Pointers to Fandom o<» * The incompetency of umpires has been the theme of ten thousand essays. to You has a Monday Still, it seems excusable, in view of the fact that President Kavanaugh horrible crew this season, to write just one more line. —■HB———W yesterday, the second game of the Blrrtiinghain-Nashvillc -header was started at 5:30 o’clock. No game of ball, according to the rules and regulations, should he begun later all the clothes than two hours before sunset. Maybe you’ve got SECOND DRAWN Still the game was started, the consequence being that darkness reigned, chickens crew, and natives took themselves to bed before the last man was out want for the would’nt in the fifth Inning. you present; mrchase of one of our Two Dollar Barons crew a bat. regular The hollered, the Nashville hollered, everyone grabbed more it looked as buy any now, no matter what we Wins the the fans, wrathy, flocked out upon the field, and for a few minutes say; one or Ragan First, Rig a would ensue. we will give you absolutely FREE 26 If riot too hot, or too busy, or too poor, or several Had a regular polo ground episode occurred, with crime and deuth the result, Fellew of one Jim other il Frame Umbrella, heavy batiste Going Entire the whole calamity could be traced to the peculiarly formed backbone reasons for not buying clothes. Paragon Hackett. oxwood handles. These Umbrellas sell every- Nine Rounds Give us first of all a man. whole in every part, with a knowledge of the game We don’t to and a huge bump of fairness, und withal a well formed backbone, a heart filled care; you’re going buy with fear of no man. nor devil. ^ clothes 50. courage, sometime; and we want you to know Then let the best man win. that our store is the in which to but are place spend ? not a jumbled, finger-marked lot, WELLER WAS WILD Cutting everything short, let’s refer to the fact that the proud Barons are returning to Birmingham. your money. one Straw is a p and clean. Monday only, $2.00 AND ‘'GINGER” WORKED They are due to arrive at 9:25 o’clock this morning, and if there musical organization which desires to meet and do them honor, let it be known that the It's where you get Hart Schaffner & |5l.50 Umbrella for place of arrival Is the Louisville and Nashville depot. of w'ere Marx we a The fans are a trilfle sore, in spite of the fact that two games four | clothes; couldn’t give you better * Bill Ax Talks of Clarke, Ragan and won in Nashville. That which causes angry passion Is tlie fact that five games j reason for here. w'cre won, and three of them throxvn away, as if the Barons were so fat that a coming Weller—Chickens Crow During single superfluous bite would drive them mad. You cannot tickle the of n fan with a luscious victory and We have palute ( reduced the prices on our Second Game— Hack- then snatch it away, leaving him pleasantly disposed. and Summer Rather would tt have been had the day dawned with a cloud than for the j Spring Suits; now 20 to 25 per ett Nerveless. $2.00 full sun to later hide itself behind a nightmare. cent off on all 1907 models. The period of Tantalus is passed, and even Tantalus, with the water laving his lips, must have writhed n bit. Therefore, the fan. as is said in an other column, "has n grumble coming.” j THE STANDING. W. U Pc. They cavort beneath/the slagpile tomorrow. Billy Smith and his Atlanta Memphis. 54 39 .581 Crackers, seeking the pennant still, in spite of the drubbing handed them by Ma* Atlanta. 52 40 .566 larky’s bunch of Montgomery Pretzels, are on route to Birmingham. M. WEIL & BRO. This series New Orleans.47 15 .511 Games between Birmingham and Atlanta are always interesting. and the Lltne Rock. 47 47 .500 will not be the rule’s exception. Atlanta is frantic to step upward, downward. Birmingham. 45 50 474 Barons should he determined to refrain from stepping Atlanta is Nashville. 47 53 .470 If the local? are subject to inspiration, they have It this week. If 1915-1917 First Ave. should then the first division will swing back Montgomery. 45 53 .460 trounced as Atlanta he, probably Shreveport.4L 51 .443 its golden gates, on hinges that do not creak nor grind.

