t y fmva •njrthlng to act], rent, cxchanao or hare any other Arc Ymir Hlnllntierr nr other need, try ccnta-word *dr. In Printed .Supplies low? Timm. Try (lift Times I'rtut BImp. KHT.tllM M llUII f.V 1874 AB TJIM llI r \s OIIOVI; llK f'O ltll


REV. (JH IIT IT II STIKS W. C. T. U. lior.z To ARMY SERVIC GROVE I.tist Summer Meeting to lie Held Ocom-ii i,m mnn will lie in vlmrge ASSOCIATION MEMBERS N ext WeeJt. August 2.1.• ' The weekly liioetln'g ol‘ the W. C. •I'li.Ivjitinn Army will hold on T,. U.,-lield on .■Tuesday, a l Tliornley Thui • August 23,' whiit will pni. AT THE AUDITORIUM phapel, \ well attended, W ith rej>- ulily I- -Aliv largest prayer service on icsenlullvea' as usual from nfeveral rceoivi. Knini' 8 .to. 10 -:|l. in.' .every States.- After the opening service, Sdlvmi'ii; t in' the eighty-three, Mrs. M, I. Benson,’presiding, Mrs. H. countiv .-t and colonies where the P. Pox had .cliurgo of the program. Anii;,' line- liies will Unite, .ini/prayer, regations Turn Out To Hear Revs. Mrs. Robert' -Weed), of Baltimore, in' ai'i'iu-tlitnce with orders , issued by BY COMPTROLLER gave the scriptural mossnge. General l-Mwurd .1. Higgins, Invoking Washabaugh and Jacobs, Despite Unfavorable Rev. John Griffith, of Union City, Divine guidance on the High Council Pa;, Rave an earnest message on tho Which meets' oil A ugust 28lli.-in -Lon-, necessity of Christian people adher­ don. I'liiglaiid, to elect a new general, Weathei —Preachers Are Newark and Wil­ Although Required Conditions Had Been Met by ing firmly to principle, instead of The'local gathering will in the maintaining nn indifferent attitude to Salvation Army hall, Gil Mattison the evils of the times.-. avenue, and W ill • be conducted by mington District Superintendents Respectively. the Depositors of the Old Bank the Charter Next Tuesday s*l\ be the last mcet- Commissioner Richard Holz, who re­ ng of the summer series, and will cently retired after fifty years of sei> be in charge of Mrs. Margaret Asay vice in' the high command of the Is Refused— Bank Building and Equipment, Hesse, president of the Willard Army, nnd now resides at 104 ­ Union. ______. . "There is one religion nt work in (the Association, opened the evening bury avenue, Ocean Grove. every world, bidding for all hearts; , serifton. Held at $70,000, Now Complete Loss Unless it is the Christian religion;" declared 1 , Fifst. ho declared, this experience PASTOR ADVOCATES Rev. J. Edgar Wasabaugh, the morn- 'VBK “ •,1’oof ,'of tho constancy of Gbd’s STRAND TO GIVE ing preacher in tho Auditorium prpmaajr’' Used for Purpose ^Intended— Dividend Expect­ Sunday. Rev. Washabaugh, Newark LARGER LOYALTIES district superintendent a|ld recently I hnd it« elimnv -e i n i DOUBLE FEATURE elected member, of the Association,) had its climax in the person' of His ed Soon— Depositors’ Committee Issues State­ preached on the subject, “A Glorious earth nntl l“lk'ng here on SAYS CHRISTIAN TEACHING ENTERTAINMENT THREE DAYS Task, a.- Precious Promise.” His The coming of the Holy Spirit was AVOIDS PETTY OBJECTIVES texts were taken from Matthew, (5:10, nn assurance that righteousness will ment. NEXT WEEK “Thy will be done on earth as. it ik in ultimately triumph in the face of the -Heaven/’ and 11:30, “For . my yoke earth, continued "Rev. Jacobs. This By telegram on Tuesday the | 0f the Treasury Department to the Dr. Fox,'at St. Paul’s Sunday morn­ George Arliss in. “House of Roth­ is easy and my. burden' is lipht.” may. seem unbelievable ..today, he Comptroller of. the Treasury rejected | tentative board of directors of the ing worship service, shows need for Others will “steal the thunder” of granted,'“When all cohorts of Hell , the application for a charter for a | proposed new bnnk,.some of whom schild" and Shirley Temple in have been turned loose, the liquor Greater Loyalty to Social Justice, the Christian church, he \yai‘ned, un­ new national bank in Ocean Grove. are out of town on vacation, for their “ Managed Money,” To Lead IJili. less Christians go -out and proclaim traffic. for instance,” but,-he remind- , The reason for the rejection given decision as to what further steps, if Universal Brotherhood, and Love the Son of Map. rejoiced that ell, it is not His will th a t the-G ates in a short letter" to the chairman of Comedy Features) Are : Added To of Hell shall prevail against righte­ any, should be taken. - and Truth. • , Protestants, Jews and Catholics are the depositors’ committee, confirming “In the meantime, your committee Outstanding Program. “fithn


•cotb COKTHOL N o matter what you may have heard or what you may think about this or that kind of elec­ • The defrosting switch tric refrigeration—you can have .no idea of doesn’t have to be tu n e d what a modern electric refrigerator should be on again after defrosting or do until you’ve Seen the Frigidairc Super is completed. It turns it­ self on—automatically! Freezer. For. here is a development that helps make the Frigidaire '34 tjie most convenient, most complete and most unusual refrigerator ever built; . .. • No tugging or prying to get ice trays out of the The Frigidaire Super Freezer combines con­ freezer. A patented lever veniences and advantages not to be found in brings them sliding out a t a touch of the finger. any other electric refrigerator. More ice! Uniformly low temperatures brings you a ll these advantages—and many more throughput the cabinet! Room for tall bottles besides. • Central location of the o n both sides of. the freezer! A cold storage Don't fail to see this latest advance in electric Super Freezer provides compartment that is really big enough to be refrigeration before you buy. Demonstration now tali bottle spitce on b o th useful! Automatic reset defrosting! Automatic going on in our showroom. Learn why thousands sides and helps keep the entire food compartment ice tray release! The Frigidaire Super Freezer are saying: uniformly cold.

A M et Statular.l -U4

END OF SEASON SALE , FIRE ALARM . 43...... Park Place and Ocean \VIVilo thev !nsl with each Simniims- Deep 'Sleep Imiersprini? Mattress, 45...... '. . .LaRelne and Ocean : 1 : . OCEAN OiUOVJJ . •17 J ...... Fourth and Ocean H;e give-true, a $8.1!O' Metal lied, aiul a $6.50 Coil. Spring to match. 'Asbury Park 33j0| B. ,M. . Patterson, Proprietor. Asbury Park fcibory Ptrk-tteir M.TnmttCo;

f., ■Tfi.h FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1034 I’AOK TllKtin |,»tin|ll|||||||l|fM|llll|jf|ll|ll|ll||i|flt|j|i|||||||||||||ttllM|||lfllllllllll|llllllll|Mlll||l||l|ll|l||llllllilil||il|ll|ltllll|tl|||||||tll!|lt|^ 'UiilKliiliiliililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiHiiiiiiiitiiitiKttliiiiiiiiliiliitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiint rtny iiohooi nt 0,80j flenching service, lit Unmp llldnniflcldj Mr, nnd Mrs, w, l(Mli i pronelimg nt 7.80, Iliilli iiliiicii, Yonkoi'fli HE TIMES advertiser* need our trade and friend, P lr ti M. E m Asbury Park. lltutiland—Kvn M. Hill, .Husncx; •hip. When you .need anything first try to buy T H A N K U flov, Riliion It, Lonch, pftHton Sunday Miiriruici A, Ifi'liry, Ellznbcth; Mrs. school lit MG fi. rn, I’rwtuhlnff sarvldo, It ot homo. We are anxious' *o suo m tt hom e, II.no ft, m, Younir pooplo’M m ooting lit M, tt', Tm'HcIh'II. Trontoii; J ' K. frvU:i>M \Voilnoailny a t 7,4 6 o'clock. Jiiini ■ .Marsh, William Mnrnh; .Sium- toi'ii. c onn,; .Mrs, L, A, Miller: Uni- activity Communities grow n n d prosper through som- A HANDY DIRECTORY FOE OUR HEADERS S West Grove M E. tiit''1 I; .Milli'V, Yorkntown Iloglit#; b in cd efforts, Cooperation nnd tenrri work make for * - ■ " ' . • ^ HcV, willllimt (JufllcK, pastor. HorVlcos Mrh. I'!, Anili'l'itnti, PiiMsale; Mis. J, fur. Mu- -‘omniK Hltnrtny iih followw J ;9.4f», II. UuWthorue; i'i lia M, rc n u lts. T rade a t home. Smidny nt-linol; 11,00, prnin»i>ln« «oi‘Vtco S 3 jflpwortii Loaituo; 7.H0 oVonlnff sor* Crwvwvll, nii..({(i1 X. V.; h'nim:i-s .1, vl(!o...... ■ UtM. .1 iriiililla, N, Y.; Lois A. (More, I: Mi'. :iti,i All'*. II, K. Mnl'i', rftlwlh.iirite;:- BUSINESS DIRE AMONG THE HOTELS Mr. and- .Mrs, J , W,' Kinney, Tri'ii1 • REPASRING^BATTERIES—•TIRES MiHhv,,! ,1|.. Lliilltinl, I!«'tl<.vil!-'; fJI'ltc.- A. Tlidm, Philmlelpliia; d'lmnm Tuloplihim A. 1*. 27 W hile Hall—Mi', mul .M rs. John Tit":-.', i, I'nir Lawn; Mrs. Krank W. Servicc With a Smile rinr.tuii, Phillips, Alaxnntli'in, Va.j (Joiii.iv, in, York City;.. Fraiik r, F r a n k S M orris, Inc. L SNIDER Mrs. (;iinrlos llonnut, lU'tliesila, Md.; Diivj,-!. (Moria. Simvpley,. . Canidcn; Tiros, l'ult^s, Jliillt-rUfH, VtlUhnlvilng, A m o. A.c^’oSMorU'W; Brake, Tiro' and John II. Kclnvcmilz, Jersey City; EHu I ini d ry SiT\i» f. CfiHTiO Anir» Uoj mlrs. ’s NEWSPAPERS- '■ I.nis w. Millin', Akroii, Ohio; Mrs.- ______*______71* South (.MuIn Sti«< t, ...... GOMain Avenue, Occan Grove Holl'raitn, West Cnldwblh Myrtlij J«t»nii. Iv.' IIj'litml,.Ridgevyooil; Kloiv Newspaper and Magazino SERVICE AM. YEAR Kaiiouse, PiUttrabn; II. J. King, Mr. e iB I1, (Imlwiiv, Jam aica; Mrs. Julia mui Mi's. L. II. DeGrnfV, J r„ Urook- ■ Delivery Service . 53 Main Avenue. Tel. 5283 Allierl, Wnodside; L, I. .COAL AND WOOD Phone 318 lyn; Mr. nnd Mrs, J. Smith, Thomas We .Deliver th Goods Ocean Grove’s Original Carrier J. Smith, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. C. Seaci'nll—.Mr. and Mrs. O.-D.iDav- G. Lnnnter, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Long, ies nnd li.ntli, Ilurrim an. N'.,Y ; Mr, Johnson Coal and Supply Co* H awthorne. imd Mrs. Floj'il Beach, Dover, J.; COLONIAL COAL Harry (,'iiniow, Mine Hill, N, J.; Mr, Roosevelt—Mrs. Anna Sliooly, Pat- COAL. MASONS’ MAT Kill A l-S, KUF.L OIL Tilton’s City Dairy G. C, PRIDHAM & BRO. brsoiii Mr. anti Mrs. It. Blcycr,. Bi'oolt- and Mri, Donald II. Rusch, -Mrs. . 005 Mnln Slreoi,. Ashurv'• t'nrlc • • Phones 4940*,(54l ' . Pasteurised H11K and Cream . ’■yiv; Miss Anna GsimbcV, I’hiladelphm ; Olive Ijlack, Wharton, N„ J,; Mrs. R., BUTTERMILK AND CERTIFIED PRACTICAL PAINTERS Iiaiiii'maii,. Tappen, N. Y.; George MILK .' ' Miss Nellie E, Irwin, Miss Florence RADIO Iqn and I'Jdtui Minschwaner, Trenton; Platrlbutors for ^alker-Gordcm PAPER HANGERS Irwin, Brookline, Pa.; Mrs. Clara Jacnm C. Ernst, Miss M, E, Ernst, Products ^ Hahn and family, Now York; Mrs. 605 Second Aveane» Asbury Pa:' n k - \ 71 Broadway, Ocean Groyo, If, J. Brooktyh; Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Robin, Phone 1877 David Hahn, Hovworth, N, J.? Mr. Bronx; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Greene, Scott’s Music Shop and-Mrs. James E. Miller, Westches­ F. A. Oreesie, Jr., Mary Greene, Suf- MUSICAL* I^STRUSIENTS—CENTURY EDITION ter; Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Sailer, Jr., fbrti; L. K, Goppert, G; Googer, Electrical 1'tefrlgeration—Maying .Waslicrs—Sorvlco on all appliances Scranton;. Mr.. and Mrs. L. B. Caryl, Brooklyn; II, R, McSeaehie, Pater­ 410 Main Street, Aabury Park, N. J,. Phone 5G30 Ellen H. Clive . CHARLES W. QUERING Scranton, son; Miss Ruth Barrett, Morris . Trifling as D, C. Co.ert Afiency Aurora—Mrs, George B. ' Jones, Plains;. Mrs. R, Moore, Montclair; CARPENTER AND BUILDER Hollis,. L. I.; Mrs. Lena Unglert, .Mel­ 'Miss K. A. Bixler, Mrs. D, A,. Bode, [iijiiiitiiiiiiiiiiHiitf it mu him Ml* mi tiiittnin iiiitimtititinti!)i luiiitiniiii Hiiiimtjiii 11 nit Mifmu 11 'iinninniiiiiaituiiiiiitiif mihKiifiiiifiiittiiittiniiiumuiitniittnrontn Insurance and Real Estate Jobbing Promptly Attended To vin Unglert, Long Island City; Mrs. Jam aica; Ella H. Bone, George B. Ocean Grove and; Asbury Park Estlmutes Famished. Phone 1285*11 Blanche Hutchinson, Wilkinsburg, Hunt, Newton, Pa.; Rev, and Mrs. W. Telephones 2006 and 340 118 Abbott Avenue, Occan Grove P a.; Dr. and Mrs.. Jam es H. Black, E. King, Dover, N*' Jif Florence M. Chanibersburg; Mr. .and Mrs. John 'B. and Elsie M.- Gensler, Philadelphia; Yellow Rose Coffee Shop Thompson arid son, Jackson Heights; Mr. and Mrs. John B, Staats, Bell^. Mrs. Ernest Burkhardt, Maplewood; Mead. Mr, and Mrs. N. O. Smith, Chatham; 49 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove Edmund E, Thompson Jeanne L. Jacobs, Scranton; Helen l.akcnsca—Mrs. Thomas C, Fog­ Bermuda arty, Dover, N, J,; Mrs. William J. Exterior and Interior A. Gerow, New Patti, N.v Y.; Miss ■$60 and up, also trips to Evwoj>e, .Nellie J. C. Kerlshof, Hackensack; Bassett; East Orange;'Estelle C. Cor­ ..Breakfast ---- ...... 15c.—2Sc, , .Alaska and West Indies P ainting nell, .Mrs. Newcomb, Brooklyn; Mrs. Mrs; Alma A, Reardon, Miss. Dolores C„ Ii. Schaefer, Miss Betsy Poole, Luncheon:...... 35c. W. C.-GKAV TRAVEL AGENCY Estimates Furnished L, Reardon, Glen Rock; Mr. and Mrs. 306 Bond St. Asbiiry Park, N. J. 28 Oconn : Avenue, Ocean Or'ore C, H. Rea, Miss: Bernice Rea, Flush-, Hackensack; Mrs, Eva Bole, Mrs.’ J. Phone 1594 Phono Asbury Park 2258*11 N.. Poole, Park Ridge; Mr, and Mrs. I S upper ...... '...... ;..... 1...... 40c, ing; Mrs. Isabelle. Deane, Mr. and S. W hitmore, New York City; ! Mrs. Prank. Bird, Hollis, L. l , r Mr.' Miv. II. IL Schultze, Washington, D. ! Tea; Coffee, Milk ...... ;...... ,:..03c. nnd Mrs. John JJ, Nelson, Brooklyn; Phone 237-M Weather Stripping G.; IIi-v. ami Mrs. W. A, Smith, Miss j Salads ...... M. DARO BARBER SHOP Screens ; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fi|r.patriok, M. iv ComoK, Doylestown; Miss . Rahw ay; N. C. Shewy, Elizabeth Msirv Flagler, - Stroud’sbui'g; Mrs. F’. ' B0J Bond Slrcot-. ABborT I’nrk A. M. AUSTIN Shewy, Jlamdiester, Cohn. Sandwiches ...... 10c.— 15c. Export on tallies’ .ft Cliliclren's Work. $ . Hump, Gi'anvllle, N*. Y.; Mr. a ml 86 Hcclt Avenue, Ocean Grove . Spray View—Mrs,. W. M. Im lny,' Mis. Martin P. Biiinp and son, Troy; ; • Ice Cream,' ...... i...... '...... ,„..10c. All Hair Cuts; 50c. Children, 40c, Carpenter and Builder Lueillu B. Imlay, l.yon Park, Va.; .Mrs. Milton Schafer, ."Mrs.. Frank HIICIIAEL DAItO . Jobbing and Repairs Mrs. J. -Kux and- liaughtev, Illoom- HnUi, .Sir. and Mrh. f'hnrli's W. K, Gourteous Service, Best Quality Home-Cooked Food. {Formerly with Nary) Ask for Estimates lield; 31 jss A., tt’. Grant, Hartford, RhaJVi-,' Rose 'J , Schiu-r, M ary A; Conn.; Alrs^ A. Kain, George Ii, JCain, Rolin, Ulla" C. Sehniilv Xivzari'th, Pa.;

Passaic; M r.. iiml Mi's. I. T. Ondel'- Din'nt'lu'a, Sarah and Robci-t J, Mess- ji»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiinitiiiMi»iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMiiiiinniiiiiiiMtitiiiutniiitiini.tniHiiiiMiirMiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii'iiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiiiitiittiiiittiiiiHiriHiiiiii Telephone Aabury Park ' 1404-11" donk, Air; ami M rs. V. GeiUing, H. ni r. SiT.niidsburg, Pa.;, r.oulso and WATCH, CLOCK, AND W. Stephens, Maplewood;. Mi's. "C. B. EiliUi Combs, R utherforil; .Marion David H. O’Reilly -Crueker and daughter, M r. and Mrs. Fov. Patricia Chewnni't, PhiladeIT • JEWELRY REPAIRING ■ ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Artinii' 10. Fajans, New Ypi'k City; pliia; Kloreiico A, Kline, Planlieid. 9 . E. I. FEAGLEY . Orders Attended to Promptly Emma and Helen Case, W.eehawken; SO Tours with Hamilton Watch Co. Estimates Furnished Mr, and Mrs. 11. J. Delhugen. Elizs IS Clocks Culled for and Dollroroil belli; Mrs. J. Lytle, Fair Lawn, N, k'liiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiijiiiittiiiiMiiiiiiitiiiitiK 130 Mata A-roniio pcoan Orote 20 Abbott Avenue, Ocean Grove Phone 4716 J.; M rs. J. -Lister, Mrs. G. Lister, It costs money to be sick. You see it di- Arlington, N. J.; Elizabeth ii Collin, . rectly if your pay envelope is short. You ‘ Louise Stitndinger, Brooklyn; Edith, I YARNALL’S I und Irene Hardie, East Orange; Mr, lose out' on some important work if you BURTSS’ FUNERAL CHAPEl arid Mrs. Frank S. David, Turry- live on a farm or if you are one of the few ANDREW TAYLOR town; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Board, iistinctive Funeral Service TIN AND SHEET METAL * Ridgewood;, Mrs, M. Farina and son,' I MARKET j who are not dockecl for lost time. You Slnos 1888 WORKER Jersey City; L.: Jacobsky,- Rev, and can’t afford to show up on the job unless Mrs. J. H. Giro, Now York City. 602 llaReine Ave. :.| I I ? BAN6S AVENUE, ASBURY PARK 76 South Main Street, Asbury Park you are feeling fit. The boss wants St. George—Mrs. E. Miller, Flor- Telephone 687 Phone 2801 ene-: Stenkoff, Jersey City; C, G. | Bradley Beach S suits— not excuses. Fling. Frank B. Sisco;, Philadelphia; H ow m a n y tim es do Otcs' on Sitym ach^H edd- Mr. and G, B etts, Hackensack; • j, Mrs. dche, Sour Stomacht “That Tired Feeling" Miss O; Howe, Heleti Hardy, Mr. and J §' Wis are a* near you E. J. Walenta as follows: Holy Com­ Mrs. William Dolley,' Paterson; A-I f That "Morning. A fter’ Feeling, Neuralgic, munion Sundays, 8 a, m,; Wednesday, and L. Stalp, Verona; Jean. Byrnes, 1 as your] telephone. R heum atic, S ciatic, Muscular or Periodic 8.00 a, m. and first Sunday In the month, Pains keep you at home or interfere with New* of the 11.00 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, Eliaabeth E. Byrne's, Brooklyn; Rob-1 r 11.00 a. m .: evening prayer and sermon, ert Haines, Mrs. Percy Haiiies, Betty All order* promptly yo u r doing a full dny's work? 7.30 p. m. Church School and Bible Class, 9.30 a. m. Last Sunday In tho month, Briggs, Phyllis E, Haines Millbrook; delivered. All these troubles are cause ! or mads worse by too much add Children's Eucharist at 10 a. m,; Prayer Mr. and Mrs, J. Parkhouse, W. C. in your body. To correct this condition take service, Saturday, 6.30 p. m. * • Seaman, East Orange; Ann Brown C h u r c h e s arid children, Riverdale; Alan V. King, Church ■ of the Ascension* Bradley Irvington; Mr. and M rs. Charles T, 1 Telephone, Aabury Park 2271 8 \ Beach. Derby, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wolf,. 1 2 . ALIiA-SELTZEH Allentown, Pa.; Florence C. Kern, J. Br!»«ley and Fletcher take avenues. 5S.ilwi.iB ..mil* ..... ii.imimiitnj The New, Pain RelievingAlkalizing, Effervescent Tablet S t Paul's M. E* Ocean Grove. Right Rev. Canon John J. O’H ara, M, Vermand Kern, Sarah Berkcnieyer; Preachlne Burvi/»A- s « y l? e . 11.00 n oo aa. ra.nv andana.7.du 7 30 I Rector. 9>M< 10>J0 Sunday rfctodt> m asses: w # d t '«ay 6.15, mass, 7.15, 8.15,v 7.50 Bethlehem; Chirlotte G. Williams, It Ss called 'Alka-Seltzer 'because it makes a sparkling alkaline: ^iiiiiiajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiF. ft.m. Sunday,school., »M *. «>£„ o'clock.. First Friday masa, 0.30, 7,30, Mrs. E, Kennedy, Charles. E, Kennedy, drink, and as it contains an analgesic {Acetyl-Saiicylate) H1 first, League, 6.30; Junior League, 6.30._ Prayer Confessions for Saturdays and first Fri­ Betty and Elaine Kennedy, Jack Wil- service, "Wednesday* 7,45 p. M; Rov. days, 4.00 to 5.00 o’clock and 7.30 to 8.S0 relieves the’ pate/of everyday ailments and then by restoring Hamilton P. Fox,, pastor. : o'clock. I LYNCH’S | tha alkaline .balance corrects the cause when due to excess acid, Alka-Seltzer is pleasant to 'take, harmless, ;non-laxative. Trinity • Episcopal, Asbury Park. Firgt Presbyterian, Asbury Park. I HOME-MADE I Services conducted by the rector. Rev. Dr. Charles . F«- Shaw, pastor. Sunday Why don’t you try it? Get a drink at your drug store soda Randall W .‘Conklin,■ as follows: 7.30 a, SORE MUSCLES ■chool at 10 a. m. Preacm ng services at quickly relieved • fountain for a nickel Buy a package for home use. m., holy communion; 9.45,-Sunday school; 11 a. m, Evening sorvlco a t 7.30 P. m. Mid­ 10.45 a. m„ morning prayer and sermon; week service Wednesday- at «.45 p. m. V# with “RRR” Rub j ICE CREAM j 4 p. m., V e B p e rs. Young people's society Thur*nay, 7.4fi p. J l it in. Stimulates local, circulation. , West Side Mission. i Its comforting 1 . Soda*, Sundaes ■ | 927 Spflngwood avonuo, Asbury Park, l warmth soothes Mrs. Besslo A. Brand, suporlntendonU Gospel Hall, Neptune, J. Sandwiches . | Saturdays, 8 p. m,, Mrs. Brand, leader. 1118 Sovonth avonue, nour Atkins. Wor­ muscular aches arid pains. Sunday fichool 2.30, in charge of Georgtt- ship meeting each Lord's . Day nt 10.30 Used fo r 87 yearB to relieve stiff * H. Cutter. Sunday, 2 p. m.( evangelistic a. m.; Sunday school at 2,SO i>. in,; utia- joint?, neuralgia and sprains. I'- 52 Main Avenue f- Large Package SO meeting. TueBday, children and pol meeting :at .7.S0 p. in., SJiblu voaalne Reduces.inflammation* Pene­ people's meeting;. Mrs. Bessie Brand, and prayci' Thursdays at S.OO v. in. | Ocean Grove I! Small Package 39 cents leader. Thursday evening, George Sabin, trates. D ocs not blister. leader. " , Salvation Army, Asbnrv Park. iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii.'tiiiii' 1 Salvation Army barractcu, ftiattlsoii ave­ F ir s t Church of Christ Scientists, nue. Services 11 a m. Sunday school at Asbury Psrk. 2.16.- Young peoples meatliu; 0,15 p: m. SsrvIces are held rogu)ari.v every 8un. Evening worship a t t'. Ensign and Mi's, day morning- a t 11,00 l)J’ tlio FlrKtCliurpl> ueorjto E. Anscombe, officers In charge.,* : Wilbur R, Guyer I j . of Christ Sctontlsta at Asbury and Graiia W hen Teeth W OfiB i.E avehues, Tho reading room Is - m m Pentecostal Lighthouse. Successor to | every day froom 12 noon to 0 p. m. Wed­ .. it *nay be too late fo r your dentist to save them as some nesday evening servlco at ti. Library 005. Sewall avenue,. Asbury Park. Rsv, WILLIAM YOUNG ■ | of tlio tissue which holds teeth in their sockets will also open Sundays, from-12 to i. bunday " ‘bert Evans, pastor; Sunday school school at 11 a. m.- . ^.C0 p. to,, preaching sonrkc, 3 and 8. p. G A S PAIN S already' have been destroyed, 1]Firm healthy, gams that .m,, young: people's meeting, 7,30 ;, prayer wind colic and stomach distress meetings, :Tuesdany and l^iursday even­ PLUMBING AND I iu g flie teeth provide protection against infection and Lutheran Church Of the A to n e m e n t ings, 7.30 o'clock. more quickl.y relieved with jlefltructloK of the uilerlylng tooth supporting tissues. F irst avonuo and Heclc stro ct Rev. ° R R R”. The comforting | HEATING j Carl H. MUlor pastor. Sunday, achool, Grand Avenue. Reformed, Asbury Park warmth of a teaspoonful in a j|Get professional advice before, trouble starts '8.30 a. ni. Morn inf; sorvlco, 10.4G Vcsiior ?®v. Otta L, F, MohB, pastor ' Sunday glass of hot water expells gas 1 Estimates Giver | service, 7.45 p. m. I-',."' a, m.; divine worship, 11 . m. and brings you prompt relief. Co»oporat© with youri a ,ul (,30 p. m .; prayer meeting,' Wednes-, Great for that #,morning after** ; 64 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove g Dallard Memorial, Asbury Park. day, 7.30 p. ni. . feeling Hontist'in striving fori Sunday at 10.30. preaching sorvlco con­ RRR gives comforting w arm tb | Telephone -128 | ducted l>y tho pastor, Kav, H. L.Uratl- Bradley Beach M. E. clean Gnm-Grljpped e tlil way; Sunday school, 9.45 a m,t Epworth Kev. ISdward W. Graham, pastor; Exteraallyandlnteraally iisii.ii.ir.lliiiiiiiiii|iBn.,!.iiii..iiiii'M.Mi.iiiiii*.iiiiiii.im»...i EVERYWHERE League, C.46 evening worship, 7.31. Prayer meeting, Tuesday evening at J,dp. First, Baptist Anbury Park. Sunday school and adult Bible class ~i 10.09 a. m .; m .11 Bav. C, Gordon Bown- vllle, will preach. . Also Sermon, at 7,46. REG’LAR FELLERS He’s Master of the Hounds By GENE BYRNES ' Men’s Brotherhood, 1.0' a : jn. Younu Feopie's meotlnff, C.4B. Prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7.41 P. in. ' 1 CAM % . ID I HAVE ANY ■ \ AM KiND OF DOCr im B K T O glM :>-> '/NO lO fTlTS\ Horae For the Aged. I - WANT ■ ■ TALK*, d o v o o 63 Clark avenue, Ocean Grovo. Every THINK YOUC DAO- IS W ednesday ;.t 2.80 p. m.- Bay. w . C. W S f t B r o v ANYTIME! m m m i Yevkea, actlnc chaplain, conducts a roll- . rockefeller!' jricus service, open to all uiemberii of ” ^ v. AHtTHlH&S airedm.es Homo and any friends _ot the Orovj. THEV CAM Sacrament of the lord's Supper adminis­ tered first Wednesday of every monte. x m m dc«. ' / i a i u . Christian and Missionary Alliance, * 10 019 Asbury avenue. Asbury Park. Preuchlnx jrvlces Sunday a) 10.«i

roUNDEIJ filfll weekly earnoN JUST HUMANS By GENE CARR THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES lHibllflhoti l**rl«1hy , . i Permanence HOMGR D. K(ISOB, fof Itcir ftmj Publiilw FORTY.UlCt IT MAIN AVKNUE, OCEAN CHOVI!, NEW JERSEY Strength Tetoplinfio 7 IUC‘IIAI.l(> UMIHONH. ■ l*nn»J I'JMHor Stability

