--- AdminVector --- v4.1 (2019)


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AdminVector Product specifications v4.1 (2019)


1.1. Information on the elaboration of the product specifications Title: AdminVector Product specifications Reference date: 16/12/2019 Contacts: National Geographic Institute Abbaye de la Cambre 13 1000 Tel.: NL: +32 2 629 82 91 FR: +32 2 629 82 92 E-mail: NL: [email protected] FR: [email protected] URL: http://www.ngi.be Orders and information: [email protected] Available languages: French, Dutch, German, English Distribution format: PDF

1.2. Terminology and definitions For the purposes of these product specifications, the following definitions apply. Attribute Characteristic of an object (type). Note: In an object catalogue, an attribute of an object type is determined by a name, a definition, a data type, and the possible values that can be assigned to this attribute (attribute domain). In a data set, an attribute of an object is determined by a name and the attribute value of the object. Object catalogue Catalogue containing the definition and description of object types, attributes, and object relationships that occur in one or more data sets. Where appropriate, an object catalogue also contains the operations that have been defined for the object types. Object (type) An object is an abstraction of an occurrence from the real world. An object type is determined by a definition and can have several attributes. The behaviour of an object type can be determined by operations. The links between object types or between different objects of the same type can be determined by relationships.

1.3. Abbreviations used DTM: Digital Terrain Model IGN/NGI: Institut géographique national/National Geographic Institute ITGI: Inventaire Topo-Géographique/Topo-Geografische Inventaris (Topo- Geographic Inventory) DGPS: Differential GPS GPS: Global Positioning System GRB: Grootschalig Referentiebestand (GIS-Vlaanderen Large-scale reference file) MET: Ministère wallon de l’Équipement et des Transports (Walloon Ministry for Equipment and Transport V4.1 (2019)

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PICC: Projet Informatique de Cartographie Continue (Continuous Mapping IT project) RTK: Real Time Kinematic UML: Unified Modeling Language AGDP: Administration Générale de la Documentation Patrimoniale/General Administration of Heritage Documentation SPF/FPS: Service Public Fédéral/Federal Public Service INS/NIS: Institut National de Statistique/National Institute of Statistics DGS: Statistics

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2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Overview ...... 1 1.1. Information on the elaboration of the product specifications ...... 1 1.2. Terminology and definitions ...... 1 1.3. Abbreviations used ...... 1 2. Table of contents ...... 3 3. Product identification ...... 4 3.1. Title ...... 4 3.2. Brief description ...... 4 3.3. Scope ...... 4 3.4. Topics ...... 4 3.5. Type of spatial representation ...... 4 3.6. Spatial resolution ...... 4 3.7. Geographical demarcation...... 4 4. Data content and structure ...... 5 4.1. Description of the content ...... 5 4.1.1. Statistical and administrative units ...... 5 4.1.2. Municipal section centres and municipalities ...... 7 4.1.3. Administrative boundaries ...... 7 4.1.4. Border markers ...... 7 4.2. Object catalogue ...... 7 4.2.1. General remarks ...... 7 4.2.2. Common properties in AdminVector ...... 8 4.2.3. Statistical and administrative units ...... 9 4.2.4. Municipal section centres and municipalities ...... 18 4.2.5. Administrative boundaries ...... 22 4.2.6. Border markers ...... 24 5. Production metadata ...... 25 5.1. Data origin ...... 25 5.1.1. Initial creation of vector data ...... 25 5.1.2. Update process ...... 25 6. Reference systems ...... 26 6.1. Geographic reference systems ...... 26 6.1.1. Available coordinate systems ...... 26 7. Delivery information ...... 27 7.1. Available data formats ...... 27

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3.1. Title AdminVector v4.1 (2019)

3.2. Brief description AdminVector is the vector data series that contains the most geometrically accurate and semantically detailed administrative vector data. These data come directly from their respective authentic sources and are integrated into a single digital series by the NGI.

The data set includes 12 classes of objects covering statistic sectors, municipal sections, municipalities, districts, provinces, regions and the territorial and maritime boundaries of Belgium. The geometry of the data for all these topics is described by X,Y or X,Y,Z coordinates.

AdminVector is available for the entire Belgian territory and can be supplied as an ESRI File Geodatabase or as shapefiles.