Box We would not conjure up pleasant dreams this bright and holy Sabbath e Hat RESULTS YESTERDAY. morning. i Nashville 4-8. Birmingham 8-8, We do not predict an entrance into the first division this week, nor at any 4-0. Montgomery 7-0, Atlanta other period during the present season. Orleans 0. IFE 219 N. 19th St. Little Rock 2, New It is pleasant, however, even though we doubt the vision’s realization, to recognize the fact that there is still a possibility. GAMES TODAY. Woe is the man who has no hope. Few' of us have money. Little Rock In Shreveport. HUGH W. ROBERTS. Memphis In New Orleans.

BY BILL AX. LEAGUE COTTON STATES LEAGUE. SOUTH ATLANTIC j DISEASES OFMEN P ’s Fast Team Nashville, August fc—As on another oc- j Savannah, August 3.—Dexter's effective I Meridian. Miss.. August 3.—(Special.) the Barons came to Nashville, casion, | We cure to cured was for Augusta’s Meridian won the final game of the stay all chronic, special and to pitching responsible and won all the games played, managed private diseases of men and women, In- victory today. R.H.E. Columbus series by the close score of M. C. A. do no better than split even. j cluding varicocele, stricture, syphilis hydro- Y. 000 000—0 2 3 Savannah .000 4 to 3. The contest was loss Up j exciting cele, of vitality and all associate and re- Faith! What more would you have a 000 010—2 7 Augusta.100 flect troubles. 1| throughout the game. The visitors Free consultation. Come per- team do when the said team is on the Batteries: Neur and Kahlkoff; Dexter If scored two runs in their first turn at sonally you can, If not write. Pell am of the business to pitch, and no twirler me a team that wins half and Connelly. Time, 1:35. Umpire, Brady, j A pitcher’s paths. Show call or friendly letter may add to your he cannot bat on two errors, a pass and a safety. life Young ation yester- will amount to anything If its games on the road, and I will show many golden days. Jacksonville, August 3.—Columbia took The locals went them one better in their a The smile when troubles come. Take George no moan day park. you a pennant chasher of ability. the first of the , and the Suggs of Memphis for an example. turn at bat. After two were out Roth score But still the baseball fan grumbles, and second was called after the seventh, ow- The only members of the Young Men’s hit safe to center field. Andrews DR, SIMS MEDICAL Pell m that was he has a grumble coming. The ing to darkness, with neither side a win- INSTITUTE with the ex- forsooth, Christian association team, ner. grounded to second which was fum- assume such a lead 19IU defeat! know how of Adams, worthy of mention are Barons managed to gain STREET ception First game— R.H.E. bled. both runners being safe. Sample to sup; v something Catcher Pool and Sim- In every one of the games hero that Columbia.100 100 000—2 5 2 singled to center which passed Mar- mons. them and tie a third was of the II. to lose two of JacKSonville .000 000 001—1 4 1 shall. scoring Roth and Andrews. The Official Score. Then City's vic- horrible. But still that is Just exactly | lotteries: Schwenk and Smith; fitultz Taaffe broke a board in the left field tory. Pell City— AB. R. H. PO. A. E. wnat the Barons v,.d. and Sehun. Time, 1:50. Umpires, Roth and fence for three bases, scoring Sample. Keith Will Return to cf. 