B U nsruil’Tff t\s yVtirly ; J l .ou m ini •nnhvmlly ; riOi’. -ijiiariorly or 4c, nml lioHiiiue .ju t . pumhh*'1 .i»« 1*1 in iho V'tiVuM Si«Ut'*, Vwnmlu 12.00 mill foreign Integrity J I.;*, i.O a- . • • • . • A I M |(!1-:SSI'S rhn tii:.‘il m » ,n\w n \ < ul w Tornu>r t * < l * l • 3 fjijr words, but they should apply to t]ho I A in K U T I S K V K NTS u l»y Um u|t|*n rm|iii>Ht, . \ v AT i; U T 1115 I ,t\ M KI / <»N VO I! It I ’A !•’ I*: It T O It T il lil I4XI »1 K ATI ON O P » uffeni'.v from \yhich you buy your Insurance and ‘ I . YOUH H.UMHf’U ll'T lO N ...... ( tho company in which it is placcd, | Kntcfi'il Hs.Bi'cnml'i’liLMH hutII ill ihe. Orovn po«to fllct* | See us for sound insurance protection. | TIIK THL'TII IN ITS PHOPKIl I'I.AfK | brnest N. Woolston Real Estate and j Insurance I 48 Main Avenue S Ocean Grove, N. J. Telephone 398

'Did He Die a Natural?" 'Yeah, He Was Hit by a Taxi!1 jMiifiiiiiliiit:iiiiiiiiiiiii.iii:ihiiiiiiuiliitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiirniiiiiiin|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiifiiiiitiitiiiiliiiiiiiiiiaiiiiliiiiiir I AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE—shouid bo placed where your | MAIL SCHEDULE claim will be promptly taken cave of, in caso of accident. To recolvo | SCHEDULE OF THE ARBIVAL AND S twenty per cent discount on your policy premium jeopardizes tho 3 . I>E1‘ARTUHE OF MAILS Ocean GroT«V jj[. J. i possibility of prompt payment of claim. You cannot get “SOME-. I. MAILS CLOSE FOB = THING FOR .NOTHING.” These “Cut Rato” insuranSe companies | VcW York—8;t8, H.10> 10,45 n. in,,1.01, 1 are going into the hands of receivers every month. ' Don’t be— 5 ii,5ii, iui.7, H.00 p. in, | “POUND FOOLISH and PENNY WISE.” This class of insurance | Xf>v York' nnd Wny Stations—8.10 n. in.. 51.50,. fl.07- p. in. ? is like the undertaker: "You may escape the penalty for awhile, | Nnviirki J,—0.18,8,10, 10.46, ii* in,, | but you will be nailed in the end.” | .l.nt.:iU0j 0.07, 8,00/ l>. in. . • I’ll tin <1 el jill In, I'll.—0/1H,1 8*10, 10.45'll. m.i. I SEE WE FOR HIGH CLASS INSURANCE WHICH ALWAYS 1 0.07/8,00 p. iii; I .PAYS THE CLAIM! I . Trenton, .1.—0.1S, 8. 10, 10.45 n. m„ «.HT. s.oii; p. in. 1 IN OTHER WORDS: SEE ME—BEFORE YOU BUY; BURN or I • I'riM'lioiil, X. .1.—0.18, 8.10 n, in,, 4.5a, li.il7. SJI0 p. >11. 1 ' BORROW, | Iti-il' Hllllli. V. 'il.—’h.IO II. 111., 0.50, 0,0“, ,'.!mi p ..in. I LOUIS E BRONSON j I,tniIf- 1lnine.li. N. J.—S.I0 n. m„ 3*50, p, in, • • • ’ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1 Iilnt I’leiisnni mid AVii.v Sin t Ions-— ii.il ii. in., 5.15 |i. in. 1 53 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J„ | .. i'Jlnry I'nrk. S,' .1.—O.ls n. in., 1.01, i;,n; .iu' ni, | Phone Asbury Park 1058, 1

M A j I.S A It It I Vi; l-HOM jMfiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiMiuitfiiiiiiiHiJiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiHifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiitiiffiuiiiiiti nv« York' tily —0JI0, 10.00. n,. pi., 1.5*5* in. Si'\\ Vitrk ii ml;' 'Vny St (H Inns—(1,40, a. mi., tn.jn iu in.. i1,5i'i. :i,:;i>,. it.:;o p, in. .riiilini.i'ipliln, I’ii.—fum.’ lo,!50 n, in., iiitifl, p. nt. ■ Nt-uiirii. N. —fijl»f .fi,l«. HU», n. 111., in.uo p, m. . jninr.iit, N«. ,1,—ojhi, • m,;jn . n, in,, 0.JI0, F lio n e P h o n e fiJJif p. nil ' ...... HtiiiH’h, if,—(t;|0, lO.JlO nv in., n. i:j :o p. m. -i licil itiiiik, X. .1,—nju, 1II.0P a. m „ il.UO, .•■.so ii, n i, • l- iwliiilti., N.- .1.- 0,10, 10.510 nv nu, 1U5I0 I-. III. . r 7 ■ ■ ■• ■ I’olnt ,|»l!*»Miiit n nil U'ay NI lit Ions—8,50 li. III,. 1.10,-0,51(1. p. ill. A li ii ry I’tirlf, X. ,1,—0.1 o, 8.50' n. m IJio, 0.00 p.- in... • ■ OFFICE: BOO HANGS AVENUE, OPPOSITE ELECTRIC BUILDING All! MAILS V LOSH €*liti'H.Ufi. Ill.T—s.m, - io.i.V ill,, 0,511, 8.00 pi ill. . Rates for Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Ititsloii. Mli^s.—51,511, MO p.’ III. ' . Los Anui'Ii's, ( »!.—n;5ll.^,00 p. in, F or Each • Sun l-'niiu-lM-M, rn l.—s.Mi a. in., I For One i Additional IP Passenger 0 Passenger •lOSHl’U KAIJfEAI!, l'nslmitBlor. liJIOPt’BVO. M ’B STEADY DllIVlN'O KATKS ALSO HEDDCEI), CENTENNIAL CALI, US FO ll I’HOJII'T IXI'f COIJHTEOTIS REllVICE,

We Employ High-Grade R epairers Our Prices Are Reasonable FIRE INSURANCE The Work the Beat. Recent fires in Ocean Grove prove the importance of carrying adequate fire insurance. Telephone 8960 If youv policies have, not been kept in force see us TRICARICO at once. Your investment must be protected at all costs. 63 Main Avenue,. Ocean Grove Our companies are noted for fair dealing and can be depended on to deal promptly and honestly if you have alosa. REAL ESTATE HOT A year round home and rooming house near the beach, well built, consisting of fourteen rooms, ten bed­ HOME-MADE rooms. Truly a wonderful bargain at $5,000.00. BREAD ALVIN E. BILLS DAILY Formerly J. N. ■ Garrabrandt Agency REITZ REAL ESTATE' MORTGAGE LOANS INSURANCE MODEL, BAKERY lejpphono 2124 78 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove |,A' 47 Pilgrim Pathway . | ’.CLASSIFIED J.;'" . Ocean Grove ■ ;■ | ?itiitiiii(iiiiiliijiiiii;iliiiiitiiljiiii«iiiiifitijiiliii)iti|i||iiiiiiiit^ DEPARTMENT The PERSONAL BRUSH of._th.ousands CENT A WORD MINIMUM 25 CENTS. CASH TO ACCOMPANY THE ORDEK '

ROOM—Choice and airy, near ocean and cafeterias. Ownership- * Compart brushing hesd. management of famous Huntenlays, Reasonable rates, privleges .optional, ICE CREAM ^ Sturdy brirllas. . at The Huntei; 34 Embury avenue, CANDY GIFTS Ths ideal tooth brush for DESIRE to sell, my weir built ten- f i * v ‘ modern bruihing methods room winter hofipe, .fine foundation, 48 Pitman Ave., Ocean Grove best , location, near beach, clear of debt;, right- price;'to right, party, Near Auditorius'r,: .' Personal Tooth Brush owner only, also.'desire to Rive away a mothe.r eat, With three kittens. !tU Embury avenue.—SS*

.FOR SALE. . ' gi.«.Hiuiu.i»ii.nuuiust,kH.u.MU.Hiu.n.n»>,inii(ttiiniiiiiiH.MnniMmmniiiaiiaii(iiiiaHaaniau,iniiamttSn*ii.ijaiiinujniu 14-room house, 10 bedrooms,, near North End, ?4,000j'terms. 10-room hom e, A bbott avenue, fine j Vacuum Furnace I B.FEDDES S condition, one block from boardwalk H = and bathing, $4,000; term.i. fl-iopms und bath, new bungalow, f Cleaning 1 57 Main Avenue. Ocean Grove, N. J. | Clark avenue, $3,000, cash, fuU price. | (Poitofllce Building) g Corner property on Franklin ave­ ' your Furnace Should be Cleaned nue, good condition, $5,200; terms. 2f!-Toom-house on' Embury avenue, | Now to Avoid Summer Damage. fully furnished, established business, } Jeweler arid Watch Repairs I $7,500. | HOFFMANN COAL CO. 20- room house (five apartments) Y»*«l, Fifth Are. and Railroad 1‘ Fvfra Best Price, Paid for Old Gold. 1 one block from Auditorium , $5,500, . ^ . Appr.lted Free. I J. A. Huury Agency, 06 Main ave­ I Bradley Beach. TcL A. P. 2562 nue, Phone 4132.— 33 ■l" * r ~ — / ’— :;r~.'I'j.l' FM PA V , A U gt/flT 17, 10114 y k o % r t v i

Mlwt M, II, Wray, of Elmira, N, Y., MIm Gortfudo M, Dnvoy, from tha AMONG THE HOTELS jiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiit^iiiii)iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiii'iiiniiiiiiiiiiii


H'tt HiltKiii tiili'Mti Mtirm liMIMMWItMMttllUni

Telephones Dirccily on the 342 nnd 48-16 , Ocean Front

Opens Roosevelt Decoration Day Corner irofich nnd Atlantic Closes October 1 ATHING an d fishing iii- oeeon. .Pine boardwalk full AyonuoB I 1 1 j ji'iigth of ocean: front,, connecting with Asbury Park Ono block from boach1 and Steam Heat pavilion. Superior furnished on the north and Br^dipy Beach On tho south. Two roonik, with lio f and cold * Running Water liltrlwfl. large pavilions, with orchestra concerts afternoon snJd running wator. All modern' Private Baths ituprovoments. Opon April evening, Boardwalk and pavilions brilliantly illuminated ot to Octobor- In moat beauti­ Modern ful part of tho Orovo, Con- night, Auditorium seating nearly 10,000. Most powerful organ vcnleht to all places of inter­ Booklet est. Appolntmonts flrst-class/ in the country. Groat chorus, finest singers, most gifted instrj li. A. HOFEIUCAMP. H. W. WILLIAMS, .mentalists, eminent preachers, noted lecturers. Safe and sani* Telephone 1099. amusements, moving pictures, bowling alleys, merry-go-round, Ownership swimming pool, athletic games, tennis, skee ball, Dallj- jnset- M anagement aaaa«MaaMa«aaa«iaa :: FAMOUS SUPREME BLEND COFFEE • Rooms single and ensuite. Balcony rooms overlooking » Beach and Main Avenues* Ocean Grove ! ocean and Sake. Moderate rates', Booklet. Telephone S 1 2040. Terms on Application. I OGeAM CaROVE. IN, J. Also operating the new | " ..''■■' G. C. PRIDHAM. I • • ■ W GRAND ATLANTIC CAFETERIA .*iaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa«aaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaa« 204-10 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park acaaataaaMaaMaaMaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaat* I Directly on the Ocean Trout j M: J. WOODRING. 9 ' ' • ■’ .• O Ss Gharlo«*G. Stockton I ••aaaaaaoaaaaaaaM waaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaM M iaaaaiiaaaaNa •aa«taaaaaaa

