CRETAN FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND 02 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF CRETE THE ODE “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.” Η ΩΔΗ Δεν θα γεράσουν σαν εμάς, που μείναμε να γεράσουμε, Τα γηρατειά δεν θα τους κουράσουν, Ούτε τα χρόνια θα τους καταδικάσουν Κατά την δύση του ηλίου, και το πρωί, Θα τους θυμόμαστε 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF CRETE 03 Pancretan Association Cretan Brotherhood of of Melbourne - Australia Melbourne & Victoria P.O. Box 4512, 148 - 150 Nicholson Street, Knox City Centre, VIC 3152 East Brunswick, VIC 3057 ΕΤΩΣ ΙΔΡΥΣΕΩΣ 1980 Postal Address: Cretan Association Cretan Association P.O. Box 280 of Queensland Preston VIC 3072, of Sydney & N.S.W. Melbourne, Australia. PO Box 5007, 1/57 Sydenham Road, West End, QLD 4101 Marrickville, NSW 2204 Telephone: +61 419 856 736 Email:
[email protected] Cretan Association of Website: Cretan Association Canberra & Districts of New Zealand PO Box 263, Facebook: 7 Bury Grove Strathmore Woden, ACT 2606 Cretan Federation Of Australia Wellington 6022, NZ And New Zealand Cretan Association Cretan Brotherhood of Cretan Association of South Australia Western Australia of Tasmania 220 Port Road, 39 Paperbark Way, 54 Lipscombe Avenue, Alberton, S.A. 5014 Morley, WA 6062 Sandy Bay, TAS 7005 04 80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BATTLE OF CRETE Cretan Federation of Australia & New Zealand National Executive Tony Tsourdalakis Herc Kaselakis