6 0 0 1 0 0 Viebahn. Taaffe tried to score on u passed ball Pitch mp- Mens Seaborn, This afternoon, as the fans who attend- Dendy,'p. 4 0 0 0 2 0 j Second game— R.H.E. which retired the side. The visitors Christ!; ed the Apollo matinee at home are doubt- I Pratt, D., ss. 3 114 0 1 jaoKsonville .0(K) 000 0—0 2 2 added another in the third inning St. vs the Barons encountered the Louis clever 0 less aware, Columbia .ooo 000 0—0 2 2 an error. Meri- Middle Rooney, If. 4 0 2 0 0 j on a hit, a sacrifice and of June two The first the Batteries: Schwenk men. He McCoy, c. 6 0 2 10 G 0 Dobbers In games. j Savidge and Schan; dian won the game In the sixth after 1 3 2 0 4. anu Smith. Time 1 hour. Buck- out. Tooffe "safetled” to ever, whs Waite, 3b. 4 2 Barons won by a score of 8 to The Umpire, two were 2 0 0 ley. center and Tilford lilt over short. Mar- Little nock, August Man- either the ^ratt, W., lb. 4 1 7 second, after playing an inning with «ho 3.—(Special.! student at the University of Arkansas for Pair. 2b. 4 1 1 0 0 0 shall failing to field tills hit, which al- ager Finn of the rattle Rock team to- the last two hits. shadow* of night falling everywhere, j yearB, last year marking hie 4 0 3 0 0 0 Macon. August 3.—dark’s Ineffective- lowed Taaffe to cross the rubber. Til- tirst Hull, rf. day announced that Charles Keith, the appearance In professional ball He Pitcher the Dobbers managed to tie up, the final ness and the local’s to hit to reach third Inability ford was caught trying won one of lug left-handed pitcher, had been sold recently the Rhodes' scholar- scares at the conclusion of tho fifth, -* was for Charleston's the . fanned ni Totals 37 5 10 27 10 1 | alge responsible on* a fast throw by ships from Arkansns and to the at. Louis will go to Kng- 8 to 8. victory today. R.H.E. Wheeler, one of the Columbus players. Americans. Keith will, land In the even mor being fall but has given the rtt. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Charleston.103 000 000—4 1 0 2 In the grandstand and criticised tho Imwevet. remain with the Little Rook Routs weakened Y. M. C. A.— Hurrah. wqs management his word that he will Ragan Wins, Macon.000 000 000—0 1 1 decision In the first team until the close of the 3b. 4 1 2 3 2 0 umpire’s Inning. season. The return and abouf the In t Ammons, report middle of ribs 0 0 0 1 2 The fans at home have something con- Batteries: Paige and Reislnger; Clark. Fitzsimmons had him put out. delaying price was not made public, but as Little ■lone. Tinsley, ss. 3 Keith Is hut 22 years Is six and Lafitte. 1:45. R. H. E. Rock hist week old, foe. served a rf. 2 0 0 0 0 0 cerning which to make merry. Ragan Harley Time, Umpire, the game for a few minutes. refused an offer of Ji'tni six Inches tall. He telson, has terrtno speed, ex- Mace. Columbus .201 000 000—3 I 5 from It was known to gained oi Uckmond, 2b. 4 0 0 3 0 0 the first game, all nine innings, Cosmlskey, be cellent control and a fair pitched S 3 assortment of 1 0 Meridian .200 000 100—4 in advance of this. Keith has been a curves. wildly to Cvairsell, cf. 2 0 0 1 and still victory fell to his lot. Since the 3 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries: May and Kunkle; Billiard Honing, If. of the he has home to recent illness big pitcher, overcoat. Tears trickled through the and Downing. Cmpire. Fitzsimmons. Po» I^au-erjson, lb. 3 0 2 B 0 1 Oobbers In this inlng them one to 1. inside wr 3 0 1 0 3 1 having suffered defeat In every game In put Vicksburg, 0: Mobile. Adaxis, p. the good. But in the fifth. Wells, play- themselv which he figured. But this afternoon he MONTGOMERY WINS FRITZ ing rlghtfield, a fly and Alcock LOSES HEAD the day * 27 1 6 27 8 5 dropped Total* turned the