tion hsslffned . to tmhl nNi'oclfltloll liy Mmla Itryajit nnd lu the second plnce all -of I hr. following deseiihetl ■ pi'eiimrly; . Hotel Le Chevalier All tlm lT orlnln Int. iract or parrel of Open for Docoratlon Day In,ni. a nil priMiilHes,- liereliinrter . lutrtlcu- CALLS HOFFMAN "HUMAN DYNAMO" liirl.v- dt'seribi’il, sltiinle, lying nntl being . Corner Wobb and Oontral Avonuos. Rooms Only In ilic Township- of. Neptune, In tho * * . H< * * * * * * *’ininis" m Moinhiiiiih iiml Hint*, of New Breakfast Sorvod A. J. BRYAN, .fefriiy. nl f.iri-iui Hiiivn, iind Itnown and ;. Dean of Stnte House Correspondents and Former State Librarian Declares Harold G. ilexlunnli-il as |.ol -N'uiiiIiiii:. Syvim llu n -. iln.it':md Si-vi-n (7fl*.j on the .smith sldo Hoffman, as Governor, Will Set New Record for Tireless Energy ol' AVt-lvli A \in u r on the. .Map ill l.nls of (*nin|i iit;i,iinil ol' liie Hit III f'ltllip Meellnn and Accomplishment as Chief Executive. i Astrui-lnllun of lln* Mothoillst i-lpls^'opal ‘ l'lim-rli nml also lln- most III ‘-i\'lrf( nini tvvn nnd oui'-flnIt'.Inelies ■ ns the LcBlslntlvo correspondent liloni:.. silld eloile.rly .line ■ frotlif, lllli .iiorth- ■ ■ 11> tm,; (1f ,\i.,|,„ii , Av.jiHnj.J • l.helico ,1'un- for the Philadelphia nocord, that nliof ill uuiilirrly, nlnng siibl easierly T D /T lV 0 1 A /"'T 2'1 Atlantic n venue. Fuvnlsliod rooms I llrst mot tho smiling, broad* 11II. • Ml,-. II t.-.-l six fill Inis .to tlio' lllvl- ; 1 X v v j . x l I ’ if V *> - r/*^ly. Flrst-eliiss, light,. airy rooms.' sfi.o -Iioi- V.i-t.ivr-eti Lots ,\o>. "ijll mill 707 'Gloso to A uditorium , bcach nml^nll • iiltotildorod young mnn who is to­ ;u- .' l(i,wii .,ii .-aiil. uifip j 1111 -11 'I ■ l J I Wi-Nl- MRS. E. A. WEEKS; day Now -Jorsoy’a Ropubllcan i-ll.v ftliifji;. tijilrl -illvlslOO line- thirty, toe-1_ .jiointn of interest. two iiii.l imi-*!iiill‘. hu-lies t.o'.-tlie' westerly Mimlldato for Oovornor—Harold llin- ot' s m i 11 ■ • I .lit. .Nn, 70s; tlii'iir-i-- t :| | .. (!. Hoffman, IIo was thon a mom-, soiitlu ,'ty iMomi'«tlil. westerly Hut* fllte.jii , m V T T A T T A "NT Webb Avemio, near, ocean and; bathing, her of tho Assembly from Mid­ fi’i-L- sis linrlies lo a point illsiant forty- JL X liJj X iLJjJjihdaJN i,l^nch'; Light housekeeping privileges. AH' sevi.ii* tv-i-l . eleven noil 'lii<-,-]]U11: lnelicH nutslilii rooms. Reasonable.Seasonable. . dlesex County. " ii'irllii-i-ly .Mlmirf snhl Wesierly Hue from MRS. MARTHA BOOS. "Watch that boy,” we said, "ha 111" . lioi'lln.’l l>* Iloo of AblinK Avolilio; has sombthlngl" Ho camo to th.-iii i- ,('-!> i-»st**rly, luii-lillel with the lllvl- . Trenton as a moro lad, and yot Mum lliff. I.'elivi.-en i-lilil Lots Nos. 70C iiml 17-1!) Broadway, corner of Beach. Ono: ho lind already attained succoss. 7117,, il)li-ty' feet .two-jini! oiie-liii'lf filches block from South End pavilion. Overlook­ In tho business-world, and, nt 21, lo llo- iilaeii nf beginning.- ing ocean hnd lake. Furnished rooms with T o k i-Hii-i- with nil tho goods nntl cliat- S. J. SEVERS. • ho hnd commnndod nn infantry ti-Is, Ch-rnltnn- nml ftii'olslihiKs - and per- housekeeping privileges. Reasonable Rates. hendqunrtors compnny in bnttlo sonni proiiorty eoutalneil In the- cottago in Franco. I followod his career or ilwifllinK house or hotel oil said premi­ 15 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, s e s . . ' —city troasuror, thon Mayor of Seliji'il nh the property of: M arla 13ry- one-half block to boardwalk.' Con- , his homo city, thon twlco a mom- nnt, ei. iil.i.,- tilk.'n in execution at tho venientvehient to Auditorium-Auditorium nndunu uuall bor ol Cohgress.boforo ho was re­ suit of Ni'nUini- llullillng and J-nnn Asso­ THE COLONIAL ciation, and to be sold by ■ points of interest. Running: hot and cold ■water in rooms. Writo for rates. called to Now Jorsoy to bocomo HOWARD HKKiirr, 'Sheriff. Telephone 274-J. S; J. FOSTER.- CommlsBloner o( Motor Vehicles. I’lllleil AjLlKUMt -i !!>:!I. Ho rapidly attained national liichunl W. Stout, .Solicitor. 00 Mt. Hormon Way, rtoar Audi­ 3it-:lli till I,. C. 27.74) torium and all attract onB. Clean promlnonco in his fleld. Nowb dis­ cozy rooms. RoomB with or with­ patches told mo that ho was.be­ CRYSTAL WAVE out board. Rates reasonable, by ing called upon to speak on street • ■ Clinnccry S-251. ' ’ . MRS. MARY BARRY, Owncrshlp-M anagement. day or week. and highway safoty lu all parts or tho country— Chicago, Duluth, S JIK llIP I’S S.U.K.—Dj- vlrtuo of n 28 Central Avenue ono block writ of II. fa.-to mo directed, Issued out ’ Minneapolis, Cleveland, Rloh- of tlio Court of Chancery of tho State of from Auditorium, two irom mond, Baltimore, New York, Now Jersey, 'will bo 'exposed: to salo a t Hamilton Cottage ocean. Beautiful lawn and Philadelphia—before most men public vendue, on Monday, tho 27th day . A. T. DEY, Proprietor. would have had time to nnd out of August, 1931, botwoen tho hours of 12 abundant shade. .Telephone 7132. o’clock and 5 o’clock (at 2 o'clock Day­ what a, new Job was all about. light Saving Timy 1 in tho afternoon of 30 Main'avenue, corner of Cen­ said day, at tho Court -House, in tlio tral. Two blocks from ocean. The Paco Quickens Uorougli ot Freehold, County of. Mon­ It was no surprise,to me to see mouth, Now .Jersey, to satisfy n decreo of. Rooms, light housekeepings ■ said court amounting to approximately Hiller House MRS. M. RUSHTON. him forced into tho Gubernator­ *',323.00. ial race to bring .new hope and All tho following tract or parcel of K enthusiasm into the Republican land and 'premises hereinafter particu­ 32 Atlantic avenuo. One block from party. It was no surprise when, larly 11 ,-icrlln-il. situate, lying anil belns ocean. Rooms only. Hotand cold run­ after a whirlwind campaign of In the Township or Neptune In the County ning water in all rooms. Private baths. of Miinniouth anil stnte of New Jersey,' ' INTERLAKEN only three weoks he swept to'vic­ .known niltl designated- its Lot Number Telephone 1978-J MRS. S. J. STEWART MEYER. tory—his tenth successive politi­ Harold G. Hoffman, Gubernatorial candidate In tlio. coming Novem­ Hiivt-n ■ hundreil and thlrtyi-.nino- (73!>) on cal "win"—with a vote that fa r ber elections, shown; busy at work in his capacity as Motor Vehicle tile south slile'of Abbott Avenue on Map Corner Pilgrim Pathway and Cook- Commissioner of New Jersey. Ilf I.ois of the-Camp (irotind of tlic Ocean exceeded the combined vote ot I !it,\-(. c.-imp M.eetlijg Association of-tlio mun ' avenue.' Delightfully situated his threo older, opponents. It Methodist liplscopal. Church, with- all and L A N E V IL LA near lako and ocean. Rooms only. was no surprise to mo to .learn Horo Is a'sample day of the sltignlitr .the piruilsi's' therein- tnentlonecl -. M. L. and L. A. .LANE. . that ho made as many ns elgh- Civltnns, and kindred sorvice or­ and described, ami-the buildings thereon, Telephone 1801 ganizations. candidate’s—<-1 checked up on It, tognlher with .the appurtenances. toon speeches in n single day dur­ and record It as the simple truth. - -Anil- also, all the fSllil-e.rlKllt, title, in­ ing that campaign. It did sur­ And what a range of subjects 25 Heck avenue, block from ocean and near On June 20th, ho left Culver terest, 11■ i"i11 of years: y,.t to come' and prise me, though, to learn that this virile mnn discusses: "Horso Lake, In Sussex County, at six iiliex|ill'i-il. ■ .firoiii-rty, possession, claim . Cafeterias and Auditorium. Ilooms with or there was no lot-up In that ter­ Power nnd Horse Sbiiso", "Hell o’clock a. m. He arrived.ill Treh- ’and '.11-ii11it111 -wh;UMi,-\-i-r, us well - In law . without kitchen privileges. Apartment to rific paco after the primary, and on tho Hlgliwnys”; "The Human as In eipilly,'- of th.j: -said- party of the Washington”, “Alexamler Hamil­ ton. !■•...... ) j i ’i "fl, dictated ■ Hi’st. iinrt, of. iti nnd to the said detnlsoa ’ ______: ■. J. A. Sutherland. that there waB no Indication of replies upon a in iiis car on. the Pri'jnlsrs, and *»vi-ry I’.ii'l ' iiml parcel slackening down beforo Novem­ ton—tho Conqueror’’, "Thero way to. Atlantic City, where, at tli.-i'iii-l*,*' ivilli rlii'*-. nl»|ilirteiiance's.- And ber 6t h . . Ought to bo a Law”, "A Rooklo lie spoke at the National als.o,. the said Indenture of lease, anil 10 Webb avonuo, first block from ocean, In Congress”. ""The Valiie of a 9:110 ev.-vy i-latis-, urtii-le nnil condition there- " Select South End. Modern conveniences. .) \ Vacation and Operation Smile”,. "Friendship”, “Lovable. Convention of the Veiled Pro- In .-■x.pi-t.->.-il nnd contalni.il: lo liave a'nil Reasonable rotes. Light housekeeping. pliets. a Masonic organization. tii In,Id- tit*;- -inid Indenture *of lease,-and MABELLE GRIMSEY. I dotorinlned to lenrn th e bo Lincoln”, "Thomas .leffei'son”,' A t noon he spoke a t tlio I*Ieas- •otii,.|. In-r.-liy. granted jiri-mises, unto tho cret nnd, I think, I linve found It "Selling America.Short”, "Patri­ antvllle KIwanls. Club. lie then -aiil party i.f tin.* sei-mul' part,- tlielr- —tho secret of a man who linn ots Off T heir Pedestals", "Oom* ijti.i::*. aiiiniiilsii'atoi’s., and ' assigns,- 11 Mali* avenue, ono-iialf block lo ocean. Con­ took n Plane, iind with Jack, to them and th.'-lr only propel- use. bene- crowdod Into a few yoars whnt, morclal Vehlcio Operation", llt aiifl ’ - lio i.f. Tor. and dlliiiur nil -the venient in imthliiK hoiu’h und all other nt- many men would not have done Tlieodoro itoosevelt: Sir Val- Throppt fiew from Badger Kleld * * w mm *’ * ■ - - - - tractions. liunuliig w ater In rooms. .I-Iouso- to Sea Girt. At I o'clock he 1, r.-i-liit- ami i.-.-mJitin-said term THE MEL1TA ill a lifetime. It Is this—lovo of iaht-for-T ruth" (Dr. Allv rt spoke before 1500 women at the . t V. jii'- \ i.i to i-oiiiv* alitl'uny*xplreil; BUb- IceepltiK neeominoilatloim if desired. Moderate rates. Tel, 7»U1; 11I5TJI ll.UDUAUl**!'’ work, and lovo;of people. Hal­ lluslinell H nrti Professor’ Km<'rl-' ji-rj. |-,, ., .,'ili,-!,-s-s, (o the rents, covenants, State W.omoh’s Republican Club .uili11..i.> .muI -pfiivifilruis .in tlie sald In- lu Main Avenuo, ono block from oid Hoffman loves work. He tu s of Hnrvnrd University. d«- a t Spring1 Lako, A delay at tiiii f: •tiiiil-- i.'J' .li.-ase. ,]iiinl,lioileii. . ocon.ii: IJul-openu. LniHo airy: rooms. says lio has loved overy Job ho clared nt Jersey City-Inst year point, caused film, to .miss tlio' S.-i /,-.'I as tin- property of llora J. Steam lieat assured on cool . days. over lino held, and I believe him. th a t tlilB w as,tho finest talk he hearing on the Slanasqunii Inlet Syron. • i. nl.-1.. takiin.'ln exei-titlnn at the 1 1 a has takon but ono three-day hnd evor heard upon the life of ait I.f, Mljly A l.lni-olii and tn l.i. sold by Telephone 7229, It. E..CL/AUK, Proprietor. Project before tho Army Engi­ • 1 H AVA 111 > 11 l-:rc. I I t , - Sheriff. vacation In eleven years. Tlial tho beloved ex-preaident): "The neers, which lio had planned to . T)ntod July 2:;. .\U3.U - was lu 1931. And whnt a vnca Sclioolhpuso In tho 'hod", "The attend, but at G:3 0 'he was back -• vl/,h‘n A. ii.-Ji!,. Sfillrftor; ■ H i' LI ^ _ 77 Embury avenue,, near beach and («*:> .. ... tion! Ho had :a 'carbuncle ns Human Side of Politics”, “'whilt 111 South Jersey, via air, at Vine­ I VI 3 n S I O n n O U S S Auditorium. Furnished rooms, L ight "big as a teacup on tlio back of Price Depression", "Pioneers”, M lH H U IV U housekeeping privileges; Reasonuble land, where ho spoke at a Joint his nock. A friend from Engle­ "Now Jorsoy”, etc. dinner of the Vliieland. Hainnioii- A S' OUiiJSASCII. rates. Telephone 8928-W. MRS. LIDA C, LEWIS, Manager. wood found him at Ills desk, Hoffman, lo a- keen student of ton.. Brldgctoii and Mlllvlllo Ki- working and.smiling through it government, ,n render, n thinker, Tho f.illowinjr fidlnnnct* wnfi introiluced. i Webb Avenue, overlooking ocean— waiils Clubs. Then Hoffman paid nd pa>.*»i'»d. 011 Ihvt lvafUng a t a meeting nil. He persuaded Hoffman to and thoso who come lii close con- a visit at tho home ot Colonel f th«- T«i\vi»s-hip tVmVinUteu nf .tho. Town-.- Sooms with housekeeping privileges; lenvo on a week's fishing trip in tnct with him, nnd who enn stenl Evans Kimball, tho glass maiiu- hip • .N’« pi urnt,‘. Tiifsday,'.August 1*1,1931. OCEAN VILLA individual equipment. Tel. A. P. 7831. Maine. Arriving at Ills destina­ a few of his busy moments for fui-turor, and drove to Borden- It Av.JIl J-i* lakfjir 11 i» fur JlnaJ rending and R. A. SriACKLETON. tion, a surgeon who wns in tho on Tnwdity, AnuviHt 2.S.11K14, at- Special Rates June and September. n llttlo chat, invariably recog­ 1 o w h to attend a meeting of the ..»') '|i. in., at the tfuvn.^hip headquarters, party, laid tho youthful Commis­ nize tho fact that he goes deoply Association of Itepuhlicun Coun­ 101 Sfiutlt %\lii{n Slnx-t, Xoptune,. X. J., On the ocoan front, near bathing sioner on the porpli o{ a log cabin into psychology and human na­ ty Chairmen. Stopping at Tren­ avJuti and u*ln*r‘* ol»j/.*ctIons' to said ordl- grounds and all attraction!. Ex­ in tho Maine woods, cut tho car- natu’«», if any, will bo heard. - ceptionally large, airy rooms. Pri­ ture. ton, he signed his mai| nt cam- bunclo without an anaesthetic, palgn lii'adquarters, and then OCEAN MANOR vate bathe. Folder.^ and told him to "lay off” for two Mi'. RIpley Plenso Note AN tilllllXANCI-: lifts [I IN* ATI NO THAT Tolephono 7813 CAROLYN SAILER. wound up. nt one-thirty In tho POIlTluN FIl'TIl AVEXt'B weoks. Next day. Hoffman re Believo it or not:—tills busy morning, at the New Jersey Col­ l, vinci r.i-rrw hi-:n p.A ii.noA n a v e - 18 Webb avenue, corner of Bench, One . memberod something ho had to official leaves South Amboy ored Elks Convention, in Prince­ n-i.:b ANIl. -VTKJN.S a v e n u e i n , 'dp at Trenton, went'to Montreal Till-: Tl iVVNSl 111- d l' NRI’THNB. IN hlock from ocean, Rooms $1.00. up. Rooms every morning, regardless of tlio ton. - Till-: COl.’XTV OF MONMOUTH AS la in field and took n piano bach to Now fact that his evening speaking en-' -\ n.VIC-AVA Y STltERT, AND. FIXING P by . week at reduced rates. Hot and coid Jersey, i . . V ■' November Will Tell Open nil year. Prvileges. . .. MRS. L. E. CRONK. gagements carry into tho "wee TIIR I’1,'N1SII.MENT FO It T IIE VIO- running water. snin’ hours”; at- seven O’clock^ Hoffman Is built for work— I.ATIfl.V Tl I HllUOl-'. In Dcmnnd ns Speaker and lie thrives on it. My prcdlc-• Ill: IT o m tx isn liy the Township 7 Mnin avenue, 100 feet For twelve years Hoffman has Eight o’clock finds him :at Ills uunnlUt'i* hf ihv Township of Neptune, desk In Trenton. He dictates in tion is that he will travel moro » tin* County of Monmouth: to bench. Near. Auditor­ •gbno Into every nook and corner the car between South Amboy miles, make more speeches, meet 1. That that portion of Fifth Avqnuo STR4 TfORD ttftLL, ium, bathing and all at- of.tho state, holding himself at nnd Trenton. Ho plunges Into more people, and make moro . ylDif l>t*iwt*»*ii r»n)lrond Avenuo and A t­ tractions, Rooms only. Lillian Carhart Brown, Ownersliip-Mnnagement. : jtlio beck and call of every con- friends, than any gubernatorial k i n s Awntn* Is hereby deslRiiaeed as it ‘ 'dolvablo organization that lias Ills morning mall, ' Interviews candidate in Hie political history n«-way .strift for tralllc proceeding In hundreds of callers who come to ii i-aFtofly nvietlon; forfeit nml pay a flno not rations Suggested. Tel. 0127. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. RicgeJ, owner-maimgers.. and his bulky scrap books, Thcro —aro working for him in every Receding two hund’red dollars, In tho woro notices of meetings; safoty and being unusually punctilious corner ot tho stnte.. Political illseretlon of the pullce Justlco or other 7: Embury avenue. Half block from, organlzatons, political clubs, tlio In answering his heavy corre­ lines mean nothing to people who oillclal or . magistrate empowered to spondence, he froquontly returns hear nnd. determine* said violations arid ocean boardwalk, Open till year, 'flromen, the pollfce, tho Elks and want a Governor who is human, hr default of the payment-of any su?h ia hundred and one othor frnter- to tho office late at nlglit to clean and who understands their prob­ VICTORIA_ Pleasant Bteam hasted rooms. Housed up." H is offlco attaches have told Hin• ho Imposed, the sahl nollco justice or keeping privileges.. Terms reasonable. Tel, 5407. W. MRS. J. KILSHAW. nal organizations; the American lems, oilier olllrlnJ or nmgJstrnto empowered to mo that It Is not unusual for him ' At the risk of repetition, le t hear and determine* said violation, may . Legion. Veterans of Forolgn to. go through a whole night with­ s«*m«»we nny person or persons so found Cor. Bench and Abbott. Euro­ Wars, Woman’s Clubs, Parent- m o say th a t H offm an will bo guilty, tr> Imprisonment In the, township, pean. Blook to boadwalk and out sleep, and that the .morning elected because ho loves woric," . _ . bathing bench. All outside iTeaiher Associations, schools and’ will find him with a cheery greet­ or county Jail, for any term not exceed- Voorhees-Metropolitan, ■ • • • rooms.r-1 Spacious ,r ^ porches. Com­ churches, to say nothing of counts bocauso ho loves people— and be-; ititr thirty ’days, in Ids discretion. ing and clear eyeB that bollb the cause people lovo him. 4. This ordinance shall tako effect im­ munity kitchen optional. Apartments, to ront, Tel. 0927. . : •• {jess appearances boforo tho Ho fact that ho had not slumbered. mediately. 1 i"'.- 1 : R, E. VOORHEES, .Mnhnging Owner. .tartans. KJwanls. the Lions., tho . Approved August 14, 1934. RAYMOND R. GRACEY, Chairman. CAFETERIAS AND RESTAURANTS A ttest: At a. meeting of the Eatontown JOHN W. KNOX, Clerk. • York State Transfer Tax Department, —33 i Mrs. McGuinoss died May 10; Board of Education held Monday night a letter was read from the I An estim ate, of $28,500 w as placed State board granting the pupils of that Monmouth County Surrogate’s Office. on the cost of three bridge repair place the right to attend the Long In the Matter of tho Estate of Jonnle and rebuilding projects, reported by Branch high school instead of Red Bogert. Deceased. Freeholder Arthur Pryor at. the regu­ Bank. A public hearing on the mat­ Nollco to Creditors to Present Claims SOUTH END—OCEAN GROVE At the annual meeting held at the lar semi-monthly meeting of the ter will be held Monday night, Aug­ Against Estate. Real home cooking. Regular Dinner, 60c., 05c., 7Cc. . Tray Service, Woman's Club on Broad street, fled. Pursuant to tho order of Joseph I*. County Board of Freeholders. The u st 20, at which persons objecting to Donahay. Surrogate of tho County of Served nt any time until 7. P. M. Bank recently, Shrew sbury U nit 108, work was authorized on motion of the change will be heard. Monmouth, mado on tho Twonty-sevonth ■ MRS. CLARENCE V. HEW SON—MRS. FRANK V. H. PRUDEN. American Legion Auxiliary, - reelect­ Pryor and Raymond L. Wyckoff. day of July, 1934, on the application of ed Mrs. Carl E. Bi'erfier president. A verdict of no cause , for action Alberta B. Idoll and Julia H. Bogert, ' Thursday afternoon Matawan had was returned by a jury in Freehold, Executrices of the estate of Jennlo uog- before Judge Thomas H. Brown, in crt, deceased, notlco la hereby given to its first baby parade -in a good many UlillilliiioiiiiiFliiiriaii«uiiii'oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiairaiii,iaijti,.,i.ti5 tlio creditors of said deceased to exhibit years,, sponsored thiB time by the the case of. the Matawan bank, to- tho subscribers, Executrices aa afore­ OSBORNE HOUSE and CAFETERIA ERA Community Playground os the against Solomon Lautman, an attor­ said, their , debts and demands against | Whenever In Need of I ney of Asbury. Park.. The bank tho said estate, under oath, within elx , Pitman and Central avenues, near Auditorium and bench. Furnished week’s feature of the varied program months from tho date of tho aforesaid rooms. Open June 29. Phone. Also Under Same Management, being offered this summer, to the | ShoeRepairs | sought to force Lautman-to pay a ordor, or they will bo forever b arred .of • $4,000 note Which ho had endorsed their actions therofor against tho said • VAN COTTAGE. 40. Central Avenue. Open all Year. children of Matawan and vicinity. s It will pay you to Visit the = | -eliable DeMarco Shoe Repair- s for former -Congressman Elmer H subscribers. Rooms A. M. V A NSKITE Running' Wate*- Edward Lambert, 514 Essex strer,-, Geran, a director of the bank. Dated, Freehold; N. J., July -27, 1934. , Spring Lake, inherits about $3,181, % ing Shop. Service, Quality and r. . ALBERTA B. IDELL, , § - Reasonable Prices. Our long = 17C Balnbrldge Stroet, representing one-fourth of the- resi­ Brooklyn, N. T.: due of the -estate left by his aunt, g years of cxperienee in -making , § JULIA H. BOGERT, the late Mary A. McGuinesB, Brook­ § ^nd repairing shoes, enables us | _ LEGAL no tic es 219 Heights Road, lyn, according to a report of the New | to give’ you. satisfaction in I —31-33 ($10.00) Rldgowood, N. J, ALL KINDS OF 1 Albert L. Brown | every respect. For the next | .. ■ ; Clinhcery 5-271) s pair of shoes you need repaired | Estate of Ida H. Stillman, Deceased. , | ->r rebuilt see . ; g SH E R IFF’S SALE.—By vlrtuo of. 1 Jobbing writ of fl. fa. to mo directed,- issued out Letters Testamentary on tho abovo'f: of tho Court of 'Chancery of tho State Estato havo been granted to tho under 1 TIN AND SHEET f M. DeMARCO I of. .New Jersey, will bo -exposed to signed, who request all persons having. tS- salo .. at public vendue, on Monday; clalms or demands against- tho • Estato ’ •> AT Shoe Rebnflder . I tho 10th day of September, 1934.. between of tlio decedent to moko known the same.-vi­ tho hours of 12 o'clock and 5 o clock (at and all persons Indebted to tho decedent STILES' STORAGE WARE- [ METAL WORKER ELIA BLE 1 2 o'clock Daylight Saving Time) in tno to rnako payment, without delay, to - | Slate and AsbestoB Shingle afternoon of eald day at tho Court House, * FRANK H. MASSEY, // '.v HOUSE* ' 'ESPONSIBLE | In- the; Borough of Freehold, County ot MAURICE R, MASSEY, . ; 11V2 Corlies Avende, ■ I Roofing, Stoves, Ranges and .EASONABLE | Monmouth. No^y; Jersey, to satisfy a de­ Executors. cree of sold ;court amounting td* approxi­ S. E. Cor. 13th and Green Neptune. | Furnaces. Pipeless Heaters m ately $9,487.00. Philadelphia,. I li MAIN ST., ASBURY PARK | Or to their Attorney, X:*. J-ta* Under Management of Jacob 1 109 Abbott Ave., Occan Grove jf In’ tho /Irst pldco thirty-seven and'one- Frank H. Massey,. 2nd.. :■ I Opposite Ocean Grove Entrance I half (37%) shares of tho thlrty*socond ...... - * ^ y ^ SUlea’ Estate. I ' - Telephone S142 . I series of shares of th© capital stock of BOS Chestnut Street- • v - St. ■ -I tho Neptuno Building and Loan Associa- -32-37 Philadelphia, Pa. &isuiuvi«uiuuiiiiinii:iiii[ii:ii:itiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiauivtn^ SuiiuKiiuiuiuniuitimiiiaiiiiiiH, iiiaiiiiui uiu,|iin,iiitiiins y /n iM V , A V i m f i i i k m PACIE fit I OUT SCENES AND LANDMARKS OF OCEAN GROVE BANKERS SUPPORT IN THE EARLY DAYS. : St. Paul-s Church Notes] S C i)» EXPANSION ^•li)fff|iiti>l.fifHfi(liiftilif|||i^H|Hlii|iilii| .liililliiltiliiliiif' The imsini'i tlr, )j, I', P'os, will ffCCIIT pn'iicli iiexf Miniilny iiioi'fifuifdii dm -tihji'i'l, "Wlipf Mind r l)ii To tl.« In the New Pencil Silhouette .''livi'il,' .- Till' IIKH'fllllff Wnrnlilp I to- i;i"'f nl I l-.fiff iiVlni'lt, -h-V.rernitiil'vi (hp'i The intislciil .pi'iiifi'iini ns iiri'niiiri'd, With Dramatic Detailing by- Mr. liiiyiiKijid D nrllcll, pi'i'eeiilor, ' hi,' Heeil pf Hie ami .Ml's; ■ Dtli'iiHiy tll'llVnli Willi.nl'- h lietl (if round lie i i Hn, Pl'ifnilisl, in ns follows for ni’.vl ih'-'Urlal npil I'nin- :hiiti|ny ninrnlnjf! pri'ltulo, “The j,osl. inri'r.lnl aeflylilen clinrd,” byhStilllvnlii lenor Hulo, ii Hil I'VntPlit' tm y ,. Vii.iee In ;(:liu Wllderin'BS," by Scotl., .95 ehi' uvpr- n nylife Al.iV: I lari li>| 11 .ullVl'lnty, “ nn>'L*ii j'ol hi t r ii t o h nt tlrct -hr Densiuore. ■|!hu(llm rt'li School m id tho ARWni- oai it ii t r y hn vo bl.y llihle. Cliinx meet every Sli'nditv sfi o w n mo that nl II.IK). ' t ffiey everywhere 'I'lie m Id week service Is held every me malting all ­ -H'ediiesdny eyeiilug nt 7alG, ... ~ f o r t -possible to The public" Is conlluHy invited to lend constriictlvo attend tlii'se services. tlnnncliil support within tho senpo ol tliefr propor H. s. IlIiCIIT b a n k in g f n n c - 't Ion'S to jiI'pinot- Iiir the expansion of Imsinosa nctfylty. A utu m n contours are P'ruituently In times past when our enunfry siifl'ered from an economic de­ slim and straight but the Xo. 20—Tlio first picture of the Bishop Junes Mbmorinl Tabernacle, pression and consequent unemploy­ dramatic contrast of the erected hi till' sprint? of 1877 t.o the memory of Bishop Janes, of the Metho­ ment on a larRo scale, tlio rise at oomo dist Epimipnl Church, who hull been one of. the. earliest Ocean Grove pio­ hi'oad new Industrial development, new necklines and sleeves neers.' The first Tabernacle w as a la rg e tent, on Pilg rim Pathway, facing such tor Instance as a new. Industry lend flirtatious detailing down Ocean Pathway and it was proposed that this present.Structure con­ like tlio automobile Industry, lins lieen sist of merely a roof, with curtains hanging’down for' walls; As the work, for glamouiv -This group progressed, however, the advisabilty of building a stronger meeting place a powerful factor In stimulating-a',re­ Was realized and tile edifice was completed as'it now stands. The-Beer- turn'or an accelernted growth ot na­ illustrates the hew inodes sheba well.-about ten yards from the.Tabernacle, formerly sprung up tional prosperity. Such a movement directly by the front door.but has been piped to n more convenient distance menns the crentlon ot now wealth, tho with exacting detail. therefrom . \ . - . . employment or larco group’s of pooplo The standard of th«? “PERFECT" on usetul lines and as a consoquenco' Richardson & Boyton Range is satis­ Fine Canton crepe in the production and distribution of faction to you—the satisfaction that sound, effective purchasing power,, rich blacks and brown IMMUNIZE 129 FOR ! official inform ation comes from food well cooked, from which |s a form of wholesome eco­ the constant assurance of a servant nomic stim ulant that has nono of. the with metal-shot trimming, > W TCXK AND OCEAN GKOVE evil’s of monetary Inflation. that never fails. FEVER PREVENTION . Township Committee—Raymond it. shimmering cellophane i Uriioey, Chairman; John W. Knox, A New Force lor iltuiaess Improvement applique, sleelf- Broadtail, j. Clerk ami Business Manager; P. ANGLES S SMITH I'|J. Cl.IN 1C ( oNlH't'TK1). I!V i !,eiuy, Garrubrant, Chairman of rerhaps we have-at hand, If liot the and gay accents of rhine­ ! i inaiiee; Harry S. Whitlock, Chair- rf.-lna r i a wliahy mnv Industry; a i Plumbing ; NKI’TCNK H.lhU.Tll J10AK1) . h.iaui. of Police; Charles I.oveman,' . men: ura'ilo eqnfvali'ai 111 file potentf- stone clips and; buckles. . chairman of lioads; Ralph Johnson, allti'ra iii'.n w'ldeKpri ad. rebuilding and ! liairmaii of Light; Poor and Pub- ! Tinning and Heating Sizes 14 to 20; 38 to 44. Monthly Hepm-t hy Health Ollicer laatiariiising mover,i al hlli'll tfs homo • huity. 1 ’ r.-'i .-vi ;!'!:g, plailt r hiiMaling, tile put- William Stanley Applegate shorts 'Fas Collector ---— --Walter Grnvalt t If: -r pf. uiir rafiroa.'! : - -a a. iil~lf r.peed Hardware : Ta\ Assessor — Alvin 15. ltills a-r i inl((.tcino(i I taa a ( utfe r valua- total of only Seven Typhoid Cases T re a s u re r------i— Arthur. II. Pharo Paints and Oils in Township .and none since end ol Attorney ------Richard W. Stout hle-di'« lopments Iv; t!)«; <’onjtnictlon field. The .effCBta ei i»iu-li i'.cilVltleu on July. Complaint on Hollywood Cashier — -. ,Walter Graviitt t hief of Tolice — William Maas viupVoyment'aivd many .lines of husl- 51 Main Avenue Coffee Shop to he investigated. Uoad Foreman Johi) White ■ a--aa would lie meat; li'ane.ilcldl and. I l(i« itsliip Physician i-an repeat without r««erv.-t| loll that wo OCEAN GHOVE, N. J. According to the monthly report of •W,' A. Robinson, M. Ii. liankors are willing aail eager to play , Telephone 47-11 , Health oilicer William Stanley' Ap­ Overswr of Piior -— -Janet V. Louse plegate, no new cases, of typhoid onr full'economic pun in iiiiy such con- . Building Inspector —Harry Whitlock sii'iictlvtt developiiient.i. -• fever have appeared in the ■ toivnsmp . Engineer —— —Claude W. Birdsall Shore's Nev/eat Sensation since tlio of July. During June i Police Recorder — J. Edward Knight It has beeii lnacie In aiipear that - and July Neptune .had seven cases, (Auditor Elmer 0. Stevens money lias not. gono to work Doccnso with .one death from .the disease. 1 Hoard of Health—Members of Town- of tho timidity of bunkers ratiier than Steinbacha— Second Floor The five reported for July was the I ship Committee, the Assessor and what Is a true explanation, because Little Brownie largest number ever reported in one t Township Physician. - business men have not had enough con­ month since records- were, kept, Aug­ Health Ollicer Wm. Stanley Applegate fidence In the business outlook to bor­ ust, 1928, standing second with four row the dollar from tho hanker and •v C o a s te r cases. . The campaign Of prevention • re­ Board of Education—John B. Stout, put It to work. flects credit on the . township' health President; Mrs. Anna T. Dey, Vice The basic requisite to the expansion 5c. department. An immunization'clinic President; A. P.. Todd, .District of commercial .bank loans fa sound,, was opened in township headquarters Clerk; Roland Reighton, Augustus normal business conditions on which and to date 89 persons have. com­ B. Knight, Edmund L. Thompson, to conduct sound, normal banking op­ Irving Crabiel, Milton T. Wright, pleted their treatments, with forty wtooocn r « T Alvah P. Bennett, Claude LaWlor, erations. The best business a hank can more persons to be completed. These Wish for is the opportunity to loan 5c. persons who 'were. treated at .the Onsville J. Moulton, Supervising clinic were, exposures or contacts to Principal; H. A. Titcomb, High money to successful business men and Wesley Lake, North End cases and could not afford to pay to School Principal; Samuel Edelson, manufacturers imbued with confidence Ocean Grove go to physicians, although this de­ M- P., School Physician; Janet V. to enter upon aggressive business en­ partment furnished material free to. Bouse, A ttendance Officer. terprises and endowed with the ability New Canoes and Row Boats for physicians who claimed their patients to bring them to successful conclu­ could not afford to pay for such. The Neptune Fire District No. 2—Herman sions. Such loans mean business ac­ Hire—50c. an hour. NOW Johnson, President; . Albert Reed, Fitkin Memorial hospital ' was fur­ tivity for the community, growing pay Laughter Mixed AVith Thrills nished typhoid vaccine to immunize Secretary; Milton LeCompte, Treas­ From Dashicll Hammett’s urer; William Johnson, Eugene rolls and prosperity, and tho banker ' nurses, food handlers and help. wants to make thornbecause to be Grpeat Detective: Story At the meeting of the board of Slocum, Charles Diehl. WATER BOARDWALK AT CASINO “THE THIN MAN” health Tuesday night'Committeeman Identified with Buch activities not only " H ouse o f H its ” ' -. ■ ■■ ■ w ith Roy Garrabrant inquired'about sani­ Postmaster—Joseph " Rainear. In means profits to him but, additionally, William Powell and Myrna I.oy tary, conditions at the rear, of the charge of Neptune Branch, Percy brings, him the rewurd of good wll| In SKOOTER Eldridge. ’. h ’hh h- '' ' Hollywood Coffee Shop, where sev- his'Community,> ’ ai- -h The Pick of the Pictures Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. . eral- pipes- run into an open ditch. There is no' better proof of the great Drive Your Own Power Boat August 20-21-22 The health officer was asked to in­ Board of Adjustment—James Strud- desire of banks to take care of tho on a Half-Mile Course, , George Arliss- vestigate as it was the "general con­ l -■ wick,. Chairman; Warren A;. Pier- short term requirements of the busi­ DULTS census of the board that , these' pipes l sail, Secretary; Joseph Lane, Earl ness world than to point out the nbnor- 15c. a Ride. should be connccted_ with, the sewer, j Woolley, Walter Tarasovis. LL SEATS The House of Rothschild and not 'an oppn ditch. A .flowing mally low rates at which tills demand Is being supplfed at the. present (imp. , Wesley Lake and Ocean Ave, bLL TIMES Also Shirley Temple in pipe at the rear of the Monmouth Ocean Grove Fire . District—Dr. Asb.ury Park. “Managed- Money” ■ Products Company was: also ordered 1 William A. Robinson, President; investigated. Chairman Raymond j, L. C.,, Briggs,. Treasurer; James J Shakespeare Room * Mickey Mouse—Silly Sym­ Graco.v also i minimi’ why certain Boyce, Harry Reeves, C. M. Nagle. C. phonies— News properties near the Alberta lake im­ ' Devotees of Shakespeare are Sight­ ing to save the fnmouS "painted room" provement had not'been compelled to ! Neptune Fire District. No. I—George Strassburger’s T hursday A ugust 23 connect with the' sewerage system. • Tiedeiflan, President; Thomas Orr, In Cornmarkot, Oxford,-England, where Spencer Tracy and Jack Oakie Committeeman Charles I.oveman the Bard stayed. The place has been Treasurer; Earl' Lawlor, Secretary; in-- a: also brought to the attention of the Edgar Phillips, Frank R. Dodd. acquired by a catering Arm, hut steps Market NO HIGHER health'board;'that about twenty dead have been taken to preserve the front-, wt cootmrAM “LOOKING FOR TROUBLE" dogs had been i'qund Scattered about Children . . 15c- Ocean ,Grove Publicity, Department, nge. Tho Oxford Preservation Trust The Oldest Independent General . w ith .'. in the: brush in the Asbury Gables h public information ,. bureau, tele­ has asked that It bo permitted to rent Market in Ocean Grove. Constance Cummings - section unburied'.. The., fcomplaint was graph and telephone denter, railroad the place and use It ns an'Information NOW •referred to .the police department tor Arline Judge—Judith Wood and steamship' literature. Ralph center for tourists. It Is believed that Pilgrim Pathway and Olin St. investigation. Continuous W. Johnson, chairman. the painted room was Shakespeare's A Cool Place to Shop Friday and Saturday Aug. 24-25 sleeping place. The building Is consid­ Noon Until Midnight Diana -'Wyriyard and Clive Brook Ocean Grove (.amp Meeting Asso- Phone 1749—-Free Delivery ■ Anniversary Next. Tuesday. ered a valuable relic of ancient arehl- in ' ciation—Charles, M Boswell, Presi­ . R. C. A. High Fidelity “LET’S TKY AGAIN’’ ' Tile fifty-fifth! anniversary of. the dent; Alfred Wagg, Vice President; ' tectnre. Young People’s Temple will be ob­ Mickey Mouse—Silly Symphonies ' George W. Henson, Secretary; Lott Sound System Comedy Review served .next Tuesday, morning at nine I:. Ward, -Treasurer; Joseph A- Most Prisoner* Counterfeiters All cooking in delica­ o’clock when .'eve.ryolie - who has- ever Thomu, Manager; William Catley, ■ The counterfeiting group is the larg­ attended: a nine o’clockmeeting., in Chief of Police;' Harry Ayres, that building' is invited to attend a est. In the United States prisons. It tessen department under Superintendent of Street Depart­ constitutes 28.1 per cent of the con­ hiiniiniiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniuiiwiniiiiiiuitiiuiiiitiiiiiuniiMiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniifiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,"’ gala gathering, Ur. Boswell,apd Mr. ment. Thoinsoni' as well as leader Itev. Rob­ victs-In a now penticntlnry nt Lewis- personal supervision: ert G. Wells, will-speak. Waller I‘iniiiiiiiiisiiii'i:isiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiii!iiiijiiiiiii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|^ ’ Telephone 2991 Joseph R. Megill Free Delivery Health Officer, Overseer of Poor toafltf . W l POOUR fM t: Trip ■- '. "... * - . . George, W. Bostick Building Inspector.. .William Megill (oPenuiyl»«I» Fresh Killed Broilers 27c. lb. Borough Engineer...... Niarfc Rogers ' flfitfaa: I ; . •••- '■ - v .-\ Chief of Fire Department Hudwn Term tn 0.1 Honey Cured Cottage Hanis Addison Hutchinson, Jr. 1 Telephone 8220 | 29c. lb. Board of Education—William Laf- RUNWAYS A ugust 19; Septem ber 2, 10 OF ALL KINDS Rumps of Milk Fed Veal ferty,. President; J. Edward Yarnall, Clerk; Walter Fox, F, Ralph Shibla, w k d n e s w a v s .! 21c. lb. A ugust 22;' September 5, 10 : No Charge for Estimates George BoBtick, Harry K. Hutchin­ I Raymonds | ; Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb son, Carl VanDyke, J. Clarence Bar­ U ife Fl.-PlM tant'9ill A.^l. (D. 8. T.) 25c.' lb. ton, John E. Shafto; F. J. Gronde, SPECIAL rA*T TRAIN - Kelly Roofing Co. Principal. WEDNESDAYS ONLY l l ‘ Home..Made Potato Salad Postmaster ...... Dayl!0h t Savins Tim* 65 South Main Street f S.. L e t r o V t * PJoM nl —-8:58 A. Mi eautyparlor 22c. Ib. Arri»e'NaMr.York — J O i i t A , M.-'. P Fresh Cottage Cheese 20c. lb "A ” Makes Difference) Asbury Park,N.J. TJnelB Ab says that resolution Hfjl Se« Flyer* o f Cotnult Ajentt / Beech Nut Coffee...... -..3lc,: lb. accomplish wonders, but tlmt a resolo- Telephone 1377 . 727 Bangs Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. P ennsylvania R a il r .o a d • Quality Fresh Eggs 40c. doz. . tlon never nccnmpllnhnil much;-

I ' Y-I. '.''t '-i-iv • • ;:-h ■iwaaaiiitat A re Your Blfllloiiery or oilier If yo« hit# tnfthing hjr other Try the 'rimes Print .Shop. tieerti try n e«nt*g*w