3.3. Scope AdminVector contains the data used primarily to produce administrative and topographic maps. However, when producing vector data, data movements or any other form of generalisation for these mapping applications are avoided. In effect, these data constitute a geographical reference inventory of the Belgian territory and can consequently form the basis for a wide range of applications. Where possible, external thematic identification codes have been associated with AdminVector to facilitate linking to other data sets.

3.4. Topics − Basic mapping − Administrative boundaries

3.5. Type of spatial representation − Vector data with X,Y,Z coordinates. 3.6. Spatial resolution − Equivalent scale: 1:10,000 3.7. Geographical demarcation AdminVector is available for the entire Belgian territory The coordinates below demarcate a rectangular area within which all data are located.

Expressed in decimal degrees ETRS89: − degree of longitude west side: 2.2° W, − degree of longitude east side: 6.45° W, − degree of latitude south side: 49.45° N, V4.1 (2019)

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− degree of latitude north side: 51.9° N.

Expressed in Lambert 2008 coordinates: − X coordinate west side: 500,000 m, − X coordinate east side: 800,000 m, − Y coordinate south side: 515,000 m, − Y coordinate north sides: 790,000 m.

Expressed in Lambert 72 coordinates: − X coordinate west side: 0 m, − X coordinate east side: 300,000 m, − Y coordinate south side: 15,000 m, − Y coordinate north sides: 290,000 m.


4.1. Description of the content INFORMATION FOR VERSION V4.1

Version 4.1 of AdminVector integrates geometries of the statistical sectors revised in 2019 by the DGS. For the first time, the DGS directly consolidates the boundaries of the statistical sectors with the official boundaries of the municipalities supplied by the AGDP. Now, the geometries of the statistical sectors of the DGS and those of AdminVector are now identical.

Also, the new geometries of the statistical sectors take account of the redrawing of the districts of Antwerp (by ricochet, the municipal sections too) and integrate coastal statistical sectors in accordance with the new international definition of the Belgian territory. Consequently, the total surface of Belgium is larger in AdminVector 4.1 than in AdminVector 4.0.

NOTE In the following paragraphs, the names of the object types and attributes are placed in square brackets ([NameTypeObject]) as they appear in the data. Attribute names are preceded by a full stop and possibly by the name of the object type to which they belong ([.NameAttribute] or [NameTypeObject.NameAttribute]).

4.1.1. Statistical and administrative units

In the first instance, AdminVector contains a series of surface classes corresponding to the Belgian statistical and administrative units. These are, from the smallest to the largest: − statistic sectors, − municipal sections, − municipalities, − districts − provinces, − regions, − Country (Belgian territory and territorial waters). V4.1 (2019)

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The first level of the polygon series in AdminVector corresponds to the geometry layer of the statistic sectors [AD_0_StatisticSector]. These are the smallest units for which the DGS of the FPS Economy (the former NIS) collects statistics. The geometries come from the DGS and are integrated into the ITGI. Their boundaries are consolidated directly by the DGS with the geometries of the municipalities (see point, provided by the AGDP of the FPS Finance. Municipal sections The second level of the polygon series in AdminVector corresponds to the geometries of municipal sections [AD_1_MunicipalSection]. These are not generally an official administrative level, such as municipalities or provinces, nor a statistical level, such as statistic sectors.

However, municipal sections with more than 100,000 inhabitants may enjoy legal recognition and an administrative role. This is currently the case for the city of Antwerp. Since the municipal sections of Antwerp correspond to the city's districts (and more exactly to the former municipalities that existed before merging in 1983).

In AdminVector, the municipal sections meet two criteria: each section corresponds, firstly, to a legal municipality as of 1 January 1961, and secondly to a subdivision of a current municipality ([AD_2_Municipality]). In other words, the territory of a municipal section never exceeds a municipal boundary.

The boundaries of the current municipal sections generally correspond to the boundaries of the statistic sectors. Where this is not the case, the boundaries are approximated on the basis of historical administrative maps. As such, in certain cases, the territory of the municipal section only corresponds very approximately to the territory of the municipality before the merger. This is especially the case for municipalities prior to being grouped together into several current municipalities. Municipalities and higher levels The third, fourth and fifth levels of the polygon series correspond to the geometries of municipalities, districts, provinces and regions. These geometries come from the AGDP. Their classes are, respectively: [AD_2_Municipality], [AD_3_District], [AD_4_Province], [AD_5_Region].