trick, and In righ royal style, scored. AMERICAN LEAGUE. when t' Score by Innings: too. The game was far from spectacu- The tally sheet showed that each "squeeze Pell City .031 001 000-5 W. 1,. Fc. lar, but Inasmuch as the Baron twlrler team had made eight runs. ATLANTA TRIMMED The Y f. M. C. A.100 000 000-1 Chicago.50 37 .615 AND GAME ALSO “laid all over” Sorrell and Elmer The Barons clamored for a cessation should Summary: Sacrifice hits. Pratt, D. It Dug- .65 35 .611 of hostilities, so dark it was, and the Detroit knows basics on balls, Adams 3, Dendy 3. Hit gan, ho deserves great credit. 63 37 ..)89 frenzied fans here crowded out upon Philadelphia wa Adams the >y pitched balls, Dendy (Tinsley), Hurrah for Ragan, hurrah three times! Cleveland .55 39 .. s> WEEMS DEFEATED SPADE IN THE the field. Mr. llackett—poor old "Sun- LITTLE ROCK SCORES TWICE IN Dendy.) Wild pitch, Dendy 1, Adams 1. 49 pitcher, In the second game, Mack Weller fig- ny Jim,” of whom we have seen too New York .43 wing is struck out, Adams 13. Dendy 9. Stolen Boston 37 54 407 FIRST, AND THE SECOND WALSH THE FIRST ured for about a minute and a half. much already—was as devoid of nerve BOUT, BUT NEW OR- absolute ases, Waite, Pratt, W., Pratt, D., Me- 37 56 .402 as he has always been. In spite of the St. Louis AND Simmons Tinsley, Nelson, Chair- After the Barone, In the first ining, had M’KENZIE FIGHT A NINE- LEANS GETS Pltche oy, (3), fact that it was so dark that the Washington .28 61 .515 NONE—HUGHES first inn ell. Time of game 2 hours. Umpire, pneu up five scores, the Dobbers fell chickens from Newt Fisher’s pear trees INNING TWO-HIT TIE. ►avis. the benders of the said PITCHES SPLENDIDLY. thought against Weller, were crowing furiously, he compelled New York. August 3. The American ana after slamming him to every cor- the Barons to play. Well, the Dobbers league champions regained the lead m the race two ner, plied up three scores. didn’t score in their half, In spite of pennant today by winning the fact that one of them hit safe and games from Now YorF. Atlanta, won the OTHER GAMES. Tuis batting and run getting so fright- August 3.—Montgomery Little Rock, August 8.—Throe First R.H.K. singles another was walked. When the third game: first game of a double-header In the ened the venerable manager of the slag- today and a wild throw by Fritz gave Little BABB DECLARES man filed out to Carlos Smitn, I sighed Chicago .020 002 200- 6 9 1 Gadsden, August sixth 3.—(Special.)—Demopo- Inning, when triples by Ball and Rook two runa In the pliers that he chased the recruit to tha with delight. New York .000 201 000—3 4 1 first Inning of to- Ub and the Dwight's played a fine game brought in four runs. The second benc.i for a drink of ice water and eub- We are en route home by this time. atteries: Walsh and Hart; Chesbro nn*i Nye day’s game. After that Fritz was invin- here the score 7 to 10 In today, being stituteu “Ginger” Clark. Kleinow. Time, 1:55. game went nine innings to a tie, neither cible. Hughes pitched a magnificent The Official Score. HE WAS GUILTY favor of the visitors. The battery was Second R.TT F. game, holding New Orleans to four hits, About game: side scoring with faultless playing on Talking “Ginger.” 0 scattered over Tenney and Lister for Demopolis, and FI It ST GAME. Chicago .001 301 000-5 8 both Bides. The game was called on ac- as many Innings. Woe to the man who sends "Ginger” | Little Rock— AB. R. II. PO. McKarlane and Biddle for the Nashville— AB. R. H. PO. A. 15. New York .001 000 200-3 i 2 count of darkness. A. E. Diflghts. In vO relieve a pitcher going to the bad. i rf. 5 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries: Smith and McFarland: New- FIRST GAME. Page, 2b. 4 0 0 1 6 0 HE WONDERS IF KAVANAUGH The visitors were first at bat and opened I ask you “When lias 'Gin- ! Wells, 'J seriously, ton Thomas. 