Black Metal Soul Music 183
Studies in Popular Music \r,r ir,,, I rlilors: Alyn lilriptrln, lct:turer in.jazz history at the Royal Acad- r,nty ()l Mllsi(, lontlorr. arrd at (.ity University, London; and Christopher l',rr lr rr 111t,, l'roli.'ssor rll llcligious Studies, l.ancaster University I rorn iazz l(, rcgUile, bhangra to heavy metal, electronica to qawwali, irrrtl lrtitn protlrrr:tion l.o consunlption, Studies in Popular lAusic is a rtrrrlti tlirr iplirrlry serics wltich aims to contribute to a comprehensive HEAUY ItlETAt rrrrrh'rstirrrtlirrl.i of pollullr nrusic. lt will provide analyses of theoretical lrr.f\l)('( trvcs, a lrroarl range of'ca!;e studies, and discussion of key issues. CONTROVERSIES AND COUNTERCULTURES Published (l1tn 11r, tht Doors: Music in the folodnn Church Mark Evans Trrh n o n md: Global Raving Countercultures Ciraham StJohn l)uh irt lktbylon: l|ndcrstanding, the Euolution and Significance of EDITED BY t)ult tlql!:flt'in Jamaica and Britain KingTubby to Post-Punk TITUS from HJELM, KEITH KAHN-HARRIS AND MARK LEVINE (-hristopher Partridge Soul in thr Clones: A Cultural Study ofTribute Bands (ieorgina Cregory I fu I ott Wontt:n oJ' Rock l\usic: Female Musicians of the Punk Era (second edition) llelen Reddington tilolutl lriht li'chnolog, Spirituality and Psytrance Graham St John Nilk ('rrtt': A 5turly of Love, Dmth and Ayocalypse lloland Boer eeutnox SI'IFFFIFI D rrx BlllSTOl- r:r l'rrlilished by Iquinox Publishing Ltd. List tributors t lK: l(t:llram l'louse, 3 Lancaster Street, Sheffield' Sl 8AF ln t l5A: l5t), 7O tnterprise Drive, Bristol, CT 060'1 0 Heayy as controversy and counterculture Titus Keith Kahn-Harris and Mark LeVine I irsr puhlished 201 3 Part l: (olittlslljclm,KeithKahn.Harris,MarkLeVineandcontributors20l3 ', or transmifted in Suicide solution how the emo class of 2008 we to All rights rcserved.
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