NOTE Belgium has 10 provinces, 5 in and 5 in . The Brussels-Capital Region does not belong to any province and is not subdivided into provinces. The object class [AD_4_Province] in AdminVector features a fictitious object for the territory of the Brussels- Capital Region ([.Fictitious] = 1). Country The sixth level of the polygon series corresponds to the geometry of Belgium's land territory [AD_6_Country] on the one hand, and its territorial waters [AD_6_ BelgianMaritimeZone] on the other. These geometries also come from the AGDP. V4.1 (2019)

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4.1.2. Municipal section centres and municipalities

AdminVector contains a range of one-off classes corresponding to municipal section centres and municipalities. These are, respectively: [AD_1_MunicipalSectionCenter] and [ AD_2_MunicipalityCenter].

The municipal section centres and municipalities do not correspond to the centre of gravity of the corresponding entity, but to the municipal centre. In the first case, the centre corresponds to the former municipal hall, or if it no longer exists or is no longer identifiable, to the main church, or failing that, to the main crossroads. In the second case, the centre corresponds to the municipal hall.

4.1.3. Administrative boundaries

Thirdly, AdminVector contains a single linear class corresponding to all official administrative boundaries. This is the class [AD_AdministrativeBoundary]. The attribute [.AdministrativeLevel] makes it possible to distinguish between the administrative level from the border.

4.1.4. Border markers

Fourthly, AdminVector contains a one-off class corresponding to Belgian border markers.

4.2. Object catalogue

4.2.1. General remarks PLEASE NOTE The definitions of object types, attributes and attribute values in this object catalogue have, in most cases, been borrowed from the NGI TOC (Table Of Contents), a reference dictionary including, for a large number of geographical and mapping concepts, the definitions used at the NGI. The underlined words in these definitions refer to other concepts which are in turn part of the NGI TOC. For all questions regarding the definition of our objects, please contact: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE In the following paragraphs, data types and domains are defined for all attributes. These specify which values can take object attributes from the data set. However, for various reasons, it may occur that the value of an attribute in the data set is unknown. In such cases, the attribute will receive the value -9 (unknown) by default.

PLEASE NOTE The classes of the series of statistical and administrative units, with the exception of classes [AD_0_ StatisticSector] and [AD_6_ BelgianMaritimeZone] contain the following attributes [.NameGer], [.NameFre] and [.NameDut].

For each entity in these classes, these three attributes are only completed in the language(s) of the linguistic region to which the entity belongs. As such, the fields [.NameFre] and [.NameDut] are completed in for the municipalities or the Brussels Capital District because they belong to the bilingual region of Brussels. V4.1 (2019)

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If the entity is a municipality with services in a second language, or a municipal section with services in a second language, the attribute corresponding to the second language is also completed. As such, the fields [.NameGer] and [.NameFre] are both completed for the municipalities in the German-speaking region because they all have French as the second language.

If the entity is a district or a higher-level entity that includes one or more municipalities with services in a second language, the attribute(s) corresponding to the second language or languages is also completed. As such, the fields [.NameDut] and [.NameFre] are both completed for the Flemish region, since certain municipalities here have French as the second language.

4.2.2. Common properties in AdminVector

There are two attributes which are common to all object types in AdminVector: − modification date. − and the unique identifier of the geometry.

These attributes are defined in the object catalogue within an abstract object type called "AdminVector". All other object types in AdminVector have been defined as sub-types of this generic object. This means that they inherit the properties of the latter (in this case the attributes mentioned). Thus we avoid defining these common attributes for each type of object in the catalogue.

The object type "AdminVectorGenericType" itself is abstract. This means that this object type is not found as such in the data set. The data always take the form of one of the sub-types of the latter. Object type: AdminVectorGenericType Name: (AdminvectorGenericType) Sub-type of: - Abstract: Yes Definition: This abstract object type includes the definition of common attributes inherited by all other object types from AdminVector. Attribute: Modification date Name: ModifDate Definition: Date on which the geometry or one or more attribute values of an object was (were) last modified in accordance with the technical specifications for the attribute 'Modification Date'. In the case where the geometry and attribute values of an object have not been modified since its creation in the ITGI database, then the modification date is effectively the date of the aerial photography used to survey the zone. Datatype: Date Attribute: Topo-geographic identifier Name: tgid V4.1 (2019)