2:03. Hilbert, cf.8 1 1 1 1 u 1 Wiseman, If.4 1 I 2 0 0 and Time, Cmpire, the game with some heavy slugging, ger’ Clark relieved a pitcher and hc- Montgomery— \B. R. li. PO. A. E. WITH LIT- I 2 0 0 O’Loughlln. Kockenfltld, as. «... 4 1 2 1 6 1 WILL DO LIKEWISE himself with credit. Hobbs, cf.5 0 Houtz, If. 2 1 1 3 o u which, with costly errors by the locals, quitted Woods, o. 4 0 18 10 ! Lister, lb. 5 0 1 13 1 0 1 Baxter, lb.1 u 0 14 0 1 ‘.‘Ginger has pitched some excellent If. 3 0 0 4 0 0 TLE ROCK—PLASS RELEASED. netted five runs. The home players pro- 4 1 2 3 2 ! Boston. August 3. St. Louis batted Miller, ball for Birmingham in his time, and Nlc bolls, 2b. 0 Ball, hh. f> 3 3 l 4 2 and the locals could do Bowcock, rf. 3 0 1 2 0 0 ceeded to pull themselves together after McElveen, 3b.4 1 2 1 2 2 Young hard today Henline, cf. ft 1 1 2 0 n has twirled some exceedingly clever j Hess, 3b. 2 0 0 2 1 1 FANS REJECT GIFT. this 1 1 i 5 1 nothing with Powell, the visitors win- and play ball In earnest, tying the this but as a man to fall Carr, fs.4 | Perry, 3b. 3 1 0 1 3 0 games season, R-H.H3. Stark, lb.3 0 1 10 1 0 score in 1 lardy, c. 3 0 1 5 3 0 ning. Nye, 2b. 4 1 1 4 3 1 the eighth. More slugging and back on, the ’‘peppery" gentleman from Hughes, p. .S 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 St. Louis .003 200 100-6 9 0 -errors in Ohio Is all to me bad. Sorrell, p.2 Gear, rf. 3 0 J 1 0 o the ninth sent the visitors away 000 000-1 6 2 * K. 2 0 0 0 1 0 Boston .'Mft c. 1 0 ,2 1 2 happy, won the 7 believe that Weller would have won Duggan, p. Seabaugh, 0 Totals .£8 £ 6 87 15 2 Shreveport. August 3.—'Special.)—"I I having game by to 10. Batteries: Powell and Spencer; Young bis be was hit hard. But Weems, p. 4 0 0 0 7 0 me Demopolis. 10 12 1 game. True, guess President Kavanaugh picked ! Totals .38 4 8 27 18 5 and Shaw. Time, 1:45. mplre, Connolly. Dwigh, 7 19 5 the Barons were still two runs to the New Orleans— AR. R. PI. PO. A. E, as the ‘fall guy,’ was Manager Babb's Totals 34 9 good and Weller gave signs of settling. \ 7 27 19 4 A tz. BS. 8 0 1 2 3 0 PO. t Washington. August 3. Detroit out- comment today when informed that Who can that Weller has nerve Birmingham- AB. R. H. A. E. If. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Epcj, Ala., August 3.—(8pecial.)—David dispute j and Rlc.kert, Molcsworth. cf.5 1 0 t> 0 o played the Washingtons again today AH. had been forfeited to let Tuscaloosa down sufficient? Atlanta— R. H. PO. A. E. rf. .. 4 0 0 1 0 0 yesterday's game today with one lit- R.H.E. Nadeau, ihen Weller in bis i Demont, ss.4 2 l 2 4 won easily. Becker, rf. 5 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 because lie had fifteen men tle scratch hit. Score, Epes 14, Tuscaloosa first inning fanned Cross, 3b.4 2 0 the Pirates 0 Washington .110 000 002- 4 13 2 0. Batteries: David and Hillman; three men, enough to retire the side. Then Smith, rf.5 2 110 Winters, cf. 4 0 1 3 0 0 Hreltensteln, lb. 3 0 2 12 0 3 under contract, when the batters on Thirley, 0 Detroit .007 200 300-12 12 1 McGehee, Tillery artd Ambrose. Weller got his hit. too. 1 believe he will Gardner, If. 4 2 3 2 0 Paskert, If. 4 10 10 0 Gaston, cf. 2 0 0 8 0 0 t ies: and Hey- the diamond Friday numbered fourteen do well, eventually. Meek, lb.b 0 3 9 0 1 Bat | Qehrlng, Hughes Fox. lb. 4 I 2 11 0 (i Katins, 2b. 8 0 0 8 8 0 2:06. em- was a 0 4 1 don; Mullin and Schmidt. Time, 2b. 4 0 0 4 3 1 0 0 men in uniform and George Suggs Oakman, Ala.. August This for Manager Vaughn: Many man Walters, 2b.4 1,1 Jordan, Matthews, c...... 3 0 8 2 3.