! HO 1.7. TO-; U iM ) AK.UY M U Y1C K j Oceaeii ■ lii'tiVe man will ho ht chui’K1' NEW ASSOCIATION MEMBERS : ■ A ugust. 23. Thi' .'vdval.loji A rniy will .hold oil Tlh; weekly meeting of the W. C, PREACH AT THE AUDITORIUM T. V.,, held on Tuesday, at Tliornloy: Thli.rv!'i.i'. A ugust S3, whut, will prm. Chapel, wan well attended, with rep­ obly In- l.hi' largest prayer service:o'n record. I'roDi to 10 p. m. every resentatives os usual from. several 8 States. Alter the opening 'service/ SalyiUimist : In the eighty-thi'iM Large Congregations Turn Out To Hear Revs. Sirs. It. I'. Bedsoil, presiding, Mrs. H. countries mid-' colonics wliere the P. Fox hud charge of the program. Army Ting Hies will unite in prayer'. Mrs. Robert Weeeh, of Baltimore, In ; ticwuilimee with' orders issued by. Washabaugh and Jacobs, Despite Unfavorable gave the scriptural message. General Kdward .1, Higgins, invoicing Rev. John Griffithjliof Union City, Divine guidance 611 the High Gouncii Pa., gave an eacnost'niessago on the which meets, on August. 28th in Lon­ Weather--Preachers Are Newark and Wil- necessity ot Christian people adher­ don, lCnglnrid, tn elect o new general. ing firmly to - principle, instead of : -The'■focal gathering will bo in the' Although Required Conditions Had Been Met by maintaining on indifferent attitude to Salvation Army • hall, Gil Mattison the evils o f the times. ..avenue, ...... nnd will be conducted by Next Tuesday wll be the lost meet- (Commissioner Richard Holz, who ri­ the Depositors of the Old Bank the Charter ng of the summer1 series, and' will j cently retired after fifty years of ser- bc in charge of Mrs. Margaret Asay vice“f- *- in the high command of the -f «.» "There is one religion ot work in the Association,, opened the evening Hesse, president of the Willard Ajj-my, and now resides a t 104 E m ­ bury .avenue, Ocean Grove. every world, bidding for. all hearts; sermon. •. “ Is Refused— Bank Building and Equipment Union. ______it is the Christian religion,” declared First, he doclat'ed, this 'experience ■ Rev. J. Edgar Wasabaugh, the morn­ was a proof .of the constancy of .God’s " purpose and power in the progress­ Held at $70,000, Now Complete Loss Unless PASTOR ADVOCATES STRAND TO GIVE ing preacher in the Auditorium on ive revelation of Himself to mankind, Sunday. Rev. Washabaugh, Newark this revelation, said the.,preacher, district superintendent and recently had its cliniax in the person of His Used for Purpose ;Intended-r-Dividend Expect­ LARGER LOYALTIES I DOUBLE FEATURE elected member of the Association, Son, walking and talking here on preached on the subject, i'A Glorious earth. , . . Task, . a Precious Promise,”.. His The eomlng of the Holy Spirit was ed Soon— Depositors’ Committee Issues State- SAYS CHRISTIAN TEACHING ENTERTAINMENT THREE DAYS texts'w ere taken from Matthew; 6:10, nn assurance that righteousness, will. AVOIDS PETTY OBJECTIVES N EXT W EEK “Thy .will- bo done on enrth ds it is in ultimately triuinph' in the face of the earth, continued Rev. Jacobs. This Heaven,” and 11:3.0,' “F or m y yoke ment. is easy and my burden is light.” may seem unbelievable today, he Dr. Fox, at St. Paul’s Sunday morn­ George Arliss in “House of Roth­ granted, “When all cohorts of Hell Others will, “steal tho thunder"- of have, been turned loose, the liquor ing worship service, shows need for schild" and Shirley., Temple in’1 the • Christian churchi he warned, un­ traffic for instance.,” hut, 'he remind- , less Christians go out and proclaihi prUJJUflUU iiyry _____ Greater Loyally to Social Justice, '"“Managed Money," To Lead Ilill. ed, it-is :not His will that the Gates the. Son of Man. He--rejoiced .that of Hell shall prevail against righte- are out of- town on vacation, for their Universal Brotherhood and Love Comedy Features Are Added'To The reason for the rejection given v„™t.nn. for their Protestants, Jews and Catholics are 'ousness. Methodists in Ocean Grove decision as to what further steps, if “standing shoulder to shoulder in the- any, should be taken. and T ruth. Outstanding Program. and in the-world have a blessed heri­ in a short letter to the chairman of defense of Faith.” tage, he declared, iis strongly re­ the' depositors’ committee, confirming “In the meantime, your committee The leading moving picture enter­ feels that it should review the situa­ “The Larger- Loyalties” was tho ■ Men. have priioticully admitted in minded in this.sesqui-eontenmal year. , the telegram, was that “conditions do sermon theme' chosen by Dr. H. P. I tainment, of . the season in scheduled their own hearts that the . Christian What kind: of heritage are we going not warrant approval of the applica­ tion to date for tlie information of for next Monday, Tuesday and Wed­ all thc depositors. The Depositors’ Fox. at the Sunday morning service | religion is too dillieuli to be practical, to pass on? Righteousness will pre­ tion to organize the First National in St. Paul’s church. The pastor de­ nesday at the Strand Theatre, on the lamented Rev. Washabaugh. But, vail, lie felt, according to the -extent Bank of Ocean Grove to succeed the Committee has met oil thc conditions Ocean ,i ove boardwalk at the. North ,le . suit|, ask lll0Sl. w|,o iiave lived set forth by the . Reorganization clared in part: th a t M ethodists help- it to prevail: . Ocean Grove National Bank.” “The pages of the New Testament End, when the management v.ill pre- ciirislian lives if this is so, ..-ltotcrri Thirdly, the presence of the Holy ' Division of the Treasury Department' sent (ii'qrge A rhss m fh e H.ouse of jnR hte second text, ..the prbeipus According, to John A. Reid, chair­ when the plan was first presented to are .filled with pictures'of Jesus talk­ Spirit'is an acknowledgment pn the man of the depositors’ committee, all ing to people Whom'He meets by-tho Rothsehild,” together with ti e follow- pl.bmiKOi hl. saill >.>rlu. task hecimes part of God of the acceptance of a . the depositors. The terms and con­ ing, a-!-l.;d .attractions: Slniley lem -IJasy ns it'l.eeomes dillicuit. He in- requirements of.’the Treasury Depart­ ditions were fixed by the Comptrol­ pathway or friends ■ in • the market­ fully, consecrated life, closed Rev. • ment for the organization of the new place, Who ill leisurely and friendly !?It’ ■ "-'\mwea.s >(. Swwtlioart^ m i ferred thaf 'we have wade it too easy Jacobs, Just as there arp, laws in ler’s department and tho committee Manageil Money, Mickey Mouse in f0I. 0Ile t(l a niember of . the bank had been met and there, was had the continued assurance of tlio fashion .stop to listen to tlie great natural life, hi', said, so lire there every reason to believe that a char­ Teacher. Almost always He invites “The tuihi Premiere,’ and' “The church. Th'<.';.history of Ocean Grove laws ill spiritual life. One may banking, officials that if the plan was Three l.iitie Pigs '(111.color).' ter would be granted from the assur-. fulfilled the bank could be opened. It those lo whom. He talks to accept arid those pioneers who fiuinded it, lie reeogiiize the presence of the Spirit ances given by banking officials. The new ideals of life, saying, ‘Follow The lir.-it'-. attraction casts Arliss reminded, proves that those who make, in his life when he has the fruits of was with the knowledge and assist­ in the. role of N athan ‘ Rothschild, reorganization division of the Treas­ ance of the United States Treasury Me.’ Some follow; others do not; but sacrifices in .order to live f'liristiiin -the Spirit. becai|se.; wherever the fruits king of Kuropcan! finance,icii. aridand assoasso--1 l i v e s , neither notice ,or regret their ury Department had given the plan Department that the loan from the almost none resent. the invitation as of the Spirit are, they are manifest. and it had been followed to the letter. presumplious. His unclouded sin­ cihtes him 'with such famous f nnd r (iong so. In closing, he repeated‘liis The storm which struck this, vicin­ Reconstruction Finance Corporation colorful historical cliaracteaeU'Vs.^ns . NO- ] second' text, urging, “May we lin'd it • An emergency meeting of the do- was secured for the express purpose cerity and spotless' purity prevented ity on Sunday did not seriously cut ' • positors’ committee was hold Wed­ such protest. p'oleon, the Duke of Wellington, j 30/ into the Audi-forium congregations, of assisting in the organization of George III, arid Prince Talleyrand, i nesday night and the following state­ the new hank. The Treasury Deport­ . ‘‘To follow Him involves every ex­ Jacobs in Evening Sermon. large crowds turning out to both’the • ment was authorized to be issued tby perience .and value of human life and This famous film, taken together with ! morning and evening services'. ment expressly withheld the payment the many added attractions,, promises What was God trying to sav when, the chairman for the information of of any dividend to assist the organiza- is not simple. I t requires sacrifice Flowers In. the, font were in mem­ all depositors and the public: and courage and vision and is not to supply a full evening s entertatrt- the presence of the Holy Spirit came ory -of Margaret' E. Scott, from. her • : tion committee. ment lor theatre goers. ■ upon those men in the upper room, "It is needless, to add that if the easy. Among other things, it means sons, Alfred and Stanley. Flowers ,in, "To the .depositors of the Ocean we are Called to larger loyalties. Thu present attraction, at ..th e, BS told in the first chapter of .the the baskets in frpnt of. the platform bankUU11IV is not» v » x.- permitted — ------. - to open' the Grove National Bank, in liquidation. *0 - * ------— 111 V. Jesus’ contemporaries were intensely •Strand is the mystery, ^Tlie^ Thin f Acts of the Apostle? What was'his were in memory of Ernest I\ Wool- : r i ~ » w ------banking house and fixtures will be a Man,” starring William Powpll and purpose then and what is it riow? . “Your /lenositors’depositors' committee,------select- total loss to the old depositors, loyal to little things, short of vision ston, from his parents, and in-..mem- • ed for the reorganization of a no­ and narrow of outlook. Their loy­ Myrna Loy. Next Thursday, one day With these questions, Rev. Disston W. ory of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kunath, amountng to $70,000, the figure at only, the Strand will present Spencer Jacobs, Wilmington district superin­ tional bonk for Ocean Grove, wiali which they, are carried on the books alty was correspondingly intensely de­ from their niece, .Mrs. Williajri Fran­ to report that they have received the voted to non-essential objectives. Tracy and Jack Oakie in “Looking tendent and also a new member of ces. - . -. . ' of the receiver. for -Trouble," a Tilm full of action, following letter undei: date of Aug­ “The committee expects a definite “The rich young ruler typifies a u st 14, 1684, from the Treasury De- group of people—fine, clean, out­ danger and thrills, coupled with dou­ decision to be mode within the next ble romance. ... partmeht, Washington, D. C.: several days as. to whether any furT standing, of splendid heritage, and culture, who use' their resources of The week will close with “Let’s Try “ ‘Mr. John A. Reid, ther efforts should be .expended to A g ain ,” in which Diana Wynyard arid BATHING VIOLATORS $6,000 ALLOTED Chairman Depositors’ Committee, secure a charter. If no further mpney and ability for the gratifica­ tion of personnl desire. To the rich Clive Brooks are featured. Again, a Ocean Grove, N. J. effort is to be made, the committee Mickey Mouse cartoon, a silly sym­ will endeavor to secure a prompt yotirfg ru le r Je su s said, ‘Give yoUl­ ’ Dear Sir: ; timo and money for the help of the phony nnd a first class news review FINED FOR ANTICS FOR BANGS AVENUE Confirming office telegram this payment of a dividend to depositors. will be the added feature. date you are advised that the "Only through the efforts of your poor, depressed and unfortunate of Comptroller, after having given committee was o dividend of fifteen your tribe. Your wealth has been' CROSSED FLETCHER LAKE FROM FUNDS FOR PAVING AVAILABLE per cent made possible and: in a two created by the group; it must be all reports careful consideration, WAR MEMORIAL IS APPROVED BRADLEY BEACH has Concluded that conditions do page letter to your chairma'n the used for the group.’ The Master sum­ FROM THE COUNTY Treasury Department explained that moned him to the larger vision of not warrant approval of the ap­ social responsibility and economic Company A, Spanish War Heroes, to plication to organize “The First it was granting a loan ot $188,000 And Walked Into the Arms of the Notional Bank of Ocean Grove” because of its interest in assisting justice. The rich young ruler did Be Honored. Neptune Township Committee favors what the modern world is largely Law, Costing Eaeh $2.00. Tailor to succeed the Ocean Grove No­ in every way possible the opening of Local Labor on the job which will the closed bank. Of course, no inter­ doing, ‘He went away sorrowful.’ At the suggestion of Dr. Harry tional Bank. “No more intensely patriotic or Layton, Congressman William H. pays Liccnsc after Driver is Ar­ Respectfully, est is being paid on this Joan until be started in the fall. Ordinance. racially conscious people - have ever Sutphin has been successful in hav­ rested and Fine Imposed, (Signed) E. H. Gough, it is actually received by the Received. Passed on First Reading to make Deputy Comptroller.’ (Signed) Depositors; Committee, lived than the Jews of, Jesus’ day. ing a revokable license issued to in­ Ocean Grove National To them there, were only two men in stall a tablet on the pathway leading Clement Detreitch and , Robert . Fifth Avenue a one' -way street. “Your committee met Wednesday Bank in Liquidation.” the world—a Jew and a Gentile. A to the m ain entrance o f the.P ost office Boldgedt, of Elmhurst, L. I., were each night and decided to refer the letter Gentile ‘dog’ was not so miich recog­ building at Asbury Park, in com­ fined ?2 arid costs by Police Justice The Neptune township committee nized as a man os he'was endured memoration of the men who served James R. Laird, Jr., in Ocean Grove learned Tuesday night that this as a necessary,, evil. A bleeding in . Company A, Third New Jersey police court Saturday night on a municipality might have what was Samaritan might die by the roadside^ Volunteers diiring the Spanish Ameri­ charge of violating the .Ocean Grove left-of the special road fund coming but a Jew would ,not stop to. bind his can W ar. bathing ordinance. Charges were from the county, amounting to $li,000, WILL GIVE PLAQUE METHODIST HISTORICAL DRAMA wounds. These people'of narrow loy­ The tablet is to be of the same de­ brought by Officers Barkolow and for the paving of Bangs avenue.' The . TO BE PRESENTED TONIGHT alty to race and land were called to sign, height, and but one-third of the Devlin that the two men, after un­ coinmittee felt that the work should the larger.loyalty of Universal human length of the World War memorial successfully trying to cross the board­ be-done by its own i-Pad departm ent, AT BELMAR BRIDGE "The Spreading Flame,” the . brotherhood. • - ‘ tnblet now located op the west side walk from Bradley Beach into. Ocean employing only local-labor. The kind story of Methodism in America, "We do not use the word ‘heathen’ of ' the pathway in - question... The Grove, engaged a bpat to carry them of material to be used was discussed very much today, and it is w e ll But names of those who served with Com­ across FJeteher' Lake, but wore rit length and Committceniai- Charles BRADLEY BEACH COMMISSION­ told in pagentry, will be present­ ed at the Auditorium tonight a heathen was a. man who lived in o pany A,' Third New Jersey Volun­ nabbed on. the Ocenh Grove bank and S.' Loveman suggested the use of tar com m unity and was not interested in teers; the company having been re­ ERS TO ATTEND AFFAIR under the direction ,o£ Mrs. Caro­ escorted to Headquarters. They had and slag us giving the largest cover­ lyn Stanyon. Famous Methodist anything that went on outside there­ cruited in Asbury Park; will be in­ Bradley Beach bathing tags on their age for the money, The ■ details leaders of the N ew and the Old of, His vision was narrow, hjs man­ scribed on tlie tablet. swim suits. will be' worked out later and the • Somers Brings . Mandamus Against world will be portrayed by an ners crude. His outlook crcumscrib- A. W. Janies, 607 Second avenue, work will start in the fall. ed a heathen! What is the difference Asbury Park, was lined ?10 arid Under public hearing Thomas-Hop­ Officials, Concerning Refusal to entirely local cast and the Audi­ Plan Second Outing. torium choir will assist, singing today between a heathen and what costs on a charge. of being drunk per again brought; up' the 'question Grant Ocean Front Filling Station many of the old hymns of the spme people call a patriot'! The second annual outing to Rear and disorderly ot the South End pa­ of drainage on Atkins ovepue,. nt the “Jesus came to the most religious Mountain, New York, for the, benefit vilion. He also was arrested by Olli- j Permit. . Delay Water Question church, accompanied by the organ. plant of the, Asbury Pork Towel and • The drama will thrill adults and land of all lands and to the most of the social service department of cei-s . —Devlin---- and Barkolow . Supply Company. A report from the religious .people 'of'all peoples, nar­ Decsion. ,'. ‘ . children alike. ..' ' the F itkin hospital, Neptune, .will be. Snul -Brokk, n driver for thc Frepch ounty engineers is nwoited. as At- row and. intense in their loyalty. held on Sunday, September 10th. Dyers and Cleaners, Asbury ^Park,. j |.jlls avolnu), a county rood, but most The Bradley Beach commissioners , iuimiiuiiiiiiitNiiutwiiuuiuuittiiui»!tHtiiuuiu((iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiii(tiiiu»i((W They would die rather than violate The general plans for the outing, was arraigned on^o chaige pf violat- . mum|,ei.s 0f uie committee felt that Tuesdrfy night received on invitation a religious-law or n -Levitical.‘com­ which will again be given under , the mg the Ocean Giove license oidi- t|K, |jnai solution would have to be TO SPONSOR PEACH FESTIVAL mandment. Their dogmas and doc­ auspices of the Fitkin hospital and n» ^ c He was fined. S15 and $3 cosU, ^ r the towel company to raise the to attend the ceremonies at the New trines were fixed and final and there Shark River Bridge tomorrow morn­ the Monmouth County Organization with , the proviso that tho_ license be | (loo|, of it!i building about two feet, Woman’s Club Affair is Next. Wed­ could be neither growth nor develop­ for Socal Service, are niuch the. some paid and the. line icmitted or that, i lh(> building Was originally set too ing when the American Institute of ment. Their ceremonies were rigid, as last year and, nil those who re­ Brokk be confined- to thq county joi | low . in. c-omporisori with ill other Steel Construction will unveil a nesday, All Day. 1 their faith was fixed. On the. tablets member the good time they had on for thirty days. His .employei pnul , struetures in that locality, plaque in recognition of the decision of ther law could be written ‘Ne Plus this all day excursion last September, thc liccnsc fee and costs, under pro-, . • ... , _ , that the bridge is the most beautiful A peach festival and bazaar, for Ultra. So intense was their devotion test that he was not informed of the , A" ordinance was passed on first the benefit of the Ocean Grove trill want to get their applications I reading giving the township author- built in the United States during to what we know were non-cssential3 for" tickets in ns sooii as possible in license requirement. Woman’s- Club, will be held on the ana traditions os well os great prin­ Arraigned for being drunk at - 22 ity to make Fifth avenue, east of At­ 1033. The invitation, signed by Fred­ lawn of the home of the president, order to be accommodated. kins, on the north side of the Nep­ erick P. Reichey, director of . the ciples that they spiked the hand that Lake avenue and also for tho illegal Mrs. Anna T. Dey, 23 Central ave­ could beckon them to larger loyal­ possesson of liquor, Murdock Smith, tune market . fl one-way street, such Board I of Freeholders, iB extended to nue, all day next Wednesday, August. routing lequii'ing the approval of the all citizens of this vicinity- The cere­ ties to tho cross and nailed the feet WEEKEND CANDIES of Brooklyn, arrested by Chief Cat­ 22. Mrs..;. Harry Hulit is general; they could have followed to spiritual State motor vehicle, commissioner. monies are to start ot 1 1 o’clock. ... Chocolate Peanut Clusters, 29c. Ib.; ley and Sergeant Ackerson, was sen­ The ordinance will come up for final chairman of the affair, assisted by liberties to a tree' o f crucifixion. tenced by Judge Laird to thirty days A communication from the New Mrs. Claude English and Mrs. Wil Religion is giving ' the best you Chocolate Jellies, 29c. lb.; Cream reading on August 28. Charles Jersey Supreme'Curt notified the bor- Wafers,- 29c. lb.: Cinnamon Squares, in the courity jail: in default of $35 Sovotli. operating a ' business on fred PaxBon. you have to the best you know and fine. Ormond Malzone, New York ouph commissioners and the borough A fefature of the bazaar will be u constantly adjusting life as deeper n- 29c. lb.; A ssorted Straws, 29c. lb.; Fifth avenue, oppenreil before the building inspector, William Megill, Turkish Paste, 29c. Ib.; Butter Peanut City, was fined $2 and costs Monday committee asking that stricter traf­ fortune teller. A miscellaneous table sights, broader horizons and new dis­ night for violation of the Sunday that mandamus proceedings, insti­ will be 'in charge of Miss Jessie coveries reveal to us more completely Brittle, 19c. lb. All fresh made cand­ fic regulations be enforced on that tuted by Thomas F. Somers,. Jr., trus­ ies, on Bale a t Disbrow's, 29 South parking ordinance. Arrest and com­ Stoats, Miss Sara North, Mrs. Wil the highest good and the will of God. plaint were made by Ackerson. street. tee for the estate of the late Thomas liam Taylor, Mrs, Phineos Proctor To. such religion Jesus calls us. Re­ Main Street, opposite Main Avenue Clerk Knox read a communication ,F. Somers, will open against them to- and Mrs. H. D. Kresge. The book Gates.— 33 ligion that is at once dynamic and Occan Grove Auditorium. ’ ■ ■, from the Shark River Hills Company 1 morrow. Somers applied for a license table will be conducted by Mrs. A satisfying, religion that challenges us thanking the committee for -the. ser­ to operate a gasoline station on the W. Rosenheim, Miss Helen Miller and with larger loyalties to social justice, St. Paul’s Church. “The Spreadng Flame,” a pageant vices of an officer in the,policing of property owned by the estate at Fifth Mrs. Harold Bills. universal brotherhood and the spirit­ Church School ...... 9.30 A. M. of the beginning of Methodism, will the beach and asking that the same and Ocean avenues, the application Mrs. J. Claude English, Mrs. Pax. ual values of Love and Truth” Morning. Worship ...... 11.00 A. M. be given under the direction of Mrs. officer be continued on the assignment being refused because of an alleged son, Mrs; Charles Rokestraw and Dr. H. F. .Downs, of Baltimore, Midweek Service 7.15 P. M. Corolyn .Stanyon, Friday evening, on Saturdays and Sundays, on account, violation of the zoning ordinance. Mrs. H. E.i Shenton will direct the ottered the concluding prayer at this In Summer—-“Go to Church.” August 17, .at 8,30. Admission, 25 of the crowds of bothers. Tho communication was referred to Delicatessen table while the White ] service and Rev. J. H. Magee pror cents.— 33 ______1 the borough solicitor’s attention. A request from the Monmouth Elephant 'stand: will be in the hands nounced the benediction. Nogle's-Pharmacy (Open all Year) Consolidated Water Company for a A notice from tho State Water of Mrs.- Thomas Angles, Mrs, Arnold Next Sunday Dr. Fox will preach Ocean Grove Auditorium. refund of three years taxes paid on Polcy Commissin was laid on the Phister and Mrs. Joseph Stover, with Readjusted prices under NRA Drug Piii.c. , 0 cl°ck worship service on Code. W hy buy o’lt of toiwn—43 Adv. The preacher.for Sunday morning a lot which it-now claims it does not tablo until next week. The communi­ the festival itself being headed by W hat Must -I; Do to be Saved?!’ own was referred to the township cation announced that a hearing is to Mrs. Henry C. Erbacher, Mrs. Paul Mrs. Carolyn Stanyon will teach the nnd evening will .be Adnn W. Leon­ ard, D.D., LL.D., o Bishop. o t . the attorney for an opinion, on motlori.of • be held on a request by tho Mon. Chatfield and Mrs. Nixon.. Assembly Bible Class, which will meet I.' Mller arid Debutante Shoes now Commtteeman Garrobrant., . mouth Consolidated Water Company - The regular exchange for next'Fri­ at 9.30 o clock, tfie same hour that Methodist Episcopal church, in on sale—$5.85 to <8.85. L. S. Taf- charge of the Pittsburgh Area.—33 for permission to pump water from day .mprnlng will be omitted, but thc churcn school convenes. sun, GST.Coplanan^ avenue.—28 Shark river, to be used as a reserve those who have been donating to it, Optometriat-Optician. •• • • • - ; ---A n n n n Bupply for municipalities from Ocean may . have the, privilege of bringing Engle’s drug store prescriptions Don’t neglect your eyes. • their articles to the bazaar exchange American Barber Shop. Albert E. Robinsort, Jobbing: carpen­ Dr,' Joseph F . HeinO. vw townBhip to Avon, inclusive. ter, and all; kihds of roofs put on. now filled at Hill’s Asbary Park drug Commissioners' extended thoir sym- table. T he1 exchange, will be resumed * 52 Main Avenue, . Ocean Grove. store, Mattison aftd Bond.—Adv, C18 Cookman avenue, A. P. Tel. 154' ri,pa^'taj^oi)gh* ’ engineer^NiartEpg- * - L « --- l,againl.agaiij .on .FridayFriday,'. August'August'31. 31 v —10 adv. tt r:^;. v.; ; ( 61 Heck avenue.—Adv. 16tf. - ...... ______FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, »D4


P fo m a tter what you may have heard or what you may think about this or that kind of elec­ • The defrosting switch tric refrigeration—you can have no idea of doesn't have to be turned what, a modern electric refrigerator, should be on again after defrosting is completed. It turns it­ or do until you’ve seen the Frigidaire Super self on—-automatically! Freezer. For here is a development that helps make the Frigidaire *34 the most convenient, most complete and most unusual refrigerator • No lugging or prying ever built. to get. ice trays out of the The Frigidaire Super Freezer combines, con­ freezer. A patented lever veniences and advantages not to be found in brings them sliding out at s touch of the finger, any other electric refrigerator,; More ice! Uniformly low temperatures brings you a ll these advantages—and many more throughout the cabinet! Room for tall bottles besides. * Central location of the Oil both sides of the freezer! A cold storage Don't fail to see this latest advance in electric Super Freezer provides compartment that is really big enough to be refrigeration before you buy. Demonstration now tall bottle space on bcJih sides and helps, keep the useful! Automatic reset defrosting! Automatic going on in our showroom. Learn why thousands entire food compartment ice tray release! The Frigidaire Super Freezer are saying: uniformly cold.