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Definition: Unique code allocated to each object in the database that helps to distinguish unequivocally all the objects used in the database. Data type: String

4.2.3. Statistical and administrative units Object type: Statistic sector Name: AD_0_StatisticSector Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Zone delimited by the National Institute of Statistics (NIS) and which corresponds to the smallest territorial division in Belgium for which the NIS collects census data. A statistic sector is defined by its habitat type (grouped, dispersed, etc.) and its social and/or economic characteristics. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the statistic sector Datatype: Polygon Attribute: NIS code Name: NISCode Definition: Code attributed by the Belgian National Institute of Statistics to the Country, a Region, a province, an administrative district, a municipality or a statistics sector. The NIS code of these administrative zones is five digits long, except for the statistic sectors (the NIS code of these sectors consists of one letter and two or three digits). Datatype: String Object type: Municipal section Name: AD_1_MunicipalSection Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Part of the territory of a municipality which corresponds approximately to the territory of an autonomous municipality as of 1 January 1961 and which was then merged into the current municipality. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the municipal section Datatype: Polygon V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 10 of 28 Attribute: Name in German Name: NameGer Definition: Name of the municipal section in German Datatype: String Attribute: Name in French Name: NameFre Definition: Name of the municipal section in French Datatype: String Attribute: Name in Dutch Name: NameDut Definition: Name of the municipal section in Dutch Datatype: String Attribute: Pseudo NIS code Name: PseudoNIS Definition: Code attributed by the National Geographic Institute to a municipal section. In most cases, these are the first five characters of the NIS code of the statistic sectors. In this case, all sectors that share the same first five characters, once merged, correspond to a municipal section. However, there are times when a statistic sector may need to be broken down or attributed a different code. As such, this is a new identifier. Datatype: String Attribute: Post code Name: ZipCode Definition: A four-digit number attributed by the Belgian Post (bpost) to a given zone and which is included in the postal address for the purpose of automatic sorting of mail. The first two digits of the number indicate to which sorting sector a post code belongs. The third and fourth digits indicate the post office and distribution office respectively. Datatype: String Attribute: Legal entity Name: Legal Definition: Value specifying if the municipal section corresponds to a legally defined entity (i.e. a subdivision of a municipality of more than 100,000 inhabitants). Datatype: Boolean


The attribute [.PseudoNIS] of a municipal section is generally made up of 5 digits (municipal code) followed by a letter. This rule is deviated from in certain cases. V4.1 (2019)

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− If the codes of several municipal sections end with the same letter, a Roman numeral (I, II, III, IV, etc.) is added to distinguish between the different municipal sections. − When a municipal section is made up of statistic sectors with different letters in position 6 of the NIS code, a letter (-Z, -Y, -X, etc.) is added immediately after the 5 digits of the municipal code to identify the municipal section.


There is no strictly unique correlation between the municipal sections in AdminVector and the post codes of bpost. There are sometimes several post codes in the same municipal section. In certain cases, the boundary between two post codes partially diverges from the boundary between two municipal sections. AdminVector does not contain an exhaustive list of all post codes. The attribute [.ZipCode] contains the post code which is applicable to the largest part of the municipal section. Object type: Municipality Name: AD_2_Municipality Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Territory under the administrative competence of a college of mayors and aldermen and a municipal council and which corresponds to the smallest administrative subdivision of the Belgian State. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the municipality Datatype: Polygon Attribute: Capital of the administrative district Name: DistrictCapital Definition: The municipality is the capital of the administrative district where it is situated. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Capital of the province Name: ProvinceCapital Definition: The municipality is the capital of the province where it is situated. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Capital of the Region Name: RegionCapital Definition: The municipality is the capital of the region where it is situated. Datatype: Boolean V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 12 of 28 Attribute: Capital of the Country Name: CountryCaptial Definition: The municipality is the capital of the Country where it is situated. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Name in German Name: NameGer Definition: Name of the municipality in German Datatype: String Attribute: Name in French Name: NameFre Definition: Name of the municipality in French Datatype: String Attribute: Name in Dutch Name: NameDut Definition: Name of the municipality in Dutch Datatype: String Attribute: NIS code Name: NISCode Definition: Code attributed by the Belgian National Institute of Statistics to the Country, a Region, a province, an administrative district, a municipality or a statistics sector. The NIS code of these administrative zones is five digits long, except for the statistic sectors (the NIS code of these sectors consists of one letter and two or three digits). Datatype: String Attribute: City Name: City Definition: A municipality on which the public authority has conferred the title of 'city'. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Language statute Name: LanguageStatute Definition: Classification that indicates which national language(s) - French, Dutch and/or German - is (are) the official language(s) of the municipality. The official language is the one which, in accordance with the law, must be used within a linguistic region for administrative and judicial matters, as well as in education and business. For municipalities with services in a second languages, the second language is indicated next to the official language. Attribute value: NL FR V4.1 (2019)