—(Special,)— and starts and finishes 3b. 5 0 2 2 3 1 pires. Evans Sheridan. us. 4 0 1 3 1 0 8 0 0 0 8 2 sitting in the grandstand. Oakman defeated Pocahontas In a slow badly strong. Alcock, ('astro, Fritz, p. But had (Mark landed the c.3 1 1 4 1 0 3b. 10 10 2 1 asked Mana- game here today. Oakman slaughtered game, every- Garvin, Dyer, "What could be done?" <> August 3. Cleveland de- both pitchers used by Pocahontas while body, ^eluding my/self, would have cried: Ragan, p. 4 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia. Sweeney, c. 4 0 0 4 2 0 Totals .20 0 4 84 18 4 Babb. "Manning did not report to feated today In a long drawn ger Cicero for Oakman was In fine form. This "«aughn is the mustard. He certainly Philadelphia Spade, p. 4 1 0 1 4 1 Score by Innings: before the 1 2 4 out game bunching hits, coupled with me until two hours game is Oaltman's fifteenth straight victory. knows when to take pitcher* out or the Totals .39 8 12 27 by Little Rock .200 000 000— 2 in the seventh inning. R. TI. E. and I didn’t have time to Cicero nine of these. Oak- game.” Score by Innings: errors, Totals 37 4 8 27 13 3 New Orleans .000 000 000— 0 commenced, pitching Score, OOrt 9 o 000 000 -4 Cleveland .000 410—6 Two base But I am elected and man 13, Pocahontas 2. Batteries: Cicero But this afternoon, knowing there Nashville .,..004 Score by Innings— Summary: hits, Breltenstein; release anyone. .000 000 120-3 7 anu Capps; Atkins, Guthery and Hornes. was no one on whom to depend save Birmingham.200 401 010—8 Philadelphia Montgomery .100 004 011—7 sacrifice hits. Hess; stolen bases. Row- I I’ll have to stand for it. Won- Lelbhardt and Clark; Wil 'd guess “Ginger," and remembering that It is SUMMARY. Batteries: Atlanta .000 000 022—4 cock; bases on balls, Hughes 2, Fritz 2; the will do about and Sohreck. Time, 2:1.5. em- der what president Smith Gin Co. defeated Payne A Jou- positively contrary to his rules of Sacrifice hits, Demont. Garvin. Ragan. dell, Dygert Summary: Two-base hits, Becker. Three- struck out, Hughes 2. Irr1tz 2; double are over Hurst and Stafford to Stark. several of the teams thlt bert yesterday afternoon on the Kings- life to win a game started by another, Stolen bases. Meek, Gardner. pires. base hits. Ilenline, Bull, Nye. Stolen plays, Page to Rockenfleld Time, Weller In to* Lis- 1:30. Davis and Flynn. the limit now and have been at various ton grounds. The only feature of the 1 would have kept harness. Double* plays, Sorrell to Hardy bases. Ball 2, Perry, Soabaugh. Sacrifice Umpires, game was the excellent of But “Ginger” didn’t lose. He ter. Paskert, Winters, Base times all season. Look at Little Bock, pitching Baines slfnply . hits, Baxter, Nye. woo allowed only one scratch hit, and allowed the Dobbers to tie things up, Hit by pitcher, Ragan 1. on balls, Spade 4. Struck out, Spade 6. Private Institution. for Instance. struck out ten men. and thereby save himself another de- Bases on balls. Sorrell 5, Ragan 1. W. L. IV. Passed balls, Sweeney. Time, 2 hours. Professor Savage will receive a few has Finn under con- How many men R. H. E. feat. He has lost but two games In Wild pitch. Kagan. .70 24 .745 Umpire, Hudderharn. pupils for special work during August, now?" Chicago tract right Smith Gin Co. It 14 fl Nashville on this trip. Struck out, Sorrell 1, Duggan 2. Ra- Pittsburg .50 35 .015 nt his residence, 2225 Arlington ave- Fisher was surprised when Payne & Joubert 1 nue. Manager l 5 No Injured Records, No! gan 5. New York 54 37 .593 SECOND GAME. he heard tiiat the game had been given- Batteries: Baines and Colley; Drinker Wild pitch. Eagan. Philadelphia 49 29 .557 Montgomery— AB. It. li. PO. A. E. In the first game, the Barons scored anu McGuire. j Time, 2:00. Brooklyn 42 53 .442 Iloutz, If. 4 0 n l o <) to the Pirates. two In the first The fans 1 WANTED inning. here and Haekctt. 