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Newsletter 1 Newsletter Spring 2017 CroatiaFest 2017 SEA, OIL AND WINE Seattle The 14th Year There is an old Croatian saying that goes: The CroatiaFest planning committee is “A fish swims three times, first in the sea, excited to feature several aspects of this Saturday, Sept. 30 then in oil and finally in wine.“ The Croa- theme at this year’s festival. As soon as tiaFest committee has blended these the events are confirmed and finalized, Croatian Vigil Mass three iconic Croatian elements into this they will be posted on the CroatiaFest 5 p.m., St. Joseph Catholic year’s programming. website, and on the Church, 732 18th Ave. E CroatiaFest Facebook page. Visit these Music by Sinovi SEA: Croatia has for centuries been tied to two sites often for updates for all that is Tamburitza Orchestra the Adriatic Sea through merchant trade, planned for CroatiaFest 2017. boat building and fishing. CroatiaFest will explore Dance and Sing-Along the rich history and cul- 6 p.m.-midnight, Russian ture of Croats in the Puget Community Center, Sound Region whose im- 704 19th Ave. E. mense contributions to Music by Rakija Bend & Sinovi the maritime industry Admission $10 at the door are still being brought to light. Sunday, Oct. 1 OIL: Olive oil is historically CroatiaFest one of Croatia’s prized 12-6 p.m. exports, which in recent Seattle Center Armory years has seen increased 305 Harrison St., Seattle production. Through food Music & Dance booth offerings, lectures and cooking demonstra- Performances, Croatia Travel tions, attendees to Croa- Today, Historical Exhibits, tiaFest will get a true taste Film, Lectures, Art Gallery, of Croatia. Souvenirs of Croatia, Market Place, Cooking WINE: Croatian delicious Demos, Crafts for Kids, wines earned critical ac- Croatian Food Booths, Wine claim. Attendees to Croa- Tasting, Traditional Lamb tiaFest will once again Barbeque have the opportunity to sample wines of Croatia Look for updates at and Croatian-American, vintners in the CroatiaFest and like us on Facebook. Cellars on the third floor CroatiaFest activities are FREE of the Armory. and open to the public. 1 CROATIAFEST AND PROMOTING ALL THINGS CROATIAN By Frank Brozovich, Honorary Croatian Consul, Chairman CroatiaFest Saturday, Sept. 30 and Sunday, Oct. 1 North America, encourage business are the dates for this year’s CroatiaFest. and trade, and work with other Cro- CroatiaFest endeavors to encourage atian-American organizations and pride in our shared Croatian heritage, friends of common concern. The mem- display Croatia’s best products and ser- bership is growing at a rapid pace in all vices, including tourism, and showcase fields of professionalism. All Croatian- the Croatian-American community’s American professionals are encour- accomplishments. aged to join. The website is croampro. com. Don’t forget to visit the Croatian Em- In keeping with these goals, I would like bassy website,, to keep up- to bring to your attention the 2nd An- I would also like to bring your attention to-date on important news. nual Meeting of Croatian-American Pro- to “The Croatia Week,” a weekly interest- fessionals this May 11 in Chicago. ing and entertaining free internet pub- And above all, check out what we will lication. I encourage you to subscribe to be celebrating at this year’s CroatiaFest The mission of the Association is to fos- it and forward to all friends – non Croa- at Thank you for ter knowledge and networking among tian as well as Croatian-Americans. The all your support of CroatiaFest and all Croatian-American professionals in site is things Croatian! CroatiaFest Coordinators: Cathryn Morovich and Kristen LeMieux Board of Directors: Dr. Frank Brozovich, Chairman; Cathryn Morovich, President; Kristen LeMieux, Vice-President; Mark Ruljancich, Treasurer; Mara Oblak, Secretary. 2017 CroatiaFest Planning Committee: Joanne Abdo, Nate Basich, Dr. Frank Brozovich, Betty Devich, Andriana Fletcher, Bob & Peggy Gunovick, Lori Repanich Hill, Louise Petrich Iverson, Kristen LeMieux, Kalina Lisica, Priscilla Lisicich, Richard Major, Margaret Martinis- P.O. Box 546 Medina, WA 98039 Wallace, Karen Mikacenić, Cathryn Morovich, John Morovich, Mara Oblak, Alma Franulović Plancich, Marijana Pavlich, Allison Reid, Mark & Dunja Ruljancich, Kathie Simicich, 206-619-4193 Antionette Slavich, Kristin Tarabochia, John Woods, Petra Zanki. [email protected] Community Representatives: Greta Kos, John Lovrić, Colleen Mavar, Mary Kay & George Jovanovich, Christine & Tim Jovanovich, Joe Lisicich, Veronica Mratinich, Maria Franulović Petrish, John & Shellie Posavatz, Damir & Elaine Tomšić. CroatiaFest is produced by the local Volunteer Photographers: Linda Banning, Steven Joyce, Miro Jugum, Paul Lukinich, Ron Croatian-American community and Karabaich, Mara Oblak. is part of Seattle Center’s Festál, a Newsletter Editor: Jenny Zuvela Marin | CroatiaFest Logo Designer: John Lovrić Souvenir Program Editor: Allison Reid year-long series of cultural events Poster and Postcard Designer 2017: Marko Oblak that honors the richness and diversity of our region. 