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DE NL-FR NL-fr FR-nl FR-de DE-fr Attribute value: NL Code: 1 Label: NL Definition: The municipality is a Dutch-speaking municipality. Attribute value: FR Code: 2 Label: FR Definition: The municipality is a French-speaking municipality. Attribute value: DE Code: 3 Label: DE Definition: The municipality is a German-speaking municipality: there is currently no municipality in this category. Attribute value: NL-FR Code: 4 Label: NL-FR Definition: The municipality is a bilingual municipality (French and Dutch). Attribute value: NL-fr Code: 5 Label: NL-fr Definition: The municipality is a Dutch-speaking municipality with language services for French-speaking inhabitants. Attribute value: FR-nl Code: 6 Label: FR-nl Definition: The municipality is a French-speaking municipality with language services for Dutch-speaking inhabitants. Attribute value: FR-de Code: 7 Label: FR-de Definition: The municipality is a French-speaking municipality with language services for German-speaking inhabitants. V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 14 of 28 Attribute value: DE-fr Code: 8 Label: DE-fr Definition: The municipality is a German-speaking municipality with language services for French-speaking inhabitants. Object type: Administrative district Name: AD_3_District Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Territory which is an administrative subdivision of the province and which is made up of several municipalities Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the administrative district Datatype: Polygon Attribute: Name in German Name: NameGer Definition: Name of the administrative district in German Datatype: String Attribute: Name in French Name: NameFre Definition: Name of the administrative district in French Datatype: String Attribute: Name in Dutch Name: NameDut Definition: Name of the administrative district in Dutch Datatype: String Attribute: NIS code Name: NISCode Definition: Code attributed by the Belgian National Institute of Statistics to the Country, a Region, a province, an administrative district, a municipality or a statistics sector. The NIS code of these administrative zones is five digits long, except for the statistic sectors (the NIS code of these sectors consists of one letter and two or three digits). Datatype: String V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 15 of 28 Object type: Province Name: AD_4_Province Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Territory under the administrative jurisdiction of the provincial governor and the provincial council and which is an administrative subdivision of the Belgian State. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the province Datatype: Polygon Attribute: Fictitious province Name: Fictitious Definition: The province is a fictitious administrative zone which includes the administrative district of Brussels and which is considered as a province. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Name in German Name: NameGer Definition: Name of the province in German Datatype: String Attribute: Name in French Name: NameFre Definition: Name of the province in French Datatype: String Attribute: Name in Dutch Name: NameDut Definition: Name of the province in Dutch Datatype: String Attribute: NIS code Name: NISCode Definition: Code attributed by the Belgian National Institute of Statistics to the Country, a Region, a province, an administrative district, a municipality or a statistics sector. The NIS code of these administrative zones is five digits long, except for the statistic sectors (the NIS code of these sectors consists of one letter and two or three digits). Datatype: String V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 16 of 28 Object type: Region Name: AD_5_Region Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Portion of the Belgian territory which has its own constitutional law organisation. The Belgian political regions are: the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the Region Datatype: Polygon Attribute: Name in German Name: NameGer Definition: Name of the Region in German Datatype: String Attribute: Name in French Name: NameFre Definition: Name of the Region in French Datatype: String Attribute: Name in Dutch Name: NameDut Definition: Name of the Region in Dutch Datatype: String Attribute: NIS code Name: NISCode Definition: Code attributed by the Belgian National Institute of Statistics to the Country, a Region, a province, an administrative district, a municipality or a statistics sector. The NIS code of these administrative zones is five digits long, except for the statistic sectors (the NIS code of these sectors consists of one letter and two or three digits). Datatype: String Object type: Belgian territory Name: AD_6_Country Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Territory of the Belgian State. V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 17 of 28 Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the Belgian territory Datatype: Polygon Attribute: Name in German Name: NameGer Definition: Name of the Belgian State in German Datatype: String Attribute: Name in French Name: NameFre Definition: Name of the Belgian State in French Datatype: String Attribute: Name in Dutch Name: NameDut Definition: Name of the Belgian State in Dutch Datatype: String Attribute: NIS code Name: NISCode Definition: Code attributed by the Belgian National Institute of Statistics to the Country, a Region, a province, an administrative district, a municipality or a statistics sector. The NIS code of these administrative zones is five digits long, except for the statistic sectors (the NIS code of these sectors consists of one letter and two or three digits). Datatype: String Object type: Belgian maritime zone Name: AD_6_BelgianMaritimeZone Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Part of the North Sea for which certain legal capacities fall to Belgium. This zone covers the Belgian territorial waters and the Belgian continental shelf. Belgian territorial waters extend up to 12 nautical miles from the low tide mark and fall entirely under Belgian sovereignty. Beyond the territorial waters extends the continental shelf (also called the Belgian Exclusive Economic Zone) whose borders have been fixed in agreement with neighbouring countries (France, United Kingdom, Netherlands). Belgium is recognised as sovereign as regards the exploration, exploitation, maintenance and administration of the natural resources of the water, soil and subsoil of the part of the North Sea that forms part of the Belgian continental shelf. It is also recognised as sovereign as regards other activities such as energy generation from water, marine currents and wind. V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 18 of 28 Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the Belgian maritime zone Datatype: Polygon

