. An act to amend the Public Health (Ms. NORTON) for 5 minutes. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Service Act to consolidate and reauthorize f health professions and minority and dis- f advantaged health education programs, and CONGRESSIONAL WOMEN'S CAU- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE for other purposes. CUS ``MAGNIFICENT 7'' LEGISLA- S. 1759. An act to grant a Federal charter A message from the Senate by Mr. TION Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- to the American GI Forum of the United nounced that the Senate had passed States. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I come without amendment bills of the House S. 1883. An act to direct the Secretary of this morning as the cochair of the Con- the Interior to convey the Marion National of the following titles: gressional Women's Caucus. There are Fish Hatchery and the Claude Harris Na- now 55 women in the House of Rep- H.R. 643. An act to designate the United tional Aquacultural Research Center to the resentatives, 55 women strong, a high States courthouse to be constructed at the State of Alabama, and for other purposes. corner of Superior and Huron Roads, in S. 2375. An act to amend the Securities Ex- point and a high number. Cleveland, Ohio, as the ``Carl B. Stokes change Act of 1934 and the Foreign Corrupt For 21 years there has been a Con- United States Courthouse''. Practices Act of 1977, to strengthen prohibi- gressional Women's Caucus. That cau- H.R. 3504. An act to amend the John F. tions on international bribery and other cor- cus has been responsible for the lead of Kennedy Center Act to authorize appropria- rupt practices, and for other purposes. much of the most important family tions for the John F. Kennedy Center for the S.J. Res. 35. Joint resolution granting the legislation to pass this House, from the Performing Arts and to further define the consent of Congress to the Pacific Northwest Family Medical Leave Act to the Preg- criteria for capital repair and operation and Emergency Management Arrangement. nancy Discrimination Act and the Vio- maintenance. S.J. Res. 51. Joint resolution granting the H.R. 4237. An act to amend the District of lence Against Women Act. consent of Congress to the Potomac High- We have normally had a very long Columbia Convention Center and Sports lands Airport Authority Compact entered Arena Authorization Act of 1995 to revise the into between the States of Maryland and legislative agenda with every woman revenues and activities covered under such West Virginia. Member putting her piece of legislation act, and for other purposes. S.J. Res. 54. Joint resolution finding the in and the caucus embracing all of that The message also announced that the Government of Iraq in unacceptable and ma- legislation. This year, we have decided Senate had passed with an amendment terial breach of its international obligations. on a more focused approach. With 55 b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typefaceindicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member ofthe House on the floor. H6881 . H6882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE August 3, 1998 women in the Congress, we think there These are the 7 priorities of the practicing their religious beliefs. As a should be a number of bills that simply Women's Caucus, which for 21 years man of strong religious convictions, I must pass. We have designated 7 must- has led this Congress, and which this find this appalling. However, the Chi- pass pieces of legislation, and we call year asked the Congress, the House and nese government does not even stop them the ``Magnificent 7.'' They have the Senate, to focus on 7 pieces of leg- there. It maintains a policy of forced been chosen because they are easily islation which would allow every Mem- abortion and sterilization. Not only consensus pieces of legislation, even ber, male or female, to go back and does it silence its citizens, it silences easy pieces of legislation to pass. We say, I have done something for women innocent life. are seeing both leaders; we have al- and children; I have done more than In the last 50 years alone, 10 times ready seen the gentleman from Mis- talk about families. I have helped pass the number of people killed during the souri (Mr. GEPHARDT), and this week vital pieces of legislation. Holocaust have been killed in China. we will be seeing the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, we can do it if we focus Let me repeat that, Mr. Speaker. Ten Georgia (Mr. GINGRICH). on the Magnificent 7. We can do it be- times the number of people killed dur- The focused approach the Women's cause these bills have been chosen pre- ing the Holocaust have been killed in Caucus has adopted this year is already cisely because this is the kind of legis- China since 1949. paying off. We have seen pass this lation, bipartisan in its very genesis, Mr. Speaker, does Congress need any House some provisions of the Violence bipartisan in the way it is designed to more evidence to realize that we can- Against Women Act and the reauthor- embrace us all and to have us embrace not trust the Chinese government? ization of that act was one of the these pieces of legislation. The United States has tried to build ``Magnificent 7.'' There are other provi- a relationship with China, but to no f sions of the act due to come forward, avail. We give China an inch, and China we think, with the bill of the Sub- SECURITY OF AMERICAN PEOPLE takes a mile. In 1995 we extended Most committee on Commerce, Justice, IS TOO IMPORTANT TO RISK Favored Nation status to China if it State, The Judiciary, and Related CONTINUED ENGAGEMENT WITH would agree to stop its abusive human Agencies of the Committee on Appro- CHINA rights practices and stop exporting nu- priations. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under clear weapons. China failed on the first We have seen another of our prior- the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- account, Mr. Speaker, and it failed on ities pass the House and the Senate, uary 21, 1997, the gentleman from the second account as well. which is contraceptive coverage for In January of this year, President North Carolina (Mr. JONES) is recog- Federal employees, so that women who nized during morning hour debates for Clinton told this Congress that China are Federal employees have choices of 5 minutes. had assured him it was not participat- contraception. This is very important Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, the Penta- ing in the sale of nuclear technology. for women's health, since some forms gon is considering a plan for our elite Less than a month later, China was of contraception do not work for some Special Forces to train Chinese PLA found planning to sell chemical weap- women; others are dangerous to the troops. Recently the House debated a onry to Iran. In fact, just last year, the health of some women. resolution to express the dissent of this CIA reported that in 1996, China was The Mammography Standards Act is Congress to extend normal trading, or the greatest supplier of weapons-of- a priority we would like to see pass formally known as Most Favored Na- mass-destruction related goods and this week. This is another easy piece of tion status to the People's Republic of technology to foreign countries. Not legislation. It is a reauthorization of a only has China failed to comply with bill that would set standards so that China.
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