2 RECAP OF THE 2016 FESTIVAL CroatiaFest 2016 was another year “Immigrant Experience” interview of stunning on-stage talent, the room with author Rosana Sablić THE IMMIGRANT smells of traditional food and a and Mark Ruljancich, collecting and schedule packed full of experiences video recording the memories and EXPERIENCE throughout the Seattle Armory cov- stories of our Croatian-American ering every possible aspect of Croa- immigrants. Experiences of the tian heritage. Our festival is growing Children of Croatian into the premier Croatian festival in Featured guest author Rosemary the United States! Babich Gard joined us from Indiana Immigrants to share her trilogy of books that Once again, the main stage was follow a family of Croatian immi- As mentioned in our 2016 Sum- absolutely alive with our local Brit- grants through the generations. Her mer Newsletter, CroatiaFest has ish Columbia and Washington state books are a delight to read and can embarked on a project to interview groups as well as a taste of the be purchased on Ge- children of Croatian immigrants United States with back-by-popular- nealogist Barbara Starkey from Salt and record their stories. demand Rakija Bend of Chicago, the Lake City spoke with several attend- ensembles Žumberćani of Cleve- ees about their Croatian roots and To date we have completed two in- land, Zavićaj of Portland and Skali- origins. terviews, which can be viewed on nada of Sacramento. We are so very the CroatiaFest YouTube channel. To fortunate to be able to bring talent Committee member Tom Kuker view the videos, please go to www. from all around North America! went above and beyond to bring to, then in the search the festival Croatian wines that have bar type in “CroatiaFest interviews.” Along with the traditional BBQ lamb never before been tasted in Wash- on the spit, čevapčići and kobasica, ington State! The CroatiaFest wine You will be able to enjoy the stories we were excited to bring a new food cellar was abuzz with a truly special of two families growing up in a Cro- vendor serving delicious traditional tasting experience and the chance atian immigrant home: Don Wer- meat pies (called burek) – local res- to meet with local Washington state lech and his sister Helen Werlech taurateur Natalie Gjekmarkaj and Croatian-American vintner Jason Chamberlain as well as an interview her Capitol Hill Byrek and Baguettes. Morin of Ancestry Cellars and Sunce with Lee Vitalich Ruljancich. Winery of Santa Rosa, California. Attendees were able to experience We are currently working on con- coral jewelry making while watch- The standing room audience at tacting other children of immi- ing a live-from-Dubrovnik demon- The John Sarich Memorial Cooking grants to obtain more interviews. stration and then were able to talk Stage was treated to a taste of bru- one-on-one with the master jew- det by Venko Lisica and pužici (snail While you are on the CroatiaFest elry craftsman via Skype! Some of shaped) cookies by Violet Dragin YouTube page, we suggest that the jeweler’s stunning pieces were and Alenka Dunatov. you click on the “Subscribe” but- on site for people to pick up and ton which can be found on the view in person. A truly memorable We are grateful for the best group upper right side of the page. This experience for all of those who of committee members and volun- free subscription will allow you to took part! teers and value each and every one receive notifications of additional of YOU who make this festival hap- interviews posted on the channel. This year’s art gallery was a won- pen! Your suggestions, input, dona- derful celebration of family with tions and participation are inspiring Please contact Mark Ruljancich displays of beautifully designed and set the pulse for the following at [email protected] with family trees, corresponding village year. CroatiaFest truly is the heart of your comments, suggested im- costumes and video presentation our communities coming together, provements and candidates for fu- of documentaries “Hrvati” and “Chil- sharing our heritage and helping us ture interviews. dren of Ellis Island” that showcased each year be bigger and better! See Anacortes’s Franulović families. you in October! Also, introduced this year was the 3 ART GALLERY PREVIEW This year our gallery will present two artists: Gig Harbor native Lita Dawn (Ancich), famous for charcoals and murals with maritime subjects, and Tim M. Jovanovich, linoleum block print artist. Bog voli povijest i umjet- nost | Charcoals by Lita Left: Mountain & Elector. Be- Dawn (Ancich) low: Lita Dawn (Ancich). Tim displays his work at Filson’s A native of Gig Harbor, Lita Flagship Store in Seattle. Dawn has been creating heirloom charcoal portraits for nearly 30 years. Her studies at the Rhode Island School of Design set into motion a life-long commit- ment to recapturing history through art.
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