4.2.4. Municipal section centres and municipalities Object type: Municipal section centres Name: AD_1_MunicipalSectionCenter Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Point indicating a municipal section centre. This centre is usually located near a church or (former) municipal hall. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The area where the municipal section centre is located Datatype: Point Attribute: Name in German Name: NameGer Definition: Name of the municipal section in German Datatype: String Attribute: Name in French Name: NameFre Definition: Name of the municipal section in French Datatype: String Attribute: Name in Dutch Name: NameDut Definition: Name of the municipal section in Dutch Datatype: String Attribute: Pseudo NIS code Name: PseudoNIS Definition: Code attributed by the National Geographic Institute to a municipal section. In most cases, these are the first five characters of the NIS code of the statistic sectors. In this case, all sectors that share the same first five characters, once merged, correspond to a municipal section. However, there are times when a statistic sector may need to be broken down or attributed a different code. As such, this is a new identifier. Datatype: String V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 19 of 28 Attribute: Post code Name: ZipCode Definition: A four-digit number attributed by the Belgian Post (bpost) to a given zone and which is included in the postal address for the purpose of automatic sorting of mail. The first two digits of the number indicate to which sorting sector a post code belongs. The third and fourth digits indicate the post office and distribution office respectively. Datatype: String Object type: Municipal centre Name: AD_2_Municipality Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Point indicating a municipal centre. This centre is usually located near the municipal hall. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The area where the municipal centre is located Datatype: Point Attribute: Capital of the administrative district Name: DistrictCapital Definition: The municipality is the capital of the administrative district where it is situated. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Capital of the province Name: ProvinceCapital Definition: The municipality is the capital of the province where it is situated. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Capital of the Region Name: RegionCaptial Definition: The municipality is the capital of the region where it is situated. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Capital of the Country Name: CountryCaptial Definition: The municipality is the capital of the Country where it is situated. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Name in German Name: NameGer V4.1 (2019)