Model Standard 434

END OF SEASON SALE 43...... ’... Park Plnco and Ocean 4&.: ...... LaBelne and Ocean While they lasl.w iib t-nelt Simmons- lh-ep Sleep limursprins; M attress, 47 ...... Fourth and Ocean « e give free, a Sfi.SO Meta! Bed. and n $l>.30 Coil Spring to male!). 57 ...... Occan Park and OCEAN GROVE ..; >.. .FlBher and Bangs Fisher and Sprlngwood . . . v ,Myrtle and Maple • Myrtld and Stratford- • ♦. . * .■ Myrtle an d Munroe Taylor Dairy Co. i,.,.. Asbury and Anelve .Stokes and .Munroe Catley & Williams, Proprietors i ... .Stokes ahd Stratford ...... Munroe and Oxonla MILK, CREAM and BUTTER . -Bangs and Springdale MILK HEPTUHE CITY From Monmouth County Farms ...... Avondale and Summit ...... Neptune and Prospect Phone 1970 ...... Oak Drive and Sylvanla ..... Springdale and Sylvanla 142. Lawrence Avenue, Ocean Grove ...... Rldce and Sylvania • • ...... Steiner and Sylvanla ...... Third and Steiner

MOTOR COACHES FRENCH •Leave Ocean Grove DRY CLEANING Association Office' 7.15 A. M., 8.15 A. M. : v': - co. 1.20, 3.20, 5.20, 7.20, 9.50 V. M.' The Parkside Daily Except-Sundays ■Your Washington Home MORNING EXCURSION Eye Street Near 14th, N. W. TEN DAY LIMIT One-Hour Cleaning Service Facing Beautiful Franklin Park, Drawing Room, Bed' Room and No Odor—No Shrinking Sundays, Leaves from Private Bath for Every Guest. Telephone - LAKE and HECK STREET Prices so Very Reasonable 1 Anbury Park 2364,5916 Asbury Park, N. J. Telephone Asbury Park 339 Write for Booklet today 1 633 Mattison Avenue R. M. Patterson, Proprietor. A sbury P

ini,imliiiniiilnimnl,mil,,, Ony Hohool. at MMhtiif - Borvlca i t llnmn Illodmdcldi M r; flhil Mi's. W. 10 ,4 6 1 prciieliln f t nt IflOi . . . / : I. liiilli I’hiiiii;, YntiUei'd. HE TIMES advertisafe need our trade and friend• Flrat M / fiU Anbury Park- ' Hiifliliiiid— Eva M, lllll, Hiif'scx; iihip. W her you need anything first try to buy | T H A N K Y O U Hov, 11. bench* jmslor* > flutiafty Mnriinti'i. A. Ilcnr.V Bllzabeth; Mrs, w h n o l nt M B ft. jn. Prniehlnjr narvloe, M. W.-T.witcliclj, Tr.t'iHqn; •!. K. Lud- it 'at hoing. W e are ..anxious to see 'our .home"- | 11;00 n. m, Yourttf ptiopio'n niootinif ftt iMO, M vonlhg norvlcu nt 1 M , P r a y e r Inhi, l(p|.|:eVllt(*| EllzuiiUth Mai.'ih, corHmunity the center of commercial nnd social i CALL AGAIN S WotlnoftcJfiy ftt 7.45 o'clock* Ja«»". Miirsh; William Marsh, .Sfnm- fi»;d, I'min.i M rs. L .■ A, Milli'r, liea- | activity. Communities grow and prosper through com* |- A HANDY DIltECTOUY FOE O V Ii UBADERS S - • ' ' . : , . - H . W est (3rove M. K. trii'i> .1,’. 'Mi|i<.|', Yorkstown Ib'gliH ; V‘ hined e f f o r ts . Cooperation and -team work, make for 1 (icy;- WHHlnm Oulltak. tm*4t<>r. Service* Mrx, K. Amli'i-son; Passaic; Mis. .1. f«*r (hr* I'imihltf SutHlny iin fniloWfi; - 9»4f», II. •<;uiiii-y, jlaw thorne; f’oliii M. | . results. Trade at home, J WiirMlfiy B o tm o li 11.00, pr.oiu-bln^ n o r v f e o ; , A30, icpwdVUi League* lil.0 evening ear* C.Hiiv.'11. Oli'go, N, Y.; Krauros I. vice. ' . • . IleS!. I'lnidilla, N. Y.; Ijiis A. More, ■ m u i i m m i,. filiiitiM iHijiiiiiuiiiJl My, rtii'l v;i. ii. K. Move, Via\yVhorhe; B'USTNHSSS DIRECTO RY AMONG THE HOTELS Me. mill .Mrs. J, W. Kiniioy, Tn,'ii< REPAIRING—BATTERIES—TIRES Miliii'i.nt- - il, Ludlnm, lieileviflo; Graci- A. Tlioiii; Philadelphia; Emma U. S. I,'. UillUU'M'H. Wlifiol Alignment TetephOHa-A. P. 2773 | While Hal!—Mr. and Hrfi.- John Ttu'i'T' I-'nir i.awir, Mrs. Frank W, Service W ith a Smile Harton, .Pliijtips; AWxiliidrln, Va.-; Cinotfuin. W tv York City; Fcaiik C. - ' ■ Frank.S. Morris,. Inc. ■ L. SNIDER JIyh. Charles Bonnfttj Bctliosdo, Md,;' Davis, tiloria : Sharpley; Camden; Tires, r.uU*iK, BnUerles,''.Vulcanixing, Auto Acce'ssbries, Brake, Tire and ’s New .John 11, Sclnvemitz,, Jersey City-; Ella Uuttcry . Sorvlce, Oenornl Aqto Repairs. NEWSPAPERS Lois W. Miller, Aki'on, Ohio; Mrs. • , ; . • i'j South ^Inin : Street, VN. piune. - - r 60 Slain Avenue, Occan Grave Hoffman,- West Caldwell; Myrtle .Jentiif K'. Hyland, Uidgljwooil; Flor- Newspaper and Magazine SER V IC E A LL YEA R ;. Kariotise, P a te rso n ;! H, 'J, Kink, :M r; enec i'. Godwin, Jamaica; Mrs.. -Julia Delivery Service 33 Main Avenue. Tel. 5283 and Mrs. L. II. DeGraff, Jr., Brook­ Albert, Woodside, L. I. " COAL AND WOOD Phone 318 lyn; Mr. ant! Mrs. J. Smitli, Thomas Wc Deliver the Goods Ocean. Grove’s; Original Carrier J. Slnitii, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. C; Sracroft—Jfr. and .Mrs. C; D; Dav­ O. Lanstor, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Long, ies and litilh, Hari'iman, N. Y.: Mr. Johnson Coal;.and' Supply Go. Hawthorne. : phd Mrs. Floyd Beach,.’Dover, N. J.; .'••• : ;!t -. ' COLONIAL COAL Koosevelt—Mrs; Anna Sheely, Pat­ Harry Cmnow, Mine Ilill, N. J.; Mr. • ; • COAL, MASONS’ MATERIALS, FL’KL OIL Tilton’s City Dairy G, C. PRIDHAM & BRO. erson; Mr, and Mrs. It, Bleyer, Broolc^ and Mrs. -Donald H. Rusch, Mrs.- 005 Main Street. Ashury Pnrk • Phones 4940-4941 PaBtenrlteft Milk and lyn; Miss Anna Gahibel, Philadelphia; Olive Black, W harton,' N, J.; M rs. R. BUTTERMILK ANI> CERTIFIED PRACTICAL PAINTERS Haineman, Tappen, N. Y.; George MILK . •■ - ■ Miss.-Nellie E..Irwin, Miss Florence RADIO Distributors for "Walker-Gordon and ■ Edna . Minschwaner, Trenton; PAPER HANGERS Irwin, Brookline, Pa.;. Mrs. Clara -Jacom C. E rnst, Miss M. E .. E rnst, Products • • . Hahn and family, New York; Mrs, 80S Second Avenne, Asbnry Par* ?1 Broadway, Ocenn Grore, 2?. 3, Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Robini Phone 1077 David Hahn, Horworthj vN. J.; Mr. Bronx; Mr.’ and Mrs. F. A. Greene, Scott’s Music Shop and-Mrs. James P. Miller, Westches­ F. A. Greene; Jr., Mary Greene, Suf- - M-UGICAL INSTRUMENTS—CENTURY EDITION ter; ; Mr. and Mrs. G. ,R. Sailer, Jr., fern; L. K. ‘ Goppert, G. Googer,' Electrical .Refrlgeratlon—Maytag Washers—Service bn all appliances Scranton; Mr. . and Mrs. L. B, Caryl, Brooklyn; H. R. McScachie, Pater­ 410 Main Street, Asbury Park, N. J. ~ ‘ • Phone * 5630 Ellen H. Clive CHARLES W. QUERING Sci'anton; son; Miss Ruth Barrett, Morris Tr»4SnK a» D. C. C ottrt Agcocy Aurora—Mrs. George. B .; Jones,- Plains; Mrs, R, Moore, Montclair; CAEPEKTJEn, 4UB BUILDEB Hollis, L. I.j Mrs, Lena Unglert.jVle!- Miss K, A, Bixler, Mrs; D. A, Bode,. ymimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimimiiitTniiiiiiiiiint«iii[iiiiiMiiiiiiii:'!ii)iHiiiitiiitiiiiiiitiiitiiiniMiiiiiiiitt>i(iiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiitiinmiiuiiiumnt!iiiHiitntmtittttffimiita/ffinn Insurance »nd Real Eilate Jobbing promptly Attended To vin Unglert, Long Island City; Mrs. Jamaica; Ella H. Bone, George B.’ S' Ocean Grove and Asbury Park Estimates Furnished. Phone 12S5-B Blanche •' Hutchinsoii, Wilkinsburg, Hunt, Newton, Pa.: Rev. and Mrs, W. Telephones 2606 and 346 118 Abliotl At enae', Ocean Grore. P a.; Dr. and Mrs., Jam es H; Black, E. King,' Dover, N J.; Florence M. Ghambersburg: Mr. and Mrs. John B; and Elsie M. Gensler, Philadelphia; Yellow Rose Coffee Shop Thompson and soij, Jackson .Heights; Mr., and .Mrs. John. B.- Staats, Belle Mrs; .Ernest Bm'khardt, Maplewood; Mead. ■ . Mr. and Mrs: Ni O. Smith, Chatham; j ' 49; Main A venue,. Ocean.Grove Edmund L; Thompson. Jeanne L, Jacobs, Scranton; Helen Lakensea—Mrs. Thonias C. Fog­ Bermuda arty, Dover,■■ N. J.; Mrs. William J. A. Gerow, New Palls, N. Y,; Miss S60 and up, also trips to Europe, Exterio and Interior Bassett, East Orange; Estelle C. Cor­ | Breakfast . 1 Sc,— 2 5 c . Nellie J. C. Kerlshof, Hackensaclf;: nell. Mrs.- Newcomb, Brooklyn; Mrs. Alaska nnd West Indies .painting- Mrs; Alma A. Reardon, Miss Dolores W. C. GUAY TKAVEL AGENCY . Estimates Furnished C. B. Schaefer, Miss Betsy Poole, | Luncheon ...... I...... 3 5 c . L. Reardon; leu Rock; Mr, and: Mrs. Hackensack; Mrs. Eva Cole, Mrs, J. . 305 Bond St., Asbury Park, N. J. 28 Ocean Avenue, Ocean Grove C. II. Rea, Miss. Bernice Rea, Flush- Phone 1594 Phone Aabnry P ark 2258-R N. Poole, Park Ridge; Mr, and. Mrs.- I S u p p e r ...... ,40c. ing'! -Mrs. Isabelle Deane, Mr. and S. Whitmore, New York City; M rs. F rank Bird, Hollis, L. I.; Mv. Tea, Coffee, Milk ...... ;.,...05c. and Mrs. John Ii. Nelson, Brooklyn; Mrs, 13. Ii, Schultze,-Washington, D. Phone 237-M Weather Stripping G.; lU-v. and Mi's. W. A. Sm ith, Miss 1 Salads'- ...... 1 Oc.—l'5c, M. DARO BARBER SHOP Screens Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick, M. ID. Comog, .Doylestown; Miss Rahway; IT.- C. Showy, Blizabeth .•Mary F lagler,' Stroudsburg; Mrs. ,F'. g Sandwiches ...... i...... 10c.— 15c. 307 Bond Street* Asbury Park A. M. AUSTIN 3he-Tn,\cT«H Arthur - E. Fajans, New York City; phia; Florence A. Kline, Pianlield. E. I. FEAGLEY .. ’ Orders’Attended to Promptly . 'Emma and Helen Case. Weehawken; SO- Tears with Hamilton Watch Co. Estimates Pnrnislied Mr, ami Mrs. H. J. Delhagen, Eliza­ IS clocks Culled for nr BollrereiJ 120 Abbott Avenue* Ocean Grove beth; Mrs, J. Lytle, Fair Lawn,. 130 Main Avenue Ocean Orosa Phone.471« J.; Mrs. J. Lister, Mrs. G. Lister, It coats money to.be sick. You see? it di- A rlington, N r J.; Elizabeth II Coflinj sectly if your pay envelope is short. V Louise Stamlinger, - Brooklyn;, Edith I YARNALL’S I arid Irene Hardie, East Orange; Mr, lose out on some important work if you BURT1S’ FUNERAL CHAPEL aiicl Mrs. Frank S. .David, Tarry- live on a farin or if you are one of the few ANDREW TAYLOR town; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Board, Distinctive Funeral Service TIJ* AND SHEET META JO Ridgewood; Mrs. M. Farina and son, I MARKET | who are not docked for lost time, T Sinus 1888 Jersey City;. L, Jacobsky, Rev, and' can’t afford to show up oxi the job unless ’’ WORKER Mrs. J.jH . G-ire, New York. City, ■| 602 LaReine Ave. ' | 517 BANGS AVENUE, ASBURY PARK 76 Soqtk Main Street. Asbury Park you are feeling St,. The boss wants re- St. George—Mrs. E. 'Milter, Flor­ Tslaphons 667 Phone .2601 ‘ ence StenkofF, Jersey City; G. G. | ' Bradley-Beach ■ | . cults— not excuses; , Fling, Fraifp B."Sisco, Philadelphia; How many times do Gas on Stomach, Head- Mr. and Mrs. G. Betts, Hackensack; aehe, Sour Stomach, “T hat T ired Feeling,u Miss O, Howe, Helen Hardy, Mr. and I We are a*’ near you | E. J. Walenta as follows; Holy Com­ Mrs. William Dolley, Paterson; A. That "Morning After“ Feeling, Neuralgte, munion Sundays, S a. iiw; Wednesday, Rheumatic, Sciatic, Muscular or Periodic, 8.00 a. m. and first Sunday in the month, and L, Stalp, Verona; Jean .Byrnes, | ' as your] telephone. | N e w s o f t h e 11.00 a, m. Morning pray«r and sermon, Elizabeth E. Byrnes, Brooklyn; Rob­ P ains keep-you at home or interfere with 11.00 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, ert Haines, Mrs. Percy Haines, Betty | All order* promptly | yow doing a full day’s w ork? 7.30 p. m. Church Sohool and. Bible Class, 9.30 a. m. Last Sunday In the nionth. Briggs', Phyllis E. Heines Milibrook; I delivered.- | All these troubles are caused or mads worse by too much acid Children’s Eucharist at 10 a. m. ; Prayer Mr. and Mrs. J. Parkhouse, W. C. In your body. To correct this condition take service, Saturday, 6.S4 p. m. Seaman, East Orange; Ann Brown C h u r c h e s and children, Riverdale; Alan V. King, Church of the Ascension, Bradley Irvington’; Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. 1 Telephone, Aibury Park 2271 | Beach. Derby, Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Wolf, ALKA-SELTZER Allentown, W.;- Florence . C. Kerrs, J. ' Brfnley and Fletcher LAke avenues. 1 The New Pain Relieving, Alkalizing, Effervescent Tablet St. Panl’s M. R. Ocean Groye. Right Rev. Canon John J. O’Hara. M,. Vermand Kern, Sarah Berlcemeyer, I Rector. Sunday m asses: 6.15; 7.15, 8:15, .. P reaching" s e r v i c e 11.00 a; ra* and 7.30 Bethlehem; Charlotte G, Williams, It Ls!s called Alka-Seltzer because Itit makes a sparkling slkallna p. in. Sunday school, 9.30 a. ra. Epworth I 9.16, 10.30 o'clock. Week day mass, 7,30 ' o'clock..- F irst Friday mass, - 6,30, 7.30. Mrs. ,E. Kennedy, -Charles S. Kennedy, ^aiiiiiii!ijt>!iiiiiiitiii(!.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiii{(|iiiiiitiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiv. drink, and as it contains an analgesic (Acetyl-Salicylate) it first League, 0.30; Junior L^aeue, 6.30. Prayer Confessions for Saturdays and first Fri­ Betty and Elaine Kennedy,’ Jack Wil- service, J W ednesday, 7.45 p. M. Rev. days, 4.00 to 5.00 o'clock and 7.30 to 8.30 relieves the pain of everyday ailments and then by restoring Hamilton P, Fox, pastor. o'clock. ., •. y. 'r. 1 • I'. LYNCH'S S the alkaline balance corrects the cause when due to excess acid. Alka-Seltzer is pleasant to take, harmless, non-laxative. Trinity Episcopal, Asbury Park. First Presbyterian, Asbury Park. I HOME-MADE 1 Services conducted by the rector. Rev, Dr. Chariea F, Shaw, pastor. Sunday SORE MUSCLES Why don’t you try it? Get a drink at your drug store soda R andall W. Conklin, as follows: 7.30^a. school at 30 a. m. Preacntrig services at quickly relieved fountain for a nlckeL 'Buy a package for home use. m., holy communion; 9.45, Sunday school; 11 a. m. Evening service at 7*30 p. m. Mid­ ,10.45 a. m;, m orning-prayer and serm on; week service Wednesday at 7.45 p. ra with. ** RRR* J Rub j ICE CREAM | 4 p. m., Vespers. . Young people's society Thurartay; V.45 p. it In. Stimulates local circulation, !i *'■ W est Side Mission* i Its comforting I-...' ’. Sodas, Sundae* | ■ 927 Sprlngwood .avenue, Asbury Park. 1 warmth soothes ;Mrs. Bessie A. Brand, superintendent. Scsjle! Hall, Neptune. f , . Sandwiches | Saturdays, 8 p. m.,. Mrs. Brand, leadov. 1118 SeVohtli .avonuo, nenr Atkliis. Wor­ muscular aches and pains. Sunday school 2.30, in charge of George ship. mootlnir each J^ord’a Day * t i0.30 Used for 87 years to relieve stiff .H. Cutter. Sunday, 2 p. m./evantrellsuc a, in.; Sunday school at 2.30 p. in.; kos- joints, neuralgia and sprains. f ’ .'52 Main- Avenue - i| Large Package SO cents meeting. Tuesday, children and ^young pol meotltiE at 7.30 p, m .. Bible reading Reduces inflammation. Pene* people's meeting* Mrs. Bessie Brand, and prayer Thursdays a t 8.00 p. m. | Ocean Grove I i Small Package 35 cents leader. Thursday evening, George Samn,. trates. Does not blister* leader. . t Salvation Army Aaburv Park. itifitsiii!iiiiiiiS(|iiiitts!iaiiiiriiiiiiijriiiiiJitiaiiflHBiiir(itiiM siii^ | . Salvation Army barraeies, 'Aiatiison aye. First Church of Christ Scientists, services 11-a m. Sunday school at' r Asbury Park. £15. Young peoplo’s meeting 6.15 p. m. Services are held regularly every-Sun- Evening worship at 8. Ensign and Mrs. day morning at 11.00 by tho First Chm*ph beorEO.B. Anscombe, otHcere. in. charge. • Wilbur.Ri Guyer j o f C h r i s t Scientists at Asbury and Grand When Teeth WOBBiE avenues. The reading room ls-.°P®n . Pentecostal Lighthouse READY RELIEF -•successor to s ©very day froom 12 noon to 0 p. m. Wed­ . it may.be too late fo r your dentist to save tliem as some nesday evening sen'ice at 8. LiDrary S05 Bewail. avenue, Asbury Park". Rev, I WILLIAM YOUNG f ,«£ 'tho tissue which holds teeth in their sockets will • also open Sundays,'from J2 to 2. bunuay ft ' Evans, pastor; Sunday school Hcliool- a t 11 a. m. . ^■00.., p. m„ preaching service, 3 and 8 p. : GAS PAINS already Itave.beea destroyed^ p itm healthy gums that ■ 1 -'oun;:' people's meeting, 7.30'; prayer wind colic and 6tomach distress }' PLUMBING AND | meetings, Tuesdany and Thursday, evon- more quickly relieved with liug the teeth provide protection against infection, and Lutheran Church Of the Atonement, Ings,- 7.30 . o'clock,. destruction o£ the underlying tooth supporting tissues. First avenue and. Heck street.' Rev, ** R R R". The comforting j'-V HEATING’- | Carl H. MIHer, pastor. Sunday schoot, Grand AT®as* Heforined, Asbury Part warmth of a • teaspoonful in a ^fGet professional dvice before trouble atiwta 9.30 a. m. Morning'service, 10.45. Veuper Oita i... P, Mohn, paator riuadRi glass of hot water expells gas I EstimatcE Givep - S service, 7.45 p. m. a. m.; divine worship. 11' a. m, and. brings you prompt relief. g .' ' !- p C»"«pcrat© with' j'onr,. an a v..iG p. m ; prayer mectlnfT, Wednes^ Great for that “moming after** 5 64 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove g Ballard Memorial, Asbury Park. day, 7.30 p. m. feeling D entist l.», striving' fo, I Sunday at 10.30, preaching aervice^con- | Telephone 428 g ducted by the pastor, Rev, H. JUBraa- . Bradley Beach IB. E. RRRglvei comforting warxnth clean Gnm>GrIpped Teeth I way; Sunday school, 9.45 a m.* Bpworu\ Kev. ;5dv;:.r« Y.\, Graham, pastor, Sun- Externally and Internally 9 .3 League, 6.45 evening worship, 7.3?. ^2fflU&222SSU£iE2i!il^ Prayer meeting, Tuesday evening at 7.30. tutuujRaunni First Baptist, Asbury Park. irnmranmnomi/iimni mum nifun nimmnumrminrannnntnmmroi Sunday school and adult Bible class at 10.00 a. m.; at 11 Rev. C. Gordon Bown- REG’LAR FELLERS ville, will preach. A I b o sermon at 7;45. He’s Master of the Hbuiids By GENE BYRNES . Men's Brotherhood, 10 a. m. Young People’s meeting, 6,45. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.<5 p.. m. f i CAM - \ ) WAV! ANY ■ \ ■■ t b no! ■ T j. 1 DOKl'T1 felMO OP DO& LISTEN TC jftW i Hom e F o r th e Age& : T'WMiT TAwK’.o o v o y H E 'S A ! 63 Clark avenue, Ocean Grove. Every feiiwsft ^ w THiNX. *«30R £»£>• *5_ Wednesday a t 2.30 p. m. Rev. W. C, U wtiwb! Yerkes, acting chaplain, conducts a reli­ jROCkEFtUEf# gious. sorvlce, open to all members ot tne Home and any friends of the Grove. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper adminis­ tered first Wednesday of every month.

Christian and Missionary Alliance* m m WCH 616 Asbury avenue, Asbury Park. Preaching services Sunday at 10.45 a..m. and 7.45 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes­ day, 3.45 p. m.. Sunday school Sunday, 1.45 P. ». . - • Hamilton M. E. Church. Rov. Samuel R. Latham, pastor. Hunrlsy mihoo!, 9.30 a. im, Preaching a t 10.<6 a. m, and 7.80 p. m. Peaching a t >VG.ys!de by. Hevl Latham on Sunday nSternoon at 8.00 o’clock, following Sunday school a t 2.00, • . ■gfc Jamea Episcopal, Bradloy Beads, ....rvici ; conducted hy tu»' rector. Rev. iV-W'Ty,

FRIDAY, AUGUST 17,1004 faqb r o u t THE SHORE TIMES JUST HUMANS Oy CENE CARR piwnmmimmmmmimmiimimiimnmmiimmitimmmmmminiMiMnmiitmtm AM> OCHA:* CJUOVK TIMKH Permanence I'ubllwhtHi. Kiiilay. . . ' . H'OMKIt J). KlU-W iia-_Kflttur nml I'uhUHhor V Strength Iirc'HAUn ISIIIIKINS, .Loi»iil MilUor \ BrUdiey Bunch, Telephone --71 pct'nn;Grovo mid Neptune, Telephone 7 Stability

BU13PCU1 l'’IMONS • IIyourly$1.00 *»r nil -a Mnually‘: . GOo, quarterly or 4c. an d ; posta^o i’rt?r copy, In tho I'uUtvJ Slates: Canada <2,00. nnd forclfrit Integrity $2.50 a yecir.' • . .'*•*. ,, * *■■ ADtHti'J.SSKS ( liantocl on rt'i|Uw*.t-fnniU»r a

Entored Aa.second-elass mnll al tho Ocoan Grove po.stottlce ft1,*- 3 » ■ See us for sound insurance protection.'; , THE TRUTH IN ITS PROPER PLACE'