40 53 430 lb. 4 0 0 9 0 0 after Umpires, Pfemtinger Cincinnati Baxter, "President Kavanaugh told me yelled like the dickens, and I took a West End defeated the Decatur Car SECOND GAME. Boston .38 53 .418 Ball, ss. 3 0 1 2 4 0 An fire insurance lie intended sneak to a nearby beer garden, when experienced the Memphis meeting tha^ Wheel Works yesterday in a fast game Nashville— AB. R. H. PO. A. E. St. Louis 22 77 .222 Henline, cf. ■' <> 0 :i o o that of In the third, Nashville scored four. But to enforce the limit rules from ball at West EnA by the score of Wells, rf.2 2 2 0 0 1 Perry. 3b. 3 0 0 1 1 o clerk; permanent position; 9 to ?. The feature of the Imagine my surprise on returning to 2 2 o o time on, and I he would give game was Wiseman, If.l 1 Pittsburg, August 2.—Camnitz pitched Nye. 2b. 3 0 0 3 2 0 Address V., room 4, supposed see where the Barons had waked good pay. tlm of J. Simmons of up. 4 0 1 3 0 0 until near the end of tfic when 0 the same notice. 1 batting West End, Dobbs, cf. well game, Gear, rf. 3 1 l 0 0 the other managers j he and scored four themselves. I then sat Potter getting a two-base, three-base and a Lister, lb.2 3 2 7 0 0 he was hit freely, Brooklyn winning in Hausen, «. 3 0 0 6 l (i Block, Birmingham. released Patterson and the hone run out of live back In peace, and saw the men with H. 10. naturally times up. The ex- Nicholls, 2b.3 0 « 0 0 0 the eighth Inning. H. Walsh, p. 3 0 0 1 3 0 the big "B” annex others in the sixth (Shreveport bunch lias been under the cellent pitching of Allen of West End McElveon, 3b.3 1 2 1 2 1 Pittsburg .100 “20 002— 5 12 3 Get a of lots at was also a and eighth. 002 050— 7 9 0 couple was Fisher’s feature. Batteries: Allen and ss. 3 0 2 1 1 0 Brooklyn .000 Totals 29 0 2 27 11 0 limit since,” Manager are Carr, Tubb; Henderson and Sheppard. The Barons stinging the ball, and 0 2 1 1 Batteries: Camnitz and Gibson; Pasto- ’’CRESTLINE HEIGHTS;” two Hardy, c.0 statement. although but games were won on 5 0 rlus and Ritter. Time. 2:00. Rlg- Yerkes. p. 2 0 0 0 Umpire, Atlanta— AB. R. H. PO. A. E. need them. Shreveport fans do not want the Woodward Iron this trip, when five should have been you Co. defeated Mineral *E. Duggan.1 0 0 0 0 ler. Becker, rf. 4 0 0 0 0 0 and a fi bagged easily, no one has injured his game under the circumstances, | Springs by score of to 2. Batteries: Winters, cf. 2 0 1 3 0 0 Reid rnd swatting record. Far from it Gard- 3. be- SEARCH SCRIPTURES have not failed to express themselves Otte; Vines and Vines. Totals 2'J H 11 15 H 3 Cincinnati. August Today's game Paskert. If. 4 0 1 3 0 0 THE* ner, Meek and Alcock stung the hall in and Boston was a see- for Yerkes In fifth. tween Cincinnati lb. 3 0 0 9 O 0 to this effect. to it. •—Batted Fox. For in Those No Passes the first, there’s nothing saw affair. Cincinnati finally won on Days Babb today released "Bab- NEW YORK Jordan. 2b. 3 0 0 0 3 0 Manager BUYS In spite of the victory, however, the a ».afe hunt a limit. AB. R. H. Jo. A. E. Hilt’s slnhle. by Huggins, 3 o 0 2 I 0 Were Given. bit'’ Plass and is now under the was Birmingham— Dyer, 3b. Baron infield exceedingly rank, i 0 sacrifice and Mitchell's tap to Ritchey. went to from here and DEVORE Molesworth, cf.1 2 2 3 0 Castro, ss. 3 0 0 1 3 0 a man Plass Memphis FROM MERIDIAN every man of it making an error R. H. E. Suffer not to Pass.— understood he will some Demont, ss.1 1 ^ 1 1 0 Sweeney, c. 2 0 0 9 0 0 It is now join In the second game, as I started to 300 101- 4 9 I 0 0 l 0 0 Cincinnati .000 viii: 8. learn in the Central next week. Smith, rf. 2 McKenzie, p. 3 0 0 0 2 0 Judges league Meridian, Miss.. August 3.