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Definition: Name of the municipality in German Datatype: String Attribute: Name in French Name: NameFre Definition: Name of the municipality in French Datatype: String Attribute: Name in Dutch Name: NameDut Definition: Name of the municipality in Dutch Datatype: String Attribute: NIS code Name: NISCode Definition: Code attributed by the Belgian National Institute of Statistics to the Country, a Region, a province, an administrative district, a municipality or a statistics sector. The NIS code of these administrative zones is five digits long, except for the statistic sectors (the NIS code of these sectors consists of one letter and two or three digits). Datatype: String Attribute: City Name: City Definition: A municipality on which the public authority has conferred the title of 'city'. Datatype: Boolean Attribute: Language statute Name: LanguageStatute Definition: Classification that indicates which national language(s) - French, Dutch and/or German - is (are) the official language(s) of a municipality. The official language is the one which, in accordance with the law, must be used within a linguistic region for administrative and judicial matters, as well as in education and business. For municipalities with services in a second languages, the second language is indicated next to the official language. Attribute value: NL FR DE NL-FR NL-fr FR-nl FR-de DE-fr V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 21 of 28 Attribute value: NL Code: 1 Label: NL Definition: The municipality is a Dutch-speaking municipality. Attribute value: FR Code: 2 Label: FR Definition: The municipality is a French-speaking municipality. Attribute value: DE Code: 3 Label: DE Definition: The municipality is a German-speaking municipality. Attribute value: NL-FR Code: 4 Label: NL-FR Definition: The municipality is a bilingual municipality (French and Dutch). Attribute value: NL-fr Code: 5 Label: NL-fr Definition: The municipality is a Dutch-speaking municipality with language services for French-speaking inhabitants. Attribute value: FR-nl Code: 6 Label: FR-nl Definition: The municipality is a French-speaking municipality with language services for Dutch-speaking inhabitants. Attribute value: FR-de Code: 7 Label: FR-de Definition: The municipality is a French-speaking municipality with language services for German-speaking inhabitants. Attribute value: DE-fr Code: 8 Label: DE-fr Definition: The municipality is a German-speaking municipality with language services for French-speaking inhabitants. V4.1 (2019)

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4.2.5. Administrative boundaries Object type: Administrative boundary Name: AD_AdministrativeBoundary Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Boundary of an administrative zone (Country, Region, province, administrative district or municipality) or municipal section. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The geometry of the boundary Data type: Polyline Attribute: Administrative level Name: AdminLevel Definition: Classification indicating for an administrative boundary whether it is a boundary between two municipal sections in the same municipality, a municipal boundary, a district boundary, a provincial boundary, a regional boundary or a national border. Attribute values: Municipal section boundary Municipal boundary District boundary Provincial boundary Regional boundary National border Attribute value: Municipal section boundary Code: 1 Label: Municipal section Definition: Boundary which defines the territory of a municipal section in relation to bordering municipal sections. Attribute value: Municipal boundary Code: 2 Label: Municipality Definition: Boundary which defines the territory of a municipality in relation to bordering municipalities. Attribute value: District boundary Code: 3 Label: District Definition: Boundary which defines the territory of a district in relation to bordering districts. V4.1 (2019)

AdminVector Product specifications Page 23 of 28 Attribute value: Provincial boundary Code: 4 Label: Provinces Definition: Boundary which defines the territory of a province in relation to bordering provinces. Attribute value: Regional boundary Code: 5 Label: Region Definition: Boundary which defines the territory of a Region in relation to bordering Regions. Attribute value: national border Code: 6 Label: National border Definition: Boundary which defines the territory of a Country in relation to bordering Countries. Attribute: Pseudo NIS code left municipal section Name: PseudoNIS_L Definition: Pseudo NIS code for the municipal section situated to the left of the administrative boundary, in the direction of the vector which represents the geometry of the boundary. Datatype: String Attribute: Pseudo NIS code right municipal section Name: PseudoNis_R Definition: Pseudo NIS code for the municipal section situated to the right of the administrative boundary, in the direction of the vector which represents the geometry of the boundary. Datatype: String Attribute: NIS code left municipality Name: NIS_L Definition: NIS code for the municipality situated to the left of the administrative boundary, in the direction of the vector which represents the geometry of the boundary. Datatype: String Attribute: NIS code right municipality Name: NIS_R Definition: NIS code for the municipality situated to the right of the administrative boundary, in the direction of the vector which represents the geometry of the boundary. Datatype: String V4.1 (2019)

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4.2.6. Border markers Object type: Border marker Name: AD_6_BorderMarker Sub-type of: AdminVectorGenericType Abstract: No Definition: Marker in stone or cast iron indicating the outline of the current national border. Attribute: Geometry Name: Geometry Definition: The location of the border marker. Datatype: Point V4.1 (2019)

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5. PRODUCTION METADATA 5.1. Data origin

5.1.1. Initial creation of vector data

The data in the series of statistical and administrative units have been created in different ways depending on the class in question. First, the vector data of the statistic sectors were initially created by the DGS by digitising the statistical boundaries on the basis of analogue maps at the appropriate scale.

