Nomenclature Practice for Each of the Following Compounds Provide The

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Nomenclature Practice for Each of the Following Compounds Provide The Nomenclature Practice For each of the following compounds provide the correct formula. a. aluminum chloride AlCl3 l. lithium chloride LiCl b. aluminum nitride AlN m. magnesium oxide MgO c. aluminum oxide Al2O3 n. potassium iodide KI d. barium bromide BaBr2 o. potassium oxide K2O e. barium nitride Ba3N2 p. potassium sulfide K2S f. boron phosphide BP q. silver oxide Ag2O g. calcium chloride CaCl2 r. sodium sulfide Na2S h. calcium fluoride CaF2 s. strontium bromide SrBr2 i. calcium arsenide Ca3As2 t. strontium nitride Sr3N2 j. calcium iodide CaI2 u. zinc oxide ZnO k. calcium sulfide CaS For each of the following provide the correct IUPAC name. a. Ag2O silver oxide n. ZnS zinc sulfide b. Al2O3 aluminum oxide o. KBr potassium bromide c. AlN aluminum nitride p. CaH2 calcium hydride d. BN boron nitride q. Al4Si3 aluminum sulfide e. CaO calcium oxide r. ZnI2 zinc iodide f. KCl potassium chloride s. Ag2S silver sulfide g. MgI2 magnesium iodide t. Al2S3 aluminum sulfide h. Na2O sodium oxide u. CaCl2 calcium chloride i. NaH sodium hydride v. CsF cesium fluoride j. ZnO zinc oxide w. AlBr3 aluminum bromide k. NaCl sodium chloride x. LiH lithium hydride l. MgO magnesium oxide v. NaBr sodium bromide m. KF potassium fluoride z. SrCl2 strontium chloride For each of the following compounds provide the correct formula. a. copper(II) bromide CuBr2 q. mercury(III) chloride HgCl3 b. cobalt(II) chloride CoCl2 r. chromium(III) oxide Cr2O3 c. iron(II) oxide FeO s. nickel(II) arsenide Ni3As2 d. cobalt(III) oxide Co2O3 t. cobalt(III) chloride CoCl3 e. tin(II) chloride SnCl2 u. gold(I) fluoride AuF f. antimony(III) chloride SbCl3 v. copper(II) sulfide CuS g. silver sulfide Ag2S w. lead(II) bromide PbBr2 h. copper(II) chloride CuCl2 x. tin(IV) iodide SnI4 i. iron(III) bromide FeBr3 v. iron(II) fluoride FeI2 j. nickel(II) bromide NiBr2 z. mercury(II) sulfide HgS k. nickel(II) iodide NiI2 aa. molybdenum(IV) sulfide MoS2 l. mercury(II) oxide HgO bb. manganese(IV) oxide MnO2 m. cobalt(II) iodide CoI2 cc. nickel(II) nitride Ni3N2 n. lead(II) oxide PbO o. nickel (II) chloride NiCl2 p. tin(IV) bromide SnBr4 For each of the following provide the correct IUPAC name. a. HgF2 mercury (II) fluoride p. HgO mercury (II) oxide b. SbCl3 antimony (III) chloride q. Hg2O mercury (I) oxide c. AuCl3 gold (III) chloride r. SnI4 tin (IV) iodide d. UF6 uranium (VI) fluoride s. Cu2S copper (I) sulfie e. CuS copper (II) sulfide t. PbS2 lead (IV) sulfide f. CoS cobalt (II) sulfide u. FeO iron (II) oxide g. CoCl3 cobalt (III) chloride v. MoO3 molybdenium (VI) oxide h. Fe2O3 iron (III) oxide w. SnO2 tin (IV) oxide i. Hg3N2 mercury (II) nitride x. Ni2S3 nickel (III) sulfide j. Cu2O copper (II) oxide y. SnCl4 tin (IV) chloride k. PbO lead (II) oxide z. FeCl2 iron (II) chloride l. CoF3 cobalt (II) fluoride aa. CuI2 copper (II) iodide m. FeCl3 iron (III) chloride bb. PbCl4 lead (IV) chloride n. SiF4 silicon teterafluoride cc. NiS nickel (II) sulfide o. SbCl5 antimony (V) chloride For each of the following compounds provide the correct formula. a. boron trifluoride BF3 o nitrogen dioxide NO2 b. carbon disulfide CS2 p. nitrogen triiodide NI3 c. carbon