Land and Resource Management Plan

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Land and Resource Management Plan Land and Resource Management Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement Okanogan National Forest Preface Preparation of a Land and Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan) for the Okanogan National Forest is required by the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act (RPA) as amended by the National Forest Management Act (NFMA). Regulations developed under the RPA establish a process for developing, adopting, and revising land and Forest Plans for the National Forest System (36 CFR 219). This Forest Plan replaces previous resource management plans prepared for the Okanogan National Forest. Upon approval, subsequent activities affecting the Okanogan National Forest must be in compliance with this Forest Plan. In addition, permits, contracts, and other instruments for the use and occupancy of National Forest System land must be in conformance with this Forest Plan. If any particular provision of this Forest Plan, or application of the action to any person or circumstances is found to be invalid, the remainder of this Forest Plan and the application of that provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected. Information concerning this plan can be obtained from: Forest Supervisor Okanogan National Forest 1240 Second Avenue South Okanogan, WA 98840 P. 0. BOX 950 (509) 422-2704 Table of Contents Land and Resource Management Plan ................................................ 1 Final Environmental Impact Statement............................................... 1 Okanogan National Forest ............................................................... 1 Preface.................................................................................... 1 Table of Contents ......................................................................... 1 Chapter 1: Forest Plan Introduction .................................................. 4 Purpose of the Forest Plan............................................................. 4 Relationship of the Forest Plan to Other Documents .............................. 5 Plan Structure............................................................................ 6 Forest Description ....................................................................... 6 Chapter 2: Summary of the Analysis of the Management Situation ............ 7 Okanogan Forest Plan 10/30/2003 Page 1 of 143 Resource Supply Conditions............................................................ 7 Supply Benchmarks ................................................................... 8 Resource Demand Projections......................................................... 9 Timber.................................................................................11 Range ..................................................................................11 Roadless Areas .......................................................................11 Old Growth Habitat .................................................................11 Deer....................................................................................12 Roaded Recreation and Visual Resource .........................................12 Present Net Value ...................................................................12 Information Needs......................................................................12 Program ...............................................................................13 Chapter 3: Response to Issues and Concerns...................................... 17 Soil, Water, and Air ....................................................................17 How will ecosystems and environmental quality be protected? .............17 How will riparian areas be protected? ...........................................18 Mineral Development ..................................................................18 What mineral resource activities will be encouraged? ........................18 Fire .......................................................................................19 How will fire be managed? ..........................................................19 Road and Access ........................................................................20 How will the Okanogan National Forest roads be managed and access to the Forest be provided? ............................................................20 Wilderness ...............................................................................22 How will designated wilderness be managed? ..................................22 Roadless Areas ..........................................................................23 How will the Okanogan National Forest manage roadless areas?............23 Timber Management ...................................................................25 What is the appropriate timber harvest level? .................................25 How will wood waste be utilized?.................................................26 Which silvicultural treatments will be used?....................................27 Which logging methods will be used?.............................................28 How will lodgepole pine stands be managed?...................................29 Range Management ....................................................................30 What is the appropriate level of grazing on the Forest? ......................30 Proposed, Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species .....................30 How will proposed, endangered, and sensitive animals be managed and affected? ..............................................................................30 Research Natural Areas................................................................31 How can the Okanogan National Forest help met identified needs of the Research Natural Area Program? ..................................................31 Wildlife and Fish........................................................................31 How will the Okanogan National Forest ensure the maintenance of big game populations? ...................................................................31 How will the Okanogan National Forest provide habitat for small game and non-game wildlife species?.........................................................32 Okanogan Forest Plan 10/30/2003 Page 2 of 143 How will the Okanogan National Forest provide habitat for anadromous fish and trout? .............................................................................33 Economics ...............................................................................34 How can the Okanogan National Forest increase economic efficiency? ....34 Will timber be harvested where harvest is not cost efficient? ...............34 What will be the economic effects upon local people?........................35 Social .....................................................................................36 What will be the social effects on local people? ...............................36 Recreation ...............................................................................36 How will the Okanogan National Forest provide for winter recreation opportunities? ........................................................................36 How will the Okanogan National Forest provide for off-road vehicle (ORV) recreation opportunities?...........................................................37 How will the Okanogan National Forest provide for a variety of recreation opportunities? ........................................................................38 Scenery...................................................................................39 What emphasis will be given to scenery? ........................................39 How should the North Cascades Scenic Highway be managed? ..............41 Wild, Scenic, and Recreation Rivers.................................................42 What rivers should be designated as wild and scenic rivers? .................42 Cultural Resources .....................................................................42 What protection will be given to historical sites? ..............................42 Multiple-Use .............................................................................43 How will multiple-use of the Okanogan National Forest be provided?......43 RPA .......................................................................................44 Will the Okanogan National Forest be able to simultaneously meet all RPA targets?................................................................................44 Chapter 4: Forest Management Direction..........Error! Bookmark not defined. Forest Management Goals and Desired Future ConditionsError! Bookmark not defined. Goals................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Desired Future Conditions.......................Error! Bookmark not defined. Resource Summaries .............................Error! Bookmark not defined. Forestwide Standards and Guidelines ............Error! Bookmark not defined. Management Standards and Guidelines .......Error! Bookmark not defined. Riparian Standards and Guidelines.............Error! Bookmark not defined. Fisheries Standards and Guidelines ............Error! Bookmark not defined. Diversity Standards and Guidelines ............Error! Bookmark not defined. Old Growth and Guidelines......................Error! Bookmark not defined. Wildlife Standards and Guidelines .............Error! Bookmark not defined. Cultural Resources Standards and Guidelines Error! Bookmark not defined. Management Prescriptions .........................Error!
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