Binnenstadscampus NUMBER 1 | OCTOBER 2014 | FOR STAFF AND STUDENTS Working in Archeo Hotspots The new a glimpse behind the the city centre archaeological scenes University Library a logistical challenge a mix of new-build and historic buildings p.2 p. 3 p.4 Years ago, the UvA decided to concentrate its faculties on open city campuses. ‘That proximity is Clustering benefits a great advantage for students, lecturers and staff. When you’re close together, it’s easier to work together and that’s good for teaching and research,’ says Hans Amman, vicepresident of the Executive teaching and research Board at the UvA/AUAS ‘Clustering is also more Applied Sciences (AUAS) under cost-efficient, and on an organi- his belt, Amman is confident sational level things are easier to of success. ‘For example, we’re arrange,’ Amman adds. ‘Another setting clear agreements with advantage is that the City Centre the builders. We’ve appointed Campus emphasises our being an area manager and we’re a part of the city. That’s good communicating as much as for the economy: a university possible about the progress and attracts enterprise and the completion of the construction highly skilled.’ This campus will work. The City Centre Campus eventually become the home mainly involves internal base for researchers, students renovations, which fortunately and staff at the Faculty of reduces the noise disturbance Humanities (FGw) and for the somewhat.’ Building is of course new University Library. not a goal in its own right. I’d rather invest in people than Considerate construction bricks, but sometimes you have According to Amman, the City to.
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