-. L e s s o n s .From A b r o a d . . Bank Rejected. ; Ernest N. Woolston Those: w ho. have leaned to- The comptroller’s refusal pf '. ward: the.- bolief ; that democ- a charter for a new bank to . raey, as it has been typified, in replace the Ocean Grove Na­ America, is a failure, rnust find tional administered the death considerable food lor thought blow to a community move­ Insurance j;i recent events, in Europe. ment t-hat deserved a happier Across the waters, a new ending.. . 48 Main Avenue order, has come into absolute In view of the long delay of •power. It takes various forms the Treasury Department in Ocean Grove, N. J. and names—socialism, com­ making up its mind, the blunt Telephone 398 munism, facism—but the , un­ telegram of rejection did not. come altogether as a surprise. derlying principle is . always ...... the- same. Its main tenets are The hard working deposit­ ..’•Did He Die a Natural*?" that an absolute dictatoi-ship ors’ committee are to be con­ '•Yeah, He Was Hit by a Taxi!" gratulated. on the- philosophi­ be established-—that the au­ L • ' - ' - '. *•'.■' " ' • ’< • " thority of the State over all cal calm with which they took | AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE!—should be placed where your from midnight Saturday to MAIL SCHEDULE social and business activities be defeat. It was not what they ? claim will be promptly taken core of, in case of accident. To receive- midnight Sunday. So the poor SCHEDULE OF THE ARRIVAL AND i twenty per cent discount on your policy premium jeopardizes the supreme—that criticism shall were led to expect would be DEPARTURE OF MAILS the final outcome, and few who Grover drives out looking for Ocean OroTe, N* J, | possibility of prompt payment of claim. You cannot get ‘‘SOME- be punishable by imprison- | THING FOR NOTHING.” These “Cut Kate” insurance companies believe in fair play feel that a place., to- sleep his car. MAILS CLOSK FOB nient; torture,, even death— Maybe he feels that he cannot \t*w York-rC.18, ' 8.10; 10.45 a. m., 1.01, are going -into the hands of receivers every month. Don’t be— that the individual is nothing, they got it. They put. their1 ,8.«o i». m, - "I'OUND FOOLISH and PENNY WISE.”' This class of insurance afford th.e price of a garage, Xmv: York ami Way Stations—8.10 ii. ■ and that individual .rights shall trust in words, but as Garet in., i». in,-...1 is like the undertaker: "You may! escape the penalty for'awhile, Garett points out,in this week's closed or open-air. What is Nownrk, J.-^-0.18, 8.10, 10.45, a. 111., but you will be nailed in the end,’.’ be non'-existc.nt. '' he going to do? I,»H. 0.07, 8.00 I*, ni. •••'•.. '■ ' We see the results of that Saturday Evening Post, words iMiiliVOcIptilii, Pn.—0.18, 8.10, 10.45 a. m., SEE ME FOR HIGH CLASS INSURANCE WHICH ALWAYS Iii the old days, the Asso­ 1.,VU 0.0*r 8.00 II. - HI. ■ PAYS THE CLAIM! now in headlines. In Russia, have lost their accepted mean­ M mitou. X. .1__ 0.18, 8.10, 10.46 a. Hi., ing under tl}e new deal. While ciation provided a municipal ,«.ii7* *8.110 i». ,m, : ‘ : IN OTHER WORDS; SEE ME—BEFORE YOU BUY, IJURN or thousands are dying of starva­ I'riM'Irnlil, X. .T.—0.18, 8.10 n. in., ’ 1.53> BORROW. - the laws for the formation of parking ground for horses and I*. 111. tion. and he.wholifts his voice carriages, It i'll Rnnk, N, J.—8.10 n. m., ».50, 0,07, in protest is crushed ruthlessly m bank are very explicit, they **.»» p. 111. -. LOUIS E. BRONSON Sii.ch a service is even neces­ I.iinif RrniU'li, X. J.—8.10 11. -in., «i.50, almost.before the words leave Have no meaning other than n.07. s.OU p . in.. ., - sary today, particularly in £EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE his mouth. In German.v’s re­ what an administration, shifts i'oinl ‘Ploiisniit 'am i iVny Stations— View of the objections raised •1.11 ti.- r,.}5 ji, .111; 53 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. ing .its; position from day to A>!iury i*ark, 11. in., 1.01, cent reign of-terror, 70 to lOh by neighboring municipalities ‘ii.oi p. in'.. ■ ' *" Phone Asbury Park 1058. ificn.'Avere'.sialightered because day,, sees-fit to put into .tjjeni: to Ocean Grove's, overflow on MAILS AHiayi: VK03I. iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuitiiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiN iiiiitiM iiiiitiiiiN iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiH iiriiiiii ■ they questionedthe ’ “divine '[’he words of the Federal- Re­ V(MV York City—0.00. 10.00 11, 111., 1.25, serve-to. the ..depositors’, com­ their- free •paikin.g .space.- p, m. : ■ -v . authority” of the present gov- j . . - • •*•••••• *• - t . • n/mv York- nml Wny Slut Ions—0.10 n. ernm'ont, ■ The' German people' mittee had no meaning.- If the m.-. lo.-itt-'ii. 111., :i.:ui. *(uo p. in.- ‘ Babson on Church Attendance. VliifaiJflpliiii, I'a.—0.00, 10.00 a.* in., 0.U0, hide in thoii; homes,, afraid ot I members of the committee had ii.::n p. m. , sensed that fact, at the. time At a. recent general council . >i-«nrk;: X. .1.—0.00, .0,10, 10.110, n». ill.', the future,’ liot:' knowing whnt/ i.-i.v ij.ao, 00 jp , m , she.v would never have en­ of Congregational and Christ­ ... u t 11 i n n , s. .1,— o.oo, io;«o, u, m ., o'.lio, Phone new atrocities it will bring; In j ft, in. . . Phone deavored to arouse the deposi­ ian churches Roger W. Bab­ r.imV Uni hc*h. . .V. OJO, .10.510 a. 111., Austria the Chancellor lias 11.00, 0.00 p . 111, ' .« •. tors to.d,,o somi'tliing lor them- ! son presented . “seventeen IJi'il Kuril.. S. .1.—0.10. 10.no 11. 111., Sl.no,' been murdered,- jmd. chaos 0.00 p. m. . ‘ * ■ , ; .selves rather than .lie back in points’’ for improving church 1‘rcfliiiiiK X. il,—0,10, io,:h> ii.-in., o.sio reigns. A dozen, countries are p. in., i .V-.:, ,■ ^ •:* .-■ • ■- , v;* • - . • :• • the arms, of the government, attendance, among them these: -I'oliil. IMi'Jisiint niul Wny Stations—8.50 preparing, for war, and front­ 11. 111.*. 'I.10, fi.iio p. m. However-, they can.take .some' “Each church, develop' a Aslmr.v; l*ii rk, X. j . —0.10, 8,50 -n. in., iers are armed', camps. Almost 1.00, .o,:in p. in. . OFFICE: 600 BANGS AVENUE, OPPOSITE ELECTRIC BUILDING satisfaction in the fact that definite Spiritual . and intellect­ ' every natioir hates and mis­ MH MAILS CLOSK they secured for the depositors ual goal arid develop a clien­ CliInitrn. .HI.—8.10, 10,15 n, m., «,50,' 8,00 trusts every other. p. m. , . Rates for Asbury Park and Ocean Grove . In' each of these countries ] a larger loan for dividend pur­ tele accordingly. HuNton,.^Inss.—il.511, 8.00 p. 111. Loh aiiifH i's, fill.— :i.;,».s.oo p. 111. F or Each poses than, undoubtedly would “Work, for the economic sun . rraiirlxMi, fail.—s . i o a. in., 2I..V.1 the people are prevented from p,'.»f», have been granted if there had well being of the people.. Additional knowing What is actually hap-| 31 In 1111. Kin.—1,01, 11.07 p. in, 2 5 Passenger be en no re o pen i ng c a ni p a ign. JOSEPH:* llAIXEAH, PoHtxnafitor. c. lOe. poning. because there is noi “Insist on rigid standards free pruss^-the few newspap-j It is to be hoped that there for church membership. SIIOPI’BN'O -AXIi STEADY. DIHVINO HATJ3S ALSO ItEDXJCED. ers; that 'have., not been forced i will be no reduction in divi­ “See that sermons, are vitalr CENTENNIAL CALL TJS FOlt I'llOJII-T Jlkm COUUTEOUS SBnVICE. . out of: business by the-govern-, dend " promised and ' that’. the ized. ■ -. •- ■ / . , \ ment, are leashed and .muzr | dividend.. >vill now be., paid ■'The influence of the home Shoe Repairing Shop •/.led and are permitted, to pub-j pVomptljr.. • : • . - must be for church, attend­ We Employ . High-Grade . lis.h only official pronounce­ ance.” ' ,' ' Repairers Farley’s Quid Pro Quo. ments.- An ''official pronounce- j Our Prices Are Reasonable FIRE INSURANCE . • “Priming the. pump” promi­ ment in this case is 'whatever ! : A geni recently fell from.the. : The Work the Best. Recent fires in Ocean Grove -pi’ove the importance ses to become as famous as of carrying adequate fire insurance.. . .' - •. the dic tator wishes the public ' lips of Mr...Farley; the Post­ -Telephone 8960 master General and the Demo­ “just around the corner.” If your policies have not been kept in force see us' to believe, and the; truth if. TR1CAR1CO at once. Your investment must be ..protected at all costs. often diametrically opposed to, cratic National Committee’s, 63 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove Our companies are noted for fair dealing and can be head. ;-•-. -• - ’ - - Daddy. lt;- - j When you want-' to lieoi- from Daddy depended on. to deal pi-oniptly and honestly if you have W e have made mistakes': in , Mr. Farley, speaking at Salt • Anil In.' is tint of town, . . a loss. -.-' ; ■ 7. - Lake City,-August 1, is quoted Just run. to th« telephone, REAL ESTATE . this .country*- No government, . And ring! it. iip anil down. ever existed which could not; in the press as .'saying: A year round. Home and rooming house near the “I. doii’t : think that any of ' F irs t you call the number, beach, well built, consisting of fourteen rooms, ten bed­ be improved. But, knowing; Then you call the name, ! HOME-MADE 1 rooms. Truly a wonderful bargain at $5,000.00. you will find fault with the cir­ And though you do not see him, what is" going on elsewhere in , It’s Daddy just the same, the world, do we want to scrap cumstances that some $50,-. | ■ BREAD I ALVIN E. BILLS 000,0000 was allotted to Utah ■ •; I '. ifanorEA.ieDklilClc I DAILY I what we have in favor of . A Red 12. Formerly J: N. Garrabrandt; Agency political theories Which, in! through . the various emer­ Clarendon Hotel, Ocean Grove, I : / REITZ I REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS INSURANCE Europe, Seem tO: produce noth- ■; gency agencies, -nor can you A ugust 14, 1034; ! MODEL BAKERY I Telephone 2124 78 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove ing' save hatred; revolution, j figure that .as a loss.” -' . | 47: Pilgrim Pathway 1 . terror? . 4 ; | This is just about the raw­ CLASSIFIED -. | : Ocean Grove ' 1 est . type* of vote solicitation "llllllll’IIMIIllllllliniHlilflllilllllltllillllllllll’nilll'tlllllllllli- .Of. course the Administra-i that has as yet come to notice, DEPARTMENT ;

f/k!S’p'V.-: m . r \ m m TRIDAY, AU0U8T 17, 10S4 vAd* rtya

iHmimWiilnMliiiniaiaMiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiniiii^ > Mlm M, 11, W ray, o! Elmlrn, N, Y,, Min* flortruilo M, Dnvoy, from til® AMONO THE MOTELS I IUllllKIMllllilflllKlllllllllllilllnllllllllllMlllllllltliriltlltlllHllllll'lnllilliliKililllllllllllilllllllllKllllllllliilHliiliitiiliilifM In a Reason RUdftt nt the Atlenhurst, Brooklyn iJonconenit ltomo, Minx Bile IN AND OUT OF nn In 10, 0, llrown, of Philadelphia, i\ M. rioaor, n Pittsburgh doneoneno, CrjHlnl W«»e— Mr. and Mm, Peter nummur rundnlit of Occnn tlrovo for Minn Lilllo It, Slioffor, niiporlntend* Loniiiih, Nutley I Mr. And Mrs; G««r>t« OCEAN GROVE fifty yimrs, Mr. llrow n Is itccomjiMi- ('lit East St, Louis Hettloment, nnd Wlttinir, Iivlngtoiil Frank J. Jto Superior itimiKiiiiiiiinliiiMiimiiiiii'iiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittii! led by bis daughter Lllllnn, Mins Mny Houston,-from tho Now Wntoi'B, Mins Mnl'uarot V. i.yncli, Mrs, Anna .Farrell, 8H Mti Zion York Dtmconi'sn’ Homo, have recently Mrs. Ilnrry. Theobald, Ellinbolli. Me- Way, etitertalneil the following KUMtn arrived lit Ilnncioft-Tnylor Ho At Homo Keitim, llnirlnoni Ursula Coughlin, I Banking Facilities Mins Annn Weir, Abbott nvomio, In for nunimer vncntlonn.' I ' ' ■■ w... spending n wook In Paterson. n t. luncheon recently I Mrs, Ralph G, Lee, Mass.; flurtrude E. Vnney, white Wlggln. Miss Adelaide Morris, Miss Among guests nt 1110 Seasldo lira Plains; Mr. HePew, New York; Mrs, | ; Every modern facility, for Hit* most millsfncliiry Irnnnnctlon of MIhh Janet Scarlett, of I’lilludol- Vina Hurley, Miss Grace Oldcnwol- I)i'. A, II, VnnOrmer, nnd wife ana It. K. Ciidmiin, Bayonne. * I biinlncRn.lii iirencnlcd b'j'us. pliln, spent Tueitdny with Men. Helen dor and Mins M ildred Loobold. Sister, Mrs. W, V. Mulford, of Hun­ Alii'rdi'i'ii--B, F., Rudlnlel, Du Bols, | Almolule -Safety—Perfect Cimvenli’iice—Prompt Scrvlcc are Hnniinon, ill) Webb avomto. terdon, where Dr. VnnOrmer.1 Is Pn.; .Miss Kiiinin Tight, New Yonk Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles E. Stout, of | afforded you by this bank—Hum demonstrating the superior;advant- Mr. nnd Mrs. Mtclmel Hickey, of Ilnddon Heights, N. ,1., arrived at the Senior Professor of Theology. Dr. City;. Mr. and Mrst Williiim fi\ Arlk- NSW’ York, have vented thc Downing St.: George last Weel; to stay until Theodore Herman, of Lancaster, Sen­ tok,' Mr.. imil. Mrs. D . G, Carpenter,. i agon reasonably wilhln tlie reach of all business men and women. home, 101 Embuvy iwemte, after Labor l)«y. Tills is "Mr.,Stout's ior I’rofossor of Theology at Frnrik- M iss I0. G. Carpenter, Roger .Gi Car- llir Marshall College, and wife are penler, N'ewhvk; Frederick II. Il'ahii', Mins Barbara Vogelsang, of Now fifty-seventh season .and-Mrs. Stout’s I Your Account Is Invited fifty-ninth season In the Grove. also .guests at the Seaside, ' as nre Jr., Pldlndeiiihluj;Mr. rind Mrs, It, II, York,. is visiting tile Missus Roth- Mrs. ,1, M. Alford , nnd daughter,-of I’l'l'liilis- nnd sons; Pnnsnic; Mrs. Pen- bloom nt 140 Franklin avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Watson, of East Ornnge, nnd Mrs. Dr. Oswald nyooiik, .f.aura und Iria, Paterson; Mrs. Frank Ryan and son, of East Liverpool, Ohio, and their daugh­ Rolli nnd daughter, of Newark. Miss Annie M .W ebnor, Mi’, it ml M rs, I The First National Bank of Bradley Beach Elizabeth, are guests at the homo of ter, Mrs. Earl R, Burgher, of Cleve­ Guests nt the Kenilworth for thc II. Mark, Kusemont, Pa. : Mrs. W. U. McKlnij'02 Webb nvcnue. land, are stopping- at 25 Main ave­ month of August Includes Pnullnd I' . Bradley Beach, N. J. ' nue. Mr. and Mrs. Watson will re­ Ocean Manor—Mr. and Mrs. K. W> Lehn Sinnll, prominent concert singer- Perry, Paterson; Mr, rind. Mrs. R. F. Mrs. Snrab E. Height, 98 Embury main hero until after camp meeting. Mra. Smnll is niso connected With HYs'Vy Deposits'’ Guaranteed under JJ.. S.. Government Insurance Plan. avenue, is confined to bcr homo aa Muclt, S'torie -Ridge; Mr, iind Mrs, E; church work ns soprano soloist of the S.. Lawrence, Ardmore; Mr. arid Mrs. '. r-' '• thc result of a fall suffered last Mon­ Another week's postponement has First Presbyterian church of York, tfllllllll|||tllllllllllj|llll!litllllllllllillllltl|l(llllflltlttlllllMl'llll|IHIIIIIIIIljl)l|||if|ii||)|i||il|ii|i|||||||||||||||i|[|li|iuii|||i||||||in|l day. been granted in tho trial of Britwood K;: L. Long, Scnrsdaloj . Mr. arid Mrs. vs. Schwartz , on counter charges of undor J. Frank Fryslngcr. Recently H.; P. C utler and son, E ast Orange; Mrs. Anna Farrell, 88 M t. Zion simple assault and battery, on the she was selected by Dr. John Finley Mt.’ and Mrs. William P. Cutler, Miss ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijii|iMiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(hiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiii’iiiiiiiiiiiiifi|a)ifrriii|iia))|f.< Way; has ns her guests Miss Melissa recommendation of tho letter's coun­ Williamson, leader of Westminster Virginia Cutler, Newark; Mr. and Brown and her brother Jorotne, of sel, Miss Mary Lewis, of Asbury choir as soprano soloist in Elijah, Mrs. F. Gllfeather, White Plains; Brooklyn. Bark. whch was given under his direction- Mrs. A. H. Hillman, Miss E. M. Hill­ | Reasons Why You Should Bank With the at tho Lyric, Baltimore, this past man Garden City, L. I.; Mrs. W. L. Miss Belle F. Greene was a lunch­ May. ______^ ______eon guest of Miss Lulu P. .Whinna, Guests at 46 Embury avenue in­ Thompson, Misses A. and H. Thomp­ clude Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Nugent and | Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank of Philadelphia, at 18 Bath avenue giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiitiiiiiiij son, Brooklyn; Mr, and Mrs. A. E. = ' s .• ‘ this week. children and Jack. Cornish; of Harri­ Thompson, Albany. Strong enough to provide absolute security. • ’ son';1 Mr. and Mrs. G ,S. Janken and S Big enough to provide every banking facility. ■Rev. W illiam H unt, wife and son daughter, of Plainfield; Mr. and Mrs. ; Seixenhurse—Mrs. Hyde, '.Bayside, N. Y,; Mr. and. Mrs; J. W. Canenly, 5 Small enough to be glad to have you grow Raymond, of WilkesBarre, Pa„ are W. K. Rotert and children, of Jersey 5 ; . with US. J. W. Canenly, Jr., Flushing, L. I.; guests of M rs. A. M. Clare, 72 A's- City. . ' 130YEARSAGOJ 1 Courteous enough to always be friendly. bury avenue.. ' i -. ..-a Mrs, Eriima Montgomery, Brooklyn; Mrs. Eugenie, duMaurier Meredith Mrs. Florenco Nestle, Jean Nestle, I • The management of- this bank is in the hands of men with diversi- Mrs. Charles Oswald, of Allentown, writes interestingly from Columbia; Maspeth, L. I.; Florence A. Wcymer, = ned experience 4sd practical judgment—men you know you can trust. Pa., has returned to her home after Va., on the .“Jimmie” river, where (Editor’s Note; ' These itepis are taken froiri the back files of The Jersey City; Alice M. Corwin, East spending a week with friends at the she spent July, that she expects to Orange; Charles Handley, Maplewood; | A. P. and O. G. BANK St. George. round out her summer with a visit ,to Times for the year 1904.) Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Patterson, Mary I Security—Confidence—Prosperity Mrs. Emily E. Haines is visiting “that other haven that we love, our A ugust 13, 1104. and Nancy Davidson, Elmhurst, N,‘ Ocecan Grove.” her daughter, Mrs. William Heintz, Warren Conklin, of Ocean Grove, Y.;- Carrie Bush; Maplewood; Mr. | Main Street ■, Main Avenue 94 Embury avenue, for the balance of A Linen Shower and Tea will be and Mrs; A. R. Tucker and children, | Aflbury Park Agency, Ocean Grove was elected vice president of the Woodcliff; Josephine Stack, New the summer. held at the Home for the Aged on A sbury P ark fishing iclub. Wcdnesdoy, September 12, at 2 York City; Beatrice Quilter, Brook­ I OUR SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS AFFORD ABSOLUTE PROTiEC- Mrs. Louise Ruscoe will give a talk The work of outlining the Audltor- lyn: - 3 TION FOR YOUR VALUABLE PAPERS—INDIVIDUAL on Jerusalem^' to Mrs. Leo’s children o’clock. Counterpanes and sheets, iuin in electric'lights was completed. three-quarter size, and bureau scarfs Mansion House—Mrs. F. Appell, I BOXES RENT FOR $3.00 AND UP. in Thornley Chapel, Wednesday morn­ John C. Patterson was named | Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance -;Corporation.- ing, August'22. • are especially'needed, .announces the Doris and 'William Appell, Misses linen committee. presdent Of the Monmouth County Jane and May Logan, Henry Logan, • The Ocean Grove Round Table Board of Elections, at their organiza­ ’Mrs.- M aria ,C. Melick,.oif Philadel­ tion meeting. Jamaica,, L. L; Mrs. L. Gabbert and will meet next; Monday evening,'at 8 daughter Emma, Brooklyn; William o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Albert phia;. long a summer resident of William D> Gillan and Violet T. Ocean Grove, recently celebrated her B. Hammond;. Rome, Qa,s Mr. arid Lay; 137 Broadway. Kornhoff were married at. St. Paul’s Mrs. V. X- Underwood and daughter, I CASH AND CARRYI ninety-second birthday at the Allen- church, parsonage. Mrs.' J. DeHaan, who resided in hurst hotel, where she is spending the Beverly June, Kew Gardens, L. I.; Philadelphia during the winter, is season With her daughter, Miss.Mazie Horace Tantum came down from Mr.'and Mrs. J. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. I spending the ,summer at her-cottage, R. Melick. ' " Newark to visit his parents, Mr.' and P. Avers, Jr., C. E. Scott, Jersey w ■; 115 Clark avenue. Mrs. Frank Tantum. City; Mr. arid Mrs, Charles Wood and City and County Scrip Accepted Dr. and Mrs. J. Henry Hinchcliffe, Clinton N. Howard, “The Little daughter Dorothy, Orange; Florence Rev. J. B. Shaw, 101 Webb ovenue, of Philadelphia, with their daughter Giant,” spoke at. a prohibition en­ Landi,. Newark; Mrs. C; Mellor and returned Tuesday after spending ten Miss Jane Hinchcliire and son, J. dorsement meeting in Educational daughter' Betty, Merrick, L. I.; MU’, Ladies’, 59c. Men’s, 69c. days with his son. Walter Shaw and Henry Hinchliffe,. Jr. (better known Hall, Asbury Park, and Mrs. G. Elmer Detrick, Tunl’than- family, at Cape May. to his friends.as Bud), al;e guests at nuck. Pa.; Mi-, arid M rs. B, B. Comp- Lifts, 19c. Rubber Heels, 27c. Mr. and Mrs. William Steer and the Whitfield where they will remain tOn, Mehoopany, Pa. Lakes’ Leather until after Labor Day. MANY ATTEND USHERS’ AFFAIR son Richard and Miss Anna Knapp, ChaHimle—Miss M, R. O 'Hara of Jersey City, are spending a week Mr. and Mrs. John Yander Wy.k HARBOR OF LOST SOLES “Half Ton of Harmony” Aids Fine Treritoii: Mrs. R. H. EnrliiV;- Edna at 71 Vi Mt. Tabor Way. nnd (laughter , .Lois, . 75% Cookman Eariii, Iladdonfield;. Miss El.izaboth II. (llrnncli of Mlnnil Boncli, Florlila) Eva May Underwood,' of Kingston, avenue, are spending the weekend at Musical Program. Clark. Washington, .1). C.; Mrs. 606 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park Opp. Electric Building is ’ spending a few weeks with her Jersey City with Mrs. Vander Wyk’s Stella Ackerman, Mrs. A. E. Edsull. sister, Mrs. John Kersting, to whom Who make up the “Thousand Patc-iMin; Mr. and Mrs. li. H. (.'lari;, I CASH AND CARRY I grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. I. pounds. c)f harmony?” One never ' Vooi’ltees, 99 Webb avenue. ii baby girl was born, August 12, at Wasirmgtmi; Mrs. Nellie Sande.vs-’yii. Hague Maternity hospital. ' : • would have guessed by. seeing them Pas>aic; .Miss Anna F. Lepple, Nut- The ways and means committee appear in costume Tuesday night at Miiii'tMiiHmittiiiiiinitiiiiiiiiiiHtiiitiiiititiiitmiiitiHuiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiuiitittiitMiinimminivttiiiinijiiunttHiiHtMiiiirnniiuiuininiiniiiiiiiHtmiiuiiiiiii Guests at the' Willard,. 22 Pitman Icy; Mr.' arid M rs, W, L. Robyns, of the Ocean Grove Woman’s Club is the , Ushers’ • Jamboree at the ; Soiith PaliM.vi-a; Elizabeth: T. Ewinc:; Emma conducting a book sale daily af the avenue; are Miss Lottie Hanna, Mrs, End .pavilion; These • four- men, Ida Marsden, Miss-.Minnie Marsden, A: Ewing, Jenkinto^vn;'. Mr. and M|-‘i. club house for the benefit of the club. whose identity was announced to' some Roi.i rt Perry. Newark; Mr..and Mrs. Enjoy Your William Klutz, Mrs. Sarah McAfee, n- month • ngo, appeared in costume, Mrs. Susan Feitneiv of East Ruth­ Mrs. Ella-Wheeler, Mrs. Cora Bond, J. \'anderherg nnd LvRov, Clifton; two dressed as men nnd two as Mr, and Mrs. -E. M. Rliiiad, Miiiy. Summer Walks in erford, who has been coming to the Mrs., Watts, Mrs. Court and, Miss women (all over 200 pounds), nrid Grove for over fifty years, is spend­ Clara ••High, .nil of Baltimore. Elizabeth Rhoad, Epliiiitn; Charles aided the musical program greatly. S, \Voiverton, C’amden; Mi', nnd Mrs. Comfortable ing the summer a t\08 Mt, Carmel The committee in charge of the W ay. William-McMahon, of Miami, Fla., I). I'". Merill nnd daughter, Brookline; Shoes is paying his firsts visit to the Grove, Jamboree was headed by Samuel. Yeo, S M, Mayer, C,...Hi A rlm nn. Blooms- assisted by Fred Schultheis, Wesley Mrs. Leslie Taylor and daughter stopping at 28 Bath avenue for sev- lnirg; Mr. and Mrs, 'Wilfred Day, keliable Footwear Janet, of Hasbrouck Heights, are- bral w.eeks. He says th at -bo Was a t­ Johnson, George Miller and George •Nutley; Mrs. Herbert -Dirtier, Phila­ spending their vacation at, 114 Main tracted here because of what he had Piguoron, Jr. Solos, group singing delphia; Anna B. Morrison. Marlton, Reasonable Prices aVenucl Mr. Taylor .'trill join them heal’d of the unique character of this and instrumental music, with all the N. J.; Howard S. Keim, Trentoit. next week. resort and he likes it very much. Occan. Grove musicians taking part, were on tho program.. • Walter Ed­ Breakers—Mrs, F. D; Fimcher and The annual Salvation Arniy Rally Robert Losey and chldreh, of Tca- dowes, Sr. and, Jr., Blanche Stoney family, Middletown, N. Y.; Mi's. G. Jacob Grossman, Cookman Ave., Asbury Park will, be held at the beach meeting nefck, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston, Bud Baker, Clarence Kohl- L. Beeler and daughter, Morristown; • Sunday evening at 0 o'clock. All Kroehs anil son Rustiel, of Union mnrin, Richard Thomson, and many Benjamin Barnes, Maisie E. Barries, arc invited to attend; Bleocker Stir­ City, Mi’s. E, P-. Loeey and Miss Flor­ others cooperated,. J. E. Smith, North Bci'g'en; Cather­ ling will.lead, ence Loeey, of Jersey. City, were Congratulations, in song, were off-r ine ■ Ortner, Queens Village; Miss ViiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiniiiiHiHiiriiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiipiiviiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiii.iniHiniJitiitHiHWiiniuiiniiiiiiiiiniiiitis Mrs. James, Marshman, of Wil­ guests of- M rs. M. L .' Dutcher during er.ed to Ambrose A. Fenton, 30 .Bath Elizabeth Bell, Mrs'. C. H. Howell, the past week at 71 Mt. Tabor.Way. mington,- Del., returned home lust avenue, long all Auditorum usher,, Pittsburgh;i’Mr. 1 arid Mrs. II. A. I OPEN FOR THE SEASON | Friday after five days visit; in. the Miss J. Edson, who is stopping-at who reached his eighty-fifth birthday Staley, Johnstown, N; Y.;' Owen P a t­ Grove and plans to return here again 85. Mt. Zion; Way for August, was Oil Tuesday. ". Dr. Boswell and Bill' terson, New York City;. Walter II. for. camp meeting. ... called home to Kingston. N. Y., for a Thomson led tlie march of those pres­ Nash, .W ashington, T>. C.; A. V. arid Phone 3427 I few days by the death' of her sister. ent pnst the long tables, at which Katherine Gallagher, Jersey City; J. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Faulks and refreshments were enjoyed. M; McComb. New York; Miss Roxurii) daughters, Doris and Mabel, of Allen­ Mrs; A. R. Dtt; Pree, of P aterson, is | Cor.' Main' and Central Aves. _H. w. Stratton. Ownenhip-MaDaae ment | at 85 Mt. Zion Way . for the balance Erb, Brooklyn; Mr, and Mrs. C. N; dale, N,- J., were guests of,M 1'. and Pi'obst, Miss E. E. Probst, Lock Mrs, A. D. Rittenhouse, 74 Broadway, of the season and Harry West, Of RADIO STARS AT GROVE HALL Alden, spent the weekend there.’ Haven,. Pa.; Mrs. Clara T. Mulford, during the- week. Cedervillo; James :Ij . Watson, New I’at'sy . Dowd arid Sister, “Dotty Dim­ Mr. and Mrs. David; Andrada, 98 The Misses Caroline, 'Lillian nnd York City; Audrey and Doris .Flem­ Olive Logan are spending the month ple,” Entertain Here. ing,. E ast Oraiigc; J. .E, Smith, je rse y The chicken .luncheon served last .; Mt. Tabor Way, aro entertaining Mr. Wednesday iri the dining room qf the and Mrs. ,W. A," Camp and daughter1 of August with Mr. arid Mrs. Robert City; Laura E .' Durand, Elizabeth; W, Courtney, 3 Ocean Pathway. Miss. Little Patsy’ Dowd, the popular Mrs. J. T. Jenkins and soil, Roclca- West Glove M. E. church,was well Peggy,' of Bamberg, S, C. Mr; Camp little speaking star of the children’s patronized.. It was in charge of Mrs. is Mrs. Andrada's brothel’. Lillian. Logan entertained Miss Mar­ way; .Mr. and Mrs. W. P. White, jorie Cook and Mrs. Harry W. Cos­ hour over station WJZ, with her Bloomfield; Mrs. J. P. Prideaux, Mrs. George Haley anti'Mrs. Lestev Frank­ Mr. and ,Mrs. Richard Diringer and grove, of New York City, last Thurs­ mother, Mrs.- James Dowd arid baby S. C. Griffith, .M orristown. . Dbniild .Merill, Corlies avenue,.is.a lin. ■ j'- daughter . Doris, of Englewood,; Miss day.. ' sister Dorothy, better known to her patient in Fitkin hospital. The ahnual outing of tlie West radio listeners as'“Dotty Dimple," of Queen—Mr. ami Mrs. Harold Ralim Virginia Cusworth, Union City, were Mrs. A. Wier and daughter Floiv Miss Beatrice Emly, Atkins ave- Grove Auxiliary, of the Home for the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Syms, Jackson Heights, U. Y;, were guests and famly, -Palmcvtown;- Misses"M.- Aged was held Wednesday at the ence, of Paterson, returned home at Grove Hall, Occan Grove. Little and B,. Leggat, Mt; Verhon; Mr. and iiue, visited friends in Como on Sun­ 7iMi Mt. Tabor Way, last week. after spending a week with Mrs. day.' ' North-End pavilion. They assembled Patsy entertained the guests of the Mrs.. George Neumann, Hollis, L. I.; at the pavilion about tile middle of Mrs. William Blanchard-and daugh­ Charles • Weaver, Abbott avenue.: hotel . with several little recitations Mrs. M. H. Greene, Ethel H. Greene, Miss Viola, Archer, Eleventh avc- ter Ruth, Mrs. Robert Commerford Miss Ruth Weaver, 31 Abbott ave­ the morning and a box luncheon was filled with the sparkle of a radiating .New York City; Marie Louise .Craig, liuev spent Sunday, with her mother in enjoyed. at. noon. ■ and son Bobby, of Westwood, Mrs. nue, made her first visit away from personality. She also pleased the Mrs. J. S. Craig, John. Moul), Edith Adelphia. ... Charles Hildebrandt, of Hillsdale, home alone as the guest of her friend S; Marshall, Mrs. H. Marshall, Bloom­ Announcement is made of the mar- people of- the Young People’s meet­ Miss Dorothea Van Duscn, Corlies riago of Miss Helen Boyce, daughter were visitors in tho Grove last week. Ruth LafffYerty, West Philadelphia. ing with two recitations. , field; Vrginia Blair, Philadelphia; avenue,, left Wednesday for the Chi­ Cora and . Jennie Marlatt, Hackett.s- of Mr.- and Mrs. W illiam Boyce, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terhune, 89 Em­ Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wilkins, of cago Fair. Tenth avenue, and T. Courtney Wood- bury avenue, attended the retired Thorofare, and Mr.. and Mrs. William town; M r .. and Mrs. C. -E. Beatty, Miss Fisher Weds J. B. Montgomery. Morris Plains; Mrs. R, J. Evans. Mar­ Mrs. .Viola Mount, Atkins avenue, side, of Pemberton. The wedding engineers picnic.on Thursday at Point Elmer Haines,' of Woodbine, N. J., accompanied fronds to Princeton last On Tuesday, at the Asbury Parli ion Evaris, Rahway; Marie O'Hara, ceremony was perfdrmcd in Media, P leasant. They Had as their guests were weekend guests at the home of Friday. ;;'r> .. - Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Woodside will re­ Mr. and Mrs. Emile Jenson,, of Tren- Mr. arid Mrs. Charles A... Bilms. 86 Frst.. Baptist church, Miss -Ruth Edward: O’Hai'a, Waterbury, Conn.; Mr; and M rs. F . G. Andfews, M. E. ~Miss Lulu Irons, Atkins avenue, side in 'Pemberton. -. ton..- V..: \ •• \ V . . Clark. avenue, while Miss Mary Wil­ Fisher, Bath avenue, daughter of kins returned to Thorofare after sev­ Mrs. Robert ,B. Fisher and the late Andrews, Washington, N. j.; Mr; Was a recent guest of Mrs. .Sidney Arthur Hagerman and family, of eral weeks stay at thc Bilms house. Rev. Fisher, was married to James nnd. Mrs. Fred R. Braddock, Ji’.; Port Bromley in Adelphia. . ._ Bartlesville, Okla., left for home by Burroughs Montgomery,'.sen' of Mr. Jervis; Mr; and Mrs. Ed Davis, Phila­ Mr. and Mrs. Newton Smith, of automobile on Wednesday, after a A very pretty . surprise birthday arid Mrs. E. B. Montgomery, of delphia; E. J. Hartung, Baltimore; F. .Altoona, Pa., are visiting Mrs. Emma short stay with his sister, Miss Edith party was given to Mrs. Anna. Stev­ Syracuse, N. Y. "Tho.ceremony was L. Godfrey, Washington, D. C.; Miss Slocum, Atkins avenue. f Matthews & Francionif Hagerman; proprietor of the Crown, ens on Saturday at the Whitfield. performed by Rev. Charles L. Mont­ Margaret Kilpatrick, Summit, N. J.; The other guests as Well as those at . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hendrick­ 145 Main avenue. gomery, of Locke, N- Y., brother of Evelyn and Mary E. Spargo, Whar­ son, Atkins avenue, are entertaining | Successor to ,.. | •' her own table, , which was attract­ 1 GEORGEB.SEXTOS f The Ocean Grove police sedan, now the bridegroom; assisted by Rev. C. ton, N. J.; Jane Spargo, Bayonne; friends from Jersey City. ively decorated with yellow flowers G. BroWnville. The bride wore her Pauline, Hug, Philadelphia; Mrs. Rob; fifteen months old, has already trav­ and. favors, entered into ..the spirit of Mrs. Heetie Sickles and Mrs. Laura eled more than 36,000 miles. Being mother’s weddng. gowri with a white ert M. Foster, St. Louis, Mo. Farry, Corlies avenue, recently visit­ I Funeral Directors | the occasion and the entire event was hat and corsage of bridal roses. Miss in use only six days a week, the a merry one. ed friends in Farmingdale. = The Oldest Undertaking Establish* g'' patrol car, has never journied farther Beatrice V. Wurzbach, of New York OBITUARY Mrs. Harry West, Mrs, E. P. Smith, City, was the maid of honor while Eugene, Shofto and family, of At­ = ment In Monmouth Countf s 5 than Freehold. kins avenue, are moving in the Moore S ContJnaoni Serrlce %. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Williams, of of Alden, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francis W. Fisher^ brother of the ALBERT I!. JOHNSON.- •; MacBeth, Collirigdale, Pa.; Mr. and bride, was the best man. residence on Corlies avenue. | first'C lnss Ambulance 6 e r r l c e . | Jersey City, are guests at Mrs. O. D* Funeral services were held at Everett Otto and family, formerly Lincoln’s, 91 Embury avenue. Mrs. Mrs. Charles Leh, of , Allentown;' Totowa yesterday for Albert B. John­ Mrs. M. A, Mason and family, George of Newark, have leased the Youman’8 1 704 7th Ave., Asbury Park, N. J. 1 C. I. Ellis, of Flatbush, L. I., and Mrs. Apprehend' "Number Agent.” , son, a former uiembcr of the Ocean apartment on Atkins avenue. V. S. Meek, of. Summit, were week­ It. Wall, of Huntingdon Valley, Pa.;. Grove police department, who died I Telophonc, A*bury Park Si f Miss Ann Fleming and Emma Mc­ Walter Duckworth, colored, 1308 Clifford Parker, Taylor. avenue, is . end guc8t 3 there. suddenly Tuesday mornnp at his {iiiiijiiiiiiiiaiiBiiiiiriitiitiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiaiiitniDiiiitiiiiiui?i ■ i Kinney i of Philadelphia, were guests, Heck avenue,. Neptune, was arraigned home, 133 Franklin avenue, the vic­ a surgical patient in Monmouth Me­ There is a fine display ■ of. fancy at 83 Mt. Zion Way, by Officer Husk'Monday night before tim, of a heart attack. ’ Johnson is morial hospital, Long Branch. articles as well as food at the Ocean Judge Laird on a charge of soliciting niuuiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHiiiiiuiuiiuiiiitii Mrs. G. H." Segur, C9 Mt. Hermon survived by his wife, Mrs. _ Mary Robert Van Valkenburg, of Brook­ Grove Woman’s Club Exchange, 89 numbers at the help’s quarters in the Johnson, two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth lyn, is spending his vacation with his W ay,. returned on Monday after North End hotel. TWo number books Telephones 811 and 812 Mt, Carmel Way. Mrs. Charles spending the,summer with her grand­ Fraser and Miss Airnes Johnson, and sister, MrB. Louise C ottrell, Eleventh Rakeatraw and Mrs. L. Samuelson were found in , his‘possession, it was a brother, David Johnson, from whose avenue. . children at Gooddale Farm, near; New­ reported. Justice Laird iriipo'sed a are in . charge ths week. ton, N, J. The homestead on the home funeral services were held. Mr. and Mrs. Frank •Poland, Milton fine of $30 and costs. avenue, announce the engagemeent of D. E. Havens & Son The Hudson County Republican farm was built by Mrs. Segur’s Wholcttle and Retail Dealers Club were entertained at tho Crystal grandfather in- 1793 and has been Choir Here Next Tuesday. their daughter Florence, to 'Maurice Fitzgerald, of Deal. in All Kinds of Wave, 90 Mt. Hermon Way, on Sun­ owned and occupied by members of Life Guards Prove Supremacy. \ The internationally famous West­ day. While here, the club held a the family ever since. - The crack-Ocean Grove life guards minster Choir, forty mixed voices, Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Terrill and Fresh Fitfa, Lobsters, Crabs rally and meeting and enjoyed two . Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Briggs swiriiming • team : copped the : life John Finley 'Williamson, conductor, son, of Flat Rock Indiana, are visit­ meals at the Crystal Wave. and daughter, Dorothy, of Ruther­ guard event from the Bradley Beach will offer an unusually varied- pro­ ing Mrs. Terrill's . parents, Mr. and Oysters and Clams Jumbled typo in last, week’s Times ford, N. J.,’ spent the past weekend outfit, at. the Seventh; avenue pool_in gram when, they sing at tho Ocean Mrs. TV* H. Kirkpatrick, Sixth ave­ Hotels a Specialty incurred a misunderstanding ip the with the former’s . parents, Mr. and Asbury Park , last week; winning tlie Grove Auditorium • on Tuesday even- nue. ’ . ’ ' results of the Junior Girls raco in Mrs. L, C. Briggs. Cl Webb. avenue. championship of the New Jersey jng, August 21gt. This famous chojr Mrs.: Howard Lyle, Sixth avenue, Market, 410 Bond Street the Ocean Grove swimming carnival. Other weekend visitors’ were Mr. and coast. Swimming ‘ for Ocean;. Grove is sailing from New York for their entertained with a party'in honor of Asbury Park . The race was won by Virginia Barry, Mrs. Charles Thompson and son Paul, were Harry Green, John Bain, Ken­ second European, .tour on August her aunt, Mrs, W. Il Hall and cousin, Deliveries from Deal to Sea Girt with Virginia Newbury taking second of Washington, Pa., and Mrs. Frank neth MacWhinney and Edward Sev­ 25th and will sing in Holland, Swe­ Miss Dorothy Hall, of Plainfield, re­ place. . Finck, of Tenafly, N. J. ers. . den, Russia, France, Belgium, etc. cently. PAdH fill MHDAY, A m m t H i 1084