Secondly, the vector data of the municipal sections were created by the NGI. The municipal sections were created by merging the statistic sectors and, where applicable, by merging statistic sub-sectors, if they are located on two municipal sections. The splitting of the statistic sectors and their merging was carried out on the basis of the administrative boundaries of the administrative maps as of 1 January 1961.

Third, the vector data for municipalities were initially created by the AGDP by digitising the administrative boundaries of analogue maps at a scale of 1:10,000. The vector data for districts were created by merging the municipalities belonging to the same districts: the higher-level entities are created by merging the lower entities that make them up. This ensures topological coherence between administrative entities.

The data in the series of municipal section centres and municipalities were created in different ways depending on the class in question. First, the vector data for the municipal section centres were created by the NGI by geolocating the municipal hall of the municipality on 1 January 1961, or, if it no longer existed or was no longer identifiable, by geolocating the main church of the municipal section, or failing that, the main crossroad of the municipal section.

Secondly, the vector data of the municipal centres were created by the NGI by geolocating the official address of the Belgian municipal halls.

The data in the series of the administrative boundaries were created by the NGI by automatically transforming the surface entities of the first series into linear entities.

The data of the series of border markers were created by the NGI by digitising the corresponding points on analogue maps and by adding land.

5.1.2. Update process

The updating of the data of the series of statistical and administrative units is carried out by the authentic sources of each class. As such, the DGS updates the statistic sectors and the AGDP updates the municipalities according to their own procedures.

The NGI incorporates the updated versions of these two classes. From this, the NGI updates the class of municipal sections and also merges the municipalities into districts. These updates are completely automated.

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6. REFERENCE SYSTEMS 6.1. Geographic reference systems

6.1.1. Available coordinate systems

AdminVector is available in the following projected or geographic coordinate systems: − Belgian Lambert 72 (Cartesian coordinates), − Belgian Lambert 2008 (Cartesian coordinates), − UTM31 (Cartesian coordinates), − UTM32 (Cartesian coordinates), − ETRS89 (geographic coordinates).

All Cartesian coordinates in the plane are derived from geographic coordinates to which a given map projection has been applied. The values of the geographical coordinates of the same point are different according to the reference geodetic system used. Geodetic reference systems In the context of this product, the following reference geodetic systems are important: − WGS84 (World Geodetic system 1984) The "default" reference system used by GPS devices.

− ETRS89 (European Terrestrial Reference System 1989) The official international exchange format in Europe. This is the basis of the Belgian Lambert 2008 projection. It is also the basis for the UTM coordinates provided by the NGI.

− BD72 (Belgian Datum 1972) This is the basis of the Belgian Lambert 72 projection.

Each of these reference geodetic systems is described in detail, including the associated ellipsoid and its parameters, on the following web page:


PLEASE NOTE: difference between WGS84 and ETRS89 WGS84 is a reference geodetic system which has the disadvantage of being dynamic. Due to plate tectonics, the coordinates of all points on the Earth's surface change over time. Europe is almost entirely on the same tectonic plate, the Eurasian plate. This means that all points on the continent move together in relation to WGS84, but not in relation to each other. It was therefore decided to continue to use, as if frozen, the WGS84 coordinates that were valid on 1 January 1989 for each point. This is the source of the ETRS1989 reference system. The difference between WGS84 and ETRS89 is increasing at a rate of 1.5 to 2 cm/year (for both the northern and eastern components). Map projection systems In the context of this product, the following map projection systems are applicable: − Lambert 2008: throughout Belgium, − Lambert 72: throughout Belgium, − UTM31: throughout Belgium, − UTM32: to the east of 5°30’ E.

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Full details of these projection systems are available on the following web pages:

http://www.ign.be/FR/FR2-1-4.shtm http://www.ign.be/FR/FR2-1-7.shtm

PLEASE NOTE: important remark concerning UTM coordinates The above web page refers to UTM coordinates derived from the ED50 reference geodetic system (European Datum 1950). These coordinates are no longer provided; only UTM coordinates based on ETRS89 are available.

7. DELIVERY INFORMATION 7.1. Available data formats

Name ESRI file geodatabase Version 10.2

Specifications - Language eng

Name ESRI Shapefile Version Not applicable Specifications ESRI Shapefile Technical Description, an ESRI White Paper, July 1998 Language eng