monoxide CO q. nitrogen trioxide NO3 d. carbon tetrachloride CCl4 r. oxygen difluoride OF2 e. chlorine dioxide ClO2 s. phosphorus pentabromide PBr5 f. diiodine pentoxide I2O5 t. phosphorus pentabromide PBr5 g. dinitrogen monoxide N2O u. phosphorus triiodide PI3 h. dinitrogen pentoxide N2O5 v. silicon tetrachloride SiCl4 i. dinitrogen tetroxide N2O4 w. sulfur dioxide SO2 j. dinitrogen triiodide N2I3 x. sulfur hexafluoride SF6 k. diphosphorus pentoxide P2O5 y. sulfur tetrafluoride SF4 l. disulfur dichloride S2Cl2 z. sulfur trioxide SO3 m. hydrogen monobromide HBr aa. trinitrogen dioxide N3O2 n. hydrogen monoiodide HI For each of the following provide the correct IUPAC name. a. N2O5 dinitrogen pentoxide s. CO2 carbon dioxide b. XeF4 xeon tetrafluoride t. ICl iodine monoxide c. NI3 nitrogen triiodie u. KrF2 krypton difluoride d. HCl hydrogen monochloride v. SO3 sulfur trioxide e. ClF3 chlorine trifluoride w. PF5 phosphorus pentafluoride f. P3N5 triphosphorus pentanitride x. SF6 sulfur hexafluoride g. As4O6 tetraarsenic hexaoxide y. PCl3 phosphorus trichloride h. As4O10 tetraarsenic decaoxide z. P2O5 diphosphorus pentaoxide i. ClO2 chlorine dioxide aa. PBr5 phosphorus pentabromide j. NBr3 nitrogen tribromide bb. SF6 sulfur hexafluoride k. Cl2O3 dichlorine trioxide cc. IF7 iodine heptafluoride l. N2O4 dinitrogen tetraoxide dd. N2O3 dinitrogen trioxide m. IF5 iodine pentafluoride ee. BF3 boron fluoride n. I2O5 diiodine pentaoxide ff. NO2 nitrogen dioxide o CO carbon monoxide gg. P2S5 diphosphorus pentasulfide p. BrO3 bromine trioxide hh. P2O5 diphosphorus pentaoxide q. HF hydrogen monofluride ii. PCl5 phosphorus pentafluoride r. Sb2O5 antimony (V) oxide For each of the following compounds provide the correct formula. a. sodium nitrate NaNO3 m. nickel(II) nitrate Ni(NO3)2 b. zinc sulfite ZnSO3 n. silver phosphate Ag3PO4 c. aluminum sulfate Al2(SO4)3 o. sodium hypochlorite NaClO d. potassium nitrate KNO3 p. zinc sulfate ZnSO4 e. lead(IV) chlorite Pb(ClO2)4 q. barium carbonate BaCO3 f. Iron(III) carbonate Fe2(CO3)3 q. Iron(II) chlorate Fe(ClO3)2 g. lead(II) phosphate Pb3(PO4)2 r. zinc phosphate Zn3(PO4)2 h. lead(II) nitrite Pb(NO2)2 s. mercury(II) perchlorate Hg(ClO4)2 i. sodium sulfite Na2SO3 t. copper(II) phosphate Cu3(PO4)2 j. magnesium carbonate MgCO3 u. calcium carbonate CaCO3 k. cobalt(II) sulfate CoSO4 v. calcium sulfate CaSO4 l. zinc sulfite ZnSO3 w. copper(II) sulfate CuSO4 For each of the following provide the correct IUPAC name. a. Be(ClO4)2 beryllium perchlorate p. NaNO2 sodium nitrite b. CaSO4 calcium sulphate q. Cu(NO3)2 copper (II) nitrate c. KMnO4 potassium permanganate r. CuNO3 copper (I) nitrite d. KClO4 potassium perchlorate s. Al2(SO3)3 aluminum sulfite e. CuCO3 copper (II) carbonate t. PbCO3 lead (II) carbonate f. Mg3(PO4)2 magnesium phosphate u. Sn3(PO4)2 tin (II) phosphate g. CaCO3 calcium carbonate v. Fe2(SO4)3 iron (III) sulfate h. CuSO3 copper (II) sulphate w. LiClO3 lithium chlorate i. Ba3(PO4)2 barium phosphate x. Ag2SO4 silver sulfate j. Cr2(SO3)3 chromium (III) sulfite y. BaSO4 barium sulfate k. HClO hypochlorous acid z. Hg(BrO3)2 mercury (II) bromate l. PbSO4 lead (II) sulfate aa. Hg2CO3 mercury (I) carbonate m. K2SO4 potassium sulfate bb. Fe2(CO3)3 iron (III) carbonate n. HClO3 Chloric acid cc. Mg(NO3)2 magnesium nitrate o. NaNO3 Sodium nitrate