ii'i if i ii n ii i • i ■•••« n in m< in j i j m ii »irMMtt id ni ni)i hii mi i tin him tin it mil iiiitH n tiiiit ii MttiiitiiiMMf itrnrtin MMiif iMtii iiiiiif nitii niiiiitiitf iinitiiminiittMimwitftttiiNmmiiMt minimimimiMiiiiiiiiiiHiMiitiiUHiiniMHiimiiiHiHiHatMtuiiMumVnHHiiiiiiiMiHiimMiiMiiiRwiinNnnMtttMmiiHimnRmiHaMiWHMmitiiHtHHmMtititiHtHiiufittiiniiicHiimHiiiiiMftitittiiiiiit iiittiimmiiiitiinitiiMmimifimimiiRmniiTimtmimtnimmnmtiiDiurnfiiHNM

T elephones Directly on the 8!^Bj;«®®a3i3EjSaBi3$»Ea81SS»E!SBEI5ai3ffiS3affiS3BaHaSaSBg The 342 ,md <18-18 Ocean Front"

Opens R o o s e v e lt Decoration Day Cornor Bench and Atlantic Closes October 1, ATHING and Ashing in ocean. Fino boardwalk full Avenues -length.of ocean front, connecting with Asbury Park Ono block, from boach and Steam Heat pavilion, Suporlor furnished B on. tha north end Bradley Beach on the south; Twe roome, with hot and cold Running Water running wator. All modem large pavilions, tyitf-; orclsastra conceria afternoon and Private Baths improvements; Open April evening. Boardwalk and pavilions, brilliantlj' illuminated at to October In moat beauti­ ■ Modern ful part of tho Grove, Con­ night Auditorium seating nearly 10,000. Most -powerful organ venient to all places of I inter­ Booklet est, Appointments- first-class. in the country Groat ch&nis, finest singers, most gifted instru­ h. A* HOFERKAMP. Telophono 19D9, • H. W. WILLIAMS, mentalists, eminent preachers, noted . lecturers. Safe and sans amusements, moving pictures, bowling alleys, meriy-go-round, Ownership M anagement swimming pool, athletic games, tennis, skee ball, Dali; meet- •IHMMMMHliHHOIMIHIMHIHIIIIMIMMIMtHUHIMIMaHMHMH lngs for young and old in Temple, Tabernacle and Chapel A ; quiet, restful Sabbath. Safest place for women >nd chlldraB, I » - A. . r . « . w ! Overlooking Ocean in Exclu­ Adequate train, boat and bus service, convenient for commuters. t Also ROLAND APARTMENT sive Vcntnor City, N. J. Whitfield Hotel Dinl 2-3281, Furnished or Unfurnished Summer or Yearly Rentals.' The, hotels and 'boarding" houses herewith presented are SURF, BEACH 'AND, BATH AVENUES . ' S , : recommended to the consideration-of intending patrons as .among, OVERLOOKING THE OCEAN ...... 4 4 | the best houses of entertainment in this wo'rld-famo’Jfl resort . .Three short blocks to tho large Auditorium.. One block from | “ oceai; Complete service, private bath or toilet, all rooms with hot c • and cold running water. American and European plans. Accommo- • S dates 200 Guests. 2 I Ocean Vista | S Tariff Surprisingly Moderate. . • | (Formerly the John Wesley.) S MIHMIMNIMMMIIHIMIWWWHIHIWlSWBIIIiy H ...... WWW X “Delicious table d!hote Sunday Dinners.” £ | Occan Avenue at McClmtock Street. g1 J Phone Asbury Park 1991. CHARLES M. HERMAN. J | M ost attractive .location directly bn the ocean front All outside |. I- FOURTEENTH SEASON | MMMHaaHaiMMaiMaHHHMIIMMaaamiOMNMMMimHtltHMHM* | 'rooms. -Hot and cold running water in all rooms. European Plan. | " Rates reasonable. Telephone 7 ldO. =- .' S- § - ' IIRS..C. B,.HENNIG, ' S' ! GRAND AJLANTIG HOTEL j Mw*MaaaaaaaHa>aaaaaawaa*aQaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw aaaHaa>—taaM aaw tW ^ "s Owriership-Management. g. S -' , 'and , ! ! Ocean View Motel S : • -,j. ' • * I Broadway and Central Avenue ' 5 * , *, '% f FAMOUS SUPREME BLEND COFFEE J • Rooms single and ensuite. Balcony rooms overlooking' • S Beach arid Main Avenues, Ocean Grove » £. .ocean and. lake. Moderate rates. Booklet. Telephone | j- - • ■ ■ - I 2040. Term* on Application. S O C E A N G R O V E , IS. J . I Also operating the new . | G. C. PRIDHAM. f • • | . GRAND ATLANTIC CAFETERIA | •••■aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaHaaaaaoaaaaaaNaMaaaffaMt* ' | 204-10 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park | MaaHaaaMaaataaMataMaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaHaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaMt | Directly’ on the Ocean front j 1 M, J. WOODRING, I 0 o • • ’ ( ' • ,J • Charles G. SJocktort { • I ■ t ' . 5 MHtMMMtMMItMIMMMttHMCMMUCMMIliMtMtaMMMHMfMai • •••• S m immmm i 34 Ocean Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J. • * Open Friday, May 25, .1934 ! 1 The Sampler Inn | Telephone 2691 § ; HOTEL AND CAFETERIA 5 | Ocean Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J. 'American and European ' . S MRS. MARY E. MUMPTON Mgr. | • 28 Main Avenue Ocean Grovel - Telephone Asbury Rark 1905. 5 § Near beach and. Auditorium. All sleeping rooms 5 Cheerful', and comfortable rooms, with hot and sold running. ,S ■nmHamimnHimiHK % water at moderate rental. Open for guests from May fifteenth to * | have, hot and cold running \y&ter; some enauite, with 5 October first. ; - : • private bath. Electric bells and telephone. Season* | The SAMPLER INN CAFETERIA open for EIGHTEENTH I s May to October, Phone Asbury Park 2933. • SEASON., Same management. Same Home Cooking. Same, service, J I LULU E. WRIGHT 5 but with, modified prices. g I MARY W. NBWBSRRY WRIGHT, Proprietor. ; Tweaty-csight 0»a> PathwaT. Settion Tuesday, Kay 5.0 to October I. AuYon WSailing to B«»er»e a Table mnr &o to oa Slion K otlet. All Home Cooking". Fresh Fralta and Yegotahlea. American Plan. GROVE HALL HOTEL Bates on Applioatlon. Phone 11W. M BS. BO SE STB A 8SBUEGEE. 17 Pilgrim Pathway, Ocaan Grove. Hoi and cold water in all rooms. ABERDEEN HOTEL Rooms with private baths. Phone 2880. TWEXTT.tflllJlD 8EA80J?; * l Corner C«Bfral and Pitman I Block to B«a«b 28-32 Surf avenue. -Near Auditorium, . with tjnobstructed view of-.'oceon,-Table Opes May 26 to October 1. WILL E. BUNN. I BOOMS j t and S Room Apts. >6. F. DBASE supplied' with fresh fruits-..und vegetables from nearby farms and fresh seafood daily. All home cooking Write for new booklet or.telephone 433; , •"- J# S. COOPER, Owner and Manage*. 6 Abbott avenus. Location unsnrpn® eti Ocean view from rooms nnd wid* BUENA VISTA Tho Utla&aani porches. Running water in all rooma, Arlington Hotel 18 Heck Avenue, corner Beach, One block from ocean. Home cooking. Moderate rates. Fifteenth Season, Tel. 4049. WILLIAM L. HYKA. . Auditorium Square Hot and cold rtintMng water. Special rates for June and September. Tele­ Conservative Hotel ’,vith excellent table. phone 31G0. n. ■ MRS. H. GREENWOOD. Fresh vegetables daily. Running water All Outside Rooms Overlooking the Park. "S ’ • ' ”"■* BREAKERS in all rooms. Private Lavatories. 4 Surf D r. F rank C. Cooper. avenue, at the ocean!, Telephone 2526. I. V. MONTFORT. Directly on the ocean, again tinder the St. Elmo Motel management and ownership of A. S. Corner Main, and New York Avenues Chalfonte1KEIM. Moderate rates. DIAMOND STATE B. R. SHUBERT 25 Atlantic avenue, blook froir. ocean, Ocean End of Embury Avenue American and European, Special Stir»- Unobstructed ocean view. Hot and cold - running water in all rooms. Rooms, Breakfast Served Tel. Asbury Park 679 The Highland day dinner, 75c. ard $1.00. Famous F o rty -th ird season. Open May ,20 t(? October 1. Phone 4125. Highland sponge cake. M. W. BORTON, Owner and Proprietor. ;' . • M. EVERNGAM. 28 Pitman avenue, block from beach, near The Spray View Auditorium and cafoterlas. Suporlor fur- nibhed rooms. Twin beds. * Moderate rates. . Open'for Decoration Day WHITE HALL Steam heat Open all year. Tel, 1951-M. Open All Year Directly facing the ocean. Full ocean view from ail rooms. Running water • M RS. E . U BERNrtAHDT. in rooms. Near hot and cold sea water baths.. Special Jtme.and Sisptem- 24 Pitman Avenue. Fur­ bar r a tms. A m em can and .European plan. Phona Asbury 19, ■ J. J. Whit*, Proprietor arid Owner. nished Rooms. Ono block 36, ASBURY AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE, N. J. Pitman House from ocean and cafeterias. T e le p h o n e 822. E. H. VIERING. Telephone 4565 E. B. and A. Harman 60 Lake avenue near ocean, convenient to Asbury M ajestic C afeteria Park and all amusements. Modern house, large airy ROSELD rooms. Home-like atmosphere. . Reasonable rates f t T MftJBSTIG HOTEL on request. Telephone 762, MRS. GERTRUDE S. FOLEY. , Cheltenham The only cafeteria on the ocean front. Light airy dining room. Popu­ lar 1934 prices. Phone 190. GEORGE R. HAINES, Owner and Manager. 22 Embury avenue, one block from ocean 36 OCEAN PATHWAY. Phone Asbury Park 5035. and South End bathing: beach. All out­ Midway between ocean and Auditorium. Hot and cold water in all PALISADES side rooms facing the ocean. Rates rea­ rooms. ' Heated, all chilly days. Clean, cool, cheerful sleeping rooms. sonable. Tel. 6163-W. MRS. E. A. GILDERSON, Ownership-Management Rates in keeping with the times. Rates on application. ' J. E. McKEE, The LAKENSEA 11-13 Se&view Avenue, EUROPEAN PLAN—FURNISHED ROOMS Most select location in northeast section of Grove. Orie-half block from North End pavilion and bathing beach Near Auditorium. Open May 28. I 4 Ocean Pathway ARDMORE-SUMMERNELD American Plan. MR. AND MRS. FRANK G. MOUNT. f> and 8 Ocean Pathway Rooms Running- water in Overlooking ocean. Hot and eold running water in a!« rooms. Booklet.. 72 Main avenue near beach and Audi­ Hospitality every room. torium. First-Class Family Hotel, Special June and September rates, Phone 2784-Asbury Park. Renowned for excellence of table. Com fort Next door to beacb. OCEAN HOUSE• ■ , . ■ Outside ' rorims Spacious porchea. Rates upon applica­ . B, K. SHAW, Owhership-Management. $15.00 and up weekly, European Booklet Phone 3758-W. K. I. DUNCAN-ZBLLEy, tion. I Phone 3237 A t .Heck street bridge, facing- Wesley F. M. L’Hommedien and Founders’ Park. Flnat-claas KENILWORTH fam ily hcaa* w itli homo-HUo atmosphere. Convenient: to ocean. Auditorium.'and an attractions. .'FULLWOOD -AND TOLSON. 38 Pitman Avenue . . ". ■■ OCEANSIDE Block.to ocean and Auditorium. Moderate rates Hot and cold runnint Corner Heck nnd Beach avenues, one 25 Ocean Avenue block from the oeean nnd central)? Iv water. in ail rooms. Excellent cuisine. “The House of Comfort.”' OLIVE HOUSE Rooms Overlooking Ocean Opposite Bathing Grounds. ..Telephone 1951-R. Ownership-Management. G. M. TRIBLE. cated. Season M mf to October, Hot and cold running water in all rooms. Phone 1188. MRS. A. L. NEWMAN. ' Furnished Rooms G. Gormer, Manager

Regular Dinner, 50c. Poultry Dinner, QUAKER INN 75c. H eated room s, running w ater. 23 Seaviev.' avenue, facing Wesley Luke, one block from new $3,000,000 3 7 'M ain Avenue. TeL 7525. M. B. STRATTON. Asbury Park Casino and North End pavilion and bathing ground Capacity • 6 Atlantic Avenoe. Ocean viow. Hot 125. bpacioua porches. Hot and cold running water in rooms. Booklet. Telephona 624 and 3035. and eold rnsnlsg '-rater. Ameri . " “DIRECTLY'ON THE OCEAN FRONT” THE AURORA plan.: Talsphone ;‘5?S. Special rates May and June. R. A, WAINRIGHT. Season, May to October—European Plan. Rooms with Private Baths. HH aSE2 S 2 S r ; ? -2 JV ■ : FRANK IVES BULL. Telephone AflBary Park 4084. I, A. SHAW, Ownershijs-Managimeot. ElllDAV, AUGUST 17, 1081 P A O 0 -iB V 0 W ’