—(Special.) tell, the Barons landed on Mr. Verkes Boston 000 101 010 3 8 3 Gardner. If.3 1 1 2 0 0 The deal was closed today hard, scoring five runs In the first. The Batteries: Hitt arid McLean; Dorn*»r and The wicked shall no more whereby Meek, lb. 3 2 2 5 0 0 Totals 27 0 2 27 9 0 and Devore, the fast Barons are terrible when it conies to Needham. Time. 1:50. Umpire* O'Day Patternmakers’ picnic Joseph goes Watters, 2b.2 1 1 0 3 0 Score by innings: Pass.—Nathan i: 15. scoring in the first inning. They do it and Carpenter. to the New York National club. 3b.3 t 1 0 0 0 .000 000 000— (» barbecue, Germania Park, league time. The Nashville fans, dis- Alcock, Montgomery None shall ever Pass.— all the 1 0 President O’Neal received a Garvin, c.3 0 3 1 Atlanta .000 000 000-0 letter from liking to witness the slaughter in the Chicago. Angus* 2 Th° locals won out* Thursday, August 8th. Me Weller, 0 1 0 0 »> Three-base Rail. Stolen Isaiah xxxiv: 10. John T. Bush, president of the N< *•«*. never go to a game until the p.3 In the ninth after having played an error- Summary: hit, Clark, 0 0 G 1 Q bases, Paskert. , Wash 3 York team, accepting his ining—that Is when the Barons p.0 less game. New York's runs both result- This shall not propositi Hit ball, Walsh (Fox.) Struck generation The and Premium e. ed bunched hits, while two of Chlc.t by pitched catalogue for a sale of Devore. The from price p Totals .23 8 9 15 5 1 out. McKenzie Walsh 4. 'rime, 1:46. Pass.—Mark xiii: 20. were helped by errors R. If. K. 7, List of the Alabama State Fair for this fleet fielder was $750 and hi Newt's Chickens Crow. go’s j Score by innings: Chicago.010 100 00T— 3 13 0 Umpire. RiHderham. to be delivered to the Giants at the 40-8 Though they roar, yet shall Is for distribution. in their half, the Dobbers got Nashville .3W New York.000 010 100- 2 a 4 Mtrectivf. aan. aru Illustrated. Ul ready Cop- of the Cotton States season. Dei I with Weller, and made three, Birmingham .511 01—8 and Moran; Wilts© not Pass—Jeremiah ii:12. add Batteries: Overall k. £ ttawV make your Hluatratluu* they ies may be obtained at will doubtless strength to when in the SUMMARJT. City mattered this, sec- and Rresrmhan. Time, 2:08. Umpires, Age-Herald Building. Giants, for lie is considered the far Demont 2, Smith, Wal- ’**9 Thou shalt xx:39 Colonial or d third, the Barons scored again? Sacrifice hits, Klem and Emslle. / pay-I King Office, Hotel, by man on the in this league s path at the end of the third, the ters. He shall Niles. surely pay.—Exo- mail on request to the secre- Harry stood 7 to 4 in favor of Two-base hits. Molesworth, Lister, Me* 2. Corridon’s Birming- St. Louis. August pitch- FOR SALE. odus xxi: 36. ind I dreamed of a doubleheader Kiveen. ing was so effective that Philadelphia tary It was a fake, pure and sim- Bases on balls. Yerkes 1, Me Weller 4. R. H. __ AMERICAN ASSOCIATK y. shut out the locals. E Reo Runabout Automobile, So he paid the fare and went. In "the fourth, right at the con- Struck Yerkes 1, McWeller 3. on© 000- 0 4 out, fit. Louis .000 2 —Jonah 1:3—via the Seaboard. Baggage transferred all hours Kansas City 4-8; Indianapolis 5-11, n of the dream, there came a Passed ball, Hardy. Philadelphia .002 0O0 000— 2 7 2 with tunneau, nearly new; Harris Transfer Columbus 5-5: St. Paul 51-5. mare. The Dobbers hammered Hit by pitcher, Clark 1 Batteries: MeQlynn and Noonan; Corri- $300. Oause why? It’s the smooth Company. Toledo 15-7: Minneapolis 3-3. so unmercifully that it was nec- Time, 1:40. dnn and t>oo!n. Time, 1:45. Umpire, John- price for me to cover face 1 and Hackatt. Phones 1351. Louisville 8, Milwaukee 1 K my with aa Umpires, Pfenninger •tone. T. J. Rowell, Selma, Ala. } and ea&y wu,