dd. NaClO sodium hypochlorite For each of the following compounds provide the correct formula. a. ammonium sulfide (NH4)2S r. magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 b. aluminum acetate Al(C2H3O2)3 s. iron(III) cyanide Fe(CN)3 c. sodium acetate Na C2H3O2 t. ammonium siliconate (NH4)2SiO3 d. barium chromate BaCrO4 u. ammonium perchlorate NH4ClO4 e. mercury(II) chromate HgCrO4 v. nickel(II) acetate Ni(C2H3O2)2 f. potassium hydroxide KOH w. cobalt(II) acetate Co(C2H3O2)2 g. potassium chromate K2CrO4 x. hydrogen cyanide HCN h. copper(II) borate Cu(BrO3)2 v. ammonium oxide NH4OH i. calcium hydrogen siliconite CaHSiO2 z. copper(II) hydroxide Cu(OH)2 j. aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3 aa. aluminum cyanide Al(CN)3 k. silver thiocyanate AgSCN bb. sodium hydrogen carbonate NaHCO3 l. ammonium selenite (NH4)2SeO3 cc. sodium hypochlorite NaClO m. Iron(III) permanganate Fe(MnO4)3 dd. ammonium nitrate NH4NO3 n. ammonium chromate (NH4)2CrO4 ee. ammonium phosphate (NH4)3PO4 o. ammonium dichromate (NH4)2Cr2O7 ff. sodium cyanate NaOCN p. silver hydrogen carbonate AgHCO3 gg. potassium permanganate KMnO4 q. ammonium permaganate NH4MnO4 For each of the following provide the correct IUPAC name. a. SnCrO4 tin (II) chromate v. Al(OH)3 aluminum hydroxide b. Hg(OH)2 mercury (II) hydroxide w. Ca(OH)2 calcium hydroxide c. (NH4)2Cr2O7 ammonium dichromate x. NaNO2 Sodium nitrite d. Ba(BrO3)2 barium bromate v. LiBrO3 lithium bromate e. Ba(OH)2 barium hydroxide z. Ag2Cr2O7 silver dichromate f. NH4Cl ammonium chloride aa. BaCrO4 barium chromate g. Na2HPO4 sodium hydrogen phosphate bb. Hg(BrO3)2 mercury (II) bromate h. NH4MnO4 ammonium permanganate cc. Hg2SeO3 mercury (I) selenite i. NH4NO3 ammonium nitrate dd. Fe2(SiO3)3 iron (III) siliconate j. NaHCO3 sodium hydrogen carbonate ee. NH4ClO ammonium hypochlorite k. NaCN sodium cyanide ff. NH4IO3 ammonium iodate l. KAl(C2O4)2 potassium aluminum oxalate gg. NaBrO sodium hypobromite m. Mg(OH)2 magnesium hydroxide hh. AuC2H3O2 gold (I) acetate n. KHCO3 potassium hydrogen carbonate ii. Zn(ClO2)2 zinc chlorite o. Li2CrO4 lithium chromate jj. SrSO3 strontium sulfite p. HClO2 hydrogen chlorite kk. MnCrO3 manganese (II) chromate q. NaHSO4 sodium hydrogen sulfate ll. NiBO3 nickel (III) bromate r. Mn(IO3)2 manganese (II) iodate mm. KBrO potassium hypobromite s. K3BrO3 potassium bromate nn. Cu(C2H3O2)2 copper (II) acetate t. KOH potassium hydroxide oo. Ba3(PO5)2 barium perphosphate u. Ca(C2H3O2)2 calcium acetate For each of the following compounds provide the correct formula. a. hydrochloric acid HCl (aq) i. calcium chloride dihydrate CaCl2 ∙ 2 H2O b. nitric acid HNO2 (aq) j. barium chloride dihydrate BaCl2∙ 2 H2O c. sulrous acid H2SO3 (aq) k. calcium sulfate dihydrate CaSO4∙ 2 H2O d. hydrobromic acid HBr (aq) l. iron(III) oxide pentahydrate Fe2O3∙ 5 H2O e. sulfuric acid H2SO4 (aq) m. aluminum chloride hexahydrate AlCl3 ∙ 6 H2O f. acetic acid HC2H3O2 (aq) n. sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate Na2S2O3 ∙ 5 H2O g. hydroiodic acid HI (aq) o. cadmium(II) nitrate tetrahydrate Cd(NO3)2∙ 4 H2O h. hyposulfurous acid H2SO2 (aq) p. lithium chloride tetrahydrate LiCl∙ 4 H2O q. calcium chloride dihydrate CaCl2 ∙ 2 H2O For each of the following provide the correct IUPAC name.
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