lloir to Kfth!, ftPfKrt-lnllnd by ‘ Mfirlii /fiyiwtl, tttul . I n . Urn Hotel Le Chevalier pln«.'n nil »tlifT. ilfPi'Miii'd- Open for Decoration Day -All. flint i'(»rliilii.lot. trnct nt f i r t o f CAULS HOFFMAN "HUMAN DYNAMO” nli/l • |iinhtlH»?fi, liomhuinoi- imitleii-* Corner Wobb and Oontral Avonuo#, Booms Only nrly ili?H(‘i*||ii.(l, rtllunloV IVIn(t and UcUnt * * .- * * * * * * In ' f lie* I invhMhl|i of NotHiltir*; In tlio ' Brenkfait Served A. J. BRYAN. ‘ ■•iiifiiy ; «r AfoiiiiiniiUv itiMI. hf Now nl niriu'i (iryv*>»’ iih»l. ,Uiiowii *mur Dorni of Slnlo House Correspondents nnd Former Slnto Librarian Declares Harold G. ili>.«li!imf.i'f| hh l,(if Nm.iilioi'. Hi’voli . Hun* / 1 I,1,l ■ OiM/wmtli »lik* HolTmnn, tut Governor,. W ill Sot New Rccord for TlreicBH Energy AM’ii i A \t‘iiin*. .on Him' Mii|i of (,utn i»r ( »mp .nr 11 n.« hi'iIiI <,*nmii Mi'ftlnu. nnd Accomplishment ns Chief Executive. ! , AfHi.rliiMot, „r 1 hi1 M»*l li'nrl | h ( K|»Ih<‘ii|iii| »hur> H jind nl^M 11m* iimwI . imm ITh'pKv |lf. 10 MAIN AVENUE ...... h»»«»r I»’«>t n l!*l HlV 'iM«'U*iJ» of Lut Onc-half block from occnn,'witli full ocenn vluw. Nc.hr nil ftttracUonB Ii„ti»' )Mii11t‘ulnrly (h-MCTlbfri. lid BY CHARLES R. B A C O N TilHf.Us ; • ; • / . I " . . nnd cnfetorlns. Rooms only..’ 'Running: water In nil rooms,Completely ■' H^ittMlMt: ’iii. n f.i.int tn tin, iifiHloulv it wns In 1923, wlion norvlng renovated throughout. ■ Telephone. ' MRS. JOHN' SCIIAI* Kit. I""' "! .'“'I ' 1 l- ' " 1 N"- *«lant iioi thorly as tlio Legislative correspondent h*riy-;.|\ r.n'i mihI Iavo'hihI oiiu-lintr InNu'H nh.M ii billet ••uHtiTl.v liiM? fr ru n - • I llrst mot tho smiling, broad- !!'-,,r ,/.•J . im rihurfy,. ubin^ mild iii« 1»m*1v . I I c f lY - K l iA L itW y ' First-class, light, niry rooms, In.’ ii| h.i ii ,|i!o l, H x ineji.oM t«» tli<)- illvi- ^ J^cioso to Auditorium, bench nnd nil .sliouidorod young man who Is to­ ■Mlr»ii - Miii> lif't.vvi-i-iji. Lots ..N'ofv VOli iiihI 7U7 points of interest. - . .. ' MRS. E. A. WEEKS. nil sIhiWII fill >.'}||jl, lnlijj ;• th(;fi(;(i. \V(‘Kt- ' day Now Jorsoy’u Republican erl.v. «Imii>c ^a|rl.V( Uloiii* MifU.1. Wtmtol!l>4; HiufViiftoeii. dlesex County. s bi«;h(fK: to a nolnt HIHUinC forty- . * • outside rooms, Reasonable. I1’.1-1 ■‘-h»ven •. nnd .onn-liuir• Inches , MRS. MARTHA BOOS,- - ' "Watch that hoy,” we said, "he iHij-tlierJy mild';mwtvrl'y. line from lias something!” Ho came to 1, v ' Alil,ott Avonuo: n r> A A f M lI n \J 17rl9 Broadway, corner •of. Beach: Ono Trenton as a moro lad, and yet it n i! ( irnrallel .with tho ilivl- ■ lio had already.' attained succoss I "v;''etu-een mill Lots Nos. 700 ami K m lM lJ u V A Y block from South End pavilion. Overlook- i.l'ih!.'■niu,' f t :twr‘ iV1'1 onu-luil/ InelioB w w ■ " * * ■ ing ocean nnd lake. Furnished rooms with In the business world, and, at 2 1 , !■»-m e nkn'e. <,r i)«BiiiiiiiiK. housekeeping privileges. Reasonable Rates,.; ...... S. J. EjEVERS. ho had commanded an Infantry ■ fouylher with all tho goods nml clmt- hondquartors company In battle .telj., fm-iiitHc,., and'TiirnlsliliitH and ner- In Prance. I followed his career Hiiimt nronerty eontalncil in tho cottago 15 Main Avenuo, Ocean Grove, ^ WIJ 0I'-li6te! on Kaid'proini- " one-half block to boardwalk. Con­ —city treasurer, then Mayor ot venient to Auditorium and all his home city, then twice a memr Keizml as the property or. M arla Bry- THE COLONiai- her o t Congress before he was re­ “‘kt-’11, 1,1 oxceutlon a t tlio • points of interest. Running hot and cold water in rooms. Write for rates, S. J. FOSTER. called to New Jersey to become elution,?i!i!lon ^ and MPT to.ni' if bo ull,l sold ,,1EfLn by "a Loan A'sso- Telephone 274-J. Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. ,, , , IIOWAIU) HEIGHT; Sheriff. 90 Mt, Hermon Way. near Audi­ . He rapidly attained national Dated August 2, 1DH4; W. Stout, Solicitor. torium and all1attractions. Clean prominence In his field. News dis­ —Ua-yc liG h. (. .27.72) - cozy rooms. Rooms with or with­ patches told me that he was be­ CRYSTAL WAVE out board. Rates reasonable* by ing called upon to speak oh street , at . the . Court House,' in the Rooms, light housekeeping.' It was no surprise to me to see Borough^ of Freehold,-• County of Mon- : Hiller House him forced Into the Gubernator­ mouth; isew Jersey,, to-satisfy a decree of- . MRS. M. RUSHTON. ia l race to bring hope and 023 ooUrt ^mountIns to approximately 32 Atlantic avenue. One block from enthusiasm Into the Republican All the fbllowlriff tra c t o r . parcel of ocean. Rooms only. Hot and cold run- party. It was no surprise when, i^!.u. .premises, hereinafter. particu- INTERLAKEN nine water in all rooms. Private baths. after a whirlwind campaign of m La Vassar I determined to learn the se­ phetsj. a Masonic organization. in expressed n'hd. contained ;• to 'have*., and ' MABELLE GRIMSEY. Lincoln”, "Thomas , Jefferson", to 'hold- the said indenture of lease, aiid cret and, I think, ! have found. It "Soiling America Short”, “Patri­ At noon he spoke at the Pleas- Other hereby granted premised unto the 11 Main avenue, 6no-lialf block to ocean, Con­ — the secret of a man who . has antvlllo Klwanls Club. Ho then * said party of- ,U|e second part, their ots Off Their Pedestals”, "Com­ exeeuiors, administrators, and . assigns, venient to bathing beach arid all other at­ i crowded Into a few years what mercial Vehicle- Operation”, took . a plane, and witlr Jack to them and their only proper use, bene­ THE IWIEUTA tractions, RUnnibg water In rooms. House­ many men would'not havo done "Theodore Roosevelt: Sir Vnl- Thropp, flew’ frohi tladger Field fit and btJinof, for and during all the keeping accommodations If desired. Moderato rates. * Tel. ,7591. BETII RUDRAU F F .' In a lifetime. It is this—lovo of lant-for-Trutli" ■' (Dr. Albert to Sea Girt. At -1 o’clock he rest, residue and remainder the said term work, and lovo of people. Har­ spoko before 1500-women at the ot' yt|ai>- >*(•*. to, eojne and unexplred ; sub­ Bushnell Hart, Professor Emeri­ ject. jn.everihelesst to the' ren'tsj' covenants,: 1U Main Avenue, one’ block from old Hoffman loves work. .Ho tus of Harvard University, de­ State Women’s Republican Club eondltlo.iis ;md provisions la 'the said in- ocean. European. Largo airy rooms*. • says ho has loved every Job he clared at Jersey City last year at Spring Lake. A delay nt-thU de.nt.nri- of i,?nse mentioned: V MAIN AVENUE HOUSE Steam beat assured on cool. da^s. ever has hold, and I believe him. that this was tho finest talk lie ■point caused Kim . to miss the Seized as the property df Dora J. hearing oh the Manasqurin fnlet hyron, et. n!s;. taken in execution- a t the-’ Telephone ‘7229. ' IT. B. CLARK, Proprietor. . Ho has taken but one three-day had ever heard upon the life ot suit ot Milly A.; lilncoln aim. to be sold by vacation in eleven.years. That the beloved ex-president): "The Project before tho Army Engi­ ^ •; • H riW A iin i I Ere. FIT, Sheria*. 77 Embury' avenue, near beach and was In 1931. And what a vaca­ Schoolhouse In the’ Red”, "The neers, which ho bad planned, to .Dated, July- 23, ■ : . tion! Ho had a carbunclo as Huirian Side of- PoUtics”, "What attend, but at 0:30 lie-was back Jo h n ‘ A.--, lUdd; Solicitor. ' ' . Auditorium. .Furnished rooms. Light in South.Jersey, via-air, at Vine-. tr-r. h) J23.1Q; : , Mansion House housekeeping privileges. Reasonable . big,as a teacup on.the.back of Price Depression”, "Pioneers”, •his neck. A friend from Engle­ land,, where he spoke, at a joint MRS. LIDA C. LEW IS; M anager. "New Jersey’’,-etc. rates;' Telephone 8928-W. wood' found him at Ills desk, dinner of the Vineland; Hammori- AN OkDINAXGE. Hoffman Is a keen student of toii, Bridgeton and Millville Kt- working and smiling through it governmont, a reader, a thinker, I Webb Avenue, overlooking ocean— all. He persuaded Hoffman to wanls Clubs. Then Hoifman paid The following ordinance was introduced rlooms with housekeeping privileges; and those who eome in close con­ a visit at the home of ColoneL and-.pa'ssed on first reading at a meeting leave on a week's flslilng trip in tact with him, and who can steal nf the Township Committee- of the Town­ OCEAN VILLA individual equipment. Tel. A. P. 783-1. Maine. Arriving at Ills destina­ Evans Kimball, the glass manu­ ship of -\V|)t.ime, Tuesday,-August M, 193K Special Rates June and September. R. A. SHACKLETON. a few of-his busy moments for facturer. and drovo to Borden- It will be taken up'.for tlnal reading and tion, a surgeon who wns in the a little chat, Invariably recog­ party, laid the youthful Commis­ town to attend, a meeting Of the adfituli.u on 'TiV'sday. August ’*•$, 1934,'.at. On the ocean front* near bathing nize the fact that lie goes, deeply Asrodatlon of Uepubllcan Coun­ 7.SO- p, ■ in., at the township headquarters, sioner on the porch of a log cabin Into psychology nnd human na­ 101 South Main Street, Neptune, N. J., grounds and all attractions. Ex­ in tho Maine woods, cut the car­ ty Chairmen. Stopping at Tren­ when, and where objections to said ordi­ ceptionally large, airy room*. Pri­ ture. OCEAN MANOR vate baths. Folder. buncle without an anaesthetic, ton, he signed Ills mail at cam­ nance, if any, will be heard. paign headquarters, and ■ then Telephone 7813; CAROLYN SAILER. and told him to “lay oil” for two Mr. Ripley Please Note AN rmwNAXCJ? DKSI(5NATINO THAT Weeks. Next day Hoffman re­ wound up,, at one-thirty in tho i'OitTlOX <>F FIFTH AVEN T'E Believe it or not---thIs busy morning, at tho Nerw Jersoy Col­ 18 Webb avenue, corner of . Beach. One membered something ho had to official loaves South Amboy, r.VlXC,--BETWEEN. UAILUOAD AVE- block from ocean. Rooms $1.00,up. Rooms do at Trenton, vent to Mpntroal ored Elks Convention, in Prince­ XT'R , AND ATKINS AVENUE IN And took a plane back, to New. every morning, regardless of the ton. - : ' ‘ THE TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, IN , PLAINFIELD by week at reduced rates. Hot and coid fact that his evening speal:ing en­ THE COUNTY- OF MONMOUTH AS‘ running water.; Open all year. Prviieges. MRS. L. E. CRONK. Jersey. ; • • • November Will Tell -A ONE-WAY STUEET. AND FIX IN G gagements carry into tho “wee i THE PUNISHMENT FOll THE \TO- In Demand as Speaker smn’ hours”, at seven ’ O’clock. • .Hoffman Is' built, for work-—', LATlOX TUEjiEOF.v V • - v - 7 Main avenue, 100 feet For twelve years Hoffman has Elglit 0!clock finds him at • his nnd he thrives on it. My predlc-r ^ BE . IT . ORDAINED . by. the Township to beach. Near Auditor­ desk' In Trenton. Ho dictates in tlon is that he will .travel jnore Committee of the TbSynship of Neptunei. •gbne Into every nook and corner miles, make more speeches, meet In the- County of Monmouth: . . : • STRATFORD HALL ium, bathing, and all at-- of the stato, holding himself at the car between South Amboy ,1. ' That that 'portion of7 Fifth . Avonuo ^ tractions. Rooms only. Lillinn Carhart Brown, Ownership-Management, ' I tho beck and call ol every con- and Trenton'. Ho plunges into more people, aiid "lake moro lying bet ween . Railroad Avenuo and At- : tCeivable .organization that lias Ills morning ' fnnl), interviews friends, than any gubernatorial kins Avenile Is. hereby designated as ai hundreds .of callers who como to candidate, in tlio political history one-way; Street for, traffic proceeding lyi Q r n A D A r T 14 Seaview avenue, fifth house from tho ocean. wanted a speaker of dynamic, hu­ an- easterly direction,' . • . U l L n l t l l U P I Capacity eighty, burnished rooms. Telephone see lilin about every coricelvablo of New Jersey. Mistake not tho. man qualities who could bring a Commissioner's capacity, ability, 2.- That ,itvshall • be, un|aw*fill for any W W i 4027 H g_ nnd E M hULSE, Proprietors. ismlle whero a smile was heeded, matter.:.When, ho does not havo person or persons to operate or-cause to but who always brought, too, a a luncheon speaking engagement or popularity. It was reflected bperated .taiiy ;,niotqr,;,;liorserdratvn, or he "grabs oft” a sandwich or two In the primary elcotion.-'and It other velcte of. any ' kind :.or character, In 4 Seaview avenue, at ocean ■and bath­ message of Inspiration or a. will bo reflected in the November- a westerly direction on ihe said portion wealth- of information upon top­ ;at his desk, goes through his af­ of Fifth'.Avenue. •• ing beach; near cafeterias, Auditorium ternoon routine,' and, then oft on voto. People who liavo nevor be­ Any :per«V>il or persons, Arm or cor­ The St. George and Casino. Rates reasonable. Reser­ ics of the day. I had tho privi­ fore been interested in politics— lege of looking through his flies, a speaking tour.,*Ho often uses poration, who shall violate any of the vations Suggested. Tel. 9127. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Riegel, owner-managers. a mechanical dictating machine, people In everyday walks ot life provisions of this ordinance, shall, upon and his bulky scrap books. Tlioro — are worklrig for him ill every conviction, .forfeit iVnd--'-’pay. a fine not. were notices of meetings, safoty and being unusually punctilious exceeding’ two hundred dollars* in tho - 7 Embury avenue. Half block from in answering his heavy corre­ .corner of tho state. Political' discretion of. the police justice, or other organizatons, political clubs, tho lines inean nothing to people who ocean boardwalk. Open all year. firemen, the police, the Elks and spondence, he frequently returns ofllcial • or inaglstrate empowered to ; Pleasant steam heated rooms. Honse- to the ofllce late at night to clean want a Governor' who is Iranian, hear and detei-inlne said violations arid- VICTORIA ,o hundred and one other frater- . and who understands their prob­ in default- of the. payment of 'any such' keeping privileges.. Terms reasonable. Tel. 6497-W. MRS. J. KILSHAW. >nal organizations; the American up. His olllco attaches have told fine so -'imposed.-the .said Police justice or 'Legion, Veterans of Forolgn me that It is not unusual for him lems. other ofllcial or niaglstrate empowered to ' Cor. Beach and Abbott Euro­ to go through a whole night with­ At tho risk of repetition, let hear and determine, said violation, may pean. BIo<:k to boadwalk-and "Wars, Woman’s Clubs, Parcnt- mo say that Hoffman wfll be sentence day person or persons so found . , bathing, beach. All outside iTeacher Associations, schools and’ out sleep, and that tho morning guilty, to Imprisonment In the township Voorhees-Metropolitan ■will find him with a cheery greet­ elected becauso bo lovos -woiK; ...... « .' rooms. Spacious porches. Com­ chnrcheo. to say nothing of count- becanso be loves pooplo—«knd be­ or county jail, for any term not exceed- ■ munity kitchen optional. Apartments • to rent. Tel: 0927. ileas appearances before the no- ing and clear eyes that belle the ing thirty days; In his discretion. R. E. VOORHEES, Managing Ovrner. cause people love him. 4. This ordinance 'shall take effect im­ tarlmiB, Klvrnnis. the Lions, tho fact that he had not slumbered. mediately-. . ‘ Approved August 14, 1934. RAYMOND R. GRACEY, CAFETERIAS AND RESTAURANTS - ' ■ ' Chairman. A ttest: "... - . ■■■.,-■ . York State Transfer Tax Department, At a meeting of the Eatontown. JOHN W. KNOX, Clerk. Mrs. McGuiness d|ed May 10. . Board of Education held Monday —33 • : : night a letter was read from the An estim ate of $28,500 was placed State board granting the pupils of that Monmouth Connty Surrogate’s Ofllce. on the cost of three bridge repair place the right, to • attend the. Long and rebuilding projects, reported by In the Matter Of tho Estate of Jennie Branch high school instead of Red Bogert. Deceased. SOUTH END—OCEAN GROVE A t, the annual meeting held at the Freeholder Arthur Pryor at the regu­ Bank. A public hearing, on the mat­ iSroUce to Creditors to Present Claims ^ Real'home cooking. Regular Dinner, 60c.,1 65c... 75c. Tray Service. Woman’s Club on Broad street, Red lar semi-monthly meeting of the ter will be held Monday night, Aug­ • Against Estate. Served at nny..time Until 7. P. M. Bank recently, Shrew sbury U n it 168, County ' Board of Freeholders. The u st 20, at which persons objecting to •Pursuant to the order of Joseph 'U MRS. CLARENCE V. HEWSON—MRS. FRANK V. H. PRUDEN. American Legion Auxiliary, reelect­ work was authorized on motion of the change will be heard.' , Donahay, Surrogate of the County of Pryor and Raymond L. Wyckoff. MOnmouth, made on the Twenty-seventh ed Mrs. CarlE. Bremer president. A verdict of no cause .for action day of July, 1934/ on the application o f . Alberta B. Idell and Julia H. Bogert: Thursday afternoon Mntawan had was returned by a jury in Freehold, Executrices of the ^estato of Jennie Boff- its first baby parade in a good many gaillliiiiliiaiiiliiliiiiitiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiliiillliillilillliililiiintiiS before Judge Thomas ,H, Brown, in ert, deceased, notice is hereby. given: to : Seal's, sponsored- this time by the the case of the Matawan bank, the creditors of said deceased to exhibit - OSBORNE HOUSE and CAFETERIA ERA Community Playground as the against Soloman Lautman, an attor­ to • the subscribers, \Executrices as afore- Pitman and Central avenues, near Auditorium and beach. Famished | Whenever In Need of I sald, their debts and .demands against week’s feature of. the varied program ney of - Asbury Park. The, 'bank tlio said estate, under oath, withm six rooms. Open June 29. Phone. Also Under Same Management, being, offered this- summer to the I . -..; Shoe Repairs sought to force Lautman to pay a months from tlio date of the aforfesald^ VAN COTTAGE. 40 Central Avenue. Open all Year. children of Matawan and vicinity. g It will .pay you to visit the ; 34,000 note which he had' endorsed order, or they will bo forever barrod x>f V Rooms A. M. VANSKITE Running W mUt Edward Lambert, 514 Essex strei^, = .eliable DeMarco Shoe Repair- • for former Congressman Elmer H. subsrcrlbCersns .fhor9for^^ a^aInst tho , said Spring Lake, inherits 'about $3,1§1, | Ing Shop. Service, Quality and 3 Geran, n director of the bank. Dated, Freehold, ‘n . J., July 27. 1934. ■ Reasonable Prices. Our long i ALBjERTA B. IDELL, - * ‘ V representing ' one-fourth of the resi­ 176 Balnbridge Street, due of the estate loft by his aunt, 1 ; years of experience in making - the late Mary A. McGuiness, Brook­ | ' *nd repairing shoes enables us 5 JULIA H. BOOERT?k,yn’ N' T- '. ; LEGAL NOTICES ii Heights Road, ALL KINDS OF lyn, according to a report of. the New | ; to give you satisfaction In | —31-3j (11.0.00) , Ridgewood, N. J. I Albert L. Brown I | every respect. For the next 5 . C hancery-5-270 . f pair of shoes you need repaired | ! Jobbing | | Jr rebuilt see • SHERIFF’S 8AIiE.-r-By virtue of a Estate of Ida H. Stillman, Deceased. writ of fl^ fai to me directed, Issued out Letters Testamentary on the abovo | TIN AND SHEET | o f tho Court of C hancery. of. tho Stat© Estate .have been granted to tho under-- I M. DeM ARCO 1 of NeW .Jersey, will bo exposed to slgnod, who request all persons having ■ AT Sale at public vendue, on Monday, claims or demands against the Estate STILES’ , STORAGE WARE- j METAL WORKER l 1 Shoe Rebnllder i tho 10th' day of September, 1934/ between of tho dccedent to make known the same, ' .ELIABLE . I the hours of 12 o’clock and 6 o'clock (at and all persons Indebted to tho decedent HOUSE, I, Slate and Asbestos Shingle § 2 o’clock D aylight Saving: Time) In tho to mako payment, without delay, to Re s p o n s i b l e I afternoon of said day at tho Court House,' FRANK H. MABaiayf - 1112 Corlies Avenue, | Roofing, Stoves, Ranges and § in.,tho Borough of Freehold, County of MAOIUCE n. MAS SET. . : _ Neptnne. | Furnaces. Pipeless H esters | kEASONABI-E | Monmouth. New Jersey, to satisfy a de- Executors, '• mately amounting to approxl- 'S. B. Cor, 13th nnd Green BtA? Under Management of Jacob | 109 Abbott Ave.; Occan Grove | I 11 MAIN ST., ASBURY PARK | » **. i a ., Philadelphia, Pm;'.' , Stiles’ Estate. In tho first placo thirty-sovon and ono- Or to their Attorney, . . ,, | Telephone 5142 | Opposite Ocean Grove Entrance ■» half (37%). shares of tho thirty-second Frank H. Massey, 2nd. series of shares of tho capital stock- of B05 Chestnut Street,^ Siauuiuatuniiiinujiiisiiiiiiiiiuitiaiis'imnisniiKuaiisi.' it»tMiitBimBiHigininioiinmu«i«ii»i)>aiintniiinig»niin£ tho Neptune Building and Loan AsAocla- —32-37 Philadelphia, Pa,; rillb A Y , A V U U U t 17, 108-1

SCENES AND LANDMARKS OF OCEAN GROVE IN THE EARLY DAYS. St. Paul's Church Notes °,iiiii*)iili!liiliilii.ljllii.ii!liilii(ninli>liili!l •iitiiintuiniiit? Tho’ iMsI.my fit1.- II. I’, l'ox, will liv lint HIT v pri'iidi iioxl; StiiHlny m olding on ■ tlio A wrrieiiii .llaiiliir subject, "Wliht Must I Ij« To |j,; In the New Pencil Silhouette SiiVcd. Thu luoi'iilng1 wch-bIiIii be­ gins 11L 1 1.11(1 o'clock, ■ p iA N R rn ii imiii'f. .'H.y Ityiibfftilitn llml Tli<\ iiuihIi'iiI 'program as ni'rmigud With Dramatic Detailing l»y i'll'. Knympwl Itm'Uott,--procuiitor, .«■*, the urliM* < .'niomi« tiooil of (1m 'nnd Mrs. Dorothy OrAvhit Wintel'- nut,‘nn.In (In’ silMinlallnti of noi)nd In­ Ktcllii, orgmilnl., is ns follows'-for next' dustrial and com- Kumln.v m orning: prelude, "Tho Lost riniii'elnl nctlvillon- ('hoi'd,” by. Sullivan; tenor sold, “Tlie ' -“ “ <1 coeont' tray* Voice In tlui VVildcrneks’’'b y Scott, Mi'. Ilnrllett; olloi-tory, “Unicurollc,” Iiy DciiRniofe, w* I 111 r 0 t c !>. of.- tlio Tlio Church- Sfliool mul jtho Assem-- ii.o lily ii ii t Bfblo: r-y lm Class v o m eet every Suniluy shown mo that liioi'jiing n t 9;80. . IbK t li o y ovorywliorii Tlio midweek service is held every ar? ail cf- Wednesday evening at 7..15. to rt possible to The public is cordially invited to' " ‘ lend constructive attend these,' services'. . i f f i f i s S k ,lnllncl!l, sunHbct ' within ,tho. scope of their, proper ■. li. s. liECHT.- b a n k i n g 'f u n c ­ tions to promot­ ing the expansion of. business activity. Autumn contours are Frequently in tlmos poBt when our country Buttered from an economic de­ slim and straight but the , \ o , 2 0 —The first picture of the Bishop .lanes Memorial Tabernacle, pression and consequent unemploy­ dramatic contrast of the erected in the spring of l&'iT to thc memory of Bishop Janes, of the Metho­ m ent bn a largo scale, tlio rlBO ot some dist Episcopal church, who had been one of the earliest Ocean Grove pio­ broad new - Industrial development, new necklines and sleeves neers. "Tlie lii'st Tabernacle was o' large tent, on Pilgrim Pathway,.facing such tor .Instance as a bew..Industry, down Ocean Pathway and it was proposed that this present structure con­ lend flirtatious detailing sist of merely, n roof, with-curtains, hanging down for walls. As the work like tlio automobile Industry; has been progressed, however, the advisabilty of building a stronger meeting place a powerful factor lit stimulating a re­ for glamour. This group w a s realized and the edifice \vos completed as it now stands. The Beeiv turn or an accelerated growth of na­ illustrates the new modes slteba well, about ten yards from the Tabernacle, formerly sprung up tional prosperity. Such a movement directly by the front door but has been piped to a more convenient distance means the creation of now wealth,'tlio with exacting detail. therefrom. ’ '. •. • • ;V employment of largo groups of people The standard of the •'PERFECT" •on useful lines and as a consequence Richardson & Boyton Range is satis­ Fine Canton crepe in tho production and distribution of faction to you—thc satisfaction that OFFICIAL INFORMATION sound, effective purchasing power, comcs from food well cooked, from rich blacks aiid brown which Is :i form ot wholesome eco­ tho constant assurance of a Servant nomic stimulant that, lids none of the with metal-shot trimming. that never fails. evils ot .monetary Inflation. shimmering cellophane A,.New Force for Business Improvement ' applique, sleek- Broadtail, ■ Perhaps-wo havo ivt hand, if not tlio rising of a whol|y new Industry,"a. and gay; accents of rhine­ ■measurable equivalent iti the potent!- I' ' Plumbing stone' clips and buckles; nlltics of a widespread. rebuilding and j uuideruizljig- m'oveiitent such as home | Tinning and Heating Sizes 1.4 to 20; S8-to 44. r.Hiuylsing, plant remodeling, tlie put- j ting of our railroads on a high speed '' .Hardware air conditioned basis and other valua- j- bib developments 1 rt" fho construction , Paints and Oils Held. Thq effects of M idi'activities on i employment and many linos of. bust- "■ 51 Main Avenue r.ess would be moist: liojipllolai and; 1 can repeat without reservation that wo '! OCEAN GROVE, N. J. bankers are willing, nnd eag-er to-play Telephone 1711 our full economic part in any such con­ structive developments. . Shore's Newest Sensation ■It has boon made to appear that ihoney lias not gone, to work because of the timidity of bunkers rather than Steinbachs— Second Floor what Is a true explanation; because Little Brownie business men have not had enough con­ fidence in tlio business outlook to bor­ row , the dollar from the banker and 'C o a s t e r put it to work. The baBlc requisite to tlio expansion of commercial bank Iq a n B Is sound, normal business conditions on which to conduct Bound, normal banklng-opr eratlons. The best business it bank can wish for Is the opportunity to loan money to successful business men and Wesley ' Lake, North End manufacturers Imbued with confidence Ocean Grove to enter-upon aggressive business en­ terprises and endowed with tho ability New Canoeis and Row Boats for to bring them to successful conclu­ sions. Such loans mean business ac­ Hire—50c. an hour.. NOW tivity for the community, growing pay Laughter Mixed With Thrills rolls and prosperity, and the banker STRAND From Dashicll Hammett’s Greeat Detective Story wants to m ake them because to be BOARDWALK AT CASINO Identified with such activities not only W A T E R “THE .THIN MAN” " House of Hits " with means prollts to him but,'additionally, William Powell and Myrna Loy brings him the reward of good-will in SKOOTER his community. ■ ., . . 1 The Pick of the Pictures Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - There is no better proof of the.grcat Drive Your Own Power Boat '• . . : August 20-21-22 desire of banks to take care, of the on. a Half-Mile Course, George Arliss short terjii. requirements of the busi­ 1 DULTS ness world than to point out th e abnor­ 15c. a Ride. \ LL SEATS The House of Rothschild mally low rates at which this demand Wesley Lake and Ocean Ave. Is being supplied at the' present lime., , " 1 1 1 t i m e s Also Shirley Temple in . Asbury Park. -“Managed Money” • Shakespeare Room \ Mickey. Mouse—Silly Sym­ Devotees of SlmkeSpeare". are fight­ phonies— News; ing to snve the famous "painted room” . Strassburger’s T hursday A ugust 23 In Cnrnn-mrket, Oxford, England, where Spencer Tracy and Jack Oakie the. Bard stayed.' The place has been acquired by a catering firm, hut steps NO HIGHER . in Market “LOOKING FOR TROUBLE” have’been taken to prtserve the-front­ Children . . . . . 15 age.; Tlie Oxford Preservation Trust The bldest Independent General w ith has asked that It be permitted to rent Market in Ocean Grovel Constance Cummings the place and use It ns an Information NOW Arline Judge—Judith Wood center.for tourists. It Is believed that; Pilgrim Pathway and Olin'St. Continuous the painted room was Shakespeare's A Cool Place to Shop Friday and Saturday Aug.' 24-25 Noon Until Midnight Bleeping place;; The building Is consid­ Phone 1749—Free Delivery • Diana Wynyard and Clive Brook Anniversary Next; Tuesday. ered ft valuable relic of nnclent archi­ in The. tiftv-fvfth .anniversary of the. tecture. • . y R. C. A'. High Fidelity “LET'S TRY AGAIN” Young People's. Temple will be ob­ Mickey Mouse—Silly Symphonies Sound System Comcdy Review served next Tuesday morning at nine Most Prisoners Caunterfcitcrs' o’clock he'll evi'ryohe 'w h o ' has ever attended -'a nine o'clock meeting in The counterfeiting group is tlie larg­ that building is invited' to attend a est In the 'Cnlted States prisons. It tessen department under gala gathering. Di'^.Boswell and Mr, constitutes 28.1 per cent of the con­ Thomson, as weir as leader Rev. Rob­ victs In n new pentlentlnry lit Lewls- personal supervision. ert JC. Wells, will speak, ; Walter. Ed­ burg, I’a. -r:■ :'\- dowes,. the. brass (ii'io and. a large Ocean Grove Hotel Association, Inc. [ MERGAUGEY’S TAXI | chorus choir will lead the imisical pro­ .President, Will E. Bunn; secretary, Rolls, muffins/ cakes F. W. Rohland. gram . fresh daily. Also baked Phone, Ail«‘v 619 | BRADLEY BEACH Board of Commissioners—Mayor beans, croquettes, sal­ ; DAY OR NIGHT f OCEAN GROVE Frank C. Borden, Jr., director of | Careful Drivers Prompt Service 1 public affairs and safety;. Bernard Cars for All Occasions - I V. Poland, commissioner of revenue ads, etc. and finance; John Rogers, commis­ I A ,»°.. 1 i MEAT MARKET sioner of streets and public improve­ | Local and Long Distance Moving | ments; Frederick P. Reichey, bor­ Specials this week in ? Furniture Carefully Handled | 58 Main Avenue ough clerk and collector; Francis | 90 SOUTH MAIN STREET OCEAN GROVE, N. J. \ Fbrmcrlf • 135 Hcck Avenue Huggins, deputy clerk. grocery department. Attorney and Recorder V T^iiaillnaiiaiitnmiitliBniitstiBnlilBtiKiisiift.'S^ansiisiisusvitiBiiarisiitirsi'stiaiisirsjiaHviisnBiiatisirsiisiiiiiBiiaitiiivtiiiiliiiiftiiinsillfi Telephone 2991 . Joseph R. Mfegill Free Delivery' H ealth Officer, Overseer of Poor , George W. Bostick Building Inspector.. .William Megill L $ -• .■ 1 0 ■ S 0 ts laPeansylviol*^ . ■ round S latio o Presh Killed Broilers- 27c« lb. Borough Engineer. ,;.Niart Rogers ■ 1 ^ ^ . . ' ••. ■ • TRIP. ■ ■!-. . Chief of Fire Department . ^B.Hudson T^nnlnal Telephone 8220 , ■ Honey Cured Cottage Hams Addison Hutchinson, Jr. 29c. Ib. Board of Education—William Laf- SCNDAyB. August 19; September . 2, 1G OF ALL KINDS Rumps of Milk Fed Veal ferty, President; J. Edward Yamall, WEDJfESBATS „ 21c. lfc. Clerk; Walter Fox, F. Ralph-Shibla, August. 22; September 5,' 19 No Chsrfe for Estimates George .Bostick, Harry K. Hutchin­ Raymond’s Legs of Genuine Spring Lamb son, Carf VanDyke, J. Clarence Bar­ ^^K^S^t».TTA.Tw. 22c. lb. Arrive NgwrYork 10:42 A. ■ Fresh Cottage Cheese 20c. lb "A” Make* Difference Atlmry Park, N. J. Uncle Ab says that resdlutlon wBt CmiRult Aflcntii Beech Nut Coffee—.....31c. lb. accomplish ponders, but that a resolu­ > Telephone 1377 727 Bangs Aveiiue, Asbury Park, N. J. P ennsylvania R ailroad Quality Fresh Eggs 40c. doz. tion never accomplished much.